[Reproducible-commits] [reprotest] 01/01: Fix Debian build
ceridwen-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jun 2 03:16:07 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ceridwen-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository reprotest.
commit 3d6e79fba91051f9fdfff116c397cfb8dc016bfa
Author: Ceridwen <ceridwenv at gmail.com>
Date: Wed Jun 1 23:15:54 2016 -0400
Fix Debian build
debian/README.running-tests.rst | 279 ---
debian/autopkgtest.lintian-overrides | 1 -
debian/changelog | 3151 +---------------------------------
debian/control | 37 +-
debian/copyright | 2 +-
debian/postinst | 15 -
debian/rules | 48 +-
debian/tests/control | 24 +-
debian/tests/installed | 20 -
debian/tests/lxd | 12 -
10 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 3569 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/README.running-tests.rst b/debian/README.running-tests.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index f30629e..0000000
--- a/debian/README.running-tests.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-Autopkgtest - Running tests
-This document gives an overview how to run tests with autopkgtest. It
-does not cover each detail, please consult the individual manpages like
-adt-run(1), adt-virt-schroot(1), etc. for all available options.
-Ingredients for Debian packages:
-- A source package which defines tests in ``debian/tests/``. See
- README.package-tests for how to define them.
- There are plenty of existing package tests in Debian/Ubuntu which you
- can use as examples and inspiration, just look for a source package
- with a ``Testsuite: autopkgtest`` header, or the automatic test
- running services `in Debian <http://ci.debian.net/>`_ and Ubuntu (e.
- g. for `14.04 LTS <https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/>`_).
-- A location for the source/tests: This can be a local source tree, a
- local .dsc, or "download with apt-get source".
-- Optionally some pre-built binary packages which should be tested.
-Ingredients for Click packages:
-- A binary .click package (local ``*.click`` file or already installed)
- whose manifest specifies tests and their metadata. See
- README.click-tests.rst for details.
-- The corresponding click source package which contains the tests
- defined in the manifest.
-Finally you need a virtualization server, which creates the environment
-in which the test runs. Depending on how intrusive the test is this can
-provide various degrees of isolation, from "run on my local system"
-(fastest, but unsafe) to "run in a temporary virtual machine" (slowest,
-but highest possible isolation). These are described in detail below.
-The ``adt-run`` program is the main program to run tests which gets all
-these ingredients as arguments, in the following form:
- adt-run [options] <source package> --- <virt-server> [<virt-server options>]
-Specifying tests and packages
-All possible options are explained in the adt-run(1) manpage. This
-section shows the most common scenarios, with using "mysrc" as source
-package name. Note that specifying the virtualization server and its
-options is handled in the following section, and it is independent of
-specifying tests and packages, so it is merely abbreviated as
-*virt-server* here.
-- Run tests from the Debian source package in the distribution. This
- calls ``apt-get source mysrc`` in the virt-server, thus will use
- whichever distribution/release that ``/etc/apt/sources.list``
- configures:
- ``adt-run mysrc ---`` *virt-server*
-- Run tests from a local unbuilt source tree, using the binary packages
- from the distribution. This is useful if you are creating or fixing
- tests, but the actual binary packages are fine:
- ``adt-run -B --unbuilt-tree=packages/mysrc ---`` *virt-server*
- Note that you can abbreviate ``--unbuilt-tree=`` with just the
- directory with two(!) trailing slashes, i. e.
- ``adt-run -B packages/mysrc// ---`` *virt-server*
-- Run tests from a local built source tree, using the binary packages
- from the distribution:
- ``adt-run -B --built-tree=packages/mysrc ---`` *virt-server*
- Note that you can abbreviate ``--built-tree=`` with just the
- directory with one(!) trailing slash, i. e.
- ``adt-run -B packages/mysrc/ ---`` *virt-server*
- Built vs. unbuilt only makes a difference for tests which declare the
- ``build-needed`` restriction (see README.package-tests), in which
- case ``--built-tree`` avoids having to re-build the source in the
- virt-server.
-- Build a local source package in the virt-server, then run its tests
- against the built binaries. This is useful if you need to fix a bug
- in the actual packages to make the tests succeed:
- ``adt-run packages/mysrc// ---`` *virt-server*
-- Same as above, but with specifying a built source package instead of
- a source tree:
- ``adt-run packages/mysrc_*.dsc ---`` *virt-server*
-- Test new built binaries with a new source and avoid rebuilding them
- in virt-server. This is useful if you e. g. update a package to a new
- version and now want to check whether its tests still succeed:
- ``adt-run -B packages/*.deb packages/mysrc_*.dsc ---`` *virt-server*
-- The previous case can be simplified if you have a binary .changes
- from a previous build:
- ``adt-run packages/*.changes ---`` *virt-server*
-- Run tests for a locally built click package:
- ``adt-run myclickapp/ myclickapp_0.1_all.click ---`` *virt-server*
- Note that for this you need to specify a virt-server which has
- "click" itself and the click app's required framework already
- installed. To run this on an actual Ubuntu phone, you can use the SSH
- testbed server:
- ::
- adt-run ubuntu-calculator-app/ com.ubuntu.calculator_1.3.283_all.click --- ssh -s adb
- (This is using the shipped ``adb`` setup script in
- ``/usr/share/autopkgtest/ssh-setup/``.)
- If you aren't running the test on an Ubuntu touch device, you can
- approximate the environment in a normal schroot/LXC/QEMU testbed with
- the ``--setup-commands`` scripts that autopkgtest provides (note that
- you do not need to specify the full
- ``/usr/share/autopkgtest/setup-commands/`` path for shipped scripts):
- ::
- adt-run --setup-commands ubuntu-touch-session \
- --setup-commands ro-apt \
- myclickapp/ myclickapp_0.1_all.click --- lxc adt-utopic
- See the comments in the setup-commands scripts for details.
-- Run tests for an already installed click package:
- ``adt-run --click=com.example.myapp ---`` *virt-server*
- This will work for click apps which have an ``x-source/vcs-bzr`` entry
- in their manifest. If that's not the case, you will need to explicitly
- specify the click source directory as above.
-Unless you specify some options, adt-run just writes the logging, test
-outputs, and test results to stdout/stderr and exits with code 0 on
-success, or some non-zero code if there were skipped or failed tests or
-problems with the virt-server. (See adt-run(1) for defined codes).
-For getting output files you have three choices:
-- If you just want the "testname: PASS/FAIL" results, use
- ``--summary-file=/path/to/summary.txt``.
-- If you want the complete output of adt-run in a file, use
- ``-l /path/to/test.log`` (or the long option ``--log-file``)
-- If you want the log file, the individual test stdout and stderr
- output, and built binaries (if any) in a directory, use
- ``-o /path/to/test-output/`` (or the long option ``--output-dir``).
-You can also combine these.
-Virtualization server
- adt-run ... --- schroot schroot-name
-Run tests in the specified schroot. You can use mk-sbuild(1) to
-conveniently create schroots, and run this as normal user if you
-configured schroot accordingly.
-This server is the fastest available that provides "proper" file system
-isolation and revert, but it does not provide enough isolation for tests
-that need to start services, reconfigure the network, or open TCP ports
-which are already open at the host. If your test does not need to do
-these things this is the recommended server, as schroots are also useful
-for other tasks like building packages with sbuild.
-See adt-virt-schroot(1) manpage.
- adt-run ... --- lxc container-name
-Run tests in the specified LXC container. Containers provide full
-service and network isolation, but tests or packages cannot change the
-kernel or hardware configuration. If your test does not need that, this
-is the recommended server as it is faster than QEMU and works on all
-Linux architectures.
-``container-name`` will be cloned or be called with a temporary overlay
-file system if you specify the ``-e`` (``--ephemeral``) option, thus it
-will never be modified and you can run several tests in parallel safely.
-Unless your test or architecture or RAM availability doesn't work with
-overlayfs, using -e is highly recommended for better performance.
-If your user can get root privileges with sudo, you can call adt-run as
-your normal user and specify ``-s`` (``--sudo``) so that the container
-can be started as root.
-See adt-virt-lxc(1) manpage. This also explains how to build containers.
- adt-run ... --- qemu path/to/image
-Run tests with QEMU/KVM using the specified image. The image will be run
-with a temporary overlay file system, thus it will never be modified and
-you can run several tests in parallel safely.
-If your test needs a full machine including kernel/hardware access, this
-is the recommended runner; it provides complete system isolation, revert
-and breaks-testbed capabilities. But it is also the one with the biggest
-overhead and only works well on architectures with KVM acceleration (i.
-e. mostly x86).
-See adt-virt-qemu(1) manpage. This also explains how to build suitable
-images, and the requirements of the guest.
- adt-run ... --- null
-This does not do any virtualization, but runs tests straight on the
-host. Beware that this will leave some clutter on your system (installed
-test or build dependency packages, configuration changes that the tests
-might make, etc.). It is not able to run tests with the "breaks-testbed"
-restriction. See adt-virt-null(1) manpage.
- adt-run ... --- chroot /path/to/chroot
-Run tests in the specified chroot. You need to call adt-run as root for
-this. There is no automatic cleanup or revert for the chroot, so unless
-you can provide this by some other means, don't use this.
- adt-run ... --- ssh -l joe -h testhost.example.com
-This is a generic runner for an externally set up testbed which assumes
-nothing else than a working ssh connection. This can call a "setup
-script" to create/configure a testbed (such as spinning up a cloud VM
-with nova or setting up SSH on a phone through ADB). See the manpage for
-details. autopkgtest ships setup scripts for an adb host (mostly for
-Ubuntu Touch), for nova (for cloud instances) and for Ubuntu Snappy
-currently; see their comment headers in
-.. vim: ft=rst tw=72
diff --git a/debian/autopkgtest.lintian-overrides b/debian/autopkgtest.lintian-overrides
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ddd752..0000000
--- a/debian/autopkgtest.lintian-overrides
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-autopkgtest: script-not-executable usr/share/autopkgtest/ssh-setup/SKELETON
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 8182827..97669e2 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3148 +1,3 @@
-autopkgtest (3.20.6) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Fix OSError when running a shell is requested but /dev/tty does not exist;
- just log an error instead.
- * Fix parsing of candidate versions from "apt-cache policy" to always use
- the precise given package name. By default it falls back to a
- substring/regexp search (undocumented).
- * adt-build-lxd: Check the LXD configuration for the LXD bridge instead of
- the old LXC bridge, for apt proxy auto-detection. (LP: #1577968)
- * Generalize the apt proxy detection in adt-build* and setup-testbed to
- work for arbitrary proxies, not just apt-cacher-ng. (LP: #1577966)
- * Eliminate the need to set $AUTOPKGTEST_BASE to execute runner/adt-run from
- a git checkout. This also makes ./run-from-checkout obsolete, call
- runner/adt-run directly.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 17 May 2016 22:32:46 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.20.5) unstable; urgency=medium
- [ Martin Packman ]
- * Fix ssh virt server example and testbed error.
- [ Martin Pitt ]
- * If git clone fails with "--git-source" the first time, retry after 15
- seconds. This should defend short temporary network glitches.
- (LP: #1571979)
- * adt-virt-qemu: Call eofcat helper with PYTHONHASHSEED=0 to avoid long
- hangs after booting the VM until the RNG gets initialized. (See #822431
- for details) (Closes: #821778)
- * adt-virt-ssh: Fix UnboundLocalError crash when logging in as root.
- * Fix running for multiple actions in one command line: (Closes: #822285)
- - Close the summary stream after the last test, not after the first.
- - Clean up the test tree on the testbed between actions.
- * Fix NullRunner.test_timeout_no_output to work with multiple parallel runs.
- (Closes: #816398)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 25 Apr 2016 00:14:05 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.20.4) unstable; urgency=medium
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Fix kernel header installation for
- precise/armhf, which does not yet have linux-headers-generic.
- * Use "nproc" to determine the number of processors available, which is both
- more correct in a cgroup world, and also simpler.
- * Add new --build-parallel=N option to explicitly set the "parallel=N"
- $DEB_BUILD_OPTION for building packages, to override the default of
- "number of available CPUs". This is mostly useful in containers where you
- can restrict the available RAM, but not restrict the number of CPUs.
- (LP: #1569750)
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: ubuntu-snappy got renamed to snapd, adjust
- package name.
- * adt-build-lxd: Set "distribution", "release", and "architecture"
- properties of generated images.
- * adt-build-lxd: Clean up all old images of the same distro/release/arch,
- not just the previous one. Also fix cleanup to work in non-English
- locales.
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Call apt-get purge only once with the list
- of all packages, instead of once per package. This is much faster.
- * SchrootClickRunner tests: Chown click dir in /opt after creating the user.
- * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8 (no changes necessary).
- * Update Vcs-* URLs.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 18 Apr 2016 11:19:45 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.20.3) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Makefile: Install SKELETON after the programs (which use an [a-z] glob),
- as the latter behaves differently in different locales. Thanks Alexis
- Bienvenüe! (Closes: #820148)
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Use https for cloud image download.
- (LP: #1566846)
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Purge ubuntu-snappy.
- * adt-virt-qemu: On AMD CPUs, default to -cpu host instead of
- "kvm64,+svm,+lahf_lm". This introduces more jitter, but is the only -cpu
- mode that actually allows nested QEMU with current QEMU versions.
- * adt-build-lxd: Force-delete preparation container at the end, even if it
- is running.
- * adt-build-lxd: Disable apt proxy configuration with ADT_APT_PROXY=="none".
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 11 Apr 2016 16:27:09 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.20.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Purge lxc-common for testbed preparation.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Use the same code for determining the default
- qemu-system-* command as adt-virt-qemu. This adds support for ppc64el and
- other architectures. (Closes: #818892)
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: If ifnames was disabled for the initial boot,
- keep it disabled for subsequent boots instead of changing to ens3. This
- fixes building images for Ubuntu 15.04.
- * lib/VirtSubproc.py, cmd_reboot(): Drop workaround for dhclient hanging on
- reboot, LP #1556175 got fixed.
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Ensure that purging packages does not hang
- eternally on debconf prompts.
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Drop purging of xkb-data.
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Apply "vmalloc=512M" grub change also when
- using as a --setup-commands with adt-run, not only with building images.
- Fixes tests like udisks2 on i386 when using standard cloud images.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 05 Apr 2016 14:53:01 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.20.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * When testing click packages, don't regenerate all AppArmor profiles if
- /var/cache/apparmor/click-ap.rules already exists. That way the profiles
- can be pre-adjusted once in a testbed instead of once for each test run,
- which greatly speeds up iterations. (LP: #1553797)
- * Move SshRunner* tests from lxc to lxd.
- * NullRunner.test_tree_output_dir test: Only check for cpu_{model,flags} on
- x86 and ARM, as these need parsing adjustments on other architectures.
- * Disable lxd autopkgtest for now, this still needs some way to set a proxy.
- * lib/VirtSubproc.py, cmd_reboot(): Add workaround for dhclient hanging on
- reboot (see LP #1556175).
- * Fix regular expression for removing profile guarded dependencies on hosts
- that don't support build profiles.
- * adt-virt-lxc: Suppress lxc-copy's stdout in the "no btrfs" fallback case.
- (Closes: #818185)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 14 Mar 2016 22:35:54 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.20) unstable; urgency=medium
- New features/behaviour changes:
- [Martin Pitt]
- * adt-virt-lxd: Launch containers in ephemeral mode.
- * adt-virt-lxc: Use the new lxc-copy if available, as lxc-clone and
- lxc-start-ephemeral got deprecated by that. This now supports reboots in
- ephemeral mode.
- * adt-virt-lxc: Add --name option. This allows CI systems to use a more
- expressive name than the autogenerated adt-virt-lxc-XXXXXX, to make it
- easier to map a container to a running test.
- * Add CPU information to testinfo.json: "nproc" (#cpus), "cpu_model", and
- "cpu_flags". (LP: #1552129)
- * Add autopkgtest for adt-build-lxd and the lxd runner.
- [ Christian Seiler ]
- * Support nested KVM by default by emulating a CPU with VMX/SVM support on
- x86_64. (Closes: #800845, part 1)
- * adt-virt-qemu: Provide read-only version of the VM image to the test as
- /dev/baseimage, for tests that want to run nested QEMU. (Closes: #800845)
- Bug fixes:
- [ Martin Pitt ]
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Ensure that removing cruft does not remove
- cloud-init. (LP: #1539126)
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Purge lxd and lxc.
- * adt-virt-lxc: Don't fail on deprecation warnings of lxc-clone and
- lxc-start-ephemeral. (LP: #1549995)
- * Run external commands with /dev/null as stdin. This has always been
- intended, but has not actually been done for a while.
- * Drop support for hook_forked_inchild() in virt-runners. This has never
- been used.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Try and prefer novaclient.v2 API first, and fall back to
- v1_1. (LP: #1552730)
- * Correctly ignore positive and negative build profiles with too old
- libdpkg-perl that does not support them yet.
- * tests/run-parallel: Don't run NullRunner and SchrootRunner tests in
- parallel, as they collide with a bind-mounted /tmp.
- * test_reboot_prepare testcase: Don't compare the host and guest kernel
- versions in the QemuRunner.
- * Keep and export $ADTTMP and $ADT_ARTIFACTS in debug shells.
- (Closes: #814115)
- * setup-commands/*: Add shebang headers to quiesce lintian.
- * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7 (no changes necessary).
- * Add debian/source/format (3.0 native).
- * debian/control: Use https Vcs-* links.
- * Bump debhelper compat level to 9.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Don't assert result of "runlevel" for connection test. This
- is a race condition under systemd as getty starts before default.target
- is fully finished.
- * tests/adt-run SchrootClickRunner: Ensure that the "click" system user
- exists in the schroot, so that it doesn't need to exist on the host.
- * Adjust SchrootRunner.test_apt_pocket_pkg_with_proposed_dep test case for
- apt 1.1.
- * Latest LXD now adds an "images" remote for images.linuxcontainers.org by
- default. Adjust adt-build-lxd.1 and adt-virt-lxd.1 accordingly.
- * Respect $TMPDIR when creating the downtmp and some other directory/files.
- (Closes: #817190)
- * tests/adt-run: Symlink real ~/.config/lxc into the temporary $HOME, to
- avoid regenerating the LXD client certificate for each test.
- [ Christian Seiler ]
- * setup-testbed: reduce grub timeout on images that don't already configure
- this in /etc/default/grub.d (like vmdeboostrap).
- * adt-virt-qemu: Use correct qemu-system-i386 command on i[3456]86 systems.
- * Fix spelling errors in manpages.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 11 Mar 2016 10:05:08 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.19.3) unstable; urgency=medium
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Avoid dpkg conffile prompts.
- * adt-virt-lxc: Call lxc-stop and lxc-destroy with --quiet, to fix breakage
- due to unexpected output with LXC 2.0.
- * adt-virt-lxc: Redirect lxc-destroy stdout, to work around LP #1543016.
- * Ignore build profiles on too old libdpkg-perl versions also when building
- the tested package.
- * adt-virt-lxd.1: Standard images from linuxcontainers.org stopped having
- "deb-src" apt lines by default. Document that standard setup commands are
- required for this and adjust examples accordingly.
- * adt-virt-lxc: Factorize cleanup code.
- * adt-virt-lxc: Run lxc-{start,stop} under "timeout" when running through
- sudo, as killing these on timeout does not work.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Wait until instance is actually ready before sending
- access info.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Show instance's console log on ssh or cloud-init timeouts,
- as that's very useful for debugging.
- * adt-virt-lxd: Drop redundant "lxc stop", just call "lxc delete --force".
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Bump default image size from 4 to 20 GB.
- * runner/adt-run: Install ca-certificates along with git, to ensure that
- https URLs can be cloned.
- * tools/adt-build-lxd: Add workaround for broken "lxc file push" permissions
- (LP: #1548878)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 23 Feb 2016 17:56:45 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.19.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Fix "apt-get source" version detection:
- - Ignore source record "Binary:" entries which are not actually binaries
- of that source.
- - Take the highest source version of all encountered binaries. In other
- words, as soon as apt pinning uses one package from -proposed, use the
- tests from -proposed too.
- - Only consider binaries which exist in all releases. This avoids newly
- introduced binaries (library transitions, new kernel versions) to skew
- the intended apt pinning as they would always win the "highest version"
- check from above.
- * Install /usr/share/autopkgtest/setup-commands/* scripts as executable, to
- make them work for vmdebootstrap --customize. (Closes: #810862)
- * ssh-setup/nova: Use extended RE for matching --image pattern.
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Fix handling of options in sources.list.
- * tools/adt-build-lxd: Fix parsing of release name from apt sources with
- options if lsb_release is not available.
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Regenerate initramfs when adding udev rule
- for disabling ifnames (for chroots).
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Drop duplicate sed of cloud-init.prerm.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Don't try to run "None" if --post-command is not
- given.
- * adt-virt-lxc: Add timeouts to all LXC operations.
- * Fix chowning for "rw-build-tree" restriction: run it as root if available,
- and otherwise ignore it entirely. (LP: #1535234)
- * Drop apt-cache showsrc --only-source option, as this is not yet understood
- by Ubuntu 12.04's apt.
- * VirtSubproc.py, execute_timeout(): Avoid UnicodeDecodeErrors when called
- programs send gibberish. Decode manually with "replace" error mode
- instead. (LP: #1535741)
- * adt-virt-lxc: Avoid unnecessary reading and decoding of program outputs if
- we don't actually use it.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Use the image with the latest "created" time, instead of
- the last lexicographic name.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 21 Jan 2016 13:30:40 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.19.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-virt-qemu: If the executed command exits with 255, translate that to
- 253 in the auxverb wrapper, as 255 is the exit code for failures of the
- auxverb itself. This avoids considering ordinary test failures as
- temporary testbed failures. This makes the QEMU runner behave the same way
- as the container ones.
- * tests/adt-run: Factorize common tests into superclasses.
- * doc/README.package-tests.rst: Point out that "Test-Command:" is also
- useful for running the same test script under different interpreters or
- different dependencies. (Closes: #809442)
- * Set summary_stream to None after closing it, to avoid trying to write
- late error messages from cleanup into it.
- * Gracefully handle failure to kill a timed out process.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Use image UUID instead of its name for "nova boot". This
- avoids failures if multiple images have the same name. (LP: #1524216)
- * adt-build-{lxc,lxd}: Run testbed setup scripts also if they are not
- executable. Thanks Antonio Terceiro! (Closes: #809917)
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Run apt-get autoremove when builing images.
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Handle options in sources.list. Thanks
- Antonio Terceiro!
- * tools/adt-build-lxd: Fix error message if apt does not have a proxy set.
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Install linux-headers-generic if there is no
- kernel (for containers), to make DKMS tests work when not being triggered
- by a kernel. (LP: #1531488)
- * tools/adt-build-lxc: Fix removal of LXC caches on btrfs.
- * tools/adt-build-lxc: Use "-B best" for lxc-create, for better performance
- on btrfs or LVM.
- * tools/adt-build-lxc: Fix hostname for updating containers to not end in
- ".new".
- * adt-virt-lxc: Opportunistically try lxc-clone with "-B btrfs", and fall
- back to default backing store if it fails. lxc-clone should do this by
- itself, but currently doesn't (LP #1532125).
- * adt-virt-lxc: Don't fail on stderr of lxc-start, it sometimes prints
- warnings.
- * When using --apt-source with --apt-pocket= with an explicit package list,
- let apt-get source download the source version that matches the pinning.
- This avoids running tests from -proposed against packages in -release.
- (LP: #1517426)
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Don't purge perl and python2.7. This works
- in sid and xenial, but is too greedy for older releases.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 12 Jan 2016 09:23:16 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.19) unstable; urgency=medium
- New features/behaviour changes:
- * Add adt-virt-lxd runner for LXD. (LP: #1519677)
- * Add adt-build-lxd tool for building or updating an LXD image with
- standard autopkgtest customizations applied. This is similar to
- adt-build-lxc.
- * Unify test bed setup scripts for VMs (adt-setup-vm), containers (in
- adt-build-lxc) and cloud (setup-commands/cloud-vm-setup) into a common
- script setup-commands/setup-testbed. This will work both for image
- building (VM, cloud, LXC, LXD) and as --setup-commands (in which case some
- actions are skipped).
- * setup-commands/setup-testbed: Clean up many more packages. Only do this
- when building an image, to avoid accidentally destroying testbeds which
- are not minimal autopkgtest ones.
- * Make --env apply to package builds too. With that you can e. g. set
- * Add new action type --git-source which installs git (unless already
- present), checks out a remote branch, and then behaves like
- --unbuilt-tree.
- * adt-virt-lxc.1: Mention adt-build-lxc in "Requirements".
- Bug fixes:
- * If apt-get fails when installing test dependencies and apt
- pinning is in use, also retry without pinning. This was already done in
- the case of apt-get succeeding but removing our "satdep" dummy package
- (the common case), but this does not cover upgrades of Priority: >=
- important packages which make apt-get exit with non-zero.
- * Set $TERM in testbed to the host's value when starting an interactive
- shell in the testbed. This fixes broken shells with the LXC/LXD runners.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 17 Dec 2015 16:45:54 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.18.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- [ Martin Pitt ]
- * tools/adt-build-lxc: Install libpam-systemd; some tests expect to have an
- * Fix --apt-pocket=proposed=pkgname.. to set up the apt pinning before
- running setup-commands (in particular, dist-upgrade), as otherwise the
- dist-ugprade will install package versions that conflict with the pinning.
- Change --apt-pocket to download (only) the apt indexes for the given
- pocket, so that we can set up the pinning correctly.
- * ssh-setup-nova: Separately track server UUID, to avoid resetting the
- originally given --name on testbed revert.
- * If apt-get fails for --apt-pocket ("Hash sum mismatch"!), retry up to
- three times.
- * Fix parsing of "apt-cache showsrc" to not get broken by wrapped lines.
- Thanks Andy Whitcroft! (LP: #1522469)
- * Don't try to "cd ." on testbeds in source rules commands, as this might be
- inaccessible in some cases. Default to '/' instead. Thanks Christopher
- Baine!
- * ssh-setup/nova: Treat --image value as a regexp pattern and use the
- greatest (by string sorting) result. This avoids having to put date stamps
- into the command line, and also avoids completely falling over if two
- images have the same name.
- * Add a new ssh setup script command "debug-failure" which is called when
- the setup script fails with nonzero or on timeouts waiting for ssh or
- reboot.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Implement "debug-failure" command with "nova console-log".
- * tools/adt-build-lxc: Only install libpam-systemd if that exists (e. g. not
- on Ubuntu 12.04).
- * setup-commands/cloud-vm-setup: Don't rm the /etc/cron.daily/apt conffile
- to avoid breaking apt upgrades. Instead, create
- /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02periodic.
- * Create a testinfo.json for "badpkg" and other exit codes as well.
- * Set stdin to /dev/null when running commands in the testbed. This avoids
- hanging tests on interactive questions and also fixes auxverbs which check
- if stdin is a PTY (like "lxc exec").
- * tests/testarchive.py: Don't include the "Release" file into itself.
- * Fix SchrootRunner.test_apt_pocket_* test cases to include "Sources" into
- Release file. This makes the tests work with apt 1.1.
- [ Max Brustkern ]
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Add timeout option.
- [ Antonio Terceiro ]
- * adt-build-lxc: Don't hardcode bridge interface.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 09 Dec 2015 12:38:13 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.18.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * With --apt-pocket=POCKET=pkgname,... also include <release>-updates.
- * cloud-vm-setup, adt-setup-vm: Disable /etc/cron.daily/apt.
- * Detect if apt fails to download packages (as opposed to installing them),
- retry up to three times, and eventually fail with exit code 16. This
- avoids failing tests due to DNS/infrastructure problems and handling them
- as tmpfails instead.
- * Add test case for multiple Tests: with --apt-pocket=proposed=pkg
- selection and nonexisting dependency.
- * Properly keep track of apt pinnings across testbed resets.
- * cloud-vm-setup, adt-setup-vm: Purge open-iscsi.
- * Treat apt errors (exit code 100) from source download/extraction as
- tmpfail.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Stop adding apt sources for restricted/multiverse, as
- current images now have them by default (see LP #1177432). This avoids
- duplicate apt sources which cause stderr failure with some tests.
- * Recognize negative architecture restrictions in test Depends:.
- (LP: #1516959)
- * tools/adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Counter-hack LP #1510345 harder by
- checking /proc/cmdline instead of /etc/default/grub.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 18 Nov 2015 12:18:23 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.18) unstable; urgency=medium
- Behaviour changes/improvements:
- * adt-virt-lxc: Drop --eatmydata option. Conceptually this isn't specific to
- the LXC runner, it should always be used for package installation (when
- available) with all runners, but never for tests.
- * setup-commands/cloud-vm-setup, tools/adt-setup-vm: Install and use
- eatmydata.
- * Use eatmydata for --apt-upgrade and installing test dependencies, if
- available.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Provide custom implementation of "wait-reboot" using "nova
- reboot --poll". This works more reliably on some clouds.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Call "nova boot" with --debug to better be able to
- diagnose failures.
- * Extend --apt-pocket=POCKET option to accept an additional
- "=pkgname1,src:srcname1,..." package list. An entry "src:srcname" expands
- to all binary packages built by that source. If given, set up apt pinning
- to use only those packages from POCKET, so that package updates in that
- pocket can be tested independently from each other for better isolation.
- (LP: #1503150)
- * Add ssh-setup/maas: Acquire and Deploy a machine via MAAS to use as an
- autopkgtest testbed. It assumes that MaaS is already set up, machines are
- commissioned to it, and you added your ssh key to it.
- Bug fixes:
- * ssh-setup/nova: Drop "Warning: PoC", we've been using this in production
- for a long time.
- * tools/adt-setup-vm: Check if we already have a configuration for the
- specific network interface that we are configuring, not just any
- interface.
- * tools/adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Counter-hack the Ubuntu livecd-rootfs
- workaround for LP #1510345 by creating a configuration for ens3 and
- removing the one for eth0.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 11 Nov 2015 10:11:48 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.17.4) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Fix --apt-pocket for apt sources with [options].
- * Add tests/testarchive.py module for creating dynamic archives of mock
- debs, and add a full integration test for --apt-pocket.
- * Fix version in adt-run output (@version@ moved to adt_testbed.py).
- * adt-setup-vm, cloud-vm-setup: Purge lxc/lxd.
- * tests/testdesc: Skip Debian.test_builddeps_profiles test if dpkg is too
- old to support build profiles.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:33:04 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.17.3) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Set DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=<#cpu> for builds and tests (as they
- sometimes build packages). (LP: #1399177)
- * If copying up files/artifacts through shared dir fails because of
- inaccessible files, fall back to piping them through the auxverb.
- * adt-build-lxc: Install dbus; a lot of software indirectly expects it
- (e. g. calling systemctl as user).
- * tools/adt-setup-vm, setup-commands/cloud-vm-setup: Purge
- libcpan-changes-perl, it breaks some Perl autopkgtests.
- * tools/adt-setup-vm, setup-commands/cloud-vm-setup: Purge git, it breaks
- Ruby's autopkgtests.
- * NullRunner.test_tmp_install: Explicitly require Json 1.0 GI version, to
- silence warning with current pygobject.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 06 Oct 2015 08:13:09 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.17.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- * ssh-setup/nova: Use instance UUIDs instead of names after initial "nova
- boot", to avoid name collisions. (LP: #1495788)
- * adt-setup-vm: Drop "pin eth0 name" hack, this was fixed properly in
- systemd 226-2.
- * adt-setup-vm: Generalize ethernet ifupdown setup for net.ifnames.
- * adt_binaries.py: Fix resetting of testbed (regression in 3.17).
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Sun, 20 Sep 2015 17:23:41 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.17.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Add new private python modules to Makefile, to actually ship them.
- * tests/adt-run: Fix test regression when $ADT_TEST* are not set.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 15 Sep 2015 08:38:54 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.17) unstable; urgency=medium
- * setup-commands/cloud-vm-setup: Provide fallback for Ubuntu 12.04 which
- does not yet have /etc/default/grub.cfg.d/.
- * adt-virt-ssh: Add --timeout-ssh option. Thanks Leo Arias for the initial
- patch. (LP: #1488358)
- * adt-run: Add --env option to pass arbitrary environment variables to the
- test.
- * adt-virt-lxc: In the auxverb, clean up leaked background processes which
- share the same stdout/stderr, to avoid eternal hangs. (LP: #1488359)
- * Move Testbed class and related logic into separate module
- lib/adt_testbed.py, and clean up some unnecessary code interdependencies
- and error handling. This will make it easier to write alternative CLI
- frontents. This also handles test timeouts in a better way: There now is a
- proper "summary" report as "FAIL timed out", and subsequent tests will now
- run. (Closes: #741322)
- * Drop the --leave-lang option. Please use the explicit option --set-lang
- instead, to avoid weakly defined behaviour.
- * Move Binaries class into separate module lib/adt_binaries.py.
- * Testbed.execute(): Explicitly decode output of programs as UTF-8, instead
- of relying on the host locale's encoding.
- * tools/adt-setup-vm: Only configure eth0 in ifupdown if it actually exists,
- and then make sure it does not get renamed any more.
- * Add @builddeps@ build profile parsing fallback for libdpkg-perl < 1.04;
- just ignore all build profiles.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Add workaroud for cloud-init bug writing a wrong
- /etc/hosts. (LP #1494678)
- * adt-run: Log running kernel after each boot. (part of LP #1491865)
- * Track initial kernel version after test bed setup and when a test/reboot
- changes the running kernel version. Log these, and create a new
- "testinfo.json" in the output dir with this information. (LP: #1491865)
- * If --env options are specified, add these as list of name=value strings as
- "custom_environment" key to testinfo.json.
- * Put vserver arguments into testinfo.json.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 14 Sep 2015 15:02:39 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.16.3) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-setup-vm: Use /etc/cloud.cfg.d/ to avoid conffile prompts on upgrades.
- (LP: #1477626)
- * Don't invoke QEMU with -localtime. QEMU defaults to and Linux prefers the
- hw clock in UTC. This avoids large time jumps when doing NTP.
- * adt-setup-vm: Start autopkgtest shell after all other SysV init
- scripts/facilities, to avoid a too early start of tests while boot is
- still in progress.
- * doc/README.package-tests.rst: Use comma separator in examples.
- * VirtSubproc.check_exec(): Actually error out on stderr as documented.
- * adt-virt-ssh: Verify that sudo does not write errors, as that
- interferes with auxverbs and generally is a sign of host mis-configuration
- (typically wrong hostname).
- * ssh-setup-nova: Set hostname to "adt". This avoids overly long host names
- from defaulting to nova instance names (which can be very long).
- * ssh-setup/nova: Fix parsing of IP address from "nova show" to avoid
- tripping over instance names containing "network". (LP: #1481574)
- * Fix error message and code for "invalid test depends" errors.
- * tests/pep8: Ignore E402 ("module level import not at top of file"), as
- that's impossible to satisfy; we have to set sys.path before.
- * ssh-setup/nova: In cleanup(), wait until the instance gets deleted. This
- avoids name collisions and instance quota overflow.
- * adt-run: Always show summary at the end, which is particularly helpful for
- multiple tests. (LP: #1484991)
- * adt-run.1: Clarify that without any logging options adt-run only logs to
- stderr. (LP: #1485661)
- * adt-virt-lxc: If the executed command exits with 255, translate that to
- 253 in the auxverb wrapper, as 255 is the exit code for failures of the
- auxverb itself. This avoids considering ordinary test failures as
- temporary testbed failures.
- * adt-run: Show host name, to more easily identify hosts with frequent
- failures.
- * adt-virt-lxc: Always call lxc-stop with --kill, as the containers are not
- precious and normal shutdown might hang.
- * adt-virt-lxc: In cleanup, stop LXC container before removing the shared
- downtmp, to ensure that we always clean up the running container. Also
- don't fail on errors. (LP: #1488879)
- * ssh-setup/nova: Add missing apt sources for -updates/-security
- restricted/multiverse pockets.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 27 Aug 2015 19:54:51 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.16.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Exit with code 4 ("test failure") if a test times out, instead of 16
- ("testbed failure").
- * Exit with code 12 ("erroneous package") if test dependencies are
- unsatisfiable and put badpkg/blame into summary, instead of exiting with
- code 20 ("other unexpected failures including bad usage").
- * Exit with code 12 ("erroneous package") and a proper error message if
- debian/tests/<testname> does not exist, instead of code 20 and a confusing
- message about chmod failing and *-stderr missing.
- * Exit with code 12 ("erroneous package") instead of 20 if test dependency
- package install fails.
- * adt-virt-ssh: If the executed command exits with 255, translate that to
- 253 in the auxverb wrapper, as 255 is ssh's (and auxverb's) exit code if
- something with the connection failed. This avoids considering ordinary
- test failures as temporary testbed failures. (LP: #1475679)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 17 Jul 2015 17:08:03 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.16.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * setup-commands/cloud-vm-setup: Fix installation of linux-generic on
- Ubuntu.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Clean up userdata temp file on failed nova boot.
- * If the test fails with exit code 127 (usually "command not found"),
- consider this a test failure (code 4), not a testbed failure (code 16).
- * doc/README.package-tests.rst: Document that "Tests:" and similar fields
- can be comma separated too, like everywhere else in Debian's control
- files.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Show name of created nova instance, so that it's easier to
- map instances to a test.
- * run-from-checkout: Exec adt-run to avoid keeping the shell wrapper process
- around.
- * ssh-setup/snappy: Fix check whether --image and --channel are specified
- together. (LP: #1474735)
- * ssh-setup/nova: Allow selecting net IDs by name.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 17 Jul 2015 11:11:36 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.16) unstable; urgency=medium
- Behaviour changes and improvements:
- * ssh-setup/nova: Re-try nova boot up to three times if it fails, and sleep
- 5 minutes in between. This occasionally fails due to exceeding quota or
- temporary glitches.
- * Drop gpg-signing local archive and mark it as [trusted=yes] instead. This
- gets rid of the requirement to generate a gpg key on first run. Drop
- corresponding --gnupg-home option. (LP: #1472691)
- * Drop long-obsolete --tmp-dir backwards compat option.
- * ssh-setup/snappy: Adjust ubuntu-device-flash arguments to new
- release/channel structure from Ubuntu 15.10, and default to rolling/edge.
- Add new --release option.
- Bug fixes:
- * ssh-setup/nova: Silence "invalid command wait-reboot" warning.
- * setup-commands/cloud-vm-setup: Purge cloud-init too. It sometimes causes
- longer hangs on boot and might interfere with tests in other ways, and we
- only need it for first-time initialization anyway.
- * adt-virt-qemu: adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Don't use -enable-kvm QEMU option
- if /dev/kvm does not exist. (Closes: #790650)
- * Quiesce warnings from tar. Avoids "time stamp is in the future" log spew.
- (LP: #1468868)
- * Move apt sources setup from setup-commands/cloud-vm-setup to
- ssh-setup/nova. --apt-pocket does not work with the former as that runs
- too late.
- * Use Dpkg::Deps to evaluate/reduce build dependencies for expanding
- "@builddeps@". This handles build profiles. (Closes: #787093)
- * Resolve build profiles when installing build dependencies to build tested
- package.
- * Adjust NullRunner.test_tmp_install_perl test case to use
- libtest-requires-perl instead of libtest-tester-perl; the latter got
- removed from Debian.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 10 Jul 2015 11:26:36 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.15.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Fix lsb_release fallback if python3-distro-info
- is not available.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Don't move the uninitialized image to final
- location if QEMU failed.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Check availability of genisoimage and access of
- /dev/kvm before downloading image. (LP: #1466486)
- * Get along with dpkg-query not existing, such as in latest Ubuntu Snappy
- images. Skip generation of testbed-packages artifact in that case.
- (LP: #1469647)
- * Adjust NullRunner.test_tmp_install test case to work with pygobject 3.16.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 29 Jun 2015 13:07:34 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.15) unstable; urgency=medium
- Behaviour changes and improvements:
- * The specified --output-dir now must not exist or be empty. If it is
- non-empty, adt-run now will refuse to use it instead of cleaning it. This
- is safer, to avoid accidentally using the home directory or similarly
- precious data. (LP: #1463561)
- * Add --no-auto-control option to disable autodep8. (Closes: #788659)
- * ssh-setup/nova: Add -e/--env option to append to /etc/environment. This is
- mostly useful to configure $http_proxy and friends.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Add --mirror option.
- * Add setup-commands/cloud-vm-setup: --setup-commands script for cloud
- instances to prepare them for running autopkgtests. This is similar to
- adt-setup-vm, but won't configure serial console or networking.
- Bug fixes:
- * adt-setup-vm: Print a warning if calling update-grub fails, instead of
- aborting. This fixes vmdebootstrap --grub, as that installs grub after
- running the customization script. Adjust adt-virt-qemu.1 manpage to
- recommend the --grub option of vmdebootstrap.
- * testdesc.py, parse_rfc822(): Entirely ignore lines which only contain
- whitespace after filtering out intra-line comments. They break
- continuation line parsing in python-debian >= 0.1.23. (Closes: #784942)
- * adt-setup-vm: Add inclusion of interfaces.d/ to /etc/network/interfaces.
- This belongs into vmdebootstrap (#788792), but fix that locally for the
- time being.
- * adt-run.1: Document --testname.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Sun, 28 Jun 2015 11:55:34 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.14.3) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-virt-lxc: Don't try to set up a shared downtmp with unprivileged
- (user) containers. This is full of permission errors due to the mapped
- UIDs.
- * tests/adt-run LxcRunner: Use $ADT_TEST_LXC as unprivileged user container
- if it exists.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Check at the beginning if QEMU command is
- available and exit with proper error message if not. (LP: #1460066)
- * If auxverb fails with exit code 126, 127, 254, or 255, consider this a
- failure of auxverb/the testbed itself, not of the program run under it.
- (As specified in doc/README.virtualisation-server.rst) (LP: #1462540)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Sat, 06 Jun 2015 13:09:50 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.14.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Add tests/testpkg-{simple,reboot,reboot-prepare}: Very simple stub
- packages for manual testing.
- * VirtSubproc, cmd_reboot(): Disconnect the backgrounded reboot command from
- stdout/err, to avoid it getting killed by the ssh runner. (LP: #1454735)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 19 May 2015 14:45:34 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.14.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Go back to using the backgrounded reboot command as we had before 3.14.
- Just calling "reboot" is prone to hangs and timeouts in case reboot is too
- fast and shuts down our communication channel.
- * Fix --override-control option in adt-run(1). (LP: #1453495)
- * Fail with an error if --override-control file does not exist.
- (LP: #1453503)
- * ssh-setup/snappy: Add -b/--show-boot option to direct boot and console
- messages to stdout. (LP: #1453154)
- * adt-virt-qemu.1: Document --show-boot option.
- * Add test case for using a @ command line include file for a virt runner.
- * Strip leading and trailing space from argument lines in '@' included
- command line argument files. (LP: #1453498)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 13 May 2015 14:45:43 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.14) unstable; urgency=medium
- Improvements:
- * adt-virt-ssh: Add --reboot option to indicate that testbed can be
- rebooted. This is useful when running without a setup script (which can
- already declare capabilities).
- * Simplify reboot implementation: Just call "reboot" as root in the testbed
- to trigger rebooting, and replace the former hook_reboot() in adt-virt-*
- with hook_wait_reboot() which merely waits for the testbed to go down and
- come back up. This also replaces the "reboot" command for ssh setup
- scripts to "wait-reboot" and in most cases it is not needed to implement
- this at all (except for the "adb" script).
- * Add /tmp/autopkgtest-reboot-prepare script for testbeds which support
- rebooting. This saves the current state but leaves the actual reboot to
- the test itself. This is useful if rebooting should happen with unusual
- means (e. g. kexec) or as part of testing something else (like a system
- upgrade). (LP: #1445819)
- * Log complete command line invocation, for easier local reproduction,
- comparison of log files, and clarifying which options were used.
- (LP: #1449413)
- Bug fixes:
- * Update Vcs-Git: field for anonscm.debian.org.
- * Drop obsolete XS-Testsuite: control field.
- * adt-setup-vm: Fix script error if $ADT_SETUP_VM_POST_COMMAND is not set.
- * README.click-tests.rst: Describe x-source manifest entry.
- * Mark test dependencies as manually installed, so that they don't go away
- if a test calls "apt-get autoremove".
- * Set DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive for tests. This avoids stderr messages
- about "unable to open stdin" and similar when tests call apt-get install.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 05 May 2015 10:14:23 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.13) unstable; urgency=medium
- * ssh-setup/adb: Add --keep-screen-active option to keep
- "powerd-cli display" running after the tests. Use with caution!
- (LP: #1441023)
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Add --post-command for running a shell command
- after setup for additional customization.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Quote tr arguments.
- * click tests: Look into app/tests/autopilot/ for tests as well if no
- explicit path is given. This is the default location of the Ubuntu cmake
- templates.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 22 Apr 2015 11:50:18 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.12.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- [ Didier Roche ]
- * setup-commands/ubuntu-touch-session: Use "upstart" instead of "init".
- (LP: #1422681)
- [ Martin Pitt ]
- * adt-build-lxc: When removing the old root file system, remove btrfs
- subvolumes in it.
- * README.package-tests.rst: Document that '#' can be used for comments.
- (Part of LP #1434543)
- * Ignore debian/tests/control stanzas with unknown fields, as documented.
- (LP: #1434543)
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Drop workaround for LP #1428495, it got fixed in
- cloud-init a while ago.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Fix cloud-init's prerm hacking to apply after
- dist-upgrades.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 07 Apr 2015 07:26:27 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.12) unstable; urgency=medium
- * ssh-setup/adb: Re-enable ssh after reboot, in case an upgrade disables it.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Try to create /userdata/.adb_onlock, to get adb after
- rebooting without human interaction.
- * Fix apt-get install --simulate version parsing with third-party sources.
- (LP: #1430017)
- * ssh-setup-nova: Add --security-groups option. (LP: #1429862)
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Avoid non-blocking reads from the socket in
- verbose mode, this sometimes causes hangs. Go back to blocking reads, but
- don't wait between them.
- * Fix UnicodeDecodeError on .deb package name reading. (LP: #1430773)
- * adt-virt-ssh: Export $SUDO_ASKPASS to tests if sudo is available.
- (LP: #1431421)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 13 Mar 2015 12:52:49 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.11.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Fix autopkgtest-reboot to also work when being called through sudo, and
- for forking test scripts.
- * Avoid failure if /var/cache/apparmor/click-ap.rules does not exist any
- more after a reboot, like on snappy.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Avoid cloud-init's prerm stopping cloud-init's
- services while we are still running them. This makes it possible to purge
- cloud-init from user-data, and avoids killing apt/dpkg underneath us. This
- needs a cleaner solution, but is a good enough workaround for now.
- (LP: #1427999)
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Don't wait between serial console reads while
- we have data. Provides faster/smoother output in --verbose mode.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Fix error message on missing keypair, the command is
- "keypair-add", not "keypair-create". Thanks Thomi Richards! (LP: #1428433)
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Add workaround for recent cloud-init regression
- that disables ssh (LP #1428495)
- * adt-run: Suggest common reason for unsatisfiable test dependencies.
- Suggest using a current image, or run apt-get update/-U (for apt-get) or
- --setup-commands ro-apt-update (for temp dir install mode). (LP: #1425682)
- * Quiesce confusing "failed to create symbolic link
- /sbin/autopkgtest-reboot" warning on read-only testbeds.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 05 Mar 2015 13:33:12 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.11) unstable; urgency=medium
- Improvements:
- * Add action argument --testname to run only one individual test from the
- next package.
- Bug fixes:
- * Restore click AppArmor profiles after a test, if we modified them before
- the test.
- * When running a deb test in a click+AppArmor environment, update AppArmor
- rules for all clicks for introspectability and temporary test
- dependencies. This takes about a minute before the test, and another one
- after the test, but is necessary for use cases like ubuntu-sanity-tests.
- (LP: #1424889)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 27 Feb 2015 07:02:52 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.10) unstable; urgency=medium
- Improvements:
- * adt-virt-lxc: Add reboot support for non-ephemeral containers.
- * tests/run-parallel: Don't run all test classes in parallel, it creates too
- much load. Serialize test classes which use the same runner.
- Bug fixes:
- * VirtSubproc.py, cmd_reboot(): Fix debug message.
- * tests/adt-run: Avoid re-downloading ubuntu-device-flash images by
- symlinking ~/.cache/ubuntuimages from the temp $HOME into the real user's
- $HOME.
- * adt-virt-lxc: Fix check for eatmydata when using --eatmydata.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Synchronize ttyS0 output before writing eofcat.
- * adt-virt-qemu, adt-virt-lxc: Asynchronously call reboot, to avoid eternal
- hangs when it reboots too fast for us to notice that it finished.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 24 Feb 2015 11:40:42 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.9.7) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Include "Package-Type: deb" marked packages for testing. Fixes regression
- with testing paramiko.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Robustify setupup of shared /autopkgtest directory.
- * VirtSubProc.expect(): Read data without delay as long as we have some.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Add --show-boot option to show boot messages from serial
- console.
- * adt-setup-vm: Configure "console=ttyS0" boot option in grub on non-i386
- architectures too, to fix serial consoles with systemd images. Create
- /etc/default/grub.d/ if necessary.
- * adt-setup-vm: Only configure grub if update-grub is available.
- (Closes: #778907)
- * adt-virt-qemu: Increase reboot and dpkg-reconfigure timeouts; on loaded
- machines these might take longer than 5s.
- * adt-run: Unless --leave-lang is given, unset $LANGUAGE and all $LC_* for
- tests, to avoid clobbering the testbed locale with the host's.
- (LP: #1423359)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Sun, 22 Feb 2015 13:30:35 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.9.6) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Skip test_tmp_install_imagemagick test case if python3-wand is not
- available.
- * adt-virt-ssh: Ignore errors when cleaning up the work dir. This races with
- sshd cleaning up its control socket, don't stumble over that.
- (LP: #1420355)
- * Implement --timeout-factor, which was forgotten with the rewrite in
- version 3.2. (LP: #1420540)
- * ssh-setup/adb: Fix waiting for the desktop to boot: Lower D-Bus call
- timeout to 5 seconds, and fix retry loop to time out afer 5 minutes of
- real time instead of a fixed number of retries (as the duration of the
- D-Bus call is not very reliable).
- * virt-subproc/adt-virt-ssh: Don't try to exit the ssh muxer if we don't
- have a ssh command yet. This happens when the setup script fails to open
- the testbed.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 13 Feb 2015 12:55:29 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.9.5) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-run install_tmp(): If we have Python and Perl modules, don't specify
- the Python modules in $PERL5LIB.
- * Recognize udev rules from packages in temp dir install mode. Copy them to
- /run/udev/rules.d/ and trigger them. (LP: #1417966)
- * setup-commands/ubuntu-touch-session: Don't fail on udevadm failure, which
- cannot work in schroots.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Ensure that python3 or python is available (which is
- required for the auxverb helper) and exit with a meaningful error message
- if it isn't. Adjust the manpage accordingly. Fix adt-setup-vm to install
- python3-minimal if no Python is already installed. Thanks to Christian
- Kastner for the initial patch! (Closes: #777478)
- * Support temp dir install mode for python[3]-wand's really broken way of
- finding the imagemagick shared libraries. (LP: #1419024)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 10 Feb 2015 16:53:01 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.9.4) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Recognize modern "Package-Type:" control field in addition to
- XC-Package-Type.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Guard adb wait-for-device with a 5 min timeout.
- (LP: #1414939)
- * README.running-tests.rst: Fix mis-spelled ro-apt setup command.
- * Add setup-commands/ro-apt-update: Shortcut for temporarily mounting a
- readonly root file system writable and run apt-get. This allows tests to
- download/unpack test dependencies on older images whose apt indexes are
- out of date. (LP: #1408350)
- * Export temp dir install mode variables in the test run script instead of
- merely running it under that environment, so that we trump non-extending
- LD_LIBRARY_PATHs in /etc/environment. (LP: #1407949)
- * setup-commands/ubuntu-touch-session: Ensure that /dev/uinput is always
- accessible, as we don't necessarily have local logind sessions during
- tests. (part of LP #1415514)
- * setup-commands/ubuntu-touch-session: Unset UPSTART_JOB (which crept into
- the environment from a recent upstart version) when calling initctl, to
- fix querying the session D-BUS address. (LP: #1415514)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 29 Jan 2015 19:01:41 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.9.3) unstable; urgency=medium
- [ Christian Kastner ]
- * Clean up /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/autopkgtest on upgrades if its contents are
- just "force-unsafe-io", indicating that this file was generated by the
- above bug.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Sun, 11 Jan 2015 13:45:28 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.9.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-setup-vm: Fix all other places which operated on the host instead of
- the guest file system when specifying a directory argument.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Sun, 11 Jan 2015 13:15:09 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.9.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- [ Martin Pitt ]
- * Revert installation of ubuntu-device-flash in adt-run autopkgtest, it's
- too unstable (timeouts and grub errors due to qemu in qemu).
- [ Christian Kastner ]
- * adt-run: Fix detection of dpkg-dev in the testbed. (Closes: #775073)
- * adt-setup-vm: Set umask to 0022 so that ordinary users in the testbed can
- read generated files. (Closes: #775075)
- * adt-setup-vm: Modify guest's dpkg config for enabling force-unsafe-io, not
- host's, when a root directory is specified as argument. (Closes: #775076)
- * adt-setup-vm: Make sure $proxy variable exists before using it. Fixes
- crash when apt is not configured to use a proxy. (Closes: #775092)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Sun, 11 Jan 2015 12:53:18 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.9) unstable; urgency=medium
- Improvements:
- * Add "snappy" ssh setup script to run tests in an Ubuntu Snappy
- (http://www.ubuntu.com/snappy) testbed in QEMU. This uses a given image
- with -i/--image, or constructs a temporary one using ubuntu-device-flash
- (which caches its downloads and is fast).
- * adt-run autopkgtest: Install ubuntu-device-flash and qemu-kvm if
- available, to run the snappy ssh script tests under autopkgtest in Ubuntu.
- * ssh setup script "reboot" commands can now simply "exit 10" if they want
- adt-run to just call "reboot" through ssh, instead of having a custom
- implementation.
- Bug fixes:
- * tools/adt-setup-vm: Avoid debconf prompts during dist-upgrade.
- * adt-virt-ssh: Wait for ssh to become available before checking for sudo.
- Fixes root capability detection for setup scripts which don't already wait
- for ssh themselves.
- * VirtSubproc.cmd_reboot: Avoid multi-line shell command so that this also
- gets along with the ssh runner.
- * Fix FileNotFoundError if built tree does not have a debian/changelog file.
- Simply skip detection of source package version in this case.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 05 Jan 2015 18:09:03 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.8.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * If the testbed does not have root privileges (e. g. missing sudo
- password), install click packages with pkcon and skip the AppArmor rule
- adjustment. This makes non-root click tests at least work for
- non-Autopilot cases. (LP: #1384417)
- * Make --shell-fail also apply to test dependency installation failure.
- * Run root tests through "su" as well (if possible), to ensure that these
- also get a proper PAM/logind session with all runners. (LP: #1393474)
- * Skip the test_tmp_install tests if apt-get download does not work. This
- might happen in some build environments which completely disable
- networking or don't have working apt-get download for some reason.
- (Closes: #769687)
- * Don't put the log FIFO into the output directory. This avoids keeping it
- in --output-dir, which fails if the output dir happens to be in the tested
- tree itself. (LP: #1393426)
- * adt-setup-vm: Don't purge man-db. It uninstalls way too much on images
- which aren't just minimal environments.
- * adt-setup-vm: Drop bogus "X-Start-Before" line in generated init.d script.
- (Closes: #770517)
- * Respect DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck (side issue in #769687)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 27 Nov 2014 10:54:02 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.8) unstable; urgency=medium
- Improvements:
- * adt-build-lxc: Configure unsafe dpkg I/O and disable apt's download of
- package translations, like adt-setup-vm.
- * adt-build-lxc: Use eatmydata for lxc-create if available, and install
- eatmydata into containers. For Ubuntu, stop installing the default
- $packages_template (which is ssh,vim).
- * adt-virt-lxc: Pass any additional options/arguments (after --) verbatim to
- lxc-start{,-ephemeral}.
- * adt-virt-lxc: Stop running ephemeral containers with --keep-data by
- default, as this makes them unnecessarily slow due to running on disk.
- Environments with little RAM are instead advised to explicitly supply this
- or --storage-type as extra arguments.
- Bug fixes:
- * Create autopkgtest-reboot command in /tmp, as /sbin/ might be read-only
- (and /run is usually "noexec", so we can't put it there either). Write it
- with "noclobber" to guard against symlink attacks.
- * During reboot, if /var/cache/ isn't writable (as on Ubuntu touch images,
- argh), fall back to saving the current temp dir in /home.
- * adt-virt-ssh: Recreate the sudo wrapper after reboot, as it is in /tmp.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Setup adb port forwarding again after rebooting.
- * Fix error message if /tmp/autopkgtest-reboot already exists.
- * Fix extra space in apt-get option, which breaks apt-get's option parsing
- in some circumstances.
- * adt-build-lxc: Fix hardcoded "utopic" release name for cache cleanup on
- btrfs, use the actual release name from the command line. (LP: #1392589)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 14 Nov 2014 08:40:28 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.7.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * NullRunner.test_tmp_install_perl: Use a package from Ubuntu main, to fix
- FTBFS in Ubuntu's buildds.
- * Fix AppArmor rule adjustment for a local click package.
- * When executing a command in the testbed times out, don't wait for it
- after killing if the auxverb includes "sudo". We can't kill those
- processes, so we'd wait forever; we can only hope that they eventually
- terminate themselves after we stop the testbed. Fixes non-working timeouts
- for LXC runner with the --sudo option.
- * Show "set -x" trace of AppArmor reconfiguration in debug mode.
- * Use "install" instead of "short" time out for downloading and unpacking
- dependencies in "temp dir" mode.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Retry connecting with ssh a few times, the first time
- doesn't always succeed immediately after enabling ssh.
- * tools/adt-setup-vm: Prevent subsequent cloud-init runs from modifying the
- apt sources again.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 11 Nov 2014 07:54:40 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.7) unstable; urgency=medium
- Improvements/cleanup:
- * When not logging to a file, colorize adt-run debug/info/warning/error
- messages to better tell them apart from from apt and test output.
- * adt-virt-schroot: Simplify determination of schroot session location.
- * adt-virt-chroot: Drop support for dchroot arguments. dchroot has been
- obsoleted by schroot for a long time now, and isn't being tested by the
- developers. Allow relative chroot paths.
- * adt-virt-ssh: Rewrite adt-ssh-wrapper to not call the readlink command on
- every single /proc/*/fd/*. This is too slow on devices like Ubuntu Touch,
- where it adds an extra ~ 5 seconds to every command.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Drop --rw and --apt-update options. They stopped working
- when adb switched to running as user, and can be done with
- --setup-commands.
- * Recognize Perl modules in temp dir install mode.
- * Consider programs in the temp dir install tree for preparing the source
- package. This makes it possible to run --source or --apt-source tests in
- read-only environments without dpkg-dev installed. (LP: #1383878)
- * With --apt-upgrade, retry apt-get update a third time after one minute.
- With just a second try we still get occasional hash sum mismatches.
- * Recognize Qt plugins in the temp dir install tree, so that autopilot tests
- work on images which don't have autopilot-qt installed any more.
- * Remove the "adt-satdep" package after test installation finished, to avoid
- tests being confused about an unexpected package.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Drop "autopilot --dbus-probe enable" call. It wastes some
- 1.5 minutes and is not needed any more, as we now reconfigure AppArmor for
- the particular clicks that we want to test.
- Bug fixes:
- * adt-virt-ssh: Terminate the ssh connection muxer on cleanup. Fixes eternal
- hangs on waiting for tee with the --output-dir option, as the muxer
- inherits our stderr. (LP: #1384324)
- * Fix crash when running from a git checkout, but git is not installed.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Robustify powerd-cli invocation. It previously failed
- randomly.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Quiesce some noise from various phablet-config/gdbus/adb
- commands.
- * ssh-setup/adb: If the welcome wizard is already running, just kill that
- instead of the entire session. In particular, this avoids killing adb on
- both the host and the device.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 30 Oct 2014 10:47:16 +0100
-autopkgtest (3.6) unstable; urgency=medium
- [ Antonio Terceiro ]
- * README.package-tests.rst: Make references to the control field consistent.
- [ Martin Pitt ]
- * When parsing .changes files, always register the debs before the dscs and
- stop assuming Files: having this order already. (Closes: #764795)
- * Drop the builtin synthesis of Perl/Ruby tests and use autodep8 instead.
- Update the spec accordingly, and add a Recommends: autodep8.
- (Closes: #763847)
- * adt-build-lxc: Implement LXC cache cleanup for btrfs by removing the image
- snapshots instead of rm -r'ing the cache dir, as the latter will fail.
- * adt-setup-vm: Fix missing hashbang of generated /etc/init.d/autopkgtest.
- (Regression from 3.5.5)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:36:11 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.5.5) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-virt-ssh: Be more liberal when parsing the setup script's
- capabilities, accept spaces and commas.
- * adt-virt-ssh: Refactor code so that setup script's "revert" commands can
- update/refresh the ssh config. Often revert translates to close and
- re-open, which changes the IP. Update manpage and ssh-setup/SKELETON
- accordingly.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Make parsing commands work with mawk too, to avoid
- depending on gawk.
- * ssh-setup/nova: Implement a simple revert by a simple teardown/providing a
- new instance. (This might become more efficient in the future with using
- snapshots.)
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Put vmalloc kernel commandline config into
- separate grub.d/ directory, to avoid subsequent cloud-init invocations
- overwriting it.
- * tools/adt-setup-vm: Add setup steps that adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud does, so
- that vmdebootstrap generated VMs are functionally on par with the Ubuntu
- cloud images: Set up serial console, dpkg unsafe-io, install some
- additional packages, remove unnecessary packages, bump vmalloc on i386.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Remove most of the setup steps from user-data,
- and call adt-setup-vm instead. This keeps the knowledge of how to set up
- VM testbeds in one single place.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 09 Oct 2014 15:20:15 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.5.4) unstable; urgency=medium
- adt-run fixes:
- * Make apt-get source calls again show what's being downloaded, but not all
- the other noise around it.
- * Avoid copying down the tests tree into the testbed if it already exists
- there. This is the common case for the first test in unbuilt trees, and
- avoids one round of expensive large copying for the ssh and qemu runners.
- * Fix relative --override-control paths: They should not be relative to the
- source dir but relative to the current dir where adt-run is called.
- ssh-setup/nova fixes:
- * Add -N/--net-id argument for OpenStack deployments which require setting
- an explicit --nic net-id.
- * Stop using nova boot's --file option, it does not work any more (see
- LP#1376176); use --user-data instead. Also set some go-faster apt options.
- * Wait until ssh is available and cloud-init is done.
- * Stop making --keyname mandatory. If not given, use the first one from
- "nova keypair-list".
- * Fix crash if ~/.ssh/known_hosts does not exist.
- ssh-setup/adb fixes:
- * Drop the sudo'ing for unlocking the screen. It stopped working and is not
- necessary, now that we don't have images with adb running as root any
- more.
- * Fix unity8 restart after disabling first-time wizard to work on current
- Ubuntu Touch images.
- * Wait until com.canonical.UnityGreeter becomes available. This is a better
- way to wait for the desktop to be started up, and also reliably unlocks
- the greeter.
- * During revert, don't fail if there are no configured networks.
- * Add -b/--reboot option to reboot the device before running the test.
- * Disable --reset option for now; it is broken as it does not restore the
- password and developer mode. Point towards using --reboot, which should be
- good enough for most cases in r/o mode.
- adt-virt-ssh fixes:
- * Implement reboot.
- * Tests or builds sometimes leak background processes which might still be
- connected to ssh's stdout/err; create and use a wrapper script that kills
- these after the main program (build or test script) finishes, otherwise we
- get eternal hangs as ssh waits until nothing is connected to its tty any
- more.
- Other fixes:
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Purge more unnecessary packages.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 08 Oct 2014 09:22:17 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.5.3) unstable; urgency=medium
- * ssh-setup/adb: Use the new "phablet-config network" to save/restore wifi
- connections, which also works with non-root adb.
- * Give adt-run's tee processes some time to catch up between printing
- results and stderr, to avoid scrambled logs. (LP: #1373441)
- * Fix NullRunner.test_timeout_no_output for older Python versions.
- * tests/pyflakes: Skip test if pyflakes3 is not available (for backports).
- * Bump Standards version to 3.9.6 (no changes necessary).
- * NullRunner.test_timeout_no_output: Slightly relax time bound to make
- failures less likely on loaded/slow machines.
- * Install clicks with --allow-unauthenticated to support local developer
- generated packages. (LP: #1372640)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Sun, 28 Sep 2014 12:16:16 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.5.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- [ Martin Pitt ]
- * Make apt-get source and package unpack output a bit less verbose.
- * Avoid "grep: debian/tests/control: No such file or directory" warning for
- packages with implicit test control. (Closes: #762009)
- * Adjust "unpack into temp dir" mode for multi-archified typelib locations
- introduced in gobject-introspection 1.41.4-1.
- [ Niko Tyni ]
- * Test perl packages that include test.pl, not just t/. (Closes: #762013)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 23 Sep 2014 09:31:29 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.5.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Fix apt cleanup to remove configuration files before apt-get update.
- * When using local binaries, tell apt-get to only download our
- autopkgtest.list, not all apt lists again.
- * Move autopkgtest gpg directory from ~/.autopkgtest/gpg to
- ~/.cache/autopkgtest/. Check the former location for backwards
- compatiblity.
- * Invoke gpg with --no-random-seed-file to avoid VCS noise when using
- tests/home/.
- * run-from-checkout: Use --gnupg-home with our tests/home to avoid GPG key
- generation.
- * adt-run: Defer GPG key creation until binary publishing time. This avoids
- key creation entirely for the common case of not using any local or built
- binaries.
- * tests: Use apt-doc instead of cpp-doc, as the latter is in Debian contrib
- only. (Closes: #761417)
- * When determining whether a testbed reset is necessary in between tests,
- also consider if recommends were/will be installed. (Closes: #761420)
- * README.package-tests.rst: Packages with implicit test control (ruby/perl)
- should use a different Testsuite: value, namely
- autopkgtest-pkg-{ruby,perl}, to avoid breaking compatibility with the
- specification and to other implementations like sadt.
- * autopkgtest-reboot: Switch from SIGPIPE to SIGKILL, as that is much more
- reliable.
- * Reorganize NullRunner tests so that most run also as normal user (and
- hence during package build); only keep four tests in NullRunnerRoot which
- actually do need root privileges.
- * Improve NullRunner.test_timeout_no_output test case to ensure that the
- test is properly killed after timing out.
- * Fix invocation of tests so that they retain the default SIGINT handler.
- This changes cleanup after a timeout, add new procps dependency for this.
- (Closes: #761596)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 17 Sep 2014 06:09:30 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.5) unstable; urgency=medium
- Improvements:
- * VirtSubProc.cmd_reboot(): Save/restore downtmp instead of creating a new
- one. This is more useful for reboot scenarios within tests.
- * Support tests that want to reboot the testbed (for runners which support
- rebooting). Document this in doc/README.package-tests.rst.
- * tests/testdesc: Add test case for Debian packages without a test control.
- * If there is no Debian test control file, synthesize one for Ruby and Perl
- packages, using gem2deb-test-runner and pkg-perl-autopkgtest. Thanks to
- Antonio Terceiro!
- * ssh-setup/adb: Unlock the greeter before running tests.
- Bug fixes:
- * qemu: Reconfigure tzdata after copying /etc/timezone, to make that change
- actually active.
- * qemu: Wait an additional 3 seconds after the login prompt appears on
- ttyS0. Without that, the system time is wrong, causing bad file
- timestamps. Unfortunately polling runlevel or the "hwclock" status file
- doesn't help.
- * Always keep the same downtmp even after resetting the testbed. Some built
- trees/tests use absolute path names and break when being moved around
- after a reset. This already worked in most cases by accident due to a bug,
- but now clean up the code to be explicit about it.
- * Expand '@' to quasi-versioned (>= 0~) dependencies to avoid satisfying
- them by virtual packages. (Closes: #761003)
- * Ensure that the build tree is world-readable. Fixes permission error when
- running adt-run as non-root with a different --user and a tight umask.
- (Closes: #761049)
- * lxc: Ensure the container root directory is accessible to non-root users.
- Works around lxc-start-ephemeral bug with tight umasks.
- (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1367730)
- * lxc: Fix lxc-clone option (--new, not --name).
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 11 Sep 2014 11:05:16 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.4.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Use host's http[s] proxy in the VM, rewriting
- localhost addresses accordingly.
- * qemu: Accept any runlevel between 2 and 5 as "booted", to also work with
- systemd. (Closes: #760060)
- * adt-run: Read built tree changelogs with UTF-8 encoding. (Closes: #759752)
- * adt-virt-lxc: Source /etc/profile as well, to get $PATH in Debian
- environments.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 04 Sep 2014 07:52:12 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.4) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Produce a summary file by default when --output-dir is given.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Add missing $ADBOPTS for reverting to factory state.
- * Add support for retrieving a click source from bzr (from the manifest's
- x-source/vcs-bzr key) if --click-source is not given.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Use SystemImage D-BUS call for factory reset instead of
- direct recovery commands, to also work as user.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Add --password/-p option to specify a different sudo
- password than "phablet".
- * adt-run: Fix $USER in tests if testbed does not have root.
- * adt-run: Source shell profiles if testbed does not have root. Fixes
- running click tests on Ubuntu Touch without a sudo password.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Try common sudo passwords for CI ("phablet" and "0000"); if
- those do not work, and none is specified with --password, tests cannot run
- as root (which should be fine for most cases).
- * ssh-setup/adb: Stop using system-image-cli to detect an Ubuntu phone, as
- that does not work as user. Check for unity8 instead, like in other parts
- of the code.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Fix cleaning up of first-time wizard for non-root adb.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 25 Aug 2014 16:10:01 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.3.3) unstable; urgency=medium
- * ssh-setup/adb: Always parse options, so that $ADBOPTS is also defined for
- operations other than "open". Fixes failure on close when multiple devices
- are present.
- * adt-run manpage: Fix references to documentation. (Closes: #758016)
- * README.package-tests.rst: Point out that dpkg-source >= 1.17.11 adds the
- Testsuite: field automatically. Thanks to Guillem Jover!
- * ssh-setup/adb: Use PropertyService to enable ssh, for future compatibility
- with non-root adb.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Protect against failures of ssh-keygen when pruning the
- localhost fingerprint. It fails if ~/.ssh/known_hosts does not exist.
- * When copying down, properly fail when there are unremovable files in an
- existing directory, instead of ignoring them and making the subsequent
- copytree() fail. This helps to get better error messages for #757396.
- * Fix crash on undeletable files in source trees. (Closes: #757396)
- * ssh-setup/adb: If there is no default ssh key, create an
- ~/.ssh/id_autopkgtest and use that.
- * Run autopilot tests with generating a subunit stream in
- <output-dir>/artifacts/<testname>.subunit, and in verbose mode.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 20 Aug 2014 20:11:17 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.3.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- * When logging output to a file, properly close the "tee" processes' stdin
- and wait for them to finish, instead of just killing them. This avoids
- truncated logs on heavily loaded machines.
- * Fix NullRunnerNoRoot.test_tmp_install test if gir1.2-json-1.0 is already
- installed.
- * Use long options for calling programs except for the most common ones, for
- easier comprehension.
- * qemu: Read all responses from ttyS1 after sending commands. Qemu 2.1 seems
- to configure serial sockets differently, and not flushing responses
- confuses it.
- * qemu: Use "cache=unsafe" option to improve performance when the overlay is
- not on a tmpfs.
- * Further robustify cleaning up the chroots in the ChrootRunner tests.
- * adt-build-lxc: When updating containers, move the new rootfs completely to
- the original container. The rsync approach did not reliably update all
- files.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 06 Aug 2014 11:28:00 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.3.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Accept comma separators in Tests:, Restrictions:, and Features: fields;
- this is consistent with Depends: and avoids skipping tests. (LP: #1347958)
- * Generalize implementation of getting an interactive shell in testbeds.
- Most runners now don't need to provide a hook_shell() any more.
- * Export install environment to interactive testbed shells, so that
- unpacked test depends in the temp dir are accessible. (LP: #1339103)
- * lxc: Don't fail on a nonexisting /etc/environment or /etc/default/locale.
- (LP: #1348749)
- * adb ssh script: Add --apt-update option to run "apt-get update" (with
- temporarily switching to r/w), to run tests on older development images.
- (LP: #1342838)
- * Drop the very short and unnecessary install timeouts from the NullRunner
- tests.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 29 Jul 2014 13:45:36 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.3) unstable; urgency=medium
- Improvements:
- * Define "Classes:" (Debian) / "classes" (click manifest) test control field
- in the specifications. For packages whose tests should run on particular/a
- set of different hardware/platforms, this can specify a list of abstract
- class names such as "desktop" or "graphics-driver". Consumers of
- autopkgtest can then map these class names to particular
- machines/platforms/policies.
- * Fall back to searching for --setup-commands files in
- /usr/share/autopkgtest/setup-commands/ if they are specified without path,
- to reduce typing.
- * Fall back to searching adt-virt-ssh's --setup-script in
- /usr/share/autopkgtest/ssh-setup/ if they don't exist in the current
- directory, to reduce typing.
- Bug fixes:
- * When running a test as user on a root testbed, run source extraction under
- set -e, to fail early at the proper error. (LP: #1346388)
- * Add test case for non-existing --apt-source package name.
- * Add "installed" autopkgtest to run adt-run against a simple source tree in
- $ADTTMP, to avoid using Python modules from the autopkgtest source tree.
- This spots grave bugs like in 3.2.1.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 23 Jul 2014 09:16:08 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.2.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-run: Fix typo that broke --apt-source with "build-needed" tests.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 21 Jul 2014 15:07:17 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.2.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Ship forgotten adt_run_args module.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 21 Jul 2014 11:45:25 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- Improvements:
- * Add --copy option to copy a file or directory into the testbed.
- * Support specifying a click name like "com.example.myapp" with --click to
- test an already installed click instead of a local *.click file.
- (LP: #1338899)
- * Introduce "autopilot_module" click test control field for specifying an
- autopilot test module name. This allows tests to require additional test
- dependencies, restrictions, etc. without having to specify the full
- invocation of autopilot. (LP: #1338911)
- * In "unpack into temp dir" mode, ignore Python 2.x test dependencies. They
- are not exposed anyway as with $PYTHONPATH we can only serve one major
- Python version, and we want Python 3.
- * Port remaining runners from obsolete optparse to modern argparse. This
- gives a consistent command line help and support for reading options from
- a file with '@'.
- * Port adt-run to argparse, and clean up the CLI:
- - Drop rarely used and confusing options: --instantiate, --sources-tests,
- --sources-no-tests, --built-binaries-filter,
- --binaries{,-forbuilds,-fortests}. Add a single new --built-binaries as
- the opposite of -B/--no-built-binaries.
- - CLI parsing is now done in lib/adt_run_args.py, with separate unit
- tests.
- - This now allows any part of the command line (for adt-run itself or the
- virt-server or both) to be read from a file, using the '@' prefix.
- (Closes: #749241)
- - Separate the options into different logical groups, in both --help and
- the manpage.
- * Make --override-control work for click manifests. (LP: #1342818)
- * Introduce "Test-Command:" debian/tests/control field to run a shell
- command instead of a "Tests" named executable. This avoids having to write
- trivial one-liner scripts or allows wrapping calls to test executables.
- (Closes: #741330)
- Bug fixes:
- * Set $USER environment variable also for tests that run as root.
- (LP: #1337802)
- * Add lintian override for ssh-setup/SKELETON, it's deliberately not
- executable.
- * Increase timeout for aa-clickhook workaround for LP#1337253, 100s is often
- not enough.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Disabling the first-time wizards sometimes fails due to adb
- being brittle at that time. Retry up to 5 times.
- * Optimize aa-clickhook workaround for LP #1337253 to only rebuild the
- profile of the installed click app. This reduces the time from about a
- minute to about a second.
- * qemu, lxc: Use VirtSubproc subprocess wrappers to get timeout handling for
- all commands.
- * Rewrite build depends to not rely on builders being able to fall back to
- alternatives (python >= 3.3 | python3-mock), to ease backporting.
- * tests/pyflakes: Use pyflakes3.
- * Only run pyflakes test during package build if pyflakes3 is available.
- This unbreaks backports.
- * Run "click info" as the same user as the test. (LP: #1342836)
- * Keep <testname>-stderr output files for "allow-stderr" tests.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:35:17 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.1) unstable; urgency=low
- Improvements:
- * ssh-setup/adb: On Ubuntu phones, use phablet-config to disable first-time
- wizards/intros. Implement reboot and revert. This requires phablet-config
- now, either installed as package or from bzr checkout with
- PHABLET_TOOLS_PATH=<checkout dir>.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Save/restore NetworkManager system connections in revert.
- * ssh-setup/adb: Add -r/--reset option to perform a factory reset before
- running tests.
- * Bring back --control-override option, with tests and documentation.
- Bug fixes:
- * Work around subprocess.Popen bug in Python 3.2.
- * lib/testdesc.py: Change exceptions to be Python 3.2 compatible.
- * Kill the actual test on timeout instead of just the wrapping shell script.
- * Fix workaround for LP #1333215: Don't run with "su -l" as that causes
- extra stdout spew from su for nonexisting home directories; instead just
- source /etc/profile and ~/.profile as these are the parts that we need.
- * Run aa-clickhook after every click install, otherwise it doesn't apply to
- newly installed clicks. Works around LP #1337253.
- * Open files which can potentially contain non-ASCII data with explicit
- UTF-8 encoding, to avoid UnicodeDecodeErrors under C locale.
- (Closes: #753582)
- * Fix metavariable names in adt --help.
- * ChrootRunner tests: Retry removal of temporary chroot when busy.
- * Don't let a first failed apt-get update run break the test due to stderr;
- it gets retried 15 seconds later.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 03 Jul 2014 13:31:16 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.0.2) unstable; urgency=low
- * Fix -s/--shell-fail to actually work again (regression in 2.19).
- * Quiesce the sourcing of /etc/profile and ~/.profile to avoid "stdin: is
- not a tty" clutter.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 02 Jul 2014 09:28:20 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.0.1) unstable; urgency=low
- * Install ssh setup scripts executable.
- * doc/README.running-tests.rst: Add ssh runner example.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 01 Jul 2014 15:40:39 +0200
-autopkgtest (3.0) unstable; urgency=low
- Improvements:
- * Add support for click packages (https://click.readthedocs.org):
- - Add two new actions --click and --click-source to run tests of a click
- package. For now, --click-source is mandatory as parsing/getting the
- source from a click's x-source manifest entry is not yet implemented.
- - Add doc/README.click-tests.rst to document test definition for click
- packages.
- - Add setup-commands/ubuntu-touch-session: --setup-commands script for
- installing click, the Ubuntu SDK, some extra packages for autopilot, and
- launching Xvfb and an user upstart session. This approximates the
- environment of an Ubuntu touch device. You can also run
- setup-commands/ro-apt afterwards.
- * If the testbed does not have root (null runner or schroots without
- root-user/group) or a writable dpkg database (as on Ubuntu system
- images), fall back to unpacking test dependencies into a temporary
- directory and set *_PATH environment variables accordingly. This will
- make a limited number of test dependencies work in these test beds.
- * Add setup-commands/ro-apt for making dpkg/apt readonly, to
- approximate what happens with Ubuntu system images.
- * Add adt-virt-ssh runner: Generic runner for an externally set up testbed
- which assumes nothing else than a working ssh connection. This can call a
- "setup script" to create/configure a testbed (such as spinning up a cloud
- VM with nova or setting up SSH on a phone through ADB). See the manpage
- for details. Thanks to Jean-Baptiste Lallement!
- * Add ssh-setup/SKELETON for a basis to write ssh setup scripts.
- * Add ssh-setup/adb: Set up an ssh connection to an adb host. If that adb
- host is an Ubuntu Touch system, it also does some extra configuration like
- disabling the screen timeout and allowing Autopilot to introspect running
- apps. See header commends for details. Thanks to Jean-Baptiste Lallement!
- * Add ssh-setup/nova: Sets up a nova instance to use as an autopkgtest
- testbed. It assumes that the host system is already prepared to run nova
- commands. This is not very robust at the moment and more like a proof of
- concept. Thanks to Jean-Baptiste Lallement!
- * Convert doc/README.* to reStructuredText and rename to *.rst. Build HTML
- files from them using rst2html and install them also.
- * adt-run: Never run testbed commands with newlines in them. Those make it
- ridiculously hard to implement runners which can only accept shell
- strings.
- Bug fixes:
- * lxc: Don't leak the host environment into the container (lxc-attach
- currently defaults to that), but build a clean and minimal environment
- from /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale.
- * Fix calling a virt server with full path.
- * lib/VirtSubProc.py, downtmp_remove(): Only remove the downtmp if it is
- actually set. This avoids confusing error messages if something fails
- during early test bed setup.
- * adt-run: set APT_LISTBUGS_FRONTEND=none when installing packages. This
- will avoid the apt-listbugs prompt when apt-listbugs is installed.
- Thanks to Antonio Terceiro!
- * schroot: Ending the schroot session sometimes fails on "Device or resource
- busy". Retry 10 times before giving up instead of failing immediately.
- * adt-run: Read /etc/profile and ~/.profile when running tests as user. This
- emulates the bits of "su -l" that we want, until this gets cleaned up for
- using "su -l" completely.
- * tests/run-parallel: Get sudo password early, to avoid asking for it in
- background jobs.
- * Restrict --apt-pocket to *.ubuntu.com and *.debian.org sources, as
- third-party repositories such as launchpad.net don't (necessarily) have
- pockets. (LP: #1334332)
- * Fix high adt-virt-* CPU usage on reading commands on stdin.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 01 Jul 2014 15:21:55 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.20) unstable; urgency=medium
- Improvements:
- * Add "Test" argument/member for a shell string command, instead of
- specifying a path to a test executable. Not currently supported by Debian
- parser.
- * Convert doc/README.* to Markdown, so that it's easy to format them as PDF
- or HTML, e. g. with pandoc.
- * If the --user option is given or the testbed specifies a normal user, pass
- this to --setup-commands through $ADT_NORMAL_USER.
- * Allow --setup-commands which would ordinarily reboot the testbed to
- suppress this by creating a stamp file in /run. This is useful for
- commands which run processes that aren't started at boot.
- * Default to C.UTF-8 locale instead of C. This is supported in Debian >= 7
- (wheezy) and Ubuntu >= 12.04 LTS, and much closer to reality than C.
- * If the testbed does not have root (null runner or schroots without
- root-user/group) or a writable dpkg database (as on Ubuntu system images),
- fall back to unpacking test dependencies into a temporary directory and
- set *_PATH environment variables accordingly. This will make a limited
- number of test dependencies work in these test beds.
- Bug fixes:
- * Don't include "adt-satdep" dummy package in <test>-packages output files.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Use host timezone as default for the VM, to
- avoid TZ changes during boot when running tests. Thanks Jean-Baptiste
- Lallement!
- * Run tests with specified locale also when they run as user.
- * Fix test failure with Ubuntu's pkgbinarymangler installed.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 24 Jun 2014 16:34:36 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.19) unstable; urgency=medium
- Improvements:
- * Support new argument type --changes (implied if file name ends with
- ".changes"). This behaves as if you specified all debs and the dsc from
- the given binary changes file and implies --no-built-binaries. I. e. this
- is the right thing to test a local package that you just built.
- (Closes: #738552)
- Bug fixes:
- * schroot: Always advertise "revert" capability, as it implements revert
- with simply close()/open().
- * adt-run: Move warning about missing root on testbed into the correct
- place.
- * Install build-essential and build dependencies in one apt run, which is
- slightly faster.
- * Explicity specify UTF-8 encoding for reading/writing Debian control files,
- to fix UnicodeDecodeError under C locale.
- * Determine testpkg-version also for --built-tree tests.
- * schroot: Refuse to work with non-ephemeral schroots, i. e. "directory"
- type schroots without union-type. Point this out in the manpage, too.
- (Closes: #751574)
- * schroot: Verify that /proc is mounted, and abort with a proper error
- message if not. (Closes: #751575)
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Don't start cloud-config with a leading newline,
- not yet supported in Ubuntu 12.04's cloud-init. Thanks Jean-Baptiste
- Lallement! (LP: #1330950)
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Don't use write_files cloud-init command, not
- yet supported in Ubuntu 12.04's cloud-init. Replace with runcmd echos.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Purge cloud-init and shutdown after cloud-init
- is done, not while it's still running.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Create upstart job for ttyS0 console unless it
- already exists, for compatibility with Ubuntu 12.04.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Use python3 or python for eofcat depending on which one is
- available. Fixes operation with older Ubuntu versions which don't yet
- install Python 3 by default.
- Code cleanup:
- * Unify logging functions into lib/adtlog.py, make their API easier and more
- consistent, and use them in adt-run and all adt-virt-*.
- * Move test control parsing and keeping data into lib/testdesc.py. This
- eases factorization, abstraction for future support of other source
- package formats such as click, and testing. Add new tests/testdesc
- unittests. This also drops the "tree0t-" like prefixes from test names in
- the results and the output file names.
- * Don't read --setup-commands files multiple times.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 18 Jun 2014 10:07:46 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.18) unstable; urgency=medium
- Improvements:
- * adt-run: When running from git, show the current SHA and commit summary of
- Bug fixes:
- * tests: Fix race in cleaning up ChrootRunner mounts.
- * adt-run: If apt-get update fails on publishing built binaries, retry after
- 15 seconds.
- * VirtSubproc.cleanup(): Avoid recursion if something in hook_cleanup()
- bombs.
- * Fix --shell to also work with --output-dir. (LP: #1317078)
- Code cleanup:
- * VirtSubproc: Document and cleanup execute*() functions.
- * Some test robustifications, to avoid making too many assumptions about
- debug output.
- * adt-run: Eliminate usage of testbed "execute" command, which is too
- complicated and limiting. Use "print-execute-command" directly instead.
- * Drop "execute" command.
- * adt-run: Unify Testbed.command() and commandr() methods and make them
- stricter.
- * Add prefixes to all temporary directories.
- * Remove autopkgtest-xenlvm. It has been orphaned since ~ 2008, few to no
- current users, and no maintainer. (Closes: #508660, #680122)
- * Simplify build system.
- * Drop concept of "shstring". All runners must provide an auxverb now,
- possibly with a wrapper and quoting by themselves if their implementation
- can only deal with shell commands. This avoids having to tell apart these
- two cases in adt-run, clarifies the documentation, and greatly simplifies
- the code. (Closes: #750544)
- * qemu: Use low-level IO in runcmd. This avoids all the Python overhead and
- buffering and is less prone to bytes vs. string issues.
- * qemu: Fix text vs. binary confusion in reading and copying /etc/timezone.
- * schroot: Call schroot command with -q, to avoid stderr spew if the schroot
- has "message-verbosity=verbose".
- * Port to Python 3.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 12 Jun 2014 07:48:58 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.17.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Make $ADTTMP readable and accessible to other users, for tests which use
- other users through "su" and similar.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Set $HOME for root also after rebooting.
- * tests/adt-run: Force stdout to UTF-8 to see proper failures even in
- non-UTF-8 environments, instead of crashing with UnicodeEncodeError.
- * adt-run: Flush input to the stdout/err cat processes and give them some
- time to catch up after the end of the test, to avoid losing the last bits
- of output. (Closes: #750343)
- * Add missing build-essential and debhelper test dependencies.
- * adt-run: Ensure the cleanup handler for the tests tree runs also if
- copying up the tests tree fails. (Closes: #749655)
- * Put back the LXC runner on Debian, so that folks with manual LXC container
- setups can still use it.
- * adt-build-lxc: Check for default networking in /etc/lxc/default.conf. If
- it's "empty", abort with an error message that container networking needs
- to be set up first. Until LXC gets fixed in Debian (#747914) you need to
- manually set up a bridge, dnsmasq, and the default config.
- * adt-build-lxc: Support specifying $ADT_APT_PROXY. If apt-cacher-ng is
- running locally, use that as a default.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 04 Jun 2014 15:03:30 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.17) unstable; urgency=medium
- New features:
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud, adt-setup-vm: If apt-cacher-ng is running
- locally, use that as a default for --proxy/ADT_APT_PROXY.
- * Add "reboot" testbed capability and implement it for QEMU (most other
- runners don't support it conceptually). Reboot the testbed if the setup
- commands affected boot relevant directories (/boot, /etc/init.d,
- /etc/init/, or /{etc,lib}/systemd/system). (LP: #1324435)
- Bug fixes:
- * adt-setup-vm: Run the initial apt-get update without fetching
- translations.
- * Stop shipping the LXC runner and associated tools on Debian. It does not
- work out of the box until Debian's LXC containers get proper networking by
- default (see Debian #747914).
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Add LSB header to generated SysV init script to
- avoid a warning from insserv.
- * VirtSubproc: Fix generation of auxverb from shstring.
- * Drop debhelper dependency, not necessary any more since 2.16.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 03 Jun 2014 11:49:32 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.16.4) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-build-lxc: Unset $http[s]_proxy for the post-creation apt-get update
- if it refers to localhost.
- * adt-build-lxc: Fix cache cleaning for upgrades.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 22 May 2014 17:52:46 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.16.3) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Explicitly use virtio ethernet device, as the
- default one is horribly slow with older QEMU versions.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Add -c/--cpus option for running VMs with multiple CPUs.
- * adt-run: Retry writing to stderr a few times on EAGAIN.
- * adt-run: If apt-get update fails, retry after 15 seconds. This should
- work around the frequent "hash sum mismatch" race condition.
- (LP: #1319416)
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Configure dpkg to use unsafe io, to speed up
- tests which run on hard disk backed overlays.
- * Simplify the pipelining of test stdout/err, and stop using explicit pipes
- and the "downtmp-shared-fifo" capability. This provides live output for
- all runners, including qemu. (LP: #1320194)
- * Drop obsolete downtmp-shared-fifo capability from all runners.
- * Fix "Operation not permitted" errors on cleaning up empty stdout/err
- result files with shared downtmp runners.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Refine init.d script to only launch a shell on
- "start".
- * adt-build-lxc: Add optional third argument for specifying a non-native
- architecture.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 22 May 2014 15:52:36 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.16.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Support ":native" dependencies.
- * Add LXC runner test case for running as different user.
- * Add QEMU runner test case for performance and integrity of copying (1000
- files with 100 kB each).
- * copyup/down: Clean up cp process on timeout, to fix eternal hang.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Disable shared downtmp. For bigger source trees 9p in
- current QEMU is way too slow (in the magnitude of 2 MB/s, and max'ing out
- CPU usage), so we can't use it directly as a normal file system.
- * Revert "Don't extract/build source packages in shared downtmp", due to
- above change. This stops penalizing other runners with extra source tree
- copies.
- * VirtSubproc: Clean up auxverb processes on timeout.
- * adt-run: Stop testbed on TERM and QUIT signals, to avoid leaving stale
- schroot/qemu/LXC processes around when e. g. stopping a job from Jenkins.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Fix runcmd to make the command's stdin actually look and
- behave like a pipe, instead of reading directly from the "stdin" file. The
- latter leads to commands exiting prematurely when hitting the file's EOF.
- (LP: #1317358)
- * Convert one of the QEMU tests from source tree to dsc, to cover that case
- as well.
- * Add test case for QEMU with --apt-source (using libpng).
- * adt-virt-qemu: Create eofcat in /bin instead of the shared /autopkgtest
- mount, as running it from the latter again triggers the "invalid numerical
- value" bug with 9p from older QEMU versions.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Purge some unnecessary services to speed up boot
- time a bit.
- * @builddeps@ now includes build-essential, not just make. (LP: #1317357)
- * Make -s/--shell-fail start a shell on failed builds as well.
- (LP: #1317055)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 09 May 2014 10:32:27 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.16.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Configure vmalloc=512M on i386 for the udisks2
- autopkgtest.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Disable downloading of package translations.
- * Create testpkg-version and testbed-packages before starting the builds, to
- also have them when builds fail.
- * Fix VirtSubproc.copyup_shareddir() for testbed paths which are not already
- in the shared downtmp.
- * When cleaning up a temporary testbed path fails with a permission error,
- clean it in the testbed (where we usually have root privileges). This
- avoids lots of "ignored OSError" spam with the schroot runner.
- * Stop assuming that we can chown files in the shared downtmp, it's not true
- with QEMU's 9p file system. Fall back to chmod'ing to world-writable files
- as with 9p there is no other way to implement this.
- * Simplify source tree/package extraction logic.
- * adt-run: Don't extract/build source packages in shared downtmp, to avoid
- permission/ownership problems with limited implementations like 9p.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Re-enable shared downtmp, now that operation with different
- UIDs is fixed.
- * Don't create $ADTTMP in shared downtmp to avoid permission/ownership
- problems with limited implementations like 9p.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Fix exception if workdir is not currently set.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Increase timeout for login prompt from 2 to 5 minutes, for
- slow VMs or machines under heavy load.
- * Improve error handling on copy timeouts.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Remove overlay file as early as possible, to avoid leaking
- large files in error conditions. Let QEMU run with the deleted inode.
- * Don't run apt-get and setup commands with sending output to /dev/stdout.
- When redirecting adt-run's output directly into a file this causes a
- seek to start and thus partially overwriting the output file. This also
- puts the apt-get output back to stdout as it used to be before 2.15.
- (Closes: #747041)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 06 May 2014 13:25:21 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.16) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Use "-monitor null" instead of "-monitor none",
- as the latter does not work with older Qemu versions.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Don't call qemu-img with -q option, it doesn't exist in
- older Qemu versions yet. Redirect stdout instead.
- * tools/adt-setup-vm: Disable downloading of package translations to save
- some bandwidth. Thanks Jean-Baptiste Lallement.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Fix race condition that caused a ValueError when the exit
- code file was not written yet.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Automatically detect a normal user to run tests as, unless
- -u is given. This works similarly to -lxc.
- * Add tests for adt-virt-user with non-default users.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Disable shared downtmp for now, it breaks on older Qemu
- versions and the current setup does not work with different UIDs in the
- testbed.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Use file locks for host-side ssh port forwards to avoid
- race condition.
- * adt-run: Drop usage of dh_listpackages, it needs debhelper which is an
- undeclared (and also unwanted) dependency. Parse debian/control directly
- and make use of our existing arch tag resolution. (LP: #1312276)
- * adt-virt-qemu: Copy host's timezone into VM to avoid time zone skew when
- copying files.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Show determined normal user instead of <user> in ssh
- message, to get a fully copy&pasteable command.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Ensure tests which run as root have $HOME set.
- * Fix --proposed option to also apply to sources.list.d/* lists and to
- multiple sources. (LP: #1313278)
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Install haveged, to avoid failing tests due to
- running out of entropy.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Add --qemu-options for passing additional options to QEMU.
- Thanks Diogo Matsubara!
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Sun, 27 Apr 2014 22:37:15 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.15) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Fix --apt-source mode to download the source with apt-get's
- "--only-source" option, to actually get what we asked for.
- * Add missing python3 build dependency for tests/adt-run. Fixes FTBFS of
- backports.
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Add options to pass custom metadata/userdata.
- Thanks Diogo Matsubara.
- * Replace pbuilder-satisfydepends-classic with parsing and satisfying build
- and test dependencies with libdpkg-perl and "apt-get -f install". This
- gets rid of the pbuilder dependency and some nasty hacks like the
- --internal-chrootexec script, and allows us to be more flexible such as
- also supporting Recommends: installation. (LP: #1205110)
- * Fix "specifiy" typo in error message. Thanks Jelmer Vernooij.
- (Closes: #745413)
- * adt-build-lxc: Stop using the -F template option to flush the cache as it
- is not available in the debian template. Remove caches manually instead.
- (Closes: #745415)
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Fall back to latest stable if there is no
- development series.
- * Add "needs-recommends" restriction for installation of recommended
- packages for the test dependencies. This does not affect build
- dependencies. (Closes: #708963)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 22 Apr 2014 09:10:40 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.14.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * tools/adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Enable ssh login with passwords.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 09 Apr 2014 17:15:29 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.14) unstable; urgency=medium
- * lxc: Greatly simplify bind mounting of shared tmp dir using the
- lxc-start -s option.
- * adt-virt-qemu: Forward VM's ssh port 22 to the first free localhost port
- starting from 10022. When finding one, suggest connecting to the VM with
- an appropriate ssh command on --shell.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 09 Apr 2014 17:06:44 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.13.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Fix "--build-tree" typo in error message, and also add the missing
- --unbuilt-tree. (Closes: #743427)
- * lxc: Enable live output in clone mode.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 08 Apr 2014 12:18:00 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.13) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Split package/version list that got introduced in 2.10: Introduce a new
- output file "testbed-packages" with the packages and versions of the
- pristine testbed, and filter them out of "<testname>-packages", so that
- the latter only contains the packages and versions that are specific to
- that test. This is generally more useful, and how debci does/wants it.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 01 Apr 2014 14:43:12 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.12) unstable; urgency=medium
- [ Martin Pitt ]
- New features:
- * Add new options -s/--shell-fail for running a shell in the testbed after
- every failed test, and --shell for running a shell in the testbed after
- every test. This should make debugging tests or regressions quite a bit
- simpler. This actually spawns a shell for the null, chroot, schroot, and
- lxc runners, and shows how to login to the VM for qemu (this will
- hopefully be improved in the future, but at least makes debugging possible
- for now).
- Bug fixes:
- * adt-build-lxc: Fix apt proxy setting for ubuntu template; use $HTTP_PROXY,
- not $APT_PROXY.
- * Make PEP-8 failures non-fatal during package build. They often fail in
- backports to old releases, and running them before releasing a new package
- is sufficient.
- * Filter out comment lines from control lines, as python-debian doesn't
- properly do that (Debian #743174). Fixes lintian autopkgtest.
- (LP: #1300031)
- [ Antonio Terceiro ]
- * adt-virt-schroot: Add new option -s/--session-id for specifying a custom
- schroot session id. This is useful for debugging test suites that go crazy
- on ci.debian.net, so you can `schroot --list --all-sessions` and see which
- sessions are still open. (Closes: #742969)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 31 Mar 2014 11:45:13 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.11) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Add tools/adt-setup-vm: Setup script for vmdebootstrap (and potentially
- others) to start a root shell on tty1, set up networking for eth0, and
- enable deb-src apt sources.
- * adt-virt-qemu.1: Describe how to create a suitable Debian VM with
- vmdebootstrap.
- * doc/README.package-tests: Point out to use "build-needed" with
- consideration.
- * Make installation of packages/dependencies print a warning instead of
- failing immediately when root is not available on the testbed. This allows
- tests to be run with the "null" runner locally as user with some
- restrictions. Check if dpkg-source is available before installing
- dpkg-dev, to avoid the warning in that simple case. (Closes: #742242)
- * Fix ugly error message if a package does not have a debian/tests/
- directory. Properly fail with code 8 and "SKIP no tests in this package".
- * Clean up temporary files in NullRunner tests.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 21 Mar 2014 09:36:25 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.10) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Record name and version of tested package in log and in
- output-dir/testpkg-version. (first part of LP #1292431)
- * Record installed packages and their versions for each test, in
- <output-dir>/<test>-packages. (second half of LP: #1292431)
- * Drop adt-testreport-*, adt-openbugs-*: These have been marked deprecated
- for a while, haven't been used or maintained in many years, and are
- superseded by jenkins/debci. (Closes: #695974)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:12:24 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.9.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- * VirtSubproc.py, copydown_shareddir(): Fix "src and dest are the same file"
- error when file is already in the shared downtmp.
- * VirtSubproc.py, copydown_shareddir(): Remove already existing target
- directory to avoid copying an updated directory into the old one.
- * adt-run: Show timestamps at the beginning, start of preparation (i. e.
- mostly installing dependencies), and start and end of tests.
- (LP: #1290760)
- * Run NullRunnerNoRoot tests during package build. Add python-debian build
- dependency for that.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 12 Mar 2014 08:13:50 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.9.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- [ Martin Pitt ]
- * doc/README.package-tests: Clarify syntax of test Depends:, and point to
- the relevant Debian Policy specification.
- * adt-build-lxc: Fall back to assuming /var/lib/lxc/ as container directory
- if lxc-config does not exist. It was introduced in 1.0, but Debian
- unstable still has 0.9. (Closes: #740437)
- * tests: Extend test_artifacts() to multiple tests writing artifacts, also
- with overwriting existing files and writing into subdirs.
- * VirtSubproc: Fix copyup_shareddir() to get along with existing
- directories. (LP: #1288668)
- * settings.make: Switch default prefix to /usr, as our scripts hardcode that
- for finding VirtSubproc.py and this is a native package. (LP: #1287264)
- [ Steve Langasek ]
- * Fix adt-virt-schroot to correctly return root-on-testbed when we're
- running adt-run as root. (Closes: #740868)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 06 Mar 2014 13:44:07 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.9) unstable; urgency=low
- New features:
- * Add "downtmp-host=<path>" testbed capability, for runners which can set up
- a shared directory between host and testbed. This is used by copyupdown to
- more efficiently copy files back and forth, and in many/most cases, don't
- explicitly copy anything at all.
- * Introduce a new testbed capability "downtmp-shared-fifo" that declares
- that testbed and the host can use a FIFO in the shared downtmp for
- communication. Use this to generalize live test output to all runners
- which declare that, not just -null.
- * Convert null, chroot, schroot, lxc, and qemu runners to use a shared
- downtmp dir. Note that qemu does not support FIFO (through the 9p file
- system), so that one does not get live test output.
- * Don't define $TMPDIR for tests any more. Having $TMPDIR in the shared dir
- isn't efficient and even breaks some tests (as they might not be able to
- put sockets etc. into it), and it's an artificial difference to the
- default system behaviour of just using /tmp. The documentation already was
- changed a long time ago to only document $ADTTMP as a scratch directory
- for tests.
- * Add test restrictions "isolation-container" and "isolation-machine", and
- corresponding testbed capabilities. Tests can use that to declare that
- they want to start services or open ports (i. e. a simple chroot/schroot
- is insufficient) or access hardware, reboot, and interact the kernel
- (where even a container is insufficient), and will be skipped instead of
- failing when they run in a virtualization server which does not provide
- enough isolation.
- * Add manpage for adt-build-lxc script.
- * Ship adt-build-lxc script and its manpage in the package.
- Documentation updates:
- * doc/README.package-tests: Some stylistic updates, and add section headers.
- * adt-virt-lxc.1: Point to, and show how to use adt-build-lxc.
- * Add doc/README.running-tests: Overview of how to run adt-run, most common
- scenarios, and available virtualization servers with their pros/cons.
- Bug fixes:
- * tests: Copy tests/home/ into a temporary dir and set $HOME to that, to
- avoid cluttering the source dir.
- * Don't produce empty stderr/stdout files with --output-dir. (LP: #1282866)
- * adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Install linux-generic, to get the full kernel
- (needed for e. g. udisks2 to get scsi_debug).
- * tests: Add a broken symlink to testpkg, to ensure that copying trees
- around gets along with those.
- * adt-run: Always use fakeroot with adt-virt-qemu, to work around chown
- failing on 9p.
- * xen/initscript: Always source /lib/lsb/init-functions. (Thanks lintian)
- * tests/adt-run: Increase timeout in NullRunner.test_timeout_long_build to
- avoid failure on slow architectures.
- * adt-build-lxc: Properly wait for finished container boot instead of a
- static 10 second sleep.
- * adt-build-lxc: Only flush the cache when updating an existing container.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 27 Feb 2014 11:23:32 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.8.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Use the install timeout instead of the short one for
- --setup-commands/--apt-upgrade.
- * Fix --apt-upgrade to not hang on dpkg conffile prompts.
- * Use ./tests/home/ as $HOME during tests, and add a gpg key to it so that
- we don't have to generate one (which often hangs due to lack of entropy).
- * Make the test suite run as user, skip tests which require root (all
- ChrootRunner and most NullRunner tests).
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 21 Feb 2014 17:15:41 -0800
-autopkgtest (2.8) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Add adt-virt-qemu: Virtualization server using QEMU. This provides even
- more isolation than containers and thus is able to run tests which
- interact with the kernel. See the manpage for the requirements that VMs
- need to satisfy, and how to use it. (Closes: #719215)
- * Add adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: This tool downloads an Ubuntu cloud image
- and configures it for autopkgtest. See its manpage for how to use it.
- * adt-run: Stop using a $TMPDIR for package builds. It's unnecessary
- overhead, and causes problems with dpkg-deb if it is on e. g. a 9p file
- system.
- * Allow the virt-server argument to be given without the common "adt-virt-"
- prefix, for brevity. Update the manpage accordingly, and also move
- virt-server into its own heading instead of burying it in the middle of
- "other options".
- * tests: Show stderr output if adt-run unexpectedly fails.
- * Fix endless recursion when an error happens during resetting apt.
- * tests: Fix skip message if no container is given; it does not need to be
- an Ubuntu cloud container any more.
- * Add tools/adt-build-lxc: Script to create or upgrade a Debian/Ubuntu
- container, suitable as a daily cron (or Jenkins) job. Not shipped in
- package for now.
- * Allow --setup-commands to be given multiple times.
- * Add -U/--apt-upgrade option to run apt-get update/dist-upgrade before
- running the test.
- * Add --apt-pocket <pocket> option to create an additional apt source for
- release-pocket.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 17 Feb 2014 21:00:58 -0800
-autopkgtest (2.7.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- * debian/copyright, CREDITS: Bump copyright year.
- * Eliminate lib/Autopkgtest.py, use pipes.quote() instead of shellquote_*().
- * Drop doc/README.schroot-setup. Using LVM for schroot overlays is not
- recommended as it is too slow and also too hard to set up. You should
- rather use overlays or unpacked tarballs on tmpfs. Adjust
- adt-virt-schroot.1 to point to mk-sbuild(1) instead.
- * CREDITS: Remove license information, it does not belong there and we don't
- need that any more as debian/copyright file.
- * adt-testreport-*, adt-openbugs-*: Add warning that these scripts are
- unmaintained and deprecated in favour of http://ci.debian.net, debci,
- and/or jenkins. If you still use them, please mail
- autopkgtest-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org!
- * README.package-tests: Document that @builddeps@ also installs make.
- (Closes: #738129)
- * Add Suggests: for schroot and lxc, and explain those in the package
- description.
- * NullRunner.test_timeout_long_test: Increase (unrelated) build timeout from
- 3 to 20 s, to cope with the bit of overhead that dpkg-buildpackage
- introduced.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Sun, 09 Feb 2014 19:31:34 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.7.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * VirtSubproc.py, command(): Intercept/retry on EAGAIN.
- * runner/adt-run: Robustify cleanup of empty "binaries" output directory, it
- does not always work in __del__().
- * adt-run: Replace direct invocation of "debian/rules build" with
- "dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b". dpkg-buildpackage is the de-facto
- interface these days (also on the buildds), and does additional things now
- such as passing build flags or cleaning the package. This also implies
- dpkg-source --before build to apply patches, so remove the explicit call
- to that again. (Closes: #737632)
- * adt-run: If all tests get skipped, but there are some tests, don't claim
- that there are none. (Closes: #737242)
- * adt-run: When expanding @builddeps@, add "make" as test almost always need
- it to call "make installcheck" or similar.
- * Print package version as first adt-run message ("@devel@" when running out
- of source tree).
- * Turn VirtSubproc.Timeout into a proper exception class (RuntimeError).
- * Make VirtSubproc.bomb() useful outside the mainloop, so that we can
- use it in utility functions that are used outside of runners.
- * VirtSubproc: Add a "timeout" context manager which plumbs timeout_start(),
- timeout_end() and bomb() (if an exit message is given) or a Timeout
- exception (otherwise) together in the right way, for convenience.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 07 Feb 2014 14:52:42 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.7) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-virt-lxc: Drop all the file-based checks for container bootup, and
- replace with "lxc-attach runlevel" to wait until the container booted to a
- numeric runlevel. This greatly simplifies the logic and drops the
- cloud-init requirement so that this runner is now suitable for Debian or
- debootstrap-based Ubuntu containers. (LP: #1273725)
- * adt-virt-lxc.1: Drop --gain-root in notes/example. It's unnecessary
- (adt-run will install fakeroot if missing) and confusing (as it's not
- related to LXC specifically and otherwise not really used/useful).
- * adt-virt-lxc.1: Add example how to create a Debian container, and some
- cleanup of obsolete commentary.
- * adt-virt-lxc: Add -s/--sudo option to run lxc-* commands through sudo; use
- this option if you run adt-run as normal user, but need to run the
- container itself as root (if you use LXC system-level containers).
- This drops the hardcoded sudo commands and thus the dependency on sudo,
- which is more palatable for Debian. (LP: #1273977)
- * adt-virt-lxc: Add -e shortcut for --ephemeral, as this is an option which
- you pretty much always want.
- * adt-virt-lxc.1: Move more important options to the top.
- * adt-virt-lxc: Stop hardcoding the "ubuntu" suggested normal user; instead,
- call "getent passwd" to detect the first user with uid >= 500. Don't
- advertise suggested-normal-user if none exists.
- * adt-run: Rearrange finalizing options and reading capabilities to happen
- after testbed opening. That allows the testbed to determine its full
- capablities in its open hook.
- * adt-run: Call dpkg-source --before-build for --unbuilt-tree arguments, to
- ensure that patches are applied for "3.0 (quilt)" source trees. This is
- useful to test *-buildpackage source trees where patches don't get
- applied. (LP: #1212208)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 31 Jan 2014 11:14:32 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.6.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adt-virt-lxc: Call lxc-config through sudo as well like all the other LXC
- commands. This fixes running adt-run as user with the LXC runner.
- * adt-run: For copydown(), always chown the testbed files to the non-root
- user (if available). This fixes a "Permission denied" error with the
- schroot or LXC runners and --unbuilt-tree if the source tree has tight
- permissions. (LP: #1266811)
- * Adjust LxcRunner.test_tree_built_binaries to also work with current apt
- (similar to commit 5798b7f for the schroot runner).
- * adt-virt-lxc: Call "sudo test" and "sudo readlink" instead of os.lexists()
- and os.readlink() as recent LXC now makes the default container dir
- /var/lib/lxc not readably by non-users. Fixes running adt-virt-lxc/adt-run
- as user. (LP: #1266809)
- * Add test for --binary with --built-tree.
- * adt-run.1: Clarify and fix some wrong and misleading documentation what
- happens with debs produced by source packages and specified with --binary.
- (LP: #1175557)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 29 Jan 2014 06:53:16 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.6) unstable; urgency=medium
- New features:
- * Add --apt-source option as an alternative for --source, implied if
- argument is a valid package name. It calls "apt-get source" in the testbed
- instead of using a .dsc from the host, which for the common case of
- testing packages in the acual archive avoids having to manually download
- the source and then copying it into the testbed. This simplifies the
- command line for running tests for a package in the archive to
- "adt-run mypkgname --- adt-virt-[...]".
- * Add --setup-commands option to run things like "apt-get update" or adding
- apt sources after opening the testbed.
- Bug fixes:
- * adt-virt-lxc: Stop assuming that containers live in /var/lib/lxc/; ask
- lxc-config about the root path instead.
- * Only reset the test bed after the build stage if builds actually happened.
- * Reset the test bed after running a test group, to avoid an unnecessary
- setup if there is just one test.
- * Don't put an empty "binaries" directory into the output directory.
- New test cases:
- * --timeout handling.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 23 Jan 2014 17:19:11 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.5.6) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Adjust "su" calls to explicitly specify /bin/sh as shell, as recent
- base-passwd disables them now for system users. (Closes: #734740)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 09 Jan 2014 15:21:44 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.5.5) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Test that the schroot runner installs packages with --user, and that it
- runs the tests as root with --user if the test has a "needs-root"
- restriction. (Related to #728304)
- * adt-virt-schroot: Add suggested-normal-user capability to the calling user
- (unless that's root), so that tests are run as user by default.
- (Closes: #728304)
- * Add support for virtual "@builddeps@" test dependency, which will be
- replaced with the package's B-D and B-D-I. Document in
- doc/README.package-tests. (Closes: #720458)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 25 Dec 2013 21:12:38 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.5.4) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Only clean up binary if we built them ourselves. adt-run previously
- removed debs specified with --binary.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 19 Dec 2013 16:18:03 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.5.3) unstable; urgency=low
- * Drop hosts/ and {onepackage,ubuntu}-config example files; these scripts
- haven't been used nor maintained in years, and we won't need them anytime
- soon. Ubuntu does, and Debian plans to drive autopkgtest from britney
- and/or Jenkins, not from cron.
- * Move adt-testreport-* scripts and manpages into autopkgtest-xenlvm
- package, as they require the xen runner.
- * tests/run-parallel: Immediately stop on pep8/pyflakes errors.
- * Adjust SchrootRunner.test_tree_built_binaries test to also work with
- current apt.
- * Always write UTF-8 to stdout and summary stream, to avoid
- UnicodeEncodeError crash when running in a C locale. (LP: #1259529)
- * tests/pyflakes: Always use pyflakes, not pyflakes3, as the latter doesn't
- get along with non-ASCII strings when running under a non-UTF-8 locale (as
- in sbuild).
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 11 Dec 2013 08:45:07 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.5.2) unstable; urgency=low
- * virt-subproc/adt-virt-lxc: Fix PEP-8 error.
- * Explicitly kill the logging tee processes, for backwards compatibility
- with Python 2.6.
- * Avoid assertNotRegex() in test suite as it isn't yet available in Python
- 3.1.
- * Skip dependency version check instead of crashing if python-debian does
- not provide NativeVersion() (for wheezy/lucid).
- * Fix some minor PEP-8 errors.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:07:09 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.5.1) unstable; urgency=low
- * adt-virt-lxc: Drop some dead code.
- * Fix ownership of test tree with --user option.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 26 Nov 2013 10:43:30 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.5) unstable; urgency=low
- Behaviour changes:
- * Drop --output-dir option. It has never really been useful as it only works
- for paths in the testbed, has a confusing semantics, is redundant with
- --tmp-dir, and currently even crashes adt-run. (Closes: #729790)
- * Rename --tmp-dir option to --output-dir, as its main purpose is really to
- collect test artifacts. Keep --tmp-dir alias for backwards compatibility.
- * Drop --override-control option. It complicates the code too much for its
- very limited utility, and it was not even documented in the manpage.
- * Drop --paths-testbed (and thus also --paths-host) options. There is no
- use case for them.
- * Add short options for common command line options: -B for
- --no-built-binaries, -o for --output-dir, -l for --log-file,
- -u for --user.
- * Clean up uninteresting files from --output-dir directory.
- * Tests which want to create additional artifacts can now put them into the
- $ADT_ARTIFACTS directory. When using the --output-dir option, they will be
- copied into <outputdir>/artifacts/. Document this new feature in
- README.package-tests. (LP: #1137763)
- Packaging changes:
- * Drop obsolete autodebtest Conflicts/Replaces.
- * Update copyright years.
- * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5. No changes necessary.
- * CREDITS: Add myself.
- * Makefile: Support $DESTDIR, like automake.
- * Adjust sharedir* defaults in settings.make to what we actually want, and
- drop their overrides in debian/rules
- * Move debian/rules to using dh.
- * Add ./run-from-checkout script to run adt-run from the git checkout or
- source package. Change tests/adt-run to use it.
- * Add tests/run-parallel to run tests for different runners in parallel.
- Bug fixes:
- * Fix OSError crash if --output-dir/--tmp-dir does not exist.
- (Closes: #729791)
- * Pass line number to Test constructor argument, to be able to report proper
- errors instead of crashing. (side issue in #698551)
- * Fix exit code for "Unsupported" error.
- * When encountering an unsupported test, report only this test as skipped,
- not all the others in the same "Tests:" stanza.
- * README.package-tests: Test names must not contain '/'. (Closes: #698551)
- * Create manpage for adt-virt-schroot. (first half of #695974)
- * Fix "su: must be run from a terminal" failure when running as user and
- testbed doesn't provide root-on-testbed. (Closes: #648148)
- * Add bandaid to avoid mixing order of stdout and stderr in the log file
- when reporting results.
- Code cleanup:
- * Simplify logging by dropping the explicit functions for writing to stderr
- plus log, and instead set up pipes so that the whole stdout/stderr will be
- tee'd into the logfile.
- * Replace the usage of the AutoFile classes (which are underdocumented,
- magic, and hard to understand) with a more explicit and much simpler
- TestbedPath class.
- * Stop installing the redundant /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90autopkgtest into
- testbeds, and simplify invocation of apt-get.
- New test cases:
- * Access /dev/std{out,err} in a non-root test, like the "mafft" autopkgtest
- does.
- * --log-file test cases for chroot and schroot runners.
- * schroot and LXC runner test cases for installing built binaries.
- * --output-dir in schroot runner with complete package build.
- * Recommends do not get installed by default.
- * Test case with '/' in the name.
- * --user option for schroot and null runners.
- * breaks-testbed restriction for all runners.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 25 Nov 2013 07:31:22 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.4) unstable; urgency=low
- * Add adt-virt-lxc test runner, many thanks to Robie Basak for this! This
- runner provides "revert" and "revert-full-system" capabilities which is
- useful for packages which have the "breaks-testbed" restriction and
- multiple tests. For the time being this only works with the ubuntu-cloud
- template; support for general debian/ubuntu containers requires an
- lxc-wait mechanism ("did the container finish booting?") and getting along
- with the different user setups (debian using "root", ubuntu using an
- "ubuntu" user with sudo capabilities).
- * Add tests for adt-virt-lxc.
- * Code cleanup to slightly improve readability:
- - Drop two-letter aliases for methods.
- - Consistent usage of quotes.
- - Drop orphaned/unnecessary globals.
- - Consistent logging methods/object names, add some docstrings.
- * Install fakeroot into testbed for "build-needed". Thanks Jean-Baptiste
- Lallement! (Closes: #726714, LP: #1241456)
- * Create testtmp directory with 0755 permissions to fix failure with tight
- umasks. Thanks Arthur de Jong! (Closes: #728057)
- * Allow test control Depends: to have a trailing comma. Thanks Jean-Baptiste
- Lallement for the patch!
- * Make test stdout re-appear in --log-file file for realtime output.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 28 Oct 2013 11:25:30 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.3.8) unstable; urgency=low
- * Skip ChrootRunner test if running under cowdancer, as chrooting in
- cowdancer doesn't work.
- * Fix endless bomb/stop loop if the virt runner fails and exits
- unexpectedly.
- * adt-virt-schroot: Add some debugging output of the schroot config.
- * Fix OSError crash with real-time output when running adt-run as non-root
- on the host, and the runner bind-mounts /tmp (such as -schroot), in which
- case the temporary runner dir isn't accessible to the host. This is a
- quickfix, eventually we should make real-time output work properly in this
- situation.
- * Show stderr also for non-zero exit codes.
- * Restrict live stdout/stderr to the null virt runner for now, as it does
- not work properly with the schroot runner even if /tmp gets bind-mounted.
- * Add tests for the schroot runner. Ad building a schroot would be too
- expensive for a test, use an existing schroot if $ADT_TEST_SCHROOT is set,
- otherwise skip the tests.
- * Show stderr for all non-null runners with "allow-stderr".
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 16 Oct 2013 14:55:39 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.3.7) unstable; urgency=low
- * tests/adt-run: Factorize a base test class with common functionality.
- * lib/VirtSubproc.py, downtmp_mktemp(): Create temporary directory in the
- target (which isn't the host for anything but the null runner), to fix the
- schroot/chroot runners for directories.
- * Only show stdout/stderr in realtime if tests run in the same file system
- as the host, as otherwise we cannot create/use a named pipe. If not, fall
- back to the old way of just showing the complete stdout/stderr after the
- tests finished. (LP: #1235189)
- * Add some test cases for adt-virt-chroot.
- * Add new --timeout-copy option to make copy timeout configurable. Pass that
- down to adt-virt-* via the environment ($ADT_VIRT_COPY_TIMEOUT).
- (LP: #1200693)
- * Fix tests to also work with Python 3.1.
- * tests/testpkg: Go back to compat level 7 so that this also works on older
- Debian/Ubuntu releases.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Tue, 08 Oct 2013 18:55:33 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.3.6) unstable; urgency=low
- * Always kill the tee children after a test finishes, to avoid race
- condition when they get stuck in a read() call which doesn't return with
- "no data".
- * Fix pyflakes failure on older Debian/Ubuntu releases.
- * Fix PEP-8 errors.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 26 Sep 2013 13:12:11 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.3.5) unstable; urgency=low
- * Don't show source_rules_command() "set -x" trace unless running with -d.
- * Kill the tee child process if the testbed bombs out (e. g. due to a
- timeout), to avoid hanging eternally. Add test case for --timeout-test
- handling.
- * Add test case for --summary option.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:51:21 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.3.4) unstable; urgency=low
- * Add tests/testpkg/: Simple source package for testing autopkgtest.
- * Add tests/adt-run: Automatic regression tests for adt-run, covering/using
- the null runner.
- * Add debian/tests: autopkgtest for autopkgtest, using tests/adt-run.
- * Make topmost temporary directory group/world-readable and make $ADTTMP
- have appropriate 1777 permissions so that users other than root can
- actually use it. (Closes: #722458)
- * Don't clip first stderr line to 35 characters in summary. (Side issue in
- #722457)
- * Don't show shell tracing of script that creates the temporary directories.
- * Move unimportant messages to debug level 1, to not clutter up default
- output so much.
- * Drop unnecessary "trace: " from adt-run debug/progress lines.
- * Show stdout/err of the running tests in realtime, which is much nicer for
- watching. Don't split that realtime output, so that stderr messages appear
- in the right context. Show separate stderr if and only if the allow-stderr
- restriction is not set and there is stderr output. (Closes: #722457)
- * For tests with "build-needed", actually run the tests in the built
- directory, not in the original unbuilt tree. (Closes: #711209)
- * Fix various unknown and unused symbols throughout the source, spotted by
- pyflakes.
- * Add tests/pyflakes: Run pyflakes over source and test code.
- * Add tests/pep8: Run pep8 over source and test code.
- * Support empty "Depends:" test control field, installing no dependencies in
- that case.
- * README.package-tests: Point out that you can use upper-case test names as
- well. Update test_tree_tmp_dir() test to use these, to ensure it stays
- working. (Closes: #711844)
- * Some code cleanups:
- - Don't rename modules on import.
- - Format to be PEP-8 compliant.
- - Rename first argument of methods to "self", as that's the wide
- convention, gets rid of some single-letter variable names, and makes it
- a bit easier to see which variables refer to foreign objects.
- * Run tests/pep8 and tests/pyflakes during package build.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 23 Sep 2013 14:44:13 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.3.3) unstable; urgency=low
- * runner/adt-run: Drop "errors" keyword from decode() call to fix
- compatibility with earlier Python versions. Thanks Christoph Berg.
- * adt-run: Fail tests if they exit with nonzero if "allow-stderr"
- restriction is set. Thanks Robie Basak! (LP: #1210503)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Mon, 09 Sep 2013 15:49:52 -0400
-autopkgtest (2.3.2) unstable; urgency=low
- * runner/adt-run: Fix "allow-stderr" restrictions to still report success,
- so that this gets into the summary.log.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 26 Jul 2013 12:41:07 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.3.1) unstable; urgency=low
- * adt-run: Support older python-debian versions whose module was still
- called "debian_bundle". (Closes: #717191)
- * runner/adt-run: Correctly re-raise exception on some register failure
- errors. Thanks Robie Basak!
- * runner/adt-run: Short-circuit publishing if there are no registered built
- binaries. This is the step that takes by far the longest time for short
- tests, and thus speeds up test running significantly.
- * runner/adt-run: Set DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive for installing build or
- test dependencies, too. Thanks Robie Basak! (LP: #1204989)
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 26 Jul 2013 08:02:35 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.3) unstable; urgency=low
- * runner/adt-run.1: Fix bad "affect modify" wording. (LP: #1199500)
- * Drop hosts/chinstrap. We haven't actually used this in many years, it has
- been replaced with https://launchpad.net/auto-package-testing, Jenkins,
- and blocking migration to release until tests pass. (LP: #381210)
- * Promote apt-utils from Recommends to Depends:, to avoid test failures due
- to not finding apt-ftparchive. (LP: #1065874)
- * Promote pbuilder from Recommends: to Depends:, as we always call
- pbuilder-satisfydepends-classic. (LP: #1065874)
- * runner/adt-run: Stop explicitly checking for $HOME (with broken error
- message) when giving --gnupg-home, use os.path.expanduser() instead.
- (LP: #1065873)
- * runner/adt-run: Fix timeout --help output.
- * runner/adt-run: Fix bomb() to clean up the testbed before removing it.
- Afterwards (in cleanup()) we don't have a testbed object any more to run
- commands in. (LP: #1157292)
- * runner/adt-run: Fix UnicodeDecodeError crash if stderr contains non-ASCII
- characters. (LP: #1100283)
- * Add "allow-stderr" restriction for tests where re-routing or disabling
- stderr is impractical. (LP: #1197005)
- * runner-adt-run: Support architecture specifiers in Depends: field.
- (LP: #1165128)
- * runner/adt-run: Remove/fix some unused variables, spotted by pyflakes.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Fri, 19 Jul 2013 11:58:15 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.2.5) unstable; urgency=low
- [ Jean-Baptiste Lallement ]
- * Fix call to atmostone(), so that Tests-Directory: actually works.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 11 Jul 2013 06:54:29 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.2.4) unstable; urgency=low
- [Jean-Baptiste Lallement]
- * Fix failure with "permission denied" with option --user. Closes: #686292,
- LP: #1084116
- * Use debian.deb822 Python module to parse control files. This fixes parsing
- of folded dependencies. Closes: #695797, LP: #1073856
- * Support versioned dependencies in debian/tests/control.
- Closes: #693540, LP: #1164362
- [ Martin Pitt ]
- * Add myself as a co-maintainer, as per mailing list discussion.
- * Add machine-readable debian/copyright as per current 1.0 standard. Remove
- dynamic creation of debian/copyright from debian/rules.
- * Move from deprecated dh compat level 4 to 8 (supported in squeeze).
- * debian/rules: Use dh_installdocs to install copyright file instead of
- custom shell code.
- * debian/control: Add missing ${misc:Depends}.
- * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4.
- -- Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org> Thu, 27 Jun 2013 13:49:25 +0200
-autopkgtest (2.2.3+nmu1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Non-maintainer upload.
- * adt-run: Catch EXDEV. Closes: #696625.
- -- Christoph Berg <myon at debian.org> Thu, 31 Jan 2013 10:31:56 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.2.3) unstable; urgency=medium
- [ Martin Pitt ]
- * Make `@' in tests' Depends work even if we're not building the
- source tree. Closes: #678359. This is an important bugfix.
- -- Ian Jackson <ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk> Sun, 08 Jul 2012 23:15:42 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.2.2) unstable; urgency=low
- [ Martin Pitt ]
- * Fix hashbang lines to use python instead of python2.6, and update
- debian/control to only depend on python (>= 2.6) instead of python2.6.
- Closes: #644332.
- -- Ian Jackson <ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk> Thu, 28 Jun 2012 01:03:02 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.2.1) unstable; urgency=low
- [ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
- * specification: document (XS-)Testsuite source header
- Closes: #679097
- * debian/control: add Vcs-* headers pointing to Alioth Git repository
- -- Ian Jackson <ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk> Wed, 27 Jun 2012 21:36:56 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.2.0) unstable; urgency=low
- * Provide tests with ADTTMP rather than TMPDIR.
- Well, actually, that's just according to the spec. In reality, for
- backward compatibity, we provide each test script with both (pointing
- to different directories so that tests don't need to worry about
- possible filename clashes between ADTTMP and TMPDIR).
- -- Ian Jackson <ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk> Fri, 15 Jun 2012 02:05:54 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.1.0) unstable; urgency=low
- Bugfixes:
- * Remove our strange apt config on exit.
- Partial fix to #648142, from Timo Lindfors.
- * Suppress apt-listbugs and apt-listchanges. Michael Prokop.
- * Fix parsing of "@" dependencies. Colin Watson. Closes: #667022.
- * Fix NameError re "f" in restriction parsing.
- Martin Pitt. Closes: #647882.
- * Improve handling of schroot root-users and root-groups.
- Colin Watson. Closes: #667001.
- * Correctly handle quoting of copyup/copydown filenames. Fixes
- but where we couldn't cope with packages' filenames containing
- + and ~. Report from Martin Pitt. Closes: #648161.
- Documentation fixes:
- * Clarify the spec to say that copyup/down takes encoded filenames.
- * Fix the spec to refer to `breaks-testbed' rather than `breaks-computer'.
- Report from Jakub Wilk. Closes: #669721.
- * Manpage should refer to `*' in tests file's Depends field, not `@'.
- Report from Jakub Wilk. Closes: #670648.
- Packaging fixes:
- * Add Recommends against pbuilder, whose dependency resolver adt-run
- uses.
- * Remove runner/tmp on debian/rules clean, and add it to .gitignore,
- for convenience.
- -- Ian Jackson <ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk> Mon, 11 Jun 2012 02:05:49 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.0.1) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Bugfixes:
- - Python backtrace (no method "bomb") on bad tests/control syntax.
- - Permit tests/control fields with medial capital letters.
- - Do not duplicate previous stanzas (closes: #637333).
- - Make adt-run --quiet work (closes: #637350).
- - Make "build-needed" restriction work (closes: #637353).
- - Fix a debugging message which was spuriously sent to stderr.
- * Change Maintainer to the new list and move me to Uploaders.
- -- Ian Jackson <ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk> Sat, 27 Aug 2011 11:21:29 +0100
-autopkgtest (2.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Incompatible test declaration spec changes:
- - no-build-needed is now the default; build-needed is a Restriction
- that tests which need it have to declare.
- * Incompatible virtualisation server spec changes:
- - print-execute-command replaced by print-{auxverb,shscript}-command.
- - "revert" capability split into "revert" and "revert-full-system"
- * New adt-virt-schroot for driving schroot. Sorry, no manpage yet.
- * New README.schroot-setup.
- * Remove dependency on python in testbed.
- * Update python version to 2.6.
- * Spec wording improvements, clarifications, editorial changes, etc.
- * Many bugfixes, including:
- - replace Python string exceptions (closes:#585226).
- - fix some broken formatting in adt-run manpage (closes:#636034).
- - fix adt-virt-chroot for simple chroots (closes:#520066).
- -- Ian Jackson <ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk> Sat, 30 Jul 2011 17:57:27 +0100
-autopkgtest (1.2.0~) unstable; urgency=low
- * adt-xenlvm-*: support for swap, defaulting to 5G.
- This will break existing setups with insufficient LVM space.
- * adt-xenlvm-*: allow specification of LVM PVs to use.
- * remove spurious mkdir of empty variable $snap.
- * hosts/magrathea/*: setup as working for initial tests.
- * adt-xenlvm-with-testbed: sleep 1 after xm destroy, which is racy.
- * Fix a few other bugs from deployment in 2008.
- -- Ian Jackson <ian at davenant.greenend.org.uk> Wed, 27 Aug 2008 22:12:13 +0100
-autopkgtest (1.1.1~) unstable; urgency=low
- * adt-xenlvm-setup: new hooks for xmdomain config file.
- * hosts/cadmium/update-suppression: really do not install empty file.
- * allow suppresspackages and blacklist lists to contain more
- information after some whitespace
- * adt-openbugs-*: new machinery for working with debbugs.
- * hosts/magrathea/*: work-in-progress configuration
- * Add Recommends against apt-utils.
- * hosts/cadmium/crontab: savelog -c7 not savelog -n7
- * hosts/{cadmium,chinstrap}/crontab: set MAILTO
- * adt-testreport-cronjob: make executable.
- -- Ian Jackson <ian at davenant.greenend.org.uk> Fri, 26 Oct 2007 18:12:32 +0100
-autopkgtest (1.1.0) unreleased; urgency=low
- * adt-testreport-runloop: manpage
- * adt-testreport-runloop: better command line parsing
- * adt-testreport-runloop: removed old lalonde junk
- * adt-testreport-runloop: replaced `..._ok' vars with sentinel files
- * hosts/chinstrap/update-suppressions: big comment
- * adt-testreport-runloop: renamed from hosts/cadmium/lalonde-nightly
- * hosts/cadmium/onepackage-config: set PATH (was in lalonde-nightly)
- * adt-testreport-onepackage: many manpage improvements
- * adt-testreport-runloop: add to Makefile
- * hosts/* installed as examples with a big fat warning.
- * adt-testreport-cronjob: renamed from hosts/cadmium/cronjob
- * adt-testreport-runloop: copyright message.
- * cfg and adt-testreport-runloop: do not cd in config files.
- * adt-testreport-runloop: fix handling of test_classes (was xoptslist)
- * hosts/cadmium/*, debian/rules: onepackage_config renamed to cfg.
- -- Ian Jackson <ian at davenant.greenend.org.uk> Thu, 18 Oct 2007 17:17:31 +0100
-autopkgtest (1.0.9) unstable; urgency=low
- * Separate email_sourcepackage_header and email_binarypackage_header
- to allow us to properly file bugs in LP against binary packages built
- from differently-named sources.
- * adt-testreport-onepackage: Dump a logfile giving the scores and facts
- used for package selection.
- * adt-testreport-onepackage: Do not prefer packages whose source package
- is listed in the suppressions file.
- * hosts/cadmium/manual-test-one-binary: new testing script.
- * hosts/cadmium/onepackage-config: explain about archive skew.
- * adt-testreport-onepackage: nicer score logging re skip chars.
- * adt-testreport-onepackage: skip emails if _source_ is suppresed.
- * adt-testreport-onepackage etc.: new blacklist feature, and initially
- blacklist ltsp-client{,-core}.
- * adt-testreport-onepackage: limit log to 64K (32K head, 32K tail)
- to avoid humungous bug reports which LP silently discards.
- * hosts/cadmium/lalonde-nightly: check for testbed sentinel file
- and stop if not present.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Thu, 18 Oct 2007 11:56:51 +0100
-autopkgtest (1.0.8) gutsy; urgency=low
- * adt-run: pass -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true to apt & gdebi;
- this improves dependency problem reporting. (LP: #135581.)
- * adt-testreport-onepackage: seddery the log to remove ctrl chars.
- In particular, this gets rid of ^M's from apt which get corrupted
- by email transport and thus break the email signatures.
- * hosts/chinstrap/update-suppressions: pass -S to curl.
- * hosts/{chinstrap,cadmium}/install-on-*: use --ubuntu branch.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Wed, 19 Sep 2007 15:44:33 +0100
-autopkgtest (1.0.7) gutsy; urgency=low
- * Build properly with debian/copyright.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Tue, 28 Aug 2007 18:16:35 +0100
-autopkgtest (1.0.6) unstable; urgency=low
- * Better changelog for 1.0.4.
- * .bzrignore debian/copyright.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Tue, 28 Aug 2007 18:08:46 +0100
-autopkgtest (1.0.5) gutsy; urgency=low
- * Generate debian/copyright file in source package.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Tue, 28 Aug 2007 18:01:16 +0100
-autopkgtest (1.0.4) gutsy; urgency=low
- * adt-testreport-onepackage:
- - Handling of source packages' Architecture: field corrected
- so package selection works properly.
- - Use ln -f when installing summary.
- - Capability to suppress emails similar to ones already sent.
- - Launchpad bug filing including PGP-signing, `affects' line, etc.
- - Capability to suppress email for packages listed in a
- suppression file.
- - Better formatting and explanations in some emails.
- * adt-run:
- - Options for setting timeouts.
- - Increase default timeouts 100s, 3ks, 10ks, 100ks.
- * hosts/chinstrap/*:
- Screen-scrape Launchpad to get existing bugs and generate a suitable
- suppression file so we file a bug iff there isn't one already.
- * hosts/cadmium/*:
- New directory for convenience scripts etc on Canonical buildd.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Tue, 28 Aug 2007 17:42:13 +0100
-autopkgtest (1.0.3) unstable; urgency=low
- * Set LANG to C by default for commands (eg builds and tests) run on
- testbed, and make this configurable.
- * Make builds work again: Fix `cd *' in work.write (broken by
- inclusion of `tmpdir' in that directory).
- * adt-testreport-onepackage has better reporting for DC-running.
- * Fix handling of non-.deb-producing source packages (eg, ones
- which produce only .udebs).
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Mon, 16 Jul 2007 17:18:03 +0100
-autopkgtest (1.0.2) unstable; urgency=low
- * xenlvm command-line settings properly override config file
- settings everywhere.
- * Default value for adt_distro computed in time to be used for
- default value for adt_play.
- * Close fd 4 for lvm tools too (suppresses daft `File descriptor
- left open' message).
- * Change default lvm lv sizes and make documentation correspond
- to reality.
- -- Ian Jackson <ian at davenant.greenend.org.uk> Fri, 13 Jul 2007 15:31:58 +0100
-autopkgtest (1.0.1) unstable; urgency=low
- * adt_debootstrap_opts mentioned in README and passable on
- command lines, instead of unused adt_pbuilder_args.
- * Dependency on pbuilder fixed; we use debootstrap, not pbuilder.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Thu, 12 Jul 2007 16:54:47 +0100
-autopkgtest (1.0.0) gutsy; urgency=low
- * Locking: <play>.lock (unlinkable fcntl style) plus <play>/good
- sentinel file. This will avoid conflicts between simultaneous calls
- to with-testbed and setup (and others). The `with' mode of the userv
- target is enhanced so that the caller can take out the lock and hold
- it will starting and discarding the testbed more than once.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Thu, 12 Jul 2007 15:01:35 +0100
-autopkgtest (0.9.2) unreleased; urgency=low
- * Really discard stderr from our ought-to-be-unnecessary
- modprobe dm-snapshot.
- -- Ian Jackson <ian at davenant.greenend.org.uk> Thu, 12 Jul 2007 14:31:20 +0100
-autopkgtest (0.9.1) gutsy; urgency=low
- * autopkgtest-xenlvm declares that it Depends on dmsetup.
- * Discard stderr from our ought-to-be-unnecessary modprobe dm-snapshot.
- * New `console' mode for userv service.
- * Move README.userv to autopkgtest-xenlvm package (and hence to
- /usr/share/doc/autopkgtest-xenlvm).
- * Do not mind if directory named by adt_modules doesn't exist - in
- that case just don't copy any modules.
- * Attempt to install libc6-xen in fixups-inside, rather than instructing
- debootstrap to install it. This makes us not mind if it's missing.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Thu, 12 Jul 2007 09:50:13 +0100
-autopkgtest (0.9.0) gutsy; urgency=low
- New features:
- * userv service for testbed invocation now provided and
- at least somewhat tested, and useable by adt-virt-xenlvm.
- * New print-execute-command command for virtualisation servers.
- * New adt_sshauthkeys_hook config variable.
- * pass count= to dd for erasure when lvm_erasebase=true.
- Bugfixes:
- * Fix filename pattern bug which can prevent automatic keypair
- generation (false claim that privkey and pubkey do not match).
- * Do not demand vg or distro information for initscript to work.
- * export adt_* variable settings resulting from command-line
- arguments so that subprocesses get them properly, and arrange
- for the `defaults for simple settings' not to override environment
- variables.
- * suppress various variable settings' default computations (and
- consequent failure if the default can't be established) when
- processing config for the initscript. The initscript does not
- need per-testbed configuration options.
- * close fd 8 when running vgdisplay (which avoids an annoying and
- spurious warning from the lvm tools).
- Packaging:
- * autopkgtest-xenlvm now Recommends: lvm2 and debootstrap.
- * autopkgtest Suggests curl (adt-testreport-onepackage needs it).
- Portability:
- * Check for udev persistent-net-generator and if enabled we
- write a rune for eth0 for guest_macaddr into the RULES_FILE
- specified in /lib/udev/write_net_rules. (Needed for gutsy.)
- * Remove iwj-specific stuff from adt-testreport-onepackage and put
- it into onepackage-config with scary warnings to tell people to
- edit the file.
- Documentation:
- * ip forwarding warning clarified.
- * README documentation of default value for erasebase corrected.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Tue, 3 Jul 2007 14:58:56 +0100
-autopkgtest (0.8.2feisty1~iwj) feisty-updates; urgency=low
- * Fix readconfig.in to set adt_$var rather than just $var.
- * Use fd 8 for readconfig stdout parking rather than fd 10, to avoid
- Debian #423400 (bash bug).
- * Truncate files when writing them (copyup, copydown, etc) (!)
- * Remove spurious \ from `do not know how to handle filename' message.
- * Reset signal handlers in VirtSubproc cleanup.
- -- Ian Jackson <ian at davenant.greenend.org.uk> Thu, 17 May 2007 15:11:31 +0100
-autopkgtest (0.8.2) gutsy unstable; urgency=low
- * Fix fd handling to work around Python's habit of closing files
- you specify in subprocess.Popen.
- * Error handling bugfixes: say except (IOError,OSError) everywhere
- rather than just one of those two; correct harmless bug in gpg key
- generation error handling.
- * Make adt-virt-null work properly (VirtSubProc runs `down' with
- a single argument, so down must be sh -c and not []).
- * In VirtSubProc close spurious copy of plumbing pipe, which prevents
- certain hangs during error situations.
- * Xen cleanup script runs dmsetup info / dmsetup remove several times
- with some sleeps because xm destroy is not properly instantaneous.
- * Fix handling of pre-built source trees.
- * Fix cleanup handling not to delete tmpdir before resetting testbed's
- apt.
- -- Ian Jackson <ian at davenant.greenend.org.uk> Fri, 27 Apr 2007 16:06:15 +0100
-autopkgtest (0.8.1) feisty; urgency=low
- * Call dmsetup remove repeatedly instead of messing with udevsettle.
- udevsettle doesn't always help with the dmsetup remove race.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Wed, 4 Apr 2007 18:04:38 +0100
-autopkgtest (0.8.0) feisty; urgency=low
- * adt-run: new --instantiate option to allow package installation to be
- forced for testing. (This is not an ideal approach - it's not very
- flexible - but works well enough for the current requirements.)
- * adt-testreport-onepackage: new ability to test binary as well as
- source packages, using new --instantiate option.
- * new `timeout=' option on `execute' virt server command.
- * set some default timeouts (these should be settable with options,
- really).
- * Default kernel image guesser is more sophisticated - now we look
- for something that looks like a Xen kernel rather than guessing
- from the filename since the filenames seem unstable.
- * Default setting for adt_fw_allowglobalports is none.
- * Set DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive.
- * Run udevsettle after xm destroy but before dmsetup remove.
- * Run sendmail -odi not -odq in adt-testreport-onepackage.
- * Longer timeouts by default.
- * Print `adt-run: trace' for trace output.
- * Show all apt stdout (including dpkg stdout) in contemporaneous trace.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Tue, 3 Apr 2007 20:08:13 +0100
-autopkgtest (0.7.2) feisty; urgency=low
- * adt-testreport-onepackage: new management script, with some
- example config files onepackage-config and ubuntu-config.
- * Fixed quite a few bugs in adt-run.
- * Made adt_distro xenlvm config var settable.
- * Fixed various packaging problems.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Thu, 8 Mar 2007 14:54:33 +0000
-autopkgtest (0.7.1) feisty; urgency=low
- * Actually ship README.* files.
- * Manpage for adt-virt-xenlvm.
- * New adt-virt-null.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Mon, 26 Feb 2007 16:34:41 +0000
-autopkgtest (0.7.0) feisty; urgency=low
- * Many new features, including:
- - Xen virtualisation service works
- - Can build packages as necessary
- - Many bugfixes.
- - Documentation (moved from the wiki).
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Thu, 22 Feb 2007 20:10:30 +0000
-autopkgtest (0.6.1) edgy; urgency=low
- * autopkgtest-xenlvm: filter output from debootstrap to make
- the amount of output more reasonable. set -o pipefail.
- Create a timestamp file on image creation. Warn if ipv4
- forwarding is turned off.
- * Add missing file `xen/justconfig' to bzr.
- * Fix typo in usage message in adt-virt-chroot.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Wed, 11 Oct 2006 15:42:18 +0100
-autopkgtest (0.6.0) edgy; urgency=low
- * autopkgtest-xenlvm: new package with Xen/LVM management
- scripts productised. Not yet glued into autopkgtest proper.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Fri, 6 Oct 2006 20:45:41 +0100
-autopkgtest (0.5.3) dapper; urgency=low
- * Rename package autodebtest => autopkgtest.
- * Remove a leftover debugging print from adt-virt-chroot.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Tue, 7 Feb 2006 18:02:08 +0000
-autodebtest (0.5.2) dapper; urgency=low
- * New --output-dir option to adt-run.
- * Bugfixes (including new mandatory cwd argument to `execute'
- virt server command).
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Thu, 2 Feb 2006 19:44:18 +0000
-autodebtest (0.5.1) dapper; urgency=low
- * Manpages and minor fixes.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Tue, 24 Jan 2006 18:37:46 +0000
-autodebtest (0.5.0) unstable; urgency=low
- * Initial release of (still largely proof-of-concept) automatic binary
- package testing framework.
- -- Ian Jackson <iwj at ubuntu.com> Fri, 20 Jan 2006 17:56:55 +0000
+reprotest (0.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release.
+ -- Ceridwen <ceridwenv at gmail.com> Thu, 02 Jun 2016 02:58:49 +0000
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 600965c..a6cb2fa 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -1,22 +1,18 @@
-Source: autopkgtest
-Maintainer: Autopkgtest team <autopkgtest-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Ian Jackson <ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk>, Martin Pitt <mpitt at debian.org>
+Source: reprotest
+Maintainer: Reproducible builds folks <reproducible-builds at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Section: devel
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 3.9.8
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9),
- python3 (>= 3.1),
- python3-mock,
- python3-debian,
- python3-docutils,
- pyflakes,
- procps,
- pep8
-Vcs-Git: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/autopkgtest/autopkgtest.git
-Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/autopkgtest/autopkgtest.git
-X-Python3-Version: >= 3.1
+ dh-python,
+ python3-all,
+ python3-setuptools,
+Vcs-Git: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/reproducible/reprotest.git
+Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/reproducible/reprotest.git
+X-Python3-Version: >= 3.3
-Package: autopkgtest
+Package: reprotest
Architecture: all
Depends: python3,
@@ -26,15 +22,4 @@ Depends: python3,
Recommends: autodep8
Suggests: schroot, lxc, lxd-client, qemu-system, qemu-utils
-Description: automatic as-installed testing for Debian packages
- autopkgtest runs tests on binary packages. The tests are run on the
- package as installed on a testbed system (which may be found via a
- virtualisation or containment system). The tests are expected to be
- supplied in the corresponding Debian source package.
- .
- See adt-run(1) and /usr/share/doc/autopkgtest.
- Depending on which virtualization server you want to use, you need to
- install additional packages (schroot, lxc, lxd, or qemu-system)
- .
- For generating tests of well-known source packages such as Perl and Ruby
- libraries you should install the autodep8 package.
+Description: Build packages and check them for reproducibility.
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index d592b1c..9c0a1cc 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
Files: *
Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Canonical Ltd.
-License: GPL-2+
+License: GPL-3+
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
diff --git a/debian/postinst b/debian/postinst
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d29059..0000000
--- a/debian/postinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-if [ "$1" = configure ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt-nl "3.9.3"; then
- # If this file exists and its only content is "force-unsafe-io", then it was
- # generated by #775076 and must be removed.
- if [ -e /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/autopkgtest ]; then
- if [ "`cat /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/autopkgtest`" = "force-unsafe-io" ]; then
- echo "Cleaning up erroneous /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/autopkgtest..."
- rm -f /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/autopkgtest
- fi
- fi
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 51ad3db..e584856 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -1,47 +1,7 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-# This file is part of autopkgtest
-# autopkgtest is a tool for testing Debian binary packages
-# autopkgtest is Copyright (C) 2006 Canonical Ltd.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-# See the file CREDITS for a full list of credits information (often
-# installed as /usr/share/doc/autopkgtest/CREDITS).
+#! /usr/bin/make -f
-VERSION=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n '/^Version:/ {s/^.*: //; p}')
+#export DH_VERBOSE = 1
+export PYBUILD_NAME = reprotest
- dh "$@"
- dh_auto_install
- # put our package version into adt-run for logging
- sed -i 's/@version@/$(VERSION)/' debian/autopkgtest/usr/share/autopkgtest/python/adt_testbed.py
-ifeq (, $(findstring nocheck, $(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
- if type pyflakes3 >/dev/null 2>&1; then tests/pyflakes; else echo "pyflakes3 not available, skipping"; fi
- tests/pep8 || true
- tests/testdesc
- tests/run_args
- env NO_PKG_MANGLE=1 tests/adt-run NullRunner
-# necessary until we move to compat level 9
- true
+ dh $@ --with python3 --buildsystem=pybuild
diff --git a/debian/tests/control b/debian/tests/control
index a0798ca..d7c3370 100644
--- a/debian/tests/control
+++ b/debian/tests/control
@@ -1,24 +1,2 @@
-Tests: adt-run
-Depends: autopkgtest,
- autodep8,
- build-essential,
- debhelper (>= 7)
-Restrictions: needs-root
+Tests: reprotest
Tests-Directory: tests
-Tests: pyflakes
-Depends: pyflakes
-Tests-Directory: tests
-Tests: installed
-Depends: autopkgtest
-# LP#1557161
-#Tests: lxd
-#Depends: autopkgtest,
-# lxd,
-# lxd-client,
-# build-essential,
-# debhelper (>= 7),
-# fakeroot
-#Restrictions: isolation-machine, allow-stderr
diff --git a/debian/tests/installed b/debian/tests/installed
deleted file mode 100755
index f25f0df..0000000
--- a/debian/tests/installed
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-set -eu
-# avoid using Python modules in source tree
-mkdir -p mypkg/debian/tests
-echo "mypkg (1) UNRELEASED" > mypkg/debian/changelog
-touch mypkg/debian/control
-cat <<EOF > mypkg/debian/tests/control
-Test-Command: echo Hello
-adt-run --summary-file summary -B ./mypkg// --- null 2>&1
-if ! grep -q '^command1[[:space:]]\+PASS$' summary; then
- echo "ERROR: Invalid summary file:" >&2
- cat summary >&2
- exit 1
diff --git a/debian/tests/lxd b/debian/tests/lxd
deleted file mode 100755
index 9cba710..0000000
--- a/debian/tests/lxd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-set -eu
-arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
-if [ "$arch" != i386 -a "$arch" != amd64 ]; then
- # we don't have LXD images for most non-x86 architectures
- echo "Skipping on non-x86 architecture $arch"
- exit 0
-adt-build-lxd images:ubuntu/xenial/$arch
-export ADT_TEST_LXD=adt/ubuntu/xenial/$arch
-tests/adt-run LxdRunner
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