[Reproducible-commits] [texlive-bin] 80/400: * remove traces of debian internal mupdmap, we use the one that is now shipped by default in TeX Live * patch shipped updmap for correct perl module search path * switch back to source format 1.0 to get rid of the quilt versus dpkg-source madness. A big toast to the dpkg devs for that!

Maria Valentina Marin Rodrigues akira-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 9 21:39:36 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

akira-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository texlive-bin.

commit 7fc4452793bfe944d7c683c23d29e5d4eb78e590
Author: Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org>
Date:   Tue May 15 06:15:47 2012 +0000

    * remove traces of debian internal mupdmap, we use the one that is now
      shipped by default in TeX Live
    * patch shipped updmap for correct perl module search path
    * switch back to source format 1.0 to get rid of the quilt versus
      dpkg-source madness. A big toast to the dpkg devs for that!
 debian/changelog                         |    8 +-
 debian/control                           |    2 +-
 debian/make-orig-tar                     |    6 +-
 debian/mupdmap.pl                        | 2059 ------------------------------
 debian/patches/pmpost-20120415-tl11.diff |   16 +-
 debian/patches/series                    |    1 +
 debian/patches/updmap-search-path        |   17 +
 debian/rules                             |    9 +-
 debian/texlive-binaries.install          |    1 -
 9 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 2081 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 4bf23be..d76115a 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
-texlive-bin (2012.20120514-1) unstable; urgency=low
+texlive-bin (2012.20120515-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * new upstream snapshot based on TL2012 tlpretest
   * remove outdated and not needed patches
+  * remove traces of debian internal mupdmap, we use the one that is now
+    shipped by default in TeX Live
+  * patch shipped updmap for correct perl module search path
+  * switch back to source format 1.0 to get rid of the quilt versus
+    dpkg-source madness. A big toast to the dpkg devs for that!
  -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org>  Mon, 14 May 2012 09:44:50 +0900
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 4f250f2..7f79580 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Section: tex
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer:  Debian TeX Maintainers <debian-tex-maint at lists.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org>, Frank Küster <frank at kuesterei.ch>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), sharutils, ed, libncurses5-dev | libncurses-dev, libxaw7-dev, libpng-dev, zlib1g-dev | libz-dev, libgd2-xpm-dev | libgd2-noxpm-dev, flex, bison, libpoppler-private-dev (>= 0.12.4), libfontconfig1-dev, dh-autoreconf, time, libgraphite-dev (>= 1:2.3.1)
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), sharutils, ed, libncurses5-dev | libncurses-dev, libxaw7-dev, libpng-dev, zlib1g-dev | libz-dev, libgd2-xpm-dev | libgd2-noxpm-dev, flex, bison, libpoppler-private-dev (>= 0.12.4), libfontconfig1-dev, dh-autoreconf, time, libgraphite-dev (>= 1:2.3.1), quilt
 Standards-Version: 3.9.3
 Homepage: http://www.tug.org/texlive
diff --git a/debian/make-orig-tar b/debian/make-orig-tar
index 4ca20a4..94ef373 100644
--- a/debian/make-orig-tar
+++ b/debian/make-orig-tar
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-verstr=texlive-bin-2011.`date +%Y%m%d`
-pkgstr=texlive-bin_2011.`date +%Y%m%d`
+verstr=texlive-bin-2012.`date +%Y%m%d`
+pkgstr=texlive-bin_2012.`date +%Y%m%d`
 if [ -r $verstr ] ; then
   echo "already existing: $verstr, exit!"
   exit 1
@@ -19,5 +19,5 @@ find $verstr -name \.svn -exec rm -rf '{}' \;
 find $verstr -name autom4te.cache -exec rm -rf '{}' \;
 echo "packing up"
-tar -czf $pkgstr.orig.tar.gz $verstr
+tar -cJf $pkgstr.orig.tar.xz $verstr
diff --git a/debian/mupdmap.pl b/debian/mupdmap.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index d2c612e..0000000
--- a/debian/mupdmap.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2059 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# mupdmap: utility to maintain map files for outline fonts.
-# $Id: mupdmap.pl 25545 2012-03-01 02:32:20Z preining $
-# Copyright 2011, 2012 Norbert Preining
-# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
-# or any later version.
-# History:
-# Original shell script (C) 2002 Thomas Esser
-# first perl variant (C) Fabrice Popineau
-# later adaptions by Reinhard Kotucha and Karl Berry
-# the original versions were licensed under the following agreement:
-# Anyone may freely use, modify, and/or distribute this file, without
-# limitation.
-# - check all other invocations
-# TODO after inclusion in TL:
-# - remove the special code that excludes TEXMFMAIN and reorder the rest,
-#   should not be necessary anymore
-# - after TL2012? Maybe remove support for reading updmap-local.cfg
-  $^W=1;
-  $TEXMFROOT = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFROOT`;
-  if ($?) {
-    print STDERR "(m)updmap: Cannot find TEXMFROOT, aborting!\n";
-    exit 1;
-  }
-  chomp($TEXMFROOT);
-  unshift (@INC, "/usr/share/texlive/tlpkg");
-my $version = '$Id: mupdmap.pl 25545 2012-03-01 02:32:20Z preining $';
-use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_autoabbrev ignore_case_always);
-use strict;
-use TeXLive::TLUtils qw(mkdirhier mktexupd win32 basename dirname 
-  sort_uniq member);
-#use Data::Dumper;
-#$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
-chomp(my $TEXMFMAIN = `kpsewhich --var-value=TEXMFMAIN`);
-chomp(my $TEXMFVAR = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFVAR`);
-chomp(my $TEXMFCONFIG = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFCONFIG`);
-# make sure that on windows *everything* is in lower case for comparison
-if (win32()) {
-my $prg = basename($0);
-my %opts = ( quiet => 0, nohash => 0, nomkmap => 0 );
-my $alldata;
-my $updLSR;
-my @cmdline_options = (
-  "oldmode",
-  "cnffile=s@", 
-  "copy", 
-  "disable=s@",
-  "dvipdfmoutputdir=s",
-  "dvipsoutputdir=s",
-  # the following does not work, Getopt::Long looses the first
-  # entry in a multi setting, treat it separately in processOptions
-  # furthermore, it is not supported by older perls, so do it differently
-  #"enable=s{1,2}",
-  "edit",
-  "force",
-  "listavailablemaps",
-  "listmaps|l",
-  "nohash",
-  "nomkmap",
-  "dry-run|n",
-  "outputdir=s",
-  "pdftexoutputdir=s",
-  "pxdvioutputdir=s",
-  "quiet|silent|q",
-  # the following is a correct specification of an option according
-  # to the manual, but it does not work!
-  # we will treat that option by itself in processOptions
-  # furthermore, it is not supported by older perls, so do it differently
-  #"setoption=s@{1,2}",
-  "showoptions=s@",
-  "showoption=s@",
-  "syncwithtrees",
-  "version",
-  "help|h",
-  # some debugging invocations
-  "_readsave=s",
-  "_listupdmap",
-  );
-my %settings = (
-  dvipsPreferOutline    => {
-    type     => "binary",
-    default  => "true",
-  },
-  LW35                  => {
-    type     => "string",
-    possible => [ qw/URW URWkb ADOBE ADOBEkb/ ],
-    default  => "URWkb",
-  },
-  dvipsDownloadBase35   => {
-    type     => "binary",
-    default  => "true",
-  },
-  pdftexDownloadBase14  => {
-    type     => "binary",
-    default  => "true",
-  },
-  dvipdfmDownloadBase14 => {
-    type     => "binary",
-    default  => "true",
-  },
-  pxdviUse              => {
-    type     => "binary",
-    default  => "false",
-  },
-  kanjiEmbed            => {
-    type     => "any",
-    default  => "noEmbed",
-  },
-  kanjiVariant          => {
-    type     => "any",
-    default  => "",
-  },
-sub main {
-  processOptions();
-  help() if $opts{'help'};
-  if ($opts{'_readsave'}) {
-    read_updmap_files($opts{'_readsave'});
-    print "READING DONE ============================\n";
-    #print Dumper($alldata);
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$opts{'_readsave'}}{'changed'} = 1;
-    save_updmap($opts{'_readsave'});
-    exit 0;
-  }
-  if ($opts{'showoptions'}) {
-    for my $o (@{$opts{'showoptions'}}) {
-      if (defined($settings{$o})) {
-        if ($settings{$o}{'type'} eq "binary") {
-          print "true false\n";
-        } elsif ($settings{$o}{'type'} eq "string") {
-          print "@{$settings{$o}{'possible'}}\n";
-        } elsif ($settings{$o}{'type'} eq "any") {
-          print "(any string)\n";
-        } else {
-          print "strange: unknown type of option $o\nplease report\n";
-        }
-      } else {
-        print "$prg: unknown option: $o\n";
-      }
-    }
-    exit 0;
-  }
-  # config file for changes
-  my $changes_config_file;
-  # determine which config files should be used
-  # replaces the former "setupCfgFile"
-  #
-  # we also determine here where changes will be saved to
-  if ($opts{'cnffile'}) {
-    for my $f (@{$opts{'cnffile'}}) {
-      if (! -f $f) {
-        die "$prg: Config file \"$f\" not found.";
-      }
-    }
-    # in case that config files are given on the command line, the first
-    # in the list is the one where changes will be written to.
-    ($changes_config_file) = @{$opts{'cnffile'}};
-  } else {
-    my @all_files = `kpsewhich -all updmap.cfg`;
-    chomp(@all_files);
-    my @used_files;
-    #
-    # in --oldmode we ignore texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg and reorder some
-    # order to get things right
-    # without --oldmode everything will be used as default to, i.e.
-    # the order is given by kpsewhich -all updmap.cfg
-    if (!$opts{"oldmode"}) { 
-      push @used_files, @all_files;
-    } else {
-      # --oldmode
-      for my $f (@all_files) {
-        # make sure that all file names are lower case on windows for comparison
-        $f = lc($f) if win32();
-        if ($f =~ m!$TEXMFROOT/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg!) {
-          warning("Ignoring $f, it is only a sample file!\n");
-        } else {
-          push @used_files, $f;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    #
-    # reorder used files: since we ship and manage with tlmgr 
-    # the file in TEXMFSYSCONFIG, and TEXMFLOCAL has *lower* priority
-    # then TEXMFSYSCONFIG, we move a TEXMFLOCAL-updmap.cfg if found
-    chomp(my $TEXMFLOCAL =`kpsewhich --var-value=TEXMFLOCAL`);
-    chomp(my $TEXMFHOME =`kpsewhich --var-value=TEXMFHOME`);
-    if (win32()) {
-    }
-    my $found = 0;
-    my $TMLabs = Cwd::abs_path($TEXMFLOCAL);
-    if ($TMLabs) {
-      for my $f (@used_files) {
-        my $absf = Cwd::abs_path($f); #should always work
-        if ($absf =~ m/^$TMLabs/) {
-          $found = 1;
-          last;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    my $old_updmap_local_found = 0;
-    if (-r "$TMLabs/web2c/updmap-local.cfg") {
-      $old_updmap_local_found = 1;
-      warning("Old configuration file TEXMFLOCAL/web2c/updmap-local.cfg found!\n");
-      if ($found) {
-        warning("Will read this file *instead* of TEXMFLOCAL/web2c/updmap.cfg!!!\n");
-      } else {
-        # if TEXMFLOCAL updmap.cfg does not exist, we have to make sure
-        # that the replacement is added to the list of updmap files
-        push @used_files, "$TMLabs/web2c/updmap-local.cfg";
-      }
-      warning("Please consider moving the information from updmap-local.cfg to TEXMFLOCAL/web2c/updmap.cfg\n");
-    }
-    if ($found || $old_updmap_local_found) {
-      my @tmp;
-      my $local_pushed = 0;
-      for my $f (@used_files) {
-        if ($f =~ m!$TEXMFCONFIG|$TEXMFVAR|$TEXMFHOME!) {
-          push @tmp, $f;
-        } else {
-          if (!$local_pushed) {
-            # should we use the return value of grep here, but we know
-            # what we will find?!?!
-            if ($old_updmap_local_found) {
-              push @tmp, "$TEXMFLOCAL/web2c/updmap-local.cfg";
-            } else {
-              push @tmp, "$TEXMFLOCAL/web2c/updmap.cfg";
-            }
-            $local_pushed = 1;
-          }
-          # push the original
-          push @tmp, $f unless ($f =~ m!$TEXMFLOCAL!);
-        }
-      }
-      @used_files = @tmp;
-    }
-    @{$opts{'cnffile'}}  = @used_files;
-    # determine the config file that we will use for changes
-    # if in the list of used files contains either one from
-    # TEXMFHOME or TEXMFCONFIG (which is TEXMFSYSCONFIG in the -sys case)
-    # then use the *top* file (which will be either one of the two),
-    # if none of the two exists, create a file in TEXMFCONFIG and use it
-    my $use_top = 0;
-    for my $f (@used_files) {
-      if ($f =~ m!($TEXMFHOME|$TEXMFCONFIG)/web2c/updmap.cfg!) {
-        $use_top = 1;
-        last;
-      }
-    }
-    if ($use_top) {
-      ($changes_config_file) = @used_files;
-    } else {
-      # add the empty config file
-      my $dn = "$TEXMFCONFIG/web2c";
-      $changes_config_file = "$dn/updmap.cfg";
-    }
-  }
-  if (!$opts{'quiet'}) {
-    print "$prg is using the following updmap.cfg files (in precedence order):\n";
-    for my $f (@{$opts{'cnffile'}}) {
-      print "  $f\n";
-    }
-  }
-  $alldata->{'changes_config'} = $changes_config_file;
-  if ($opts{'_listupdmap'}) {
-    exit 0;
-  }
-  read_updmap_files(@{$opts{'cnffile'}});
-  if ($opts{'showoption'}) {
-    for my $o (@{$opts{'showoption'}}) {
-      if (defined($settings{$o})) {
-        my ($v, $vo) = get_cfg($o);
-        $v = "\"$v\"" if ($v =~ m/\s/);
-        print "$o=$v ($vo)\n";
-      } else {
-        printf STDERR "$prg: unknown option: $o\n";
-      }
-    }
-    exit 0;
-  }
-  if ($opts{'listmaps'}) {
-    for my $m (keys %{$alldata->{'maps'}}) {
-      my $origin = $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'origin'};
-      print $alldata->{'updmap'}{$origin}{'maps'}{$m}{'type'}, " $m ",
-      $alldata->{'updmap'}{$origin}{'maps'}{$m}{'status'}, " in $origin\n";
-    }
-    exit 0;
-  }
-  # we do changes always in the used config file with the highest
-  # priority
-  my $bakFile = $changes_config_file;
-  $bakFile =~ s/\.cfg$/.bak/;
-  my $changed = 0;
-  if ($opts{'syncwithtrees'}) {
-    my @missing = read_map_files();
-    if (@missing) {
-      print "Missing map files found, disabling them in $changes_config_file\n";
-      for my $m (@missing) {
-        $changed ||= disableMap($m);
-      }
-      # the original script did not run any update of the map files here,
-      # should we do that?
-    }
-    exit 0;
-  }
-  my $cmd;
-  if ($opts{'edit'}) {
-    if ($opts{"dry-run"}) {
-      printf STDERR "No, are you joking, you want to edit with --dry-run?\n";
-      printf STDERR "Not doing that, bye bye!\n";
-      exit 1;
-    }
-    # it's not a good idea to edit updmap.cfg manually these days,
-    # but for compatibility we'll silently keep the option.
-    $cmd = 'edit';
-    my $editor = $ENV{'VISUAL'} || $ENV{'EDITOR'};
-    $editor ||= (&win32 ? "notepad" : "vi");
-    if (-r $changes_config_file) {
-      &copyFile($changes_config_file, $bakFile);
-    } else {
-      touch($bakFile);
-      touch($changes_config_file);
-    }
-    system($editor, $changes_config_file);
-    $changed = files_are_different($bakFile, $changes_config_file);
-  } elsif ($opts{'setoption'}) {
-    $cmd = 'setOption';
-    $changed = setOptions (@{$opts{'setoption'}});
-  } elsif ($opts{'enable'} || $opts{'disable'}) {
-    $cmd = 'enableMap';
-    $changed ||= enable_disable_maps(@{$opts{'enable'}}, @{$opts{'disable'}});
-  }
-  # what does this?
-  $updLSR = &mktexupd();
-  $updLSR->{mustexist}(0);
-  if ($cmd && !$opts{'force'} && !$changed) {
-    print "$changes_config_file unchanged.  Map files not recreated.\n" 
-      if !$opts{'quiet'};
-  } else {
-    if (!$opts{'nomkmap'}) {
-      # before we continue we have to make sure that a newly created config
-      # file is acually used. So we have to push the $changes_config_file
-      # onto the list of available files. Since it is already properly
-      # initialized and the merging is done later,  all settings should be
-      # honored
-      my @aaa = @{$alldata->{'order'}};
-      unshift @aaa, $changes_config_file;
-      $alldata->{'order'} = [ @aaa ];
-      #
-      # since things have changed, reread the whole updmap files
-      if ($changed) {
-        delete $alldata->{'updmap'};
-        delete $alldata->{'maps'};
-        read_updmap_files(@{$opts{'cnffile'}}) if $changed;
-      }
-      #
-      setupOutputDir("dvips");
-      setupOutputDir("pdftex");
-      setupOutputDir("dvipdfmx");
-      setupOutputDir("dvipdfm");
-      setupOutputDir("pxdvi");
-      my @missing = read_map_files();
-      if (@missing) {
-        print STDERR "\nERROR:  The following map file(s) couldn't be found:\n"; 
-        for my $m (@missing) {
-          my $orig = $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'origin'};
-          print STDERR "\t$m (in $orig)\n";
-        }
-        print STDERR "\n\tDid you run mktexlsr?\n\n" .
-          "\tYou can disable non-existent map entries using the option\n".
-          "\t  --syncwithtrees.\n\n";
-        exit 1;
-      }
-      merge_data();
-      # for inspecting the output
-      #print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([$alldata], [qw(mapdata)]);
-      #print Dumper($alldata);
-      mkMaps();
-    }
-    unlink ($bakFile) if (-r $bakFile);
-  }
-  if (!$opts{'nohash'}) {
-    print "$prg: Updating ls-R files.\n" if !$opts{'quiet'};
-    $updLSR->{exec}() unless $opts{"dry-run"};
-  }
-  return 0;
-sub getFonts {
-  my ($first, @rest) = @_;
-  my $getall = 0;
-  my @maps = ();
-  return if !defined($first);
-  if ($first eq "-all") {
-    $getall = 1;
-    @maps = @rest;
-  } else {
-    @maps = ($first, @rest);
-  }
-  my @lines = ();
-  for my $m (@maps) {
-    if (defined($alldata->{'maps'}{$m})) {
-      print LOG "\n" . $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fullpath'} . ":\n" unless $opts{'dry-run'};
-      push @lines, "% $m";
-      for my $k (sort keys %{$alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fonts'}}) {
-        if ($getall || $alldata->{'fonts'}{$k}{'origin'} eq $m) {
-          if (defined($alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fonts'}{$k})) {
-            push @lines, "$k " . $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fonts'}{$k};
-          } else {
-            print "undefined fonts for $k in $m   ?!?!?\n";
-          }
-          print LOG "$k\n" unless $opts{'dry-run'};
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  chomp @lines;
-  return @lines;
-# writeLines()
-#   write the lines in $filename
-sub writeLines {
-  my ($fname, @lines) = @_;
-  return if $opts{"dry-run"};
-  map { ($_ !~ m/\n$/ ? s/$/\n/ : $_ ) } @lines;
-  open FILE, ">$fname" or die "$prg: can't write lines to $fname: $!";
-  print FILE @lines;
-  close FILE;
-# to_pdftex()
-#   if $pdftexStripEnc is set, strip "PS_Encoding_Name ReEncodeFont"
-#   from map entries; they are ignored by pdftex.  But since the sh
-#   incarnation of updmap included them, and we want to minimize
-#   differences, this is not done by default.
-sub to_pdftex {
-  my $pdftexStripEnc = 0;
-  return @_ unless $pdftexStripEnc;
-  my @in = @_;
-  my @out;
-  foreach my $line (@in) {
-    if ($line =~ /^(.*\s+)(\S+\s+ReEncodeFont\s)(.*)/) {
-      $line = "$1$3";
-      $line =~ s/\s+\"\s+\"\s+/ /;
-    }
-    push @out, $line;
-  }
-  return @out;
-# setupSymlinks()
-#   set symlink for psfonts.map according to dvipsPreferOutline variable
-sub setupSymlinks {
-  my ($dvipsPreferOutline, $dvipsoutputdir, $pdftexDownloadBase14, $pdftexoutputdir) = @_;
-  my $src;
-  my %link;
-  my @link;
-  if ($dvipsPreferOutline eq "true") {
-    $src = "psfonts_t1.map";
-  } else {
-    $src = "psfonts_pk.map";
-  }
-  unlink "$dvipsoutputdir/psfonts.map" unless $opts{"dry-run"};
-  push @link, &SymlinkOrCopy("$dvipsoutputdir", "$src", "psfonts.map");
-  if ($pdftexDownloadBase14 eq "true") {
-    $src = "pdftex_dl14.map";
-  } else {
-    $src = "pdftex_ndl14.map";
-  }
-  unlink "$pdftexoutputdir/pdftex.map" unless $opts{"dry-run"};
-  push @link, &SymlinkOrCopy("$pdftexoutputdir", "$src", "pdftex.map");
-  %link = @link;
-  return \%link;
-# SymlinkOrCopy(dir, src, dest)
-#   create symlinks if possible, otherwise copy files
-sub SymlinkOrCopy {
-  my ($dir, $src, $dest) = @_;
-  return ($src, $dest) if $opts{"dry-run"};
-  if (&win32 || $opts{'copy'}) {  # always copy
-    &copyFile("$dir/$src", "$dir/$dest");
-  } else { # symlink if supported by fs, copy otherwise
-    system("cd \"$dir\" && ln -s $src $dest 2>/dev/null || "
-           . "cp -p \"$dir/$src\" \"$dir/$dest\"");
-  }
-  # remember for "Files generated" in &mkMaps.
-  return ($dest, $src);
-# transLW35(mode args ...)
-#   transform fontname and filenames according to transformation specified
-#   by mode.  Possible values:
-sub transLW35 {
-  my ($mode, @lines) = @_;
-  my @psADOBE = (
-       's/ URWGothicL-Demi / AvantGarde-Demi /',
-       's/ URWGothicL-DemiObli / AvantGarde-DemiOblique /',
-       's/ URWGothicL-Book / AvantGarde-Book /',
-       's/ URWGothicL-BookObli / AvantGarde-BookOblique /',
-       's/ URWBookmanL-DemiBold / Bookman-Demi /',
-       's/ URWBookmanL-DemiBoldItal / Bookman-DemiItalic /',
-       's/ URWBookmanL-Ligh / Bookman-Light /',
-       's/ URWBookmanL-LighItal / Bookman-LightItalic /',
-       's/ NimbusMonL-Bold / Courier-Bold /',
-       's/ NimbusMonL-BoldObli / Courier-BoldOblique /',
-       's/ NimbusMonL-Regu / Courier /',
-       's/ NimbusMonL-ReguObli / Courier-Oblique /',
-       's/ NimbusSanL-Bold / Helvetica-Bold /',
-       's/ NimbusSanL-BoldCond / Helvetica-Narrow-Bold /',
-       's/ NimbusSanL-BoldItal / Helvetica-BoldOblique /',
-       's/ NimbusSanL-BoldCondItal / Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique /',
-       's/ NimbusSanL-Regu / Helvetica /',
-       's/ NimbusSanL-ReguCond / Helvetica-Narrow /',
-       's/ NimbusSanL-ReguItal / Helvetica-Oblique /',
-       's/ NimbusSanL-ReguCondItal / Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique /',
-       's/ CenturySchL-Bold / NewCenturySchlbk-Bold /',
-       's/ CenturySchL-BoldItal / NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic /',
-       's/ CenturySchL-Roma / NewCenturySchlbk-Roman /',
-       's/ CenturySchL-Ital / NewCenturySchlbk-Italic /',
-       's/ URWPalladioL-Bold / Palatino-Bold /',
-       's/ URWPalladioL-BoldItal / Palatino-BoldItalic /',
-       's/ URWPalladioL-Roma / Palatino-Roman /',
-       's/ URWPalladioL-Ital / Palatino-Italic /',
-       's/ StandardSymL / Symbol /',
-       's/ NimbusRomNo9L-Medi / Times-Bold /',
-       's/ NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal / Times-BoldItalic /',
-       's/ NimbusRomNo9L-Regu / Times-Roman /',
-       's/ NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal / Times-Italic /',
-       's/ URWChanceryL-MediItal / ZapfChancery-MediumItalic /',
-       's/ Dingbats / ZapfDingbats /',
-    );
-  my @fileADOBEkb = (
-        's/\buagd8a.pfb\b/pagd8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buagdo8a.pfb\b/pagdo8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buagk8a.pfb\b/pagk8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buagko8a.pfb\b/pagko8a.pfb/',
-        's/\bubkd8a.pfb\b/pbkd8a.pfb/',
-        's/\bubkdi8a.pfb\b/pbkdi8a.pfb/',
-        's/\bubkl8a.pfb\b/pbkl8a.pfb/',
-        's/\bubkli8a.pfb\b/pbkli8a.pfb/',
-        's/\bucrb8a.pfb\b/pcrb8a.pfb/',
-        's/\bucrbo8a.pfb\b/pcrbo8a.pfb/',
-        's/\bucrr8a.pfb\b/pcrr8a.pfb/',
-        's/\bucrro8a.pfb\b/pcrro8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buhvb8a.pfb\b/phvb8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buhvb8ac.pfb\b/phvb8an.pfb/',
-        's/\buhvbo8a.pfb\b/phvbo8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buhvbo8ac.pfb\b/phvbo8an.pfb/',
-        's/\buhvr8a.pfb\b/phvr8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buhvr8ac.pfb\b/phvr8an.pfb/',
-        's/\buhvro8a.pfb\b/phvro8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buhvro8ac.pfb\b/phvro8an.pfb/',
-        's/\buncb8a.pfb\b/pncb8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buncbi8a.pfb\b/pncbi8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buncr8a.pfb\b/pncr8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buncri8a.pfb\b/pncri8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buplb8a.pfb\b/pplb8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buplbi8a.pfb\b/pplbi8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buplr8a.pfb\b/pplr8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buplri8a.pfb\b/pplri8a.pfb/',
-        's/\busyr.pfb\b/psyr.pfb/',
-        's/\butmb8a.pfb\b/ptmb8a.pfb/',
-        's/\butmbi8a.pfb\b/ptmbi8a.pfb/',
-        's/\butmr8a.pfb\b/ptmr8a.pfb/',
-        's/\butmri8a.pfb\b/ptmri8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buzcmi8a.pfb\b/pzcmi8a.pfb/',
-        's/\buzdr.pfb\b/pzdr.pfb/',
-      );
-  my @fileURW = (
-        's/\buagd8a.pfb\b/a010015l.pfb/',
-  's/\buagdo8a.pfb\b/a010035l.pfb/',
-  's/\buagk8a.pfb\b/a010013l.pfb/',
-  's/\buagko8a.pfb\b/a010033l.pfb/',
-  's/\bubkd8a.pfb\b/b018015l.pfb/',
-  's/\bubkdi8a.pfb\b/b018035l.pfb/',
-  's/\bubkl8a.pfb\b/b018012l.pfb/',
-  's/\bubkli8a.pfb\b/b018032l.pfb/',
-  's/\bucrb8a.pfb\b/n022004l.pfb/',
-  's/\bucrbo8a.pfb\b/n022024l.pfb/',
-  's/\bucrr8a.pfb\b/n022003l.pfb/',
-  's/\bucrro8a.pfb\b/n022023l.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvb8a.pfb\b/n019004l.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvb8ac.pfb\b/n019044l.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvbo8a.pfb\b/n019024l.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvbo8ac.pfb\b/n019064l.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvr8a.pfb\b/n019003l.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvr8ac.pfb\b/n019043l.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvro8a.pfb\b/n019023l.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvro8ac.pfb\b/n019063l.pfb/',
-  's/\buncb8a.pfb\b/c059016l.pfb/',
-  's/\buncbi8a.pfb\b/c059036l.pfb/',
-  's/\buncr8a.pfb\b/c059013l.pfb/',
-  's/\buncri8a.pfb\b/c059033l.pfb/',
-  's/\buplb8a.pfb\b/p052004l.pfb/',
-  's/\buplbi8a.pfb\b/p052024l.pfb/',
-  's/\buplr8a.pfb\b/p052003l.pfb/',
-  's/\buplri8a.pfb\b/p052023l.pfb/',
-  's/\busyr.pfb\b/s050000l.pfb/',
-  's/\butmb8a.pfb\b/n021004l.pfb/',
-  's/\butmbi8a.pfb\b/n021024l.pfb/',
-  's/\butmr8a.pfb\b/n021003l.pfb/',
-  's/\butmri8a.pfb\b/n021023l.pfb/',
-  's/\buzcmi8a.pfb\b/z003034l.pfb/',
-  's/\buzdr.pfb\b/d050000l.pfb/',
-       );
-  my @fileADOBE = (
-  's/\buagd8a.pfb\b/agd_____.pfb/',
-  's/\buagdo8a.pfb\b/agdo____.pfb/',
-  's/\buagk8a.pfb\b/agw_____.pfb/',
-  's/\buagko8a.pfb\b/agwo____.pfb/',
-  's/\bubkd8a.pfb\b/bkd_____.pfb/',
-  's/\bubkdi8a.pfb\b/bkdi____.pfb/',
-  's/\bubkl8a.pfb\b/bkl_____.pfb/',
-  's/\bubkli8a.pfb\b/bkli____.pfb/',
-  's/\bucrb8a.pfb\b/cob_____.pfb/',
-  's/\bucrbo8a.pfb\b/cobo____.pfb/',
-  's/\bucrr8a.pfb\b/com_____.pfb/',
-  's/\bucrro8a.pfb\b/coo_____.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvb8a.pfb\b/hvb_____.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvb8ac.pfb\b/hvnb____.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvbo8a.pfb\b/hvbo____.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvbo8ac.pfb\b/hvnbo___.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvr8a.pfb\b/hv______.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvr8ac.pfb\b/hvn_____.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvro8a.pfb\b/hvo_____.pfb/',
-  's/\buhvro8ac.pfb\b/hvno____.pfb/',
-  's/\buncb8a.pfb\b/ncb_____.pfb/',
-  's/\buncbi8a.pfb\b/ncbi____.pfb/',
-  's/\buncr8a.pfb\b/ncr_____.pfb/',
-  's/\buncri8a.pfb\b/nci_____.pfb/',
-  's/\buplb8a.pfb\b/pob_____.pfb/',
-  's/\buplbi8a.pfb\b/pobi____.pfb/',
-  's/\buplr8a.pfb\b/por_____.pfb/',
-  's/\buplri8a.pfb\b/poi_____.pfb/',
-  's/\busyr.pfb\b/sy______.pfb/',
-  's/\butmb8a.pfb\b/tib_____.pfb/',
-  's/\butmbi8a.pfb\b/tibi____.pfb/',
-  's/\butmr8a.pfb\b/tir_____.pfb/',
-  's/\butmri8a.pfb\b/tii_____.pfb/',
-  's/\buzcmi8a.pfb\b/zcmi____.pfb/',
-  's/\buzdr.pfb\b/zd______.pfb/',
-    );
-  if ($mode eq "" || $mode eq "URWkb") {
-    # do nothing
-  } elsif ($mode eq "URW") {
-    for my $r (@fileURW) {
-      map { eval($r); } @lines;
-    }
-  } elsif ($mode eq "ADOBE" || $mode eq "ADOBEkb") {
-    for my $r (@psADOBE) {
-      map { eval($r); } @lines;
-    }
-    my @filemode = eval ("\@file" . $mode);
-    for my $r (@filemode) {
-      map { eval($r); } @lines;
-    }
-  }
-  return @lines;
-# cidx2dvips()
-#   reads from stdin, writes to stdout. It transforms "cid-x"-like syntax into
-#   "dvips"-like syntax.
-sub cidx2dvips {
-    my ($s) = @_;
-    my @d;
-    foreach (@$s) {
-      if (m/^%/) {
-        push(@d, $_);
-        next;
-      }
-      s/,BoldItalic/ -s .3/;
-      s/,Bold//;
-      s/,Italic/ -s .3/;
-      s/\s\s*/ /g;
-      if ($_ =~ /.*[@\:\/,]/) {next;}
-      elsif ($_ =~ /^[^ ][^ ]* unicode /) {next;}
-      s/^([^ ][^ ]* [^ ][^ ]* [^ ][^ ]*)\.[Oo][Tt][Ff]/$1/;
-      s/^([^ ][^ ]* [^ ][^ ]* [^ ][^ ]*)\.[Tt][Tt][FfCc]/$1/; 
-      s/$/ %/;
-      s/^(([^ ]*).*)/$1$2/;
-      s/^([^ ][^ ]* ([^ ][^ ]*) !*([^ ][^ ]*).*)/$1 $3-$2/;
-      s/^(.* -e ([.0-9-][.0-9-]*).*)/$1 "$2 ExtendFont"/;
-      s/^(.* -s ([.0-9-][.0-9-]*).*)/$1 "$2 SlantFont"/;
-      s/.*%//;
-      push(@d, $_);
-    }
-    return @d
-sub get_cfg {
-  my ($v) = @_;
-  if (defined($alldata->{'merged'}{'setting'}{$v})) {
-    return ( $alldata->{'merged'}{'setting'}{$v}{'val'},
-             $alldata->{'merged'}{'setting'}{$v}{'origin'} );
-  } else {
-    return ($settings{$v}{'default'}, "default");
-  }
-sub mkMaps {
-  my $logfile;
-  $logfile = "$TEXMFVAR/web2c/updmap.log";
-  if (! $opts{'dry-run'}) {
-    mkdirhier("$TEXMFVAR/web2c");
-    open LOG, ">$logfile"
-        or die "$prg: Can't open log file \"$logfile\": $!";
-    print LOG &version();
-    printf LOG "%s\n\n", scalar localtime();
-    print LOG  "Using the following config files:\n";
-    for (@{$opts{'cnffile'}}) {
-      print LOG "  $_\n";
-    }
-  }
-  sub print_and_log {
-    my $str=shift;
-    print $str if !$opts{'quiet'};
-    print LOG $str unless $opts{'dry-run'};
-  }
-  sub only_log {
-    print LOG shift unless $opts{'dry-run'};
-  }
-  my ($mode, $mode_origin) = get_cfg('LW35');
-  my ($dvipsPreferOutline, $dvipsPreferOutline_origin) = 
-    get_cfg('dvipsPreferOutline');
-  my ($dvipsDownloadBase35, $dvipsDownloadBase35_origin) = 
-    get_cfg('dvipsDownloadBase35');
-  my ($pdftexDownloadBase14, $pdftexDownloadBase14_origin) = 
-    get_cfg('pdftexDownloadBase14');
-  my ($pxdviUse, $pxdviUse_origin) = get_cfg('pxdviUse');
-  my ($kanjiEmbed, $kanjiEmbed_origin) = get_cfg('kanjiEmbed');
-  my ($kanjiVariant, $kanjiVariant_origin) = get_cfg('kanjiVariant');
-  print_and_log ("\n$prg is creating new map files"
-         . "\nusing the following configuration:"
-         . "\n  LW35 font names                  : "
-         .      "$mode ($mode_origin)"
-         . "\n  prefer outlines                  : "
-         .      "$dvipsPreferOutline ($dvipsPreferOutline_origin)"
-         . "\n  texhash enabled                  : "
-         .      ($opts{'nohash'} ? "false" : "true")
-         . "\n  download standard fonts (dvips)  : "
-         .      "$dvipsDownloadBase35 ($dvipsDownloadBase35_origin)"
-         . "\n  download standard fonts (pdftex) : "
-         .      "$pdftexDownloadBase14 ($pdftexDownloadBase14_origin)"
-         . "\n  kanjiEmbed replacement string    : "
-         .      "$kanjiEmbed ($kanjiEmbed_origin)"
-         . "\n  kanjiVariant replacement string  : "
-         .      "$kanjiVariant ($kanjiVariant_origin)"
-         . "\n  create a mapfile for pxdvi       : "
-         .      "$pxdviUse ($pxdviUse_origin)"
-         . "\n\n");
-  print_and_log ("Scanning for LW35 support files");
-  my $dvips35 = $alldata->{'maps'}{"dvips35.map"}{'fullpath'};
-  my $pdftex35 = $alldata->{'maps'}{"pdftex35.map"}{'fullpath'};
-  my $ps2pk35 = $alldata->{'maps'}{"ps2pk35.map"}{'fullpath'};
-  my $LW35 = "\n$dvips35\n$pdftex35\n$ps2pk35\n\n";
-  only_log ("\n");
-  only_log ($LW35);
-  print_and_log ("  [  3 files]\n");
-  only_log ("\n");
-  print_and_log ("Scanning for MixedMap entries");
-  my @mixedmaps;
-  my @notmixedmaps;
-  my @kanjimaps;
-  for my $m (keys %{$alldata->{'maps'}}) {
-    my $origin = $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'origin'};
-    next if !defined($origin);
-    next if ($alldata->{'updmap'}{$origin}{'maps'}{$m}{'status'} eq "disabled");
-    push @mixedmaps, $m
-      if ($alldata->{'updmap'}{$origin}{'maps'}{$m}{'type'} eq "MixedMap");
-    push @notmixedmaps, $m
-      if ($alldata->{'updmap'}{$origin}{'maps'}{$m}{'type'} eq "Map");
-    push @kanjimaps, $m
-      if ($alldata->{'updmap'}{$origin}{'maps'}{$m}{'type'} eq "KanjiMap");
-  }
-  @mixedmaps = sort @mixedmaps;
-  @notmixedmaps = sort @notmixedmaps;
-  @kanjimaps = sort @kanjimaps;
-  only_log("\n");
-  foreach my $m (sort @mixedmaps) {
-    if (defined($alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fullpath'})) {
-      only_log($alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fullpath'} . "\n");
-    } else {
-      only_log("$m (full path not set?)\n");
-    }
-  }
-  only_log("\n");
-  print_and_log (sprintf("    [%3d files]\n", scalar @mixedmaps));
-  only_log("\n");
-  print_and_log ("Scanning for KanjiMap entries");
-  only_log("\n");
-  foreach my $m (@kanjimaps) {
-    if (defined($alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fullpath'})) {
-      only_log($alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fullpath'} . "\n");
-    } else {
-      only_log("$m (full path not set?)\n");
-    }
-  }
-  only_log("\n");
-  print_and_log (sprintf("    [%3d files]\n", scalar @kanjimaps));
-  only_log("\n");
-  print_and_log ("Scanning for Map entries");
-  only_log("\n");
-  foreach my $m (@notmixedmaps) {
-    if (defined($alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fullpath'})) {
-      only_log($alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fullpath'} . "\n");
-    } else {
-      only_log("$m (full path not set?)\n");
-    }
-  }
-  only_log("\n");
-  print_and_log (sprintf("         [%3d files]\n\n", scalar @notmixedmaps));
-  only_log("\n");
-  # Create psfonts_t1.map, psfonts_pk.map, ps2pk.map and pdftex.map:
-  my $dvipsoutputdir = $opts{'dvipsoutputdir'};
-  my $pdftexoutputdir = $opts{'pdftexoutputdir'};
-  my $dvipdfmoutputdir = $opts{'dvipdfmoutputdir'};
-  my $pxdvioutputdir = $opts{'pxdvioutputdir'};
-  if (!$opts{'dry-run'}) {
-    my @managed_files =  ("$dvipsoutputdir/download35.map",
-      "$dvipsoutputdir/builtin35.map",
-      "$dvipsoutputdir/psfonts_t1.map",
-      "$dvipsoutputdir/psfonts_pk.map",
-      "$pdftexoutputdir/pdftex_dl14.map",
-      "$pdftexoutputdir/pdftex_ndl14.map",
-      "$dvipdfmoutputdir/kanjix.map",
-      "$dvipsoutputdir/ps2pk.map");
-    push @managed_files, "$pxdvioutputdir/xdvi-ptex.map"
-      if ($pxdviUse eq "true");
-    for my $file (@managed_files) {
-      open FILE, ">$file";
-      print FILE "% $file:\
-% maintained by updmap[-sys] (multi).\
-% Don't change this file directly. Use updmap[-sys] instead.\
-% See the updmap documentation.\
-% A log of the run that created this file is available here:\
-% $logfile\
-      close FILE;
-    }
-  }
-  my @kanjimaps_fonts = getFonts(@kanjimaps);
-  @kanjimaps_fonts = &normalizeLines(@kanjimaps_fonts);
-  my @ps2pk_fonts = getFonts('-all', "ps2pk35.map");
-  my @dvips35_fonts = getFonts('-all', "dvips35.map");
-  my @pdftex35_fonts = getFonts('-all', "pdftex35.map");
-  my @mixedmaps_fonts = getFonts(@mixedmaps);
-  my @notmixedmaps_fonts = getFonts(@notmixedmaps);
-  print "Generating output for dvipdfm...\n" if !$opts{'quiet'};
-  &writeLines(">$dvipdfmoutputdir/kanjix.map", @kanjimaps_fonts);
-  if ($pxdviUse eq "true") {
-    # we use the very same data as for kanjix.map, but generate
-    # a different file, so that in case a user wants to hand-craft it
-    print "Generating output for pxdvi...\n" if !$opts{'quiet'};
-     &writeLines(">$pxdvioutputdir/xdvi-ptex.map", @kanjimaps_fonts);
-  }
-  print "Generating output for ps2pk...\n" if !$opts{'quiet'};
-  my @ps2pk_map;
-  push @ps2pk_map, "% ps2pk35.map";
-  push @ps2pk_map, transLW35($mode, @ps2pk_fonts);
-  push @ps2pk_map, @mixedmaps_fonts;
-  push @ps2pk_map, @notmixedmaps_fonts;
-  &writeLines(">$dvipsoutputdir/ps2pk.map", 
-    normalizeLines(@ps2pk_map));
-  print "Generating output for dvips...\n" if !$opts{'quiet'};
-  my @download35_map;
-  push @download35_map, "% ps2pk35.map";
-  push @download35_map, transLW35($mode, @ps2pk_fonts);
-  &writeLines(">$dvipsoutputdir/download35.map", 
-    normalizeLines(@download35_map));
-  my @builtin35_map;
-  push @builtin35_map, "% dvips35.map";
-  push @builtin35_map, transLW35($mode, @dvips35_fonts);
-  &writeLines(">$dvipsoutputdir/builtin35.map", 
-    normalizeLines(@builtin35_map));
-  my @dftdvips_fonts = ($dvipsDownloadBase35 ? @ps2pk_fonts : @dvips35_fonts);
-  my @psfonts_t1_map;
-  if ($dvipsDownloadBase35) {
-    push @psfonts_t1_map, "% ps2pk35.map",
-    @dftdvips_fonts = @ps2pk_fonts;
-  } else {
-    push @psfonts_t1_map, "% dvips35.map";
-    @dftdvips_fonts =  @dvips35_fonts;
-  }
-  push @psfonts_t1_map, transLW35($mode, @dftdvips_fonts);
-  my @tmpkanji2 = cidx2dvips(\@kanjimaps_fonts);
-  push @psfonts_t1_map, @mixedmaps_fonts;
-  push @psfonts_t1_map, @notmixedmaps_fonts;
-  push @psfonts_t1_map, @tmpkanji2;
-  &writeLines(">$dvipsoutputdir/psfonts_t1.map", 
-    normalizeLines(@psfonts_t1_map));
-  my @psfonts_pk_map;
-  push @psfonts_pk_map, transLW35($mode, @dftdvips_fonts);
-  push @psfonts_pk_map, @notmixedmaps_fonts;
-  push @psfonts_pk_map, @tmpkanji2;
-  &writeLines(">$dvipsoutputdir/psfonts_pk.map", 
-    normalizeLines(@psfonts_pk_map));
-  print "Generating output for pdftex...\n" if !$opts{'quiet'};
-  # remove PaintType due to Sebastian's request
-  my @pdftexmaps_ndl;
-  push @pdftexmaps_ndl, "% pdftex35.map";
-  push @pdftexmaps_ndl, transLW35($mode, @pdftex35_fonts);
-  push @pdftexmaps_ndl, @mixedmaps_fonts;
-  push @pdftexmaps_ndl, @notmixedmaps_fonts;
-  @pdftexmaps_ndl = grep { $_ !~ m/(^%\|PaintType)/ } @pdftexmaps_ndl;
-  my @pdftexmaps_dl;
-  push @pdftexmaps_dl, "% ps2pk35.map";
-  push @pdftexmaps_dl, transLW35($mode, @ps2pk_fonts);
-  push @pdftexmaps_dl, @mixedmaps_fonts;
-  push @pdftexmaps_dl, @notmixedmaps_fonts;
-  @pdftexmaps_dl = grep { $_ !~ m/(^%\|PaintType)/ } @pdftexmaps_dl;
-  my @pdftex_ndl14_map = @pdftexmaps_ndl;
-  @pdftex_ndl14_map = &normalizeLines(@pdftex_ndl14_map);
-  @pdftex_ndl14_map = &to_pdftex(@pdftex_ndl14_map);
-  &writeLines(">$pdftexoutputdir/pdftex_ndl14.map", @pdftex_ndl14_map);
-  my @pdftex_dl14_map = @pdftexmaps_dl;
-  @pdftex_dl14_map = &normalizeLines(@pdftex_dl14_map);
-  @pdftex_dl14_map = &to_pdftex(@pdftex_dl14_map);
-  &writeLines(">$pdftexoutputdir/pdftex_dl14.map", @pdftex_dl14_map);
-  our $link = &setupSymlinks($dvipsPreferOutline, $dvipsoutputdir, $pdftexDownloadBase14, $pdftexoutputdir);
-  print_and_log ("\nFiles generated:\n");
-  sub dir {
-    my ($d, $f, $target)=@_;
-    our $link;
-    if (-e "$d/$f") {
-      my @stat=lstat("$d/$f");
-      my ($s,$m,$h,$D,$M,$Y)=localtime($stat[9]);
-      my $timestamp=sprintf ("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
-                             $Y+1900, $M+1, $D, $h, $m, $s);
-      my $date=sprintf "%12d %s %s", $stat[7], $timestamp, $f;
-      print_and_log ($date);
-      if (-l "$d/$f") {
-        my $lnk=sprintf " -> %s\n", readlink ("$d/$f");
-        print_and_log ($lnk);
-      } elsif ($f eq $target) {
-        if (&files_are_identical("$d/$f", "$d/" . $link->{$target})) {
-          print_and_log (" = $link->{$target}\n");
-        } else {
-          print_and_log (" = ?????\n"); # This shouldn't happen.
-        }
-      } else {
-        print_and_log ("\n");
-      }
-    } else {
-      print STDERR "Warning: File $d/$f doesn't exist.\n";
-      print LOG    "Warning: File $d/$f doesn't exist.\n" 
-        unless $opts{'dry-run'};
-    }
-  }
-  my $d;
-  $d = "$dvipsoutputdir";
-  print_and_log("  $d:\n");
-  foreach my $f ('builtin35.map', 'download35.map', 'psfonts_pk.map',
-                 'psfonts_t1.map', 'ps2pk.map', 'psfonts.map') {
-    dir ($d, $f, 'psfonts.map');
-    $updLSR->{add}("$d/$f") unless $opts{'dry-run'};
-  }
-  $d = "$pdftexoutputdir";
-  print_and_log("  $d:\n");
-  foreach my $f ('pdftex_dl14.map', 'pdftex_ndl14.map', 'pdftex.map') {
-    dir ($d, $f, 'pdftex.map');
-    $updLSR->{add}("$d/$f") unless $opts{'dry-run'};
-  }
-  $d="$dvipdfmoutputdir";
-  print_and_log("  $d:\n");
-  foreach my $f ('kanjix.map') {
-    dir ($d, $f, '');
-    $updLSR->{add}("$d/$f") unless $opts{'dry-run'};
-  }
-  if ($pxdviUse eq "true") {
-    $d="$pxdvioutputdir";
-    print_and_log("  $d:\n");
-    foreach my $f ('xdvi-ptex.map') {
-      dir ($d, $f, '');
-      $updLSR->{add}("$d/$f") unless $opts{'dry-run'};
-    }
-  }
-  close LOG unless $opts{'dry-run'};
-  print "\nTranscript written on \"$logfile\".\n" if !$opts{'quiet'};
-sub locateMap {
-  my $map = shift;
-  my $ret = `kpsewhich --format=map $map`;
-  chomp($ret);
-  return $ret;
-sub processOptions {
-  # first process the stupid setoption= s@{1,2} which is not accepted
-  # furthermore, try to work around missing s{1,2} support in older perls
-  my $oldconfig = Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(pass_through));
-  our @setoptions;
-  our @enable;
-  sub read_one_or_two {
-    my ($opt, $val) = @_;
-    our @setoptions;
-    our @enable;
-    # check if = occirs in $val, if not, get the next argument
-    if ($val =~ m/=/) {
-      if ($opt eq "setoption") {
-        push @setoptions, $val;
-      } else {
-        push @enable, $val;
-      }
-    } else {
-      my $vv = shift @ARGV;
-      die "Try \"$prg --help\" for more information.\n"
-        if !defined($vv);
-      if ($opt eq "setoption") {
-        push @setoptions, "$val=$vv";
-      } else {
-        push @enable, "$val=$vv";
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  GetOptions("setoption=s@" => \&read_one_or_two,
-             "enable=s@"    => \&read_one_or_two) or
-    die "Try \"$prg --help\" for more information.\n";
-  @{$opts{'setoption'}} = @setoptions if (@setoptions);
-  @{$opts{'enable'}} = @enable if (@enable);
-  Getopt::Long::Configure($oldconfig);
-  # now continue with normal option handling
-  GetOptions(\%opts, @cmdline_options) or 
-    die "Try \"$prg --help\" for more information.\n";
-# determines the output dir for driver from cmd line, or if not given
-# from TEXMFVAR
-sub setupOutputDir {
-  my $driver = shift;
-  if (!$opts{$driver . "outputdir"}) {
-    if ($opts{'outputdir'}) {
-      $opts{$driver . "outputdir"} = $opts{'outputdir'};
-    } else {
-      $opts{$driver . "outputdir"} = "$TEXMFVAR/fonts/map/$driver/updmap";
-    }
-  }
-  my $od = $opts{$driver . "outputdir"};
-  if (!$opts{"dry-run"}) {
-    &mkdirhier($od);
-    if (! -w $od) {
-      die "$prg: Directory \"$od\" isn't writable: $!";
-    }
-  }
-  print "$driver output dir: \"$od\"\n" if !$opts{'quiet'};
-  return $od;
-# setOption (@options)
-#   parse @options for "key=value" (one element of @options)
-#   we can only have "key=value" since that is the way it was prepared
-#   in process_options
-#   (These were the values provided to --setoption.)
-sub setOptions {
-  my (@options) = @_;
-  for (my $i = 0; $i < @options; $i++) {
-    my $o = $options[$i];
-    my ($key,$val) = split (/=/, $o, 2);
-    die "$prg: unexpected empty key or val for options (@options), goodbye.\n"
-      if !$key || !defined($val);
-    &setOption ($key, $val);
-  }
-  return save_updmap($alldata->{'changes_config'});
-sub enable_disable_maps {
-  my (@what) = @_;
-  my $tc = $alldata->{'changes_config'};
-  die "$prg: top config file $tc has not been read."
-    if (!defined($alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}));
-  my $changed = 0;
-  for my $w (@what) {
-    if ($w =~ m/=/) {
-      # this is --enable MapType=MapName
-      my ($type, $map) = split ('=', $w);
-      enable_map($tc, $type, $map);
-    } else {
-      # this is --disable MapName
-      disable_map($tc, $w);
-    }
-  }
-  return save_updmap($tc);
-sub enable_map {
-  my ($tc, $type, $map) = @_;
-  die "$prg: invalid mapType $type" if ($type !~ m/^(Map|MixedMap|KanjiMap)$/);
-  if (defined($alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'maps'}{$map})) {
-    # the map data has already been read in, no special precautions necessary
-    if (($alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'maps'}{$map}{'status'} eq "enabled") &&
-        ($alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'maps'}{$map}{'type'} eq $type)) {
-      # nothing to do here ... be happy!
-      return;
-    } else {
-      $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'maps'}{$map}{'status'} = "enabled";
-      $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'maps'}{$map}{'type'} = $type;
-      $alldata->{'maps'}{$map}{'origin'} = $tc;
-      $alldata->{'maps'}{$map}{'status'} = "enabled";
-      $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'changed'} = 1;
-    }
-  } else {
-    # add a new map file!
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'maps'}{$map}{'type'} = $type;
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'maps'}{$map}{'status'} = "enabled";
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'maps'}{$map}{'line'} = -1;
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'changed'} = 1;
-    $alldata->{'maps'}{$map}{'origin'} = $tc;
-    $alldata->{'maps'}{$map}{'status'} = "enabled";
-  }
-sub disable_map {
-  my ($tc, $map) = @_;
-  if (defined($alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'maps'}{$map})) {
-    # the map data has already been read in, no special precautions necessary
-    if ($alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'maps'}{$map}{'status'} eq "disabled") {
-      # nothing to do here ... be happy!
-    } else {
-      $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'maps'}{$map}{'status'} = "disabled";
-      $alldata->{'maps'}{$map}{'origin'} = $tc;
-      $alldata->{'maps'}{$map}{'status'} = "disabled";
-      $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'changed'} = 1;
-    }
-  } else {
-    # disable a Map type that might be activated in a lower ranked updmap.cfg
-    if (!defined($alldata->{'maps'}{$map})) {
-      warning("Map is not present anywhere, why should I disable it?\n");
-      return;
-    }
-    my $orig = $alldata->{'maps'}{$map}{'origin'};
-    # add a new entry to the top level where we disable it
-    # copy over the type from the last entry
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'maps'}{$map}{'type'} = 
-      $alldata->{'updmap'}{$orig}{'maps'}{$map}{'type'};
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'maps'}{$map}{'status'} = "disabled";
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'maps'}{$map}{'line'} = -1;
-    # rewrite the origin
-    $alldata->{'maps'}{$map}{'origin'} = $tc;
-    $alldata->{'maps'}{$map}{'status'} = "disabled";
-    # go on for writing
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'changed'} = 1;
-  }
-# returns 1 if actually saved due to changes
-sub save_updmap {
-  my $fn = shift;
-  return if $opts{'dry-run'};
-  my %upd = %{$alldata->{'updmap'}{$fn}};
-  if ($upd{'changed'}) {
-    mkdirhier(dirname($fn));
-    open (FN, ">$fn") || die "$prg: can't write to $fn: $!";
-    my @lines = @{$upd{'lines'}};
-    if (!@lines) {
-      print "Creating new config file $fn\n";
-    }
-    # collect the lines with data
-    my %line_to_setting;
-    my %line_to_map;
-    my @add_setting;
-    my @add_map;
-    if (defined($upd{'setting'})) {
-      for my $k (keys %{$upd{'setting'}}) {
-        if ($upd{'setting'}{$k}{'line'} == -1) {
-          push @add_setting, $k;
-        } else {
-          $line_to_setting{$upd{'setting'}{$k}{'line'}} = $k;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (defined($upd{'maps'})) {
-      for my $k (keys %{$upd{'maps'}}) {
-        if ($upd{'maps'}{$k}{'line'} == -1) {
-          push @add_map, $k;
-        } else {
-          $line_to_map{$upd{'maps'}{$k}{'line'}} = $k;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    for my $i (0..$#lines) {
-      if (defined($line_to_setting{$i})) {
-        my $k = $line_to_setting{$i};
-        my $v = $upd{'setting'}{$k}{'val'};
-        print FN "$k $v\n";
-      } elsif (defined($line_to_map{$i})) {
-        my $m = $line_to_map{$i};
-        my $rm;
-        if (defined($upd{'maps'}{$m}{'original'})) {
-          # we have the case that @noEmbed@ was replaced by the respective
-          # setting. Before writing out we have to replace this back with
-          # the original line!A
-          $rm = $upd{'maps'}{$m}{'original'};
-        } else {
-          $rm = $m;
-        }
-        my $t = $upd{'maps'}{$m}{'type'};
-        my $p = ($upd{'maps'}{$m}{'status'} eq "disabled" ? "#! " : "");
-        print FN "$p$t $rm\n";
-      } else {
-        print FN "$lines[$i]\n";
-      }
-    }
-    # add the new settings and maps
-    for my $k (@add_setting) {
-      my $v = $upd{'setting'}{$k}{'val'};
-      print FN "$k $v\n";
-    }
-    for my $m (@add_map) {
-      my $t = $upd{'maps'}{$m}{'type'};
-      my $p = ($upd{'maps'}{$m}{'status'} eq "disabled" ? "#! " : "");
-      print FN "$p$t $m\n";
-    }
-    close(FN) || warn("Cannot close file handle for $fn: $!");
-    delete $alldata->{'updmap'}{$fn}{'changed'};
-    return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-# check for correct option value
-sub check_option {
-  my ($opt, $val) = @_;
-  if ((($settings{$opt}{'type'} eq "binary") && 
-       $val ne "true" && $val ne "false") ||
-      (($settings{$opt}{'type'} eq "string") &&
-       !member($val, @{$settings{$opt}{'possible'}}))) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  return 1;
-# setOption (conf_file, option, value)
-#   sets option to value in the config file (replacing the existing setting
-#   or by adding a new line to the config file).
-sub setOption {
-  my ($opt, $val) = @_;
-  die "$prg: Unsupported option $opt." if (!defined($settings{$opt}));
-  die "$0: Invalid value $val for option $opt." 
-    if (!check_option($opt, $val));
-  # silently accept this old option name, just in case.
-  return if $opt eq "dvipdfmDownloadBase14";
-  #print "Setting option $opt to $val...\n" if !$opts{'quiet'};
-  my $tc = $alldata->{'changes_config'};
-  die "$prg: top config file $tc has not been read."
-    if (!defined($alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}));
-  if (defined($alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'setting'}{$opt}{'val'})) {
-    # the value is already set, do nothing
-    if ($alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'setting'}{$opt}{'val'} eq $val) {
-      return;
-    }
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'setting'}{$opt}{'val'} = $val;
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'changed'} = 1;
-  } else {
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'setting'}{$opt}{'val'} = $val;
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'setting'}{$opt}{'line'} = -1;
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$tc}{'changed'} = 1;
-  }
-# copyFile()
-#   copy file $src to $dst, sets $dst creation and mod time
-sub copyFile {
-  my ($src, $dst) = @_;
-  my $dir;
-  ($dir=$dst)=~s/(.*)\/.*/$1/;
-  mkdirhier($dir);
-  $src eq $dst && return "can't copy $src to itself!\n";
-  open IN, "<$src" or die "$0: can't open source file $src for copying: $!";
-  open OUT, ">$dst";
-  binmode(IN);
-  binmode(OUT);
-  print OUT <IN>;
-  close(OUT);
-  close(IN);
-  my @t = stat($src);
-  utime($t[8], $t[9], $dst);
-# files_are_identical(file_A, file_B)
-#   compare two files.  Same as cmp(1).
-sub files_are_identical {
-  my $file_A=shift;
-  my $file_B=shift;
-  my $retval=0;
-  open IN, "$file_A";
-  my $A=(<IN>);
-  close IN;
-  open IN, "$file_B";
-  my $B=(<IN>);
-  close IN;
-  $retval=1 if ($A eq $B);
-  return $retval;
-# files_are_different(file_A, file_B[, comment_char])
-#   compare two equalized files.
-sub files_are_different {
-  my $file_A=shift;
-  my $file_B=shift;
-  my $comment=shift;
-  my $retval=0;
-  my $A=equalize_file("$file_A", $comment);
-  my $B=equalize_file("$file_B", $comment);
-  $retval=1 unless ($A eq $B);
-  return $retval;
-# equalize_file(filename[, comment_char])
-#   read a file and return its processed content as a string.
-#   look into the source code for more details.
-sub equalize_file {
-  my $file=shift;
-  my $comment=shift;
-  my @temp;
-  open IN, "$file";
-  my @lines = (<IN>);
-  close IN;
-  chomp(@lines);
-  for (@lines) {
-    s/\s*${comment}.*// if (defined $comment); # remove comments
-    next if /^\s*$/;                           # remove empty lines
-    s/\s+/ /g;     # replace multiple whitespace chars by a single one
-    push @temp, $_;
-  }
-  return join('X', sort(@temp));
-# normalizeLines()
-#   not the original function, we want it to keep comments, that are
-#   anyway only the file names we are adding!
-#   whitespace is exactly one space, no empty lines,
-#   no whitespace at end of line, one space before and after "
-sub normalizeLines {
-  my @lines = @_;
-  my %count = ();
-  # @lines = grep { $_ !~ m/^[*#;%]/ } @lines;
-  map {$_ =~ s/\s+/ /gx } @lines;
-  @lines = grep { $_ !~ m/^\s*$/x } @lines;
-  map { $_ =~ s/\s$//x ;
-        $_ =~ s/\s*\"\s*/ \" /gx;
-        $_ =~ s/\" ([^\"]*) \"/\"$1\"/gx;
-      } @lines;
-  # @lines = grep {++$count{$_} < 2 } (sort @lines);
-  @lines = grep {++$count{$_} < 2 } (@lines);
-  return @lines;
-# reading updmap-cfg files and the actual map files
-# the following hash saves *all* the information and is passed around
-# we do not fill everything from the very beginning to make sure that
-# we only read what is necessary (speed!)
-# initialized by main
-# $alldata->{'changes_config'} = the config file where changes are saved
-# initialized by read_updmap_files
-# $alldata->{'order'} = [ list of updmap in decreasing priority ]
-# $alldata->{'updmap'}{$full_path_name_of_updmap}{'lines'} = \@lines
-# $alldata->{'updmap'}{$full_path_name_of_updmap}{'setting'}{$key}{'val'} = $val
-# $alldata->{'updmap'}{$full_path_name_of_updmap}{'setting'}{$key}{'line'} = $i
-# $alldata->{'updmap'}{$full_path_name_of_updmap}{'maps'}{$mapname}{'type'} 
-#            = 'Map'|'MixedMap'|'KanjiMap'|'disabled'
-# $alldata->{'updmap'}{$full_path_name_of_updmap}{'maps'}{$mapname}{'status'} 
-#            = 'enabled'|'disabled'
-# $alldata->{'updmap'}{$full_path_name_of_updmap}{'maps'}{$mapname}{'line'} = $i
-# $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'origin'} = $updmap_path_name
-# $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'status'} = enabled | disabled
-# initialized by read_map_files
-# $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fonts'}{$font} = $definition
-# $alldata->{'fonts'}{$f}{'origin'} = $map
-# initialized by merge_data
-# $alldata->{'merged'}{'setting'}{$key}{'val'} = $val
-# $alldata->{'merged'}{'setting'}{$key}{'origin'} = $origin_updmap_cfg
-# $alldata->{'merged'}{'allMaps'}{'fonts'}{$fontdef} = $rest
-# $alldata->{'merged'}{'noMixedMaps'}{'fonts'}{$fontdef} = $rest
-# $alldata->{'merged'}{'KanjiMaps'}{'fonts'}{$fontdef} = $rest
-sub read_updmap_files {
-  my (@l) = @_;
-  for my $l (@l) {
-    my $updmap = read_updmap_file($l);
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'lines'} = $updmap->{'lines'};
-    if (defined($updmap->{'setting'})) {
-      for my $k (keys %{$updmap->{'setting'}}) {
-        $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'setting'}{$k}{'val'} = $updmap->{'setting'}{$k}{'val'};
-        $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'setting'}{$k}{'line'} = $updmap->{'setting'}{$k}{'line'};
-      }
-    }
-    if (defined($updmap->{'maps'})) {
-      for my $k (keys %{$updmap->{'maps'}}) {
-        $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'}{$k}{'type'} = $updmap->{'maps'}{$k}{'type'};
-        $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'}{$k}{'status'} = $updmap->{'maps'}{$k}{'status'};
-        $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'}{$k}{'line'} = $updmap->{'maps'}{$k}{'line'};
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  # in case the changes_config is a new one read it in and initialize it here
-  my $cc = $alldata->{'changes_config'};
-  if (! -r $cc) {
-    $alldata->{'updmap'}{$cc}{'lines'} = [ ];
-  }
-  #
-  $alldata->{'order'} = \@l;
-  #
-  # merge the settings so that we can check for kanjiEmbed
-  #
-  merge_settings();
-  #
-  my ($kanjiEmbed, $kanjiEmbed_origin) = get_cfg('kanjiEmbed');
-  my ($kanjiVariant, $kanjiVariant_origin) = get_cfg('kanjiVariant');
-  #
-  # go through all map files and check that the text is properly replaced
-  # after the replacement check that the generated map file actually
-  # exists, we do NOT want to break in this case!
-  #
-  for my $l (@l) {
-    for my $m (keys %{$alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'}}) {
-      if ($m =~ m/\@kanjiEmbed@/ || $m =~ m/\@kanjiVariant@/) {
-        my $newm = $m;
-        $newm =~ s/\@kanjiEmbed@/$kanjiEmbed/;
-        $newm =~ s/\@kanjiVariant@/$kanjiVariant/;
-        if (locateMap($newm)) {
-          # now we have to update various linked items
-          $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'}{$newm}{'type'} =
-            $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'}{$m}{'type'};
-          $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'}{$newm}{'status'} =
-            $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'}{$m}{'status'};
-          $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'}{$newm}{'line'} =
-            $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'}{$m}{'line'};
-          $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'}{$newm}{'original'} = $m;
-        } else {
-          print "$prg: generated map $newm (from $m) does not exists, not activating it!\n";
-        }
-        # in any case delete the @kanji...@ entry line, such a map will
-        # never exist
-        delete $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'}{$m};
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  #
-  # first round determine which maps should be used and which type, as
-  # different updmap.cfg files might specify different types of maps
-  # (MixedMap or Map or KanjiMap).
-  # Again, we have to do that in reverse order
-  for my $l (reverse @l) {
-    if (defined($alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'})) {
-      for my $m (keys %{$alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'}}) {
-        $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'origin'} = $l;
-        $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'status'} = $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'maps'}{$m}{'status'};
-      }
-    }
-  }
-sub read_updmap_file {
-  my $fn = shift;
-  my $is_old_local = ($fn =~ m/updmap-local.cfg/ ? 1 : 0);
-  my %data;
-  if (!open(FN,"<$fn")) {
-    die ("Cannot read $fn: $!");
-  }
-  # we count lines from 0 ..!!!!
-  my $i = -1;
-  my @lines = <FN>;
-  chomp(@lines);
-  $data{'lines'} = [ @lines ];
-  close(FN) || warn("Cannot close $fn: $!");
-  for (@lines) {
-    $i++;
-    chomp;
-    if ($is_old_local) {
-      # in case we read an old updmap-local.cfg we have to make sure
-      # that the disable lines
-      #       ^#!foo.map
-      # are rewritten to proper disable lines
-      #       ^#! Map foo.map
-      # we are guessing here the type of the map (namely Map)
-      $_ =~ s/^#!([^ ])/#! Map $1/;
-    }
-    next if /^\s*$/;
-    next if /^\s*#$/;
-    next if /^\s*#[^!]/;
-    next if /^\s*##/;
-    next if /^#![^ ]/;
-    # allow for commands on the line itself
-    s/([^#].*)#.*$/$1/;
-    my ($a, $b, @rest) = split ' ';
-    # make sure we get empty strings as arguments
-    $b = "" if (!defined($b));
-    if ($a eq "#!") {
-      if ($b eq "Map" || $b eq "MixedMap" || $b eq "KanjiMap") {
-        my $c = shift @rest;
-        if (!defined($c)) {
-          warning("updmap: apparently not a real disable line, ignored: $_\n");
-        } else {
-          if (defined($data{'maps'}{$c})) {
-            warning("updmap: double mentioning of $c in $fn\n");
-          }
-          $data{'maps'}{$c}{'status'} = 'disabled';
-          $data{'maps'}{$c}{'type'} = $b;
-          $data{'maps'}{$c}{'line'} = $i;
-        }
-      }
-      next;
-    }
-    if (@rest) {
-      warning("updmap: line $i in $fn contains a syntax error, more than two words!\n");
-    }
-    if (defined($settings{$a})) {
-      if (check_option($a, $b)) {
-        $data{'setting'}{$a}{'val'} = $b;
-        $data{'setting'}{$a}{'line'} = $i;
-      } else {
-        warning("updmap: unknown setting for $a: $b, ignored!\n");
-      }
-    } elsif ($a eq "Map" || $a eq "MixedMap" || $a eq "KanjiMap") {
-      if (defined($data{'maps'}{$b}) && $data{'maps'}{$b}{'type'} ne $a) {
-        warning("updmap: double mentioning of $b with conflicting types in $fn\n");
-      } else {
-        $data{'maps'}{$b}{'type'} = $a;
-        $data{'maps'}{$b}{'status'} = 'enabled';
-        $data{'maps'}{$b}{'line'} = $i;
-      }
-    } else {
-      warning("updmap: unrecognized line $i in $fn: $_\n");
-    }
-  }
-  return \%data;
-sub read_map_files {
-  if (!defined($alldata->{'updmap'})) {
-    return;
-  }
-  my @missing;
-  my @l = @{$alldata->{'order'}};
-  # first collect all the map files we are interested in
-  # and determine whether they exist, and get their full path
-  my @maps;
-  for my $f (@l) {
-    next if !defined($alldata->{'updmap'}{$f}{'maps'});
-    for my $m (keys %{$alldata->{'updmap'}{$f}{'maps'}}) {
-      # only read a map file if its final status is enabled!
-      push @maps, $m if ($alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'status'} eq 'enabled');
-    }
-  }
-  for my $m (qw/dvips35.map pdftex35.map ps2pk35.map/) {
-    push @maps, $m;
-    $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'status'} = 'enabled';
-  }
-  @maps = sort_uniq(@maps);
-  my @fullpath = `kpsewhich --format=map @maps`;
-  chomp @fullpath;
-  foreach my $map (@maps) {
-    my ($ff) = grep /\/$map(\.map)?$/, @fullpath;
-    if ($ff) {
-      $alldata->{'maps'}{$map}{'fullpath'} = $ff;
-    } else {
-      # if the map file is not found, then push it onto the list of 
-      # missing map files, since we know that it is enabled
-      push @missing, $map;
-    }
-  }
-  #
-  # read in the three basic fonts definition maps
-  for my $m (qw/dvips35.map pdftex35.map ps2pk35.map/) {
-    my $ret = read_map_file($alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fullpath'});
-    my @ff = ();
-    for my $font (keys %$ret) {
-      $alldata->{'fonts'}{$font}{'origin'} = $m;
-      $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fonts'}{$font} = $ret->{$font};
-    }
-  }
-  # we read the updmap in reverse directions, since we
-  # replace the origin field of font definition always with the
-  # top one
-  for my $f (reverse @l) {
-    my @maps = keys %{$alldata->{'updmap'}{$f}{'maps'}};
-    for my $m (@maps) {
-      # we do not read a map file multiple times, if $alldata{'maps'}{$m} is
-      # defined we expect that it was read and do skip it
-      next if defined($alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fonts'});
-      # we do not read a map files content if it is disabled
-      next if ($alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'status'} eq 'disabled');
-      if (!defined($alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fullpath'})) {
-        # we have already pushed these map files onto the list of missing
-        # map files, so do nothing here
-        next;
-      }
-      my $ret = read_map_file($alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fullpath'});
-      if (defined($ret)) {
-        for my $font (keys %$ret) {
-          if (defined($alldata->{'fonts'}{$font})) {
-            # we got another definition, warn on that
-            # if the origin is not defined by now, the font is defined
-            # multiple times in the same map file, otherwise it is
-            # defined in another map file already
-            if (defined($alldata->{'fonts'}{$font}{'origin'})) {
-              my $fontorig = $alldata->{'fonts'}{$font}{'origin'};
-              my $maporig = $alldata->{'maps'}{$fontorig}{'origin'};
-              warning("$prg: font $font is defined multiple times:\n");
-              warning("$prg:   $fontorig (from $maporig)\n");
-              warning("$prg:   $m (from $f) (used)\n");
-            } else {
-              warning("$prg: font $font is multiply defined in $m, using an arbitrary instance!\n");
-            }
-          }
-          $alldata->{'fonts'}{$font}{'origin'} = $m;
-          $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fonts'}{$font} = $ret->{$font};
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return (@missing);
-sub read_map_file {
-  my $fn = shift;
-  my @lines;
-  if (!open(MF,"<$fn")) {
-    warn("cannot open $fn: $!");
-    return;
-  }
-  @lines = <MF>;
-  close(MF);
-  chomp(@lines);
-  my %data;
-  for (@lines) {
-    next if /^\s*#/;
-    next if /^\s*%/;
-    next if /^\s*$/;
-    my ($a, $b) = split(' ', $_, 2);
-    $data{$a} = $b;
-  }
-  return \%data;
-# merge and update the setting
-sub merge_settings {
-  my @l = @{$alldata->{'order'}};
-  #
-  # for security clean out everything that was there
-  %{$alldata->{'merged'}} = ();
-  #
-  # first read in the settings
-  # we read it in *reverse* order and simple fill up the combined data
-  # thus if there are multiple definitions/settings, the one coming from
-  # the first in the original list will win!
-  for my $l (reverse @l) {
-    # merge settings
-    if (defined($alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'setting'})) {
-      for my $k (keys %{$alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'setting'}}) {
-        $alldata->{'merged'}{'setting'}{$k}{'val'} = $alldata->{'updmap'}{$l}{'setting'}{$k}{'val'};
-        $alldata->{'merged'}{'setting'}{$k}{'origin'} = $l;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  #
-# merging the various font definitions
-sub merge_data {
-  my @l = @{$alldata->{'order'}};
-  #
-  # now merge the data
-  #
-  for my $m (keys %{$alldata->{'maps'}}) {
-    my $origin = $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'origin'};
-    next if !defined($origin);
-    next if ($alldata->{'updmap'}{$origin}{'maps'}{$m}{'status'} eq "disabled");
-    for my $f (keys %{$alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fonts'}}) {
-      # use the font definition only for those fonts where the origin matches
-      if ($alldata->{'fonts'}{$f}{'origin'} eq $m) {
-        $alldata->{'merged'}{'allMaps'}{'fonts'}{$f} = 
-          $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fonts'}{$f}
-            if ($alldata->{'updmap'}{$origin}{'maps'}{$m}{'type'} ne "KanjiMap");
-        $alldata->{'merged'}{'noMixedMaps'}{'fonts'}{$f} = 
-          $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fonts'}{$f}
-            if ($alldata->{'updmap'}{$origin}{'maps'}{$m}{'type'} eq "Map");
-        $alldata->{'merged'}{'KanjiMap'}{'fonts'}{$f} = 
-          $alldata->{'maps'}{$m}{'fonts'}{$f}
-            if ($alldata->{'updmap'}{$origin}{'maps'}{$m}{'type'} eq "KanjiMap");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-sub warning {
-  print STDERR @_;
-# help, version etc etc
-sub version {
-  my $ret = sprintf "%s (TeX Live, multi) version %s\n", $prg, $version;
-  return $ret;
-sub help {
-  my $usage = <<"EOF";
-Usage: $prg     [OPTION] ... [COMMAND]
-   or: $prg-sys [OPTION] ... [COMMAND]
-Update the default font map files used by pdftex, dvips, and dvipdfm(x),
-(and optionally pxdvi) as determined by all configuration files updmap.cfg 
-(the ones returned by running "kpsewhich --all updmap.cfg", but see below).
-Among other things, these map files are used to determine which fonts
-should be used as bitmaps and which as outlines, and to determine which
-fonts are included in the output.
-By default, the TeX filename database (ls-R) is also updated.
-  --cnffile FILE            read FILE for the updmap configuration 
-                            (can be given multiple times, in which case
-                            all the files are used)
-  --dvipdfmoutputdir DIR    specify output directory (dvipdfm syntax)
-  --dvipsoutputdir DIR      specify output directory (dvips syntax)
-  --pdftexoutputdir DIR     specify output directory (pdftex syntax)
-  --pxdvioutputdir DIR      specify output directory (pxdvi syntax)
-  --outputdir DIR           specify output directory (for all files)
-  --copy                    cp generic files rather than using symlinks
-  --force                   recreate files even if config hasn't changed
-  --nomkmap                 do not recreate map files
-  --nohash                  do not run texhash
-  -n, --dry-run             only show the configuration, no output
-  --quiet, --silent         reduce verbosity
-  --help                    show this message and exit
-  --version                 show version information and exit
-  --showoptions OPTION      show possible settings for OPTION
-  --showoption OPTION       show the current setting of OPTION
-  --setoption OPTION VALUE  set OPTION to value
-  --setoption OPTION=VALUE  as above, just different syntax
-  --enable MAPTYPE MAPFILE  add "MAPTYPE MAPFILE" to updmap.cfg,
-                              where MAPTYPE is either Map, MixedMap, KanjiMap
-  --enable Map=MAPFILE      add \"Map MAPFILE\" to updmap.cfg
-  --enable MixedMap=MAPFILE add \"MixedMap MAPFILE\" to updmap.cfg
-  --enable KanjiMap=MAPFILE add \"KanjiMap MAPFILE\" to updmap.cfg
-  --disable MAPFILE         disable MAPFILE, whether Map, MixedMap, or KanjiMap
-  --listmaps                list all active and inactive maps
-  --listavailablemaps       same as --listmaps, but without
-                             unavailable map files
-  --syncwithtrees           disable unavailable map files in updmap.cfg
-Explanation of the map types: the (only) difference between Map and
-MixedMap is that MixedMap entries are not added to psfonts_pk.map.
-KanjiMap entries are added to psfonts_t1.map and kanjix.map.
-The purpose is to help users with printers that render Type 1 outline
-fonts worse than mode-tuned Type 1 bitmap fonts.  So, MixedMap is used
-for fonts that are available as both Type 1 and Metafont.
-Explanation of the possible OPTIONS (showoptions, showoptions, setoption):
-  dvipsPreferOutline    true|false  (default true)
-    Whether dvips uses bitmaps or outlines, when both are available.
-  dvipsDownloadBase35   true|false  (default false)
-    Whether dvips includes the standard 35 PostScript fonts in its output.
-  pdftexDownloadBase14  true|false   (default true)
-    Whether pdftex includes the standard 14 PDF fonts in its output.
-  pxdviUse              true|false  (default false)
-    Whether maps for pxdvi (Japanese-patched xdvi) is under control of updmap.
-  LW35                  URWkb|URW|ADOBEkb|ADOBE  (default URWkb)
-    Adapt the font and file names of the standard 35 PostScript fonts.
-    URWkb    URW fonts with "berry" filenames    (e.g. uhvbo8ac.pfb)
-    URW      URW fonts with "vendor" filenames   (e.g. n019064l.pfb)
-    ADOBEkb  Adobe fonts with "berry" filenames  (e.g. phvbo8an.pfb)
-    ADOBE    Adobe fonts with "vendor" filenames (e.g. hvnbo___.pfb)
-  kanjiEmbed            (any string)
-  kanjiVariant          (any string)
-  These options are only read and acted on by updmap; dvips, pdftex, etc.,
-  do not know anything about them.  They work by changing the default map
-  file which the programs read, so they can be overridden by specifying
-  command-line options or configuration files to the programs, as
-  explained at the beginning of updmap.cfg.
-  The options kanjiEmbed and kanjiVariant govern special replacements
-  in the map lines. If a map contains the string \@kanjiEmbed\@, then
-  this will be replaced by the value of the respective option. Similarly
-  for kanjiVariant. This way users of Japanese TeX can select different
-  fonts to be included in the final pdf.
-Explanation of trees and files normally used:
-  updmap reads all the updmap.cfg found by
-    kpsewhich -all updmap.cfg
-  or those given on the command line with --cnffile. If kpsewhich is
-  used to determine the list of config files, there is one caveat: An
-  occurrence of updmap.cfg in TEXMFLOCAL is moved up in the priority
-  list just after files from TEXMFCONFIG, TEXMFVAR and TEXMFHOME. This
-  allows system administrator to override settings in 
-  TEXMFSYSCONFIG/web2c/updmap.cfg which is used by tlmgr to manage
-  the installed options.
-  updmap reads all the updmap.cfg files found by
-    kpsewhich -all updmap.cfg
-  in the order returned by kpsewhich. There is one exception to keep
-  upgradability from earlier versions of TeX Live: If there is a file
-  TEXMFLOCAL/web2c/updmap-local.cfg (which was formerly used by tlmgr
-  to merge local fonts), then a (not necessarily existing) file
-  TEXMFLOCAL/web2c/updmap.cfg is ignored and the updmap-local.cfg is
-  used instead. In this case updmap recognizes also the syntax for
-  disabling map files in the updmap-local.cfg (this syntax was different
-  to what is used now!).
-  According to the actions updmap might write to one of the given files or
-  create a new updmap.cfg, see below for details.
-  If multiple updmap.cfg files are found, all the map files mentioned
-  in all the updmap.cfg files are merged.
-  CAVEATS with multiple updmap.cfg files
-  * where changes are saved
-    If config files are given on the cmd line, then the first given will
-    be used to save changes (by --setoption, --enable or --disable).
-    If the config files are taken from kpsewhich, then the algorithm is 
-    more complex:
-    - if one of \$TEXMFHOME/web2c/updmap.cfg or \$TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/updmap.cfg
-      appears in the list of used files, then the one given *first* by
-      kpsewhich --all, or equivalently, the one given by kpsewhich updmap.cfg,
-      is used
-    - if none of the above two are present, a new config file is created
-      in \$TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/updmap.cfg (in case there are actual changes)
-      and used
-  * multiple font definitions
-    If a font is defined multiple times in different maps, then the
-    definition of the map file that comes from the highest priority
-    updmap.cfg file is used.
-    If a font is defined multiple times in the same map file, an
-    arbitrary definition is used.
-    In both cases warnings are issued.
-  * disabling map files
-    updmap.cfg files with higher priority can disable map files that
-    are mentioned in lower priority updmap.cfg files by disabling
-    them, i.e., writing
-      \#! Map mapname.map
-    or
-      \#! MixedMap mapname.map
-    into the higher prioprity updmap.cfg file. 
-    As an example take a user with a copy of the commercial MTPRO fonts.
-    He wants to disable the belleek version of the fonts, that is
-    disable the map belleek.map. The user should create a updmap.cfg file
-    in \$TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/updmap.cfg with the content
-      #! Map belleek.map
-      Map mt-plus.map
-      Map mt-yy.map
-    and call $prg.
-  updmap writes the map files for dvips (psfonts.map) and pdftex
-  (pdftex.map) to the TEXMFVAR/fonts/map/updmap/{dvips,pdftex}/
-  directories.   
-  The log file is written to TEXMFVAR/web2c/updmap.log.
-  When updmap-sys is run, TEXMFSYSCONFIG and TEXMFSYSVAR are used
-  instead.  This is the only difference between updmap-sys and updmap.
-  Other locations can be used if overridden on the command line, or these
-  trees don't exist, or you are not using the original TeX Live.
-  To see the precise locations of the various files that
-  will be read and written, give the -n option (or read the man page).
-For step-by-step instructions on making new fonts known to TeX, read
-http://tug.org/fonts/fontinstall.html.  For even more terse
-instructions, read the beginning of updmap.cfg.
-Report bugs to: tex-k\@tug.org
-TeX Live home page: <http://tug.org/texlive/>
-  print &version();
-  print $usage;
-  exit 0;
-### Local Variables:
-### perl-indent-level: 2
-### tab-width: 2
-### indent-tabs-mode: nil
-### End:
-# vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #
diff --git a/debian/patches/pmpost-20120415-tl11.diff b/debian/patches/pmpost-20120415-tl11.diff
index b404998..e6b8a86 100644
--- a/debian/patches/pmpost-20120415-tl11.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/pmpost-20120415-tl11.diff
@@ -1265,14 +1265,14 @@ Index: texlive-bin-2011.20120427/texk/web2c/pmplibdir/pmpost.ch
 + at x
 +if (dvitomp_only)
-+  fprintf(stdout, "This is dvitomp %s (TeX Live 2012)\n", s);
++  fprintf(stdout, "This is dvitomp %s" WEB2CVERSION "\n", s);
-+  fprintf(stdout, "This is MetaPost %s (TeX Live 2012)\n", s);
++  fprintf(stdout, "This is MetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION "\n", s);
 + at y
 +if (dvitomp_only)
-+  fprintf(stdout, "This is pdvitomp %s (TeX Live 2012)\n", s);
++  fprintf(stdout, "This is pdvitomp %s" WEB2CVERSION "\n", s);
-+  fprintf(stdout, "This is pMetaPost %s (TeX Live 2012)\n", s);
++  fprintf(stdout, "This is pMetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION "\n", s);
 + at z
 + at x
@@ -1306,14 +1306,14 @@ Index: texlive-bin-2011.20120427/texk/web2c/pmplibdir/pmpost.ch
 + at x
 +if (dvitomp_only)
-+  fprintf(stdout, "This is dvitomp %s (TeX Live 2012)\n", s);
++  fprintf(stdout, "This is dvitomp %s" WEB2CVERSION "\n", s);
-+  fprintf(stdout, "This is MetaPost %s (TeX Live 2012)\n", s);
++  fprintf(stdout, "This is MetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION "\n", s);
 + at y
 +if (dvitomp_only)
-+  fprintf(stdout, "This is pdvitomp %s (TeX Live 2012)\n", s);
++  fprintf(stdout, "This is pdvitomp %s" WEB2CVERSION "\n", s);
-+  fprintf(stdout, "This is pMetaPost %s (TeX Live 2012)\n", s);
++  fprintf(stdout, "This is pMetaPost %s" WEB2CVERSION "\n", s);
 + at z
 + at x
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index f9ccbb1..c685a8b 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ build-wovp2ovf
diff --git a/debian/patches/updmap-search-path b/debian/patches/updmap-search-path
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdec56c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/updmap-search-path
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ texk/texlive/linked_scripts/texlive/updmap.pl |    2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+Index: texlive-bin-2011.20120515/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/texlive/updmap.pl
+--- texlive-bin-2011.20120515.orig/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/texlive/updmap.pl	2012-05-15 00:00:53.826300460 +0900
++++ texlive-bin-2011.20120515/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/texlive/updmap.pl	2012-05-15 14:01:57.158244571 +0900
+@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
+     exit 1;
+   }
+   chomp($TEXMFROOT);
+-  unshift (@INC, "$TEXMFROOT/tlpkg");
++  unshift (@INC, "/usr/share/texlive/tlpkg");
+ }
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index c172bc5..0f2230a 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ endif
 # must be adapted to also patch the Makefile.in!
-	dh $@ --with autoreconf --builddirectory Work
+	dh $@ --with quilt --with autoreconf --builddirectory Work
 	dh_autoreconf --as-needed
@@ -62,12 +62,6 @@ override_dh_auto_install:
 	dh_install --sourcedir=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp
-	# use mupdmap (multi!)
-	rm debian/texlive-binaries/usr/bin/updmap
-	cp debian/mupdmap.pl debian/texlive-binaries/usr/bin/updmap
-	# copy updmap-sys over
-	rm debian/texlive-binaries/usr/bin/updmap-sys
-	cp debian/texlive-binaries/usr/share/texlive/texmf/scripts/tetex/updmap-sys.sh debian/texlive-binaries/usr/bin/updmap-sys
 	# remove texlive directories, they should not be shipped here
 	rm -rf debian/texlive-binaries/usr/share/texlive
 	#rm -rf debian/texlive-binaries/usr/share/info
@@ -117,4 +111,5 @@ override_dh_shlibdeps:
 		-l debian/libptexenc1/usr/lib
+	dh_quilt_unpatch
 	dh_clean -X.orig
diff --git a/debian/texlive-binaries.install b/debian/texlive-binaries.install
index e757699..f13c212 100644
--- a/debian/texlive-binaries.install
+++ b/debian/texlive-binaries.install
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 # how the hell do I break out of the --sourcedir of dh_install???
 ../debianize-fmtutil usr/share/texlive-bin
-../mupdmap.pl usr/share/texmf/scripts/texlive

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/texlive-bin.git

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