[Reproducible-commits] Build failed in Jenkins: reproducible_build_random_packages #8
jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
jenkins at jenkins.debian.net
Sun Sep 28 00:24:29 UTC 2014
See <https://jenkins.debian.net/job/reproducible_build_random_packages/8/>
[...truncated 1714 lines...]
+ 'EndNamedList' => qq'\\end{description}',
+ '******' => qq'\\addtolength{\\oddsidemargin}{1in}\%text\%\n\\label{\%section\%}',
+ 'Image-left' => qq'\\begin{flushleft}\n\\includegraphics{\%image\%}\n\\end{flushleft}',
- 'EndBulletList' => qq'\\end{itemize}',
- 'Index' => qq'\\index{\%text\%}',
+ 'EndSect3' => qq'',
+ 'TableElement' => qq'\%stuff\%',
+ 'EndSect2' => qq'',
+ 'TableRowStart' => qq'',
+ 'Note' => qq'\\footnote{\%note\%}',
+ 'Title' => qq'\\title{\%title\%}',
+ 'EndNumberedListElement' => qq'',
- 'EndTeletype' => qq'}',
- '****' => qq'\\paragraph{\%text\%}\n\\label{\%section\%}',
- 'HorizontalLine' => qq'\\rule{\\linewidth}{1pt}',
- 'BulletListElement' => qq'\\item[\$\\bullet\$]',
- 'NotesAtEnd?' => qq'no',
+ '^*' => qq'\\section*{\%text\%}\n\\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\%text\%}\n\\label{\%section\%}',
- 'EndSmall' => qq'}}',
- '^**' => qq'\\subsection*{\%text\%}\n\\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\%text\%}\n\\label{\%section\%}',
- 'StartFilteredVerbatim' => qq'\\begin{alltt}',
+ 'interpolate' => qq'yes',
+ 'NotesAtEnd?' => qq'no',
- '**' => qq'\\subsection{\%text\%}\n\\label{\%section\%}',
- 'EndSect7' => qq'\\addtolength{\\oddsidemargin}{-1in}',
+ 'BulletListElement' => qq'\\item[\$\\bullet\$]',
+ 'SmartIndexing' => qq'yes',
+ 'EndEmphasis' => qq'}',
+ 'TableRowEnd' => qq'\\\\',
+ 'InternalReference' => qq'\%text\% (\\$\S\%TiLdE\%\\$\ref{\%target\%})',
+ '****' => qq'\\paragraph{\%text\%}\n\\label{\%section\%}',
+ 'CommentLine' => qq'\%\%--- \%line\%',
- 'StartBlockedVerbatim' => qq'\\begin{verbatim}',
- 'URL' => qq'\%_text\% \\url{\%target\%}',
- 'TOC' => qq'\\tableofcontents',
- 'EXT' => qq'tex',
- 'Image-right' => qq'\\begin{flushright}\n\\includegraphics{\%image\%}\n\\end{flushright}',
- '******' => qq'\\addtolength{\\oddsidemargin}{1in}\%text\%\n\\label{\%section\%}',
- 'StartNamedList' => qq'\\begin{description}',
- 'EndSect3' => qq'',
+ 'Image' => qq'\\includegraphics{\%image\%}',
+ 'TableHeader' => qq'\%stuff\%',
+ 'EndStrong' => qq'}',
+ 'StartFilteredVerbatim' => qq'\\begin{alltt}',
+ '^*****' => qq'\\subparagraph{\%text\%}\n\\label{\%section\%}',
+ 'sub' => qq'columns { my \$ccnt = shift; return "".("l" x \$ccnt)."" }',
- 'Title' => qq'\\title{\%title\%}',
- 'NBSPACE' => qq'',
+ 'TOC' => qq'\\tableofcontents',
+ '^***' => qq'\\subsubsection*{\%text\%}\n\\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\%text\%}\n\\label{\%section\%}',
+ '*****' => qq'\\subparagraph{\%text\%}\n\\label{\%section\%}',
+ 'HorizontalLine' => qq'\\rule{\\linewidth}{1pt}',
+ 'Index' => qq'\\index{\%text\%}',
+ 'StrikeLine' => qq'\%\%--- \%line\%',
+ 'EndSect7' => qq'\\addtolength{\\oddsidemargin}{-1in}',
+ 'FullFilterFilteredVerbatim?' => qq'Yes',
+ '^****' => qq'\\paragraph*{\%text\%}\n\\label{\%section\%}',
+ 'StartNumberedList' => qq'\\begin{enumerate}',
+ 'StartBlockedVerbatim' => qq'\\begin{verbatim}',
+ 'EndBulletListElement' => qq'',
+ 'EndVerbatim' => qq'\\end{verbatim}',
+ 'StartTable' => qq'\n\\begin{center}\n\%caption\%\\\\\n\\medskip\n\\begin{tabular}{\%columns\%}\n\\hline',
+ '**' => qq'\\subsection{\%text\%}\n\\label{\%section\%}',
+ 'EndParagraph' => qq'',
+ 'EndNumberedList' => qq'\\end{enumerate}',
+ 'NamedListElement' => qq'\\item[\%name\%]',
- 'sub' => qq'columns { my \$ccnt = shift; return "".("l" x \$ccnt)."" }',
+ 'StartStrong' => qq'\\textbf\%lbrack\%',
- 'EndBlockedVerbatim' => qq'\\end{verbatim}',
- 'ID' => qq'LaTeX',
- '^****' => qq'\\paragraph*{\%text\%}\n\\label{\%section\%}',
- 'Image' => qq'\\includegraphics{\%image\%}',
+ 'URL' => qq'\%_text\% \\url{\%target\%}',
+ '^**' => qq'\\subsection*{\%text\%}\n\\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\%text\%}\n\\label{\%section\%}',
- 'EndTable' => qq'\n\\hline\n\\end{tabular}\n\\end{center}',
+ 'EndSmall' => qq'}}',
- 'TableRowEnd' => qq'\\\\',
- '*****' => qq'\\subparagraph{\%text\%}\n\\label{\%section\%}',
- 'StartStrong' => qq'\\textbf\%lbrack\%',
- 'Note' => qq'\\footnote{\%note\%}',
- 'NumberedListElement' => qq'\\item',
+ 'EXT' => qq'tex',
- 'StrikeLine' => qq'\%\%--- \%line\%',
- 'EndBulletListElement' => qq'',
- '*******' => qq'\\addtolength{\\oddsidemargin}{1in}\%text\%\n\\label{\%section\%}',
+ 'StartVerbatim' => qq'\\begin{verbatim}',
+ 'NumberedListElement' => qq'\\item',
+ 'EndSect6' => qq'\\addtolength{\\oddsidemargin}{-1in}',
+ 'PrintIndex' => qq'\\printindex',
----- ./usr/share/aft/aft-xhtml.pm
-# !!DO NOT EDIT!! This file was automatically generated by aft-compile v2.07 on Sun Sep 28 00:23:06 2014
+# !!DO NOT EDIT!! This file was automatically generated by aft-compile v2.07 on Sun Sep 28 00:24:10 2014
- 'StartEmphasis' => qq'<em>',
+ 'TableHeader' => qq'<th>\%stuff\%</th>',
+ 'Target' => qq'<a name="\%target\%">\%text\%</a>',
+ '***' => qq'<div id="\%section\%"><h4><a name="\%section\%">\%section\%</a></h4>',
+ 'EndNamedListElement' => qq'</dd>',
- 'Superscript' => qq'<sup>\%stuff\%</sup>',
- 'StartParagraph' => qq'<p class="Body">',
- 'EndStrong' => qq'</strong>',
+ 'TOC' => qq'',
+ 'EndTable' => qq'</table>',
- 'StartFilteredVerbatim' => qq'<pre>',
- '*' => qq'<div id="\%section\%"><h2><a name="\%section\%">\%section\%</a></h2>',
- '**' => qq'<div id="\%section\%"><h3><a name="\%section\%">\%section\%</a></h3>',
- 'EndBlockedVerbatim' => qq'</pre></div>',
- 'ID' => qq'XHTML',
- '******' => qq'<div class="section6"><h6><a name="\%section\%">\%text\%</a></h6>',
- 'EndSectLevel1' => qq'<!-- End SectLevel1 -->',
- 'StartNumberedList' => qq'<ol>',
- 'EndSect2' => qq'</div><!--End Section h3-->',
- 'NumberedListElement' => qq'<li>',
+ 'StartNamedList' => qq'<dl>',
+ 'BeginSectLevel4' => qq'<!-- Start SectLevel4 -->',
+ 'NotesAtEnd?' => qq'yes',
+ 'HorizontalLine' => qq'<hr />',
+ 'BulletListElement' => qq'<li>',
+ 'EndStrong' => qq'</strong>',
- 'Target' => qq'<a name="\%target\%">\%text\%</a>',
- 'Image-center' => qq'<center><img src="\%image\%" alt="" align="bottom" /></center><br clear="all" />',
+ 'StartEmphasis' => qq'<em>',
+ 'TableElement' => qq'<td>\%stuff\%</td>',
+ 'EndSect1' => qq'</div><!--End Section h2-->',
+ '^**' => qq'<br /><div id="\%section\%"><a href="#AFT-top">[Top]</a><h3><a name="\%section\%">\%section\%</a></h3>',
- 'BulletListElement' => qq'<li>',
- 'BeginSectLevel4' => qq'<!-- Start SectLevel4 -->',
- 'Author' => qq'<br /><center><h2>\%author\%</h2></center>',
- 'StartNamedList' => qq'<dl>',
+ 'NBSPACE' => qq' ',
+ 'EndSect3' => qq'</div><!--End Section h4-->',
- 'EndEmphasis' => qq'</em>',
- '*****' => qq'<div class="section5"><h6><a name="\%section\%">\%text\%</a></h6>',
- 'FullFilterFilteredVerbatim?' => qq'Yes',
- 'EndTable' => qq'</table>',
- 'EndBulletList' => qq'</ul>',
- 'EndSmall' => qq'</small>',
- 'StartBlockedVerbatim' => qq'<div class="block"><pre>',
- 'StartStrong' => qq'<strong>',
- '***' => qq'<div id="\%section\%"><h4><a name="\%section\%">\%section\%</a></h4>',
- 'TOC' => qq'',
- 'NBSPACE' => qq' ',
- 'EndSectLevel4' => qq'<!-- End SectLevel4 -->',
- 'Image-left' => qq'<img src="\%image\%" alt="" align="left" /><br clear="all" />',
- 'EndSect4' => qq'</div><!--End Section h5-->',
- 'EndBulletListElement' => qq'</li>',
- 'Note' => qq'<sup>[\%notereftxt\%(\%notetarget\%)]</sup>',
- '^***' => qq'<br /><div id="\%section\%"><a href="#AFT-top">[Top]</a><h4><a name="\%section\%">\%section\%</a></h4>',
- 'BeginSectLevel2' => qq'<!-- Start SectLevel2 -->',
- 'BeginSectLevel3' => qq'<!-- Start SectLevel3 -->',
- 'Title' => qq'<h1><a name="AFT-top"><center>\%title\%</center></a></h1>',
- 'EndFilteredVerbatim' => qq'</pre>',
- 'StartBulletList' => qq'<ul>',
- 'EndSectLevel2' => qq'<!-- End SectLevel2 -->',
- 'EndSect7' => qq'</div> <!--End Section 7-->',
- 'EndNamedListElement' => qq'</dd>',
- 'EndSect5' => qq'</div> <!--End Section 5-->',
- 'NoteRef' => qq'<sup>\%ref\%</sup>',
- 'EndSect1' => qq'</div><!--End Section h2-->',
- 'Subscript' => qq'<sub>\%stuff\%</sub>',
+ 'TableCaption' => qq'<caption>\%caption\%</caption>',
- 'Image' => qq'<img src="\%image\%" alt="" align="bottom" />',
+ 'EndBlockedVerbatim' => qq'</pre></div>',
+ 'StartQuote' => qq'<blockquote>',
+ 'StartStrong' => qq'<strong>',
- 'StartTable' => qq'<!-- \%columns\% columns --><table>',
- 'TableElement' => qq'<td>\%stuff\%</td>',
- 'TableHeader' => qq'<th>\%stuff\%</th>',
+ '*****' => qq'<div class="section5"><h6><a name="\%section\%">\%text\%</a></h6>',
+ 'EndQuote' => qq'</blockquote>',
+ 'Image-right' => qq'<img src="\%image\%" alt="" align="right" /><br clear="all" />',
+ 'EndSect6' => qq'</div> <!--End Section 6-->',
- 'StartQuote' => qq'<blockquote>',
- '^**' => qq'<br /><div id="\%section\%"><a href="#AFT-top">[Top]</a><h3><a name="\%section\%">\%section\%</a></h3>',
- '*******' => qq'<div class="section7"><h6><a name="\%section\%">\%text\%</a></h6>',
- 'StrikeLine' => qq'<!-- Striken: \%line\% -->',
+ 'EndNumberedListElement' => qq'</li>',
+ 'TableRowEnd' => qq'</tr>',
+ 'EndParagraph' => qq'</p>',
+ 'StartSmall' => qq'<small>',
+ 'interpolate' => qq'yes',
+ 'NoteRef' => qq'<sup>\%ref\%</sup>',
+ 'EndEmphasis' => qq'</em>',
+ 'EndSect4' => qq'</div><!--End Section h5-->',
+ 'Image-center' => qq'<center><img src="\%image\%" alt="" align="bottom" /></center><br clear="all" />',
+ 'StartBlockedVerbatim' => qq'<div class="block"><pre>',
+ 'CommentLine' => qq'<!-- \%line\% -->',
+ '******' => qq'<div class="section6"><h6><a name="\%section\%">\%text\%</a></h6>',
+ '**' => qq'<div id="\%section\%"><h3><a name="\%section\%">\%section\%</a></h3>',
+ 'Note' => qq'<sup>[\%notereftxt\%(\%notetarget\%)]</sup>',
- 'NotesAtEnd?' => qq'yes',
+ 'EndTeletype' => qq'</tt>',
+ 'EndSect2' => qq'</div><!--End Section h3-->',
- 'HorizontalLine' => qq'<hr />',
+ 'BeginSectLevel2' => qq'<!-- Start SectLevel2 -->',
+ 'Subscript' => qq'<sub>\%stuff\%</sub>',
+ 'ParagraphBreak' => qq'<br />',
+ 'EndVerbatim' => qq'</pre></div>',
+ 'NumberedListElement' => qq'<li>',
+ 'StrikeLine' => qq'<!-- Striken: \%line\% -->',
+ 'EndBulletListElement' => qq'</li>',
+ 'URL' => qq'<a class="link" href="\%target\%">\%text\%</a>',
+ 'StartNumberedList' => qq'<ol>',
+ 'EndSectLevel3' => qq'<!-- End SectLevel3 -->',
+ 'Author' => qq'<br /><center><h2>\%author\%</h2></center>',
+ '*' => qq'<div id="\%section\%"><h2><a name="\%section\%">\%section\%</a></h2>',
+ 'StartBulletList' => qq'<ul>',
+ 'EndFilteredVerbatim' => qq'</pre>',
+ 'EndSectLevel4' => qq'<!-- End SectLevel4 -->',
+ 'EndSmall' => qq'</small>',
+ 'Image-left' => qq'<img src="\%image\%" alt="" align="left" /><br clear="all" />',
+ 'StartParagraph' => qq'<p class="Body">',
- 'EndParagraph' => qq'</p>',
+ 'EndSectLevel1' => qq'<!-- End SectLevel1 -->',
+ 'StartTable' => qq'<!-- \%columns\% columns --><table>',
+ '*******' => qq'<div class="section7"><h6><a name="\%section\%">\%text\%</a></h6>',
+ 'BeginSectLevel3' => qq'<!-- Start SectLevel3 -->',
- 'Image-right' => qq'<img src="\%image\%" alt="" align="right" /><br clear="all" />',
- 'URL' => qq'<a class="link" href="\%target\%">\%text\%</a>',
- 'EndSect3' => qq'</div><!--End Section h4-->',
- 'TableRowEnd' => qq'</tr>',
- 'EndVerbatim' => qq'</pre></div>',
- 'EndSect6' => qq'</div> <!--End Section 6-->',
- 'CommentLine' => qq'<!-- \%line\% -->',
- 'EndTeletype' => qq'</tt>',
- 'EndNumberedListElement' => qq'</li>',
- 'ParagraphBreak' => qq'<br />',
+ 'FullFilterFilteredVerbatim?' => qq'Yes',
+ 'EndSect7' => qq'</div> <!--End Section 7-->',
+ 'EndBulletList' => qq'</ul>',
+ 'EndSectLevel2' => qq'<!-- End SectLevel2 -->',
- 'EndQuote' => qq'</blockquote>',
- 'StartSmall' => qq'<small>',
- 'interpolate' => qq'yes',
- 'EndSectLevel3' => qq'<!-- End SectLevel3 -->',
- 'TableCaption' => qq'<caption>\%caption\%</caption>',
+ 'StartFilteredVerbatim' => qq'<pre>',
+ '^***' => qq'<br /><div id="\%section\%"><a href="#AFT-top">[Top]</a><h4><a name="\%section\%">\%section\%</a></h4>',
+ 'Superscript' => qq'<sup>\%stuff\%</sup>',
+ 'ID' => qq'XHTML',
+ 'Title' => qq'<h1><a name="AFT-top"><center>\%title\%</center></a></h1>',
+ 'Image' => qq'<img src="\%image\%" alt="" align="bottom" />',
+ 'EndSect5' => qq'</div> <!--End Section 5-->',
++ grep -qv '^\*\*\*\*\*' ./results/aft_5.098-2.diffp
+ echo 'Warning: aft failed to build reproducibly.'
Warning: aft failed to build reproducibly.
+ sqlite3 /var/lib/jenkins/reproducible.db 'REPLACE INTO source_packages VALUES ("aft", "2:5.098-2", "unreproducible", \'\''date\'\'', \'\''\'\'')'
Error: unrecognized token: "\"
Sun Sep 28 00:24:29 UTC 2014 - /srv/jenkins/bin/reproducible_build.sh stopped running as /tmp/jenkins-script-ynwdJCXt, which will now be removed.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
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