[Reproducible-commits] [presentations] 01/01: reorder slides about tests.r-b.o, add image of the armhf farm

Holger Levsen holger at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jan 28 14:04:22 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

holger pushed a commit to branch master
in repository presentations.

commit a66f31a432bcc958109e393439fae05b35c854b9
Author: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
Date:   Thu Jan 28 15:04:17 2016 +0100

    reorder slides about tests.r-b.o, add image of the armhf farm
 .../2016-01-31-FOSDEM16-Reproducible-ecosystem.tex | 43 ++++++++++++----------
 2016-01-31-FOSDEM16/notes                          |  8 +---
 2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16-Reproducible-ecosystem.tex b/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16-Reproducible-ecosystem.tex
index 6c3b26d..ddf01a0 100644
--- a/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16-Reproducible-ecosystem.tex
+++ b/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16-Reproducible-ecosystem.tex
@@ -366,43 +366,46 @@ won't be enough}
-  \item Continuously testing Debian testing, unstable and experimental
-   \begin{itemize}
-    \item \small{ \texttt main only }
-   \end{itemize}
-  \item Also testing coreboot, OpenWrt, NetBSD, FreeBSD,
-  Archlinux, Fedora and soon FDroid and Guix too
-   \begin{itemize}
-    \item \small{ those a bit less frequently though… }
-   \end{itemize}
+  \item Continuously testing Debian \texttt{testing}, \texttt{unstable} and
+  \texttt{experimental}
+  \item Also testing: coreboot, OpenWrt, NetBSD, FreeBSD,
+  Arch Linux, Fedora and soon FDroid and Guix too
+  \item \only<2>{230 jenkins jobs running on 22 hosts}
+  \item \only<2>{42 scripts with a total of 4k lines of Python and 6k lines
+  Bash}
+  \item \only<2>{29 contributors for \texttt{jenkins.debian.net.git}}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{amd64 architecture on tests.reproducible-builds.org}
+ \begin{itemize}
+  \item \texttt{amd64}: 111 cores and 198 GB RAM split on 9 VMs, provided by
+  https://profitbricks.co.uk
- \vfill
-  \includegraphics[height=0.47\paperheight]{images/stats_builds_per_day_amd64.png}
+  \includegraphics[height=0.2\paperheight]{images/profitbricks_logo.png}
+  \vfill
- \frametitle{More on tests.reproducible-builds.org}
+ \frametitle{armhf architecture on tests.reproducible-builds.org}
-  \item 230 jenkins jobs running on 22 hosts
-  \item 29 contributors for \texttt{jenkins.debian.net.git}
-  \item 4k lines of Python and 6k lines Bash code
-  \item \texttt{amd64}: 111 cores and 198 GB RAM split on 9 VMs, provided by
-  https://profitbricks.co.uk
-  \item \texttt{armhf}: 50 cores and 23 GB RAM on 14 systems drawing 100 watts
+  \item \texttt{armhf}: 14 nodes with 50 cores and 23 GB RAM drawing 100 watts
   (combined), provided by vagrant at debian.org.
-  \includegraphics[height=0.2\paperheight]{images/profitbricks_logo.png}
+  \includegraphics[height=0.5\paperheight]{images/2016-01-26-180836.jpg}
- \frametitle{Variations on when testing Debian}
+ \frametitle{Variations (when testing Debian)}
diff --git a/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16/notes b/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16/notes
index aefe71f..bcf522e 100644
--- a/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16/notes
+++ b/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16/notes
@@ -38,12 +38,7 @@ describe debian test setup
 		armhf/testing done in 23 days
 	variations added
-tests.r-b.o today (are new - used to be r.d.n)
-tests.r-b.o future plans (repeat future plan before thanks)
+reproducible-builds.org/specs - the url is missing prominemtly... SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH
 add SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH adoption outside Debian…
@@ -105,6 +100,7 @@ and sid as a easter present
 go through slides look for reproducible.debian.net confusion…
 future about tests.r-b.o slide: polish
+mention twitter.com/ReproBuilds
 future: want more archs. 64gb absolute minimum. but where are the arm64 clouds?
 	mail / ask for those 200gb diskspace and future commitments… oder ruf sie an?

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