[Reproducible-commits] [libextutils-depends-perl] 22/187: - completely rewritten. attempted to retain backward compatibility, but some esoteric functionality is probably missing. now stores dependency lists, so that module chaining is more useful. - document just about everything. - really, really, really needs a regression test suite.
Maria Valentina Marin Rodrigues
akira-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jan 21 21:16:44 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
akira-guest pushed a commit to branch pu/reproducible_builds
in repository libextutils-depends-perl.
commit 0fcb4b48bac1b6e1629e8fac6bef795012876403
Author: Scott Arrington <sarringt at src.gnome.org>
Date: Tue Feb 10 06:16:53 2004 +0000
- completely rewritten. attempted to retain backward compatibility,
but some esoteric functionality is probably missing. now stores
dependency lists, so that module chaining is more useful.
- document just about everything.
- really, really, really needs a regression test suite.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=33
Changes | 7 +
README | 146 ++++++++++-
lib/ExtUtils/Depends.pm | 680 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
3 files changed, 549 insertions(+), 284 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index 6e7d220..987dfc0 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
Revision history for Perl extension ExtUtils::Depends.
+0.200 Tue Feb 10 01:21:57 EST 2004
+ - completely rewritten. attempted to retain backward compatibility,
+ but some esoteric functionality is probably missing. now stores
+ dependency lists, so that module chaining is more useful.
+ - document just about everything.
+ - really, really, really needs a regression test suite.
0.104 Fri Nov 21 01:34:57 EST 2003
- remove debian packaging files
- add licensing terms to pod. Depends was originally part of
diff --git a/README b/README
index ad512b8..c62474f 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ SYNOPSIS
# add the typemaps to use
+ # install some extra data files and headers
+ $package->install (qw/foo.h data.txt/);
# save the info
@@ -25,20 +27,156 @@ DESCRIPTION
This module tries to make it easy to build Perl extensions that use
functions and typemaps provided by other perl extensions. This means
that a perl extension is treated like a shared library that provides
- also a C and an XS interface besides the perl one. This works as long as
- the base extension is loaded with the RTLD_GLOBAL flag (usually done
- with a
+ also a C and an XS interface besides the perl one.
+ This works as long as the base extension is loaded with the RTLD_GLOBAL
+ flag (usually done with a
sub dl_load_flags {0x01}
in the main .pm file) if you need to use functions defined in the
+ The basic scheme of operation is to collect information about a module
+ in the instance, and then store that data in the Perl library where it
+ may be retrieved later. The object can also reformat this information
+ into the data structures required by ExtUtils::MakeMaker's WriteMakefile
+ function.
+ When creating a new Depends object, you give it a name, which is the
+ name of the module you are building. You can also specify the names of
+ modules on which this module depends. These dependencies will be loaded
+ automatically, and their typemaps, header files, etc merged with your
+ new object's stuff. When you store the data for your object, the list of
+ dependencies are stored with it, so that another module depending on
+ your needn't know on exactly which modules yours depends.
+ For example:
+ Gtk2 depends on Glib
+ Gnome2::Canvas depends on Gtk2
+ ExtUtils::Depends->new ('Gnome2::Canvas', 'Gtk2');
+ this command automatically brings in all the stuff needed
+ for Glib, since Gtk2 depends on it.
+ $object = ExtUtils::Depends->new($name, @deps)
+ Create a new depends object named *$name*. Any modules listed in
+ *@deps* (which may be empty) are added as dependencies and their
+ dependency information is loaded. An exception is raised if any
+ dependency information cannot be loaded.
+ $depends->add_deps (@deps)
+ Add modules listed in *@deps* as dependencies.
+ (hashes) = $depends->get_deps
+ Fetch information on the dependencies of *$depends* as a hash of
+ hashes, which are dependency information indexed by module name. See
+ "load".
+ $depends->set_inc (@newinc)
+ Add strings to the includes or cflags variables.
+ $depends->set_libs (@newlibs)
+ Add strings to the libs (linker flags) variable.
+ $depends->add_pm (%pm_files)
+ Add files to the hash to be passed through ExtUtils::WriteMakefile's
+ PM key.
+ $depends->add_xs (@xs_files)
+ Add xs files to be compiled.
+ $depends->add_c (@c_files)
+ Add C files to be compiled.
+ $depends->typemaps (@typemaps)
+ Add typemap files to be used and installed.
+ $depends->add_headers (list)
+ No-op, for backward compatibility.
+ $depends->install (@files)
+ Install *@files* to the data directory for *$depends*.
+ This actually works by adding them to the hash of pm files that gets
+ passed through WriteMakefile's PM key.
+ $depends->save_config ($filename)
+ Save the important information from *$depends* to *$filename*, and
+ set it up to be installed as *name*::Install::Files.
+ Note: the actual value of *$filename* seems to be irrelevant, but
+ its usage is kept for backward compatibility.
+ hash = $depends->get_makefile_vars
+ Return the information in *$depends* in a format digestible by
+ WriteMakefile.
+ This sets at least the following keys:
+ PM
+ And these if there is data to fill them:
+ clean
+ XS
+ hashref = ExtUtils::Depends::load (name)
+ Load and return dependency information for *name*. Croaks if no such
+ information can be found. The information is returned as an
+ anonymous hash containing these keys:
+ instpath
+ The absolute path to the data install directory for this module.
+ typemaps
+ List of absolute pathnames for this module's typemap files.
+ inc CFLAGS string for this module.
+ libs
+ LIBS string for this module.
+ deps
+ List of modules on which this one depends. This key will not
+ exist when loading files created by old versions of
+ ExtUtils::Depends.
+ header
+ List of header files. For backwards compatibility, no longer
+ used.
+ $depends->load_deps
+ Load *$depends* dependencies, by calling "load" on each dependency
+ module. This is usually done for you, and should only be needed if
+ you want to call "get_deps" after calling "add_deps" manually.
+ As written, this module expects that RTLD_GLOBAL works on your platform,
+ which is not always true, most notably, on win32. We need to include a
+ way to find the actual shared libraries created for extension modules so
+ new extensions may be linked explicitly with them.
+ Version 0.2 discards some of the more esoteric features provided by the
+ older versions. As they were completely undocumented, and this module
+ has yet to reach 1.0, this may not exactly be a bug.
+ This module is tightly coupled to the ExtUtils::MakeMaker architecture.
- Paolo Molaro, lupus at debian.org
+ Paolo Molaro <lupus at debian dot org> wrote the original version for
+ Gtk-Perl. muppet <scott at asofyet dot org> rewrote the innards for
+ version 0.2, borrowing liberally from Paolo's code.
The Gtk2 project, http://gtk2-perl.sf.net/
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/Depends.pm b/lib/ExtUtils/Depends.pm
index 76f6cea..12aed7a 100644
--- a/lib/ExtUtils/Depends.pm
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/Depends.pm
@@ -3,347 +3,298 @@
package ExtUtils::Depends;
-use File::Spec;
-use File::Basename;
-use Carp;
-use Cwd;
-use IO::File;
use strict;
-use vars qw($AUTOLOAD $VERSION);
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+use File::Spec;
+use Data::Dumper;
-$VERSION = 0.104;
+our $VERSION = '0.200';
sub new {
- my ($class, $package, @depends) = @_;
- my $self = {
- _name_ => $package,
- _depends_ => [@depends],
- _dtypemaps_ => [],
- _ddefines_ => [],
- _prefix_ => 'xs/',
- _install_ => [qw(typemaps defs)],
- _handler_ => {
- typemaps => \&basename,
- defs => \&basename,
- headers => sub {
- my $s = $_[0];
- $s =~ s(^[^<"]+/)(); #"
- return $s;
- },
- },
- };
- $class = ref($class) || $class;
- $self = bless $self, $class;
- $self->load(@depends) if @depends;
+ my ($class, $name, @deps) = @_;
+ my $self = bless {
+ name => $name,
+ deps => {},
+ inc => [],
+ libs => [],
+ pm => {},
+ typemaps => [],
+ xs => [],
+ c => [],
+ }, $class;
+ $self->add_deps (@deps);
+ # attempt to load these now, so we'll find out as soon as possible
+ # whether the dependencies are valid. we'll load them again in
+ # get_makefile_vars to catch any added between now and then.
+ $self->load_deps;
return $self;
-sub installdir {
+sub add_deps {
my $self = shift;
- my $dir = $self->{_name_};
- $dir =~ s/^(\w+::)+//;
- $dir =~ s(::)(/); #/
- $dir = '$(INST_ARCHLIBDIR)/'.$dir.'/Install/';
- return $dir;
+ foreach my $d (@_) {
+ $self->{deps}{$d} = undef
+ unless $self->{deps}{$d};
+ }
-sub set_prefix {
- my ($self, $prefix) = @_;
- $self->{_prefix_} = $prefix;
+sub get_deps {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->load_deps; # just in case
-sub set_libs {
- my ($self, $libs) = @_;
- chomp($libs);
- $self->{_libs_} = $libs;
+ return %{$self->{deps}};
sub set_inc {
- my ($self, $inc) = @_;
- chomp($inc);
- $self->{_inc_} = $inc;
+ my $self = shift;
+ push @{ $self->{inc} }, @_;
-# load dependencies ...
-sub load {
- my ($self, @depends) = @_;
- my ($dir, $module);
- for (@depends) {
- no strict 'refs';
- my ($name, $file);
- undef $dir;
- if (ref $_) {
- ($name, $file) = %$_;
- my $dname = $name;
- my $i = 2;
- my $tmpdir = $file;
- $dname =~ s(::)(/); #/
- while ($i--) {
- $tmpdir = dirname($tmpdir);
- if ( -f "$tmpdir/Makefile.PL") {
- $dir = "$tmpdir/blib/lib/".$dname."/Install/";
- last;
- }
- }
- } else {
- $_.='::Install::Files';
- $module = $_.'.pm';
- $module =~ s(::)(/)g; #/
- $name = $_;
- $file = $module;
- }
- eval {require $file;};
- if ($@) {
- die "Cannot load $_: $@\n";
- }
- $dir ||= ${"${_}::CORE"} || $INC{$file};
- $dir = cwd().'/'.$dir
- unless File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($dir);
- warn "Found $name in $dir\n";
- push @{$self->{_dtypemaps_}}, map {$dir.'/'.$_} @{"${_}::typemaps"};
- #push @{$self->{_ddefs_}}, @{"${_}::defs"};
- push @{$self->{_ddefines_}}, @{"${_}::defines"};
- $self->{_dlibs_} .= " ".${"${_}::libs"};
- $self->{_dinc_} .= " -I$dir ".${"${_}::inc"};
- }
+sub set_libs {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ #push @{ $self->{libs} }, @_;
+ my ($self, $newlibs) = @_;
+ $self->{libs} = $newlibs;
sub add_pm {
my ($self, %pm) = @_;
- foreach (keys %pm) {
- $self->{_pm_}->{$_} = $pm{$_};
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %pm) {
+ $self->{pm}{$key} = $value;
-sub get_pm {
+sub _listkey_add_list {
+ my ($self, $key, @list) = @_;
+ $self->{$key} = [] unless $self->{$key};
+ push @{ $self->{$key} }, @list;
+sub add_xs { shift->_listkey_add_list ('xs', @_) }
+sub add_c { shift->_listkey_add_list ('c', @_) }
+sub add_typemaps {
my $self = shift;
- # maybe make a copy
- foreach ($self->get_headers) {
- next unless s/^"//;
- s/"$//;
- warn "FORCE installing header: $_\n";
- $self->{_pm_}->{$_} = $self->installdir().basename($_);
- }
- foreach ($self->get_typemaps) {
- $self->{_pm_}->{$_} = $self->installdir().basename($_);
- }
- return $self->{_pm_};
+ $self->_listkey_add_list ('typemaps', @_);
+ $self->install (@_);
-sub install {
+sub add_headers { }
+####### PRIVATE
+sub basename { (File::Spec->splitdir ($_[0]))[-1] }
+# get the name in Makefile syntax.
+sub installed_filename {
my $self = shift;
- my $dir = $self->installdir;
- foreach (@_) {
- $self->add_pm($_, $dir.basename($_));
- }
+ return '$(INST_ARCHLIB)/$(FULLEXT)/Install/'.basename ($_[0]);
-# called by AUTOLOAD
-sub real_add {
- my ($self, $tag, @args) = @_;
- my $file;
- foreach (@args) {
- $file = $self->{_prefix_}.$_;
- if (-e || ! -e $file) {
- $file = $_;
- }
- $self->{$tag}->{$file} = $self->{_counter_}++;
+sub install {
+ # install things by adding them to the hash of pm files that gets
+ # passed through WriteMakefile's PM key.
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach my $f (@_) {
+ $self->add_pm ($f, $self->installed_filename ($f));
-# called by AUTOLOAD
-sub real_remove {
- my ($self, $tag, @args) = @_;
- my $file;
- foreach (@args) {
- $file = $self->{_prefix_}.$_;
- if (-e || ! -e $file) {
- $file = $_;
+sub save_config {
+ use Data::Dumper;
+ use IO::File;
+ my ($self, $filename) = @_;
+ warn "writing $filename\n";
+ my $file = IO::File->new (">".$filename)
+ or croak "can't open '$filename' for writing: $!\n";
+ print $file "package $self->{name}\::Install::Files;\n\n";
+ # for modern stuff
+ print $file "".Data::Dumper->Dump([{
+ inc => join (" ", @{ $self->{inc} }),
+ libs => $self->{libs},
+ typemaps => [ map { basename $_ } @{ $self->{typemaps} } ],
+ deps => [keys %{ $self->{deps} }],
+ }], ['self']);
+ # for ancient stuff
+ print $file "\n\n# this is for backwards compatiblity\n";
+ print $file "\@deps = \@{ \$self->{deps} };\n";
+ print $file "\@typemaps = \@{ \$self->{typemaps} };\n";
+ print $file "\@headers = \@{ \$self->{headers} };\n";
+ print $file "\$libs = \$self->{libs};\n";
+ print $file "\$inc = \$self->{inc};\n";
+ # this is riduculous, but old versions of ExtUtils::Depends take
+ # first $loadedmodule::CORE and then $INC{$file} --- the fallback
+ # includes the Filename.pm, which is not useful. so we must add
+ # this crappy code. we don't worry about portable pathnames,
+ # as the old code didn't either.
+ (my $mdir = $self->{name}) =~ s{::}{/}g;
+ print $file <<"EOT";
+ \$CORE = undef;
+ foreach (\@INC) {
+ if ( -f \$_ . "/$mdir/Install/Files.pm") {
+ \$CORE = \$_ . "/$mdir/Install/";
+ last;
- delete $self->{$tag}->{$file};
-# called by AUTOLOAD
-sub real_get {
- my ($self, $tag) = @_;
+ print $file "\n1;\n";
- return sort {$self->{$tag}->{$a} <=> $self->{$tag}->{$b}}
- keys %{$self->{$tag}};
+ close $file;
+ # we need to ensure that the file we just created gets put into
+ # the install dir with everything else.
+ #$self->install ($filename);
+ $self->add_pm ($filename, $self->installed_filename ('Files.pm'));
-# handle op_foo, where op is get, add, or remove, and foo is one of the
-# internal keys.
- my $self = shift @_;
- my $method = $AUTOLOAD;
- my $tag;
+sub load {
+ my $dep = shift;
+ my @pieces = split /::/, $dep;
+ my @suffix = qw/ Install Files /;
+ my $relpath = File::Spec->catfile (@pieces, @suffix) . '.pm';
+ my $depinstallfiles = join "::", @pieces, @suffix;
+ eval {
+ require $relpath
+ } or die " *** Can't load dependency information for $dep:\n $@\n";
+ #
+ #print Dumper(\%INC);
+ # effectively $instpath = dirname($INC{$relpath})
+ @pieces = File::Spec->splitdir ($INC{$relpath});
+ pop @pieces;
+ my $instpath = File::Spec->catdir (@pieces);
- $method =~ s/^.*:://;
- if ($method =~ s/^(get|add|remove)_//) {
- no strict 'subs';
- $tag = $method;
- $method = "real_$1";
- return $self->$method ($tag, @_);
- }
- carp "No method '$method'\n";
+ no strict;
-sub DESTROY {}
+ croak "no dependency information found for $dep"
+ unless $instpath;
-sub sort_libs {
- my ($libs) = '';
- my (@libs, %seenlibs, @revlibs, @lflags);
- foreach (@_) {
- $libs .= ' ';
- $libs .= $_ if( defined($_) );
- }
- $libs =~ s/(^|\s)-[rR]\S+//g;
- @libs = split(/\s+/, $libs);
- %seenlibs = ();
- @revlibs=();
- @lflags=();
- foreach (@libs) {
- if (/^-l/) {
- unshift(@revlibs, $_);
- } else {
- unshift(@lflags, $_) unless $seenlibs{$_}++;
- }
+ warn "found $dep in $instpath\n";
+ if (not File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute ($instpath)) {
+ warn "instpath is not absolute; using cwd...\n";
+ $instpath = File::Spec->rel2abs ($instpath);
- @libs=();
- foreach (@revlibs) {
- unshift(@libs, $_) unless $seenlibs{$_}++;
+ my @typemaps = map {
+ File::Spec->rel2abs ($_, $instpath)
+ } @{"$depinstallfiles\::typemaps"};
+ {
+ instpath => $instpath,
+ header => \@{"$depinstallfiles\::header"},
+ typemaps => \@typemaps,
+ inc => "-I$instpath ".${"$depinstallfiles\::inc"},
+ libs => ${"$depinstallfiles\::libs"},
+ # this will not exist when loading files from old versions
+ # of ExtUtils::Depends.
+ (exists ${"$depinstallfiles\::"}{deps}
+ ? (deps => \@{"$depinstallfiles\::deps"})
+ : ()),
- return join(' ', @lflags, @libs);
-sub get_makefile_vars {
+sub load_deps {
my $self = shift;
- my (%result);
- my ($xfiles, $object, $ldfrom, $clean) = $self->setup_xs();
- push @$clean, keys %{$self->{clean}};
- $result{PM} = $self->get_pm;
- $result{TYPEMAPS} = [@{$self->{_dtypemaps_}}, $self->get_typemaps];
- $result{DEFINE} = join(' ', @{$self->{_ddefines_}}, keys %{$self->{defines}});
- $result{OBJECT} = $object;
- #$result{LDFROM} = $ldfrom;
- $result{XS} = $xfiles;
- $self->{_dinc_} = '' unless( defined($self->{_dinc_}) );
- $self->{_inc_} = '' unless( defined($self->{_inc_}) );
- $result{INC} = join(' ', $self->{_dinc_}, $self->{_inc_});
- $result{LIBS} = [sort_libs($self->{_dlibs_}, $self->{_libs_})];
- $result{clean} = {FILES => join(' ', @$clean) };
- return %result;
+ my @load = grep { not $self->{deps}{$_} } keys %{ $self->{deps} };
+ foreach my $d (@load) {
+ my $dep = load ($d);
+ $self->{deps}{$d} = $dep;
+ if ($dep->{deps}) {
+ foreach my $childdep (@{ $dep->{deps} }) {
+ push @load, $childdep
+ unless
+ $self->{deps}{$childdep}
+ or
+ grep {$_ eq $childdep} @load;
+ }
+ }
+ }
-sub setup_xs {
- my $self = shift;
- my $xfiles = {};
- my ($ldfrom, $object, @clean);
- $ldfrom = $object = '';
- foreach (keys %{$self->{xs}}) {
- my($xs) = $_;
- s/\.xs$/.c/;
- $xfiles->{$xs} = $_;
- push(@clean, $_);
- s/\.c$/.o/;
- push(@clean, $_);
- $object .= " $_";
- s(.*/)();
- $ldfrom .= " $_";
- }
- foreach (keys %{$self->{c}}) {
- s/\.c$/.o/i;
- push(@clean, $_);
- $object .= " $_";
+sub uniquify {
+ my %seen;
+ # we use a seen hash, but also keep indices to preserve
+ # first-seen order.
+ my $i = 0;
+ foreach (@_) {
+ $seen{$_} = ++$i
+ unless exists $seen{$_};
- return ($xfiles, $object, $ldfrom, [@clean]);
+ #warn "stripped ".(@_ - (keys %seen))." redundant elements\n";
+ sort { $seen{$a} <=> $seen{$b} } keys %seen;
-sub save_config {
- my ($self, $filename) = @_;
- my ($file, $mdir, $mdir2, $pm, $name);
- my (%installable, %handler);
- @installable{@{$self->{_install_}}} = ();
- %handler = %{$self->{_handler_}};
+sub get_makefile_vars {
+ my $self = shift;
- $file = new IO::File ">$filename" || croak "Cannot open '$filename': $!";;
- $name = $mdir = $mdir2 = $self->{_name_};
- $pm = $self->{_pm_};
- $mdir =~ s/.*:://;
- $mdir2 =~ s.::./.g;
+ # collect and uniquify things from the dependencies.
+ # first, ensure they are completely loaded.
+ $self->load_deps;
- $pm->{$filename} = '$(INST_ARCHLIBDIR)/'."$mdir/Install/Files.pm";
- print $file "#!/usr/bin/perl\n\npackage ${name}::Install::Files;\n\n";
- foreach my $tag (sort keys %{$self}) {
- next if $tag =~ /^_/;
- my %items = %{$self->{$tag}};
- print $file "\@$tag = qw(\n";
- foreach my $item (sort {$items{$a} <=> $items{$b}} keys %items) {
- my $s = exists $handler{$tag} ? $handler{$tag}->($item): $item;
- print $file "\t$s\n";
- $pm->{$item} = '$(INST_ARCHLIBDIR)/'. "$mdir/Install/" . $s if exists $installable{$tag};
- }
- print $file ");\n\n";
+ ##my @defbits = map { split } @{ $self->{defines} };
+ my @incbits = map { split } @{ $self->{inc} };
+ my @libsbits = split /\s+/, $self->{libs};
+ my @typemaps = @{ $self->{typemaps} };
+ foreach my $d (keys %{ $self->{deps} }) {
+ my $dep = $self->{deps}{$d};
+ #push @defbits, @{ $dep->{defines} };
+ push @incbits, @{ $dep->{defines} } if $dep->{defines};
+ push @incbits, split /\s+/, $dep->{inc} if $dep->{inc};
+ push @libsbits, split /\s+/, $dep->{libs} if $dep->{libs};
+ push @typemaps, @{ $dep->{typemaps} } if $dep->{typemaps};
- print $file "\$libs = '$self->{_libs_}';\n";
- print $file "\$inc = '$self->{_inc_}';\n";
- print $file <<"EOT";
- \$CORE = undef;
- foreach (\@INC) {
- if ( -f \$_ . "/$mdir2/Install/Files.pm") {
- \$CORE = \$_ . "/$mdir2/Install/";
- last;
- }
+ # we have a fair bit of work to do for the xs files...
+ my @clean = ();
+ my @OBJECT = ();
+ my %XS = ();
+ foreach my $xs (@{ $self->{xs} }) {
+ (my $c = $xs) =~ s/\.xs$/\.c/i;
+ (my $o = $xs) =~ s/\.xs$/\$(OBJ_EXT)/i;
+ $XS{$xs} = $c;
+ push @OBJECT, $o;
+ # according to the MakeMaker manpage, the C files listed in
+ # XS will be added automatically to the list of cleanfiles.
+ push @clean, $o;
- 1;
- close($file);
-sub write_ext {
- my ($self, $filename) = @_;
- my $file = new IO::File "> $filename" || carp "Cannot create $filename: $!";
- print $file "\n\n# Do not edit this file, as it is automatically generated by Makefile.PL\n\n";
- print $file "BOOT:\n{\n";
- foreach ($self->get_boot) {
- my($b) = $_;
- $b =~ s/::/__/g;
- $b = "boot_$b";
- print $file "extern void $b(CV *cv);\n";
- }
- foreach ($self->get_boot) {
- my($b) = $_;
- $b =~ s/::/__/g;
- $b = "boot_$b";
- print $file "callXS($b, cv, mark);\n";
+ # we may have C files, as well:
+ foreach my $c (@{ $self->{c} }) {
+ (my $o = $c) =~ s/\.c$/\$(OBJ_EXT)/i;
+ push @OBJECT, $o;
+ push @clean, $o;
- print $file "}\n";
- close($file);
+ my %vars = (
+ INC => join (' ', uniquify @incbits),
+ LIBS => join (' ', uniquify @libsbits),
+ TYPEMAPS => [@typemaps],
+ PM => $self->{pm},
+ );
+ $vars{clean} = { FILES => join (" ", @clean), }
+ if @clean;
+ $vars{OBJECT} = join (" ", @OBJECT)
+ if @OBJECT;
+ $vars{XS} = \%XS
+ if %XS;
+ %vars;
=head1 NAME
ExtUtils::Depends - Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
@@ -360,6 +311,8 @@ ExtUtils::Depends - Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
# add the typemaps to use
+ # install some extra data files and headers
+ $package->install (qw/foo.h data.txt/);
# save the info
@@ -374,6 +327,7 @@ This module tries to make it easy to build Perl extensions that use
functions and typemaps provided by other perl extensions. This means
that a perl extension is treated like a shared library that provides
also a C and an XS interface besides the perl one.
This works as long as the base extension is loaded with the RTLD_GLOBAL
flag (usually done with a
@@ -381,13 +335,179 @@ flag (usually done with a
in the main .pm file) if you need to use functions defined in the module.
+The basic scheme of operation is to collect information about a module
+in the instance, and then store that data in the Perl library where it
+may be retrieved later. The object can also reformat this information
+into the data structures required by ExtUtils::MakeMaker's WriteMakefile
+When creating a new Depends object, you give it a name, which is the name
+of the module you are building. You can also specify the names of modules
+on which this module depends. These dependencies will be loaded
+automatically, and their typemaps, header files, etc merged with your new
+object's stuff. When you store the data for your object, the list of
+dependencies are stored with it, so that another module depending on your
+needn't know on exactly which modules yours depends.
+For example:
+ Gtk2 depends on Glib
+ Gnome2::Canvas depends on Gtk2
+ ExtUtils::Depends->new ('Gnome2::Canvas', 'Gtk2');
+ this command automatically brings in all the stuff needed
+ for Glib, since Gtk2 depends on it.
+=head1 METHODS
+=item $object = ExtUtils::Depends->new($name, @deps)
+Create a new depends object named I<$name>. Any modules listed in I<@deps>
+(which may be empty) are added as dependencies and their dependency
+information is loaded. An exception is raised if any dependency information
+cannot be loaded.
+=item $depends->add_deps (@deps)
+Add modules listed in I<@deps> as dependencies.
+=item (hashes) = $depends->get_deps
+Fetch information on the dependencies of I<$depends> as a hash of hashes,
+which are dependency information indexed by module name. See C<load>.
+=item $depends->set_inc (@newinc)
+Add strings to the includes or cflags variables.
+=item $depends->set_libs (@newlibs)
+Add strings to the libs (linker flags) variable.
+=item $depends->add_pm (%pm_files)
+Add files to the hash to be passed through ExtUtils::WriteMakefile's
+PM key.
+=item $depends->add_xs (@xs_files)
+Add xs files to be compiled.
+=item $depends->add_c (@c_files)
+Add C files to be compiled.
+=item $depends->typemaps (@typemaps)
+Add typemap files to be used and installed.
+=item $depends->add_headers (list)
+No-op, for backward compatibility.
+=item $depends->install (@files)
+Install I<@files> to the data directory for I<$depends>.
+This actually works by adding them to the hash of pm files that gets
+passed through WriteMakefile's PM key.
+=item $depends->save_config ($filename)
+Save the important information from I<$depends> to I<$filename>, and
+set it up to be installed as I<name>::Install::Files.
+Note: the actual value of I<$filename> seems to be irrelevant, but its
+usage is kept for backward compatibility.
+=item hash = $depends->get_makefile_vars
+Return the information in I<$depends> in a format digestible by
+This sets at least the following keys:
+ PM
+And these if there is data to fill them:
+ clean
+ XS
+=item hashref = ExtUtils::Depends::load (name)
+Load and return dependency information for I<name>. Croaks if no such
+information can be found. The information is returned as an anonymous
+hash containing these keys:
+=item instpath
+The absolute path to the data install directory for this module.
+=item typemaps
+List of absolute pathnames for this module's typemap files.
+=item inc
+CFLAGS string for this module.
+=item libs
+LIBS string for this module.
+=item deps
+List of modules on which this one depends. This key will not exist when
+loading files created by old versions of ExtUtils::Depends.
+=item header
+List of header files. For backwards compatibility, no longer used.
+=item $depends->load_deps
+Load I<$depends> dependencies, by calling C<load> on each dependency module.
+This is usually done for you, and should only be needed if you want to call
+C<get_deps> after calling C<add_deps> manually.
+=head1 BUGS
+As written, this module expects that RTLD_GLOBAL works on your platform,
+which is not always true, most notably, on win32. We need to include a
+way to find the actual shared libraries created for extension modules
+so new extensions may be linked explicitly with them.
+Version 0.2 discards some of the more esoteric features provided by the
+older versions. As they were completely undocumented, and this module
+has yet to reach 1.0, this may not exactly be a bug.
+This module is tightly coupled to the ExtUtils::MakeMaker architecture.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
-Paolo Molaro, lupus at debian.org
+Paolo Molaro <lupus at debian dot org> wrote the original version for
+Gtk-Perl. muppet <scott at asofyet dot org> rewrote the innards for
+version 0.2, borrowing liberally from Paolo's code.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/libextutils-depends-perl.git
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