[Reproducible-commits] [dpkg] 07/37: Dpkg::Control::Types: Move constant comments into their own line

Jérémy Bobbio lunar at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jan 31 16:28:38 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

lunar pushed a commit to branch pu/buildinfo
in repository dpkg.

commit 2f211a5f257712ef629cef03c2422425aa42ea12
Author: Guillem Jover <guillem at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Jan 26 12:36:21 2016 +0100

    Dpkg::Control::Types: Move constant comments into their own line
    This gets rid of the need to align the comments when longer constants
    are added, and unifies the style with the rest of the code base.
 scripts/Dpkg/Control/Types.pm | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/Dpkg/Control/Types.pm b/scripts/Dpkg/Control/Types.pm
index 93498eb..938659b 100644
--- a/scripts/Dpkg/Control/Types.pm
+++ b/scripts/Dpkg/Control/Types.pm
@@ -55,16 +55,26 @@ between Dpkg::Control and Dpkg::Control::Fields.
 use constant {
     CTRL_UNKNOWN => 0,
-    CTRL_INFO_SRC => 1,      # First control block in debian/control
-    CTRL_INFO_PKG => 2,      # Subsequent control blocks in debian/control
-    CTRL_INDEX_SRC => 4,     # Entry in repository's Packages files
-    CTRL_INDEX_PKG => 8,     # Entry in repository's Sources files
-    CTRL_PKG_SRC => 16,      # .dsc file of source package
-    CTRL_PKG_DEB => 32,      # DEBIAN/control in binary packages
-    CTRL_FILE_CHANGES => 64, # .changes file
-    CTRL_FILE_VENDOR => 128, # File in $Dpkg::CONFDIR/origins
-    CTRL_FILE_STATUS => 256, # $Dpkg::ADMINDIR/status
-    CTRL_CHANGELOG => 512,   # Output of dpkg-parsechangelog
+    # First control block in debian/control.
+    CTRL_INFO_SRC => 1,
+    # Subsequent control blocks in debian/control.
+    CTRL_INFO_PKG => 2,
+    # Entry in repository's Packages files.
+    CTRL_INDEX_SRC => 4,
+    # Entry in repository's Sources files.
+    CTRL_INDEX_PKG => 8,
+    # .dsc file of source package.
+    CTRL_PKG_SRC => 16,
+    # DEBIAN/control in binary packages.
+    CTRL_PKG_DEB => 32,
+    # .changes file.
+    # File in $Dpkg::CONFDIR/origins.
+    CTRL_FILE_VENDOR => 128,
+    # $Dpkg::ADMINDIR/status.
+    CTRL_FILE_STATUS => 256,
+    # Output of dpkg-parsechangelog.
+    CTRL_CHANGELOG => 512,
     # Repository's (In)Release file.
     CTRL_REPO_RELEASE => 1024,
     # Header control block in debian/copyright.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/dpkg.git

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