[Reproducible-commits] [notes] 01/02: Explain why the date is invalid even though it looks fine.

Chris Lamb chris at chris-lamb.co.uk
Sat Aug 20 13:02:55 UTC 2016

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lamby pushed a commit to branch master
in repository notes.

commit d25186317c8d6a048fd448e66168a3def5fbc8a4
Author: Chris Lamb <lamby at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Aug 20 14:02:25 2016 +0100

    Explain why the date is invalid even though it looks fine.
 packages.yml | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/packages.yml b/packages.yml
index a136e9b..90c563f 100644
--- a/packages.yml
+++ b/packages.yml
@@ -2754,6 +2754,10 @@ debian-security-support:
   comments: |
     [i386/armhf] Tests fail due to «date -d 2213-05-23 +%Y%m%d» dying with stderr «date: invalid date '2213-05-23'» and no stdout.
     The code is https://sources.debian.net/src/debian-security-support/2016.05.24/check-support-status.in/#L203
+    .
+    I believe the date is not invalid by itself, but when the current timezone
+    is applied, it becomes invalid. I can't seem to reproduce this locally
+    though so not filing a patch.
   version: 1.13
   comments: |

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