[blog] annotated tag 75 created (now 6d5b682)

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Wed Nov 2 19:14:10 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

infinity0 pushed a change to annotated tag 75
in repository blog.

        at  6d5b682   (tag)
   tagging  dd0d1b6033a67845b3c77c2fe760a23bc9aeb872 (commit)
 tagged by  Ximin Luo
        on  Thu Oct 6 16:24:57 2016 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
(first) release for week 75


Alexis Bienvenüe (5):
      Clarify \today discussions status
      54: Rephrase fixed packages paragraph as usual
      54: review libusb
      Typo: #debian-reproducible

Ceridwen (56):
      Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.debian.org/git/reproducible/blog
      First post draft
      Improve wording, note Python is the language, mention myself
      Mention installing ikiwiki before previewing locally
      First draft of week 1 overview blog
      Publish first post on reprotest
      Delete spare parenthesis
      Fix spelling of my name
      Reprotest week 2 draft blog post
      Fix new lines, maybe?
      Make it clearer this API is preliminary
      Publish reprotest week 2
      Draft of reprotest week 3 report
      Add some clarifications and fix formatting
      Add PyPi URL and mention debian experimental
      Publish reprotest week 3 blog
      Improve PyPi link
      Fix title
      First draft for reprotest week 4
      Fix some formatting issues
      Add a brief intro about autopkgtest and a brief conclusion
      Add note about reprotest still being in early alpha
      Publish reprotest week 4 blog/report
      First draft of week 5, about setuptools and autopkgtest
      First full draft of week 5 reprotest report
      Add link to reprotest package and debootstrap bug
      Fix bug link
      Publish reprotest week 5
      First part of week 6 report
      Add a note for the week 4 report
      Add a note for the week 5 report
      Draft of week 6 report
      Publish reprotest week 6 report
      Add reprotest week 6 report to 63.mdwn
      First draft of reprotest week 7
      Publish reprotest week 7 report
      First draft of week 8 report
      Second draft of reprotest week 8
      Add note about rm error
      Fix typos
      Fix spelling and minor phrasing issues
      Publish reprotest week 8
      Announce reprotest was accepted into Debian unstable this week; publish week 62 what's new
      Fix date and tags
      First draft of reprotest week 9 report
      Update draft with reprotest release announcement
      Publish reprotest week 9 report
      Reprotest week 10 draft report
      Add a paragraph about future goals
      Publish reprotest week 10 report
      Fix date on reprotest week 10
      Add prebuilder link
      Add mention of reprotest in title
      Discuss changing the backend

Chris Lamb (113):
      Fix grammar.
      Drop comma
      Proper noun
      Not necessary.
      Patches are submitted "against" rather than "on"
      Drop comma
      that -> the
      Is now.
      In order to.
      1st -> first
      Misc grammar changes.
      Revert-ish. Use "being".
      Touch-up profitbricks plug.
      Expand SDE and make it a link.
      reorder to "support in X"
      Drop exta space
      Well we would hope it was after that
      "for real" is a bit opinionated.
      We tend to hyphen this in Debian.
      Avoid "fixed" as .. well, it isn't.
      Add some grammar thing
      Extend header.
      Slightly more consistent grammar, etc.
      Turn this into a sentence
      Turn this into a sentence too
      Make this also a sentence :)
      Avoid double verb.
      this is always the case
      "Namespaced" is best word here.
      "Working" isn't that great.
      Valery -> Valerie
      A little less clumbsy here.
      Extend hypgens.
      Add quote of the week.
      Add name.
      Add link to h0glers talk
      Expand about bernhard's talk
      No strip-nondeterminism this week.
      No disorderfs development this week.
      Argument completion
      Improved the message
      Tidy calendar into schedule.txt
      Initial work on a draft generator.
      More work on getting a good blog draft template
      Drop the week numbe rhere.
      Update draft for 65.mdwn
      Remove some sections/tidy
      Misc updates to 65.mdwn.
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/65/
      Don't highlight no updates, especially right at the top (!)
      Remove bin/generate-draft*
      Draft for week 68.
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/68/
      Initial draft of 70.mdwn, to be published <http://time.is/compare/2259_28_Aug_2016_in_UTC>.
      Escape underscores.
      Dedent bug list
      Dedent FTBFS bugs
      Factor out some common prefixes and use some sublists in "flat" commit lists
      Preformat strip-nondeterminism changelog.
      Update patch credit for #793709. Thanks to Geert Stappers <stappers at stappers.nl>!
      Add a verb.
      Group some of the issue changes
      Add missing title.
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/70/
      71: Re-add dropped toolchain-related upload. (We should promote these uploads...!)
      Add full-stop.
      Remove mdash as it implies a restrictive / aside remark.
      .. append "yet". They probably aren't reproducible or weren't in the past for them to change simply on a rebuild.
      Add bullet points so these packages appear in a list.
      Add bug for Ryuunosuke's file attribute hacks.
      Reword disorderfs/jenkins.debian.net work.
      Expand the GECOS variation.
      += AUTHORS.
      Draft of 72.mdwn
      72.mdwn: Aesthetic changes.
      Clarify it's autopkgtest
      72.mdwn: reword kvm-on-kvm sentence.
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/72/
      Add raw output of generate-draft 74
      Update 74 draft.
      Update 74
      Update 74
      Update draft for 74.
      Update draft for week 74.
      Update draft for 74.
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/74/
      Add https://chris-lamb.co.uk/posts/diffoscope-progress-bar to drafts/75
      add poll for new meeting to week 75 draft
      75: Let's use a practical definition rather than be pedantic straight away.
      No need for "too" when we have "additionally."
      drop comma
      IRC meeting was a trial.
      We didn't forget, we just want to try with the least amount of fuss.
      Drop superfluous comma
      Highlight that this is an "issue".
      Rephrase debrepro script paragraph.
      Remove mdashes here so it reads a bit better.
      Well, we can hardly test on our future framework :3
      Drop superfluous comma.
      Rephrase re. higher-level.
      Drop exclamation mark; it's not thaaaaaat sexy.
      Clarify "package status changes"
      IRC notifications change is a trial, at least until the next IRC meeting.
      Add myself to AUTHORS.

Daniel Shahaf (2):
      54: spelling / punctuation
      54: another spelling

Dhole (1):

Ed Maste (4):
      60: reference upstream ELF Tool Chain project for elfcopy SDE
      60: mention FreeBSD makefs -T <timestamp>, merged from NetBSD
      60: add link to FreeBSD package reproducibility details
      60: Remove stray ] in makefs link from commit 61626b8b

Eduard Sanou (4):
      Fixed weird wording
      Add original patch for gap, and mark Dhole's as duplicate
      Fix typo, detail info on Ximin's wiki work
      Fix small typo

Holger Levsen (468):
      initial commit
      remove comments from sidebar
      remove comments
      add week 48
      creating tag page tags/reproducible_builds
      remove first dummy post
      add drafts, not to be made more public (than they become by doing this) now
      add TODO file
      describe what happened with tar, remove thanks to Linda as it doesn't apply here
      update TODO
      TODO: automate publishing
      change publish date to now
      update TODO
      pushlish #49
      #49 has been released…
      remove tag from unpublished draft
      start README, update TODO
      explain the basic workflow
      none of these packages received any updates in that week
      add drafts about media coverage and tests.r-b.o changes
      add local.css
      make it visually clear that the drafts are drafts
      fix formatting
      really fix formatting
      simplify css handling for draft posts, thanks anarcat
      add setup to git
      update TODO, automatic publishing should work now, at least for the user holger
      turn FIXME into proper English
      attempt to use git_wrapper
      fix formatting
      add another media coverage
      explain its basically just git push
      automatic publishing should now work for everybody who can push.
      explain how to test changes locally
      remove bit
      link to newsbeuter upstream commit
      describe what happened for tests.reproducible-builds.org
      fix formatting
      explain how to preview before commit
      misc: announce blog has moved and thank Lunar. needs polishing
      we shall announce the new URLs on the lists too
      capitalize headline
      add lunar and infinity0 as editors of this issue
      reword thanks
      reword thanks further
      reword sentence about tails freezable apt repos
      set some more tags
      hide tags from post 50 for now
      UTC timezone format
      dont use local time zone
      add published date
      add year
      add meta and tag headers
      add some more tags
      filling out 'This weeks edition was written by…' should be automated
      add template for week 51
      slowly start with 51…
      add link to libreplanet talk and slides (even though I recommend watching the fosdem video instead, as it has slides in the video…)
      nothing happened here
      link to README
      add packages reports by Lunar
      fix typo spotted by deki
      finishing touches
      s#the previous week#this week#
      add talk title
      restructure 'misc' paragraph
      improve language, thanks deki
      mention #820631
      update+prepare tags
      reverse order
      mention #820846, thanks HW42
      improve language
      improve language
      new URLs announced, #50 really done
      add tags to to be published issue
      add meta date header
      half-finished report from Lunar
      add 'written by' paragraph, reorder review stats
      only mention the important changes from the diffoscope 52 upload
      AFAIK there was no strip-nondeterminism nor disorderfs development that week and no documentation updates neither
      mention diffoscope 52 uploads we know about
      remove whitespace to use the same formatting as previous posts
      test, please ignore
      test works nicely, but goes live on planet, so let's turn this into a draft for documentation purposes
      mention Dhole's gcc7 patch
      there was no media coverage
      add sphinx tag
      improve paragraph about diffoscope
      added stuff which happened for tests.r-b.o
      remember to cleanup template sentence…
      fix typo, thanks to Haaninjo
      reword 400 GB sentence, thanks HW42
      actually this new node is not being used for testing FreeBSD
      more tagging
      mention review
      fix typo, made+fixed by HW42
      seems this week we had no upload only fixing some issues
      according to my notmuch search foo, lamby filed 14 ftbfs bugs that week
      include the year in the intro
      calendar update
      ikiwiki.info is available via https
      suggesting tags is probably the better idea anyway
      actually enable the calendar plugin
      explain how the calendar plugin is configured
      add some links in the sidebar
      fix link, shorten headline
      add missing '.'
      we havent yet unblacklisted any packages yet…
      link diffoscope 52 upload
      this week, not the previous one
      fix grammar
      fix grammar
      possessive, thanks lamby
      this distinction is made on purpose, so revert "Not necessary."
      rephrase to avoid the redundancy but keep the meaning
      add lamby as author
      set tags
      publish #52
      prepare for #53
      add date header
      ikiwiki-calendar also needs to be run on publish
      briefly explain how personal pages work
      clarify paragraph about personal posts
      be more welcoming and fix logic
      some rewordings
      new README.setup to describe the setup on Alioth
      explain local.css also works for people's subdirectories
      add template.mdwn from misc.git and adopt README as needed
      fix grammar
      move documentation updates up and add more template sentences
      add 'XXX' so its clear this needs editing
      fix typo
      one down, some to go…
      blog is linked on r-b.o now and probably doesnt have to be linked from the wiki, besides the weekly links in the publicity section…
      add scripts for guessing tags for a post and for publishing
      remove forgotten debug output
      fix formatting
      last week were no documentation updates and no disorderfs development
      explain https://jenkins.debian.net/view/reproducible/view/diffoscope/ basically
      add (current) authors
      add two tags
      add --dry-run option
      clarify this hasnt been uploaded yet
      reorder for logic
      _has_ uploaded…
      remove empty paragraph (we can add it if we have entries)
      introduce a 2nd method to detect tags
      it's macport_s_.org
      draft notes about tbms talk in vienna
      fix typo
      guess+tag maven
      use bug macro
      mark clearly whats unfinished
      add links
      welcome ceridwen, Satyam Zode, Scarlett Clark and Valerie Young
      add bug number and mention this is not yet in sid
      this paragraph about tbm's talk is still… not good. maybe shorten it more?
      fix formatting…
      add link to S_D_E spec, thanks Daniel
      finish paragraph and remove the TODO despite i'm still not 100% content
      rephrase further
      add paragraph about the Aspiration report about the Athens meeting
      explain there will be a talk in Cape Town
      add DebConf16 to tags
      hackishly unify tag
      add everything from alioth:/home/groups/reproducible/weekly-log.txt except ubuntu people joining the channel and thinking loud about making ubuntu reproducible… let's wait for the ubuntu dpkg PPA
      forgot #823428
      fix formatting and mention that we still have 600 patches to go
      supply diffoscope version
      move tweet to media coverage
      remove sections without activity last week: documentation, strip-nondeterminism, disorderfs
      fix case issues
      add disclaimer 'Debian is still at 0%'
      fix spellings pointed out by Haaninjo, thanks!
      add #819194
      adjust headline to content ;)
      remove redundancy
      improve formatting
      some polishing
      link introduction blog posts by Scarlett and Satyam
      s#mentorees#participants#, thanks Myon
      more paragraph were it belongs
      merge toolchain fixes and other upstream developments into one
      improve paragraphs about Alexis Bienvenüe work on tex related packages
      recognize a few more tags: texlive-bin pdftex luatex tex dak
      tag all posts with 'Debian' too
      minor edit, nitpicking
      ran run ikiwiki-calendar as documented in this file…
      emphasize help is welcome and explain where
      start #55, copy notes from weekly-log.txt
      no diffoscope, disorderfs nor strip-determinism development last week
      fix typo
      we should mention the cdbs upload too
      use Ximin's full name, fix formattings
      afaik we had no special (social) media coverage
      de-draft doc updates
      link dpkg discussion with guillem
      fix formatting
      convert some draft style wordings to proper sentences
      convert more draft style wordings to proper sentences
      detect more tags and capitalize them as we want
      fix formatting and add 'written by infinity0 and h01ger'
      explain where to pkgs where uploaded…
      ikiwiki macro: add /pkg/ to tracker.d.o URLs
      doc update_s_ and remove 'other upstream fixes' as we didnt have any
      55: turn some URLs into links
      name Norbert
      55: improve language and turn URLs into links
      55: link to our patched dpkg.git
      55: move git cleaned paragraph up
      55: add 'relevant to us'
      automatically commit on publish. maybe run git push too?
      improve links in sidebar
      publish.sh: include guess_tags.sh functionality
      publish.sh: add --edit-tags option to manually edit tags
      publish.sh: set -e
      document how to use publish.sh
      finalize paragraph about t.r-b.o
      move issues found to package reviews
      add links to t.r-b.o news
      add links to those two new issues
      un-draft style some more paragraphs
      improve language
      describe vals+deridwens posts a bit
      auto-detect more tags
      explain why misc.git/reports is significant
      auto-detect two more tags: reprotest + debhelper
      remove one level of lists
      s#the the#the#
      explain the effects of tar 1.29 again, thanks nthykier
      h01ger ran the calendar command for #56…
      as documented in README.setup already, ikiwiki-calendar is now run daily via holger's crontab
      improve misc + tests.r-b.o paragraphs
      rewrite 'media coverage' into full sentences
      fixup syntax
      mention Outreachy so it get's that tag
      mention wiki updates by Dhole, infinity0 and XTaran
      use issue makro
      use pkg makro for strip-nondeterminsm upload
      improve bits about reference card
      written by deki + h01ger
      move refcard paragraph up to documentation
      fix typo pointed out by infinity0
      add Ceridwen as author
      add dates to ceridwen's posts
      move ceridwen's posts in a subdirectory in people
      update link to ceridwen's first post
      clearify people's pages a bit
      add rather generic tags to ceridwens posts
      add new tag: Athens
      start week 58 from an empty template…
      include bits from weekly-log.txt on alioth
      add 'GSoC and Outreachy updates' to template
      move to the right paragraph
      add  ftbfs_build-indep_not_build_on_armhf issue
      describe Satyam_z's and ceridwen's blog posts in full sentences
      mention upcoming BSDCan talk by emaste and drop some more BSD bits to be 'merged'
      describe strip-nondeterminism development and remove disorderfs development paragraph as there was none
      written so far by deki and me, but we really need more contributors, before we burn out
      formatting fix
      fix typo, thanks Haaninjo>
      detect Clang as tag
      add links to oldest logs per arch
      dont mention lede-project yet, we have the patches to test it, but they havent been merged
      thanks lamby
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/58/
      init week 59 from template.mdwn
      add bits from /home/groups/reproducible/weekly-log.txt on alioth
      improve some bits here and there
      todo: explain F_S_D here too
      improve formatting and name our gsoc/outreachy applicants
      move freebsd stuff to misc
      append &t=337m0s to emastes talk
      thanks lamby, mapreri & infinity0 - (its not done yet, so everybody is still welcome to help)
      GSoC/Outreachy s#students#participants#
      &d, thanks HW42
      s#tar 1.18#tar >=1.28-2.2#
      add 'Reproducible work done in other projects' to template
      add svuorela's blog post
      auto-detect another tag: Qt
      <your name here>
      60: t.r-b.o: mention depwait rescheduling change
      s#emaste#Ed Maste#g
      mention who did that (Ceridwen)
      improve english
      use word for numbers below 12, emphasize 'modified packages'
      fix formatting
      60: fix language
      move stuff from misc to where they belong
      shorten heading
      credit deki
      mention Satyam's work on #826711
      remove unneeded lists
      merge those two into the list
      reword paragraph about multi distro notes
      mention spectranaut with full name
      seems we had no other upstream fixes and no documentation updates
      full stop
      60: add link to tracker.d.o/python3-pystache for the new templating system for t.r-b.o
      60: fix templeting typo, thanks infinity0
      add disclaimer: F_S_D is bad. (review much welcome)
      credit Ed
      61: mention mesa, better summary of this discussion needed than the two links i just added here
      fix typo: overw_itten
      61: add stubs about OSC2016
      add award for tails from mozilla
      61: remove empty sections
      61: explain what Val does
      61: more details about OSC2016
      61: reword
      61: improve OSC16 links
      61: fix spelling of my name, it's h_01_ger :)
      61: fix typo
      61: emphasize this achievement
      61: fix formatting
      61: improve english
      61: fix grammar
      61: improve punctation
      add openSUSE tag
      61: add tails tag
      63: add very drafty comment about 200 bugs during DC16
      62: sgclark left :/ (should be covered a bit more verbosely
      64: mention users login shell variation
      63: add some dc16 bits
      add another bit…
      start 65
      add spectranauts work
      64: t.r-b.o: mention fils work
      65: pkg sets rewrite from val
      another milestone for more reproducible packages in testing reached
      mention -fdebug-prefix-map efforts
      mention reschedulings in sync
      credit mapreri
      mention deki's and lamby's work on diffoscope and strip-nondetermism in that week
      remove empty paragraphs
      credit deki's, Ceridwen's and my work on this report
      62: omit stats and start to explain why
      62: add stats for ftbfs bugs
      62: link those 61 other bugs filed (60 of them with patches)
      62: manually format those 62 bugs with some help by awk,sed+vim
      62: explain DebCamp was a huge success
      62: explain delay more prominently
      62: add notes + issues found
      62: link to notes.git, more or less
      62+64: move Scarletts farewell message to week 64 as thats when she published it
      62: explain that many stats have been added…
      62: explain whats stats are missing and why
      62: fix notes stats
      62: improve issue type wording, thanks HW42
      move spectranauts blog post to the week it belongs (weeks start on sunday…)
      62: started to review uploads
      62: drop the unfinished FIXME
      add calendar who will write which blog post…
      add a bit we did this week
      chris lamb and thomas schmidt: work in progress patches to make reproducible ISO images.
      Jonathan McDowell mail to Reproducible-builds list: "Moving towards buildinfo on the archive network
      67: for testing the impact of allowing variations of the buildpath (which up until now we required to be identical for rebuilds), Reiner Herrmann contribed a patch which enabled build path variations on testingi386, as dpkg 1.18.10 enabled the --fixdebugpath build flag feature by default, which should give us reproducible builds even with variyng pathes.
      67: Accepted dpkg 1.18.10 (source) into unstable
      66+67: diffoscope and strip-nondeterminism uploads
      include date intro
      68: add news about new option --set_all_file_dates for mkisofs
      63+64: lets do a combied backlog issue, and also do a query on frequency
      67: mention cii meeting
      68: spectranauts blogpost
      67: mention lynxis work on lede and openwrt
      67: add disclaimers. if they are good like this, we should copy them in the template.
      67: move toolchain stuff into one paragraph
      67: link to the first mail of that discussion
      67: changing to allow changing the build path certainly has an impact…
      67: add myself to authors
      67 and template: explain once that this is just lab testing still…
      67: make siesta great again
      67: further dig deeper into build path variation
      67: sort by relevance to the reader
      67: reword build path variation paragraph
      67: better explain why we did this
      add LEDE to known tags and tag 67 with it
      63: we were mentioned in the DPL talk at dc16, where else?
      move survey to post for week 66
      merge 63 and 64 into 63+64
      add deki to recipients for survey2016 at r-b.o
      63+64: mention lynxis' work on LEDE and describe LEDE a bit
      63+64: s#fil#Phil Hands# and formatting
      68: add various news from last week
      68: mention news from lede
      68: look, our stats go booom when we vary the build path
      69: new job on jenkins.d.n to test diffoscope on each git commit
      69: diffoscope uploads
      68: acknowledge my contributions
      69: diffoscope 59 uploaded, lamby mass bug pinging
      69: t.r-b.o: debian: show percentage of results in the last 24/48h (h01ger)
      69: reproducible diffoscope upload (draft wording)
      69: add xorriso upload by Thomas Schmitt
      69: diffoscope built on armhf is also bit by bit identical
      69: switch python database backend to SQLAlchemy (Valerie)
      draft: 69: vary build path everywhere except when testing stretch (h01ger) - FIXME: explain why + expectations…
      69: FIXME: explain a bit why and give numbers
      69: mention http://www.danielstender.com/blog/python-packaging-notes1.html
      70: t.r-b.o/debian: the pre build check, whether a node is up, now also detects if a node has a read-only filesystem, which sometimes happens on some broken armhf nodes.
      69: be a bit more enthusiastic about our success
      69: explain that *your* package might become unreproducible
      69: add warning header. (comments/feedback much welcome)
      69: fix heading and some formatting
      70: out of the blue
      69: add some excitement to make sure people read on
      69: fix formatting
      69: further headings improvements
      70: link to jenkins documentation in every page
      69: clarify wording / impact
      69: improve build path variation explaination wording
      70: strip-nondeterminism (0.023-1) upload
      69: remove TODO
      69: eat grammar
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/69/
      70: mention new diffoscope test job
      70: more work on j.d.n has been done
      70: mention jdn meeting
      70: add myself to authors
      70: mention workaround for opi2a
      70: mention the flood and how we 'ignore' it
      71: mention next round of gsoc/outreachy
      71: add jenkins jobs to test strip-nondeterminism and disorderfs on every commit, one job each for the master branch, another (each) for the rest
      71: mention three new variations by pabs
      71: only keep GECOS variation by pabs
      71: link to blog post 'testing build reprodubility with debrepro' by terceiro
      71: add myself as author…
      72: coreboot/util/release: make release archives reproducible
      72: thanks to danielsh we're testing freebsd 10.3 now
      Revert "72: thanks to danielsh we're testing freebsd 10.3 now"
      72: add some bits about t.r-b.o
      72: add F-Droid tag
      74: add some t.r-b.o changes+news
      74: add more t.r-b.o work
      74: website.git is deployed on git pushes now
      74: add outreachy, rws2 and add myself to authors
      74: make website a link to the git repo
      74: reprotest changes still too verbose… but adding some more important bits
      74: fix wording for t.r-b.o stuff
      74: be more verbose on outreachy
      74: make h01ger a link
      74: turn link into mailto:
      75: mention openwrt summit in upcoming week
      75: add irc meeting
      75: add talk about deterministic ghc, thanks to nomeata for the pointer
      75: add linuxcon reproducible container talk, thanks neverpanic
      75: add work on t.r-b.o
      75: add a note artificat notifcations have been dropped
      75: mention progress / milestone reached
      75: mention moved irc notifications
      76: add my recent t.r-b.o changes
      76: repo comparison cleaned up
      75+76: add some links
      75: add headline and links
      75: s#the following##
      75: improve grammar
      75: explain what 'other' means
      75: move everything about the IRC meeting to that paragraph
      75: describe the irc meeting a bit
      add git tag on publish to make it trivial to list the changes since the last release
      75: improve language
      75: explain that we recommend a deterministic build path for Stretch

Mattia Rizzolo (64):
      50: converto from ISO-8859 to UTF-8
      50: fix syntax
      52: linkify bug
      add todo item about new plugin to easy link bugs and packages
      add a plugin to automatically linkify bugs and packages to bugs.d.o and tracker.d.o
      try to specify the libdir full path
      Revert "try to specify the libdir full path"
      fix logic
      Revert "Revert "try to specify the libdir full path""
      specify a differnt libdir for local and production
      ancor the regex, thanks danielsh
      test another one
      53: use this new macro thingy some more
      also add a `issue` macro to link to issues in t.r-b.o
      quickly document those new macros
      missing semi-colons
      fix syntax
      54: update dpkg paragraph
      54: add a note about a texlive-bin upload to our repo
      54: improve trailing
      55: more/better toolchain fixes
      55: fix syntax
      55: the released dpkg was 1.18.7, not 1.18.8
      57: more precise wording (hopefully)
      58: improve diffoscope paragraph
      59: expand what has been done to our packages
      59: add newly-reproducible, needs investigation
      59: drop empty heading
      59: s/update/updated/, an adjective is needed here
      60: init
      59: add an anchor to FORCE_SOURCE_DATE paragraph
      60: report and expand notes from weekly-log
      60: add a 'Reproducible work done in other projects' section and add another freebsd news
      60: Val did some cool work on rb-pkg pages
      60: t.rb.o: I just did something for it…
      60: add an entry for debhelper/9.20160618 fixing #824490
      60: fix syntax
      61: init
      61: link Val post
      60: link to upstream mustache page, instead of the debian package page of only one of its implementation
      60: better wording
      60: wrap
      60: move digrssion on texlive-bin out of the list
      60: this should be better grammar
      60: remove stray bytes
      62: init
      62: document doxygen upload by doko
      61: wrap lines
      62: i386 and armhf now builds with eatmydata.
      61: these are 62's material
      62: fix syntax
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/61/
      63: init
      63: document dpkg upload
      63: more context on the dpkg upload(s)
      63: document rdfind upload
      69: turn that into a real table in md
      69: no trailing whitespace
      71: fix package name
      71: pabs actually sent us the patch
      71: document my upload of strip-nd to jessie-bpo
      72: note about dicts being ordered in python 3.6
      74: document my dpkg upload
      75: clarify the irc notification channel move

Paul Wise (1):
      Fix formatting within the name of Kenneth J. Pronovici

Reiner Herrmann (75):
      Clarify vim.
      Clarify openarena-data.
      50: review some packages
      50: confirmed remaining issues by rebuilds
      50: remove python-numpy; no reproducibility-related changes
      publish 51
      WIP version of 53
      More package reviews and rephrasings
      Proper formatting now, thanks Mattia for the hint
      onionbalance not fixed by toolchain changes
      mention gcc-5 in unstable; other formatting changes
      Also mention gcc-6
      Add bugs submitted last week
      More additions from changed/closed bugs
      Add more bugs found in d-d-changes
      Link maven to PTS
      spelling fix
      Publish #53
      guess_tags: fix syntax error
      Add draft for week 54
      54: review some packages
      54: review more packages
      54: review more packages
      54: freefem++ not completely reproducible
      54: review usertagged bugs
      54: review d-d-changes
      54: libksba also was fixed
      publish #54
      Add #56 draft
      56: review some packages
      56: more reviews and rephrasing
      56: syntax fix
      56: more reviews
      56: finish package reviews
      56: grammar
      56: review wiki changes
      56: link and rephrase archive rebuild discussion
      56: link to gnu tar release notes
      56: fix list display
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/56/
      Add draft for #57
      57: review some packages
      57: review usertagged bugs
      57: review more packages
      57: finish reviews
      57: remove empty section
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/57/
      58: add newly reproducible packages to be reviewed
      58: review some packages
      58: remove false positives
      58: review more packages
      58: more reviews and added todos that are still left
      58: review d-d-changes
      58: some improvements
      58: link new pkgsets
      58: fix links
      58: move freebsd change to misc + rephrase
      58: fix list formatting
      60: add notes/ftbfs statistics
      60: add newly-reproducible (unreviewed)
      60: review some packages
      60: review uploads
      60: review usertagged bugs
      60: review packages
      61: try to summarize the mesa discussion
      62: mention cmake upload
      61: add unreviewed packages
      61: review some packages
      61: review bugs/uploads
      61: add myself as author
      61: convert to link
      74: fix list formatting
      74: add link to Athens 2015
      74: fix bug link

Satyam Zode (1):
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/60/

Steven Chamberlain (1):
      75: mention bsdutils lorder issue fixed (Bug#830259)

Sylvain \"ythier\" Hitier (1):
      posts/56.mdwn: webkit2pdf: link to correct patch

Vagrant Cascadian (10):
      Only have 21 build nodes.
      Added u-boot is reproducible again; link to relevent patches.
      Fix minor typos.
      fix typo: exeprimental -> experimental.
      Fix versions in reprotest uploads.
      Add Introduction to Reproducible Builds presentation at SeaGL.org in
      The SeaGL talk is in November.
      Fix typo in debrepo paragraph.
      76: Mention that nearly all armhf boards are running linux kernels
      76: All armhf boards now use kernels provided by Debian.

Valerie R Young (1):
      Added Outreachy note for spectranaut

Ximin Luo (73):
      Comment out default values to make it clearer
      Add scripts for testing locally
      Add a comment explaining what blog-local.setup is
      Makefile: mark 'local' target as .PHONY so things always get rebuilt
      Fix wording for TAILS news
      - minor style
      Finish off misc section
      Add some tags
      Remove tags/ directory, it's auto-generated
      don't commit auto-generated pages, to avoid confusing error messages
      drafts: add data from newly-reproducible script
      drafts: go through latest changelogs, and remove false positives
      drafts: finalise some fix-due-to-build-dep packages
      drafts: classify remaining packages
      drafts: drop packages not "reproducible for sure"
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
      drafts: add klibc, unfixed uploads, and bug stats
      drafts: add new patches from week 55
      drafts: minor formatting for #55
      add some more tags
      tags: alioth -> project_infrastructure, wiki -> documentation
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/55/
      59: review newly-reproducible packages
      59: review uploads
      59: review bugs
      59: add issues stats
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
      59: finalise wording, `git show --word-diff` might help with review
      add more tags to publish script
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/59/
      59: tweak wording slightly based on others' suggestions
      67: Add section headings from previous posts
      67: Execute and review output of newly-reproducible
      67: Execute and process review-uploads
      67: Update package reviews; data from review-stats, review-issues and new-bugs-ftbfs
      67: format the list of "accidentally reproducible" nicely
      67: Execute and process review-bugs
      67: Reword to prose
      67: Minor wording tweaks; ready to review
      67: Mention myself as author
      67: Shorten a section title; add an explanation on what a "package review" is
      67: fix typos
      67: fix spacing
      67: more fixes
      67: improve wording regarding "accidentally-reproducible" packages
      Add more tags and find tags harder
      67: final tweaks and fixes, and add title
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/67/
      67: minor fixes (use --word-diff to view)
      69: fill in yet-unformatted details for this week around holger's existing notes
      69: format stuff and drop redundant info
      69: switch around bug/package but still sort by package, looks nicer
      71: combine with output from bin/generate-draft
      71: add info from scripts
      71: formatting
      71: turn wording into prose and summarise git commits
      71: genometools was mistakenly added to "addressed some not all", it will be "reproducible" in next week's report
      71: further expand some prose and add links
      71: consolidate issue updates; "1 add 2 updates" is 1 add across the whole week
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/71/
      73: Initial draft based on generate-draft and the other scripts
      73: fill in details about updated packages
      73: remove empty sections, no updates for this week
      73: some minor wording fixes
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/73/
      73: for projects, add info about previous weeks' changes included in the latest release
      75: Import output from `generate-drafts`
      75: Add data from other report scripts
      75: Formatting, prose, etc
      75: Reinsert deleted sentence
      75: Drop freebsd-libs, it's mentioned elsewhere and we figured it out
      75: improve FTBFS explanation
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/75/

intrigeri (1):
      Complete the bits about the Mozilla/Tails award.


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