[diffoscope] 01/01: comparators.debian: No need to keep .buildinfo file descriptor open.

Chris Lamb chris at chris-lamb.co.uk
Thu Dec 22 09:06:43 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

lamby pushed a commit to branch master
in repository diffoscope.

commit 120d0cfff9bbbbb5a570f2e3f92736e404d7c4e1
Author: Chris Lamb <lamby at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Dec 21 22:13:40 2016 +0000

    comparators.debian: No need to keep .buildinfo file descriptor open.
    Signed-off-by: Chris Lamb <lamby at debian.org>
 diffoscope/comparators/debian.py | 26 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/diffoscope/comparators/debian.py b/diffoscope/comparators/debian.py
index a145992..fa02064 100644
--- a/diffoscope/comparators/debian.py
+++ b/diffoscope/comparators/debian.py
@@ -192,18 +192,18 @@ class DotBuildinfoFile(DebControlFile):
         with open(file.path, 'rb') as f:
             # We can parse .buildinfo just like .dsc
             buildinfo = Dsc(f)
-            if not 'Checksums-Sha256' in buildinfo:
+        if not 'Checksums-Sha256' in buildinfo:
+            return False
+        for d in buildinfo.get('Checksums-Sha256'):
+            sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
+            # XXX: this will not work for containers
+            in_buildinfo_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file.path), d['Name'])
+            if not os.path.exists(in_buildinfo_path):
                 return False
-            for d in buildinfo.get('Checksums-Sha256'):
-                sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
-                # XXX: this will not work for containers
-                in_buildinfo_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file.path), d['Name'])
-                if not os.path.exists(in_buildinfo_path):
-                    return False
-                with open(in_buildinfo_path, 'rb') as f:
-                    for buf in iter(functools.partial(f.read, 32768), b''):
-                        sha256.update(buf)
-                if sha256.hexdigest() != d['sha256']:
-                    return False
-            file._deb822 = buildinfo
+            with open(in_buildinfo_path, 'rb') as f:
+                for buf in iter(functools.partial(f.read, 32768), b''):
+                    sha256.update(buf)
+            if sha256.hexdigest() != d['sha256']:
+                return False
+        file._deb822 = buildinfo
         return True

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