[gcc-6] 397/401: * Update to SVN 20170321 (r246313) from the gcc-6-branch.

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Wed Apr 5 15:50:44 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

infinity0 pushed a commit to branch pu/reproducible_builds
in repository gcc-6.

commit b4a0fa9270256b4e23f5b650cd62a64bea02a425
Author: doko <doko at 6ca36cf4-e1d1-0310-8c6f-e303bb2178ca>
Date:   Tue Mar 21 11:59:21 2017 +0000

      * Update to SVN 20170321 (r246313) from the gcc-6-branch.
    git-svn-id: svn://anonscm.debian.org/gcccvs/branches/sid/gcc-6@9382 6ca36cf4-e1d1-0310-8c6f-e303bb2178ca
 debian/changelog                |    6 +-
 debian/patches/svn-updates.diff | 2356 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 2354 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 86e2f65..5df85a5 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 gcc-6 (6.3.0-10) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Update to SVN 20170321 (r246313) from the gcc-6-branch.
+    - Fix PR libstdc++/79980, PR libstdc++/80041, PR libstdc++/79980,
+      PR libstdc++/79511, PR target/71017 (x86).
   [ Matthias Klose ]
   * Update the Linaro support to the 6.3-2017.03 snapshot.
   * Address PR c++/80091, reverting r246134. Closes: #858261.
@@ -7,7 +11,7 @@ gcc-6 (6.3.0-10) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   [ Nicolas Boulenguez ]
   * Reactive the ada-gcc-name patch, calling the versioned gcc.
- -- Matthias Klose <doko at debian.org>  Fri, 17 Mar 2017 16:20:18 +0100
+ -- Matthias Klose <doko at debian.org>  Tue, 21 Mar 2017 12:57:45 +0100
 gcc-6 (6.3.0-9) unstable; urgency=medium
diff --git a/debian/patches/svn-updates.diff b/debian/patches/svn-updates.diff
index c131751..1e034f2 100644
--- a/debian/patches/svn-updates.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/svn-updates.diff
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-# DP: updates from the 6 branch upto 20170316 (r246188).
+# DP: updates from the 6 branch upto 20170321 (r246313).
 	cat > ${dir}LAST_UPDATED <EOF
-Thu Mar 16 10:56:04 CET 2017
-Thu Mar 16 09:56:04 UTC 2017 (revision 246188)
+Tue Mar 21 12:43:07 CET 2017
+Tue Mar 21 11:43:07 UTC 2017 (revision 246313)
@@ -536,6 +536,1229 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/src/c++11/cxx11-shim_facets.cc
  	typedef messages_base::catalog  catalog;
  	typedef basic_string<_CharT>	string_type;
+Index: libstdc++-v3/src/c++11/codecvt.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/src/c++11/codecvt.cc	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/src/c++11/codecvt.cc	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ // Locale support (codecvt) -*- C++ -*-
+-// Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ //
+ // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
+ // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+ #include <codecvt>
+ #include <cstring>		// std::memcpy, std::memcmp
+-#include <bits/stl_algobase.h>	// std::max
++#include <bits/stl_algobase.h>	// std::min
+ namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
+@@ -31,6 +31,20 @@
+ {
++  // The standard doesn't define these operators, which is annoying.
++  static underlying_type<codecvt_mode>::type
++  to_integer(codecvt_mode m)
++  { return static_cast<underlying_type<codecvt_mode>::type>(m); }
++  static codecvt_mode& operator&=(codecvt_mode& m, codecvt_mode n)
++  { return m = codecvt_mode(to_integer(m) & to_integer(n)); }
++  static codecvt_mode& operator|=(codecvt_mode& m, codecvt_mode n)
++  { return m = codecvt_mode(to_integer(m) | to_integer(n)); }
++  static codecvt_mode operator~(codecvt_mode m)
++  { return codecvt_mode(~to_integer(m)); }
+ namespace
+ {
+   // Largest code point that fits in a single UTF-16 code unit.
+@@ -43,35 +57,142 @@
+   const char32_t incomplete_mb_character = char32_t(-2);
+   const char32_t invalid_mb_sequence = char32_t(-1);
+-  template<typename Elem>
++  // Utility type for reading and writing code units of type Elem from
++  // a range defined by a pair of pointers.
++  template<typename Elem, bool Aligned = true>
+     struct range
+     {
+       Elem* next;
+       Elem* end;
++      // Write a code unit.
++      range& operator=(Elem e)
++      {
++	*next++ = e;
++	return *this;
++      }
++      // Read the next code unit.
+       Elem operator*() const { return *next; }
+-      range& operator++() { ++next; return *this; }
++      // Read the Nth code unit.
++      Elem operator[](size_t n) const { return next[n]; }
++      // Move to the next code unit.
++      range& operator++()
++      {
++	++next;
++	return *this;
++      }
++      // Move to the Nth code unit.
++      range& operator+=(size_t n)
++      {
++	next += n;
++	return *this;
++      }
++      // The number of code units remaining.
+       size_t size() const { return end - next; }
++      // The number of bytes remaining.
++      size_t nbytes() const { return (const char*)end - (const char*)next; }
+     };
++  // This specialization is used when accessing char16_t values through
++  // pointers to char, which might not be correctly aligned for char16_t.
++  template<typename Elem>
++    struct range<Elem, false>
++    {
++      using value_type = typename remove_const<Elem>::type;
++      using char_pointer = typename
++	conditional<is_const<Elem>::value, const char*, char*>::type;
++      char_pointer next;
++      char_pointer end;
++      // Write a code unit.
++      range& operator=(Elem e)
++      {
++	memcpy(next, &e, sizeof(Elem));
++	++*this;
++	return *this;
++      }
++      // Read the next code unit.
++      Elem operator*() const
++      {
++	value_type e;
++	memcpy(&e, next, sizeof(Elem));
++	return e;
++      }
++      // Read the Nth code unit.
++      Elem operator[](size_t n) const
++      {
++	value_type e;
++	memcpy(&e, next + n * sizeof(Elem), sizeof(Elem));
++	return e;
++      }
++      // Move to the next code unit.
++      range& operator++()
++      {
++	next += sizeof(Elem);
++	return *this;
++      }
++      // Move to the Nth code unit.
++      range& operator+=(size_t n)
++      {
++	next += n * sizeof(Elem);
++	return *this;
++      }
++      // The number of code units remaining.
++      size_t size() const { return nbytes() / sizeof(Elem); }
++      // The number of bytes remaining.
++      size_t nbytes() const { return end - next; }
++    };
+   // Multibyte sequences can have "header" consisting of Byte Order Mark
+   const unsigned char utf8_bom[3] = { 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF };
+-  const unsigned char utf16_bom[4] = { 0xFE, 0xFF };
+-  const unsigned char utf16le_bom[4] = { 0xFF, 0xFE };
++  const unsigned char utf16_bom[2] = { 0xFE, 0xFF };
++  const unsigned char utf16le_bom[2] = { 0xFF, 0xFE };
+-  template<size_t N>
+-    inline bool
+-    write_bom(range<char>& to, const unsigned char (&bom)[N])
++  // Write a BOM (space permitting).
++  template<typename C, bool A, size_t N>
++    bool
++    write_bom(range<C, A>& to, const unsigned char (&bom)[N])
+     {
+-      if (to.size() < N)
++      static_assert( (N / sizeof(C)) != 0, "" );
++      static_assert( (N % sizeof(C)) == 0, "" );
++      if (to.nbytes() < N)
+ 	return false;
+       memcpy(to.next, bom, N);
+-      to.next += N;
++      to += (N / sizeof(C));
+       return true;
+     }
++  // Try to read a BOM.
++  template<typename C, bool A, size_t N>
++    bool
++    read_bom(range<C, A>& from, const unsigned char (&bom)[N])
++    {
++      static_assert( (N / sizeof(C)) != 0, "" );
++      static_assert( (N % sizeof(C)) == 0, "" );
++      if (from.nbytes() >= N && !memcmp(from.next, bom, N))
++	{
++	  from += (N / sizeof(C));
++	  return true;
++	}
++      return false;
++    }
+   // If generate_header is set in mode write out UTF-8 BOM.
+   bool
+   write_utf8_bom(range<char>& to, codecvt_mode mode)
+@@ -83,32 +204,20 @@
+   // If generate_header is set in mode write out the UTF-16 BOM indicated
+   // by whether little_endian is set in mode.
++  template<bool Aligned>
+   bool
+-  write_utf16_bom(range<char16_t>& to, codecvt_mode mode)
++  write_utf16_bom(range<char16_t, Aligned>& to, codecvt_mode mode)
+   {
+     if (mode & generate_header)
+     {
+-      if (!to.size())
+-	return false;
+-      auto* bom = (mode & little_endian) ? utf16le_bom : utf16_bom;
+-      std::memcpy(to.next, bom, 2);
+-      ++to.next;
++      if (mode & little_endian)
++	return write_bom(to, utf16le_bom);
++      else
++	return write_bom(to, utf16_bom);
+     }
+     return true;
+   }
+-  template<size_t N>
+-    inline bool
+-    read_bom(range<const char>& from, const unsigned char (&bom)[N])
+-    {
+-      if (from.size() >= N && !memcmp(from.next, bom, N))
+-	{
+-	  from.next += N;
+-	  return true;
+-	}
+-      return false;
+-    }
+   // If consume_header is set in mode update from.next to after any BOM.
+   void
+   read_utf8_bom(range<const char>& from, codecvt_mode mode)
+@@ -117,22 +226,21 @@
+       read_bom(from, utf8_bom);
+   }
+-  // If consume_header is set in mode update from.next to after any BOM.
+-  // Return little_endian iff the UTF-16LE BOM was present.
+-  codecvt_mode
+-  read_utf16_bom(range<const char16_t>& from, codecvt_mode mode)
++  // If consume_header is not set in mode, no effects.
++  // Otherwise, if *from.next is a UTF-16 BOM increment from.next and then:
++  // - if the UTF-16BE BOM was found unset little_endian in mode, or
++  // - if the UTF-16LE BOM was found set little_endian in mode.
++  template<bool Aligned>
++  void
++  read_utf16_bom(range<const char16_t, Aligned>& from, codecvt_mode& mode)
+   {
+-    if (mode & consume_header && from.size())
++    if (mode & consume_header)
+       {
+-	if (*from.next == 0xFEFF)
+-	  ++from.next;
+-	else if (*from.next == 0xFFFE)
+-	  {
+-	    ++from.next;
+-	    return little_endian;
+-	  }
++	if (read_bom(from, utf16_bom))
++	  mode &= ~little_endian;
++	else if (read_bom(from, utf16le_bom))
++	  mode |= little_endian;
+       }
+-    return {};
+   }
+   // Read a codepoint from a UTF-8 multibyte sequence.
+@@ -144,11 +252,11 @@
+     const size_t avail = from.size();
+     if (avail == 0)
+       return incomplete_mb_character;
+-    unsigned char c1 = from.next[0];
++    unsigned char c1 = from[0];
+     // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Sample_code
+     if (c1 < 0x80)
+     {
+-      ++from.next;
++      ++from;
+       return c1;
+     }
+     else if (c1 < 0xC2) // continuation or overlong 2-byte sequence
+@@ -157,12 +265,12 @@
+     {
+       if (avail < 2)
+ 	return incomplete_mb_character;
+-      unsigned char c2 = from.next[1];
++      unsigned char c2 = from[1];
+       if ((c2 & 0xC0) != 0x80)
+ 	return invalid_mb_sequence;
+       char32_t c = (c1 << 6) + c2 - 0x3080;
+       if (c <= maxcode)
+-	from.next += 2;
++	from += 2;
+       return c;
+     }
+     else if (c1 < 0xF0) // 3-byte sequence
+@@ -169,17 +277,17 @@
+     {
+       if (avail < 3)
+ 	return incomplete_mb_character;
+-      unsigned char c2 = from.next[1];
++      unsigned char c2 = from[1];
+       if ((c2 & 0xC0) != 0x80)
+ 	return invalid_mb_sequence;
+       if (c1 == 0xE0 && c2 < 0xA0) // overlong
+ 	return invalid_mb_sequence;
+-      unsigned char c3 = from.next[2];
++      unsigned char c3 = from[2];
+       if ((c3 & 0xC0) != 0x80)
+ 	return invalid_mb_sequence;
+       char32_t c = (c1 << 12) + (c2 << 6) + c3 - 0xE2080;
+       if (c <= maxcode)
+-	from.next += 3;
++	from += 3;
+       return c;
+     }
+     else if (c1 < 0xF5) // 4-byte sequence
+@@ -186,7 +294,7 @@
+     {
+       if (avail < 4)
+ 	return incomplete_mb_character;
+-      unsigned char c2 = from.next[1];
++      unsigned char c2 = from[1];
+       if ((c2 & 0xC0) != 0x80)
+ 	return invalid_mb_sequence;
+       if (c1 == 0xF0 && c2 < 0x90) // overlong
+@@ -193,15 +301,15 @@
+ 	return invalid_mb_sequence;
+       if (c1 == 0xF4 && c2 >= 0x90) // > U+10FFFF
+       return invalid_mb_sequence;
+-      unsigned char c3 = from.next[2];
++      unsigned char c3 = from[2];
+       if ((c3 & 0xC0) != 0x80)
+ 	return invalid_mb_sequence;
+-      unsigned char c4 = from.next[3];
++      unsigned char c4 = from[3];
+       if ((c4 & 0xC0) != 0x80)
+ 	return invalid_mb_sequence;
+       char32_t c = (c1 << 18) + (c2 << 12) + (c3 << 6) + c4 - 0x3C82080;
+       if (c <= maxcode)
+-	from.next += 4;
++	from += 4;
+       return c;
+     }
+     else // > U+10FFFF
+@@ -215,31 +323,31 @@
+       {
+ 	if (to.size() < 1)
+ 	  return false;
+-	*to.next++ = code_point;
++	to = code_point;
+       }
+     else if (code_point <= 0x7FF)
+       {
+ 	if (to.size() < 2)
+ 	  return false;
+-	*to.next++ = (code_point >> 6) + 0xC0;
+-	*to.next++ = (code_point & 0x3F) + 0x80;
++	to = (code_point >> 6) + 0xC0;
++	to = (code_point & 0x3F) + 0x80;
+       }
+     else if (code_point <= 0xFFFF)
+       {
+ 	if (to.size() < 3)
+ 	  return false;
+-	*to.next++ = (code_point >> 12) + 0xE0;
+-	*to.next++ = ((code_point >> 6) & 0x3F) + 0x80;
+-	*to.next++ = (code_point & 0x3F) + 0x80;
++	to = (code_point >> 12) + 0xE0;
++	to = ((code_point >> 6) & 0x3F) + 0x80;
++	to = (code_point & 0x3F) + 0x80;
+       }
+     else if (code_point <= 0x10FFFF)
+       {
+ 	if (to.size() < 4)
+ 	  return false;
+-	*to.next++ = (code_point >> 18) + 0xF0;
+-	*to.next++ = ((code_point >> 12) & 0x3F) + 0x80;
+-	*to.next++ = ((code_point >> 6) & 0x3F) + 0x80;
+-	*to.next++ = (code_point & 0x3F) + 0x80;
++	to = (code_point >> 18) + 0xF0;
++	to = ((code_point >> 12) & 0x3F) + 0x80;
++	to = ((code_point >> 6) & 0x3F) + 0x80;
++	to = (code_point & 0x3F) + 0x80;
+       }
+     else
+       return false;
+@@ -280,47 +388,47 @@
+   // The sequence's endianness is indicated by (mode & little_endian).
+   // Updates from.next if the codepoint is not greater than maxcode.
+   // Returns invalid_mb_sequence, incomplete_mb_character or the code point.
+-  char32_t
+-  read_utf16_code_point(range<const char16_t>& from, unsigned long maxcode,
+-			codecvt_mode mode)
+-  {
+-    const size_t avail = from.size();
+-    if (avail == 0)
+-      return incomplete_mb_character;
+-    int inc = 1;
+-    char32_t c = adjust_byte_order(from.next[0], mode);
+-    if (is_high_surrogate(c))
+-      {
+-	if (avail < 2)
+-	  return incomplete_mb_character;
+-	const char16_t c2 = adjust_byte_order(from.next[1], mode);
+-	if (is_low_surrogate(c2))
+-	  {
+-	    c = surrogate_pair_to_code_point(c, c2);
+-	    inc = 2;
+-	  }
+-	else
+-	  return invalid_mb_sequence;
+-      }
+-    else if (is_low_surrogate(c))
+-      return invalid_mb_sequence;
+-    if (c <= maxcode)
+-      from.next += inc;
+-    return c;
+-  }
++  template<bool Aligned>
++    char32_t
++    read_utf16_code_point(range<const char16_t, Aligned>& from,
++			  unsigned long maxcode, codecvt_mode mode)
++    {
++      const size_t avail = from.size();
++      if (avail == 0)
++	return incomplete_mb_character;
++      int inc = 1;
++      char32_t c = adjust_byte_order(from[0], mode);
++      if (is_high_surrogate(c))
++	{
++	  if (avail < 2)
++	    return incomplete_mb_character;
++	  const char16_t c2 = adjust_byte_order(from[1], mode);
++	  if (is_low_surrogate(c2))
++	    {
++	      c = surrogate_pair_to_code_point(c, c2);
++	      inc = 2;
++	    }
++	  else
++	    return invalid_mb_sequence;
++	}
++      else if (is_low_surrogate(c))
++	return invalid_mb_sequence;
++      if (c <= maxcode)
++	from += inc;
++      return c;
++    }
+-  template<typename C>
++  template<typename C, bool A>
+   bool
+-  write_utf16_code_point(range<C>& to, char32_t codepoint, codecvt_mode mode)
++  write_utf16_code_point(range<C, A>& to, char32_t codepoint, codecvt_mode mode)
+   {
+     static_assert(sizeof(C) >= 2, "a code unit must be at least 16-bit");
+-    if (codepoint < max_single_utf16_unit)
++    if (codepoint <= max_single_utf16_unit)
+       {
+ 	if (to.size() > 0)
+ 	  {
+-	    *to.next = adjust_byte_order(codepoint, mode);
+-	    ++to.next;
++	    to = adjust_byte_order(codepoint, mode);
+ 	    return true;
+ 	  }
+       }
+@@ -330,9 +438,8 @@
+ 	const char32_t LEAD_OFFSET = 0xD800 - (0x10000 >> 10);
+ 	char16_t lead = LEAD_OFFSET + (codepoint >> 10);
+ 	char16_t trail = 0xDC00 + (codepoint & 0x3FF);
+-	to.next[0] = adjust_byte_order(lead, mode);
+-	to.next[1] = adjust_byte_order(trail, mode);
+-	to.next += 2;
++	to = adjust_byte_order(lead, mode);
++	to = adjust_byte_order(trail, mode);
+ 	return true;
+       }
+     return false;
+@@ -351,7 +458,7 @@
+ 	  return codecvt_base::partial;
+ 	if (codepoint > maxcode)
+ 	  return codecvt_base::error;
+-	*to.next++ = codepoint;
++	to = codepoint;
+       }
+     return from.size() ? codecvt_base::partial : codecvt_base::ok;
+   }
+@@ -365,12 +472,12 @@
+       return codecvt_base::partial;
+     while (from.size())
+       {
+-	const char32_t c = from.next[0];
++	const char32_t c = from[0];
+ 	if (c > maxcode)
+ 	  return codecvt_base::error;
+ 	if (!write_utf8_code_point(to, c))
+ 	  return codecvt_base::partial;
+-	++from.next;
++	++from;
+       }
+     return codecvt_base::ok;
+   }
+@@ -377,11 +484,10 @@
+   // utf16 -> ucs4
+   codecvt_base::result
+-  ucs4_in(range<const char16_t>& from, range<char32_t>& to,
++  ucs4_in(range<const char16_t, false>& from, range<char32_t>& to,
+           unsigned long maxcode = max_code_point, codecvt_mode mode = {})
+   {
+-    if (read_utf16_bom(from, mode) == little_endian)
+-      mode = codecvt_mode(mode & little_endian);
++    read_utf16_bom(from, mode);
+     while (from.size() && to.size())
+       {
+ 	const char32_t codepoint = read_utf16_code_point(from, maxcode, mode);
+@@ -389,7 +495,7 @@
+ 	  return codecvt_base::partial;
+ 	if (codepoint > maxcode)
+ 	  return codecvt_base::error;
+-	*to.next++ = codepoint;
++	to = codepoint;
+       }
+     return from.size() ? codecvt_base::partial : codecvt_base::ok;
+   }
+@@ -396,7 +502,7 @@
+   // ucs4 -> utf16
+   codecvt_base::result
+-  ucs4_out(range<const char32_t>& from, range<char16_t>& to,
++  ucs4_out(range<const char32_t>& from, range<char16_t, false>& to,
+            unsigned long maxcode = max_code_point, codecvt_mode mode = {})
+   {
+     if (!write_utf16_bom(to, mode))
+@@ -403,34 +509,43 @@
+       return codecvt_base::partial;
+     while (from.size())
+       {
+-	const char32_t c = from.next[0];
++	const char32_t c = from[0];
+ 	if (c > maxcode)
+ 	  return codecvt_base::error;
+ 	if (!write_utf16_code_point(to, c, mode))
+ 	  return codecvt_base::partial;
+-	++from.next;
++	++from;
+       }
+     return codecvt_base::ok;
+   }
+-  // utf8 -> utf16
++  // Flag indicating whether to process UTF-16 or UCS2
++  enum class surrogates { allowed, disallowed };
++  // utf8 -> utf16 (or utf8 -> ucs2 if s == surrogates::disallowed)
+   template<typename C>
+   codecvt_base::result
+   utf16_in(range<const char>& from, range<C>& to,
+-           unsigned long maxcode = max_code_point, codecvt_mode mode = {})
++	   unsigned long maxcode = max_code_point, codecvt_mode mode = {},
++	   surrogates s = surrogates::allowed)
+   {
+     read_utf8_bom(from, mode);
+     while (from.size() && to.size())
+       {
+-	const char* const first = from.next;
++	auto orig = from;
+ 	const char32_t codepoint = read_utf8_code_point(from, maxcode);
+ 	if (codepoint == incomplete_mb_character)
+-	  return codecvt_base::partial;
++	  {
++	    if (s == surrogates::allowed)
++	      return codecvt_base::partial;
++	    else
++	      return codecvt_base::error; // No surrogates in UCS2
++	  }
+ 	if (codepoint > maxcode)
+ 	  return codecvt_base::error;
+ 	if (!write_utf16_code_point(to, codepoint, mode))
+ 	  {
+-	    from.next = first;
++	    from = orig; // rewind to previous position
+ 	    return codecvt_base::partial;
+ 	  }
+       }
+@@ -437,24 +552,28 @@
+     return codecvt_base::ok;
+   }
+-  // utf16 -> utf8
++  // utf16 -> utf8 (or ucs2 -> utf8 if s == surrogates::disallowed)
+   template<typename C>
+   codecvt_base::result
+   utf16_out(range<const C>& from, range<char>& to,
+-            unsigned long maxcode = max_code_point, codecvt_mode mode = {})
++	    unsigned long maxcode = max_code_point, codecvt_mode mode = {},
++	    surrogates s = surrogates::allowed)
+   {
+     if (!write_utf8_bom(to, mode))
+       return codecvt_base::partial;
+     while (from.size())
+       {
+-	char32_t c = from.next[0];
++	char32_t c = from[0];
+ 	int inc = 1;
+ 	if (is_high_surrogate(c))
+ 	  {
++	    if (s == surrogates::disallowed)
++	      return codecvt_base::error; // No surrogates in UCS-2
+ 	    if (from.size() < 2)
+ 	      return codecvt_base::ok; // stop converting at this point
+-	    const char32_t c2 = from.next[1];
++	    const char32_t c2 = from[1];
+ 	    if (is_low_surrogate(c2))
+ 	      {
+ 		c = surrogate_pair_to_code_point(c, c2);
+@@ -469,7 +588,7 @@
+ 	  return codecvt_base::error;
+ 	if (!write_utf8_code_point(to, c))
+ 	  return codecvt_base::partial;
+-	from.next += inc;
++	from += inc;
+       }
+     return codecvt_base::ok;
+   }
+@@ -492,7 +611,7 @@
+ 	++count;
+       }
+     if (count+1 == max) // take one more character if it fits in a single unit
+-      read_utf8_code_point(from, std::max(max_single_utf16_unit, maxcode));
++      read_utf8_code_point(from, std::min(max_single_utf16_unit, maxcode));
+     return from.next;
+   }
+@@ -501,7 +620,9 @@
+   ucs2_in(range<const char>& from, range<char16_t>& to,
+ 	  char32_t maxcode = max_code_point, codecvt_mode mode = {})
+   {
+-    return utf16_in(from, to, std::max(max_single_utf16_unit, maxcode), mode);
++    // UCS-2 only supports characters in the BMP, i.e. one UTF-16 code unit:
++    maxcode = std::min(max_single_utf16_unit, maxcode);
++    return utf16_in(from, to, maxcode, mode, surrogates::disallowed);
+   }
+   // ucs2 -> utf8
+@@ -509,12 +630,14 @@
+   ucs2_out(range<const char16_t>& from, range<char>& to,
+ 	   char32_t maxcode = max_code_point, codecvt_mode mode = {})
+   {
+-    return utf16_out(from, to, std::max(max_single_utf16_unit, maxcode), mode);
++    // UCS-2 only supports characters in the BMP, i.e. one UTF-16 code unit:
++    maxcode = std::min(max_single_utf16_unit, maxcode);
++    return utf16_out(from, to, maxcode, mode, surrogates::disallowed);
+   }
+   // ucs2 -> utf16
+   codecvt_base::result
+-  ucs2_out(range<const char16_t>& from, range<char16_t>& to,
++  ucs2_out(range<const char16_t>& from, range<char16_t, false>& to,
+ 	   char32_t maxcode = max_code_point, codecvt_mode mode = {})
+   {
+     if (!write_utf16_bom(to, mode))
+@@ -521,13 +644,13 @@
+       return codecvt_base::partial;
+     while (from.size() && to.size())
+       {
+-	char16_t c = from.next[0];
++	char16_t c = from[0];
+ 	if (is_high_surrogate(c))
+ 	  return codecvt_base::error;
+ 	if (c > maxcode)
+ 	  return codecvt_base::error;
+-	*to.next++ = adjust_byte_order(c, mode);
+-	++from.next;
++	to = adjust_byte_order(c, mode);
++	++from;
+       }
+     return from.size() == 0 ? codecvt_base::ok : codecvt_base::partial;
+   }
+@@ -534,36 +657,35 @@
+   // utf16 -> ucs2
+   codecvt_base::result
+-  ucs2_in(range<const char16_t>& from, range<char16_t>& to,
++  ucs2_in(range<const char16_t, false>& from, range<char16_t>& to,
+ 	  char32_t maxcode = max_code_point, codecvt_mode mode = {})
+   {
+-    if (read_utf16_bom(from, mode) == little_endian)
+-      mode = codecvt_mode(mode & little_endian);
+-    maxcode = std::max(max_single_utf16_unit, maxcode);
++    read_utf16_bom(from, mode);
++    // UCS-2 only supports characters in the BMP, i.e. one UTF-16 code unit:
++    maxcode = std::min(max_single_utf16_unit, maxcode);
+     while (from.size() && to.size())
+       {
+ 	const char32_t c = read_utf16_code_point(from, maxcode, mode);
+ 	if (c == incomplete_mb_character)
+-	  return codecvt_base::partial;
++	  return codecvt_base::error; // UCS-2 only supports single units.
+ 	if (c > maxcode)
+ 	  return codecvt_base::error;
+-	*to.next++ = c;
++	to = c;
+       }
+     return from.size() == 0 ? codecvt_base::ok : codecvt_base::partial;
+   }
+   const char16_t*
+-  ucs2_span(const char16_t* begin, const char16_t* end, size_t max,
++  ucs2_span(range<const char16_t, false>& from, size_t max,
+             char32_t maxcode, codecvt_mode mode)
+   {
+-    range<const char16_t> from{ begin, end };
+-    if (read_utf16_bom(from, mode) == little_endian)
+-      mode = codecvt_mode(mode & little_endian);
+-    maxcode = std::max(max_single_utf16_unit, maxcode);
++    read_utf16_bom(from, mode);
++    // UCS-2 only supports characters in the BMP, i.e. one UTF-16 code unit:
++    maxcode = std::min(max_single_utf16_unit, maxcode);
+     char32_t c = 0;
+     while (max-- && c <= maxcode)
+       c = read_utf16_code_point(from, maxcode, mode);
+-    return from.next;
++    return reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(from.next);
+   }
+   const char*
+@@ -572,7 +694,8 @@
+   {
+     range<const char> from{ begin, end };
+     read_utf8_bom(from, mode);
+-    maxcode = std::max(max_single_utf16_unit, maxcode);
++    // UCS-2 only supports characters in the BMP, i.e. one UTF-16 code unit:
++    maxcode = std::min(max_single_utf16_unit, maxcode);
+     char32_t c = 0;
+     while (max-- && c <= maxcode)
+       c = read_utf8_code_point(from, maxcode);
+@@ -594,16 +717,14 @@
+   // return pos such that [begin,pos) is valid UCS-4 string no longer than max
+   const char16_t*
+-  ucs4_span(const char16_t* begin, const char16_t* end, size_t max,
++  ucs4_span(range<const char16_t, false>& from, size_t max,
+             char32_t maxcode = max_code_point, codecvt_mode mode = {})
+   {
+-    range<const char16_t> from{ begin, end };
+-    if (read_utf16_bom(from, mode) == little_endian)
+-      mode = codecvt_mode(mode & little_endian);
++    read_utf16_bom(from, mode);
+     char32_t c = 0;
+     while (max-- && c <= maxcode)
+       c = read_utf16_code_point(from, maxcode, mode);
+-    return from.next;
++    return reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(from.next);
+   }
+ }
+@@ -661,7 +782,7 @@
+ int
+ codecvt<char16_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_encoding() const throw()
+-{ return 0; }
++{ return 0; } // UTF-8 is not a fixed-width encoding
+ bool
+ codecvt<char16_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_always_noconv() const throw()
+@@ -679,9 +800,9 @@
+ int
+ codecvt<char16_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_max_length() const throw()
+ {
+-  // Any valid UTF-8 sequence of 3 bytes fits in a single 16-bit code unit,
+-  // whereas 4 byte sequences require two 16-bit code units.
+-  return 3;
++  // A single character (one or two UTF-16 code units) requires
++  // up to four UTF-8 code units.
++  return 4;
+ }
+ // Define members of codecvt<char32_t, char, mbstate_t> specialization.
+@@ -732,7 +853,7 @@
+ int
+ codecvt<char32_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_encoding() const throw()
+-{ return 0; }
++{ return 0; } // UTF-8 is not a fixed-width encoding
+ bool
+ codecvt<char32_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_always_noconv() const throw()
+@@ -749,7 +870,11 @@
+ int
+ codecvt<char32_t, char, mbstate_t>::do_max_length() const throw()
+-{ return 4; }
++  // A single character (one UTF-32 code unit) requires
++  // up to 4 UTF-8 code units.
++  return 4;
+ // Define members of codecvt_utf8<char16_t> base class implementation.
+ // Converts from UTF-8 to UCS-2.
+@@ -801,7 +926,7 @@
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf8_base<char16_t>::do_encoding() const throw()
+-{ return 0; }
++{ return 0; } // UTF-8 is not a fixed-width encoding
+ bool
+ __codecvt_utf8_base<char16_t>::do_always_noconv() const throw()
+@@ -818,7 +943,14 @@
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf8_base<char16_t>::do_max_length() const throw()
+-{ return 3; }
++  // A single UCS-2 character requires up to three UTF-8 code units.
++  // (UCS-2 cannot represent characters that use four UTF-8 code units).
++  int max = 3;
++  if (_M_mode & consume_header)
++    max += sizeof(utf8_bom);
++  return max;
+ // Define members of codecvt_utf8<char32_t> base class implementation.
+ // Converts from UTF-8 to UTF-32 (aka UCS-4).
+@@ -866,7 +998,7 @@
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf8_base<char32_t>::do_encoding() const throw()
+-{ return 0; }
++{ return 0; } // UTF-8 is not a fixed-width encoding
+ bool
+ __codecvt_utf8_base<char32_t>::do_always_noconv() const throw()
+@@ -883,9 +1015,22 @@
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf8_base<char32_t>::do_max_length() const throw()
+-{ return 4; }
++  // A single UCS-4 character requires up to four UTF-8 code units.
++  int max = 4;
++  if (_M_mode & consume_header)
++    max += sizeof(utf8_bom);
++  return max;
++#if __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ == 2
++static_assert(sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(char16_t), "");
++#elif __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ == 4
++static_assert(sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(char32_t), "");
+ // Define members of codecvt_utf8<wchar_t> base class implementation.
+ // Converts from UTF-8 to UCS-2 or UCS-4 depending on sizeof(wchar_t).
+@@ -958,7 +1103,7 @@
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf8_base<wchar_t>::do_encoding() const throw()
+-{ return 0; }
++{ return 0; } // UTF-8 is not a fixed-width encoding
+ bool
+ __codecvt_utf8_base<wchar_t>::do_always_noconv() const throw()
+@@ -981,8 +1126,17 @@
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf8_base<wchar_t>::do_max_length() const throw()
+-{ return 4; }
++#if __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ == 2
++  int max = 3; // See __codecvt_utf8_base<char16_t>::do_max_length()
++  int max = 4; // See __codecvt_utf8_base<char32_t>::do_max_length()
+ #endif
++  if (_M_mode & consume_header)
++    max += sizeof(utf8_bom);
++  return max;
+ // Define members of codecvt_utf16<char16_t> base class implementation.
+ // Converts from UTF-16 to UCS-2.
+@@ -997,10 +1151,7 @@
+        extern_type*& __to_next) const
+ {
+   range<const char16_t> from{ __from, __from_end };
+-  range<char16_t> to{
+-    reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(__to),
+-    reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(__to_end)
+-  };
++  range<char16_t, false> to{ __to, __to_end };
+   auto res = ucs2_out(from, to, _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
+   __from_next = from.next;
+   __to_next = reinterpret_cast<char*>(to.next);
+@@ -1023,20 +1174,19 @@
+       intern_type* __to, intern_type* __to_end,
+       intern_type*& __to_next) const
+ {
+-  range<const char16_t> from{
+-    reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(__from),
+-    reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(__from_end)
+-  };
++  range<const char16_t, false> from{ __from, __from_end };
+   range<char16_t> to{ __to, __to_end };
+   auto res = ucs2_in(from, to, _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
+   __from_next = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(from.next);
+   __to_next = to.next;
++  if (res == codecvt_base::ok && __from_next != __from_end)
++    res = codecvt_base::error;
+   return res;
+ }
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf16_base<char16_t>::do_encoding() const throw()
+-{ return 1; }
++{ return 0; } // UTF-16 is not a fixed-width encoding
+ bool
+ __codecvt_utf16_base<char16_t>::do_always_noconv() const throw()
+@@ -1047,15 +1197,21 @@
+ do_length(state_type&, const extern_type* __from,
+ 	  const extern_type* __end, size_t __max) const
+ {
+-  auto next = reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(__from);
+-  next = ucs2_span(next, reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(__end), __max,
+-		   _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
++  range<const char16_t, false> from{ __from, __end };
++  const char16_t* next = ucs2_span(from, __max, _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
+   return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(next) - __from;
+ }
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf16_base<char16_t>::do_max_length() const throw()
+-{ return 3; }
++  // A single UCS-2 character requires one UTF-16 code unit (so two chars).
++  // (UCS-2 cannot represent characters that use multiple UTF-16 code units).
++  int max = 2;
++  if (_M_mode & consume_header)
++    max += sizeof(utf16_bom);
++  return max;
+ // Define members of codecvt_utf16<char32_t> base class implementation.
+ // Converts from UTF-16 to UTF-32 (aka UCS-4).
+@@ -1070,10 +1226,7 @@
+        extern_type*& __to_next) const
+ {
+   range<const char32_t> from{ __from, __from_end };
+-  range<char16_t> to{
+-    reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(__to),
+-    reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(__to_end)
+-  };
++  range<char16_t, false> to{ __to, __to_end };
+   auto res = ucs4_out(from, to, _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
+   __from_next = from.next;
+   __to_next = reinterpret_cast<char*>(to.next);
+@@ -1096,20 +1249,19 @@
+       intern_type* __to, intern_type* __to_end,
+       intern_type*& __to_next) const
+ {
+-  range<const char16_t> from{
+-    reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(__from),
+-    reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(__from_end)
+-  };
++  range<const char16_t, false> from{ __from, __from_end };
+   range<char32_t> to{ __to, __to_end };
+   auto res = ucs4_in(from, to, _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
+   __from_next = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(from.next);
+   __to_next = to.next;
++  if (res == codecvt_base::ok && __from_next != __from_end)
++    res = codecvt_base::error;
+   return res;
+ }
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf16_base<char32_t>::do_encoding() const throw()
+-{ return 0; }
++{ return 0; } // UTF-16 is not a fixed-width encoding
+ bool
+ __codecvt_utf16_base<char32_t>::do_always_noconv() const throw()
+@@ -1120,15 +1272,21 @@
+ do_length(state_type&, const extern_type* __from,
+ 	  const extern_type* __end, size_t __max) const
+ {
+-  auto next = reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(__from);
+-  next = ucs4_span(next, reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(__end), __max,
+-		   _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
++  range<const char16_t, false> from{ __from, __end };
++  const char16_t* next = ucs4_span(from, __max, _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
+   return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(next) - __from;
+ }
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf16_base<char32_t>::do_max_length() const throw()
+-{ return 4; }
++  // A single UCS-4 character requires one or two UTF-16 code units
++  // (so up to four chars).
++  int max = 4;
++  if (_M_mode & consume_header)
++    max += sizeof(utf16_bom);
++  return max;
+ // Define members of codecvt_utf16<wchar_t> base class implementation.
+@@ -1143,17 +1301,17 @@
+        extern_type* __to, extern_type* __to_end,
+        extern_type*& __to_next) const
+ {
+-  range<char> to{ __to, __to_end };
++  range<char16_t, false> to{ __to, __to_end };
+ #if __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ == 2
+   range<const char16_t> from{
+     reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(__from),
+-    reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(__from_end)
++    reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(__from_end),
+   };
+   auto res = ucs2_out(from, to, _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
+ #elif __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ == 4
+   range<const char32_t> from{
+     reinterpret_cast<const char32_t*>(__from),
+-    reinterpret_cast<const char32_t*>(__from_end)
++    reinterpret_cast<const char32_t*>(__from_end),
+   };
+   auto res = ucs4_out(from, to, _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
+ #else
+@@ -1160,7 +1318,7 @@
+   return codecvt_base::error;
+ #endif
+   __from_next = reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(from.next);
+-  __to_next = to.next;
++  __to_next = reinterpret_cast<char*>(to.next);
+   return res;
+ }
+@@ -1180,30 +1338,32 @@
+       intern_type* __to, intern_type* __to_end,
+       intern_type*& __to_next) const
+ {
+-  range<const char> from{ __from, __from_end };
++  range<const char16_t, false> from{ __from, __from_end };
+ #if __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ == 2
+   range<char16_t> to{
+     reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(__to),
+-    reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(__to_end)
++    reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(__to_end),
+   };
+   auto res = ucs2_in(from, to, _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
+ #elif __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ == 4
+   range<char32_t> to{
+     reinterpret_cast<char32_t*>(__to),
+-    reinterpret_cast<char32_t*>(__to_end)
++    reinterpret_cast<char32_t*>(__to_end),
+   };
+   auto res = ucs4_in(from, to, _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
+ #else
+   return codecvt_base::error;
+ #endif
+-  __from_next = from.next;
++  __from_next = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(from.next);
+   __to_next = reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(to.next);
++  if (res == codecvt_base::ok && __from_next != __from_end)
++    res = codecvt_base::error;
+   return res;
+ }
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf16_base<wchar_t>::do_encoding() const throw()
+-{ return 0; }
++{ return 0; } // UTF-16 is not a fixed-width encoding
+ bool
+ __codecvt_utf16_base<wchar_t>::do_always_noconv() const throw()
+@@ -1214,13 +1374,11 @@
+ do_length(state_type&, const extern_type* __from,
+ 	  const extern_type* __end, size_t __max) const
+ {
+-  auto next = reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(__from);
++  range<const char16_t, false> from{ __from, __end };
+ #if __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ == 2
+-  next = ucs2_span(next, reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(__end), __max,
+-		   _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
++  const char16_t* next = ucs2_span(from, __max, _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
+ #elif __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ == 4
+-  next = ucs4_span(next, reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(__end), __max,
+-		   _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
++  const char16_t* next = ucs4_span(from, __max, _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
+ #endif
+   return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(next) - __from;
+ }
+@@ -1227,8 +1385,17 @@
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf16_base<wchar_t>::do_max_length() const throw()
+-{ return 4; }
++#if __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__ == 2
++  int max = 2; // See __codecvt_utf16_base<char16_t>::do_max_length()
++  int max = 4; // See __codecvt_utf16_base<char32_t>::do_max_length()
+ #endif
++  if (_M_mode & consume_header)
++    max += sizeof(utf16_bom);
++  return max;
+ // Define members of codecvt_utf8_utf16<char16_t> base class implementation.
+ // Converts from UTF-8 to UTF-16.
+@@ -1280,7 +1447,7 @@
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf8_utf16_base<char16_t>::do_encoding() const throw()
+-{ return 0; }
++{ return 0; } // UTF-8 is not a fixed-width encoding
+ bool
+ __codecvt_utf8_utf16_base<char16_t>::do_always_noconv() const throw()
+@@ -1298,9 +1465,12 @@
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf8_utf16_base<char16_t>::do_max_length() const throw()
+ {
+-  // Any valid UTF-8 sequence of 3 bytes fits in a single 16-bit code unit,
+-  // whereas 4 byte sequences require two 16-bit code units.
+-  return 3;
++  // A single character can be 1 or 2 UTF-16 code units,
++  // requiring up to 4 UTF-8 code units.
++  int max = 4;
++  if (_M_mode & consume_header)
++    max += sizeof(utf8_bom);
++  return max;
+ }
+ // Define members of codecvt_utf8_utf16<char32_t> base class implementation.
+@@ -1341,7 +1511,11 @@
+ {
+   range<const char> from{ __from, __from_end };
+   range<char32_t> to{ __to, __to_end };
+-  auto res = utf16_in(from, to, _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
++  codecvt_mode mode = codecvt_mode(_M_mode & (consume_header|generate_header));
++  mode = codecvt_mode(mode | little_endian);
++  auto res = utf16_in(from, to, _M_maxcode, mode);
+   __from_next = from.next;
+   __to_next = to.next;
+   return res;
+@@ -1349,7 +1523,7 @@
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf8_utf16_base<char32_t>::do_encoding() const throw()
+-{ return 0; }
++{ return 0; } // UTF-8 is not a fixed-width encoding
+ bool
+ __codecvt_utf8_utf16_base<char32_t>::do_always_noconv() const throw()
+@@ -1367,9 +1541,12 @@
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf8_utf16_base<char32_t>::do_max_length() const throw()
+ {
+-  // Any valid UTF-8 sequence of 3 bytes fits in a single 16-bit code unit,
+-  // whereas 4 byte sequences require two 16-bit code units.
+-  return 3;
++  // A single character can be 1 or 2 UTF-16 code units,
++  // requiring up to 4 UTF-8 code units.
++  int max = 4;
++  if (_M_mode & consume_header)
++    max += sizeof(utf8_bom);
++  return max;
+ }
+@@ -1411,7 +1588,11 @@
+ {
+   range<const char> from{ __from, __from_end };
+   range<wchar_t> to{ __to, __to_end };
+-  auto res = utf16_in(from, to, _M_maxcode, _M_mode);
++  codecvt_mode mode = codecvt_mode(_M_mode & (consume_header|generate_header));
++  mode = codecvt_mode(mode | little_endian);
++  auto res = utf16_in(from, to, _M_maxcode, mode);
+   __from_next = from.next;
+   __to_next = to.next;
+   return res;
+@@ -1419,7 +1600,7 @@
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf8_utf16_base<wchar_t>::do_encoding() const throw()
+-{ return 0; }
++{ return 0; } // UTF-8 is not a fixed-width encoding
+ bool
+ __codecvt_utf8_utf16_base<wchar_t>::do_always_noconv() const throw()
+@@ -1437,9 +1618,12 @@
+ int
+ __codecvt_utf8_utf16_base<wchar_t>::do_max_length() const throw()
+ {
+-  // Any valid UTF-8 sequence of 3 bytes fits in a single 16-bit code unit,
+-  // whereas 4 byte sequences require two 16-bit code units.
+-  return 3;
++  // A single character can be 1 or 2 UTF-16 code units,
++  // requiring up to 4 UTF-8 code units.
++  int max = 4;
++  if (_M_mode & consume_header)
++    max += sizeof(utf8_bom);
++  return max;
+ }
+ #endif
 Index: libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/faq.xml
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/faq.xml	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
@@ -984,6 +2207,22 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_set.h
+Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_conv.h
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_conv.h	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_conv.h	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
+@@ -81,7 +81,10 @@
+ 	     && (__outstr.size() - __outchars) < __maxlen);
+       if (__result == codecvt_base::error)
+-	return false;
++	{
++	  __count = __next - __first;
++	  return false;
++	}
+       if (__result == codecvt_base::noconv)
+ 	{
 Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/basic_string.h
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/basic_string.h	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
@@ -1687,7 +2926,84 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/ChangeLog
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/ChangeLog	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
 +++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/ChangeLog	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
-@@ -1,3 +1,277 @@
+@@ -1,3 +1,354 @@
++2017-03-17  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-03-17  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	* src/c++11/codecvt.cc (range): Add non-type template parameter and
++	define oerloaded operators for reading and writing code units.
++	(range<Elem, false>): Define partial specialization for accessing
++	wide characters in potentially unaligned byte ranges.
++	(ucs2_span(const char16_t*, const char16_t*, ...))
++	(ucs4_span(const char16_t*, const char16_t*, ...)): Change parameters
++	to range<const char16_t, false> in order to avoid unaligned reads.
++	(__codecvt_utf16_base<char16_t>::do_out)
++	(__codecvt_utf16_base<char32_t>::do_out)
++	(__codecvt_utf16_base<wchar_t>::do_out): Use range specialization for
++	unaligned data to avoid unaligned writes.
++	(__codecvt_utf16_base<char16_t>::do_in)
++	(__codecvt_utf16_base<char32_t>::do_in)
++	(__codecvt_utf16_base<wchar_t>::do_in): Likewise for writes. Return
++	error if there are unprocessable trailing bytes.
++	(__codecvt_utf16_base<char16_t>::do_length)
++	(__codecvt_utf16_base<char32_t>::do_length)
++	(__codecvt_utf16_base<wchar_t>::do_length): Pass arguments of type
++	range<const char16_t, false> to span functions.
++	* testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/misaligned.cc: New test.
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-03-16  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	PR libstdc++/79980
++	* src/c++11/codecvt.cc (to_integer(codecvt_mode)): Fix target type.
++	PR libstdc++/80041
++	* src/c++11/codecvt.cc (__codecvt_utf16_base<wchar_t>::do_out)
++	(__codecvt_utf16_base<wchar_t>::do_in): Convert char arguments to
++	char16_t to work with UTF-16 instead of UTF-8.
++	* testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/80041.cc: New test.
++	* src/c++11/codecvt.cc (codecvt<char16_t, char, mbstate_t>)
++	(codecvt<char32_t, char, mbstate_t>, __codecvt_utf8_base<char16_t>)
++	(__codecvt_utf8_base<char32_t>, __codecvt_utf8_base<wchar_t>)
++	(__codecvt_utf16_base<char16_t>, __codecvt_utf16_base<char32_t>)
++	(__codecvt_utf16_base<wchar_t>, __codecvt_utf8_utf16_base<char16_t>)
++	(__codecvt_utf8_utf16_base<char32_t>)
++	(__codecvt_utf8_utf16_base<wchar_t>): Fix do_encoding() and
++	do_max_length() return values.
++	* testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/members.cc: New test.
++	* testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8/members.cc: New test.
++	* testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8_utf16/members.cc: New test.
++	PR libstdc++/79980
++	* include/bits/locale_conv.h (__do_str_codecvt): Set __count on
++	error path.
++	* src/c++11/codecvt.cc (operator&=, operator|=, operator~): Overloads
++	for manipulating codecvt_mode values.
++	(read_utf16_bom): Compare input to BOM constants instead of integral
++	constants that depend on endianness.  Take mode parameter by
++	reference and adjust it, to distinguish between no BOM present and
++	UTF-16BE BOM present.
++	(ucs4_in, ucs2_span, ucs4_span): Adjust calls to read_utf16_bom.
++	(surrogates): New enumeration type.
++	(utf16_in, utf16_out): Add surrogates parameter to choose between
++	UTF-16 and UCS2 behaviour.
++	(utf16_span, ucs2_span): Use std::min not std::max.
++	(ucs2_out): Use std::min not std::max.  Disallow surrogate pairs.
++	(ucs2_in): Likewise. Adjust calls to read_utf16_bom.
++	* testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/79980.cc: New test.
++	* testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8/79980.cc: New test.
++	PR libstdc++/79511
++	* src/c++11/codecvt.cc (write_utf16_code_point): Don't write 0xffff
++	as a surrogate pair.
++	(__codecvt_utf8_utf16_base<char32_t>::do_in): Use native endianness
++	for internal representation.
++	(__codecvt_utf8_utf16_base<wchar_t>::do_in): Likewise.
++	* testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8_utf16/79511.cc: New test.
 +2017-03-14  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
 +	* testsuite/17_intro/names.cc: Undefine macros that clash with
@@ -2421,6 +3737,969 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/thread/cons/lwg2097.cc
 +static_assert( !is_constructible<thread, thread&>::value, "" );
 +static_assert( !is_constructible<thread, const thread&>::value, "" );
 +static_assert( !is_constructible<thread, const thread>::value, "" );
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8_utf16/79511.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8_utf16/79511.cc	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8_utf16/79511.cc	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// { dg-do run { target c++11 } }
++#include <locale>
++#include <codecvt>
++#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
++// PR libstdc++/79511
++template<typename ElemT>
++  std::basic_string<ElemT> conv(const char* src)
++  {
++    std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<ElemT>, ElemT> conv;
++    return conv.from_bytes(src);
++  }
++  static char const src[] = "\xEF\xBF\xBF";
++  VERIFY( conv<char16_t>(src) == u"\xffff" );
++  VERIFY( conv<char32_t>(src) == U"\xffff" );
++  VERIFY( conv<wchar_t>(src) == L"\xffff" );
++  static char const src[] = "\xE2\x82\xAC";
++  VERIFY( conv<char16_t>(src) == u"\x20ac" );
++  VERIFY( conv<char32_t>(src) == U"\x20ac" );
++  VERIFY( conv<wchar_t>(src) == L"\x20ac" );
++  test01();
++  test02();
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8_utf16/members.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8_utf16/members.cc	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8_utf16/members.cc	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// { dg-do run { target c++11 } }
++#include <codecvt>
++#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
++const int bomlen = 3; // UTF-8 BOM is 24 bits
++const int maxlen = 4;
++  std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<char16_t> c;
++  VERIFY( c.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c.max_length() == maxlen );
++  std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<char16_t, 0x10ffff, std::consume_header> c_bom;
++  VERIFY( c_bom.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.max_length() == (maxlen + bomlen) );
++  std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<char32_t> c;
++  VERIFY( c.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c.max_length() == maxlen );
++  std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<char32_t, 0x10ffff, std::consume_header> c_bom;
++  VERIFY( c_bom.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.max_length() == (maxlen + bomlen) );
++  std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t> c;
++  VERIFY( c.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c.max_length() == maxlen );
++  std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t, 0x10ffff, std::consume_header> c_bom;
++  VERIFY( c_bom.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.max_length() == (maxlen + bomlen) );
++  test01();
++  test02();
++  test03();
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/char16_t.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/char16_t.cc	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/char16_t.cc	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
+   const codecvt_c16* const cvt = &use_facet<codecvt_c16>(loc_c);
+   VERIFY(!cvt->always_noconv());
+-  VERIFY(cvt->max_length() == 3);
++  VERIFY(cvt->max_length() == 4);
+   VERIFY(cvt->encoding() == 0);
+   const char u8dat[] = u8"H\U000000E4ll\U000000F6 \U0001F63F \U000056FD "
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/80041.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/80041.cc	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/80041.cc	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// { dg-do run { target c++11 } }
++#include <codecvt>
++#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
++  std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t> conv;
++  const wchar_t wc = 0x6557;
++  char bytes[2] = {0};
++  const wchar_t* wcnext;
++  std::mbstate_t st{};
++  char* next = nullptr;
++  auto res = conv.out(st, &wc, &wc+ 1, wcnext, bytes, std::end(bytes), next);
++  VERIFY( res == std::codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( wcnext == &wc + 1 );
++  VERIFY( next == std::end(bytes) );
++  VERIFY( bytes[0] == 0x65 );
++  VERIFY( bytes[1] == 0x57 );
++  VERIFY( conv.length(st, bytes, next, 1) == (next - bytes) );
++  wchar_t w;
++  wchar_t* wnext;
++  const char* cnext;
++  st = {};
++  res = conv.in(st, bytes, next, cnext, &w, &w + 1, wnext);
++  VERIFY( res == std::codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( wnext == &w + 1 );
++  VERIFY( cnext == next );
++  VERIFY( w == wc );
++  std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t, 0x10FFFF, std::little_endian> conv;
++  wchar_t wc = 0x6557;
++  char bytes[2] = {0};
++  const wchar_t* wcnext;
++  std::mbstate_t st{};
++  char* next = nullptr;
++  auto res = conv.out(st, &wc, &wc+ 1, wcnext, bytes, std::end(bytes), next);
++  VERIFY( res == std::codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( wcnext == &wc + 1 );
++  VERIFY( next == std::end(bytes) );
++  VERIFY( bytes[0] == 0x57 );
++  VERIFY( bytes[1] == 0x65 );
++  VERIFY( conv.length(st, bytes, next, 1) == (next - bytes) );
++  wchar_t w;
++  wchar_t* wnext;
++  const char* cnext;
++  st = {};
++  res = conv.in(st, bytes, next, cnext, &w, &w + 1, wnext);
++  VERIFY( res == std::codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( wnext == &w + 1 );
++  VERIFY( cnext == next );
++  VERIFY( w == wc );
++int main()
++  test01();
++  test02();
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/misaligned.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/misaligned.cc	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/misaligned.cc	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// { dg-do run { target c++11 } }
++#include <locale>
++#include <codecvt>
++#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
++using std::codecvt_base;
++using std::codecvt_mode;
++using std::codecvt_utf16;
++using std::wstring_convert;
++using std::mbstate_t;
++constexpr codecvt_mode
++operator|(codecvt_mode m1, codecvt_mode m2)
++  using underlying = std::underlying_type<codecvt_mode>::type;
++  return static_cast<codecvt_mode>(static_cast<underlying>(m1) | m2);
++// Read/write UTF-16 code units from data not correctly aligned for char16_t
++  mbstate_t st;
++  constexpr codecvt_mode m = std::consume_header|std::generate_header;
++  codecvt_utf16<char16_t, 0x10FFFF, m> conv;
++  const char src[] = "-\xFE\xFF\0\x61\xAB\xCD";
++  const char* const src_end = src + 7;
++  int len = conv.length(st, src + 1, src_end, 1);
++  VERIFY( len == 4 );
++  len = conv.length(st, src + 1, src_end, 2);
++  VERIFY( len == 6 );
++  char16_t dst[2];
++  char16_t* const dst_end = dst + 2;
++  char16_t* dst_next;
++  const char* src_cnext;
++  auto res = conv.in(st, src + 1, src_end, src_cnext, dst, dst_end, dst_next);
++  VERIFY( res == codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( dst[0] == 0x0061 );
++  VERIFY( dst[1] == 0xabcd );
++  VERIFY( src_cnext == src_end );
++  VERIFY( dst_next == dst_end );
++  char out[sizeof(src)] = { src[0] };
++  char* const out_end = out + 7;
++  char* out_next;
++  const char16_t* dst_cnext;
++  res = conv.out(st, dst, dst_end, dst_cnext, out + 1, out_end, out_next);
++  VERIFY( res == codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( out_next == out_end );
++  VERIFY( dst_cnext == dst_end );
++  VERIFY( out[1] == src[1] );
++  VERIFY( out[2] == src[2] );
++  VERIFY( out[3] == src[3] );
++  VERIFY( out[4] == src[4] );
++  VERIFY( out[5] == src[5] );
++  VERIFY( out[6] == src[6] );
++  codecvt_utf16<char16_t, 0x10FFFF, m|std::little_endian> conv_le;
++  len = conv_le.length(st, src + 1, src_end, 1);
++  VERIFY( len == 4 );
++  len = conv_le.length(st, src + 1, src_end, 2);
++  VERIFY( len == 6 );
++  res = conv_le.in(st, src + 1, src_end, src_cnext, dst, dst_end, dst_next);
++  VERIFY( res == codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( dst[0] == 0x0061 );
++  VERIFY( dst[1] == 0xabcd );
++  VERIFY( src_cnext == src_end );
++  VERIFY( dst_next == dst_end );
++  res = conv_le.out(st, dst, dst_end, dst_cnext, out + 1, out_end, out_next);
++  VERIFY( res == codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( out_next == out_end );
++  VERIFY( dst_cnext == dst_end );
++  VERIFY( out[1] == src[2] );
++  VERIFY( out[2] == src[1] );
++  VERIFY( out[3] == src[4] );
++  VERIFY( out[4] == src[3] );
++  VERIFY( out[5] == src[6] );
++  VERIFY( out[6] == src[5] );
++  mbstate_t st;
++  constexpr codecvt_mode m = std::consume_header|std::generate_header;
++  codecvt_utf16<char32_t, 0x10FFFF, m> conv;
++  const char src[] = "-\xFE\xFF\0\x61\xAB\xCD\xD8\x08\xDF\x45";
++  const char* const src_end = src + 11;
++  int len = conv.length(st, src + 1, src_end, 1);
++  VERIFY( len == 4 );
++  len = conv.length(st, src + 1, src_end, 2);
++  VERIFY( len == 6 );
++  len = conv.length(st, src + 1, src_end, -1ul);
++  VERIFY( len == 10 );
++  char32_t dst[3];
++  char32_t* const dst_end = dst + 3;
++  char32_t* dst_next;
++  const char* src_cnext;
++  auto res = conv.in(st, src + 1, src_end, src_cnext, dst, dst_end, dst_next);
++  VERIFY( res == codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( dst[0] == 0x0061 );
++  VERIFY( dst[1] == 0xabcd );
++  VERIFY( dst[2] == 0x012345 );
++  VERIFY( src_cnext == src_end );
++  VERIFY( dst_next == dst_end );
++  char out[sizeof(src)] = { src[0] };
++  char* const out_end = out + 11;
++  char* out_next;
++  const char32_t* dst_cnext;
++  res = conv.out(st, dst, dst_end, dst_cnext, out + 1, out_end, out_next);
++  VERIFY( res == codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( out_next == out_end );
++  VERIFY( dst_cnext == dst_end );
++  VERIFY( out[1] == src[1] );
++  VERIFY( out[2] == src[2] );
++  VERIFY( out[3] == src[3] );
++  VERIFY( out[4] == src[4] );
++  VERIFY( out[5] == src[5] );
++  VERIFY( out[6] == src[6] );
++  VERIFY( out[7] == src[7] );
++  VERIFY( out[8] == src[8] );
++  VERIFY( out[9] == src[9] );
++  VERIFY( out[10] == src[10] );
++  codecvt_utf16<char32_t, 0x10FFFF, m|std::little_endian> conv_le;
++  len = conv_le.length(st, src + 1, src_end, 1);
++  VERIFY( len == 4 );
++  len = conv_le.length(st, src + 1, src_end, 2);
++  VERIFY( len == 6 );
++  len = conv.length(st, src + 1, src_end, -1ul);
++  VERIFY( len == 10 );
++  res = conv_le.in(st, src + 1, src_end, src_cnext, dst, dst_end, dst_next);
++  VERIFY( res == codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( dst[0] == 0x0061 );
++  VERIFY( dst[1] == 0xabcd );
++  VERIFY( dst[2] == 0x012345 );
++  VERIFY( src_cnext == src_end );
++  VERIFY( dst_next == dst_end );
++  res = conv_le.out(st, dst, dst_end, dst_cnext, out + 1, out_end, out_next);
++  VERIFY( res == codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( out_next == out_end );
++  VERIFY( dst_cnext == dst_end );
++  VERIFY( out[1] == src[2] );
++  VERIFY( out[2] == src[1] );
++  VERIFY( out[3] == src[4] );
++  VERIFY( out[4] == src[3] );
++  VERIFY( out[5] == src[6] );
++  VERIFY( out[6] == src[5] );
++  VERIFY( out[7] == src[8] );
++  VERIFY( out[8] == src[7] );
++  VERIFY( out[9] == src[10] );
++  VERIFY( out[10] == src[9] );
++  mbstate_t st;
++  constexpr codecvt_mode m = std::consume_header|std::generate_header;
++  codecvt_utf16<wchar_t, 0x10FFFF, m> conv;
++  const char src[] = "-\xFE\xFF\0\x61\xAB\xCD\xD8\x08\xDF\x45";
++  const size_t in_len = sizeof(wchar_t) == 4 ? 11 : 7;
++  const size_t out_len = sizeof(wchar_t) == 4 ? 3 : 2;
++  const char* const src_end = src + in_len;
++  int len = conv.length(st, src + 1, src_end, 1);
++  VERIFY( len == 4 );
++  len = conv.length(st, src + 1, src_end, 2);
++  VERIFY( len == 6 );
++  if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4)
++  {
++    len = conv.length(st, src + 1, src_end, -1ul);
++    VERIFY( len == 10 );
++  }
++  wchar_t dst[out_len];
++  wchar_t* const dst_end = dst + out_len;
++  wchar_t* dst_next;
++  const char* src_cnext;
++  auto res = conv.in(st, src + 1, src_end, src_cnext, dst, dst_end, dst_next);
++  VERIFY( res == codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( dst[0] == 0x0061 );
++  VERIFY( dst[1] == 0xabcd );
++  if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4)
++    VERIFY( dst[2] == 0x012345 );
++  VERIFY( src_cnext == src_end );
++  VERIFY( dst_next == dst_end );
++  char out[sizeof(src)] = { src[0] };
++  char* const out_end = out + in_len;
++  char* out_next;
++  const wchar_t* dst_cnext;
++  res = conv.out(st, dst, dst_end, dst_cnext, out + 1, out_end, out_next);
++  VERIFY( res == codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( out_next == out_end );
++  VERIFY( dst_cnext == dst_end );
++  VERIFY( out[1] == src[1] );
++  VERIFY( out[2] == src[2] );
++  VERIFY( out[3] == src[3] );
++  VERIFY( out[4] == src[4] );
++  VERIFY( out[5] == src[5] );
++  VERIFY( out[6] == src[6] );
++  if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4)
++  {
++    VERIFY( out[7] == src[7] );
++    VERIFY( out[8] == src[8] );
++    VERIFY( out[9] == src[9] );
++    VERIFY( out[10] == src[10] );
++  }
++  codecvt_utf16<wchar_t, 0x10FFFF, m|std::little_endian> conv_le;
++  len = conv_le.length(st, src + 1, src_end, 1);
++  VERIFY( len == 4 );
++  len = conv_le.length(st, src + 1, src_end, 2);
++  VERIFY( len == 6 );
++  if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4)
++  {
++    len = conv.length(st, src + 1, src_end, -1ul);
++    VERIFY( len == 10 );
++  }
++  res = conv_le.in(st, src + 1, src_end, src_cnext, dst, dst_end, dst_next);
++  VERIFY( res == codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( dst[0] == 0x0061 );
++  VERIFY( dst[1] == 0xabcd );
++  if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4)
++    VERIFY( dst[2] == 0x012345 );
++  VERIFY( src_cnext == src_end );
++  VERIFY( dst_next == dst_end );
++  res = conv_le.out(st, dst, dst_end, dst_cnext, out + 1, out_end, out_next);
++  VERIFY( res == codecvt_base::ok );
++  VERIFY( out_next == out_end );
++  VERIFY( dst_cnext == dst_end );
++  VERIFY( out[1] == src[2] );
++  VERIFY( out[2] == src[1] );
++  VERIFY( out[3] == src[4] );
++  VERIFY( out[4] == src[3] );
++  VERIFY( out[5] == src[6] );
++  VERIFY( out[6] == src[5] );
++  if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4)
++  {
++    VERIFY( out[7] == src[8] );
++    VERIFY( out[8] == src[7] );
++    VERIFY( out[9] == src[10] );
++    VERIFY( out[10] == src[9] );
++  }
++  test01();
++  test02();
++  test03();
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/79980.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/79980.cc	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/79980.cc	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// { dg-do run { target c++11 } }
++#include <locale>
++#include <codecvt>
++#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
++// PR libstdc++/79980
++constexpr std::codecvt_mode mode(std::codecvt_mode m)
++{ return static_cast<std::codecvt_mode>(m | std::consume_header); }
++template<typename WCh, unsigned long Max = 0x10FFFF,
++	 std::codecvt_mode Mode = std::consume_header>
++  using Conv
++    = std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf16<WCh, Max, mode(Mode)>, WCh>;
++  const char src[] = "\xFE\xFF\xAB\xCD";
++  Conv<char16_t> conv;
++  auto dst = conv.from_bytes(src, src+4);
++  VERIFY( dst[0] == 0xabcd );
++  const char src[] = "\xFF\xFE\xAB\xCD";
++  Conv<char16_t> conv;
++  auto dst = conv.from_bytes(src, src+4);
++  VERIFY( dst[0] == 0xcdab );
++  const char src[] = "\xFE\xFF\xAB\xCD";
++  Conv<char16_t, 0x10FFFF, std::little_endian> conv;
++  auto dst = conv.from_bytes(src, src+4);
++  VERIFY( dst[0] == 0xabcd );
++  const char src[] = "\xFF\xFE\xAB\xCD";
++  Conv<char16_t, 0x10FFFF, std::little_endian> conv;
++  auto dst = conv.from_bytes(src, src+4);
++  VERIFY( dst[0] == 0xcdab );
++  const char src[] = "\0\x61\xAB\xCD"; // character greater than 0x00FF
++  Conv<char16_t, 0xFF> conv("to_bytes failed", u"from_bytes failed");
++  std::u16string result = conv.from_bytes(src, src+4);
++  VERIFY( result == u"from_bytes failed" );
++  VERIFY( conv.converted() == 2 );
++  const char src[] = "\0\x61\xAB\xCD";
++  Conv<char16_t> conv("to_bytes failed", u"from_bytes failed");
++  std::u16string result = conv.from_bytes(src, src+3); // incomplete character
++  VERIFY( result == u"from_bytes failed" );
++  VERIFY( conv.converted() == 2 );
++  Conv<char16_t> conv("to_bytes failed", u"from_bytes failed");
++  // ucs2 to utf-16 conversion should fail on invalid ucs2 input:
++  std::u16string utf16 = u"1234\U00001111\U0001ffff";
++  auto out = conv.to_bytes(utf16);
++  VERIFY( out == "to_bytes failed" );
++  VERIFY( conv.converted() == 5 );
++  // And should also fail on incomplete surrogate pair (not return partial):
++  out = conv.to_bytes(utf16.substr(0, utf16.size()-1));
++  VERIFY( out == "to_bytes failed" );
++  VERIFY( conv.converted() == 5 );
++  // Read/write UTF-16 code units from data not correctly aligned for char16_t
++  Conv<char16_t, 0x10FFFF, std::generate_header> conv;
++  const char src[] = "-\xFE\xFF\0\x61\xAB\xCD";
++  auto out = conv.from_bytes(src + 1, src + 7);
++  VERIFY( out[0] == 0x0061 );
++  VERIFY( out[1] == 0xabcd );
++  auto bytes = conv.to_bytes(out);
++  VERIFY( bytes == std::string(src + 1, 6) );
++  // Read/write UTF-16 code units from data not correctly aligned for char16_t
++  Conv<char32_t, 0x10FFFF, std::generate_header> conv;
++  const char src[] = "-\xFE\xFF\xD8\x08\xDF\x45";
++  auto out = conv.from_bytes(src + 1, src + 7);
++  VERIFY( out == U"\U00012345" );
++  auto bytes = conv.to_bytes(out);
++  VERIFY( bytes == std::string(src + 1, 6) );
++int main()
++  test01();
++  test02();
++  test03();
++  test04();
++  test05();
++  test06();
++  test07();
++  test08();
++  test09();
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/members.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/members.cc	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf16/members.cc	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// { dg-do run { target c++11 } }
++#include <codecvt>
++#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
++const int bomlen = 2; // UTF-16 BOM is 16 bits
++  const int maxlen = 2;
++  std::codecvt_utf16<char16_t> c;
++  VERIFY( c.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c.max_length() == maxlen );
++  std::codecvt_utf16<char16_t, 0x10ffff, std::consume_header> c_bom;
++  VERIFY( c_bom.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.max_length() == (maxlen + bomlen) );
++  const int maxlen = 4;
++  std::codecvt_utf16<char32_t> c;
++  VERIFY( c.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c.max_length() == maxlen );
++  std::codecvt_utf16<char32_t, 0x10ffff, std::consume_header> c_bom;
++  VERIFY( c_bom.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.max_length() == (maxlen + bomlen) );
++  const int maxlen = sizeof(wchar_t) == 4 ? 4 : 2;
++  std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t> c;
++  VERIFY( c.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c.max_length() == maxlen );
++  std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t, 0x10ffff, std::consume_header> c_bom;
++  VERIFY( c_bom.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.max_length() == (maxlen + bomlen) );
++  test01();
++  test02();
++  test03();
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8/79980.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8/79980.cc	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8/79980.cc	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// { dg-do run { target c++11 } }
++#include <codecvt>
++#include <locale>
++#include <string>
++#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
++using std::wstring_convert;
++using std::codecvt_utf8;
++  std::string src = u8"1234\U00001111\U0001ffff";
++  wstring_convert<codecvt_utf8<char16_t>, char16_t> c("bad", u"BAD");
++  // utf-8 to ucs2 conversion should fail on character outside BMP
++  auto ucs2 = c.from_bytes(src);
++  VERIFY( ucs2 == u"BAD" );
++  VERIFY( c.converted() == 7 );
++  // ucs2 to utf-8 conversion should fail on invalid ucs2 input:
++  std::u16string utf16 = u"1234\U00001111\U0001ffff";
++  auto out = c.to_bytes(utf16);
++  VERIFY( out == "bad" );
++  VERIFY( c.converted() == 5 );
++  // And should also fail on incomplete surrogate pair (not return partial):
++  out = c.to_bytes(utf16.substr(0, utf16.size()-1));
++  VERIFY( out == "bad" );
++  VERIFY( c.converted() == 5 );
++  std::string src = u8"1234\U00001111\U0001ffff";
++  wstring_convert<codecvt_utf8<char16_t, 0x1000>, char16_t> c("bad", u"BAD");
++  // utf-8 to ucs2 conversion should fail on character above Maxcode=0x1000
++  auto ucs2 = c.from_bytes(src);
++  VERIFY( ucs2 == u"BAD" );
++  VERIFY( c.converted() == 4 );
++  std::string src = u8"1234\U00001111\U0001ffff";
++  wstring_convert<codecvt_utf8<char32_t, 0x10000>, char32_t> c("bad", U"BAD");
++  // utf-8 to ucs4 conversion should fail on character above Maxcode=0x10000
++  auto ucs4 = c.from_bytes(src);
++  VERIFY( ucs4 == U"BAD" );
++  VERIFY( c.converted() == 7 );
++  std::string src = u8"1234\U00001111\U0001ffff";
++  wstring_convert<codecvt_utf8<char32_t, 0x1000>, char32_t> c("bad", U"BAD");
++  // utf-8 to ucs4 conversion should fail on character above Maxcode=0x1000
++  auto ucs4 = c.from_bytes(src);
++  VERIFY( ucs4 == U"BAD" );
++  VERIFY( c.converted() == 4 );
++  test01();
++  test02();
++  test03();
++  test04();
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8/members.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8/members.cc	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/codecvt/codecvt_utf8/members.cc	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// { dg-do run { target c++11 } }
++#include <codecvt>
++#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
++const int bomlen = 3; // UTF-8 BOM is 24 bits
++  const int maxlen = 3;
++  std::codecvt_utf8<char16_t> c;
++  VERIFY( c.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c.max_length() == maxlen );
++  std::codecvt_utf8<char16_t, 0x10ffff, std::consume_header> c_bom;
++  VERIFY( c_bom.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.max_length() == (maxlen + bomlen) );
++  const int maxlen = 4;
++  std::codecvt_utf8<char32_t> c;
++  VERIFY( c.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c.max_length() == maxlen );
++  std::codecvt_utf8<char32_t, 0x10ffff, std::consume_header> c_bom;
++  VERIFY( c_bom.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.max_length() == (maxlen + bomlen) );
++  const int maxlen = sizeof(wchar_t) == 4 ? 4 : 3;
++  std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t> c;
++  VERIFY( c.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c.max_length() == maxlen );
++  std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t, 0x10ffff, std::consume_header> c_bom;
++  VERIFY( c_bom.always_noconv() == false );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.encoding() == 0 );
++  VERIFY( c_bom.max_length() == (maxlen + bomlen) );
++  test01();
++  test02();
++  test03();
 Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/29_atomics/atomic/69301.cc
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/29_atomics/atomic/69301.cc	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
@@ -4095,7 +6374,7 @@ Index: gcc/DATESTAMP
 +++ b/src/gcc/DATESTAMP	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
 @@ -1 +1 @@
 Index: gcc/postreload.c
 --- a/src/gcc/postreload.c	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
@@ -4540,7 +6819,24 @@ Index: gcc/ChangeLog
 --- a/src/gcc/ChangeLog	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/ChangeLog	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
-@@ -1,3 +1,862 @@
+@@ -1,3 +1,879 @@
++2017-03-21  Tamar Christina  <tamar.christina at arm.com>
++	* config/aarch64/aarch64-simd.md (*aarch64_simd_mov<mode>)
++	Change ins into fmov.
++2017-03-19  Dominique d'Humieres  <dominiq at lps.ens.fr>
++	PR target/71017
++	* config/i386/cpuid.h: Fix another undefined behavior.
++2017-03-17  Tom de Vries  <tom at codesourcery.com>
++	backport from trunk:
++	2017-03-17  Tom de Vries  <tom at codesourcery.com>
++	* gcov-dump.c (print_usage): Print bug_report_url.
 +2017-03-16  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
 +	Backport from mainline
@@ -5403,7 +7699,7 @@ Index: gcc/ChangeLog
  2016-12-21  Release Manager
  	* GCC 6.3.0 released.
-@@ -68,11 +931,11 @@
+@@ -68,11 +948,11 @@
  	Backport from mainline
  	2016-11-07  Bernd Schmidt  <bschmidt at redhat.com>
@@ -54024,6 +56320,15 @@ Index: gcc/config/i386/cpuid.h
 --- a/src/gcc/config/i386/cpuid.h	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/config/i386/cpuid.h	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
+ #define bit_MMXEXT	(1 << 22)
+ #define bit_LM		(1 << 29)
+ #define bit_3DNOWP	(1 << 30)
+-#define bit_3DNOW	(1 << 31)
++#define bit_3DNOW	(1u << 31)
+ /* %ebx.  */
+ #define bit_CLZERO	(1 << 0)
 @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
  #define bit_AVX512CD	(1 << 28)
  #define bit_SHA		(1 << 29)
@@ -55800,6 +58105,30 @@ Index: gcc/config/aarch64/t-aarch64-freebsd
 +LIB1ASMSRC   = aarch64/lib1funcs.asm
 +LIB1ASMFUNCS = _aarch64_sync_cache_range
+Index: gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-simd.md
+--- a/src/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-simd.md	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-simd.md	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
+@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
+      case 1: return "str\\t%d1, %0";
+      case 2: return "orr\t%0.<Vbtype>, %1.<Vbtype>, %1.<Vbtype>";
+      case 3: return "umov\t%0, %1.d[0]";
+-     case 4: return "ins\t%0.d[0], %1";
++     case 4: return "fmov\t%d0, %1";
+      case 5: return "mov\t%0, %1";
+      case 6:
+ 	return aarch64_output_simd_mov_immediate (operands[1],
+@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@
+      }
+ }
+   [(set_attr "type" "neon_load1_1reg<q>, neon_store1_1reg<q>,\
+-                     neon_logic<q>, neon_to_gp<q>, neon_from_gp<q>,\
+-                     mov_reg, neon_move<q>")]
++		     neon_logic<q>, neon_to_gp<q>, f_mcr,\
++		     mov_reg, neon_move<q>")]
+ )
+ (define_insn "*aarch64_simd_mov<mode>"
 Index: gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-freebsd.h
 --- a/src/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-freebsd.h	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
@@ -56752,6 +59081,19 @@ Index: gcc/params.def
+Index: gcc/gcov-dump.c
+--- a/src/gcc/gcov-dump.c	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/gcov-dump.c	(.../branches/gcc-6-branch)
+@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@
+   printf ("  -l, --long           Dump record contents too\n");
+   printf ("  -p, --positions      Dump record positions\n");
+   printf ("  -w, --working-sets   Dump working set computed from summary\n");
++  printf ("\nFor bug reporting instructions, please see:\n%s.\n",
++	   bug_report_url);
+ }
+ static void
 Index: gcc/lto-streamer.h
 --- a/src/gcc/lto-streamer.h	(.../tags/gcc_6_3_0_release)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/gcc-6.git

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