[presentations] 01/01: openwrt: wip

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Tue Oct 11 23:05:59 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

holger pushed a commit to branch master
in repository presentations.

commit 910e962cc57f1c21608336d322f9bbd452026bdf
Author: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
Date:   Wed Oct 12 01:05:36 2016 +0200

    openwrt: wip
 .../2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit.tex                  | 64 +++++++++++-----------
 2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit/notes                    |  5 ++
 2 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit.tex b/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit.tex
index 09c7a77..e4b71ab 100644
--- a/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit.tex
+++ b/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit.tex
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ from a given source}
   \item<2-4> Seen a talk about reproducible builds?
   \item<3-4> Contributed to the efford?
-  \item<3-4> Uses Debian or a Debian based system?
+  \item<4> Uses Debian or a Debian based system?
@@ -545,19 +545,26 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour is usually the same… usually, the minut
- \frametitle{Debian packages on tests.reproducible-builds.org}
- \begin{itemize}
-  \item \url{https://reproducible.debian.net/$src}
-  \item 32 package sets 
- \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Progress in the Debian bug tracker}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]
+  \node[shift={(-0.5\paperwidth, \paperheight)},at=(current page.south east)] {
+    \includegraphics[height=0.65\paperheight]{images/stats_bugs_sin_ftbfs_state.png}
+  };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{center}
+  \footnotesize{As a rule, we file bugs with patches. \\
+  There are very few exceptions.}
+  \vfill
+ \end{center}
- \frametitle{Notes and issues on tests.reproducible-builds.org}
+ \frametitle{Details on tests.reproducible-builds.org}
+  \item \url{https://reproducible.debian.net/$src}
+  \item 32 package sets 
   \item 179 categorised distinct issues
   \item 3,792 notes
   \item 2549 unreproducible packages in \texttt{sid}, but only 139 without a note
@@ -568,22 +575,25 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour is usually the same… usually, the minut
- \frametitle{Progress in the Debian bug tracker}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]
-  \node[shift={(-0.5\paperwidth, \paperheight)},at=(current page.south east)] {
-    \includegraphics[height=0.65\paperheight]{images/stats_bugs_sin_ftbfs_state.png}
-  };
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \begin{center}
-  \footnotesize{As a rule, we file bugs with patches. \\
-  There are very few exceptions.}
-  \vfill
- \end{center}
+ \frametitle{Reminder / Summary / Whats missing}
+ \begin{itemize}
+  \item This is a proof-of-concept, Debian is not 90\% reproducible.
+  \item<2-4> Though most everything is finally in Debian now, except
+  \texttt{dpkg} and \texttt{.buildinfo} file support on the archive side.
+  \item<3-4> We hope that Debian 9, "stretch", will be partially reproducible
+  in a meaningful way, in 2017.
+  \item<3-4> What's beyond (rebuilding, \texttt{.buildinfo} file handling, user
+  tools) mostly still needs \it{design} and code. We are late for Stretch…
+  \item<4> Will Debian 10, "buster", be 100\% reproducible? We doubt it.
+  Maybe Debian 11.
+ \end{itemize}
  \frametitle{Tell the world \& collaborate}
@@ -603,18 +613,6 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour is usually the same… usually, the minut
- \frametitle{Reminder / Summary}
- \begin{itemize}
-  \item This is just a proof-of-concept, Debian is not 85\% reproducible
-  \item Debian "unstable" this summer?!!
-  \item<2-3> I hope that Debian 9, "stretch", will be partially reproducible
-  in a meaningful way, in 2017.
-  \item<2-3> Will Debian 10, "buster", be 100\% reproducible?
-  \item<3> What's beyond (rebuilding, \texttt{.buildinfo} file handling, user
-  tools) mostly still needs \it{design} and code
- \end{itemize}
 \section{Status Non-Debian World}
@@ -791,7 +789,7 @@ where}\only<2>{gamblingmachines}!)
     \only<2>{All “Reproducible Builds” teams \\
         {\small (you are just \textbf{so} awesome!)}}
   \item Linux Foundation and the Core Infrastructure Initiative
-  \item OpenWrt Summit
+  \item OpenWrt Summit and ELCE
diff --git a/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit/notes b/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit/notes
index d1db686..777c141 100644
--- a/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit/notes
+++ b/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit/notes
@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ notes for openwrt/lede talk…
 	update Reminder / Summary slide
 	mention build path in debian unstable, not in testing (two graphs)
 	add openwrt summit logo at end
+	add lots of logos?!
+	emphasize
+		we want to change what we are building to make *you* look at these pages every day
+		we can build openwrt + lede at least every day, thanks profitbricks!
+		what variations are missing? list them and list current results
 demo: PTH=$(mktemp -d); OPTH=$PWD; P=giftrans; cp ${P}_* $PTH/; cd $PTH ; dpkg-source -x ${P}*.dsc ; for X in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do (cd ${P}-*/; dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us); mkdir -p .$X ; cp $P_*.deb .$X; done ; rm *deb ; echo; sha1sum *dsc *z .*/*.deb | grep -v giftrans-dbgsym ; cd - ; echo "don't foget to rm -r $PTH"

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/presentations.git

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