[diffoscope] 01/04: Refactor html-dir presenter to be a class instance, avoiding global state
Ximin Luo
infinity0 at debian.org
Fri Jun 16 15:38:52 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
infinity0 pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository diffoscope.
commit 2a0314c38804269d06d49664564c940fec77b181
Author: Ximin Luo <infinity0 at debian.org>
Date: Wed Jun 14 15:41:06 2017 +0200
Refactor html-dir presenter to be a class instance, avoiding global state
No functionality should have been modified by this commit
diffoscope/presenters/html/html.py | 831 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
1 file changed, 406 insertions(+), 425 deletions(-)
diff --git a/diffoscope/presenters/html/html.py b/diffoscope/presenters/html/html.py
index c502fa2..3940de8 100644
--- a/diffoscope/presenters/html/html.py
+++ b/diffoscope/presenters/html/html.py
@@ -71,49 +71,6 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
re_anchor_prefix = re.compile(r'^[^A-Za-z]')
re_anchor_suffix = re.compile(r'[^A-Za-z-_:\.]')
-buf, add_cpt, del_cpt = [], 0, 0
-line1, line2, has_internal_linenos = 0, 0, True
-hunk_off1, hunk_size1, hunk_off2, hunk_size2 = 0, 0, 0, 0
-spl_rows, spl_current_page = 0, 0
-spl_print_func, spl_print_ctrl = None, None
-class HTMLPresenter(Presenter):
- supports_visual_diffs = True
- @classmethod
- def run(cls, data, difference, parsed_args):
- with make_printer(parsed_args.html_output) as fn:
- output_html(
- difference,
- css_url=parsed_args.css_url,
- print_func=fn,
- )
-class HTMLDirectoryPresenter(HTMLPresenter):
- @classmethod
- def run(cls, data, difference, parsed_args):
- output_html_directory(
- parsed_args.html_output_directory,
- difference,
- css_url=parsed_args.css_url,
- jquery_url=parsed_args.jquery_url,
- )
-def new_unified_diff():
- global buf, add_cpt, del_cpt
- global line1, line2, has_internal_linenos
- global hunk_off1, hunk_size1, hunk_off2, hunk_size2
- global spl_rows, spl_current_page
- global spl_print_func, spl_print_ctrl
- buf, add_cpt, del_cpt = [], 0, 0
- line1, line2, has_internal_linenos = 0, 0, True
- hunk_off1, hunk_size1, hunk_off2, hunk_size2 = 0, 0, 0, 0
- spl_rows, spl_current_page = 0, 0
- spl_print_func, spl_print_ctrl = None, None
def convert(s, ponct=0, tag=''):
i = 0
@@ -152,301 +109,6 @@ def convert(s, ponct=0, tag=''):
return t.getvalue()
-def output_hunk():
- spl_print_func(u'<tr class="diffhunk"><td colspan="2">Offset %d, %d lines modified</td>'%(hunk_off1, hunk_size1))
- spl_print_func(u'<td colspan="2">Offset %d, %d lines modified</td></tr>\n'%(hunk_off2, hunk_size2))
- row_was_output()
-def output_line(s1, s2):
- global line1, line2, has_internal_linenos
- orig1 = s1
- orig2 = s2
- if s1 and len(s1) > MAX_LINE_SIZE:
- s1 = s1[:MAX_LINE_SIZE] + u" ✂"
- if s2 and len(s2) > MAX_LINE_SIZE:
- s2 = s2[:MAX_LINE_SIZE] + u" ✂"
- if s1 == None and s2 == None:
- type_name = "unmodified"
- elif s1 == "" and s2 == "":
- type_name = "unmodified"
- elif s1 == None or s1 == "":
- type_name = "added"
- elif s2 == None or s2 == "":
- type_name = "deleted"
- elif orig1 == orig2 and not s1.endswith('lines removed ]') and not s2.endswith('lines removed ]'):
- type_name = "unmodified"
- else:
- type_name = "changed"
- s1, s2 = linediff(s1, s2, DIFFON, DIFFOFF)
- spl_print_func(u'<tr class="diff%s">' % type_name)
- try:
- if s1:
- if has_internal_linenos:
- spl_print_func(u'<td colspan="2" class="diffpresent">')
- else:
- spl_print_func(u'<td class="diffline">%d </td>' % line1)
- spl_print_func(u'<td class="diffpresent">')
- spl_print_func(convert(s1, ponct=1, tag='del'))
- spl_print_func(u'</td>')
- else:
- spl_print_func(u'<td colspan="2">\xa0</td>')
- if s2:
- if has_internal_linenos:
- spl_print_func(u'<td colspan="2" class="diffpresent">')
- else:
- spl_print_func(u'<td class="diffline">%d </td>' % line2)
- spl_print_func(u'<td class="diffpresent">')
- spl_print_func(convert(s2, ponct=1, tag='ins'))
- spl_print_func(u'</td>')
- else:
- spl_print_func(u'<td colspan="2">\xa0</td>')
- finally:
- spl_print_func(u"</tr>\n", force=True)
- row_was_output()
- m = orig1 and re.match(r"^\[ (\d+) lines removed \]$", orig1)
- if m:
- line1 += int(m.group(1))
- elif orig1:
- line1 += 1
- m = orig2 and re.match(r"^\[ (\d+) lines removed \]$", orig2)
- if m:
- line2 += int(m.group(1))
- elif orig2:
- line2 += 1
-def empty_buffer():
- global buf
- global add_cpt
- global del_cpt
- if del_cpt == 0 or add_cpt == 0:
- for l in buf:
- output_line(l[0], l[1])
- elif del_cpt != 0 and add_cpt != 0:
- l0, l1 = [], []
- for l in buf:
- if l[0] != None:
- l0.append(l[0])
- if l[1] != None:
- l1.append(l[1])
- max_len = (len(l0) > len(l1)) and len(l0) or len(l1)
- for i in range(max_len):
- s0, s1 = "", ""
- if i < len(l0):
- s0 = l0[i]
- if i < len(l1):
- s1 = l1[i]
- output_line(s0, s1)
- add_cpt, del_cpt = 0, 0
- buf = []
-def spl_print_enter(print_context, rotation_params):
- # Takes ownership of print_context
- global spl_print_func, spl_print_ctrl
- spl_print_ctrl = print_context.__exit__, rotation_params
- spl_print_func = print_context.__enter__()
- _, _, css_url = rotation_params
- # Print file and table headers
- output_header(css_url, spl_print_func)
-def spl_had_entered_child():
- global spl_print_ctrl, spl_current_page
- return spl_print_ctrl and spl_print_ctrl[1] and spl_current_page > 0
-def spl_print_exit(*exc_info):
- global spl_print_func, spl_print_ctrl
- if not spl_had_entered_child(): return False
- output_footer(spl_print_func)
- _exit, _ = spl_print_ctrl
- spl_print_func, spl_print_ctrl = None, None
- return _exit(*exc_info)
- at contextlib.contextmanager
-def spl_file_printer(directory, filename):
- with codecs.open(os.path.join(directory,filename), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- print_func = f.write
- def recording_print_func(s, force=False):
- print_func(s)
- recording_print_func.bytes_written += len(s)
- recording_print_func.bytes_written = 0
- yield recording_print_func
-def row_was_output():
- global spl_print_func, spl_print_ctrl, spl_rows, spl_current_page
- spl_rows += 1
- _, rotation_params = spl_print_ctrl
- max_lines = Config().max_diff_block_lines
- max_lines_parent = Config().max_diff_block_lines_parent
- max_lines_ratio = Config().max_diff_block_lines_html_dir_ratio
- max_report_child_size = Config().max_report_child_size
- if not rotation_params:
- # html-dir single output, don't need to rotate
- if spl_rows >= max_lines:
- raise DiffBlockLimitReached()
- return
- else:
- # html-dir output, perhaps need to rotate
- directory, mainname, css_url = rotation_params
- if spl_rows >= max_lines_ratio * max_lines:
- raise DiffBlockLimitReached()
- if spl_current_page == 0: # on parent page
- if spl_rows < max_lines_parent:
- return
- else: # on child page
- # TODO: make this stay below the max, instead of going 1 row over the max
- # will require some backtracking...
- if spl_print_func.bytes_written < max_report_child_size:
- return
- spl_current_page += 1
- filename = "%s-%s.html" % (mainname, spl_current_page)
- if spl_current_page > 1:
- # previous page was a child, close it
- spl_print_func(templates.UD_TABLE_FOOTER % {"filename": html.escape(filename), "text": "load diff"}, force=True)
- spl_print_exit(None, None, None)
- # rotate to the next child page
- context = spl_file_printer(directory, filename)
- spl_print_enter(context, rotation_params)
- spl_print_func(templates.UD_TABLE_HEADER)
-def output_unified_diff_table(unified_diff, _has_internal_linenos):
- global add_cpt, del_cpt
- global line1, line2, has_internal_linenos
- global hunk_off1, hunk_size1, hunk_off2, hunk_size2
- has_internal_linenos = _has_internal_linenos
- spl_print_func(templates.UD_TABLE_HEADER)
- try:
- bytes_processed = 0
- for l in unified_diff.splitlines():
- bytes_processed += len(l) + 1
- m = re.match(r'^--- ([^\s]*)', l)
- if m:
- empty_buffer()
- continue
- m = re.match(r'^\+\+\+ ([^\s]*)', l)
- if m:
- empty_buffer()
- continue
- m = re.match(r"@@ -(\d+),?(\d*) \+(\d+),?(\d*)", l)
- if m:
- empty_buffer()
- hunk_data = map(lambda x:x=="" and 1 or int(x), m.groups())
- hunk_off1, hunk_size1, hunk_off2, hunk_size2 = hunk_data
- line1, line2 = hunk_off1, hunk_off2
- output_hunk()
- continue
- if re.match(r'^\[', l):
- empty_buffer()
- spl_print_func(u'<td colspan="2">%s</td>\n' % l)
- if re.match(r"^\\ No newline", l):
- if hunk_size2 == 0:
- buf[-1] = (buf[-1][0], buf[-1][1] + '\n' + l[2:])
- else:
- buf[-1] = (buf[-1][0] + '\n' + l[2:], buf[-1][1])
- continue
- if hunk_size1 <= 0 and hunk_size2 <= 0:
- empty_buffer()
- continue
- m = re.match(r"^\+\[ (\d+) lines removed \]$", l)
- if m:
- add_cpt += int(m.group(1))
- hunk_size2 -= int(m.group(1))
- buf.append((None, l[1:]))
- continue
- if re.match(r"^\+", l):
- add_cpt += 1
- hunk_size2 -= 1
- buf.append((None, l[1:]))
- continue
- m = re.match(r"^-\[ (\d+) lines removed \]$", l)
- if m:
- del_cpt += int(m.group(1))
- hunk_size1 -= int(m.group(1))
- buf.append((l[1:], None))
- continue
- if re.match(r"^-", l):
- del_cpt += 1
- hunk_size1 -= 1
- buf.append((l[1:], None))
- continue
- if re.match(r"^ ", l) and hunk_size1 and hunk_size2:
- empty_buffer()
- hunk_size1 -= 1
- hunk_size2 -= 1
- buf.append((l[1:], l[1:]))
- continue
- empty_buffer()
- empty_buffer()
- return True
- except DiffBlockLimitReached:
- total = len(unified_diff)
- bytes_left = total - bytes_processed
- frac = bytes_left / total
- spl_print_func(
- u'<tr class="error">'
- u'<td colspan="4">Max diff block lines reached; %s/%s bytes (%.2f%%) of diff not shown.'
- u"</td></tr>" % (bytes_left, total, frac*100), force=True)
- return False
- except PrintLimitReached:
- assert not spl_had_entered_child() # limit reached on the parent page
- spl_print_func(u'<tr class="error"><td colspan="4">Max output size reached.</td></tr>', force=True)
- raise
- finally:
- spl_print_func(u"</table>", force=True)
-def output_unified_diff(print_func, css_url, directory, unified_diff, has_internal_linenos):
- global spl_print_func, spl_print_ctrl, spl_current_page
- new_unified_diff()
- rotation_params = None
- if directory:
- mainname = hashlib.md5(unified_diff.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
- rotation_params = directory, mainname, css_url
- try:
- spl_print_func = print_func
- spl_print_ctrl = None, rotation_params
- truncated = not output_unified_diff_table(unified_diff, has_internal_linenos)
- except:
- if not spl_print_exit(*sys.exc_info()): raise
- else:
- spl_print_exit(None, None, None)
- finally:
- spl_print_ctrl = None
- spl_print_func = None
- if spl_current_page > 0:
- noun = "pieces" if spl_current_page > 1 else "piece"
- text = "load diff (%s %s%s)" % (spl_current_page, noun, (", truncated" if truncated else ""))
- print_func(templates.UD_TABLE_FOOTER % {"filename": html.escape("%s-1.html" % mainname), "text": text}, force=True)
def output_visual(print_func, visual, parents):
logger.debug('including image for %s', visual.source)
sources = parents + [visual.source]
@@ -480,44 +142,6 @@ def escape_anchor(val):
return val
-def output_difference(difference, print_func, css_url, directory, parents):
- logger.debug('html output for %s', difference.source1)
- sources = parents + [difference.source1]
- print_func(u'<div class="difference">')
- try:
- print_func(u'<div class="diffheader">')
- diffcontrol = ("diffcontrol", u'⊟') if difference.has_children() else ("diffcontrol-nochildren", u'⊡')
- if difference.source1 == difference.source2:
- print_func(u'<div class="%s">%s</div>' % diffcontrol)
- print_func(u'<div><span class="source">%s</span>'
- % html.escape(difference.source1))
- else:
- print_func(u'<div class="%s diffcontrol-double">%s</div>' % diffcontrol)
- print_func(u'<div><span class="source">%s</span> vs.</div>'
- % html.escape(difference.source1))
- print_func(u'<div><span class="source">%s</span>'
- % html.escape(difference.source2))
- anchor = escape_anchor('/'.join(sources[1:]))
- print_func(u' <a class="anchor" href="#%s" name="%s">\xb6</a>' % (anchor, anchor))
- print_func(u"</div>")
- if difference.comments:
- print_func(u'<div class="comment">%s</div>'
- % u'<br />'.join(map(html.escape, difference.comments)))
- print_func(u"</div>")
- if len(difference.visuals) > 0:
- for visual in difference.visuals:
- output_visual(print_func, visual, sources)
- elif difference.unified_diff:
- output_unified_diff(print_func, css_url, directory, difference.unified_diff, difference.has_internal_linenos)
- for detail in difference.details:
- output_difference(detail, print_func, css_url, directory, sources)
- except PrintLimitReached:
- logger.debug('print limit reached')
- raise
- finally:
- print_func(u"</div>", force=True)
def output_header(css_url, print_func):
if css_url:
css_link = '<link href="%s" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />' % css_url
@@ -532,69 +156,426 @@ def output_footer(print_func):
print_func(templates.FOOTER % {'version': VERSION}, force=True)
-def output_html(difference, css_url=None, print_func=None):
- """
- Default presenter, all in one HTML file
- """
- if print_func is None:
- print_func = print
- print_func = create_limited_print_func(print_func, Config().max_report_size)
- try:
- output_header(css_url, print_func)
- output_difference(difference, print_func, css_url, None, [])
- except PrintLimitReached:
- logger.debug('print limit reached')
- print_func(u'<div class="error">Max output size reached.</div>',
- force=True)
- output_footer(print_func)
def file_printer(directory, filename):
with codecs.open(os.path.join(directory,filename), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
yield f.write
-def output_html_directory(directory, difference, css_url=None, jquery_url=None):
- """
- Multi-file presenter. Writes to a directory, and puts large diff tables
- into files of their own.
+ at contextlib.contextmanager
+def spl_file_printer(directory, filename):
+ with codecs.open(os.path.join(directory,filename), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ print_func = f.write
+ def recording_print_func(s, force=False):
+ print_func(s)
+ recording_print_func.bytes_written += len(s)
+ recording_print_func.bytes_written = 0
+ yield recording_print_func
- This uses jQuery. By default it uses /usr/share/javascript/jquery/jquery.js
- (symlinked, so that you can still share the result over HTTP).
- You can also pass --jquery URL to diffoscope to use a central jQuery copy.
- """
- if not os.path.exists(directory):
- os.makedirs(directory)
- if not os.path.isdir(directory):
- raise ValueError("%s is not a directory" % directory)
+class HTMLPresenter(Presenter):
+ supports_visual_diffs = True
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.new_unified_diff()
+ def new_unified_diff(self):
+ self.buf = []
+ self.add_cpt = 0
+ self.del_cpt = 0
+ self.line1 = 0
+ self.line2 = 0
+ self.has_internal_linenos = True
+ self.hunk_off1 = 0
+ self.hunk_size1 = 0
+ self.hunk_off2 = 0
+ self.hunk_size2 = 0
+ self.spl_rows = 0
+ self.spl_current_page = 0
+ self.spl_print_func = None
+ self.spl_print_ctrl = None
+ def output_hunk(self):
+ self.spl_print_func(u'<tr class="diffhunk"><td colspan="2">Offset %d, %d lines modified</td>' % (self.hunk_off1, self.hunk_size1))
+ self.spl_print_func(u'<td colspan="2">Offset %d, %d lines modified</td></tr>\n' % (self.hunk_off2, self.hunk_size2))
+ self.row_was_output()
+ def output_line(self, s1, s2):
+ orig1 = s1
+ orig2 = s2
+ if s1 and len(s1) > MAX_LINE_SIZE:
+ s1 = s1[:MAX_LINE_SIZE] + u" ✂"
+ if s2 and len(s2) > MAX_LINE_SIZE:
+ s2 = s2[:MAX_LINE_SIZE] + u" ✂"
+ if s1 == None and s2 == None:
+ type_name = "unmodified"
+ elif s1 == "" and s2 == "":
+ type_name = "unmodified"
+ elif s1 == None or s1 == "":
+ type_name = "added"
+ elif s2 == None or s2 == "":
+ type_name = "deleted"
+ elif orig1 == orig2 and not s1.endswith('lines removed ]') and not s2.endswith('lines removed ]'):
+ type_name = "unmodified"
+ else:
+ type_name = "changed"
+ s1, s2 = linediff(s1, s2, DIFFON, DIFFOFF)
+ self.spl_print_func(u'<tr class="diff%s">' % type_name)
+ try:
+ if s1:
+ if self.has_internal_linenos:
+ self.spl_print_func(u'<td colspan="2" class="diffpresent">')
+ else:
+ self.spl_print_func(u'<td class="diffline">%d </td>' % self.line1)
+ self.spl_print_func(u'<td class="diffpresent">')
+ self.spl_print_func(convert(s1, ponct=1, tag='del'))
+ self.spl_print_func(u'</td>')
+ else:
+ self.spl_print_func(u'<td colspan="2">\xa0</td>')
- if not jquery_url:
- jquery_symlink = os.path.join(directory, "jquery.js")
- if os.path.exists(jquery_symlink):
- jquery_url = "./jquery.js"
+ if s2:
+ if self.has_internal_linenos:
+ self.spl_print_func(u'<td colspan="2" class="diffpresent">')
+ else:
+ self.spl_print_func(u'<td class="diffline">%d </td>' % self.line2)
+ self.spl_print_func(u'<td class="diffpresent">')
+ self.spl_print_func(convert(s2, ponct=1, tag='ins'))
+ self.spl_print_func(u'</td>')
+ else:
+ self.spl_print_func(u'<td colspan="2">\xa0</td>')
+ finally:
+ self.spl_print_func(u"</tr>\n", force=True)
+ self.row_was_output()
+ m = orig1 and re.match(r"^\[ (\d+) lines removed \]$", orig1)
+ if m:
+ self.line1 += int(m.group(1))
+ elif orig1:
+ self.line1 += 1
+ m = orig2 and re.match(r"^\[ (\d+) lines removed \]$", orig2)
+ if m:
+ self.line2 += int(m.group(1))
+ elif orig2:
+ self.line2 += 1
+ def empty_buffer(self):
+ if self.del_cpt == 0 or self.add_cpt == 0:
+ for l in self.buf:
+ self.output_line(l[0], l[1])
+ elif self.del_cpt != 0 and self.add_cpt != 0:
+ l0, l1 = [], []
+ for l in self.buf:
+ if l[0] != None:
+ l0.append(l[0])
+ if l[1] != None:
+ l1.append(l[1])
+ max_len = (len(l0) > len(l1)) and len(l0) or len(l1)
+ for i in range(max_len):
+ s0, s1 = "", ""
+ if i < len(l0):
+ s0 = l0[i]
+ if i < len(l1):
+ s1 = l1[i]
+ self.output_line(s0, s1)
+ self.add_cpt = 0
+ self.del_cpt = 0
+ self.buf = []
+ def spl_print_enter(self, print_context, rotation_params):
+ # Takes ownership of print_context
+ self.spl_print_ctrl = print_context.__exit__, rotation_params
+ self.spl_print_func = print_context.__enter__()
+ _, _, css_url = rotation_params
+ # Print file and table headers
+ output_header(css_url, self.spl_print_func)
+ def spl_had_entered_child(self):
+ return self.spl_print_ctrl and self.spl_print_ctrl[1] and self.spl_current_page > 0
+ def spl_print_exit(self, *exc_info):
+ if not self.spl_had_entered_child(): return False
+ output_footer(self.spl_print_func)
+ _exit, _ = self.spl_print_ctrl
+ self.spl_print_func = None
+ self.spl_print_ctrl = None
+ return _exit(*exc_info)
+ def row_was_output(self):
+ self.spl_rows += 1
+ _, rotation_params = self.spl_print_ctrl
+ max_lines = Config().max_diff_block_lines
+ max_lines_parent = Config().max_diff_block_lines_parent
+ max_lines_ratio = Config().max_diff_block_lines_html_dir_ratio
+ max_report_child_size = Config().max_report_child_size
+ if not rotation_params:
+ # html-dir single output, don't need to rotate
+ if self.spl_rows >= max_lines:
+ raise DiffBlockLimitReached()
+ return
- if os.path.lexists(jquery_symlink):
- os.unlink(jquery_symlink)
- if os.path.exists(path):
- os.symlink(path, jquery_symlink)
- jquery_url = "./jquery.js"
- break
- if not jquery_url:
- logger.warning('--jquery was not specified and jQuery was not found in any known location. Disabling on-demand inline loading.')
- logger.debug('Locations searched: %s', ', '.join(JQUERY_SYSTEM_LOCATIONS))
- if jquery_url == 'disable':
- jquery_url = None
- with file_printer(directory, "index.html") as print_func:
+ # html-dir output, perhaps need to rotate
+ directory, mainname, css_url = rotation_params
+ if self.spl_rows >= max_lines_ratio * max_lines:
+ raise DiffBlockLimitReached()
+ if self.spl_current_page == 0: # on parent page
+ if self.spl_rows < max_lines_parent:
+ return
+ else: # on child page
+ # TODO: make this stay below the max, instead of going 1 row over the max
+ # will require some backtracking...
+ if self.spl_print_func.bytes_written < max_report_child_size:
+ return
+ self.spl_current_page += 1
+ filename = "%s-%s.html" % (mainname, self.spl_current_page)
+ if self.spl_current_page > 1:
+ # previous page was a child, close it
+ self.spl_print_func(templates.UD_TABLE_FOOTER % {"filename": html.escape(filename), "text": "load diff"}, force=True)
+ self.spl_print_exit(None, None, None)
+ # rotate to the next child page
+ context = spl_file_printer(directory, filename)
+ self.spl_print_enter(context, rotation_params)
+ self.spl_print_func(templates.UD_TABLE_HEADER)
+ def output_unified_diff_table(self, unified_diff, has_internal_linenos):
+ self.has_internal_linenos = has_internal_linenos
+ self.spl_print_func(templates.UD_TABLE_HEADER)
+ try:
+ bytes_processed = 0
+ for l in unified_diff.splitlines():
+ bytes_processed += len(l) + 1
+ m = re.match(r'^--- ([^\s]*)', l)
+ if m:
+ self.empty_buffer()
+ continue
+ m = re.match(r'^\+\+\+ ([^\s]*)', l)
+ if m:
+ self.empty_buffer()
+ continue
+ m = re.match(r"@@ -(\d+),?(\d*) \+(\d+),?(\d*)", l)
+ if m:
+ self.empty_buffer()
+ hunk_data = map(lambda x:x=="" and 1 or int(x), m.groups())
+ self.hunk_off1, self.hunk_size1, self.hunk_off2, self.hunk_size2 = hunk_data
+ self.line1, self.line2 = self.hunk_off1, self.hunk_off2
+ self.output_hunk()
+ continue
+ if re.match(r'^\[', l):
+ self.empty_buffer()
+ self.spl_print_func(u'<td colspan="2">%s</td>\n' % l)
+ if re.match(r"^\\ No newline", l):
+ if self.hunk_size2 == 0:
+ self.buf[-1] = (self.buf[-1][0], self.buf[-1][1] + '\n' + l[2:])
+ else:
+ self.buf[-1] = (buf[-1][0] + '\n' + l[2:], self.buf[-1][1])
+ continue
+ if self.hunk_size1 <= 0 and self.hunk_size2 <= 0:
+ self.empty_buffer()
+ continue
+ m = re.match(r"^\+\[ (\d+) lines removed \]$", l)
+ if m:
+ self.add_cpt += int(m.group(1))
+ self.hunk_size2 -= int(m.group(1))
+ self.buf.append((None, l[1:]))
+ continue
+ if re.match(r"^\+", l):
+ self.add_cpt += 1
+ self.hunk_size2 -= 1
+ self.buf.append((None, l[1:]))
+ continue
+ m = re.match(r"^-\[ (\d+) lines removed \]$", l)
+ if m:
+ self.del_cpt += int(m.group(1))
+ self.hunk_size1 -= int(m.group(1))
+ self.buf.append((l[1:], None))
+ continue
+ if re.match(r"^-", l):
+ self.del_cpt += 1
+ self.hunk_size1 -= 1
+ self.buf.append((l[1:], None))
+ continue
+ if re.match(r"^ ", l) and self.hunk_size1 and self.hunk_size2:
+ self.empty_buffer()
+ self.hunk_size1 -= 1
+ self.hunk_size2 -= 1
+ self.buf.append((l[1:], l[1:]))
+ continue
+ self.empty_buffer()
+ self.empty_buffer()
+ return True
+ except DiffBlockLimitReached:
+ total = len(unified_diff)
+ bytes_left = total - bytes_processed
+ frac = bytes_left / total
+ self.spl_print_func(
+ u'<tr class="error">'
+ u'<td colspan="4">Max diff block lines reached; %s/%s bytes (%.2f%%) of diff not shown.'
+ u"</td></tr>" % (bytes_left, total, frac*100), force=True)
+ return False
+ except PrintLimitReached:
+ assert not self.spl_had_entered_child() # limit reached on the parent page
+ self.spl_print_func(u'<tr class="error"><td colspan="4">Max output size reached.</td></tr>', force=True)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ self.spl_print_func(u"</table>", force=True)
+ def output_unified_diff(self, print_func, css_url, directory, unified_diff, has_internal_linenos):
+ self.new_unified_diff()
+ rotation_params = None
+ if directory:
+ mainname = hashlib.md5(unified_diff.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
+ rotation_params = directory, mainname, css_url
+ try:
+ self.spl_print_func = print_func
+ self.spl_print_ctrl = None, rotation_params
+ truncated = not self.output_unified_diff_table(unified_diff, has_internal_linenos)
+ except:
+ if not self.spl_print_exit(*sys.exc_info()): raise
+ else:
+ self.spl_print_exit(None, None, None)
+ finally:
+ self.spl_print_ctrl = None
+ self.spl_print_func = None
+ if self.spl_current_page > 0:
+ noun = "pieces" if self.spl_current_page > 1 else "piece"
+ text = "load diff (%s %s%s)" % (self.spl_current_page, noun, (", truncated" if truncated else ""))
+ print_func(templates.UD_TABLE_FOOTER % {"filename": html.escape("%s-1.html" % mainname), "text": text}, force=True)
+ def output_difference(self, difference, print_func, css_url, directory, parents):
+ logger.debug('html output for %s', difference.source1)
+ sources = parents + [difference.source1]
+ print_func(u'<div class="difference">')
+ try:
+ print_func(u'<div class="diffheader">')
+ diffcontrol = ("diffcontrol", u'⊟') if difference.has_children() else ("diffcontrol-nochildren", u'⊡')
+ if difference.source1 == difference.source2:
+ print_func(u'<div class="%s">%s</div>' % diffcontrol)
+ print_func(u'<div><span class="source">%s</span>'
+ % html.escape(difference.source1))
+ else:
+ print_func(u'<div class="%s diffcontrol-double">%s</div>' % diffcontrol)
+ print_func(u'<div><span class="source">%s</span> vs.</div>'
+ % html.escape(difference.source1))
+ print_func(u'<div><span class="source">%s</span>'
+ % html.escape(difference.source2))
+ anchor = escape_anchor('/'.join(sources[1:]))
+ print_func(u' <a class="anchor" href="#%s" name="%s">\xb6</a>' % (anchor, anchor))
+ print_func(u"</div>")
+ if difference.comments:
+ print_func(u'<div class="comment">%s</div>'
+ % u'<br />'.join(map(html.escape, difference.comments)))
+ print_func(u"</div>")
+ if len(difference.visuals) > 0:
+ for visual in difference.visuals:
+ output_visual(print_func, visual, sources)
+ elif difference.unified_diff:
+ self.output_unified_diff(print_func, css_url, directory, difference.unified_diff, difference.has_internal_linenos)
+ for detail in difference.details:
+ self.output_difference(detail, print_func, css_url, directory, sources)
+ except PrintLimitReached:
+ logger.debug('print limit reached')
+ raise
+ finally:
+ print_func(u"</div>", force=True)
+ def output_html(self, difference, css_url=None, print_func=None):
+ """
+ Default presenter, all in one HTML file
+ """
+ if print_func is None:
+ print_func = print
print_func = create_limited_print_func(print_func, Config().max_report_size)
output_header(css_url, print_func)
- output_difference(difference, print_func, css_url, directory, [])
+ self.output_difference(difference, print_func, css_url, None, [])
except PrintLimitReached:
logger.debug('print limit reached')
print_func(u'<div class="error">Max output size reached.</div>',
- if jquery_url:
- print_func(templates.SCRIPTS % {'jquery_url': html.escape(jquery_url)}, force=True)
+ @classmethod
+ def run(cls, data, difference, parsed_args):
+ with make_printer(parsed_args.html_output) as fn:
+ cls().output_html(
+ difference,
+ css_url=parsed_args.css_url,
+ print_func=fn,
+ )
+class HTMLDirectoryPresenter(HTMLPresenter):
+ def output_html_directory(self, directory, difference, css_url=None, jquery_url=None):
+ """
+ Multi-file presenter. Writes to a directory, and puts large diff tables
+ into files of their own.
+ This uses jQuery. By default it uses /usr/share/javascript/jquery/jquery.js
+ (symlinked, so that you can still share the result over HTTP).
+ You can also pass --jquery URL to diffoscope to use a central jQuery copy.
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(directory):
+ os.makedirs(directory)
+ if not os.path.isdir(directory):
+ raise ValueError("%s is not a directory" % directory)
+ if not jquery_url:
+ jquery_symlink = os.path.join(directory, "jquery.js")
+ if os.path.exists(jquery_symlink):
+ jquery_url = "./jquery.js"
+ else:
+ if os.path.lexists(jquery_symlink):
+ os.unlink(jquery_symlink)
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ os.symlink(path, jquery_symlink)
+ jquery_url = "./jquery.js"
+ break
+ if not jquery_url:
+ logger.warning('--jquery was not specified and jQuery was not found in any known location. Disabling on-demand inline loading.')
+ logger.debug('Locations searched: %s', ', '.join(JQUERY_SYSTEM_LOCATIONS))
+ if jquery_url == 'disable':
+ jquery_url = None
+ with file_printer(directory, "index.html") as print_func:
+ print_func = create_limited_print_func(print_func, Config().max_report_size)
+ try:
+ output_header(css_url, print_func)
+ self.output_difference(difference, print_func, css_url, directory, [])
+ except PrintLimitReached:
+ logger.debug('print limit reached')
+ print_func(u'<div class="error">Max output size reached.</div>',
+ force=True)
+ if jquery_url:
+ print_func(templates.SCRIPTS % {'jquery_url': html.escape(jquery_url)}, force=True)
+ output_footer(print_func)
+ @classmethod
+ def run(cls, data, difference, parsed_args):
+ cls().output_html_directory(
+ parsed_args.html_output_directory,
+ difference,
+ css_url=parsed_args.css_url,
+ jquery_url=parsed_args.jquery_url,
+ )
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