[Reproducible-commits] [notes] 02/03: more up-to-date description of ftbfs_in_jenkins_setup

Mattia Rizzolo mattia at mapreri.org
Thu Oct 1 00:06:50 UTC 2015

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mapreri-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository notes.

commit 22fd5f5c6070d91298a5c8e5fda9a943d712e2d3
Author: Mattia Rizzolo <mattia at mapreri.org>
Date:   Thu Oct 1 00:05:21 2015 +0000

    more up-to-date description of ftbfs_in_jenkins_setup
 issues.yml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/issues.yml b/issues.yml
index 634db64..3f557f1 100644
--- a/issues.yml
+++ b/issues.yml
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ ftbfs_in_jenkins_setup:
     1) an attempt to connect to somewhere, and hits a machine claiming to be squid on jenkins.d.n.
     2) jobs that try to bind to localhost port which are in use by something in the
        jenkins machines. The occupied ports are: 22, 25, 80, 443, 3128, 3129, 4949, 34167
-    3) there is some trouble with pbuilder in wheezy for a handful of packages, usually with tests involving networking.
+    3) https://bugs.debian.org/791991 in pbuilder (strict-erlier versioned build-deps makes pbuidler badly parse the whole field and not fulill the build-deps)
     4) https://bugs.debian.org/780725 is worked around like described in msg#60 of that bug, that is, apt in pbuilder is configured to use thte proxy and http_proxy is unset.
     5) something else, the machine is heavily loaded all the time...

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/notes.git

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