[blog] annotated tag 86 created (now ba03019)

Chris Lamb chris at chris-lamb.co.uk
Tue Jan 3 14:16:39 UTC 2017

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lamby pushed a change to annotated tag 86
in repository blog.

        at  ba03019   (tag)
   tagging  af85524b2e1d1315e9aed921c01e0d8aeb5e57bb (commit)
  replaces  84
 tagged by  Chris Lamb
        on  Tue Dec 20 19:31:42 2016 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
(first) release for week 86


Chris Lamb (18):
      Add some missing authors.
      Dump some stuff for week 86.
      add guix summit report
      Add initial draft for week 86.
      This template is not used.
      de .de the README
      Fix gettext
      Drop FIXME
      Add "ArsTechnica" prefix.
      Drop another FIXME.
      Correct extension of "87.mwn"
      Leave drafts for 63, 64 and 66 in git history so they aren't constantly reminding us.
      Drop whitespace.
      Drop duplicate "already".
      "thanks to our sponsors making" -> "thanks to our sponsors for making"
      "still in a" -> "on a".
      Re-add *something* about the mobile changes. Layout is important when it's kinda unreadable. :3
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/86/

Holger Levsen (12):
      #782294 updated
      86: more bits
      86: include groupphoto
      shorten instructions
      86: remove jekyll syntax and add the word 'already'
      86: mention FAQ
      87: be more verbose
      87: add https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Coreboot-100-Reproducible-Build
      86: drop some layout-only changes from the documentation updates
      86: thank the sponsors, briefly, at least. maybe make that more verbose?
      87: www.reproducible-builds.org works now too
      87: chrome seems to be working on official reproducible builds too…

Mattia Rizzolo (1):
      87: note down the sqlite→pg migration of t.r-b.o

Vagrant Cascadian (3):
      Reviews are not just via IRC anymore.
      Update drafts template to include email review, as we're no longer
      Update to mention review via email.

Ximin Luo (2):
      85: fill in from generate-draft script and turn that into prose
      published as https://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/blog/posts/85/


No new revisions were added by this update.

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