The Week Of Monday 26 June 2017 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Jun 26 00:01:59 UTC 2017
Ending: Sun Jul 2 21:04:59 UTC 2017
Messages: 148
- [notes] branch master updated (76771e4 -> 0cd23fd)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 01/03: Remove archived bugs
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 02/03: Add missing usertagged bugs
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 03/03: --fix-deterministic
Mattia Rizzolo
- [blog] branch master updated (7a96560 -> c5534a2)
Vagrant Cascadian
- [blog] 01/01: 113: mention Q&A session at open source bridge.
Vagrant Cascadian
- [blog] branch master updated (c5534a2 -> 35400ad)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann
- [blog] 01/01: make a proper list
Bernhard M. Wiedemann
- [blog] branch master updated (35400ad -> e031f75)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann
- [blog] 01/01: 113: add upstream fixes
Bernhard M. Wiedemann
- [notes] branch master updated (0cd23fd -> aabcb00)
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 01/01: Add patch for xabacus
Chris Lamb
- [blog] branch master updated (e031f75 -> 712f2da)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann
- [blog] 01/01: 113: fix formatting
Bernhard M. Wiedemann
- [blog] branch master updated (712f2da -> 5851b23)
Holger Levsen
- [blog] 01/01: 113: add lynxis' work on LEDE (and OpenWrt)
Holger Levsen
- [blog] branch master updated (5851b23 -> fcccac7)
Holger Levsen
- [blog] 01/01: fix capitalisation
Holger Levsen
- [blog] branch master updated (fcccac7 -> c03ef3a)
Holger Levsen
- [blog] 01/01: 113: mention important stuff h01ger has done which is not in git
Holger Levsen
- [diffoscope] branch WIP/humungous-diffs updated (2fdd410 -> ac6cdb1)
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 01/04: presenters: html: split index pages up if they get too big
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 02/04: presenters: html: diffcontrol UI tweaks
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 03/04: presenters: html: more intuitive "limit" flags, some backwards-incompatible changes:
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 04/04: presenters: html: in html-dir mode, put css/icon in separate files to avoid duplication
Ximin Luo
- [blog] branch master updated (c03ef3a -> 72a84af)
Ximin Luo
- [blog] 01/01: 113: reports/bin/generate-draft and turn into prose
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] branch WIP/humungous-diffs updated (ac6cdb1 -> 885cc18)
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 01/05: presenters: html: split index pages up if they get too big
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 02/05: presenters: html: diffcontrol UI tweaks
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 03/05: presenters: html: more intuitive "limit" flags, some backwards-incompatible changes:
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 04/05: presenters: html: in html-dir mode, put css/icon in separate files to avoid duplication
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 05/05: difference: too much FP for me, use a loop rather than recursion
Ximin Luo
- [blog] branch master updated (72a84af -> 47284f0)
Chris Lamb
- [blog] 01/01: Update 113 draft.
Chris Lamb
- [notes] branch master updated (aabcb00 -> fc51917)
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 01/01: I think we have some confusion around random_id_in_pdf_generated_by_dblatex and random_order_of_pdf_ids_generated_by_latex.
Chris Lamb
- [diffoscope] branch master updated (d37f363 -> f5200e7)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [diffoscope] 01/01: d/rules: bump backport version check
Mattia Rizzolo
- [diffoscope] annotated tag 83_bpo9+1 created (now 5206e49)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [diffoscope] 01/02: d/rules: bump backport version check
Mattia Rizzolo
- [diffoscope] 02/02: Changelog for 83~bpo9+1
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] branch master updated (fc51917 -> fd9a288)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 01/02: Add missing usertagged bugs
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 02/02: --fix-deterministic
Mattia Rizzolo
- [blog] branch master updated (47284f0 -> 759c489)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [blog] 01/05: 113: be more precise in the s-nd work
Mattia Rizzolo
- [blog] 02/05: 113: try to be less confusing about that "from experimental to unstable" in diffoscope
Mattia Rizzolo
- [blog] 03/05: 113: I really did nothing special to diffoscope, compter to others…
Mattia Rizzolo
- [blog] 04/05: 113: don't like's changelog, as that link is going to be stale very soon
Mattia Rizzolo
- [blog] 05/05: 113: link tracker.d.o news, as we used to do in the past
Mattia Rizzolo
- [blog] branch master updated (759c489 -> 3cffa93)
Ximin Luo
- [blog] 01/05: 113: update fpm link as requested
Ximin Luo
- [blog] 02/05: 113: markdown `code` format doesn't work inside links
Ximin Luo
- [blog] 03/05: 113: add ftp-master changelog link back in since changelogs.d.n is not yet up-to-date
Ximin Luo
- [blog] 04/05: 113: focus on this week's work, previous stuff is already credited elsewhere
Ximin Luo
- [blog] 05/05: 113: credit Mattia for the extra wording and clarifications
Ximin Luo
- [blog] branch master updated (3cffa93 -> 310fb13)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [blog] 01/01: 113: then don't mention me and Chris at all, nothing was done this week except cutting the release…
Mattia Rizzolo
- [blog] branch master updated (310fb13 -> 01bc4d6)
Holger Levsen
- [blog] 01/01: 113: add mapreri's work on t.r-b.o
Holger Levsen
- [blog] branch master updated (01bc4d6 -> 7ff27c2)
Holger Levsen
- [blog] 01/01: 113: and my work on t.r-b.o last week
Holger Levsen
- [blog] annotated tag 113 created (now 806a48a)
Ximin Luo
- [blog] 01/02: 113: last bits of formatting
Ximin Luo
- [blog] 02/02: published as
Ximin Luo
- [blog] branch master updated (7ff27c2 -> bf76737)
Ximin Luo
- [blog] branch master updated (bf76737 -> ed36d18)
Holger Levsen
- [blog] 01/01: 113: mention next weeks IRC meeting with agenda
Holger Levsen
- [notes] branch master updated (fd9a288 -> 4476494)
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 01/01: Might have found the source of random_id_in_pdf_generated_by_dblatex random_order_of_pdf_ids_generated_by_latex...
Chris Lamb
- [notes] branch master updated (4476494 -> 28a1dc2)
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 01/01: Add upstream URL for PDF ids.
Chris Lamb
- [blog] branch master updated (ed36d18 -> 0bbd344)
Vagrant Cascadian
- [blog] 01/01: 114: Add upgrade of armhf machines to stretch, copy relevent events from previous week.
Vagrant Cascadian
- [notes] branch master updated (28a1dc2 -> bcecbef)
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 01/02: Add patch for qmidinet
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 02/02: Add patch for singularity-container
Chris Lamb
- [notes] branch master updated (bcecbef -> 0657355)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 01/01: Add missing usertagged bugs
Mattia Rizzolo
- [blog] branch master updated (0bbd344 -> 5563422)
Chris Lamb
- [blog] 01/01: +=
Chris Lamb
- [notes] branch master updated (0657355 -> 53b1744)
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 01/02: Update URL for pdf id upstream issue.
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 02/02: Tag node-xterm with randomness_in_browserify_lite_output
Chris Lamb
- [debrepatch] branch master updated (bbf39fb -> 32b97eb)
Ximin Luo
- [debrepatch] 01/01: toolchain-patches: update r-base patch
Ximin Luo
- [debrepatch] branch master updated (32b97eb -> c9244a8)
Ximin Luo
- [debrepatch] 01/01: README: update build-deps
Ximin Luo
- [notes] branch master updated (53b1744 -> a6e4a2e)
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 01/01: Tag xfce4-screenshooter with translations_missing_in_desktop_files
Chris Lamb
- [notes] branch master updated (a6e4a2e -> f02fd66)
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 01/02: Add new timestamps_in_manpages_added_by_golang_go_flags toolchain issue.
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 02/02: Tag snapd with timestamps_in_manpages_added_by_golang_go_flags
Chris Lamb
- [notes] branch master updated (f02fd66 -> c660643)
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 01/01: Add patch for cd-hit
Chris Lamb
- [notes] branch master updated (c660643 -> ae96cfd)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 01/02: Add missing usertagged bugs
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 02/02: --fix-deterministic
Mattia Rizzolo
- [blog] branch master updated (5563422 -> cd3771f)
Bernhard M. Wiedemann
- [blog] 01/01: add upstream patches
Bernhard M. Wiedemann
- [blog] branch master updated (cd3771f -> d8d2db7)
Holger Levsen
- [blog] 01/01: 114: h01ger updated the remaining amd64 nodes to stretch, except jenkins itself
Holger Levsen
- [notes] branch master updated (ae96cfd -> 10f6065)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 01/02: Remove archived bugs
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 02/02: Add missing usertagged bugs
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] branch master updated (10f6065 -> 19fe370)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 01/01: remove note for reporudcible pd-pdstring
Mattia Rizzolo
- [diffoscope] branch master updated (f5200e7 -> 212563a)
Daniel Shahaf
- [diffoscope] 01/01: Fix markup in the man page synopsis. Thanks to Niels Thykier for the report. (Closes: #866577)
Daniel Shahaf
- [blog] branch master updated (d8d2db7 -> 806ac08)
Ximin Luo
- [blog] 01/01: 114: add some stuff i did
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] branch master updated (212563a -> 9c0a3d2)
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 01/02: difference: too much FP for me, use a loop rather than recursion
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 02/02: presenters: text: fix recursive indentation of headers
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] branch master updated (9c0a3d2 -> 26a4360)
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 01/04: comparators/directory: raise warning for getfacl and remove a redundant try-clause
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 02/04: Add a --exclude-directory-metadata option. (Closes: #866241)
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 03/04: d/changelog: mention my text bug fix
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 04/04: Fix CI tests using python 3.6
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] branch master updated (26a4360 -> 8130f63)
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 01/02: tests/comparators/test_fsimage: put the 400MB cache in a more obvious place
Ximin Luo
- [diffoscope] 02/02: tests: fix progressbar failure that was exposed by the previous importing fixes
Ximin Luo
- [notes] branch master updated (19fe370 -> b022142)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 01/03: Remove archived bugs
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 02/03: Add missing usertagged bugs
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 03/03: --fix-deterministic
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] branch master updated (b022142 -> bcae66f)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 01/01: remove note about fixed package src:tf
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] branch master updated (bcae66f -> 3ca25bf)
Adrian Bunk
- [notes] 01/01: Remove note for removed doxymacs
Adrian Bunk
- [notes] branch master updated (3ca25bf -> c35da8c)
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 01/02: Remove archived bugs
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] 02/02: Add missing usertagged bugs
Mattia Rizzolo
- [notes] branch master updated (c35da8c -> 2c660b4)
Daniel Shahaf
- [notes] 01/01: packages: subversion: Add a comment about the upstream build process.
Daniel Shahaf
- [notes] branch master updated (2c660b4 -> 19fc041)
Adrian Bunk
- [notes] 01/01: Remove notes for removed packages
Adrian Bunk
- [notes] branch master updated (19fc041 -> efa560b)
Sandro Knauß
- [notes] 01/01: don't use opipng anymore, the problem was fixed on latex side
Sandro Knauß
- [blog] branch master updated (806ac08 -> 65208ea)
Chris Lamb
- [blog] 01/01: 114: Update.
Chris Lamb
- [notes] branch master updated (efa560b -> 1b767c3)
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 01/05: Tag groovebasin with randomness_in_browserify_lite_output
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 02/05: Drop manual comment for groovebasin.
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 03/05: Care fixed.
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 04/05: gramps fixed.
Chris Lamb
- [notes] 05/05: Add patch for tinymux
Chris Lamb
Last message date:
Sun Jul 2 21:04:59 UTC 2017
Archived on: Sun Jul 2 21:05:05 UTC 2017
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).