[Reproducible-commits] [blog] 01/01: 60: review usertagged bugs

Reiner Herrmann reiner at reiner-h.de
Sun Jun 19 12:30:23 UTC 2016

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deki-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository blog.

commit 5dbc4d9c4979b5a98caaa8eacf3370460e57daeb
Author: Reiner Herrmann <reiner at reiner-h.de>
Date:   Sun Jun 19 14:30:44 2016 +0200

    60: review usertagged bugs
 drafts/60.mdwn | 17 +++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drafts/60.mdwn b/drafts/60.mdwn
index 24b66a1..ca873bf 100644
--- a/drafts/60.mdwn
+++ b/drafts/60.mdwn
@@ -119,6 +119,23 @@ Uploads with reproducibility fixes that currently fail to build:
 Patches submitted that have not made their way to the archive yet:
+ * [[!bug 827109]] against [[!pkg asciijump]] by Reiner Herrmann: sort source files for deterministic linking order.
+ * [[!bug 827112]] against [[!pkg boswars]] by Reiner Herrmann: sort source files for deterministic linking order.
+ * [[!bug 827114]] against [[!pkg overgod]] by Reiner Herrmann: use C locale for sorting source files.
+ * [[!bug 827115]] against [[!pkg netpbm]] by Alexis Bienvenüe: honour `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` while generating output.
+ * [[!bug 827124]] against [[!pkg funguloids]] by Reiner Herrmann: use C locale for sorting files.
+ * [[!bug 827145]] against [[!pkg scummvm]] by Reiner Herrmann: don't embed extra fields in zip archive and build with proper host architecture.
+ * [[!bug 827150]] against [[!pkg netpanzer]] by Reiner Herrmann: sort source files for deterministic linking order.
+ * [[!bug 827172]] against [[!pkg reaver]] by Alexis Bienvenüe: sort object files for deterministic linking order.
+ * [[!bug 827187]] against [[!pkg latex2html]] by Alexis Bienvenüe: iterate deterministic over Perl hashes; honour `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` for output; strip username from output; sort index keys.
+ * [[!bug 827313]] against [[!pkg cherrypy3]] by Sascha Steinbiss: prevent memory addresses in output.
+ * [[!bug 827361]] against [[!pkg matplotlib]] by Alexis Bienvenüe: honour `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` in output and sort keys while iterating over dict.
+ * [[!bug 827382]] against [[!pkg dwarfutils]] by Reiner Herrmann: fix array size, which caused memory from outside a table to be embedded into output.
+ * [[!bug 827384]] against [[!pkg skytools3]] by Sascha Steinbiss: use stable sorting order and remove timestamps from documentation.
+ * [[!bug 827419]] against [[!pkg ldaptor]] by Sascha Steinbiss: sort list of input files and prevent home directory from leaking into documentation.
+ * [[!bug 827546]] against [[!pkg git-buildpackage]] by Sascha Steinbiss: replace timestamps in documentation with changelog date; prevent temporary paths in documentation.
+ * [[!bug 827572]] against [[!pkg xprobe]] by Reiner Herrmann: sort list of object files in static library archives.
 Package reviews

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/blog.git

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