[Reproducible-commits] [texlive-bin] annotated tag debian/2013.20130529.30792-1 created (now fda26e0)

Reiner Herrmann reiner at reiner-h.de
Mon Aug 24 20:50:39 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

deki-guest pushed a change to annotated tag debian/2013.20130529.30792-1
in repository texlive-bin.

        at  fda26e0   (tag)
   tagging  dd5814cdb57399b252340d5325f6b2016d067236 (commit)
  replaces  debian/2013.20130523.30626-1
 tagged by  Norbert Preining
        on  Wed May 29 11:48:17 2013 +0900

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
texlive-bin Debian release 2013.20130529.30792-1
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Norbert Preining (11):
      prepare for building with system libharfbuzz
      make-orig-tar: remove also harfbuzz library code
      Imported Upstream version 2013.20130528.30744
      Merge tag 'upstream/2013.20130528.30744'
      close several bugs, fix xdvi manpage, fix mendex manpage
      tighten build deps on libharfbuzz-dev >= 0.9.17-4 for hb-icu.h
      back to non-released state, harfbuzz is still unusable
      go back to include harfbuzz lib
      Imported Upstream version 2013.20130529.30792
      Merge tag 'upstream/2013.20130529.30792'
      prepare for release


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/texlive-bin.git

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