[blog] 01/02: 107: formatting

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Wed May 17 09:47:13 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

infinity0 pushed a commit to annotated tag 107
in repository blog.

commit 50c7d375da6ea96f0bee73f901b9ed13f7af12bf
Author: Ximin Luo <infinity0 at debian.org>
Date:   Wed May 17 11:46:53 2017 +0200

    107: formatting
 drafts/107.mdwn | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drafts/107.mdwn b/drafts/107.mdwn
index b756028..d1fcf65 100644
--- a/drafts/107.mdwn
+++ b/drafts/107.mdwn
@@ -8,40 +8,57 @@ Saturday May 13 2017:
 Report from Reproducible Builds Hamburg Hackathon
-We were 16 participants from 12 projects: 7 Debian, 2 repeatr.io, 1 ArchLinux, 1 coreboot + LEDE, 1 FDroid, 1 ElectroBSD + privoxy, 1 GNU R, 1 in-toto.io, 1 Meson and 1 openSUSE. Three people came from the USA, 3 from the UK, 2 Finland, 1 Austria, 1 Denmark and 6 from Germany, plus we several guests from our gracious hosts at the CCCHH hackerspace as well as a guest from Australia…
+We were 16 participants from 12 projects: 7 Debian, 2 repeatr.io, 1 ArchLinux,
+1 coreboot + LEDE, 1 FDroid, 1 ElectroBSD + privoxy, 1 GNU R, 1 in-toto.io, 1
+Meson and 1 openSUSE. Three people came from the USA, 3 from the UK, 2 Finland,
+1 Austria, 1 Denmark and 6 from Germany, plus we several guests from our
+gracious hosts at the CCCHH hackerspace as well as a guest from Australia…
 We had three presentations:
 - "Reproducible Builds everywhere" by h01ger
-- [https://in-toto.io](in-toto.io) by Justin Cappos
-- [http://repeatr.io](repeatr.io) by Eric Myhre
+- [in-toto.io](https://in-toto.io) by Justin Cappos
+- [repeatr.io](http://repeatr.io) by Eric Myhre
 We hacked on a large number of things including:
-- h01ger did some orga stuff for this very hackathon, discussed tests.r-b.o with various non-Debian contributors and restarted the [policy discussion in #844431](https://bugs.debian.org/844431).
-- Justin Cappos involved many of us in interesting discussions and started to write an academic paper about Reproducible Builds of which he shared an early beta on our mailinglist.
-- Chris Lamb (lamby) filed a number of patches for individual packages, worked on diffoscope, merged many changes to `strip-nondeterminism` and also filed [[!bug 862073]] against dak to upload buildinfo files to external services.
-- Maria Glukhova (siamezzze) fixed a bug with plots on tests.reproducible-builds.org and worked on diffoscope test coverage.
+- h01ger did some orga stuff for this very hackathon, discussed tests.r-b.o
+  with various non-Debian contributors and restarted the policy discussion in
+  [[!bug 844431]].
+- Justin Cappos involved many of us in interesting discussions and started to
+  write an academic paper about Reproducible Builds of which he shared an early
+  beta on our mailinglist.
+- Chris Lamb (lamby) filed a number of patches for individual packages, worked
+  on diffoscope, merged many changes to `strip-nondeterminism` and also filed
+  [[!bug 862073]] against dak to upload buildinfo files to external services.
+- Maria Glukhova (siamezzze) fixed a bug with plots on
+  tests.reproducible-builds.org and worked on diffoscope test coverage.
 We had a Debian focussed meeting where we discussed a number of topics:
-- IRC meetings: yes, we want to try again to have them, monthly, a poll for a good date is being held.
+- IRC meetings: yes, we want to try again to have them, monthly, a poll for a
+  good date is being held.
 - Debian tests post Stretch: we'll add tests for stable/Stretch.
-- .buildinfo files, how forward: we need sourceful uploads for any arch:all packages. dak should send .buildinfo files to buildinfo.debian.net.
-- (pre?) Stretch release press release: we should do that, esp. as our achievements are largely unrelated to Stretch.
+- .buildinfo files, how forward: we need sourceful uploads for any arch:all
+  packages. dak should send .buildinfo files to buildinfo.debian.net.
+- (pre?) Stretch release press release: we should do that, esp. as our
+  achievements are largely unrelated to Stretch.
 - Reproducible Builds Summit 3: yes, we want that.
 - what to do (in notes.git) with resolved issues: keep the issues.
-- strip-nondeterminism quo vadis: Justin reminded us that strip-nondeterminism is a workaround we want to get rid off.
+- strip-nondeterminism quo vadis: Justin reminded us that strip-nondeterminism
+  is a workaround we want to get rid off.
-Last but not least, we had a lot of fun in the hackerspace, enjoying some of their gimmicks,
-such as being able to open physical doors with `ssh` or controlling light and music with an webbrowser without authentication (besides being in the right network).
+Last but not least, we had a lot of fun in the hackerspace, enjoying some of
+their gimmicks, such as being able to open physical doors with `ssh` or
+controlling light and music with an webbrowser without authentication (besides
+being in the right network).
 [<img width="360" alt="Not quite the hackathon"
-(This wasn't the hackathon per-se, but some of us appreciated these sights and so we thought you would too.)
+(This wasn't the hackathon per-se, but some of us appreciated these sights and
+so we thought you would too.)
 Many thanks to:

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/blog.git

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