[presentations] 01/01: fix typo: Individuelly

Bernhard M. Wiedemann bmwiedemann-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Oct 25 11:11:05 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

bmwiedemann-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository presentations.

commit 1a61cb4c7a448b94a44aef7d7f80f32354122cc5
Author: Bernhard M. Wiedemann <bwiedemann at suse.de>
Date:   Wed Oct 25 10:17:29 2017 +0200

    fix typo: Individuelly
 2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge.tex     | 2 +-
 2015-11-13-CCCHH/2015-11-13-CCCHH-Beyond-Reproducible-builds.tex        | 2 +-
 .../2015-12-04-hackerspace.gr-Beyond-Reproducible-builds.tex            | 2 +-
 2016-01-31-FOSDEM16/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16-Reproducible-ecosystem.tex      | 2 +-
 .../2016-02-06-devconf.cz-Reproducible-rpm-world-lightningtalk.tex      | 2 +-
 2016-03-20-libreplanet/2016-03-20-libreplanet.tex                       | 2 +-
 2016-05-26-ripe72/2016-05-26-ripe72.tex                                 | 2 +-
 .../2016-06-23-openSUSE-Conference-2016.tex                             | 2 +-
 2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit.tex                 | 2 +-
 2016-Lightning-talk-template/2016-Lightning-talk-template.tex           | 2 +-
 2017-01-27-devconf.cz/2017-01-27-devconf.cz.tex                         | 2 +-
 2017-03-24-GUUG/2017-03-24-GUUG.tex                                     | 2 +-
 .../2017-05-04-CCCHH-Reproducible-Hackathon.tex                         | 2 +-
 2017-05-06-DUCC-IT-2017/2017-05-06-DUCCIT17.tex                         | 2 +-
 2017-10-21-all-systems-go/2017-10-21-all-systems-go.tex                 | 2 +-
 2017-10-25-OSSE/2017-10-25-OSSE.tex                                     | 2 +-
 16 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge.tex b/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge.tex
index 3da2232..b3641b9 100644
--- a/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge.tex
+++ b/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge/2015-11-08-MiniDebConfCambridge.tex
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ Build-Environment:
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but won't scale.
   \item<2-4> { We'll probably need systematic rebuilders, run by large organisations
   (ACLU, NASA, NSA, Deutsche Bank, EDF, Greenpeace, XYZ).}
diff --git a/2015-11-13-CCCHH/2015-11-13-CCCHH-Beyond-Reproducible-builds.tex b/2015-11-13-CCCHH/2015-11-13-CCCHH-Beyond-Reproducible-builds.tex
index 9d041c7..85d91aa 100644
--- a/2015-11-13-CCCHH/2015-11-13-CCCHH-Beyond-Reproducible-builds.tex
+++ b/2015-11-13-CCCHH/2015-11-13-CCCHH-Beyond-Reproducible-builds.tex
@@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ Build-Environment:
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but won't scale.
   \item<2-4> { We'll probably could use systematic rebuilders, run by large organisations
   (ACLU, CCC, CERN, DECIX, DESY, Deutsche Bank, EDF, EON, Greenpeace, NASA, NSA, XYZ).}
diff --git a/2015-12-04-hackerspace.gr/2015-12-04-hackerspace.gr-Beyond-Reproducible-builds.tex b/2015-12-04-hackerspace.gr/2015-12-04-hackerspace.gr-Beyond-Reproducible-builds.tex
index 10284d1..bad079f 100644
--- a/2015-12-04-hackerspace.gr/2015-12-04-hackerspace.gr-Beyond-Reproducible-builds.tex
+++ b/2015-12-04-hackerspace.gr/2015-12-04-hackerspace.gr-Beyond-Reproducible-builds.tex
@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ Build-Environment:
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but won't scale.
   \item<2-4> { We'll probably could use systematic rebuilders, run by large organisations
   (ACLU, CCC, CERN, DECIX, DESY, Deutsche Bank, EDF, EON, Greenpeace, NASA, NSA, XYZ).}
diff --git a/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16-Reproducible-ecosystem.tex b/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16-Reproducible-ecosystem.tex
index ee8ecdc..2dd77ff 100644
--- a/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16-Reproducible-ecosystem.tex
+++ b/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16/2016-01-31-FOSDEM16-Reproducible-ecosystem.tex
@@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@ Build-Environment:
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but IMO won't scale.
   \item<2-3> { Another idea: rebuilders, run by large organisations
   (ACLU, CCC, CERN, Deutsche Bank, EDF, EON, Greenpeace, NASA, NSA, XYZ).}
diff --git a/2016-02-06-devconf.cz/2016-02-06-devconf.cz-Reproducible-rpm-world-lightningtalk.tex b/2016-02-06-devconf.cz/2016-02-06-devconf.cz-Reproducible-rpm-world-lightningtalk.tex
index 6afb740..e75147b 100644
--- a/2016-02-06-devconf.cz/2016-02-06-devconf.cz-Reproducible-rpm-world-lightningtalk.tex
+++ b/2016-02-06-devconf.cz/2016-02-06-devconf.cz-Reproducible-rpm-world-lightningtalk.tex
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour is usually the same… usually, the minut
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but IMO won't scale.
   \item<2-4> { Another idea: rebuilders, run by large organisations
   (ACLU, CCC, CERN, Deutsche Bank, EDF, EON, Greenpeace, NASA, NSA, XYZ).}
diff --git a/2016-03-20-libreplanet/2016-03-20-libreplanet.tex b/2016-03-20-libreplanet/2016-03-20-libreplanet.tex
index 9a1a5c7..6d173e2 100644
--- a/2016-03-20-libreplanet/2016-03-20-libreplanet.tex
+++ b/2016-03-20-libreplanet/2016-03-20-libreplanet.tex
@@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ Build-Environment:
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but IMO won't scale.
   \item<2-3> { Another idea: rebuilders, run by large organisations
   (ACLU, CCC, CERN, Deutsche Bank, EDF, EON, Greenpeace, NASA, NSA, XYZ).}
diff --git a/2016-05-26-ripe72/2016-05-26-ripe72.tex b/2016-05-26-ripe72/2016-05-26-ripe72.tex
index 0868c53..9e1c163 100644
--- a/2016-05-26-ripe72/2016-05-26-ripe72.tex
+++ b/2016-05-26-ripe72/2016-05-26-ripe72.tex
@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour is usually the same… usually, the minut
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but IMO won't scale.
   \item<2-3> { Another idea: rebuilders, run by large organisations
   (ACLU, CCC, CERN, Deutsche Bank, EDF, EON, Greenpeace, NASA, NSA, XYZ).}
diff --git a/2016-06-23-openSUSE-Conference-2016/2016-06-23-openSUSE-Conference-2016.tex b/2016-06-23-openSUSE-Conference-2016/2016-06-23-openSUSE-Conference-2016.tex
index cd60f4a..e530b2f 100644
--- a/2016-06-23-openSUSE-Conference-2016/2016-06-23-openSUSE-Conference-2016.tex
+++ b/2016-06-23-openSUSE-Conference-2016/2016-06-23-openSUSE-Conference-2016.tex
@@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@ Build-Environment:
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but IMO won't scale.
   \item<2-3> { Another idea: rebuilders, run by large organisations
   (ACLU, CCC, CERN, Deutsche Bank, EDF, EON, Greenpeace, NASA, NSA, XYZ).}
diff --git a/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit.tex b/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit.tex
index 2cfa2b1..a32bea5 100644
--- a/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit.tex
+++ b/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit/2016-10-13-OpenWrt-Summit.tex
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ where}\only<2>{gamblingmachines}!)
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but IMO won't scale.
   \item { Another idea: rebuilders, run by large organisations
   (ACLU, CCC, CERN, Deutsche Bank, EDF, EON, Greenpeace, NASA, NSA, XYZ).}
diff --git a/2016-Lightning-talk-template/2016-Lightning-talk-template.tex b/2016-Lightning-talk-template/2016-Lightning-talk-template.tex
index a99529c..e48b43f 100644
--- a/2016-Lightning-talk-template/2016-Lightning-talk-template.tex
+++ b/2016-Lightning-talk-template/2016-Lightning-talk-template.tex
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour is usually the same… usually, the minut
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but IMO won't scale.
   \item { Another idea: rebuilders, run by large organisations
   (ACLU, CCC, CERN, Deutsche Bank, EDF, EON, Greenpeace, NASA, NSA, XYZ).}
diff --git a/2017-01-27-devconf.cz/2017-01-27-devconf.cz.tex b/2017-01-27-devconf.cz/2017-01-27-devconf.cz.tex
index aa8ffb2..be915cf 100644
--- a/2017-01-27-devconf.cz/2017-01-27-devconf.cz.tex
+++ b/2017-01-27-devconf.cz/2017-01-27-devconf.cz.tex
@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour is usually the same… usually, the minut
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but IMO won't scale.
   \item { Another idea: rebuilders, run by large organisations
   (ACLU, CCC, Deutsche Bank, Greenpeace, NASA, NSA, US-Army).}
diff --git a/2017-03-24-GUUG/2017-03-24-GUUG.tex b/2017-03-24-GUUG/2017-03-24-GUUG.tex
index 64e062e..f4dac77 100644
--- a/2017-03-24-GUUG/2017-03-24-GUUG.tex
+++ b/2017-03-24-GUUG/2017-03-24-GUUG.tex
@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour and minute deterministically and non-dete
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but IMO won't scale.
   \item { Another idea: rebuilders, run by large organisations,
   eg. ACLU, BSI, CCC, Deutsche Bank, Greenpeace, GUUG, NASA, NSA, etc…}
diff --git a/2017-05-04-CCCHH-Reproducible-Hackathon/2017-05-04-CCCHH-Reproducible-Hackathon.tex b/2017-05-04-CCCHH-Reproducible-Hackathon/2017-05-04-CCCHH-Reproducible-Hackathon.tex
index a5334c0..8a0b8a1 100644
--- a/2017-05-04-CCCHH-Reproducible-Hackathon/2017-05-04-CCCHH-Reproducible-Hackathon.tex
+++ b/2017-05-04-CCCHH-Reproducible-Hackathon/2017-05-04-CCCHH-Reproducible-Hackathon.tex
@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour and minute deterministically and non-dete
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but IMO won't scale.
   \item { Another idea: rebuilders, run by large organisations,
   eg. ACLU, BSI, CCC, Deutsche Bank, Greenpeace, GUUG, NASA, NSA, etc…}
diff --git a/2017-05-06-DUCC-IT-2017/2017-05-06-DUCCIT17.tex b/2017-05-06-DUCC-IT-2017/2017-05-06-DUCCIT17.tex
index b5409c7..8d17359 100644
--- a/2017-05-06-DUCC-IT-2017/2017-05-06-DUCCIT17.tex
+++ b/2017-05-06-DUCC-IT-2017/2017-05-06-DUCCIT17.tex
@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour and minute deterministically and non-dete
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but IMO won't scale.
   \item { Another idea: rebuilders, run by large organisations,
   eg. ACLU, BSI, CCC, Deutsche Bank, Greenpeace, GUUG, NASA, NSA, etc…}
diff --git a/2017-10-21-all-systems-go/2017-10-21-all-systems-go.tex b/2017-10-21-all-systems-go/2017-10-21-all-systems-go.tex
index 15fa6c9..a015334 100644
--- a/2017-10-21-all-systems-go/2017-10-21-all-systems-go.tex
+++ b/2017-10-21-all-systems-go/2017-10-21-all-systems-go.tex
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour is usually the same… usually, the minut
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but IMO won't scale.
   \item { Another idea: rebuilders, run by large organisations
   (ACLU, CCC, Deutsche Bank, Greenpeace, NASA, NSA, US-Army).}
diff --git a/2017-10-25-OSSE/2017-10-25-OSSE.tex b/2017-10-25-OSSE/2017-10-25-OSSE.tex
index de871cf..d75ed5a 100644
--- a/2017-10-25-OSSE/2017-10-25-OSSE.tex
+++ b/2017-10-25-OSSE/2017-10-25-OSSE.tex
@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ hour, minute & \multicolumn{2}{l}{hour is usually the same… usually, the minut
  \frametitle{Rebuilders and sharing signed checksums, cont.}
-  \item Individuelly signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
+  \item Individually signed checksums (think web of trust) could work in the
   Debian case (we have a gpg web of trust), but IMO won't scale.
   \item { Another idea: rebuilders, run by large organisations
   (ACLU, CCC, Deutsche Bank, Greenpeace, NASA, NSA, US-Army).}

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/presentations.git

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