[Reproducible-commits] [presentations] 01/01: shorten further…
Holger Levsen
holger at layer-acht.org
Wed May 25 22:09:13 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
holger pushed a commit to branch master
in repository presentations.
commit 0ff0828afdb9e15554606cfb1d5ed44ce30a76ec
Author: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
Date: Thu May 26 00:09:09 2016 +0200
shorten further…
2016-05-24-ripe72/2016-05-24-ripe72.tex | 124 ++++++++++----------------------
2016-05-24-ripe72/notes | 11 ++-
2 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)
diff --git a/2016-05-24-ripe72/2016-05-24-ripe72.tex b/2016-05-24-ripe72/2016-05-24-ripe72.tex
index 3449d14..8e8cb34 100644
--- a/2016-05-24-ripe72/2016-05-24-ripe72.tex
+++ b/2016-05-24-ripe72/2016-05-24-ripe72.tex
@@ -144,9 +144,11 @@ and some hints where this might be going…}
\item \small{\texttt{8F03 B243 8719 BA6B 1A35 0EB6 40C2 DEA2 F56C 7256}}
\item Debian Reproducible builds team member
- \item until April 2016 together with Lunar funded by the Linux Foundation
\item within in the team I'm mostly working on
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item until April 2016 together with Lunar funded by the Linux Foundation
+ \begin{itemize}
\item applied for extended funding in April 2016…
@@ -557,23 +559,6 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour is usually the same… usually, the minut
- \frametitle{\texttt{SOURCE\_DATE\_EPOCH} (open/pending bugs)}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \texttt{\#792687, \#804141}: gettext
- \item \texttt{\#792201}: doxygen
- \item \texttt{\#800797}: docbook-utils
- \item \texttt{\#801621}: perl (Pod::Man)
- \item \texttt{\#790801}: txt2man
- \item \texttt{\#791815}: libxslt
- \item \texttt{\#794681}: qt4-x11 (qthelpgenerator)
- \item ...
- \end{itemize}
@@ -685,23 +670,6 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour is usually the same… usually, the minut
- \frametitle{Tell the world \& collaborate}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Weekly reports since May 2015
- \item<2-4> First Reproducible World Summit in December 2015 (Athens, Greece)
- \begin{itemize}
- \item<2-4> 40 people from 16 projects
- \item<2-4> \texttt{reproducible.debian.net} has become
- \texttt{tests.reproducible-builds.org}
- \item<3-4> another summit in second half 2016, somewhere in Europe
- \end{itemize}
- \item<4> 2 GSoC students in 2015, totally new contributors, totally rocking
- \item<4> 4 GSoC and Outreachy students in 2016
- \end{itemize}
\frametitle{Detour: Reproducible builds demand a defined build environment}
\item …and being able to re-create this build environment is mandatory too.
@@ -729,52 +697,42 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour is usually the same… usually, the minut
+ \frametitle{\texttt{.buildinfo} files elsewhere}
- \frametitle{Example \texttt{.buildinfo} file}
-Format: 1.9
-Build-Architecture: amd64
-Source: txtorcon
-Binary: python-txtorcon
-Architecture: all
-Version: 0.11.0-1
-Build-Path: /build/txtorcon-0.11.0-1
- a26549d9…7b 125910 python-txtorcon_0.11.0-1_all.deb
- 28f6bcbe…69 2039 txtorcon_0.11.0-1.dsc
- base-files (= 8),
- base-passwd (= 3.5.37),
- bash (= 4.3-11+b1),
- …
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item neither used nor specified elsewhere
+ \item it's clear we need something like them
+ \item it's clear what needs to be specified
+ \item it "just" needs to be done…
+ \item<2> and it *needs* to be done - we need "API"s to define inputs and
+ outputs, these "API"s will be different in their implementation but the
+ basic principiples will be the same. Without \texttt{.buildinfo} files
+ reproducible rebuild are not doable in practice…
+ \end{itemize}
- \frametitle{Blockers for Debian: \texttt{dpkg} and \texttt{dak}}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \texttt{dpkg}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \texttt{\#138409}: dpkg-dev: please add support for .buildinfo files
- \item \sout{\texttt{\#719844}: make compression of \{data,control\}.tar.gz deterministic}
- \item \texttt{\#759999}: set reproducible timestamps in \texttt{.deb} ar file headers
- \item \texttt{\#787980}: normalize file permissions when creating control.tar
- \item \texttt{\#719845}: make file order within {data,control}.tar.gz deterministic
- \end{itemize}
- \item \texttt{dak} (\texttt{ftp.debian.org})
+ \frametitle{Tell the world \& collaborate}
- \item \texttt{\#763822}: please include \texttt{.buildinfo} files in the archive
- \end{itemize}
+ \item Weekly reports since May 2015
+ \item<2-4> First Reproducible World Summit in December 2015 (Athens, Greece)
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item<2-4> 40 people from 16 projects
+ \item<2-4> \texttt{reproducible.debian.net} has become
+ \texttt{tests.reproducible-builds.org}
+ \item<3-4> another summit in second half 2016, somewhere in Europe
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item<4> 2 GSoC students in 2015, totally new contributors, totally rocking
+ \item<4> 4 GSoC and Outreachy students in 2016
@@ -786,7 +744,7 @@ Build-Environment:
- \frametitle{Reminder / Summary}
+ \frametitle{Summary}
\item This is just a proof-of-concept, Debian is not 90\% reproducible,
Debian is 0\% reproducible.
@@ -831,7 +789,6 @@ Build-Environment:
\item tests maintained by Alexander 'lynxis' Couzens and Bryan Newbold
\item recreating the build env: needs to checked in practice
\item user verification tools: not yet
- \item next, once patches are merged: rebuilding released binaries?!
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[shift={(-0.16\paperwidth, 0.1\paperheight)},at=(current page.south east)] {
@@ -849,8 +806,6 @@ Build-Environment:
\item \texttt{MKREPRO=yes}
\item recreating the build env: ?
- \item user verification tools: not yet
- \item next: ask Thomas :)
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[shift={(-0.13\paperwidth, 0.18\paperheight)},at=(current page.south east)] {
@@ -865,10 +820,8 @@ Build-Environment:
\item \texttt{https://tests.r-b.org/freebsd}
\item base system not yet reproducible, but almost there
\item 63\% of 15k ports were reproducible in 2013 already, their wiki says
- \item tests maintained by h01ger
+ \item tests maintained by h01ger so far…
\item recreating the build env: ?
- \item user verification tools: not yet
- \item next: test ports?
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[shift={(-0.13\paperwidth, 0.2\paperheight)},at=(current page.south east)] {
@@ -887,9 +840,7 @@ Build-Environment:
\item first patch for \texttt{rpm} merged
\item rpm format includes build time and build host and signatures…
\item recreating the build env: koji
- \item next: test 24+rawhide
\item next: first reproducible rpm, use koji
- \item next: get more people involved
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[shift={(-0.13\paperwidth, 0.2\paperheight)},at=(current page.south east)] {
@@ -905,7 +856,6 @@ Build-Environment:
\item maintained by Levente 'anthraxx' Polyak and h01ger
\item reproducible patches available for \texttt{pacman} by anthraxx
\item recreating the build env: unaddressed
- \item next: use those patches, upstream them
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[shift={(-0.13\paperwidth, 0.2\paperheight)},at=(current page.south east)] {
@@ -983,8 +933,7 @@ Build-Environment:
\frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums}
\item Almost no work has been done here yet.
- \item<2-3> Systematic, automatic rebuilds?
- \item<3> Different projects, different solutions?
+ \item<2> Different projects, different solutions?
@@ -1021,6 +970,8 @@ Build-Environment:
\item We've made impressive progress.
\item We're still not nearly where we want to be.
\item<2-3> In fact, it's still fully not clear where we need to be going.
+ \item<2-3> We've shown it's technically feasable, now we need to create
+ policies and processes!
\item<3> Keep up the great work!
\item<3> Join the fun! There are many big and small things to do!
@@ -1053,7 +1004,7 @@ Build-Environment:
\item Docs on the web: \\
\small{\url{https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/}} \\
- \item Ask for help on \texttt{\#debian-reproducible} or on mailing list
+ \item Ask for help on IRC or on our mailing lists
@@ -1071,7 +1022,7 @@ Build-Environment:
\item Review packages
\item Identify issues and document solutions
- \item \texttt{reproducible.d.n}, diffoscope, strip-nondeterminism
+ \item \texttt{tests.r-b.o}, diffoscope, strip-nondeterminism
\item Propose changes for toolchain
\item Submit patches for individual packages
\item Write more general documentation and talk to the world
@@ -1090,8 +1041,7 @@ Build-Environment:
\item<2-3> \url{https://reproducible-builds.org/docs}
\item<2-3> \url{https://tests.reproducible-builds.org}
\item<2-3> \texttt{\#reproducible-builds} on \texttt{irc.OFTC.net}
- \item<2-3> \small{and/or \texttt{\#debian-reproducible} too!}
- \item<2-3> \small\it{with IRC notification by \texttt{KGB-0}}
+ \item<2-3> and/or \texttt{\#debian-reproducible} too!
\item<3> \url{https://lists.reproducible-builds.org}
\item<3> \url{https://twitter.com/ReproBuild}
diff --git a/2016-05-24-ripe72/notes b/2016-05-24-ripe72/notes
index 8b37a2c..eac846d 100644
--- a/2016-05-24-ripe72/notes
+++ b/2016-05-24-ripe72/notes
@@ -10,16 +10,13 @@ missing / updates
32+64 bit kernel varian
intel/amd cpu type
-remove sdde closed bugs page
+those 90.1% -> those 88% (90% in sid)
tell the world later
-remove buildinfo example
-probably dpkg-dak blockers too, its on the summary
-shorten status... details
-drpo one of the rebuilders slides?
+drop one of the rebuilders slides?
getting involed: #reproducible-builds
+"detour" is ein doofes word
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/presentations.git
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