[Reproducible-commits] [dpkg] 25/37: dpkg-buildpackage: reword description of --buildinfo-identifier in manpage

Jérémy Bobbio lunar at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jan 31 16:28:40 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

lunar pushed a commit to branch pu/buildinfo
in repository dpkg.

commit e6efefb0e90e3ec91d39751712cc6ea08be03cd0
Author: Jérémy Bobbio <lunar at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Jan 29 15:53:35 2016 +0000

    dpkg-buildpackage: reword description of --buildinfo-identifier in manpage
 man/dpkg-buildpackage.1 | 8 +++++---
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/dpkg-buildpackage.1 b/man/dpkg-buildpackage.1
index a06f917..2199885 100644
--- a/man/dpkg-buildpackage.1
+++ b/man/dpkg-buildpackage.1
@@ -323,9 +323,11 @@ The upstream version.
 .BI \-\-buildinfo-identifier= identifier
-By default, \fBdpkg\-buildpackage\fP put the system hostname and the
-current time in the name of the \fB.buildinfo\fP file. An arbitrary
-identifier can be specified as a replacement (since dpkg 1.18.5).
+Specify the identifier part of the \fB.buildinfo\fP file name (since dpkg
+By default, \fBdpkg\-buildpackage\fP will create an identifier using the
+current time and the first characters of the MD5 hash.
+An arbitrary identifier can be specified as a replacement.
 The identifier has the same restriction as package names: they
 must consist only of lower case letters (a-z), digits (0-9), plus (+)
 and minus (\-) signs, and periods (.), be at least two characters long

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/dpkg.git

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