[Reproducible-commits] [presentations] 02/02: Layout fixes

Jérémy Bobbio lunar at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Nov 7 12:16:36 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

lunar pushed a commit to branch master
in repository presentations.

commit 68463e1b321267c0bbb3dd58c458dcba039c7e08
Author: Jérémy Bobbio <lunar at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Nov 7 13:15:52 2015 +0100

    Layout fixes
 .../2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge.tex            | 65 +++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge.tex b/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge.tex
index 5b5544b..2918023 100644
--- a/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge.tex
+++ b/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge.tex
@@ -166,9 +166,9 @@
  \frametitle{Who are you?}
   \item Who has seen a previous talk about reproducible builds this year?
-  \item \only<2-3>{Who has contributed to this effort?}
-  \item \only<3>{Who thinks "packages should produce reproducible binaries"
-  should be added to policy now?}
+  \item<2-3> Who has contributed to this effort?
+  \item<3> Who thinks "packages should produce reproducible binaries"
+    should be added to policy now?
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
  \Huge{It should become the \textbf{norm}.}
- \only<2>{\small{ We want to change the meaning of "free software":
+ \visible<2>{\small{ We want to change the meaning of "free software":
   it's only free software if it is reproducible!}}
@@ -249,11 +249,11 @@
  \frametitle{Progress in Debian \texttt{unstable}}
-  \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{images/stats_pkg_state.png}
+  \includegraphics[height=0.5\paperheight]{images/stats_pkg_state.png}
-  \small{19399 out of 23033 source packages are reproducible}
-  \small{in our current test framework}
+  \small{19399 out of 23033 source packages are reproducible \\
+    in our current test framework}
+  \vfill
@@ -266,15 +266,21 @@
   \item Record the build environment: \texttt{.buildinfo}
   \item \texttt{strip-nondeterminism}
   \item \texttt{reproducible.debian.net}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{What we did since summer 2014}
+ \begin{itemize}
   \item \texttt{diffoscope} (formerly known as \texttt{debbindiff})
   \item \texttt{SOURCE\_DATE\_EPOCH}
   \item \texttt{disorderfs}
   \item Many many patches: \texttt{dpkg}, \texttt{debhelper}, \texttt{cdbs}, \texttt{sbuild}, …
-  \item \only<2>{Tell the world \& collaborate}
+  \item<2> Tell the world \& collaborate
  \frametitle{Tell the world \& collaborate}
@@ -302,10 +308,8 @@
- \frametitle{update on reproducible.debian.net}
+ \frametitle{Update on reproducible.debian.net}
   \item maintained in \texttt{jenkins.debian.net.git} by 27 contributors
@@ -315,11 +319,18 @@
    \item \small{Previously amd64 only, now also armhf, more to come…}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Update on reproducible.debian.net}
+ \begin{itemize}
   \item Not just testing Debian, but also Coreboot, OpenWrt, NetBSD, FreeBSD,
   Archlinux and soon Fedora
-  \item 109 cores and 194 GB Ram split on 8 amd64 VMs, and 12 cores and 6 GB ram one 4 armhf nodes, provided by vagrant.
-  \item \small{We more more more arm(64) cores! (but not this small...)}
-  \item Thanks to ProfitBricks for providing amd64 servers:
+  \item \texttt{amd64}: 109 cores and 194 GB RAM split on 8 VMs, provided by ProfitBricks.
+  \item \texttt{armhf}: 12 cores and 6 GB RAM on 4 systems, provided by Vagrant.
+  \item \small{We want more more more arm(64) cores! (but not this small...)}
@@ -457,9 +468,9 @@ Build-Environment:
   \item Reminder: \texttt{diffoscope} is for \textbf{debugging}
-  \item\only<2>{ "reproducible" according to our definition means: \textbf{bit by bit
+  \item<2> "reproducible" according to our definition means: \textbf{bit by bit
   identical}. So the tools for testing whether something is reproducible are
-  either \texttt{diff} or \texttt{sha256sum}!}
+  either \texttt{diff} or \texttt{sha256sum}!
@@ -585,10 +596,10 @@ Build-Environment:
  \frametitle{"Finally", changing Debian policy}
-  \item Section 4.15: “Sources \textbf{must} build reproducible binaries.” 
-  \item\only<2-3> {We hope this will happen in early 2017 = after the Stretch
-  (Debian 9) release}
-  \item\only<3> {in 2016, hopefully: “Sources \textbf{shall} build reproducible binaries.”}
+  \item Section 4.15: “Sources \textbf{must} build reproducible binaries.”
+  \item<2-3> We hope this will happen in early 2017 = after the Stretch
+  (Debian 9) release
+  \item<3> in 2016, hopefully: “Sources \textbf{shall} build reproducible binaries.”
@@ -597,7 +608,7 @@ Build-Environment:
   \item Re-creating an identical build environment is mandatory too.
   \item Without an identical build environment reproducible builds will only happen by sheer luck, thus that's not really reproducible at all.
-  \item\only<2>{This is probably only solved for Debian right now - and currently that's still a proof of concept only…}
+  \item<2>{This is probably only solved for Debian right now - and currently that's still a proof of concept only…}
@@ -605,9 +616,9 @@ Build-Environment:
  \frametitle{Reproducible builds are just the first 33\%}
   \item Continuous rebuilds need to happen in a systematic way and the resulting checksums need to be properly published.
-  \item \only<2>{ Integration in end user tools\\
+  \item<2> Integration in end user tools\\
   "Do you really want to install this unreproducible software (y/N)"\\
-  "Which rebuilders do you want to trust?"}
+  "Which rebuilders do you want to trust?"
@@ -617,7 +628,7 @@ Build-Environment:
   \item As shown we're also testing Coreboot, OpenWrt, NetBSD, FreeBSD, Archlinux and soon Fedora.
   \item But the work needs to be done within those projects.
-  \item \only<2>{And we are only testing for reproducible builds. No work has been done on the other 66\% yet. (Systematic rebuilds and sharing the checksum \& end-user tool integration)}
+  \item<2> And we are only testing for reproducible builds. No work has been done on the other 66\% yet. (Systematic rebuilds and sharing the checksum \& end-user tool integration)
@@ -631,7 +642,7 @@ Build-Environment:
   \item MacOS: no idea, probably same as IOS :-(
   \item ...
- \only<2>{Let's focus on Free Software first!}
+ \visible<2>{Let's focus on Free Software first!}

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/presentations.git

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