[gcc-6] 72/401: - libgo soname bump

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Wed Apr 5 15:48:03 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

infinity0 pushed a commit to branch pu/reproducible_builds
in repository gcc-6.

commit 89b5818498c205889e349577d0997ab3404f16cb
Author: doko <doko at 6ca36cf4-e1d1-0310-8c6f-e303bb2178ca>
Date:   Fri Feb 5 18:11:20 2016 +0000

     - libgo soname bump
    git-svn-id: svn://anonscm.debian.org/gcccvs/branches/sid/gcc-6@8648 6ca36cf4-e1d1-0310-8c6f-e303bb2178ca
 debian/control    | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 debian/control.m4 | 10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 8e15d17..d823f33 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -1663,9 +1663,9 @@ Description: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32 debug symbols)
 Package: gccgo-6
 Architecture: any
 Priority: optional
-Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), gcc-6 (= ${gcc:Version}), libgo8 (>= ${gcc:Version}), ${dep:libcdev}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), gcc-6 (= ${gcc:Version}), libgo9 (>= ${gcc:Version}), ${dep:libcdev}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Provides: go-compiler
-Suggests: ${go:multilib}, gccgo-6-doc, libgo8-dbg (>= ${gcc:Version})
+Suggests: ${go:multilib}, gccgo-6-doc, libgo9-dbg (>= ${gcc:Version})
 Conflicts: ${golang:Conflicts}
 Description: GNU Go compiler
  This is the GNU Go compiler, which compiles Go on platforms supported
@@ -1684,107 +1684,107 @@ Description: GNU Go compiler (multilib support)
  This is a dependency package, depending on development packages
  for the non-default multilib architecture(s).
-Package: libgo8
+Package: libgo9
 Section: libs
 Architecture: any
-Provides: libgo8-armel [armel], libgo8-armhf [armhf]
+Provides: libgo9-armel [armel], libgo9-armhf [armhf]
 Multi-Arch: same
 Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
 Priority: optional
 Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Replaces: libgo3
+Replaces: libgo3, libgo8
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
  shared library.
-Package: libgo8-dbg
+Package: libgo9-dbg
 Section: debug
 Architecture: any
-Provides: libgo8-dbg-armel [armel], libgo8-dbg-armhf [armhf]
+Provides: libgo9-dbg-armel [armel], libgo9-dbg-armhf [armhf]
 Multi-Arch: same
 Priority: extra
-Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), libgo8 (= ${gcc:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
+Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), libgo9 (= ${gcc:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (debug symbols)
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
  shared library. This currently is an empty package, because the
  library is completely unstripped.
-Package: lib64go8
+Package: lib64go9
 Section: libs
 Architecture: i386 powerpc sparc s390 mips mipsel mipsn32 mipsn32el x32
 Priority: optional
 Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), ${dep:libcbiarch}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Replaces: lib64go3
+Replaces: lib64go3, lib64go8
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit)
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
  shared library.
-Package: lib64go8-dbg
+Package: lib64go9-dbg
 Section: debug
 Architecture: i386 powerpc sparc s390 mips mipsel mipsn32 mipsn32el x32
 Priority: extra
-Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), lib64go8 (= ${gcc:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
+Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), lib64go9 (= ${gcc:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit debug symbols)
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
  shared library. This currently is an empty package, because the
  library is completely unstripped.
-Package: lib32go8
+Package: lib32go9
 Section: libs
 Architecture: amd64 ppc64 kfreebsd-amd64 s390x sparc64 x32 mipsn32 mipsn32el mips64 mips64el
 Priority: optional
 Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), ${dep:libcbiarch}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Conflicts: ${confl:lib32}
-Replaces: lib32go3
+Replaces: lib32go3, lib32go8
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit)
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
  shared library.
-Package: lib32go8-dbg
+Package: lib32go9-dbg
 Section: debug
 Architecture: amd64 ppc64 kfreebsd-amd64 s390x sparc64 x32 mipsn32 mipsn32el mips64 mips64el
 Priority: extra
-Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), lib32go8 (= ${gcc:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
+Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), lib32go9 (= ${gcc:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32 bit debug symbols)
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
  shared library. This currently is an empty package, because the
  library is completely unstripped.
-Package: libn32go8
+Package: libn32go9
 Section: libs
 Architecture: mips mipsel mips64 mips64el
 Priority: optional
 Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), ${dep:libcbiarch}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Replaces: libn32go3
+Replaces: libn32go3, libn32go8
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32)
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
  shared library.
-Package: libn32go8-dbg
+Package: libn32go9-dbg
 Section: debug
 Architecture: mips mipsel mips64 mips64el
 Priority: extra
-Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), libn32go8 (= ${gcc:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
+Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), libn32go9 (= ${gcc:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32 debug symbols)
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
  shared library. This currently is an empty package, because the
  library is completely unstripped.
-Package: libx32go8
+Package: libx32go9
 Section: libs
 Architecture: amd64 i386
 Priority: optional
 Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), ${dep:libcbiarch}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Replaces: libx32go3
+Replaces: libx32go3, libx32go8
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32)
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
  shared library.
-Package: libx32go8-dbg
+Package: libx32go9-dbg
 Section: debug
 Architecture: amd64 i386
 Priority: extra
-Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), libx32go8 (= ${gcc:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
+Depends: gcc-6-base (= ${gcc:Version}), libx32go9 (= ${gcc:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32 debug symbols)
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
  shared library. This currently is an empty package, because the
diff --git a/debian/control.m4 b/debian/control.m4
index 5513279..fa1baf2 100644
--- a/debian/control.m4
+++ b/debian/control.m4
@@ -3906,7 +3906,7 @@ Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
 Priority: ifdef(`TARGET',`extra',PRI(optional))
 Depends: BASELDEP, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Replaces: libgo3`'LS
+Replaces: libgo3`'LS, libgo8`'LS
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
@@ -3934,7 +3934,7 @@ Section: ifdef(`TARGET',`devel',`libs')
 Architecture: ifdef(`TARGET',`CROSS_ARCH',`biarch64_archs')
 Priority: ifdef(`TARGET',`extra',PRI(optional))
 Depends: BASELDEP, ${dep:libcbiarch}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Replaces: lib64go3`'LS
+Replaces: lib64go3`'LS, lib64go8`'LS
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit)
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
@@ -3959,7 +3959,7 @@ Architecture: ifdef(`TARGET',`CROSS_ARCH',`biarch32_archs')
 Priority: ifdef(`TARGET',`extra',PRI(optional))
 Depends: BASELDEP, ${dep:libcbiarch}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Conflicts: ${confl:lib32}
-Replaces: lib32go3`'LS
+Replaces: lib32go3`'LS, lib32go8`'LS
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit)
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
@@ -3983,7 +3983,7 @@ Section: ifdef(`TARGET',`devel',`libs')
 Architecture: ifdef(`TARGET',`CROSS_ARCH',`biarchn32_archs')
 Priority: ifdef(`TARGET',`extra',PRI(optional))
 Depends: BASELDEP, ${dep:libcbiarch}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Replaces: libn32go3`'LS
+Replaces: libn32go3`'LS, libn32go8`'LS
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32)
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the
@@ -4007,7 +4007,7 @@ Section: ifdef(`TARGET',`devel',`libs')
 Architecture: ifdef(`TARGET',`CROSS_ARCH',`biarchx32_archs')
 Priority: ifdef(`TARGET',`extra',PRI(optional))
 Depends: BASELDEP, ${dep:libcbiarch}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Replaces: libx32go3`'LS
+Replaces: libx32go3`'LS, libx32go8`'LS
 Description: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32)
  Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/gcc-6.git

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