[Reproducible-commits] [reprotest] branch master updated (4632472 -> 5efca85)
ceridwen-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 21 20:23:09 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ceridwen-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository reprotest.
from 4632472 Close intent to package bug
adds 6f0eb7f Reorganize imports so lib/ is an ordinary package
adds 50a5a46 Change file names to be consistent with autopkgtest 4.0
adds d188a2b Rework sys.path mutations to work with reprotest/ and lib/ as packages
adds e0c68f3 Add arguments for virtualization support and fix accompanying tests
adds 5c6b17f Improve coverage measurements
adds a7c798e First draft of integration of the virtualization
adds 9ccba84 Fix environmental variables
adds f2839e1 Switch test runner to py.test
adds d03b372 Parametrize the existing tests in prepartion for adding chroot testing
adds 8f1fe11 Prevent testbed from stopping on an error and ensure errors from the shell get printed when check_exec fails
adds 3a1a9d7 Clean up mock_build.py
adds b8c30d0 First version of the mini shell AST library
adds 5bdccaa Turn build commands into shell scripts with the AST library
adds fd2807a Test qemu and reactive fileordering
adds 5190d41 Add xenv argument to adt_testbed.Testbed.check_exec() and replace execute() call in build with check_exec()
adds 06d19d2 Monkey-patch contextlib.ExitStack to work around CPython bug, see https://bugs.python.org/issue25782 and https://bugs.python.org/issue25786
adds 60a136c Restore tests now that CPython bug is worked around
adds dda03c6 Move contextlib monkey-patch to its own file
adds a0ad88f Factor out common code for constructing shell ASTs
adds dbcf300 Make the file names depend on the current version in the tests
adds 91ef7b8 Bump version numbers in preparation for the next release
adds f2c309e Shorten license boilerplate and add new copyright info
adds 28a7008 Add instructions for running the tests
adds 5c7985d Add new recommends and update version information
adds df65856 Fix cleanup handling iin both the failing and non-failing cases
adds 4284aef Add Python license to debian/copyright
adds 585a116 Rename Testbed.caps to Testbed.capabilities
adds ebd0838 Ensure disorderfs is mounted with multiuser access if the container has root privileges
new 0e1dcc0 Reenable the Debian self-build
new 5efca85 Merge virtualization into master
The 2 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
README.md | 57 ++-
debian/changelog | 8 +-
debian/control | 4 +-
debian/copyright | 219 ++++++++++-
reprotest/__init__.py | 388 ++++++++++++++-----
reprotest/_contextlib.py | 69 ++++
reprotest/_shell_ast.py | 430 +++++++++++++++++++++
reprotest/lib/VirtSubproc.py | 29 +-
reprotest/lib/__init__.py | 0
reprotest/lib/adt_binaries.py | 29 +-
reprotest/lib/adt_run_args.py | 23 +-
reprotest/lib/adt_testbed.py | 71 ++--
reprotest/lib/adtlog.py | 23 +-
reprotest/lib/testdesc.py | 33 +-
reprotest/runner/adt-run | 23 +-
reprotest/tools/adt-build-lxc | 25 +-
reprotest/tools/adt-build-lxd | 26 +-
reprotest/tools/adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud | 26 +-
reprotest/virt-subproc/README.running-tests.rst | 279 -------------
reprotest/virt-subproc/adt-virt-null | 75 ----
.../autopkgtest-chroot.1} | 0
.../adt-virt-lxc.1 => virt/autopkgtest-lxc.1} | 0
.../adt-virt-lxd.1 => virt/autopkgtest-lxd.1} | 0
.../adt-virt-null.1 => virt/autopkgtest-null.1} | 0
.../adt-virt-qemu.1 => virt/autopkgtest-qemu.1} | 0
.../autopkgtest-schroot.1} | 0
.../adt-virt-ssh.1 => virt/autopkgtest-ssh.1} | 0
.../{virt-subproc/adt-virt-chroot => virt/chroot} | 33 +-
reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-lxc => virt/lxc} | 36 +-
reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-lxd => virt/lxd} | 35 +-
reprotest/virt/null | 56 +++
.../{virt-subproc/adt-virt-qemu => virt/qemu} | 36 +-
.../adt-virt-schroot => virt/schroot} | 33 +-
reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-ssh => virt/ssh} | 37 +-
setup.py | 4 +-
tests/mock_build.py | 22 +-
tests/tests.py | 54 +--
tox.ini | 11 +-
38 files changed, 1269 insertions(+), 925 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 reprotest/_contextlib.py
create mode 100644 reprotest/_shell_ast.py
create mode 100644 reprotest/lib/__init__.py
delete mode 100644 reprotest/virt-subproc/README.running-tests.rst
delete mode 100755 reprotest/virt-subproc/adt-virt-null
rename reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-chroot.1 => virt/autopkgtest-chroot.1} (100%)
rename reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-lxc.1 => virt/autopkgtest-lxc.1} (100%)
rename reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-lxd.1 => virt/autopkgtest-lxd.1} (100%)
rename reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-null.1 => virt/autopkgtest-null.1} (100%)
rename reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-qemu.1 => virt/autopkgtest-qemu.1} (100%)
rename reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-schroot.1 => virt/autopkgtest-schroot.1} (100%)
rename reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-ssh.1 => virt/autopkgtest-ssh.1} (100%)
rename reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-chroot => virt/chroot} (53%)
rename reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-lxc => virt/lxc} (90%)
rename reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-lxd => virt/lxd} (83%)
create mode 100755 reprotest/virt/null
rename reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-qemu => virt/qemu} (94%)
rename reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-schroot => virt/schroot} (80%)
rename reprotest/{virt-subproc/adt-virt-ssh => virt/ssh} (92%)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/reprotest.git
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