[diffoscope] annotated tag 64 created (now 5f3090b)

Chris Lamb chris at chris-lamb.co.uk
Thu Dec 22 10:48:35 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

lamby pushed a change to annotated tag 64
in repository diffoscope.

        at  5f3090b   (tag)
   tagging  6eeeba23093f000fe93f1cf972805daae122bc35 (commit)
  replaces  63
 tagged by  Chris Lamb
        on  Thu Dec 22 10:40:58 2016 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Release version 64


Baptiste Daroussin (2):
      comparators/directory: add compatibily with FreeBSD's getfacl
      Improve portability by not relying on /dev/fd

Brett Smith (2):
      set_locale should call tzset. (Closes: #848249)
      Ensure set_locale fixture runs before all tests.

Chris Lamb (18):
      main.py: Rewrite if/elif/elif as a dictionary lookup.
      Avoid shelling out to colordiff by implementing color in Python directly.
      Inline @tool_required comment as a doctring.
      Memoize calls to ``distutils.spawn.find_executable`` to avoid excessive stat(1) syscalls.
      Correct `source` attribute of lsattr-based Difference instances.
      Add comment regarding why difficult to optimise calls to lsattr
      Guarantee to all progress observers that we will be processing something.
      Split out trydiffoscope client from main diffoscope repository so that it can be easily released on PyPI.
      Remove temporary profiling file introduced in 97bddd18a.
      Improve documentation of new tests/conftest.py file.
      Suggest (untested) command-line for signing of PyPI uploads.
      comparators.debian: No need to keep .buildinfo file descriptor open.
      bin/diffoscope: Use os.path.join "properly" as we are already using it.
      bin/diffoscope: Use typical sys.path.insert(0, ...) method to modify sys.path
      bin/diffoscope: Use immutable tuple over mutable list for clarity.
      bin/diffoscope: Ensure that running from Git always uses that checkout's modules.
      Release 64
      Release version 64

Emanuel Bronshtein (12):
      Change HTTP to HTTPS in URLs when applicable
      Use double quotes for HTML attributes
      Use js-beautify as JavaScript code beautifier for .js files
      Fix unclosed element span
      CSS Optimizations
      Disable referrer and window.opener leakage
      Disable compatibility mode usage in IE
      Add fallback color to rgba usage
      fix duplicate % usage in CSS
      fix CSS markup warnings
      Revert "fix duplicate % usage in CSS"
      Add test for js-beautify (JS comparator)

Maria Glukhova (2):
      Remove test data causing problems during build with Python 3.4
      Change icc-recognizing regexp to reflect changes in file type description. (Closes: #848814)

Mattia Rizzolo (3):
      Fix syntax
      debian/control: Add trailing comma
      presenters/html: namespace the diffoscope CSS class

Reiner Herrmann (2):
      Fix wording in comment
      Improved support for Android apk files

Ximin Luo (2):
      Avoid division-by-zero in the progress bar
      Revert "Avoid division-by-zero in the progress bar"


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/diffoscope.git

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