[Reproducible-commits] [discount] 26/121: Imported Upstream version 2.0.9

Jérémy Bobbio lunar at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Sep 23 20:56:13 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

lunar pushed a commit to branch pu/reproducible_builds
in repository discount.

commit cf87eb68b06cb5c7b04fc77dfb7946fda9219280
Author: Alessandro Ghedini <al3xbio at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue May 3 21:50:45 2011 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 2.0.9
 Makefile.in   |  7 ++++---
 VERSION       |  2 +-
 configure.inc | 16 ++++++++--------
 main.c        | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 mkdio.c       |  2 +-
 5 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
index 6c38a5f..f5c64eb 100644
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ OBJS=mkdio.o markdown.o dumptree.o generate.o \
      resource.o docheader.o version.o toc.o css.o \
      xml.o Csio.o xmlpage.o basename.o emmatch.o \
      setup.o tags.o html5.o flags.o @AMALLOC@
 MAN3PAGES=mkd-callbacks.3 mkd-functions.3 markdown.3 mkd-line.3
-all: $(PGMS) $(SAMPLE_PGMS)
 install: $(PGMS)
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ $(MKDLIB): $(OBJS)
 verify: echo tools/checkbits.sh
 	@./echo -n "headers ... "; tools/checkbits.sh && echo "GOOD"
-test:	$(PGMS) echo cols verify
+test:	$(PGMS) $(TESTFRAMEWORK) verify
 	@for x in tests/*.t; do \
 	    @LD_LIBRARY_PATH@=`pwd` sh $$x || exit 1; \
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ echo:   tools/echo.c config.h
 	$(CC) -o echo tools/echo.c
-	rm -f $(PGMS) $(SAMPLE_PGMS) *.o
 	rm -f $(MKDLIB) `./librarian.sh files $(MKDLIB) VERSION`
 distclean spotless: clean
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index 815e68d..09843e3 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/configure.inc b/configure.inc
index 7fb7df8..1611139 100755
--- a/configure.inc
+++ b/configure.inc
@@ -879,29 +879,29 @@ char **argv;
     LOGN "defining WORD & DWORD scalar types"
-    if $AC_CC /tmp/pd$$.c -o /tmp/pd$$; then
+    if $AC_CC /tmp/pd$$.c -o $__cwd/pd$$; then
 	while [ "$1" ]; do
 	    case "$1" in
-	    sub)if /tmp/pd$$ sub >> $__cwd/config.sub; then
+	    sub)if $__cwd/pd$$ sub >> $__cwd/config.sub; then
-	    *)  if /tmp/pd$$ >> $__cwd/config.h; then
+	    *)  if $__cwd/pd$$ >> $__cwd/config.h; then
 		fi ;;
 	if [ "$rc" != 0 ]; then
-	    if /tmp/pd$$ >> $__cwd/config.h; then
+	    if $__cwd/pd$$ >> $__cwd/config.h; then
+    rm -f $__cwd/pd$$ /tmp/pd$$.c
     case "$rc" in
     0) TLOG "" ;;
     *) AC_FAIL " ** FAILED **" ;;
-    rm -f /tmp/pd$$ /tmp/pd$$.c
@@ -1151,8 +1151,8 @@ main()
-    if $AC_CC -o /tmp/ngc$$ /tmp/ngc$$.c $LIBS; then
-	if /tmp/ngc$$; then
+    if $AC_CC -o $__cwd/ngc$$ /tmp/ngc$$.c $LIBS; then
+	if $__cwd/ngc$$; then
 	    TLOG "(found)"
 	    AC_CHECK_HEADERS libgen.h
@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ EOF
 	TLOG "(not found)"
-    rm -f /tmp/ngc$$ /tmp/ngc$$.c
+    rm -f $__cwd/ngc$$ /tmp/ngc$$.c
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
index 0a02482..6bf4d0c 100644
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -39,35 +39,36 @@ char *pgm = "markdown";
 static struct _opt {
     char *name;
     char *desc;
-    int off;
-    int skip;
+    int off:1;
+    int skip:1;
+    int sayenable:1;
     mkd_flag_t flag;
 } opts[] = {
-    { "tabstop",       "default (4-space) tabstops", 0, 0, MKD_TABSTOP  },
-    { "image",         "images",                     1, 0, MKD_NOIMAGE  },
-    { "links",         "links",                      1, 0, MKD_NOLINKS  },
-    { "relax",         "emphasis inside words",      1, 1, MKD_STRICT   },
-    { "strict",        "emphasis inside words",      0, 0, MKD_STRICT   },
-    { "tables",        "tables",                     1, 0, MKD_NOTABLES },
-    { "header",        "pandoc-style headers",       1, 0, MKD_NOHEADER },
-    { "html",          "html",                       1, 0, MKD_NOHTML   },
-    { "ext",           "extended protocols",         1, 0, MKD_NO_EXT   },
-    { "cdata",         "generate cdata",             0, 0, MKD_CDATA    },
-    { "smarty",        "smartypants",                1, 0, MKD_NOPANTS  },
-    { "pants",         "smartypants",                1, 1, MKD_NOPANTS  },
-    { "toc",           "tables of contents",         0, 0, MKD_TOC      },
-    { "autolink",      "autolinking",                0, 0, MKD_AUTOLINK },
-    { "safelink",      "safe links",                 0, 0, MKD_SAFELINK },
-    { "strikethrough", "strikethrough",              1, 0, MKD_NOSTRIKETHROUGH },
-    { "del",           "strikethrough",              1, 1, MKD_NOSTRIKETHROUGH },
-    { "superscript",   "superscript",                1, 0, MKD_NOSUPERSCRIPT },
-    { "emphasis",      "emphasis inside words",      0, 0, MKD_NORELAXED },
-    { "divquote",      ">%class% blockquotes",       1, 0, MKD_NODIVQUOTE },
-    { "alphalist",     "alpha lists",                1, 0, MKD_NOALPHALIST },
-    { "definitionlist","definition lists",           1, 0, MKD_NODLIST },
-    { "1.0",           "markdown 1.0 compatability", 0, 0, MKD_1_COMPAT },
-    { "footnotes",     "markdown extra footnotes",   0, 0, MKD_EXTRA_FOOTNOTE },
-    { "footnote",      "markdown extra footnotes",   0, 1, MKD_EXTRA_FOOTNOTE },
+    { "tabstop",       "default (4-space) tabstops", 0, 0, 1, MKD_TABSTOP  },
+    { "image",         "images",                     1, 0, 1, MKD_NOIMAGE  },
+    { "links",         "links",                      1, 0, 1, MKD_NOLINKS  },
+    { "relax",         "emphasis inside words",      1, 1, 1, MKD_STRICT   },
+    { "strict",        "emphasis inside words",      0, 0, 1, MKD_STRICT   },
+    { "tables",        "tables",                     1, 0, 1, MKD_NOTABLES },
+    { "header",        "pandoc-style headers",       1, 0, 1, MKD_NOHEADER },
+    { "html",          "raw html",                   1, 0, 1, MKD_NOHTML   },
+    { "ext",           "extended protocols",         1, 0, 1, MKD_NO_EXT   },
+    { "cdata",         "generate cdata",             0, 0, 0, MKD_CDATA    },
+    { "smarty",        "smartypants",                1, 0, 1, MKD_NOPANTS  },
+    { "pants",         "smartypants",                1, 1, 1, MKD_NOPANTS  },
+    { "toc",           "tables of contents",         0, 0, 1, MKD_TOC      },
+    { "autolink",      "autolinking",                0, 0, 1, MKD_AUTOLINK },
+    { "safelink",      "safe links",                 0, 0, 1, MKD_SAFELINK },
+    { "strikethrough", "strikethrough",              1, 0, 1, MKD_NOSTRIKETHROUGH },
+    { "del",           "strikethrough",              1, 1, 1, MKD_NOSTRIKETHROUGH },
+    { "superscript",   "superscript",                1, 0, 1, MKD_NOSUPERSCRIPT },
+    { "emphasis",      "emphasis inside words",      0, 0, 1, MKD_NORELAXED },
+    { "divquote",      ">%class% blockquotes",       1, 0, 1, MKD_NODIVQUOTE },
+    { "alphalist",     "alpha lists",                1, 0, 1, MKD_NOALPHALIST },
+    { "definitionlist","definition lists",           1, 0, 1, MKD_NODLIST },
+    { "1.0",           "markdown 1.0 compatibility", 0, 0, 1, MKD_1_COMPAT },
+    { "footnotes",     "markdown extra footnotes",   0, 0, 1, MKD_EXTRA_FOOTNOTE },
+    { "footnote",      "markdown extra footnotes",   0, 1, 1, MKD_EXTRA_FOOTNOTE },
 } ;
 #define NR(x)	(sizeof x / sizeof x[0])
@@ -104,7 +105,8 @@ show_flags(int byname)
 	for (i=0; i < NR(opts); i++)
 	    if ( ! opts[i].skip ) {
 		fprintf(stderr, "%08lx : ", (long)opts[i].flag);
-		fprintf(stderr, opts[i].off ? "disable " : "enable ");
+		if ( opts[i].sayenable )
+		    fprintf(stderr, opts[i].off ? "disable " : "enable ");
 		fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", opts[i].desc);
diff --git a/mkdio.c b/mkdio.c
index 89e2194..0bee521 100644
--- a/mkdio.c
+++ b/mkdio.c
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ mkd_string_to_anchor(char *s, int len, mkd_sta_function_t outchar,
     size = mkd_line(s, len, &line, IS_LABEL);
-    if ( labelformat && size && !isalpha(line[0]) )
+    if ( labelformat && (size>0) && !isalpha(line[0]) )
     for ( i=0; i < size ; i++ ) {
 	c = line[i];

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/discount.git

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