[gcc-7] 260/354: * Update to SVN 20170731 (r250749) from the gcc-7-branch.

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Thu Nov 23 15:51:04 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

infinity0 pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gcc-7.

commit 976c98dcb5658862635f64424c3d3bfe71700fb6
Author: doko <doko at 6ca36cf4-e1d1-0310-8c6f-e303bb2178ca>
Date:   Mon Jul 31 17:42:59 2017 +0000

      * Update to SVN 20170731 (r250749) from the gcc-7-branch.
    git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/gcccvs/branches/sid/gcc-7@9598 6ca36cf4-e1d1-0310-8c6f-e303bb2178ca
 debian/changelog                |     2 +
 debian/patches/svn-updates.diff | 15894 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 debian/rules.defs               |     2 +-
 3 files changed, 15394 insertions(+), 504 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 66cc876..2df2223 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 gcc-7 (7.1.0-11) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Update to SVN 20170731 (r250749) from the gcc-7-branch.
   [ Matthias Klose ]
   * Update sanitizer symbols for ppc64 and sparc64.
diff --git a/debian/patches/svn-updates.diff b/debian/patches/svn-updates.diff
index e87a09c..ef2b8ec 100644
--- a/debian/patches/svn-updates.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/svn-updates.diff
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-# DP: updates from the 7 branch upto 20170722 (r250453).
+# DP: updates from the 7 branch upto 20170731 (r250749).
 	cat > ${dir}LAST_UPDATED <EOF
-Sat Jul 22 12:21:58 CEST 2017
-Sat Jul 22 10:21:58 UTC 2017 (revision 250453)
+Mon Jul 31 19:33:17 CEST 2017
+Mon Jul 31 17:33:17 UTC 2017 (revision 250749)
-LANG=C svn diff svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/tags/gcc_7_1_0_release svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/branches/gcc-7-branch@249738 \
+LANG=C svn diff svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/tags/gcc_7_1_0_release svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/branches/gcc-7-branch \
 	| sed -r 's,^--- (\S+)\t(\S+)(.*)$,--- a/src/\1\t\2,;s,^\+\+\+ (\S+)\t(\S+)(.*)$,+++ b/src/\1\t\2,' \
 	| awk '/^Index:.*\.(class|texi)/ {skip=1; next} /^Index:/ { skip=0 } skip==0'
@@ -448,6 +448,120 @@ Index: libgomp/config/linux/affinity.c
+Index: libquadmath/ChangeLog
+--- a/src/libquadmath/ChangeLog	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libquadmath/ChangeLog	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
++2017-07-20  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	PR libquadmath/65757
++	* math/roundq.c: Cherry-pick upstream glibc 2015-04-28 change.
+ 2017-05-02  Release Manager
+ 	* GCC 7.1.0 released.
+Index: libquadmath/math/roundq.c
+--- a/src/libquadmath/math/roundq.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libquadmath/math/roundq.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+ /* Round __float128 to integer away from zero.
+-   Copyright (C) 1997, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++   Copyright (C) 1997-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+    Contributed by Ulrich Drepper <drepper at cygnus.com>, 1997 and
+ 		  Jakub Jelinek <jj at ultra.linux.cz>, 1999.
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
+   GET_FLT128_WORDS64 (i0, i1, x);
+   j0 = ((i0 >> 48) & 0x7fff) - 0x3fff;
+-  if (j0 < 31)
++  if (j0 < 48)
+     {
+       if (j0 < 0)
+ 	{
+Index: libsanitizer/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.cc
+--- a/src/libsanitizer/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libsanitizer/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -605,8 +605,7 @@
+ }
+ #endif
+-uptr internal_sigaltstack(const struct sigaltstack *ss,
+-                         struct sigaltstack *oss) {
++uptr internal_sigaltstack(const void *ss, void *oss) {
+   return internal_syscall(SYSCALL(sigaltstack), (uptr)ss, (uptr)oss);
+ }
+Index: libsanitizer/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.h
+--- a/src/libsanitizer/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libsanitizer/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
+ #include "sanitizer_platform_limits_posix.h"
+ struct link_map;  // Opaque type returned by dlopen().
+-struct sigaltstack;
+ namespace __sanitizer {
+ // Dirent structure for getdents(). Note that this structure is different from
+@@ -28,8 +27,7 @@
+ // Syscall wrappers.
+ uptr internal_getdents(fd_t fd, struct linux_dirent *dirp, unsigned int count);
+-uptr internal_sigaltstack(const struct sigaltstack* ss,
+-                          struct sigaltstack* oss);
++uptr internal_sigaltstack(const void* ss, void* oss);
+ uptr internal_sigprocmask(int how, __sanitizer_sigset_t *set,
+     __sanitizer_sigset_t *oldset);
+Index: libsanitizer/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stoptheworld_linux_libcdep.cc
+--- a/src/libsanitizer/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stoptheworld_linux_libcdep.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libsanitizer/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stoptheworld_linux_libcdep.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
+   // Alternate stack for signal handling.
+   InternalScopedBuffer<char> handler_stack_memory(kHandlerStackSize);
+-  struct sigaltstack handler_stack;
++  stack_t handler_stack;
+   internal_memset(&handler_stack, 0, sizeof(handler_stack));
+   handler_stack.ss_sp = handler_stack_memory.data();
+   handler_stack.ss_size = kHandlerStackSize;
+Index: libsanitizer/ChangeLog
+--- a/src/libsanitizer/ChangeLog	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libsanitizer/ChangeLog	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
++2017-07-17  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	Backported from mainline
++	2017-07-14  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	PR sanitizer/81066
++	* sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.h: Cherry-pick upstream r307969.
++	* sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.cc: Likewise.
++	* sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stoptheworld_linux_libcdep.cc: Likewise.
++	* tsan/tsan_platform_linux.cc: Likewise.
+ 2017-05-02  Release Manager
+ 	* GCC 7.1.0 released.
+Index: libsanitizer/tsan/tsan_platform_linux.cc
+--- a/src/libsanitizer/tsan/tsan_platform_linux.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libsanitizer/tsan/tsan_platform_linux.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
+ int ExtractResolvFDs(void *state, int *fds, int nfd) {
+   int cnt = 0;
+-  __res_state *statp = (__res_state*)state;
++  struct __res_state *statp = (struct __res_state*)state;
+   for (int i = 0; i < MAXNS && cnt < nfd; i++) {
+     if (statp->_u._ext.nsaddrs[i] && statp->_u._ext.nssocks[i] != -1)
+       fds[cnt++] = statp->_u._ext.nssocks[i];
 Index: libstdc++-v3/configure
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/configure	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -510,6 +624,40 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/manual/allocator.xml
+Index: libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/manual/intro.xml
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/manual/intro.xml	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/manual/intro.xml	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -1119,6 +1119,29 @@
+       arguments and store them directly as the target object.
+     </para></listitem></varlistentry>
++    <varlistentry><term><link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="&DR;#2802">2802</link>:
++       <emphasis>Add noexcept to several <code>shared_ptr</code> related
++         functions
++       </emphasis>
++    </term>
++    <listitem><para>Add noexcept.
++    </para></listitem></varlistentry>
++    <varlistentry><term><link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="&DR;#2873">2873</link>:
++       <emphasis><code>shared_ptr</code> constructor requirements for a deleter
++       </emphasis>
++    </term>
++    <listitem><para>Use rvalues for deleters.
++    </para></listitem></varlistentry>
++    <varlistentry><term><link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="&DR;#2942">2942</link>:
++       <emphasis>LWG 2873's resolution missed
++         <code>weak_ptr::owner_before</code>
++       </emphasis>
++    </term>
++    <listitem><para>Add noexcept.
++    </para></listitem></varlistentry>
+   </variablelist>
+  </section>
 Index: libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/manual/abi.xml
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/manual/abi.xml	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -533,6 +681,27 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/manual/abi.xml
+Index: libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2017.xml
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2017.xml	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2017.xml	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -878,7 +878,6 @@
+     </row>
+     <row>
+-      <?dbhtml bgcolor="#C8B0B0" ?>
+       <entry>
+ 	<link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2015/n4519.pdf">
+ 	  N4519
+@@ -885,7 +884,7 @@
+ 	</link>
+       </entry>
+       <entry> Source-Code Information Capture </entry>
+-      <entry>N</entry>
++      <entry>Y</entry>
+       <entry>Library Fundamentals 2 TS</entry>
+     </row>
 Index: libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/manual/build_hacking.xml
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/manual/build_hacking.xml	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -624,6 +793,24 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/doc/xml/manual/test.xml
        N.B. that set of variations could also be written as
        <literal>unix/-O3\"{-std=gnu++98,-std=gnu++11,}\"</literal> so that
        the third variation would use the default for <option>-std</option>
+Index: libstdc++-v3/doc/html/manual/status.html
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/doc/html/manual/status.html	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/doc/html/manual/status.html	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -824,11 +824,11 @@
+ 	<a class="link" href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2015/n4502.pdf" target="_top">
+ 	  N4502
+ 	</a>
+-      </td><td align="left"> Support for the C++ Detection Idiom, V2 </td><td align="left">Y</td><td align="left">Library Fundamentals 2 TS</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#C8B0B0"><td align="left">
++      </td><td align="left"> Support for the C++ Detection Idiom, V2 </td><td align="left">Y</td><td align="left">Library Fundamentals 2 TS</td></tr><tr><td align="left">
+ 	<a class="link" href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2015/n4519.pdf" target="_top">
+ 	  N4519
+ 	</a>
+-      </td><td align="left"> Source-Code Information Capture </td><td align="left">N</td><td align="left">Library Fundamentals 2 TS</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#C8B0B0"><td align="left">
++      </td><td align="left"> Source-Code Information Capture </td><td align="left">Y</td><td align="left">Library Fundamentals 2 TS</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#C8B0B0"><td align="left">
+ 	<a class="link" href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2015/n4521.html" target="_top">
+ 	  N4521
+ 	</a>
 Index: libstdc++-v3/doc/html/manual/policy_data_structures.html
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/doc/html/manual/policy_data_structures.html	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -672,6 +859,30 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/doc/html/manual/abi.html
      __GXX_ABI_VERSION. This macro is defined as the version of the
      compiler v3 ABI, with g++ 3.0 being version 100. This macro will
      be automatically defined whenever g++ is used (the curious can
+Index: libstdc++-v3/doc/html/manual/bugs.html
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/doc/html/manual/bugs.html	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/doc/html/manual/bugs.html	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -504,4 +504,18 @@
+        </em></span>
+     </span></dt><dd><p>Remove special handling for <code class="code">reference_wrapper</code>
+       arguments and store them directly as the target object.
++    </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a class="link" href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/lwg-defects.html#2802" target="_top">2802</a>:
++       <span class="emphasis"><em>Add noexcept to several <code class="code">shared_ptr</code> related
++         functions
++       </em></span>
++    </span></dt><dd><p>Add noexcept.
++    </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a class="link" href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/lwg-defects.html#2873" target="_top">2873</a>:
++       <span class="emphasis"><em><code class="code">shared_ptr</code> constructor requirements for a deleter
++       </em></span>
++    </span></dt><dd><p>Use rvalues for deleters.
++    </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a class="link" href="http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/lwg-defects.html#2942" target="_top">2942</a>:
++       <span class="emphasis"><em>LWG 2873's resolution missed
++         <code class="code">weak_ptr::owner_before</code>
++       </em></span>
++    </span></dt><dd><p>Add noexcept.
+     </p></dd></dl></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr /><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="license.html">Prev</a> </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="status.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="setup.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">License </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="../index.html">Home [...]
+\ No newline at end of file
 Index: libstdc++-v3/doc/html/manual/memory.html
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/doc/html/manual/memory.html	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -783,6 +994,18 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/doc/html/manual/source_code_style.html
        (The most tempting of these seem to be and "_T" and "__sz".)<br />
  <br />
        Names must never have "__" internally; it would confuse name<br />
+Index: libstdc++-v3/include/Makefile.in
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/Makefile.in	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/include/Makefile.in	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -971,6 +971,7 @@
+ 	${experimental_srcdir}/ratio \
+ 	${experimental_srcdir}/regex \
+ 	${experimental_srcdir}/set \
++	${experimental_srcdir}/source_location \
+ 	${experimental_srcdir}/string \
+ 	${experimental_srcdir}/string_view \
+ 	${experimental_srcdir}/system_error \
 Index: libstdc++-v3/include/std/utility
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/std/utility	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -823,6 +1046,187 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/include/std/utility
    /// Gives the type of the ith element of a given tuple type.
    template<std::size_t __i, typename _Tp>
      struct tuple_element;
+Index: libstdc++-v3/include/std/future
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/std/future	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/include/std/future	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -471,7 +471,6 @@
+ 	  // Used by std::promise to copy construct the result.
+           typename promise<_Res>::_Ptr_type operator()() const
+           {
+-            _State_baseV2::_S_check(_M_promise->_M_future);
+             _M_promise->_M_storage->_M_set(*_M_arg);
+             return std::move(_M_promise->_M_storage);
+           }
+@@ -486,7 +485,6 @@
+ 	  // Used by std::promise to move construct the result.
+           typename promise<_Res>::_Ptr_type operator()() const
+           {
+-            _State_baseV2::_S_check(_M_promise->_M_future);
+             _M_promise->_M_storage->_M_set(std::move(*_M_arg));
+             return std::move(_M_promise->_M_storage);
+           }
+@@ -494,6 +492,18 @@
+           _Res*             _M_arg;
+         };
++      // set void
++      template<typename _Res>
++	struct _Setter<_Res, void>
++	{
++	  static_assert(is_void<_Res>::value, "Only used for promise<void>");
++	  typename promise<_Res>::_Ptr_type operator()() const
++	  { return std::move(_M_promise->_M_storage); }
++	  promise<_Res>*    _M_promise;
++	};
+       struct __exception_ptr_tag { };
+       // set exceptions
+@@ -503,7 +513,6 @@
+ 	  // Used by std::promise to store an exception as the result.
+           typename promise<_Res>::_Ptr_type operator()() const
+           {
+-            _State_baseV2::_S_check(_M_promise->_M_future);
+             _M_promise->_M_storage->_M_error = *_M_ex;
+             return std::move(_M_promise->_M_storage);
+           }
+@@ -516,6 +525,7 @@
+         static _Setter<_Res, _Arg&&>
+         __setter(promise<_Res>* __prom, _Arg&& __arg)
+         {
++	  _S_check(__prom->_M_future);
+           return _Setter<_Res, _Arg&&>{ __prom, std::__addressof(__arg) };
+         }
+@@ -523,9 +533,18 @@
+         static _Setter<_Res, __exception_ptr_tag>
+         __setter(exception_ptr& __ex, promise<_Res>* __prom)
+         {
++	  _S_check(__prom->_M_future);
+           return _Setter<_Res, __exception_ptr_tag>{ __prom, &__ex };
+         }
++      template<typename _Res>
++	static _Setter<_Res, void>
++	__setter(promise<_Res>* __prom)
++	{
++	  _S_check(__prom->_M_future);
++	  return _Setter<_Res, void>{ __prom };
++	}
+       template<typename _Tp>
+         static void
+         _S_check(const shared_ptr<_Tp>& __p)
+@@ -1027,6 +1046,7 @@
+       typedef __future_base::_Result<_Res>	_Res_type;
+       typedef __future_base::_Ptr<_Res_type>	_Ptr_type;
+       template<typename, typename> friend class _State::_Setter;
++      friend _State;
+       shared_ptr<_State>                        _M_future;
+       _Ptr_type                                 _M_storage;
+@@ -1137,6 +1157,7 @@
+       typedef __future_base::_Result<_Res&>	_Res_type;
+       typedef __future_base::_Ptr<_Res_type> 	_Ptr_type;
+       template<typename, typename> friend class _State::_Setter;
++      friend _State;
+       shared_ptr<_State>                        _M_future;
+       _Ptr_type                                 _M_storage;
+@@ -1226,6 +1247,7 @@
+       typedef __future_base::_Result<void>	_Res_type;
+       typedef __future_base::_Ptr<_Res_type> 	_Ptr_type;
+       template<typename, typename> friend class _State::_Setter;
++      friend _State;
+       shared_ptr<_State>                        _M_future;
+       _Ptr_type                                 _M_storage;
+@@ -1286,7 +1308,9 @@
+       { return future<void>(_M_future); }
+       // Setting the result
+-      void set_value();
++      void
++      set_value()
++      { _M_future->_M_set_result(_State::__setter(this)); }
+       void
+       set_exception(exception_ptr __p)
+@@ -1293,7 +1317,8 @@
+       { _M_future->_M_set_result(_State::__setter(__p, this)); }
+       void
+-      set_value_at_thread_exit();
++      set_value_at_thread_exit()
++      { _M_future->_M_set_delayed_result(_State::__setter(this), _M_future); }
+       void
+       set_exception_at_thread_exit(exception_ptr __p)
+@@ -1303,30 +1328,6 @@
+       }
+     };
+-  // set void
+-  template<>
+-    struct __future_base::_State_base::_Setter<void, void>
+-    {
+-      promise<void>::_Ptr_type operator()() const
+-      {
+-        _State_base::_S_check(_M_promise->_M_future);
+-        return std::move(_M_promise->_M_storage);
+-      }
+-      promise<void>*    _M_promise;
+-    };
+-  inline void
+-  promise<void>::set_value()
+-  { _M_future->_M_set_result(_State::_Setter<void, void>{ this }); }
+-  inline void
+-  promise<void>::set_value_at_thread_exit()
+-  {
+-    _M_future->_M_set_delayed_result(_State::_Setter<void, void>{this},
+-				     _M_future);
+-  }
+   template<typename _Ptr_type, typename _Fn, typename _Res>
+     struct __future_base::_Task_setter
+     {
+Index: libstdc++-v3/include/std/mutex
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/std/mutex	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/include/std/mutex	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
+     }
+ #if __cplusplus > 201402L
+-#define __cpp_lib_scoped_lock 201703
++#define __cpp_lib_scoped_lock 201707
+   /** @brief A scoped lock type for multiple lockable objects.
+    *
+    * A scoped_lock controls mutex ownership within a scope, releasing
+@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@
+       explicit scoped_lock(_MutexTypes&... __m) : _M_devices(std::tie(__m...))
+       { std::lock(__m...); }
+-      explicit scoped_lock(_MutexTypes&... __m, adopt_lock_t) noexcept
++      explicit scoped_lock(adopt_lock_t, _MutexTypes&... __m) noexcept
+       : _M_devices(std::tie(__m...))
+       { } // calling thread owns mutex
+@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@
+       explicit scoped_lock(mutex_type& __m) : _M_device(__m)
+       { _M_device.lock(); }
+-      explicit scoped_lock(mutex_type& __m, adopt_lock_t) noexcept
++      explicit scoped_lock(adopt_lock_t, mutex_type& __m) noexcept
+       : _M_device(__m)
+       { } // calling thread owns mutex
 Index: libstdc++-v3/include/std/functional
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/std/functional	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -925,6 +1329,92 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/include/std/istream
  #endif // C++11
+Index: libstdc++-v3/include/std/variant
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/std/variant	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/include/std/variant	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@
+ #include <bits/invoke.h>
+ #include <ext/aligned_buffer.h>
+ #include <bits/parse_numbers.h>
++#include <bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h>
++#include <bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h>
++#include <bits/stl_construct.h>
+ namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
+ {
+@@ -238,30 +241,32 @@
+   // Various functions as "vtable" entries, where those vtables are used by
+   // polymorphic operations.
+   template<typename _Lhs, typename _Rhs>
+-    constexpr void
++    void
+     __erased_ctor(void* __lhs, void* __rhs)
+-    { ::new (__lhs) remove_reference_t<_Lhs>(__ref_cast<_Rhs>(__rhs)); }
++    {
++      using _Type = remove_reference_t<_Lhs>;
++      ::new (__lhs) _Type(__variant::__ref_cast<_Rhs>(__rhs));
++    }
+   template<typename _Variant, size_t _Np>
+-    constexpr void
++    void
+     __erased_dtor(_Variant&& __v)
+-    {
+-      auto&& __element = __get<_Np>(std::forward<_Variant>(__v));
+-      using _Type = std::remove_reference_t<decltype(__element)>;
+-      __element.~_Type();
+-    }
++    { std::_Destroy(std::__addressof(__get<_Np>(__v))); }
+   template<typename _Lhs, typename _Rhs>
+-    constexpr void
++    void
+     __erased_assign(void* __lhs, void* __rhs)
+-    { __ref_cast<_Lhs>(__lhs) = __ref_cast<_Rhs>(__rhs); }
++    {
++      __variant::__ref_cast<_Lhs>(__lhs) = __variant::__ref_cast<_Rhs>(__rhs);
++    }
+   template<typename _Lhs, typename _Rhs>
+-    constexpr void
++    void
+     __erased_swap(void* __lhs, void* __rhs)
+     {
+       using std::swap;
+-      swap(__ref_cast<_Lhs>(__lhs), __ref_cast<_Rhs>(__rhs));
++      swap(__variant::__ref_cast<_Lhs>(__lhs),
++	   __variant::__ref_cast<_Rhs>(__rhs));
+     }
+@@ -283,11 +288,11 @@
+   template<typename _Tp>
+-    constexpr size_t
++    size_t
+     __erased_hash(void* __t)
+     {
+       return std::hash<remove_cv_t<remove_reference_t<_Tp>>>{}(
+-	  __ref_cast<_Tp>(__t));
++	  __variant::__ref_cast<_Tp>(__t));
+     }
+   // Defines members and ctors.
+@@ -936,9 +941,10 @@
+       noexcept((is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<_Types> && ...)) = default;
+       template<typename _Tp,
++	       typename = enable_if_t<!is_same_v<decay_t<_Tp>, variant>>,
++	       typename = enable_if_t<(sizeof...(_Types)>0)>,
+ 	       typename = enable_if_t<__exactly_once<__accepted_type<_Tp&&>>
+-			  && is_constructible_v<__accepted_type<_Tp&&>, _Tp&&>
+-			  && !is_same_v<decay_t<_Tp>, variant>>>
++			  && is_constructible_v<__accepted_type<_Tp&&>, _Tp&&>>>
+ 	constexpr
+ 	variant(_Tp&& __t)
+ 	noexcept(is_nothrow_constructible_v<__accepted_type<_Tp&&>, _Tp&&>)
 Index: libstdc++-v3/include/std/ostream
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/std/ostream	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -1014,6 +1504,167 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/include/std/ostream
  #endif // C++11
+Index: libstdc++-v3/include/experimental/memory_resource
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/experimental/memory_resource	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/include/experimental/memory_resource	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -168,8 +168,9 @@
+       template <typename _Tp1, typename... _Args> //used here
+ 	void construct(_Tp1* __p, _Args&&... __args)
+ 	{
+-	  auto __use_tag = __use_alloc<_Tp1, memory_resource*,
+-	       _Args...>(this->resource());
++	  memory_resource* const __resource = this->resource();
++	  auto __use_tag
++	    = __use_alloc<_Tp1, memory_resource*, _Args...>(__resource);
+ 	  _M_construct(__use_tag, __p, std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
+ 	}
+@@ -180,10 +181,11 @@
+ 		       tuple<_Args1...> __x,
+ 		       tuple<_Args2...> __y)
+ 	{
++	  memory_resource* const __resource = this->resource();
+ 	  auto __x_use_tag =
+-	    __use_alloc<_Tp1, memory_resource*, _Args1...>(this->resource());
++	    __use_alloc<_Tp1, memory_resource*, _Args1...>(__resource);
+ 	  auto __y_use_tag =
+-	    __use_alloc<_Tp2, memory_resource*, _Args2...>(this->resource());
++	    __use_alloc<_Tp2, memory_resource*, _Args2...>(__resource);
+ 	  ::new(__p) std::pair<_Tp1, _Tp2>(piecewise_construct,
+ 					   _M_construct_p(__x_use_tag, __x),
+Index: libstdc++-v3/include/experimental/source_location
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/experimental/source_location	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/include/experimental/source_location	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
++// <experimental/source_location> -*- C++ -*-
++// Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++/** @file experimental/source_location
++ *  This is a TS C++ Library header.
++ */
++#include <cstdint>
++namespace std {
++namespace experimental {
++inline namespace fundamentals_v2 {
++#define __cpp_lib_experimental_source_location 201505
++  struct source_location
++  {
++  private:
++    using uint_least32_t = unsigned;
++  public:
++    // 14.1.2, source_location creation
++    static constexpr source_location
++    current(const char* __file = __builtin_FILE(),
++	    const char* __func = __builtin_FUNCTION(),
++	    int __line = __builtin_LINE(),
++	    int __col = 0) noexcept
++    {
++      source_location __loc;
++      __loc._M_file = __file;
++      __loc._M_func = __func;
++      __loc._M_line = __line;
++      __loc._M_col = __col;
++      return __loc;
++    }
++    constexpr source_location() noexcept
++    : _M_file("unknown"), _M_func(_M_file), _M_line(0), _M_col(0)
++    { }
++    // 14.1.3, source_location field access
++    constexpr uint_least32_t line() const noexcept { return _M_line; }
++    constexpr uint_least32_t column() const noexcept { return _M_col; }
++    constexpr const char* file_name() const noexcept { return _M_file; }
++    constexpr const char* function_name() const noexcept { return _M_func; }
++  private:
++    const char* _M_file;
++    const char* _M_func;
++    uint_least32_t _M_line;
++    uint_least32_t _M_col;
++  };
++} // namespace fundamentals_v2
++} // namespace experimental
++} // namespace std
+Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/shared_ptr.h
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/shared_ptr.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/shared_ptr.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
+       template<typename _Yp, typename _Deleter,
+ 	       typename = _Constructible<_Yp*, _Deleter>>
+ 	shared_ptr(_Yp* __p, _Deleter __d)
+-        : __shared_ptr<_Tp>(__p, __d) { }
++        : __shared_ptr<_Tp>(__p, std::move(__d)) { }
+       /**
+        *  @brief  Construct a %shared_ptr that owns a null pointer
+@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
+        */
+       template<typename _Deleter>
+ 	shared_ptr(nullptr_t __p, _Deleter __d)
+-        : __shared_ptr<_Tp>(__p, __d) { }
++        : __shared_ptr<_Tp>(__p, std::move(__d)) { }
+       /**
+        *  @brief  Construct a %shared_ptr that owns the pointer @a __p
+@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
+       template<typename _Yp, typename _Deleter, typename _Alloc,
+ 	       typename = _Constructible<_Yp*, _Deleter, _Alloc>>
+ 	shared_ptr(_Yp* __p, _Deleter __d, _Alloc __a)
+-	: __shared_ptr<_Tp>(__p, __d, std::move(__a)) { }
++	: __shared_ptr<_Tp>(__p, std::move(__d), std::move(__a)) { }
+       /**
+        *  @brief  Construct a %shared_ptr that owns a null pointer
+@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
+        */
+       template<typename _Deleter, typename _Alloc>
+ 	shared_ptr(nullptr_t __p, _Deleter __d, _Alloc __a)
+-	: __shared_ptr<_Tp>(__p, __d, std::move(__a)) { }
++	: __shared_ptr<_Tp>(__p, std::move(__d), std::move(__a)) { }
+       // Aliasing constructor
 Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_compiler.h
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/regex_compiler.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -1053,6 +1704,111 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/locale_conv.h
        // convert the put area and write to the byte stream buffer
+Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_uninitialized.h
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_uninitialized.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_uninitialized.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -831,77 +831,54 @@
+     inline void
+     uninitialized_default_construct(_ForwardIterator __first,
+ 				    _ForwardIterator __last)
+-  {
+-    __uninitialized_default_novalue(__first, __last);
+-  }
++    {
++      __uninitialized_default_novalue(__first, __last);
++    }
+   template <typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Size>
+     inline _ForwardIterator
+     uninitialized_default_construct_n(_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __count)
+-  {
+-    return __uninitialized_default_novalue_n(__first, __count);
+-  }
++    {
++      return __uninitialized_default_novalue_n(__first, __count);
++    }
+   template <typename _ForwardIterator>
+     inline void
+     uninitialized_value_construct(_ForwardIterator __first,
+ 				  _ForwardIterator __last)
+-  {
+-    return __uninitialized_default(__first, __last);
+-  }
++    {
++      return __uninitialized_default(__first, __last);
++    }
+   template <typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Size>
+     inline _ForwardIterator
+     uninitialized_value_construct_n(_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __count)
+-  {
+-    return __uninitialized_default_n(__first, __count);
+-  }
++    {
++      return __uninitialized_default_n(__first, __count);
++    }
+   template <typename _InputIterator, typename _ForwardIterator>
+     inline _ForwardIterator
+     uninitialized_move(_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last,
+ 		       _ForwardIterator __result)
+-  {
+-    return std::uninitialized_copy
+-      (_GLIBCXX_MAKE_MOVE_ITERATOR(__first),
+-       _GLIBCXX_MAKE_MOVE_ITERATOR(__last), __result);
+-  }
++    {
++      return std::uninitialized_copy
++	 _GLIBCXX_MAKE_MOVE_ITERATOR(__last), __result);
++    }
+   template <typename _InputIterator, typename _Size, typename _ForwardIterator>
+     inline pair<_InputIterator, _ForwardIterator>
+     uninitialized_move_n(_InputIterator __first, _Size __count,
+ 			 _ForwardIterator __result)
+-  {
+-    auto __res = std::__uninitialized_copy_n_pair
+-      (_GLIBCXX_MAKE_MOVE_ITERATOR(__first),
+-       __count, __result);
+-    return {__res.first.base(), __res.second};
+-  }
+-  template <typename _Tp>
+-    inline void
+-    destroy_at(_Tp* __location)
+-  {
+-    std::_Destroy(__location);
+-  }
+-  template <typename _ForwardIterator>
+-    inline void
+-    destroy(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
+-  {
+-    std::_Destroy(__first, __last);
+-  }
+-  template <typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Size>
+-    inline _ForwardIterator
+-    destroy_n(_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __count)
+-  {
+-    return std::_Destroy_n(__first, __count);
+-  }
++    {
++      auto __res = std::__uninitialized_copy_n_pair
++	 __count, __result);
++      return {__res.first.base(), __res.second};
++    }
+ #endif
+ } // namespace
 Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/node_handle.h
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/node_handle.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -1127,6 +1883,266 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_algo.h
  #endif // C++17
  #endif // C++14
+Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/shared_ptr_base.h
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/shared_ptr_base.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/shared_ptr_base.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -411,6 +411,7 @@
+     struct _Sp_ebo_helper<_Nm, _Tp, true> : private _Tp
+     {
+       explicit _Sp_ebo_helper(const _Tp& __tp) : _Tp(__tp) { }
++      explicit _Sp_ebo_helper(_Tp&& __tp) : _Tp(std::move(__tp)) { }
+       static _Tp&
+       _S_get(_Sp_ebo_helper& __eboh) { return static_cast<_Tp&>(__eboh); }
+@@ -421,6 +422,7 @@
+     struct _Sp_ebo_helper<_Nm, _Tp, false>
+     {
+       explicit _Sp_ebo_helper(const _Tp& __tp) : _M_tp(__tp) { }
++      explicit _Sp_ebo_helper(_Tp&& __tp) : _M_tp(std::move(__tp)) { }
+       static _Tp&
+       _S_get(_Sp_ebo_helper& __eboh)
+@@ -441,7 +443,7 @@
+       public:
+ 	_Impl(_Ptr __p, _Deleter __d, const _Alloc& __a) noexcept
+-	: _M_ptr(__p), _Del_base(__d), _Alloc_base(__a)
++	: _M_ptr(__p), _Del_base(std::move(__d)), _Alloc_base(__a)
+ 	{ }
+ 	_Deleter& _M_del() noexcept { return _Del_base::_S_get(*this); }
+@@ -455,11 +457,11 @@
+       // __d(__p) must not throw.
+       _Sp_counted_deleter(_Ptr __p, _Deleter __d) noexcept
+-      : _M_impl(__p, __d, _Alloc()) { }
++      : _M_impl(__p, std::move(__d), _Alloc()) { }
+       // __d(__p) must not throw.
+       _Sp_counted_deleter(_Ptr __p, _Deleter __d, const _Alloc& __a) noexcept
+-      : _M_impl(__p, __d, __a) { }
++      : _M_impl(__p, std::move(__d), __a) { }
+       ~_Sp_counted_deleter() noexcept { }
+@@ -1083,7 +1085,7 @@
+       template<typename _Yp, typename _Deleter, typename = _SafeConv<_Yp>>
+ 	__shared_ptr(_Yp* __p, _Deleter __d)
+-	: _M_ptr(__p), _M_refcount(__p, __d)
++	: _M_ptr(__p), _M_refcount(__p, std::move(__d))
+ 	{
+ 	  static_assert(__is_invocable<_Deleter&, _Yp*&>::value,
+ 	      "deleter expression d(p) is well-formed");
+@@ -1093,7 +1095,7 @@
+       template<typename _Yp, typename _Deleter, typename _Alloc,
+ 	       typename = _SafeConv<_Yp>>
+ 	__shared_ptr(_Yp* __p, _Deleter __d, _Alloc __a)
+-	: _M_ptr(__p), _M_refcount(__p, __d, std::move(__a))
++	: _M_ptr(__p), _M_refcount(__p, std::move(__d), std::move(__a))
+ 	{
+ 	  static_assert(__is_invocable<_Deleter&, _Yp*&>::value,
+ 	      "deleter expression d(p) is well-formed");
+@@ -1102,12 +1104,12 @@
+       template<typename _Deleter>
+ 	__shared_ptr(nullptr_t __p, _Deleter __d)
+-	: _M_ptr(0), _M_refcount(__p, __d)
++	: _M_ptr(0), _M_refcount(__p, std::move(__d))
+ 	{ }
+       template<typename _Deleter, typename _Alloc>
+         __shared_ptr(nullptr_t __p, _Deleter __d, _Alloc __a)
+-	: _M_ptr(0), _M_refcount(__p, __d, std::move(__a))
++	: _M_ptr(0), _M_refcount(__p, std::move(__d), std::move(__a))
+ 	{ }
+       template<typename _Yp>
+@@ -1244,12 +1246,12 @@
+       template<typename _Yp, typename _Deleter>
+ 	_SafeConv<_Yp>
+ 	reset(_Yp* __p, _Deleter __d)
+-	{ __shared_ptr(__p, __d).swap(*this); }
++	{ __shared_ptr(__p, std::move(__d)).swap(*this); }
+       template<typename _Yp, typename _Deleter, typename _Alloc>
+ 	_SafeConv<_Yp>
+ 	reset(_Yp* __p, _Deleter __d, _Alloc __a)
+-        { __shared_ptr(__p, __d, std::move(__a)).swap(*this); }
++        { __shared_ptr(__p, std::move(__d), std::move(__a)).swap(*this); }
+       element_type*
+       get() const noexcept
+@@ -1275,12 +1277,12 @@
+       template<typename _Tp1>
+ 	bool
+-	owner_before(__shared_ptr<_Tp1, _Lp> const& __rhs) const
++	owner_before(__shared_ptr<_Tp1, _Lp> const& __rhs) const noexcept
+ 	{ return _M_refcount._M_less(__rhs._M_refcount); }
+       template<typename _Tp1>
+ 	bool
+-	owner_before(__weak_ptr<_Tp1, _Lp> const& __rhs) const
++	owner_before(__weak_ptr<_Tp1, _Lp> const& __rhs) const noexcept
+ 	{ return _M_refcount._M_less(__rhs._M_refcount); }
+ #if __cpp_rtti
+@@ -1693,12 +1695,12 @@
+       template<typename _Tp1>
+ 	bool
+-	owner_before(const __shared_ptr<_Tp1, _Lp>& __rhs) const
++	owner_before(const __shared_ptr<_Tp1, _Lp>& __rhs) const noexcept
+ 	{ return _M_refcount._M_less(__rhs._M_refcount); }
+       template<typename _Tp1>
+ 	bool
+-	owner_before(const __weak_ptr<_Tp1, _Lp>& __rhs) const
++	owner_before(const __weak_ptr<_Tp1, _Lp>& __rhs) const noexcept
+ 	{ return _M_refcount._M_less(__rhs._M_refcount); }
+       void
+@@ -1743,15 +1745,15 @@
+     struct _Sp_owner_less : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, bool>
+     {
+       bool
+-      operator()(const _Tp& __lhs, const _Tp& __rhs) const
++      operator()(const _Tp& __lhs, const _Tp& __rhs) const noexcept
+       { return __lhs.owner_before(__rhs); }
+       bool
+-      operator()(const _Tp& __lhs, const _Tp1& __rhs) const
++      operator()(const _Tp& __lhs, const _Tp1& __rhs) const noexcept
+       { return __lhs.owner_before(__rhs); }
+       bool
+-      operator()(const _Tp1& __lhs, const _Tp& __rhs) const
++      operator()(const _Tp1& __lhs, const _Tp& __rhs) const noexcept
+       { return __lhs.owner_before(__rhs); }
+     };
+@@ -1760,7 +1762,7 @@
+     {
+       template<typename _Tp, typename _Up>
+ 	auto
+-	operator()(const _Tp& __lhs, const _Up& __rhs) const
++	operator()(const _Tp& __lhs, const _Up& __rhs) const noexcept
+ 	-> decltype(__lhs.owner_before(__rhs))
+ 	{ return __lhs.owner_before(__rhs); }
+Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/std_function.h
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/std_function.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/std_function.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
+        *  The newly-created %function contains the target of @a __x
+        *  (if it has one).
+        */
+-      function(function&& __x) : _Function_base()
++      function(function&& __x) noexcept : _Function_base()
+       {
+ 	__x.swap(*this);
+       }
+@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
+        *  object, then this operation will not throw an %exception.
+        */
+       function&
+-      operator=(function&& __x)
++      operator=(function&& __x) noexcept
+       {
+ 	function(std::move(__x)).swap(*this);
+ 	return *this;
+Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_construct.h
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_construct.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_construct.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -128,6 +128,11 @@
+     {
+       typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type
+                        _Value_type;
++#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
++      // A deleted destructor is trivial, this ensures we reject such types:
++      static_assert(is_destructible<_Value_type>::value,
++		    "value type is destructible");
+       std::_Destroy_aux<__has_trivial_destructor(_Value_type)>::
+ 	__destroy(__first, __last);
+     }
+@@ -151,10 +156,10 @@
+       template<typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Size>
+         static _ForwardIterator
+         __destroy_n(_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __count)
+-      {
+-	 std::advance(__first, __count);
+-	 return __first;
+-      }
++	{
++	  std::advance(__first, __count);
++	  return __first;
++	}
+     };
+   /**
+@@ -168,6 +173,11 @@
+     {
+       typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type
+                        _Value_type;
++#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
++      // A deleted destructor is trivial, this ensures we reject such types:
++      static_assert(is_destructible<_Value_type>::value,
++		    "value type is destructible");
+       return std::_Destroy_n_aux<__has_trivial_destructor(_Value_type)>::
+ 	__destroy_n(__first, __count);
+     }
+@@ -196,6 +206,29 @@
+       _Destroy(__first, __last);
+     }
++#if __cplusplus > 201402L
++  template <typename _Tp>
++    inline void
++    destroy_at(_Tp* __location)
++    {
++      std::_Destroy(__location);
++    }
++  template <typename _ForwardIterator>
++    inline void
++    destroy(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last)
++    {
++      std::_Destroy(__first, __last);
++    }
++  template <typename _ForwardIterator, typename _Size>
++    inline _ForwardIterator
++    destroy_n(_ForwardIterator __first, _Size __count)
++    {
++      return std::_Destroy_n(__first, __count);
++    }
+ } // namespace std
+Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/uses_allocator.h
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/uses_allocator.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/uses_allocator.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -109,6 +109,11 @@
+       __ret._M_a = std::__addressof(__a);
+       return __ret;
+     }
++  template<typename _Tp, typename _Alloc, typename... _Args>
++    void
++    __use_alloc(const _Alloc&&) = delete;
+ #if __cplusplus > 201402L
+   template <typename _Tp, typename _Alloc>
+     inline constexpr bool uses_allocator_v =
 Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_tree.h
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_tree.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -1142,11 +2158,204 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_tree.h
        pair<_Base_ptr, _Base_ptr>
+Index: libstdc++-v3/include/Makefile.am
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/include/Makefile.am	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/include/Makefile.am	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -679,6 +679,7 @@
+ 	${experimental_srcdir}/ratio \
+ 	${experimental_srcdir}/regex \
+ 	${experimental_srcdir}/set \
++	${experimental_srcdir}/source_location \
+ 	${experimental_srcdir}/string \
+ 	${experimental_srcdir}/string_view \
+ 	${experimental_srcdir}/system_error \
+Index: libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/eh_alloc.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/eh_alloc.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/eh_alloc.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -194,13 +194,17 @@
+       allocated_entry *e = reinterpret_cast <allocated_entry *>
+ 	(reinterpret_cast <char *> (data) - offsetof (allocated_entry, data));
+       std::size_t sz = e->size;
+-      if (!first_free_entry)
++      if (!first_free_entry
++	  || (reinterpret_cast <char *> (e) + sz
++	      < reinterpret_cast <char *> (first_free_entry)))
+ 	{
+-	  // If the free list is empty just put the entry there.
++	  // If the free list is empty or the entry is before the
++	  // first element and cannot be merged with it add it as
++	  // the first free entry.
+ 	  free_entry *f = reinterpret_cast <free_entry *> (e);
+ 	  new (f) free_entry;
+ 	  f->size = sz;
+-	  f->next = NULL;
++	  f->next = first_free_entry;
+ 	  first_free_entry = f;
+ 	}
+       else if (reinterpret_cast <char *> (e) + sz
+@@ -224,9 +228,17 @@
+ 		   > reinterpret_cast <char *> (e) + sz);
+ 	       fe = &(*fe)->next)
+ 	    ;
++	  // If we can merge the next block into us do so and continue
++	  // with the cases below.
++	  if (reinterpret_cast <char *> (e) + sz
++	      == reinterpret_cast <char *> ((*fe)->next))
++	    {
++	      sz += (*fe)->next->size;
++	      (*fe)->next = (*fe)->next->next;
++	    }
+ 	  if (reinterpret_cast <char *> (*fe) + (*fe)->size
+ 	      == reinterpret_cast <char *> (e))
+-	    /* Merge with the freelist entry.  */
++	    // Merge with the freelist entry.
+ 	    (*fe)->size += sz;
+ 	  else
+ 	    {
 Index: libstdc++-v3/ChangeLog
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/ChangeLog	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/ChangeLog	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -1,3 +1,160 @@
+@@ -1,3 +1,297 @@
++2017-07-26  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-02  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++		Markus Eisenmann  <meisenmann.lba at fh-salzburg.ac.at>
++	PR libstdc++/80721
++	* libsupc++/eh_alloc.cc (pool::free): Keep list properly
++	sorted and add missing freelist item merging cases.
++2017-07-25  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-09  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	* doc/xml/manual/intro.xml: Document LWG 2802, 2873 and 2942 changes.
++	* include/bits/shared_ptr.h (shared_ptr): Use rvalues for deleters
++	(LWG 2802).
++	* include/bits/shared_ptr_base.h (_Sp_ebo_helper, _Sp_counted_deleter
++	(_Sp_counted_deleter::_Impl, __shared_count, __shared_ptr): Likewise.
++	* testsuite/20_util/shared_ptr/cons/lwg2802.cc: New.
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-05  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	* include/bits/shared_ptr_base.h (__shared_ptr::owner_before)
++	(__weak_ptr::owner_before, _Sp_owner_less::operator()): Add noexcept
++	specifiers as per LWG 2873 and LWG 2942.
++	* testsuite/20_util/owner_less/noexcept.cc: New.
++	* testsuite/20_util/shared_ptr/observers/owner_before.cc: Test
++	noexcept guarantees.
++	* testsuite/20_util/weak_ptr/observers/owner_before.cc: Likewise.
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-04-28  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	PR libstdc++/80553
++	* include/bits/stl_construct.h (_Destroy, _Destroy_n): Add static
++	assertions to ensure type is destructible.
++	(destroy_at, destroy, destroy_n): Move from stl_uninitialized.h.
++	* include/bits/stl_uninitialized.h (destroy_at, destroy, destroy_n):
++	Move to stl_construct.h.
++	* testsuite/20_util/specialized_algorithms/memory_management_tools/
++	destroy_neg.cc: New test.
++	* testsuite/23_containers/vector/cons/destructible_neg.cc: New test.
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-05-16  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	* configure: Regenerate.
++	* doc/xml/manual/status_cxx2017.xml: Update status table.
++	* doc/html/*: Regenerate.
++	* include/Makefile.am: Add new header.
++	* include/Makefile.in: Regenerate.
++	* include/experimental/source_location: New header implementing N4519.
++	* testsuite/experimental/source_location/1.cc: New test.
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-06  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	* include/bits/uses_allocator.h (__use_alloc(const _Alloc&&)): Add
++	deleted overload to prevent dangling references to rvalues.
++	* include/experimental/memory_resource
++	(polymorphic_allocator::construct): Do not call __use_alloc with
++	rvalue arguments.
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-08  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	PR libstdc++/81017
++	* include/bits/std_function.h (function::function(function&&))
++	(function::operator=(funtion&&)): Add noexcept.
++	* testsuite/20_util/function/assign/move.cc: Check for noexcept.
++	* testsuite/20_util/function/cons/move.cc: Likewise.
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-15  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	* include/std/mutex (scoped_lock): Reorder std::adopt_lock_t parameter
++	as per P0739R0.
++	* testsuite/30_threads/scoped_lock/cons/1.cc: Reorder arguments.
++	* testsuite/30_threads/scoped_lock/cons/deduction.cc: Test deduction
++	with std::adopt_lock_t.
++	* testsuite/30_threads/scoped_lock/requirements/typedefs.cc: Check
++	feature-test macro.
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-14  Jason Merrill  <jason at redhat.com>
++	    Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	* include/std/variant (variant::variant(_Tp&&)): Constrain to remove
++	the constructor for empty variants from the candidate functions
++	during class template argument deduction.
++	* testsuite/20_util/variant/deduction.cc: New.
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-02  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	PR libstdc++/80939
++	* include/std/variant (__erased_ctor, __erased_assign, __erased_swap)
++	(__erased_hash): Remove constexpr specifier and qualify calls to
++	__ref_cast.
++	(__erased_dtor): Remove constexpr specifier and use _Destroy.
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-05-20  Tim Shen  <timshen at google.com>
++	PR libstdc++/80737
++	* include/std/variant(variant::variant): SFINAE on is_same first.
++	* testsuite/20_util/variant/any.cc: test case.
++2017-07-11  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-04-21  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
++	PR libstdc++/80316
++	* include/std/future (_State_baseV2::_Setter::operator()): Remove
++	_S_check calls that are done after the pointer to the shared state is
++	already dereferenced.
++	(_State_baseV2::_Setter<_Res, void>): Define specialization for void
++	as partial specialization so it can be defined within the definition
++	of _State_baseV2.
++	(_State_baseV2::__setter): Call _S_check.
++	(_State_baseV2::__setter(promise<void>*)): Add overload for use by
++	promise<void>::set_value and promise<void>::set_value_at_thread_exit.
++	(promise<T>, promise<T&>, promise<void>): Make _State a friend.
++	(_State_baseV2::_Setter<void, void>): Remove explicit specialization.
++	(promise<void>::set_value, promise<void>::set_value_at_thread_exit):
++	Use new __setter overload.
++	* testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/at_thread_exit2.cc: New test.
++	* testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/set_exception.cc: Test
++	promise<T&> and promise<void> specializations.
++	* testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/set_exception2.cc: Likewise.
++	Test for no_state error condition.
++	* testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/set_value2.cc: Likewise.
 +2017-06-27  Jonathan Wakely  <jwakely at redhat.com>
 +	PR libstdc++/81221
@@ -1421,6 +2630,842 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/28_regex/basic_regex/ctors/basic/iter.cc
 +  std::regex r1(c.begin(), c.end());
 +  std::regex r2(c.begin(), c.end(), std::regex_constants::grep);
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/scoped_lock/cons/deduction.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/scoped_lock/cons/deduction.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/scoped_lock/cons/deduction.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -51,3 +51,28 @@
+   std::scoped_lock l2(m2, m3);
+   check_type<std::scoped_lock<Lockable, std::mutex>>(l2);
+ }
++  std::scoped_lock l0(std::adopt_lock);
++  check_type<std::scoped_lock<>>(l0);
++  struct BasicLockable {
++    void lock() { }
++    void unlock() { }
++  } m1;
++  std::scoped_lock l1(std::adopt_lock, m1);
++  check_type<std::scoped_lock<BasicLockable>>(l1);
++  struct Lockable {
++    void lock() { }
++    void unlock() { }
++    bool try_lock() { return true; }
++  } m2;
++  std::mutex m3;
++  std::scoped_lock l2(std::adopt_lock, m2, m3);
++  check_type<std::scoped_lock<Lockable, std::mutex>>(l2);
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/scoped_lock/cons/1.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/scoped_lock/cons/1.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/scoped_lock/cons/1.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
+   try
+     {
+-      std::scoped_lock<BasicLockable> l(m, std::adopt_lock);
++      std::scoped_lock<BasicLockable> l(std::adopt_lock, m);
+     }
+   catch (...)
+     {
+@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
+   try
+     {
+-      std::scoped_lock<Lockable<1>, Lockable<2>> l(m1, m2, std::adopt_lock);
++      std::scoped_lock<Lockable<1>, Lockable<2>> l(std::adopt_lock, m1, m2);
+       VERIFY( m1.m.locked );
+       VERIFY( m2.m.locked );
+     }
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/scoped_lock/requirements/typedefs.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/scoped_lock/requirements/typedefs.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/scoped_lock/requirements/typedefs.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@
+ #include <mutex>
++#ifndef __cpp_lib_scoped_lock
++# error "Feature-test macro for scoped_lock missing"
++#elif __cpp_lib_scoped_lock != 201707
++# error "Feature-test macro for scoped_lock has wrong value"
+ void test01()
+ {
+   // Check for required typedefs
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/set_exception2.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/set_exception2.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/set_exception2.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -21,10 +21,13 @@
+ // with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+ // <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// Test that promise::set_exception throws when required.
+ #include <future>
+ #include <testsuite_hooks.h>
++// Check for promise_already_satisfied error conditions.
+ void test01()
+ {
+   bool test = false;
+@@ -83,9 +86,187 @@
+   VERIFY( test );
+ }
++void test03()
++  bool test = false;
++  std::promise<int&> p1;
++  std::future<int&> f1 = p1.get_future();
++  p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(0));
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(1));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() ==
++        std::make_error_code(std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied));
++    test = true;
++  }
++  try
++  {
++    f1.get();
++    test = false;
++  }
++  catch(int i)
++  {
++    VERIFY( i == 0 );
++  }
++  VERIFY( test );
++void test04()
++  bool test = false;
++  std::promise<int&> p1;
++  std::future<int&> f1 = p1.get_future();
++  int i = 2;
++  p1.set_value(i);
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(0));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() ==
++        std::make_error_code(std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied));
++    test = true;
++  }
++  VERIFY( test );
++void test05()
++  bool test = false;
++  std::promise<void> p1;
++  std::future<void> f1 = p1.get_future();
++  p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(0));
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(1));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() ==
++        std::make_error_code(std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied));
++    test = true;
++  }
++  try
++  {
++    f1.get();
++    test = false;
++  }
++  catch(int i)
++  {
++    VERIFY( i == 0 );
++  }
++  VERIFY( test );
++void test06()
++  bool test = false;
++  std::promise<void> p1;
++  std::future<void> f1 = p1.get_future();
++  p1.set_value();
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(0));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() ==
++        std::make_error_code(std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied));
++    test = true;
++  }
++  VERIFY( test );
++// Check for no_state error condition (PR libstdc++/80316)
++void test07()
++  using namespace std;
++  promise<int> p1;
++  promise<int> p2(std::move(p1));
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(1));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() == make_error_code(future_errc::no_state));
++  }
++void test08()
++  using namespace std;
++  promise<int&> p1;
++  promise<int&> p2(std::move(p1));
++  try
++  {
++    int i = 0;
++    p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(1));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() == make_error_code(future_errc::no_state));
++  }
++void test09()
++  using namespace std;
++  promise<void> p1;
++  promise<void> p2(std::move(p1));
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(1));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() == make_error_code(future_errc::no_state));
++  }
+ int main()
+ {
+   test01();
+   test02();
++  test03();
++  test04();
++  test05();
++  test06();
++  test07();
++  test08();
++  test09();
+   return 0;
+ }
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/at_thread_exit2.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/at_thread_exit2.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/at_thread_exit2.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
++// { dg-do run { target *-*-freebsd* *-*-dragonfly* *-*-netbsd* *-*-linux* *-*-gnu* *-*-solaris* *-*-cygwin *-*-rtems* *-*-darwin* powerpc-ibm-aix* } }
++// { dg-options "-pthread" { target *-*-freebsd* *-*-dragonfly* *-*-netbsd* *-*-linux* *-*-gnu* *-*-solaris* powerpc-ibm-aix* } }
++// { dg-require-effective-target c++11 }
++// { dg-require-cstdint "" }
++// { dg-require-gthreads "" }
++// Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// Test set_value_at_thread_exit error conditions
++#include <future>
++#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
++void test01()
++  std::promise<int> p1;
++  p1.set_value(1);
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_value_at_thread_exit(2);
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY( e.code() == std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied );
++  }
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_exception_at_thread_exit(std::make_exception_ptr(3));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY( e.code() == std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied );
++  }
++  std::promise<int> p2(std::move(p1));
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_value_at_thread_exit(2);
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY( e.code() == std::future_errc::no_state );
++  }
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_exception_at_thread_exit(std::make_exception_ptr(3));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY( e.code() == std::future_errc::no_state );
++  }
++void test02()
++  std::promise<int&> p1;
++  int i = 1;
++  p1.set_value(i);
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_value_at_thread_exit(i);
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY( e.code() == std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied );
++  }
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_exception_at_thread_exit(std::make_exception_ptr(3));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY( e.code() == std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied );
++  }
++  std::promise<int&> p2(std::move(p1));
++  try
++  {
++    int i = 0;
++    p1.set_value_at_thread_exit(i);
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY( e.code() == std::future_errc::no_state );
++  }
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_exception_at_thread_exit(std::make_exception_ptr(3));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY( e.code() == std::future_errc::no_state );
++  }
++void test03()
++  std::promise<void> p1;
++  int i = 0;
++  p1.set_value();
++  try {
++    p1.set_value_at_thread_exit();
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY( e.code() == std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied );
++  }
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_exception_at_thread_exit(std::make_exception_ptr(3));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY( e.code() == std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied );
++  }
++  std::promise<void> p2(std::move(p1));
++  try {
++    p1.set_value_at_thread_exit();
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY( e.code() == std::future_errc::no_state );
++  }
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_exception_at_thread_exit(std::make_exception_ptr(3));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY( e.code() == std::future_errc::no_state );
++  }
++int main()
++  test01();
++  test02();
++  test03();
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/set_exception.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/set_exception.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/set_exception.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+ // with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+ // <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// Test that promise::set_exception stores an exception.
+ #include <future>
+ #include <testsuite_hooks.h>
+@@ -48,8 +49,56 @@
+   VERIFY( !f1.valid() );
+ }
++void test02()
++  bool test = false;
++  std::promise<int&> p1;
++  std::future<int&> f1 = p1.get_future();
++  VERIFY( f1.valid() );
++  p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(0));
++  try
++  {
++    f1.get();
++  }
++  catch (int)
++  {
++    test = true;
++  }
++  VERIFY( test );
++  VERIFY( !f1.valid() );
++void test03()
++  bool test = false;
++  std::promise<void> p1;
++  std::future<void> f1 = p1.get_future();
++  VERIFY( f1.valid() );
++  p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(0));
++  try
++  {
++    f1.get();
++  }
++  catch (int)
++  {
++    test = true;
++  }
++  VERIFY( test );
++  VERIFY( !f1.valid() );
+ int main()
+ {
+   test01();
++  test02();
++  test03();
+   return 0;
+ }
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/set_value2.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/set_value2.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/30_threads/promise/members/set_value2.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -21,10 +21,13 @@
+ // with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+ // <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// Test that promise::set_value throws when required.
+ #include <future>
+ #include <testsuite_hooks.h>
++// Check for promise_already_satisfied error conditions.
+ void test01()
+ {
+   bool test = false;
+@@ -79,9 +82,298 @@
+   VERIFY( test );
+ }
++void test03()
++  bool test = false;
++  std::promise<int> p1;
++  std::future<int> f1 = p1.get_future();
++  p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(4));
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_value(3);
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() ==
++        std::make_error_code(std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied));
++    test = true;
++  }
++  std::chrono::milliseconds delay(1);
++  VERIFY( f1.wait_for(delay) == std::future_status::ready );
++  test = false;
++  try
++  {
++    f1.get();
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (int e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e == 4 );
++    test = true;
++  }
++  VERIFY( test );
++void test04()
++  bool test = false;
++  std::promise<int&> p1;
++  std::future<int&> f1 = p1.get_future();
++  int i = 1;
++  p1.set_value(i);
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_value(i);
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() ==
++        std::make_error_code(std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied));
++    test = true;
++  }
++  std::chrono::milliseconds delay(1);
++  VERIFY( f1.wait_for(delay) == std::future_status::ready );
++  VERIFY( f1.get() == 1 );
++  VERIFY( test );
++void test05()
++  bool test = false;
++  std::promise<int&> p1;
++  std::future<int&> f1 = p1.get_future();
++  int i = 3;
++  p1.set_value(i);
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(4));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() ==
++        std::make_error_code(std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied));
++    test = true;
++  }
++  std::chrono::milliseconds delay(1);
++  VERIFY( f1.wait_for(delay) == std::future_status::ready );
++  VERIFY( f1.get() == 3 );
++  VERIFY( test );
++void test06()
++  bool test = false;
++  std::promise<int&> p1;
++  std::future<int&> f1 = p1.get_future();
++  p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(4));
++  try
++  {
++    int i = 3;
++    p1.set_value(i);
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() ==
++        std::make_error_code(std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied));
++    test = true;
++  }
++  std::chrono::milliseconds delay(1);
++  VERIFY( f1.wait_for(delay) == std::future_status::ready );
++  test = false;
++  try
++  {
++    f1.get();
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (int e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e == 4 );
++    test = true;
++  }
++  VERIFY( test );
++void test07()
++  bool test = false;
++  std::promise<void> p1;
++  std::future<void> f1 = p1.get_future();
++  p1.set_value();
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_value();
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() ==
++        std::make_error_code(std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied));
++    test = true;
++  }
++  std::chrono::milliseconds delay(1);
++  VERIFY( f1.wait_for(delay) == std::future_status::ready );
++  f1.get();
++  VERIFY( test );
++void test08()
++  bool test = false;
++  std::promise<void> p1;
++  std::future<void> f1 = p1.get_future();
++  p1.set_value();
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(4));
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() ==
++        std::make_error_code(std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied));
++    test = true;
++  }
++  std::chrono::milliseconds delay(1);
++  VERIFY( f1.wait_for(delay) == std::future_status::ready );
++  f1.get();
++  VERIFY( test );
++void test09()
++  bool test = false;
++  std::promise<void> p1;
++  std::future<void> f1 = p1.get_future();
++  p1.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(4));
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_value();
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() ==
++        std::make_error_code(std::future_errc::promise_already_satisfied));
++    test = true;
++  }
++  std::chrono::milliseconds delay(1);
++  VERIFY( f1.wait_for(delay) == std::future_status::ready );
++  test = false;
++  try
++  {
++    f1.get();
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (int e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e == 4 );
++    test = true;
++  }
++  VERIFY( test );
++// Check for no_state error condition (PR libstdc++/80316)
++void test10()
++  using namespace std;
++  promise<int> p1;
++  promise<int> p2(std::move(p1));
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_value(1);
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() == make_error_code(future_errc::no_state));
++  }
++void test11()
++  using namespace std;
++  promise<int&> p1;
++  promise<int&> p2(std::move(p1));
++  try
++  {
++    int i = 0;
++    p1.set_value(i);
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() == make_error_code(future_errc::no_state));
++  }
++void test12()
++  using namespace std;
++  promise<void> p1;
++  promise<void> p2(std::move(p1));
++  try
++  {
++    p1.set_value();
++    VERIFY( false );
++  }
++  catch (std::future_error& e)
++  {
++    VERIFY(e.code() == make_error_code(future_errc::no_state));
++  }
+ int main()
+ {
+   test01();
+   test02();
++  test03();
++  test04();
++  test05();
++  test06();
++  test07();
++  test08();
++  test09();
++  test10();
++  test11();
++  test12();
+   return 0;
+ }
 Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/conversions/buffer/2.cc
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/22_locale/conversions/buffer/2.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -1526,6 +3571,55 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/set/modifiers/extract.cc
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/vector/cons/destructible_neg.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/vector/cons/destructible_neg.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/vector/cons/destructible_neg.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
++#include <vector>
++// PR libstdc++/80553
++struct DeletedDtor {
++  ~DeletedDtor() = delete;
++class PrivateDtor {
++  ~PrivateDtor() { }
++  std::vector<DeletedDtor> v; // { dg-error "here" }
++  std::vector<PrivateDtor> v; // { dg-error "here" }
++// { dg-error "value type is destructible" "" { target *-*-* } 0 }
 Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/unordered_set/modifiers/extract.cc
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/23_containers/unordered_set/modifiers/extract.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -1770,6 +3864,128 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/21_strings/basic_string/cons/char/8.cc
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/experimental/source_location/1.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/experimental/source_location/1.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/experimental/source_location/1.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// { dg-do run { target c++14 } }
++#include <experimental/source_location>
++#include <experimental/string_view>
++#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
++using std::experimental::source_location;
++using std::experimental::string_view;
++  constexpr source_location loc = source_location::current();
++  static_assert( loc.line() == 30 );
++  // static_assert( loc.column() == 35 );
++  VERIFY( loc.file_name() == __FILE__ );
++  VERIFY( loc.function_name() == string_view(__FUNCTION__) );
++struct S {
++  string_view func;
++  source_location loc = source_location::current();
++  S(source_location loc = source_location::current())
++  : func(__FUNCTION__), loc(loc) // values of loc will be from call-site
++  {}
++  S(int)
++  : func(__FUNCTION__) // values of loc should be hereabouts
++  {}
++void test02()
++  S s0;
++  VERIFY( s0.loc.line() == 52 );
++  // static_assert( s0.loc.column() == 7 );
++  VERIFY( s0.loc.file_name() == __FILE__ );
++  VERIFY( s0.loc.function_name() == string_view(__FUNCTION__) );
++  S s1(1);
++  VERIFY( s1.loc.line() == 46 );
++  VERIFY( s1.loc.file_name() == __FILE__ );
++  VERIFY( s1.loc.function_name() == s1.func );
++source_location f(source_location a = source_location::current()) {
++  return a;
++source_location g(string_view& func) {
++  source_location a = source_location::current();
++  func = __FUNCTION__;
++  return a;
++void test03()
++  auto loc = f(); // f's first argument corresponds to this line of code
++  VERIFY( loc.line() == 76 );
++  // static_assert( loc.column() == 16 );
++  VERIFY( loc.file_name() == __FILE__ );
++  VERIFY( loc.function_name() == string_view(__FUNCTION__) );
++  source_location c = source_location::current();
++  loc = f(c); // f's first argument gets the same values as c, above
++  VERIFY( loc.line() == 82 );
++  // static_assert( loc.column() == 23 );
++  VERIFY( loc.file_name() == __FILE__ );
++  VERIFY( loc.function_name() == string_view(__FUNCTION__) );
++  string_view func;
++  loc = g(func);
++  VERIFY( loc.line() == 69 );
++  // static_assert( loc.column() == 23 );
++  VERIFY( loc.file_name() == __FILE__ );
++  VERIFY( loc.function_name() == func );
++  using std::is_same;
++  using std::uint_least32_t;
++  auto loc = source_location::current();
++  static_assert(is_same<decltype(loc), source_location>::value, "");
++  static_assert(is_same<decltype(loc.line()), uint_least32_t>::value, "");
++  static_assert(is_same<decltype(loc.column()), uint_least32_t>::value, "");
++  static_assert(is_same<decltype(loc.file_name()), const char*>::value, "");
++  static_assert(is_same<decltype(loc.function_name()), const char*>::value, "");
++  test01();
++  test02();
++  test03();
++  test04();
 Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/util/testsuite_abi.cc
 --- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/util/testsuite_abi.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -1791,11 +4007,11 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/util/testsuite_abi.cc
  		     || test.version_name == "CXXABI_1.3.11"
  		     || test.version_name == "CXXABI_FLOAT128"
  		     || test.version_name == "CXXABI_TM_1");
-Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/function_objects/mem_fn/80478.cc
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/owner_less/noexcept.cc
---- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/function_objects/mem_fn/80478.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
-+++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/function_objects/mem_fn/80478.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/owner_less/noexcept.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/owner_less/noexcept.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
 +// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 +// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
@@ -1813,21 +4029,34 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/function_objects/mem_fn/80478.cc
 +// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
 +// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-+// { dg-options "-std=gnu++17" }
-+// { dg-do compile { target c++1z } }
-+#include <functional>
-+struct X {
-+  void f() noexcept { }
++// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
-+auto f = std::mem_fn(&X::f);
-Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/tuple/78939.cc
++#include <memory>
++const std::shared_ptr<int> si;
++const std::weak_ptr<int> wi;
++const std::owner_less<std::shared_ptr<int>> osi;
++static_assert( noexcept(osi(si, si)), "" );
++static_assert( noexcept(osi(si, wi)), "" );
++static_assert( noexcept(osi(wi, si)), "" );
++const std::owner_less<std::weak_ptr<int>> owi;
++static_assert( noexcept(owi(wi, wi)), "" );
++static_assert( noexcept(owi(si, wi)), "" );
++static_assert( noexcept(owi(wi, si)), "" );
++const std::shared_ptr<long> sl;
++const std::weak_ptr<char> wc;
++const std::owner_less<void> ov;
++static_assert( noexcept(ov(si, si)), "" );
++static_assert( noexcept(ov(si, sl)), "" );
++static_assert( noexcept(ov(sl, si)), "" );
++static_assert( noexcept(ov(si, wc)), "" );
++static_assert( noexcept(ov(wc, si)), "" );
++static_assert( noexcept(ov(wc, wi)), "" );
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/shared_ptr/cons/lwg2802.cc
---- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/tuple/78939.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
-+++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/tuple/78939.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/shared_ptr/cons/lwg2802.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/shared_ptr/cons/lwg2802.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
 +// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 +// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
@@ -1845,45 +4074,362 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/tuple/78939.cc
 +// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
 +// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-+// { dg-options "-std=gnu++17" }
-+// { dg-do compile { target c++1z } }
-+// PR libstdc++/78939
++// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
-+#include <utility>
++#include <memory>
-+struct A { int i, j; };
++// LWG 2802. shared_ptr constructor requirements for a deleter
++struct D
-+  A a{};
-+  const auto [i, j] = a;
-+  return i + j;
++  D() { }
++  D(D&&) { }
++  void operator()(int* p) const { delete p; }
++std::allocator<int> a;
++std::shared_ptr<int> s1((int*)nullptr, D());
++std::shared_ptr<int> s2((int*)nullptr, D(), a);
++std::shared_ptr<int> s3(nullptr, D());
++std::shared_ptr<int> s4(nullptr, D(), a);
++void test01()
-+  A a{};
-+  volatile auto [i, j] = a;
-+  return i + j;
++  s1.reset((int*)nullptr, D());
++  s1.reset((int*)nullptr, D(), a);
++struct D2 final
-+  A a{};
-+  const volatile auto [i, j] = a;
-+  return i + j;
-Index: libstdc++-v3/config/abi/post/x86_64-linux-gnu/32/baseline_symbols.txt
++  D2() { }
++  D2(D2&&) { }
++  void operator()(int* p) const { delete p; }
++std::shared_ptr<int> s5(nullptr, D2());
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/shared_ptr/observers/owner_before.cc
---- a/src/libstdc++-v3/config/abi/post/x86_64-linux-gnu/32/baseline_symbols.txt	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
-+++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/config/abi/post/x86_64-linux-gnu/32/baseline_symbols.txt	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -1329,6 +1329,7 @@
- FUNC:_ZNSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEC1EPKwjRKS1_@@GLIBCXX_3.4
- FUNC:_ZNSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEC1ERKS1_@@GLIBCXX_3.4
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/shared_ptr/observers/owner_before.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/shared_ptr/observers/owner_before.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -67,6 +67,12 @@
+   VERIFY( !a1.owner_before(w1) && !w1.owner_before(a1) );
+   std::weak_ptr<A> w2(a2);
+   VERIFY( !b1.owner_before(w2) && !w2.owner_before(b1) );
++  static_assert( noexcept(a1.owner_before(a0)), "" );
++  static_assert( noexcept(a1.owner_before(b1)), "" );
++  static_assert( noexcept(b1.owner_before(a1)), "" );
++  static_assert( noexcept(a1.owner_before(w1)), "" );
++  static_assert( noexcept(b1.owner_before(w1)), "" );
+ }
+ // Aliasing
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/function/assign/move.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/function/assign/move.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/function/assign/move.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -38,11 +38,12 @@
+   fo2 = (std::move(fo));
+   VERIFY( static_cast<bool>(fo2) );
+   VERIFY( fo2() == 2 );
++  static_assert(std::is_nothrow_move_assignable<function>::value,
++		"PR libstdc++/81017");
+ }
+ int main()
+ {
+   test01();
+-  return 0;
+ }
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/function/cons/move.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/function/cons/move.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/function/cons/move.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -36,11 +36,12 @@
+   function fo2(std::move(fo));
+   VERIFY( static_cast<bool>(fo2) );
+   VERIFY( fo2() == 2 );
++  static_assert(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<function>::value,
++		"PR libstdc++/81017");
+ }
+ int main()
+ {
+   test01();
+-  return 0;
+ }
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/function_objects/mem_fn/80478.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/function_objects/mem_fn/80478.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/function_objects/mem_fn/80478.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// { dg-options "-std=gnu++17" }
++// { dg-do compile { target c++1z } }
++#include <functional>
++struct X {
++  void f() noexcept { }
++auto f = std::mem_fn(&X::f);
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/specialized_algorithms/memory_management_tools/destroy_neg.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/specialized_algorithms/memory_management_tools/destroy_neg.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/specialized_algorithms/memory_management_tools/destroy_neg.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// { dg-options "-std=gnu++17" }
++// { dg-do compile { target c++1z } }
++#include <memory>
++// This has a trivial destructor, but should not be destructible!
++struct DeletedDtor {
++  ~DeletedDtor() = delete;
++  alignas(DeletedDtor) unsigned char buf[sizeof(DeletedDtor)];
++  auto p = ::new (buf) DeletedDtor();
++  std::destroy(p, p + 1);	// { dg-error "here" }
++  std::destroy_n(p, 1);		// { dg-error "here" }
++class PrivateDtor {
++  ~PrivateDtor() { }
++  alignas(PrivateDtor) unsigned char buf[sizeof(PrivateDtor)];
++  auto p = ::new (buf) PrivateDtor();
++  std::destroy(p, p + 1);	// { dg-error "here" }
++  std::destroy_n(p, 1);		// { dg-error "here" }
++// { dg-error "value type is destructible" "" { target *-*-* } 0 }
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/variant/deduction.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/variant/deduction.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/variant/deduction.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
++// { dg-options "-std=gnu++17" }
++// { dg-do compile { target c++1z } }
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++#include <variant>
++template<typename T, typename U> struct require_same;
++template<typename T> struct require_same<T, T> { using type = void; };
++template<typename T, typename U>
++  typename require_same<T, U>::type
++  check_type(U&) { }
++  std::variant<int, double> x(3);
++  std::variant copy = x;
++  check_type<decltype(x)>(copy);
++  std::variant move = std::move(x);
++  check_type<decltype(x)>(move);
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/variant/any.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/variant/any.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/variant/any.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
++// { dg-options "-std=gnu++17" }
++// { dg-do compile }
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++#include <any>
++#include <variant>
++struct A { std::variant<std::any> a; };
++void Bar(const A&);
++void Foo() {
++  A a;
++  Bar(a);
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/weak_ptr/observers/owner_before.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/weak_ptr/observers/owner_before.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/weak_ptr/observers/owner_before.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ // weak_ptr observers [util.smartptr.weak.obs]
+ test01()
+ {
+   // test empty weak_ptrs compare equivalent
+@@ -38,11 +38,14 @@
+   std::shared_ptr<B> p3;
+   VERIFY( !p1.owner_before(p3) && !p3.owner_before(p1) );
+-  return 0;
++  static_assert( noexcept(p1.owner_before(p1)), "" );
++  static_assert( noexcept(p1.owner_before(p2)), "" );
++  static_assert( noexcept(p1.owner_before(p3)), "" );
++  static_assert( noexcept(p2.owner_before(p1)), "" );
+ }
+ test02()
+ {
+   std::shared_ptr<A> a0;
+@@ -60,8 +63,6 @@
+   std::shared_ptr<B> b1(new B);
+   VERIFY( w1.owner_before(b1) || b1.owner_before(w1) );
+-  return 0;
+ }
+ int 
+Index: libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/tuple/78939.cc
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/tuple/78939.cc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/testsuite/20_util/tuple/78939.cc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
++// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
++// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
++// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++// any later version.
++// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++// GNU General Public License for more details.
++// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
++// with this library; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++// { dg-options "-std=gnu++17" }
++// { dg-do compile { target c++1z } }
++// PR libstdc++/78939
++#include <utility>
++struct A { int i, j; };
++  A a{};
++  const auto [i, j] = a;
++  return i + j;
++  A a{};
++  volatile auto [i, j] = a;
++  return i + j;
++  A a{};
++  const volatile auto [i, j] = a;
++  return i + j;
+Index: libstdc++-v3/config/abi/post/x86_64-linux-gnu/32/baseline_symbols.txt
+--- a/src/libstdc++-v3/config/abi/post/x86_64-linux-gnu/32/baseline_symbols.txt	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libstdc++-v3/config/abi/post/x86_64-linux-gnu/32/baseline_symbols.txt	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -1329,6 +1329,7 @@
+ FUNC:_ZNSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEC1EPKwjRKS1_@@GLIBCXX_3.4
+ FUNC:_ZNSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEC1ERKS1_@@GLIBCXX_3.4
@@ -2313,6 +4859,51 @@ Index: libstdc++-v3/acinclude.m4
  # Everything parsed; figure out what files and settings to use.
  case $enable_symvers in
+Index: lto-plugin/ChangeLog
+--- a/src/lto-plugin/ChangeLog	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/lto-plugin/ChangeLog	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
++2017-07-26  Georg-Johann Lay  <avr at gjlay.de>
++	Backport from 2017-07-21 trunk r250428.
++	PR lto/81487
++	* lto-plugin.c (claim_file_handler): Use xasprintf instead of
++	asprintf.
++	[hi!=0]: Swap hi and lo arguments supplied to xasprintf.
+ 2017-05-02  Release Manager
+ 	* GCC 7.1.0 released.
+Index: lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c
+--- a/src/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/lto-plugin/lto-plugin.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -975,17 +975,16 @@
+   if (file->offset != 0)
+     {
+-      char *objname;
+       /* We pass the offset of the actual file, not the archive header.
+          Can't use PRIx64, because that's C99, so we have to print the
+-	 64-bit hex int as two 32-bit ones. */
+-      int lo, hi, t;
++	 64-bit hex int as two 32-bit ones.  Use xasprintf instead of
++	 asprintf because asprintf doesn't work as expected on some older
++	 mingw32 hosts.  */
++      int lo, hi;
+       lo = file->offset & 0xffffffff;
+       hi = ((int64_t)file->offset >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
+-      t = hi ? asprintf (&objname, "%s at 0x%x%08x", file->name, lo, hi)
+-	     : asprintf (&objname, "%s at 0x%x", file->name, lo);
+-      check (t >= 0, LDPL_FATAL, "asprintf failed");
+-      lto_file.name = objname;
++      lto_file.name = hi ? xasprintf ("%s at 0x%x%08x", file->name, hi, lo)
++      			 : xasprintf ("%s at 0x%x", file->name, lo);
+     }
+   else
+     {
 Index: maintainer-scripts/ChangeLog
 --- a/src/maintainer-scripts/ChangeLog	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -2539,7 +5130,42 @@ Index: libgcc/ChangeLog
 --- a/src/libgcc/ChangeLog	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/libgcc/ChangeLog	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -1,3 +1,42 @@
+@@ -1,3 +1,77 @@
++2017-07-28  Sebastian Huber  <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-28  Sebastian Huber  <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
++	* config/rs6000/ibm-ldouble.c: Disable if defined __rtems__.
++2017-07-20  Peter Bergner  <bergner at vnet.ibm.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-07  Peter Bergner  <bergner at vnet.ibm.com>
++	* config/rs6000/float128-ifunc.c: Don't include auxv.h.
++	(have_ieee_hw_p): Delete function.
++	(SW_OR_HW) Use __builtin_cpu_supports().
++2017-07-19  John Marino  <gnugcc at marino.st>
++	* config/i386/dragonfly-unwind.h: Handle sigtramp relocation.
++2017-07-04  Joseph Myers  <joseph at codesourcery.com>
++	* config/aarch64/linux-unwind.h (aarch64_fallback_frame_state),
++	config/alpha/linux-unwind.h (alpha_fallback_frame_state),
++	config/bfin/linux-unwind.h (bfin_fallback_frame_state),
++	config/i386/linux-unwind.h (x86_64_fallback_frame_state,
++	x86_fallback_frame_state), config/m68k/linux-unwind.h (struct
++	uw_ucontext), config/nios2/linux-unwind.h (struct nios2_ucontext),
++	config/pa/linux-unwind.h (pa32_fallback_frame_state),
++	config/riscv/linux-unwind.h (riscv_fallback_frame_state),
++	config/sh/linux-unwind.h (sh_fallback_frame_state),
++	config/tilepro/linux-unwind.h (tile_fallback_frame_state),
++	config/xtensa/linux-unwind.h (xtensa_fallback_frame_state): Use
++	ucontext_t instead of struct ucontext.
 +2017-06-28  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
 +	Backport from mainline
@@ -2593,6 +5219,19 @@ Index: libgcc/config/alpha/t-alpha
 +# When GAS-generated unwind tables are created, they get created
 +# after the __FRAME_END__ terminator, which causes an ld error.
 +CRTSTUFF_T_CFLAGS = -fno-unwind-tables
+Index: libgcc/config/alpha/linux-unwind.h
+--- a/src/libgcc/config/alpha/linux-unwind.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgcc/config/alpha/linux-unwind.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
+     {
+       struct rt_sigframe {
+ 	siginfo_t info;
+-	struct ucontext uc;
++	ucontext_t uc;
+       } *rt_ = context->cfa;
+       sc = &rt_->uc.uc_mcontext;
+     }
 Index: libgcc/config/sparc/lb1spc.S
 --- a/src/libgcc/config/sparc/lb1spc.S	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -2610,6 +5249,250 @@ Index: libgcc/config/sparc/lb1spc.S
  #ifdef L_mulsi3
  	.align 4
+Index: libgcc/config/m68k/linux-unwind.h
+--- a/src/libgcc/config/m68k/linux-unwind.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgcc/config/m68k/linux-unwind.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
+ /* <sys/ucontext.h> is unfortunately broken right now.  */
+ struct uw_ucontext {
+ 	unsigned long	  uc_flags;
+-	struct ucontext  *uc_link;
++	ucontext_t	 *uc_link;
+ 	stack_t		  uc_stack;
+ 	mcontext_t	  uc_mcontext;
+ 	unsigned long	  uc_filler[80];
+Index: libgcc/config/riscv/linux-unwind.h
+--- a/src/libgcc/config/riscv/linux-unwind.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgcc/config/riscv/linux-unwind.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
+   struct rt_sigframe
+   {
+     siginfo_t info;
+-    struct ucontext uc;
++    ucontext_t uc;
+   };
+   struct rt_sigframe *rt_;
+Index: libgcc/config/aarch64/linux-unwind.h
+--- a/src/libgcc/config/aarch64/linux-unwind.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgcc/config/aarch64/linux-unwind.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
+   struct rt_sigframe
+   {
+     siginfo_t info;
+-    struct ucontext uc;
++    ucontext_t uc;
+   };
+   struct rt_sigframe *rt_;
+Index: libgcc/config/i386/linux-unwind.h
+--- a/src/libgcc/config/i386/linux-unwind.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgcc/config/i386/linux-unwind.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
+   if (*(unsigned char *)(pc+0) == 0x48
+       && *(unsigned long long *)(pc+1) == RT_SIGRETURN_SYSCALL)
+     {
+-      struct ucontext *uc_ = context->cfa;
++      ucontext_t *uc_ = context->cfa;
+       /* The void * cast is necessary to avoid an aliasing warning.
+          The aliasing warning is correct, but should not be a problem
+          because it does not alias anything.  */
+@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
+ 	siginfo_t *pinfo;
+ 	void *puc;
+ 	siginfo_t info;
+-	struct ucontext uc;
++	ucontext_t uc;
+       } *rt_ = context->cfa;
+       /* The void * cast is necessary to avoid an aliasing warning.
+          The aliasing warning is correct, but should not be a problem
+Index: libgcc/config/i386/dragonfly-unwind.h
+--- a/src/libgcc/config/i386/dragonfly-unwind.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgcc/config/i386/dragonfly-unwind.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -28,9 +28,13 @@
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/sysctl.h>
++#include <sys/param.h>
+ #include <signal.h>
+ #include <sys/ucontext.h>
+ #include <machine/sigframe.h>
++#if __DragonFly_version > 400800
++#include <sys/kinfo.h>
+ #define REG_NAME(reg)	sf_uc.uc_mcontext.mc_## reg
+@@ -39,20 +43,44 @@
+ #define MD_FALLBACK_FRAME_STATE_FOR x86_64_dragonfly_fallback_frame_state
+-static void
+-x86_64_sigtramp_range (unsigned char **start, unsigned char **end)
++static int
++x86_64_outside_sigtramp_range (unsigned char *pc)
+ {
+-  unsigned long ps_strings;
+-  int mib[2];
+-  size_t len;
++  static int sigtramp_range_determined = 0;
++  static unsigned char *sigtramp_start, *sigtramp_end;
+-  mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
+-  mib[1] = KERN_PS_STRINGS;
+-  len = sizeof (ps_strings);
+-  sysctl (mib, 2, &ps_strings, &len, NULL, 0);
++  if (sigtramp_range_determined == 0)
++    {
++#if __DragonFly_version > 400800
++      struct kinfo_sigtramp kst = {0};
++      size_t len = sizeof (kst);
++      int mib[3] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_SIGTRAMP };
+-  *start = (unsigned char *)ps_strings - 32;
+-  *end   = (unsigned char *)ps_strings;
++      sigtramp_range_determined = 1;
++      if (sysctl (mib, 3, &kst, &len, NULL, 0) == 0)
++      {
++        sigtramp_range_determined = 2;
++        sigtramp_start = kst.ksigtramp_start;
++        sigtramp_end   = kst.ksigtramp_end;
++      }
++      unsigned long ps_strings;
++      size_t len = sizeof (ps_strings);
++      int mib[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PS_STRINGS };
++      sigtramp_range_determined = 1;
++      if (sysctl (mib, 2, &ps_strings, &len, NULL, 0) == 0)
++      {
++        sigtramp_range_determined = 2;
++        sigtramp_start = (unsigned char *)ps_strings - 32;
++        sigtramp_end   = (unsigned char *)ps_strings;
++      }
++    }
++  if (sigtramp_range_determined < 2)  /* sysctl failed if < 2 */
++    return 1;
++  return (pc < sigtramp_start || pc >= sigtramp_end );
+ }
+@@ -60,13 +88,10 @@
+ x86_64_dragonfly_fallback_frame_state
+ (struct _Unwind_Context *context, _Unwind_FrameState *fs)
+ {
+-  unsigned char *pc = context->ra;
+-  unsigned char *sigtramp_start, *sigtramp_end;
+   struct sigframe *sf;
+   long new_cfa;
+-  x86_64_sigtramp_range(&sigtramp_start, &sigtramp_end);
+-  if (pc >= sigtramp_end || pc < sigtramp_start)
++  if (x86_64_outside_sigtramp_range(context->ra))
+     return _URC_END_OF_STACK;
+   sf = (struct sigframe *) context->cfa;
+Index: libgcc/config/rs6000/float128-ifunc.c
+--- a/src/libgcc/config/rs6000/float128-ifunc.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgcc/config/rs6000/float128-ifunc.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -45,48 +45,8 @@
+ #error "This module must not be compiled with IEEE 128-bit hardware support"
+ #endif
+-#include <sys/auxv.h>
++#define SW_OR_HW(SW, HW) (__builtin_cpu_supports ("ieee128") ? HW : SW)
+-/* Use the namespace clean version of getauxval.  However, not all versions of
+-   sys/auxv.h declare it, so declare it here.  This code is intended to be
+-   temporary until a suitable version of __builtin_cpu_supports is added that
+-   allows us to tell quickly if the machine supports IEEE 128-bit hardware.  */
+-extern unsigned long __getauxval (unsigned long);
+-static int
+-have_ieee_hw_p (void)
+-  static int ieee_hw_p = -1;
+-  if (ieee_hw_p < 0)
+-    {
+-      char *p = (char *) __getauxval (AT_PLATFORM);
+-      ieee_hw_p = 0;
+-      /* Don't use atoi/strtol/strncmp/etc.  These may require the normal
+-	 environment to be setup to set errno to 0, and the ifunc resolvers run
+-	 before the whole glibc environment is initialized.  */
+-      if (p && p[0] == 'p' && p[1] == 'o' && p[2] == 'w' && p[3] == 'e'
+-	  && p[4] == 'r')
+-	{
+-	  long n = 0;
+-	  char ch;
+-	  p += 5;
+-	  while ((ch = *p++) >= '0' && (ch <= '9'))
+-	    n = (n * 10) + (ch - '0');
+-	  if (n >= 9)
+-	    ieee_hw_p = 1;
+-	}
+-    }
+-  return ieee_hw_p;
+-#define SW_OR_HW(SW, HW) (have_ieee_hw_p () ? HW : SW)
+ /* Resolvers.  */
+ /* We do not provide ifunc resolvers for __fixkfti, __fixunskfti, __floattikf,
+Index: libgcc/config/rs6000/ibm-ldouble.c
+--- a/src/libgcc/config/rs6000/ibm-ldouble.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgcc/config/rs6000/ibm-ldouble.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@
+    This code currently assumes the most significant double is in
+    the lower numbered register or lower addressed memory.  */
+-#if defined (__MACH__) || defined (__powerpc__) || defined (_AIX)
++#if (defined (__MACH__) || defined (__powerpc__) || defined (_AIX)) \
++    && !defined (__rtems__)
+ #define fabs(x) __builtin_fabs(x)
+ #define isless(x, y) __builtin_isless (x, y)
+Index: libgcc/config/sh/linux-unwind.h
+--- a/src/libgcc/config/sh/linux-unwind.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgcc/config/sh/linux-unwind.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
+     {
+       struct rt_sigframe {
+ 	siginfo_t info;
+-	struct ucontext uc;
++	ucontext_t uc;
+       } *rt_ = context->cfa;
+       /* The void * cast is necessary to avoid an aliasing warning.
+          The aliasing warning is correct, but should not be a problem
+Index: libgcc/config/tilepro/linux-unwind.h
+--- a/src/libgcc/config/tilepro/linux-unwind.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgcc/config/tilepro/linux-unwind.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+   struct rt_sigframe {
+     unsigned char save_area[C_ABI_SAVE_AREA_SIZE];
+     siginfo_t info;
+-    struct ucontext uc;
++    ucontext_t uc;
+   } *rt_;
+   /* Return if this is not a signal handler.  */
 Index: libgcc/config/arm/unwind-arm.c
 --- a/src/libgcc/config/arm/unwind-arm.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -2665,6 +5548,58 @@ Index: libgcc/config/arm/unwind-arm.h
  #ifdef __cplusplus
  }   /* extern "C" */
+Index: libgcc/config/pa/linux-unwind.h
+--- a/src/libgcc/config/pa/linux-unwind.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgcc/config/pa/linux-unwind.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
+   struct sigcontext *sc;
+   struct rt_sigframe {
+     siginfo_t info;
+-    struct ucontext uc;
++    ucontext_t uc;
+   } *frame;
+   /* rt_sigreturn trampoline:
+Index: libgcc/config/xtensa/linux-unwind.h
+--- a/src/libgcc/config/xtensa/linux-unwind.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgcc/config/xtensa/linux-unwind.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
+   struct rt_sigframe {
+     siginfo_t info;
+-    struct ucontext uc;
++    ucontext_t uc;
+   } *rt_;
+   /* movi a2, __NR_rt_sigreturn; syscall */
+Index: libgcc/config/nios2/linux-unwind.h
+--- a/src/libgcc/config/nios2/linux-unwind.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgcc/config/nios2/linux-unwind.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
+ struct nios2_ucontext {
+   unsigned long uc_flags;
+-  struct ucontext *uc_link;
++  ucontext_t *uc_link;
+   stack_t uc_stack;
+   struct nios2_mcontext uc_mcontext;
+   sigset_t uc_sigmask;	/* mask last for extensibility */
+Index: libgcc/config/bfin/linux-unwind.h
+--- a/src/libgcc/config/bfin/linux-unwind.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgcc/config/bfin/linux-unwind.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+ 	void *puc;
+ 	char retcode[8];
+ 	siginfo_t info;
+-	struct ucontext uc;
++	ucontext_t uc;
+       } *rt_ = context->cfa;
+       /* The void * cast is necessary to avoid an aliasing warning.
 Index: libgcc/configure
 --- a/src/libgcc/configure	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -2892,6 +5827,35 @@ Index: libgcc/configure
  # The cast to long int works around a bug in the HP C Compiler
  # version HP92453-01 B.11.11.23709.GP, which incorrectly rejects
  # declarations like `int a3[[(sizeof (unsigned char)) >= 0]];'.
+Index: gcc/dwarf2asm.c
+--- a/src/gcc/dwarf2asm.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/dwarf2asm.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -345,7 +345,9 @@
+       for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ 	{
+ 	  int c = str[i];
+-	  if (c == '\"' || c == '\\')
++	  if (c == '\"')
++	    fputc (XCOFF_DEBUGGING_INFO ? '\"' : '\\', asm_out_file);
++	  else if (c == '\\')
+ 	    fputc ('\\', asm_out_file);
+ 	  if (ISPRINT (c))
+ 	    fputc (c, asm_out_file);
+Index: gcc/tree-ssa-tail-merge.c
+--- a/src/gcc/tree-ssa-tail-merge.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/tree-ssa-tail-merge.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -808,6 +808,9 @@
+ same_succ_flush_bb (basic_block bb)
+ {
+   same_succ *same = BB_SAME_SUCC (bb);
++  if (! same)
++    return;
+   BB_SAME_SUCC (bb) = NULL;
+   if (bitmap_single_bit_set_p (same->bbs))
+     same_succ_htab->remove_elt_with_hash (same, same->hashval);
 Index: gcc/graphite-isl-ast-to-gimple.c
 --- a/src/gcc/graphite-isl-ast-to-gimple.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -2992,6 +5956,148 @@ Index: gcc/graphite-isl-ast-to-gimple.c
  	codegen_error = !copy_cond_phi_args (old_phi, new_phi, iv_map, false);
+Index: gcc/tree-ssa-loop-niter.c
+--- a/src/gcc/tree-ssa-loop-niter.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/tree-ssa-loop-niter.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -1142,8 +1142,12 @@
+   tree niter_type = TREE_TYPE (step);
+   tree mod = fold_build2 (FLOOR_MOD_EXPR, niter_type, *delta, step);
+   tree tmod;
+-  tree assumption = boolean_true_node, bound;
+-  tree type1 = (POINTER_TYPE_P (type)) ? sizetype : type;
++  mpz_t mmod;
++  tree assumption = boolean_true_node, bound, noloop;
++  bool ret = false, fv_comp_no_overflow;
++  tree type1 = type;
++  if (POINTER_TYPE_P (type))
++    type1 = sizetype;
+   if (TREE_CODE (mod) != INTEGER_CST)
+     return false;
+@@ -1151,51 +1155,96 @@
+     mod = fold_build2 (MINUS_EXPR, niter_type, step, mod);
+   tmod = fold_convert (type1, mod);
++  mpz_init (mmod);
++  wi::to_mpz (mod, mmod, UNSIGNED);
++  mpz_neg (mmod, mmod);
+   /* If the induction variable does not overflow and the exit is taken,
+-     then the computation of the final value does not overflow.  There
+-     are three cases:
+-       1) The case if the new final value is equal to the current one.
+-       2) Induction varaible has pointer type, as the code cannot rely
+-	  on the object to that the pointer points being placed at the
+-	  end of the address space (and more pragmatically,
+-	  TYPE_{MIN,MAX}_VALUE is not defined for pointers).
+-       3) EXIT_MUST_BE_TAKEN is true, note it implies that the induction
+-	  variable does not overflow.  */
+-  if (!integer_zerop (mod) && !POINTER_TYPE_P (type) && !exit_must_be_taken)
++     then the computation of the final value does not overflow.  This is
++     also obviously the case if the new final value is equal to the
++     current one.  Finally, we postulate this for pointer type variables,
++     as the code cannot rely on the object to that the pointer points being
++     placed at the end of the address space (and more pragmatically,
++     TYPE_{MIN,MAX}_VALUE is not defined for pointers).  */
++  if (integer_zerop (mod) || POINTER_TYPE_P (type))
++    fv_comp_no_overflow = true;
++  else if (!exit_must_be_taken)
++    fv_comp_no_overflow = false;
++  else
++    fv_comp_no_overflow =
++	    (iv0->no_overflow && integer_nonzerop (iv0->step))
++	    || (iv1->no_overflow && integer_nonzerop (iv1->step));
++  if (integer_nonzerop (iv0->step))
+     {
+-      if (integer_nonzerop (iv0->step))
++      /* The final value of the iv is iv1->base + MOD, assuming that this
++	 computation does not overflow, and that
++	 iv0->base <= iv1->base + MOD.  */
++      if (!fv_comp_no_overflow)
+ 	{
+-	  /* The final value of the iv is iv1->base + MOD, assuming
+-	     that this computation does not overflow, and that
+-	     iv0->base <= iv1->base + MOD.  */
+ 	  bound = fold_build2 (MINUS_EXPR, type1,
+ 			       TYPE_MAX_VALUE (type1), tmod);
+ 	  assumption = fold_build2 (LE_EXPR, boolean_type_node,
+ 				    iv1->base, bound);
++	  if (integer_zerop (assumption))
++	    goto end;
+ 	}
++      if (mpz_cmp (mmod, bnds->below) < 0)
++	noloop = boolean_false_node;
++      else if (POINTER_TYPE_P (type))
++	noloop = fold_build2 (GT_EXPR, boolean_type_node,
++			      iv0->base,
++			      fold_build_pointer_plus (iv1->base, tmod));
+       else
++	noloop = fold_build2 (GT_EXPR, boolean_type_node,
++			      iv0->base,
++			      fold_build2 (PLUS_EXPR, type1,
++					   iv1->base, tmod));
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      /* The final value of the iv is iv0->base - MOD, assuming that this
++	 computation does not overflow, and that
++	 iv0->base - MOD <= iv1->base. */
++      if (!fv_comp_no_overflow)
+ 	{
+-	  /* The final value of the iv is iv0->base - MOD, assuming
+-	     that this computation does not overflow, and that
+-	     iv0->base - MOD <= iv1->base.  */
+ 	  bound = fold_build2 (PLUS_EXPR, type1,
+ 			       TYPE_MIN_VALUE (type1), tmod);
+ 	  assumption = fold_build2 (GE_EXPR, boolean_type_node,
+ 				    iv0->base, bound);
++	  if (integer_zerop (assumption))
++	    goto end;
+ 	}
+-      if (integer_zerop (assumption))
+-	return false;
+-      else if (!integer_nonzerop (assumption))
+-	niter->assumptions = fold_build2 (TRUTH_AND_EXPR, boolean_type_node,
+-					  niter->assumptions, assumption);
++      if (mpz_cmp (mmod, bnds->below) < 0)
++	noloop = boolean_false_node;
++      else if (POINTER_TYPE_P (type))
++	noloop = fold_build2 (GT_EXPR, boolean_type_node,
++			      fold_build_pointer_plus (iv0->base,
++						       fold_build1 (NEGATE_EXPR,
++								    type1, tmod)),
++			      iv1->base);
++      else
++	noloop = fold_build2 (GT_EXPR, boolean_type_node,
++			      fold_build2 (MINUS_EXPR, type1,
++					   iv0->base, tmod),
++			      iv1->base);
+     }
+-  /* Since we are transforming LT to NE and DELTA is constant, there
+-     is no need to compute may_be_zero because this loop must roll.  */
++  if (!integer_nonzerop (assumption))
++    niter->assumptions = fold_build2 (TRUTH_AND_EXPR, boolean_type_node,
++				      niter->assumptions,
++				      assumption);
++  if (!integer_zerop (noloop))
++    niter->may_be_zero = fold_build2 (TRUTH_OR_EXPR, boolean_type_node,
++				      niter->may_be_zero,
++				      noloop);
+   bounds_add (bnds, wi::to_widest (mod), type);
+   *delta = fold_build2 (PLUS_EXPR, niter_type, *delta, mod);
+-  return true;
++  ret = true;
++  mpz_clear (mmod);
++  return ret;
+ }
+ /* Add assertions to NITER that ensure that the control variable of the loop
 Index: gcc/c-family/c-warn.c
 --- a/src/gcc/c-family/c-warn.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -3068,6 +6174,40 @@ Index: gcc/ipa-polymorphic-call.c
  	      pos = int_bit_position (fld);
+Index: gcc/tree-ssa-loop-unswitch.c
+--- a/src/gcc/tree-ssa-loop-unswitch.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/tree-ssa-loop-unswitch.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -580,8 +580,9 @@
+   gcond *cond;
+   do
+     {
++      basic_block next = NULL;
+       if (single_succ_p (header))
+-	header = single_succ (header);
++	next = single_succ (header);
+       else
+ 	{
+ 	  cond = dyn_cast <gcond *> (last_stmt (header));
+@@ -591,12 +592,16 @@
+ 	  /* Make sure to skip earlier hoisted guards that are left
+ 	     in place as if (true).  */
+ 	  if (gimple_cond_true_p (cond))
+-	    header = te->dest;
++	    next = te->dest;
+ 	  else if (gimple_cond_false_p (cond))
+-	    header = fe->dest;
++	    next = fe->dest;
+ 	  else
+ 	    break;
+ 	}
++      /* Never traverse a backedge.  */
++      if (header->loop_father->header == next)
++	return NULL;
++      header = next;
+     }
+   while (1);
+   if (!flow_bb_inside_loop_p (loop, te->dest)
 Index: gcc/c/ChangeLog
 --- a/src/gcc/c/ChangeLog	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -3155,13 +6295,76 @@ Index: gcc/c/c-decl.c
        if (specs->complex_p)
  	  pedwarn (specs->locations[cdw_complex], OPT_Wpedantic,
+Index: gcc/optabs.c
+--- a/src/gcc/optabs.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/optabs.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -3844,9 +3844,9 @@
+   if (cfun->can_throw_non_call_exceptions)
+     {
+       if (may_trap_p (x))
+-	x = force_reg (mode, x);
++	x = copy_to_reg (x);
+       if (may_trap_p (y))
+-	y = force_reg (mode, y);
++	y = copy_to_reg (y);
+     }
+   if (GET_MODE_CLASS (mode) == MODE_CC)
 Index: gcc/DATESTAMP
 --- a/src/gcc/DATESTAMP	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/DATESTAMP	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
 @@ -1 +1 @@
+Index: gcc/configure
+--- a/src/gcc/configure	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/configure	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -25217,7 +25217,42 @@
+ fi
++    { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking assembler for SPARC6 instructions" >&5
++$as_echo_n "checking assembler for SPARC6 instructions... " >&6; }
++if test "${gcc_cv_as_sparc_sparc6+set}" = set; then :
++  $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6
++  gcc_cv_as_sparc_sparc6=no
++  if test x$gcc_cv_as != x; then
++    $as_echo '.text
++       .register %g2, #scratch
++       .register %g3, #scratch
++       .align 4
++       rd %entropy, %g1
++       fpsll64x %f0, %f2, %f4' > conftest.s
++    if { ac_try='$gcc_cv_as $gcc_cv_as_flags -xarch=sparc6 -o conftest.o conftest.s >&5'
++  { { eval echo "\"\$as_me\":${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"$ac_try\""; } >&5
++  (eval $ac_try) 2>&5
++  ac_status=$?
++  $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5
++  test $ac_status = 0; }; }
++    then
++	gcc_cv_as_sparc_sparc6=yes
++    else
++      echo "configure: failed program was" >&5
++      cat conftest.s >&5
++    fi
++    rm -f conftest.o conftest.s
++  fi
++{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gcc_cv_as_sparc_sparc6" >&5
++$as_echo "$gcc_cv_as_sparc_sparc6" >&6; }
++if test $gcc_cv_as_sparc_sparc6 = yes; then
++$as_echo "#define HAVE_AS_SPARC6 1" >>confdefs.h
+     { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking assembler for LEON instructions" >&5
+ $as_echo_n "checking assembler for LEON instructions... " >&6; }
+ if test "${gcc_cv_as_sparc_leon+set}" = set; then :
 Index: gcc/builtins.c
 --- a/src/gcc/builtins.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -3205,6 +6408,17 @@ Index: gcc/fold-const.c
  	      && (tem = negate_expr (op1)) != op1
  	      && ! TREE_OVERFLOW (tem))
  	    return fold_build2_loc (loc, MULT_EXPR, type,
+@@ -13726,8 +13727,8 @@
+ 	bool overflow;
+ 	wide_int val = wi::neg (arg0, &overflow);
+ 	t = force_fit_type (type, val, 1,
+-			    (overflow | TREE_OVERFLOW (arg0))
+-			    && !TYPE_UNSIGNED (type));
++			    (overflow && ! TYPE_UNSIGNED (type))
++			    || TREE_OVERFLOW (arg0));
+ 	break;
+       }
 Index: gcc/omp-low.c
 --- a/src/gcc/omp-low.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -3530,7 +6744,779 @@ Index: gcc/ChangeLog
 --- a/src/gcc/ChangeLog	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/ChangeLog	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -1,3 +1,708 @@
+@@ -1,3 +1,1480 @@
++2017-07-31  Andreas Krebbel  <krebbel at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-31  Andreas Krebbel  <krebbel at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	* config.gcc: Add z14.
++	* config/s390/driver-native.c (s390_host_detect_local_cpu): Add
++	CPU model numbers for z13s and z14.
++	* config/s390/s390-c.c (s390_resolve_overloaded_builtin): Replace
++	arch12 with z14.
++	* config/s390/s390-opts.h (enum processor_type): Rename
++	* config/s390/s390.c (processor_table): Add field for CPU name to
++	be passed to Binutils.
++	(s390_asm_output_machine_for_arch): Use the new field in
++	processor_table for Binutils.
++	(s390_expand_builtin): Replace arch12 with z14.
++	(s390_issue_rate): Rename PROCESSOR_ARCH12 to PROCESSOR_3906_Z14.
++	(s390_get_sched_attrmask): Likewise.
++	(s390_get_unit_mask): Likewise.
++	* config/s390/s390.opt: Add z14 to processor_type enum.
++2017-07-31  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	PR sanitizer/81604
++	* ubsan.c (ubsan_type_descriptor): For UBSAN_PRINT_ARRAY don't
++	change type to the element type, instead add eltype variable and
++	use it where we are interested in the element type.
++2017-07-28  Peter Bergner  <bergner at vnet.ibm.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-28  Peter Bergner  <bergner at vnet.ibm.com>
++	* config/rs6000/ppc-auxv.h (PPC_FEATURE2_DARN): New define.
++	(PPC_FEATURE2_SCV): Likewise.
++	* config/rs6000/rs6000.c (cpu_supports_info): Use them.
++2017-07-28  David Edelsohn  <dje.gcc at gmail.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-25  David Edelsohn  <dje.gcc at gmail.com>
++	* dwarf2asm.c (dw2_asm_output_nstring): Encode double quote
++	character for AIX.
++	* dwarf2out.c (output_macinfo): Copy debug_line_section_label
++	to dl_section_ref.  On AIX, append an expression to subtract
++	the size of the section length to dl_section_ref.
++2017-07-28  Bin Cheng  <bin.cheng at arm.com>
++	Backport from mainline r250496
++	2017-07-25  Bin Cheng  <bin.cheng at arm.com>
++	PR target/81414
++	* config/aarch64/cortex-a57-fma-steering.c (analyze): Skip fmul/fmac
++	instructions if no du chain is found.
++2017-07-28  Sebastian Huber  <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-28  Sebastian Huber  <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
++	* config.gcc (powerpc-*-rtems*): Remove rs6000/eabi.h.  Add
++	rs6000/biarch64.h.
++	* config/rs6000/rtems.h (ASM_DECLARE_FUNCTION_SIZE): New macro.
++	(ASM_DEFAULT_SPEC): New define.
++	(ASM_SPEC32): Likewise.
++	(ASM_SPEC64): Likewise.
++	(ASM_SPEC_COMMON): Likewise.
++	(ASM_SPEC): Likewise.
++	(INVALID_64BIT): Likewise.
++	(LINK_OS_DEFAULT_SPEC): Likewise.
++	(LINK_OS_SPEC32): Likewise.
++	(LINK_OS_SPEC64): Likewise.
++	(POWERPC_LINUX): Likewise.
++	(PTRDIFF_TYPE): Likewise.
++	(RESTORE_FP_PREFIX): Likewise.
++	(RESTORE_FP_SUFFIX): Likewise.
++	(SAVE_FP_PREFIX): Likewise.
++	(SAVE_FP_SUFFIX): Likewise.
++	(SIZE_TYPE): Likewise.
++	(TARGET_64BIT): Likewise.
++	(TARGET_64BIT): Likewise.
++	(TARGET_AIX): Likewise.
++	(WCHAR_TYPE_SIZE): Likewise.
++	(WCHAR_TYPE): Undefine.
++	(TARGET_OS_CPP_BUILTINS): Add 64-bit PowerPC defines.
++	(CPP_OS_RTEMS_SPEC): Delete.
++	(SUBSUBTARGET_EXTRA_SPECS): Remove cpp_os_rtems.  Add
++	asm_spec_common, asm_spec32, asm_spec64, link_os_spec32, and
++	link_os_spec64.
++	* config/rs6000/t-rtems: Add mcpu=e6500/m64 multilibs.
++2017-07-28  Sebastian Huber  <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-27  Sebastian Huber  <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
++	* config.gcc (riscv*-*-elf*): Add (riscv*-*-rtems*).
++	* config/riscv/rtems.h: New file.
++2017-07-27  Eric Botcazou  <ebotcazou at adacore.com>
++	* config/sparc/sparc.c (sparc_option_override): Set MASK_FSMULD flag
++	earlier and only if MASK_FPU is set.  Adjust formatting.
++2017-07-27  Andreas Krebbel  <krebbel at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-27  Andreas Krebbel  <krebbel at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	PR target/81534
++	* config/s390/s390.md ("*atomic_compare_and_swap<mode>_1")
++	("*atomic_compare_and_swapdi_2", "*atomic_compare_and_swapsi_3"):
++	Change s_operand to memory_operand.
++2017-07-27  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	PR tree-optimization/81555
++	PR tree-optimization/81556
++	* tree-ssa-reassoc.c (rewrite_expr_tree): Add NEXT_CHANGED argument,
++	if true, force CHANGED for the recursive invocation.
++	(reassociate_bb): Remember original length of ops array, pass
++	len != orig_len as NEXT_CHANGED in rewrite_expr_tree call.
++2017-07-27  Martin Liska  <mliska at suse.cz>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-17  Martin Liska  <mliska at suse.cz>
++	PR sanitizer/81302
++	* opts.c (finish_options): Do not allow -fgnu-tm
++	w/ -fsanitize={kernel-,}address.  Say sorry.
++2017-07-27  Martin Liska  <mliska at suse.cz>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-26  Martin Liska  <mliska at suse.cz>
++	PR sanitize/81186
++	* function.c (expand_function_start): Make expansion of
++	nonlocal_goto_save_area after parm_birth_insn.
++2017-07-27  Martin Liska  <mliska at suse.cz>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-30  Martin Liska  <mliska at suse.cz>
++	PR sanitizer/81021
++	* tree-eh.c (lower_resx): Call BUILT_IN_ASAN_HANDLE_NO_RETURN
++	before BUILT_IN_UNWIND_RESUME when ASAN is used.
++2017-07-27  Martin Liska  <mliska at suse.cz>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-28  Martin Liska  <mliska at suse.cz>
++	PR sanitizer/81224
++	* asan.c (instrument_derefs): Bail out inner references
++	that are hard register variables.
++2017-07-26  Sebastian Huber  <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-26  Sebastian Huber  <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
++	* config/sparc/sparc.c (dump_target_flag_bits): Dump MASK_FSMULD.
++	(sparc_option_override): Honour MASK_FSMULD.
++	* config/sparc/sparc.h (MASK_FEATURES): Add MASK_FSMULD.
++	* config/sparc/sparc.md (muldf3_extend): Use TARGET_FSMULD.
++	* config/sparc/sparc.opt (mfsmuld): New option.
++	* doc/invoke.texi (mfsmuld): Document option.
++2017-07-26  Georg-Johann Lay  <avr at gjlay.de>
++	Backport from 2017-07-25 trunk r250499.
++	PR 81487
++	* hsa-brig.c (brig_init): Use xasprintf instead of asprintf.
++	* gimple-pretty-print.c (dump_probability): Same.
++	* tree-ssa-structalias.c (alias_get_name): Same.
++2017-07-26  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-18  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	PR tree-optimization/81410
++	* tree-vect-stmts.c (vectorizable_load): Properly adjust for
++	the gap in the ! slp_perm SLP case after each group.
++	2017-07-25  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	PR tree-optimization/81455
++	* tree-ssa-loop-unswitch.c (find_loop_guard): Make sure to
++	not walk in cycles when looking for guards.
++	2017-07-25  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	PR middle-end/81505
++	* fold-const.c (fold_negate_const): TREE_OVERFLOW should be
++	sticky.
++	2017-06-28  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	PR target/81175
++	* config/i386/i386.c (ix86_init_mmx_sse_builtins): Use def_builtin
++	rather than def_builtin_pure for __builtin_ia32_gatherpf*.
++	2017-06-26  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	PR target/81175
++	* config/i386/i386.c (ix86_init_mmx_sse_builtins):
++	Use def_builtin_pure for all gather builtins.
++	2017-06-21  Marc Glisse  <marc.glisse at inria.fr>
++	* config/i386/i386.c (struct builtin_isa): New field pure_p.
++	Reorder for compactness.
++	(def_builtin, def_builtin2, ix86_add_new_builtins): Handle pure_p.
++	(def_builtin_pure, def_builtin_pure2): New functions.
++	(ix86_init_mmx_sse_builtins) [__builtin_ia32_stmxcsr]: Mark as pure.
++2017-07-26  Sebastian Huber  <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-26  Sebastian Huber  <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
++	* config/sparc/sparc.c (sparc_option_override): Remove MASK_FPU
++	from all CPU target flags enable members.
++2017-07-26  Sebastian Huber  <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-25  Sebastian Huber  <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
++	PR libgcc/61152
++	* config/aarch64/rtems.h: Add GCC Runtime Library Exception.
++	Format changes.
++	* config/arm/rtems.h: Likewise.
++	* config/bfin/rtems.h: Likewise.
++	* config/i386/rtemself.h: Likewise.
++	* config/lm32/rtems.h: Likewise.
++	* config/m32c/rtems.h: Likewise.
++	* config/m68k/rtemself.h: Likewise.
++	* config/microblaze/rtems.h: Likewise.
++	* config/mips/rtems.h: Likewise.
++	* config/moxie/rtems.h: Likewise.
++	* config/nios2/rtems.h: Likewise.
++	* config/rs6000/rtems.h: Likewise.
++	* config/rtems.h: Likewise.
++	* config/sh/rtems.h: Likewise.
++	* config/sh/rtemself.h: Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/rtemself.h: Likewise.
++2017-07-25  Bill Schmidt  <wschmidt at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-14  Bill Schmidt  <wschmidt at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	PR tree-optimization/81162
++	* gimple-ssa-strength-reduction.c (replace_mult_candidate): Don't
++	replace a negate with an add.
++2017-07-25  Georg-Johann Lay  <avr at gjlay.de>
++	Backport from 2017-07-12 trunk r250151.
++	PR target/81407
++	* config/avr/avr.c (avr_encode_section_info)
++	[progmem && !TREE_READONLY]: Error if progmem object needs
++	constructing.
++2017-07-25  Wilco Dijkstra  <wdijkstr at arm.com>
++	PR target/79041
++	* config/aarch64/aarch64.c (aarch64_classify_symbol):
++	Avoid SYMBOL_SMALL_ABSOLUTE for literals with pc-relative literals.
++2017-07-25  Georg-Johann Lay  <avr at gjlay.de>
++	Backport from trunk r247719.
++	2017-05-06  Richard Sandiford  <richard.sandiford at linaro.org>
++	PR rtl-optimization/75964
++	* simplify-rtx.c (simplify_const_relational_operation): Remove
++	invalid handling of comparisons of integer ABS.
++2017-07-25  Bin Cheng  <bin.cheng at arm.com>
++	Backport from 2017-07-20 trunk r250384.
++	PR tree-optimization/81388
++	Revert r238585:
++	2016-07-21  Bin Cheng  <bin.cheng at arm.com>
++	* tree-ssa-loop-niter.c (number_of_iterations_lt_to_ne): Clean up
++	by removing computation of may_be_zero.
++2017-07-23  Uros Bizjak  <ubizjak at gmail.com>
++	PR target/80569
++	* config/i386/i386.c (ix86_option_override_internal): Disable
++	BMI, BMI2 and TBM instructions for -m16.
++2017-07-19  Michael Meissner  <meissner at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	Back port from trunk
++	2017-07-12  Michael Meissner  <meissner at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	PR target/81193
++	* config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c (rs6000_cpu_cpp_builtins): If GLIBC
++	provides the hardware capability bits, define the macro
++	* config/rs6000/rs6000.c (cpu_expand_builtin): Generate a warning
++	if GLIBC does not provide the hardware capability bits.  Add a
++	gcc_unreachable call if the built-in cpu function is neither
++	__builtin_cpu_is nor __builtin_cpu_supports.
++	* doc/extend.texi (PowerPC built-in functions): Document that
++	GLIBC 2.23 or newer is needed by __builtin_cpu_is and
++	__builtin_cpu_supports.  Document the macros defined by GCC if the
++	newer GLIBC is available.
++2017-07-18  Uros Bizjak  <ubizjak at gmail.com>
++	PR target/81471
++	* config/i386/i386.md (rorx_immediate_operand): New mode attribute.
++	(*bmi2_rorx<mode>3_1): Use rorx_immediate_operand as
++	operand 2 predicate.
++	(*bmi2_rorxsi3_1_zext): Use const_0_to_31_operand as
++	operand 2 predicate.
++	(ror,rol -> rorx splitters): Use const_int_operand as
++	operand 2 predicate.
++2017-07-18  Tom de Vries  <tom at codesourcery.com>
++	backport from mainline:
++	PR target/81069
++	2017-07-17  Tom de Vries  <tom at codesourcery.com>
++	* config/nvptx/nvptx.c (nvptx_single): Insert diverging branch as late
++	as possible.
++2017-07-18  Georg-Johann Lay  <avr at gjlay.de>
++	Backport from 2017-07-18 trunk r250301.
++	PR target/81473
++	* config/avr/avr.c (avr_optimize_casesi): Don't use
++2017-07-17  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	PR tree-optimization/81428
++	* match.pd (X / X -> one): Don't optimize _Fract divisions, as 1
++	can't be built for those types.
++	PR tree-optimization/81365
++	* tree-ssa-phiprop.c (propagate_with_phi): When considering hoisting
++	aggregate moves onto bb predecessor edges, make sure there are no
++	loads that could alias the lhs in between the start of bb and the
++	loads from *phi.
++	Backported from mainline
++	2017-06-30  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	PR target/81225
++	* config/i386/sse.md (vec_extract_lo_<mode><mask_name>): For
++	V8FI, V16FI and VI8F_256 iterators, use <store_mask_predicate> instead
++	of nonimmediate_operand and <store_mask_constraint> instead of m for
++	the input operand.  For V8FI iterator, always split if input is a MEM.
++	For V16FI and V8SF_256 iterators, don't test if both operands are MEM
++	if <mask_applied>.  For VI4F_256 iterator, use <store_mask_predicate>
++	instead of register_operand and <store_mask_constraint> instead of v for
++	the input operand.  Make sure both operands aren't MEMs for if not
++	<mask_applied>.
++2017-07-17  Georg-Johann Lay  <avr at gjlay.de>
++	Backport from 2017-07-17 trunk r250258.
++	PR 80929
++	* config/avr/avr.c (avr_mul_highpart_cost): New static function.
++	(avr_rtx_costs_1) [TRUNCATE]: Use it to compute mul_highpart cost.
++	[LSHIFTRT, outer_code = TRUNCATE]: Same.
++2017-07-17  Sebastian Huber  <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-17  Sebastian Huber  <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de>
++	*  gcc/config/sparc/rtemself.h (TARGET_OS_CPP_BUILTINS): Add
++	conditional builtin define __FIX_LEON3FT_B2BST.
++2017-07-17  Daniel Cederman  <cederman at gaisler.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-17  Daniel Cederman  <cederman at gaisler.com>
++	* config/sparc/t-rtems: Add mfix-gr712rc multilibs. Replace
++	with -mfix-ut700.
++2017-07-16  Eric Botcazou  <ebotcazou at adacore.com>
++	PR rtl-optimization/81424
++	* optabs.c (prepare_cmp_insn): Use copy_to_reg instead of force_reg
++	to remove potential trapping from operands if -fnon-call-exceptions.
++2017-07-16  Daniel Cederman  <cederman at gaisler.com>
++	* config/sparc/sparc.md (divdf3_fix): Add NOP to prevent back
++	to back store errata sensitive sequence from being generated.
++	(sqrtdf2_fix): Likewise.
++2017-07-12  Georg-Johann Lay  <avr at gjlay.de>
++	Backport from 2017-07-12 trunk r250156.
++	PR target/79883
++	* config/avr/avr.c (avr_set_current_function): In diagnostic
++	messages: Quote keywords and (parts of) identifiers.
++	[WITH_AVRLIBC]: Warn for functions named "ISR", "SIGNAL" or
++2017-07-11  Daniel Cederman  <cederman at gaisler.com>
++	* config/sparc/sparc.opt (mfix-ut700): New option.
++	(mfix-gr712rc): Likewise.
++	(sparc_fix_b2bst): New variable.
++	* doc/invoke.texi (SPARC options): Document them.
++	(ARM options): Fix warnings.
++	* config/sparc/sparc.c (sparc_do_work_around_errata): Insert NOP
++	instructions to prevent sequences that can trigger the store-store
++	errata for certain LEON3FT processors.
++	(pass_work_around_errata::gate): Also test sparc_fix_b2bst.
++	(sparc_option_override): Set sparc_fix_b2bst appropriately.
++	* config/sparc/sparc.md (fix_b2bst): New attribute.
++	(in_branch_delay): Prevent stores in delay slot if fix_b2bst.
++2017-07-10  Uros Bizjak  <ubizjak at gmail.com>
++	PR target/81375
++	* config/i386/i386.md (divsf3): Add TARGET_SSE to TARGET_SSE_MATH.
++	(rcpps): Ditto.
++	(*rsqrtsf2_sse): Ditto.
++	(rsqrtsf2): Ditto.
++	(div<mode>3): Macroize insn from divdf3 and divsf3
++	using MODEF mode iterator.
++2017-07-07  Michael Meissner  <meissner at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-07  Michael Meissner  <meissner at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	PR target/81348
++	* config/rs6000/rs6000.md (HI sign_extend splitter): Use the
++	correct operand in doing the split.
++2017-07-07  Jose E. Marchesi  <jose.marchesi at oracle.com>
++	* config/sparc/m8.md: New file.
++	* config/sparc/sparc.md: Include m8.md.
++2017-07-07  Jose E. Marchesi  <jose.marchesi at oracle.com>
++	* config/sparc/sparc.opt: New option -mvis4b.
++	* config/sparc/sparc.c (dump_target_flag_bits): Handle MASK_VIS4B.
++	(sparc_option_override): Handle VIS4B.
++	(enum sparc_builtins): Define
++	(check_constant_argument): New function.
++	(sparc_vis_init_builtins): Define builtins
++	__builtin_vis_dictunpack{8,16,32},
++	__builtin_vis_fpcmp{le,gt,eq,ne}{8,16,32}shl,
++	__builtin_vis_fpcmpu{le,gt}{8,16,32}shl,
++	__builtin_vis_fpcmpde{8,16,32}shl and
++	__builtin_vis_fpcmpur{8,16,32}shl.
++	(sparc_expand_builtin): Check that the constant operands to
++	__builtin_vis_fpcmp*shl and _builtin_vis_dictunpack* are indeed
++	constant and in range.
++	* config/sparc/sparc-c.c (sparc_target_macros): Handle
++	* config/sparc/sparc.h (SPARC_IMM2_P): Define.
++	(SPARC_IMM5_P): Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/sparc.md (cpu_feature): Add new feagure "vis4b".
++	(enabled): Handle vis4b.
++	(UNSPEC_DICTUNPACK): New unspec.
++	(UNSPEC_FPCMPSHL): Likewise.
++	(UNSPEC_FPUCMPSHL): Likewise.
++	(cpu_feature): New CPU feature `vis4b'.
++	(dictunpack{8,16,32}): New insns.
++	(FPCSMODE): New mode iterator.
++	(fpcscond): New code iterator.
++	(fpcsucond): Likewise.
++	(fpcmp{le,gt,eq,ne}{8,16,32}{si,di}shl): New insns.
++	(fpcmpu{le,gt}{8,16,32}{si,di}shl): Likewise.
++	(fpcmpde{8,16,32}{si,di}shl): Likewise.
++	(fpcmpur{8,16,32}{si,di}shl): Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/constraints.md: Define constraints `q' for unsigned
++	2-bit integer constants and `t' for unsigned 5-bit integer
++	constants.
++	* config/sparc/predicates.md (imm5_operand_dictunpack8): New
++	predicate.
++	(imm5_operand_dictunpack16): Likewise.
++	(imm5_operand_dictunpack32): Likewise.
++	(imm2_operand): Likewise.
++	* doc/invoke.texi (SPARC Options): Document -mvis4b.
++	* doc/extend.texi (SPARC VIS Built-in Functions): Document the
++	ditunpack* and fpcmp*shl builtins.
++2017-07-07  Jose E. Marchesi  <jose.marchesi at oracle.com>
++	* config.gcc: Handle m8 in --with-{cpu,tune} options.
++	* config.in: Add HAVE_AS_SPARC6 define.
++	* config/sparc/driver-sparc.c (cpu_names): Add entry for the SPARC
++	M8.
++	* config/sparc/sol2.h (CPP_CPU64_DEFAULT_SPEC): Define for
++	(ASM_CPU32_DEFAUILT_SPEC): Likewise.
++	(CPP_CPU_SPEC): Handle m8.
++	(ASM_CPU_SPEC): Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/sparc-opts.h (enum processor_type): Add
++	* config/sparc/sparc.c (m8_costs): New struct.
++	(sparc_option_override): Handle TARGET_CPU_m8.
++	(sparc32_initialize_trampoline): Likewise.
++	(sparc64_initialize_trampoline): Likewise.
++	(sparc_issue_rate): Likewise.
++	(sparc_register_move_cost): Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/sparc.h (TARGET_CPU_m8): Define.
++	(CPP_CPU64_DEFAULT_SPEC): Define for M8.
++	(ASM_CPU64_DEFAULT_SPEC): Likewise.
++	(CPP_CPU_SPEC): Handle M8.
++	(ASM_CPU_SPEC): Likewise.
++	(AS_M8_FLAG): Define.
++	* config/sparc/sparc.md: Add m8 to the cpu attribute.
++	* config/sparc/sparc.opt: New option -mcpu=m8 for sparc targets.
++	* configure.ac (HAVE_AS_SPARC6): Check for assembler support for
++	M8 instructions.
++	* configure: Regenerate.
++	* doc/invoke.texi (SPARC Options): Document -mcpu=m8 and
++	-mtune=m8.
++2017-07-07  Jose E. Marchesi  <jose.marchesi at oracle.com>
++	* config/sparc/niagara7.md: Rework the DFA scheduler to use insn
++	subtypes.
++	* config/sparc/sparc.md: Remove the `v3pipe' insn attribute.
++	("*movdi_insn_sp32"): Do not set v3pipe.
++	("*movsi_insn"): Likewise.
++	("*movdi_insn_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*movsf_insn"): Likewise.
++	("*movdf_insn_sp32"): Likewise.
++	("*movdf_insn_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*zero_extendsidi2_insn_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*sign_extendsidi2_insn"): Likewise.
++	("*mov<VM32:mode>_insn"): Likewise.
++	("*mov<VM64:mode>_insn_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*mov<VM64:mode>_insn_sp32"): Likewise.
++	("<plusminus_insn><VADDSUB:mode>3"): Likewise.
++	("<vlop:code><VL:mode>3"): Likewise.
++	("*not_<vlop:code><VL:mode>3"): Likewise.
++	("*nand<VL:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("*<vlnotop:code>_not1<VL:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("*<vlnotop:code>_not2<VL:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("one_cmpl<VL:mode>2"): Likewise.
++	("faligndata<VM64:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("alignaddrsi_vis"): Likewise.
++	("alignaddrdi_vis"): Likweise.
++	("alignaddrlsi_vis"): Likewise.
++	("alignaddrldi_vis"): Likewise.
++	("fcmp<gcond:code><GCM:gcm_name><P:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("bmaskdi_vis"): Likewise.
++	("bmasksi_vis"): Likewise.
++	("bshuffle<VM64:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("cmask8<P:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("cmask16<P:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("cmask32<P:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("pdistn<P:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("<vis3_addsub_ss_patname><VASS:mode>3"): Likewise.
++2017-07-07  Jose E. Marchesi  <jose.marchesi at oracle.com>
++	* config/sparc/sparc.md ("subtype"): New insn attribute.
++	("*wrgsr_sp64"): Set insn subtype.
++	("*rdgsr_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("alignaddrsi_vis"): Likewise.
++	("alignaddrdi_vis"): Likewise.
++	("alignaddrlsi_vis"): Likewise.
++	("alignaddrldi_vis"): Likewise.
++	("<plusminus_insn><VADDSUB:mode>3"): Likewise.
++	("fexpand_vis"): Likewise.
++	("fpmerge_vis"): Likewise.
++	("faligndata<VM64:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("bshuffle<VM64:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("cmask8<P:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("cmask16<P:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("cmask32<P:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("fchksm16_vis"): Likewise.
++	("v<vis3_shift_patname><GCM:mode>3"): Likewise.
++	("fmean16_vis"): Likewise.
++	("fp<plusminus_insn>64_vis"): Likewise.
++	("<plusminus_insn>v8qi3"): Likewise.
++	("<vis3_addsub_ss_patname><VASS:mode>3"): Likewise.
++	("<vis4_minmax_patname><VMMAX:mode>3"): Likewise.
++	("<vis4_uminmax_patname><VMMAX:mode>3"): Likewise.
++	("<vis3_addsub_ss_patname>v8qi3"): Likewise.
++	("<vis4_addsub_us_patname><VAUS:mode>3"): Likewise.
++	("*movqi_insn"): Likewise.
++	("*movhi_insn"): Likewise.
++	("*movsi_insn"): Likewise.
++	("movsi_pic_gotdata_op"): Likewise.
++	("*movdi_insn_sp32"): Likewise.
++	("*movdi_insn_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("movdi_pic_gotdata_op"): Likewise.
++	("*movsf_insn"): Likewise.
++	("*movdf_insn_sp32"): Likewise.
++	("*movdf_insn_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*zero_extendhisi2_insn"): Likewise.
++	("*zero_extendqihi2_insn"): Likewise.
++	("*zero_extendqisi2_insn"): Likewise.
++	("*zero_extendqidi2_insn"): Likewise.
++	("*zero_extendhidi2_insn"): Likewise.
++	("*zero_extendsidi2_insn_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("ldfsr"): Likewise.
++	("prefetch_64"): Likewise.
++	("prefetch_32"): Likewise.
++	("tie_ld32"): Likewise.
++	("tie_ld64"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_ldub_sp32"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_ldub1_sp32"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_ldub2_sp32"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_ldub_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_ldub1_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_ldub2_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_ldub3_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_lduh_sp32"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_lduh1_sp32"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_lduh_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_lduh1_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_lduh2_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_lduw_sp32"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_lduw_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_lduw1_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*tldo_ldx_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*mov<VM32:mode>_insn"): Likewise.
++	("*mov<VM64:mode>_insn_sp64"): Likewise.
++	("*mov<VM64:mode>_insn_sp32"): Likewise.
++2017-07-07  Jose E. Marchesi  <jose.marchesi at oracle.com>
++	* config/sparc/sparc.md ("type"): New insn type viscmp.
++	("fcmp<gcond:code><GCM:gcm_name><P:mode>_vis"): Set insn type to
++	viscmp.
++	("fpcmp<gcond:code>8<P:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("fucmp<gcond:code>8<P:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	("fpcmpu<gcond:code><GCM:gcm_name><P:mode>_vis"): Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/niagara7.md ("n7_vis_logical_v3pipe"): Handle
++	viscmp.
++	("n7_vis_logical_11cycle"): Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/niagara4.md ("n4_vis_logical"): Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/niagara2.md ("niag3_vis": Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/niagara.md ("niag_vis"): Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/ultra3.md ("us3_fga"): Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/ultra1_2.md ("us1_fga_double"): Likewise.
++2017-07-07  Jose E. Marchesi  <jose.marchesi at oracle.com>
++	* config/sparc/sparc.md: New instruction type `bmask'.
++	(bmaskdi_vis): Use the `bmask' type.
++	(bmasksi_vis): Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/ultra3.md (us3_array): Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/niagara7.md (n7_array): Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/niagara4.md (n4_array): Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/niagara2.md (niag2_vis): Likewise.
++	(niag3_vis): Likewise.
++	* config/sparc/niagara.md (niag_vis): Likewise.
++2017-07-05  Georg-Johann Lay  <avr at gjlay.de>
++	Backport from 2017-07-05 trunk r249995.
++	PR target/81305
++	* config/avr/avr.c (avr_out_movhi_mr_r_xmega) [CONSTANT_ADDRESS_P]:
++	Don't depend on "optimize > 0".
++	(out_movhi_r_mr, out_movqi_mr_r): Same.
++	(out_movhi_mr_r, out_movqi_r_mr): Same.
++	(avr_address_cost) [CONSTANT_ADDRESS_P]: Don't depend cost for
++	io_address_operand on "optimize > 0".
++2017-07-04  Uros Bizjak  <ubizjak at gmail.com>
++	PR target/81300
++	* config/i386/i386.md (setcc + movzbl/and to xor + setcc peepholes):
++	Require dead FLAGS_REG at the beginning of a peephole.
++2017-07-04  Uros Bizjak  <ubizjak at gmail.com>
++	PR target/81294
++	* config/i386/adxintrin.h (_subborrow_u32): Swap _X and _Y
++	arguments in the call to __builtin_ia32_sbb_u32.
++	(_subborrow_u64): Swap _X and _Y arguments in the call to
++	__builtin_ia32_sbb_u64.
++2017-07-03  Segher Boessenkool  <segher at kernel.crashing.org>
++	Backport from trunk:
++	2017-06-15  Segher Boessenkool  <segher at kernel.crashing.org>
++	* config/rs6000/rs6000.md (add<mode>3): Use reg_or_subregno instead
++	of REGNO.
++2017-07-03  Tom de Vries  <tom at codesourcery.com>
++	backport from mainline:
++	PR tree-optimization/81192
++	2017-07-03  Tom de Vries  <tom at codesourcery.com>
++	* tree-ssa-tail-merge.c (same_succ_flush_bb): Handle
++	BB_SAME_SUCC (bb) == NULL.
++2017-06-29  Michael Meissner  <meissner at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-23  Michael Meissner  <meissner at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	PR target/80510
++	* config/rs6000/rs6000.md (ALTIVEC_DFORM): Do not allow DImode in
++	32-bit, since indexed is not valid for DImode.
++	(mov<mode>_hardfloat32): Reorder ISA 2.07 load/stores before ISA
++	3.0 d-form load/stores to be the same as mov<mode>_hardfloat64.
++	(define_peephole2 for Altivec d-form load): Add 32-bit support.
++	(define_peephole2 for Altivec d-form store): Likewise.
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-20  Michael Meissner  <meissner at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	PR target/79799
++	* config/rs6000/rs6000.c (rs6000_expand_vector_init): Add support
++	for doing vector set of SFmode on ISA 3.0.
++	* config/rs6000/vsx.md (vsx_set_v4sf_p9): Likewise.
++	(vsx_set_v4sf_p9_zero): Special case setting 0.0f to a V4SF
++	element.
++	(vsx_insert_extract_v4sf_p9): Add an optimization for inserting a
++	SFmode value into a V4SF variable that was extracted from another
++	V4SF variable without converting the element to double precision
++	and back to single precision vector format.
++	(vsx_insert_extract_v4sf_p9_2): Likewise.
++2017-06-29  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-19  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	PR ipa/81112
++	* ipa-prop.c (find_constructor_constant_at_offset): Handle
++	RANGE_EXPR conservatively.
 +2017-06-28  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
 +	Backport from mainline
@@ -3615,7 +7601,7 @@ Index: gcc/ChangeLog
 +	Backport from mainline
 +	2017-05-04  Prakhar Bahuguna  <prakhar.bahuguna at arm.com>
-+	* gcc/config/arm/arm-builtins.c (arm_init_builtins): Rename
++	* config/arm/arm-builtins.c (arm_init_builtins): Rename
 +	__builtin_arm_ldfscr to __builtin_arm_get_fpscr, and rename
 +	__builtin_arm_stfscr to __builtin_arm_set_fpscr.
@@ -4239,7 +8225,7 @@ Index: gcc/ChangeLog
  2017-05-02  Release Manager
  	* GCC 7.1.0 released.
-@@ -110,9 +819,9 @@
+@@ -110,9 +1591,9 @@
  	Backport from mainline
  	2017-04-25  Andreas Krebbel  <krebbel at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
@@ -4252,7 +8238,7 @@ Index: gcc/ChangeLog
  2017-04-25  Andreas Krebbel  <krebbel at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
-@@ -119,11 +828,11 @@
+@@ -119,11 +1600,11 @@
  	Backport from mainline
  	2017-04-25  Andreas Krebbel  <krebbel at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
@@ -4269,7 +8255,7 @@ Index: gcc/ChangeLog
  2017-04-25  Dominik Vogt  <vogt at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
-@@ -130,30 +839,30 @@
+@@ -130,30 +1611,30 @@
  	Backport from maineline
  	2017-04-25  Dominik Vogt  <vogt at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
@@ -4324,7 +8310,7 @@ Index: gcc/ChangeLog
  2017-04-25  Dominik Vogt  <vogt at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
-@@ -160,8 +869,8 @@
+@@ -160,8 +1641,8 @@
  	Backport from mainline
  	2017-04-25  Dominik Vogt  <vogt at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
@@ -4335,7 +8321,7 @@ Index: gcc/ChangeLog
  2017-04-25  Dominik Vogt  <vogt at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
-@@ -169,8 +878,8 @@
+@@ -169,8 +1650,8 @@
  	Backport from mainline
  	2017-04-25  Dominik Vogt  <vogt at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
@@ -4346,7 +8332,7 @@ Index: gcc/ChangeLog
  2017-04-25  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
-@@ -229,7 +938,7 @@
+@@ -229,7 +1710,7 @@
  	(build_array_type): Likewise.  Add typeless_storage argument.
  2017-04-19  Eric Botcazou  <ebotcazou at adacore.com>
@@ -4355,7 +8341,7 @@ Index: gcc/ChangeLog
  	PR tree-optimization/80426
  	* tree-vrp.c (extract_range_from_binary_expr_1): For an additive
-@@ -271,7 +980,7 @@
+@@ -271,7 +1752,7 @@
  	are only used in debug insns.
  2017-04-19  Eric Botcazou  <ebotcazou at adacore.com>
@@ -4364,6 +8350,90 @@ Index: gcc/ChangeLog
  	* config/sparc/predicates.md (input_operand): Add comment.  Return
  	true for any memory operand when LRA is in progress.
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-1.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-1.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-1.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
++/* { dg-do compile { target { powerpc64*-*-* && lp64 } } } */
++/* { dg-skip-if "do not override -mcpu" { powerpc*-*-* } { "-mcpu=*" } { "-mcpu=power9" } } */
++/* { dg-require-effective-target powerpc_p9vector_ok } */
++/* { dg-options "-mcpu=power9 -O2" } */
++#include <altivec.h>
++/* GCC 7.1 did not have a specialized method for inserting 32-bit floating
++   point on ISA 3.0 (power9) systems.  */
++vector float
++insert_arg_0 (vector float vf, float f)
++  return vec_insert (f, vf, 0);
++vector float
++insert_arg_1 (vector float vf, float f)
++  return vec_insert (f, vf, 1);
++vector float
++insert_arg_2 (vector float vf, float f)
++  return vec_insert (f, vf, 2);
++vector float
++insert_arg_3 (vector float vf, float f)
++  return vec_insert (f, vf, 3);
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler     {\mxscvdpspn\M} } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler     {\mxxinsertw\M} } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mlvewx\M}     } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mlvx\M}       } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mvperm\M}     } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mvpermr\M}    } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mstfs\M}      } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mstxssp\M}    } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mstxsspx\M}   } } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-2.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-2.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-2.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
++/* { dg-do compile { target { powerpc64*-*-* && lp64 } } } */
++/* { dg-skip-if "do not override -mcpu" { powerpc*-*-* } { "-mcpu=*" } { "-mcpu=power9" } } */
++/* { dg-require-effective-target powerpc_p9vector_ok } */
++/* { dg-options "-mcpu=power9 -O2" } */
++#include <altivec.h>
++/* Optimize x = vec_insert (vec_extract (v2, N), v1, M) for SFmode if N is the default
++   scalar position.  */
++#define ELE 2
++#define ELE 1
++vector float
++foo (vector float v1, vector float v2)
++  return vec_insert (vec_extract (v2, ELE), v1, 0);
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler     {\mxxinsertw\M}   } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mxxextractuw\M} } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mlvewx\M}       } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mlvx\M}         } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mvperm\M}       } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mvpermr\M}      } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mstfs\M}        } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mstxssp\M}      } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mstxsspx\M}     } } */
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/p8-vec-xl-xst.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/p8-vec-xl-xst.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -4431,6 +8501,35 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/p8-vec-xl-xst.c
 +/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times "lxvd2x"   4 } } */
 +/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times "stxvd2x"  4 } } */
 +/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times "xxpermdi" 8 } } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-3.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-3.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-3.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
++/* { dg-do compile { target { powerpc64*-*-* && lp64 } } } */
++/* { dg-skip-if "do not override -mcpu" { powerpc*-*-* } { "-mcpu=*" } { "-mcpu=power9" } } */
++/* { dg-require-effective-target powerpc_p9vector_ok } */
++/* { dg-options "-mcpu=power9 -O2" } */
++#include <altivec.h>
++/* Optimize x = vec_insert (vec_extract (v2, N), v1, M) for SFmode.  */
++vector float
++foo (vector float v1, vector float v2)
++  return vec_insert (vec_extract (v2, 4), v1, 0);
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler     {\mxxinsertw\M}   } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler     {\mxxextractuw\M} } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mlvewx\M}       } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mlvx\M}         } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mvperm\M}       } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mvpermr\M}      } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mstfs\M}        } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mstxssp\M}      } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mstxsspx\M}     } } */
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr68163.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr68163.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -4645,6 +8744,116 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr68163.c
 +/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mmfvsrd\M} } } */
 +/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mstw\M}    } } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-4.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-4.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-4.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
++/* { dg-do run { target { powerpc*-*-linux* } } } */
++/* { dg-require-effective-target vsx_hw } */
++/* { dg-skip-if "do not override -mcpu" { powerpc*-*-* } { "-mcpu=*" } { "-mcpu=power9" } } */
++/* { dg-require-effective-target p9vector_hw } */
++/* { dg-options "-mcpu=power9 -O2" } */
++#include <altivec.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++__attribute__ ((__noinline__))
++vector float
++insert_0 (vector float v, float f)
++  return vec_insert (f, v, 0);
++__attribute__ ((__noinline__))
++vector float
++insert_1 (vector float v, float f)
++  return vec_insert (f, v, 1);
++__attribute__ ((__noinline__))
++vector float
++insert_2 (vector float v, float f)
++  return vec_insert (f, v, 2);
++__attribute__ ((__noinline__))
++vector float
++insert_3 (vector float v, float f)
++  return vec_insert (f, v, 3);
++__attribute__ ((__noinline__))
++test_insert (void)
++  vector float v1 = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f };
++  vector float v2 = { 5.0f, 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f };
++  v1 = insert_0 (v1, 5.0f);
++  v1 = insert_1 (v1, 6.0f);
++  v1 = insert_2 (v1, 7.0f);
++  v1 = insert_3 (v1, 8.0f);
++  if (vec_any_ne (v1, v2))
++    abort ();
++__attribute__ ((__noinline__))
++vector float
++insert_extract_0_3 (vector float v1, vector float v2)
++  return vec_insert (vec_extract (v2, 3), v1, 0);
++__attribute__ ((__noinline__))
++vector float
++insert_extract_1_2 (vector float v1, vector float v2)
++  return vec_insert (vec_extract (v2, 2), v1, 1);
++__attribute__ ((__noinline__))
++vector float
++insert_extract_2_1 (vector float v1, vector float v2)
++  return vec_insert (vec_extract (v2, 1), v1, 2);
++__attribute__ ((__noinline__))
++vector float
++insert_extract_3_0 (vector float v1, vector float v2)
++  return vec_insert (vec_extract (v2, 0), v1, 3);
++__attribute__ ((__noinline__))
++test_insert_extract (void)
++  vector float v1 = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f };
++  vector float v2 = { 5.0f, 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f };
++  vector float v3 = { 8.0f, 7.0f, 6.0f, 5.0f };
++  v1 = insert_extract_0_3 (v1, v2);
++  v1 = insert_extract_1_2 (v1, v2);
++  v1 = insert_extract_2_1 (v1, v2);
++  v1 = insert_extract_3_0 (v1, v2);
++  if (vec_any_ne (v1, v3))
++    abort ();
++main (void)
++  test_insert ();
++  test_insert_extract ();
++  return 0;
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/versioned-copy-loop.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/versioned-copy-loop.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -4680,6 +8889,36 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/versioned-copy-loop.c
 +/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "vectorized 0 loops" 1 "vect" } } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-5.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-5.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-5.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
++/* { dg-do compile { target { powerpc64*-*-* && lp64 } } } */
++/* { dg-skip-if "do not override -mcpu" { powerpc*-*-* } { "-mcpu=*" } { "-mcpu=power9" } } */
++/* { dg-require-effective-target powerpc_p9vector_ok } */
++/* { dg-options "-mcpu=power9 -O2" } */
++#include <altivec.h>
++/* Insure setting 0.0f to a V4SFmode element does not do a FP conversion.  */
++vector float
++insert_arg_0 (vector float vf)
++  return vec_insert (0.0f, vf, 0);
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler     {\mxxinsertw\M}   } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mlvewx\M}       } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mlvx\M}         } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mvperm\M}       } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mvpermr\M}      } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mstfs\M}        } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mstxssp\M}      } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mstxsspx\M}     } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mxscvdpspn\M}   } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not {\mxxextractuw\M} } } */
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/ppc-round2.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/ppc-round2.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -4767,22 +9006,62 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/ppc-round3.c
 +  return (float)(unsigned int)a;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/cpu-builtin-1.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/cpu-builtin-1.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/cpu-builtin-1.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
+ void
+ use_cpu_is_builtins (unsigned int *p)
+ {
++  /* If GCC was configured to use an old GLIBC (before 2.23), the
++     __builtin_cpu_is and __builtin_cpu_supports built-in functions return 0,
++     and the compiler issues a warning that you need a newer glibc to use them.
++     Use #ifdef to avoid the warning.  */
+   p[0] = __builtin_cpu_is ("power9");
+   p[1] = __builtin_cpu_is ("power8");
+   p[2] = __builtin_cpu_is ("power7");
+@@ -19,11 +24,15 @@
+   p[12] = __builtin_cpu_is ("ppc440");
+   p[13] = __builtin_cpu_is ("ppc405");
+   p[14] = __builtin_cpu_is ("ppc-cell-be");
++  p[0] = 0;
+ }
+ void
+ use_cpu_supports_builtins (unsigned int *p)
+ {
+   p[0] = __builtin_cpu_supports ("4xxmac");
+   p[1] = __builtin_cpu_supports ("altivec");
+   p[2] = __builtin_cpu_supports ("arch_2_05");
+@@ -62,4 +71,9 @@
+   p[35] = __builtin_cpu_supports ("ucache");
+   p[36] = __builtin_cpu_supports ("vcrypto");
+   p[37] = __builtin_cpu_supports ("vsx");
++  p[38] = __builtin_cpu_supports ("darn");
++  p[39] = __builtin_cpu_supports ("scv");
++  p[0] = 0;
+ }
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr80510-1.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr80510-1.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr80510-1.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
-+/* { dg-do compile { target { powerpc*-*-* && lp64 } } } */
-+/* { dg-skip-if "" { powerpc*-*-darwin* } { "*" } { "" } } */
+@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
++/* { dg-do compile { target { powerpc*-*-* } } } */
++/* { dg-skip-if "" { powerpc*-*-darwin* } } */
 +/* { dg-require-effective-target powerpc_vsx_ok } */
 +/* { dg-skip-if "do not override -mcpu" { powerpc*-*-* } { "-mcpu=*" } { "-mcpu=power7" } } */
 +/* { dg-options "-mcpu=power7 -O2" } */
 +/* Make sure that STXSDX is generated for double scalars in Altivec registers
 +   on power7 instead of moving the value to a FPR register and doing a X-FORM
-+   store.
-+   32-bit currently does not have support for STXSDX in the mov{df,dd} patterns.  */
++   store.  */
 +#ifndef TYPE
 +#define TYPE double
@@ -4989,18 +9268,16 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr80510-2.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr80510-2.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr80510-2.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
-+/* { dg-do compile { target { powerpc*-*-* && lp64 } } } */
-+/* { dg-skip-if "" { powerpc*-*-darwin* } { "*" } { "" } } */
+@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
++/* { dg-do compile { target { powerpc*-*-* } } } */
++/* { dg-skip-if "" { powerpc*-*-darwin* } } */
 +/* { dg-require-effective-target powerpc_p8vector_ok } */
 +/* { dg-skip-if "do not override -mcpu" { powerpc*-*-* } { "-mcpu=*" } { "-mcpu=power8" } } */
 +/* { dg-options "-mcpu=power8 -O2" } */
 +/* Make sure that STXSSPX is generated for float scalars in Altivec registers
 +   on power7 instead of moving the value to a FPR register and doing a X-FORM
-+   store.
-+   32-bit currently does not have support for STXSSPX in the mov{sf,sd} patterns.  */
++   store.  */
 +#ifndef TYPE
 +#define TYPE float
@@ -5219,6 +9496,35 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/stack-limit.c
 +  arr[i] = 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr81348.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr81348.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr81348.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
++/* { dg-do compile { target { powerpc64*-*-* && lp64 } } } */
++/* { dg-skip-if "do not override -mcpu" { powerpc*-*-* } { "-mcpu=*" } { "-mcpu=power9" } } */
++/* { dg-require-effective-target powerpc_p9vector_ok } */
++/* { dg-options "-mcpu=power9 -Og" } */
++/* PR target/81348: Compiler died in doing short->float conversion due to using
++   the wrong register in a define_split.  */
++int a;
++short b;
++float ***c;
++void d(void)
++        int e = 3;
++        if (a)
++                e = b;
++        ***c = e;
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler {\mlxsihzx\M}  } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler {\mvextsh2d\M} } } */
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr80718.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/powerpc/pr80718.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -5704,6 +10010,634 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/arm/tls-disable-literal-pool.c
 +  return x; /* { dg-message "sorry, unimplemented: accessing thread-local storage is not currently supported with -mpure-code or -mslow-flash-data" } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/avr/isr-test.h
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/avr/isr-test.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/avr/isr-test.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
++#ifndef ISR_TEST_H
++#define ISR_TEST_H
++#include <string.h>
++#define ISR(N,...)                                                      \
++__attribute__ ((used, externally_visible , ## __VA_ARGS__))             \
++    void __vector_##N (void);                                           \
++    void __vector_##N (void)
++#define SFR(ADDR) (*(unsigned char volatile*) (__AVR_SFR_OFFSET__ + (ADDR)))
++#define CORE_SFRS SFR (0x38)
++#define SREG      SFR (0x3F)
++#define SPL       SFR (0x3D)
++#define EIND      SFR (0x3C)
++#define RAMPZ     SFR (0x3B)
++#define RAMPY     SFR (0x3A)
++#define RAMPX     SFR (0x39)
++#define RAMPD     SFR (0x38)
++#ifdef __AVR_HAVE_JMP_CALL__
++#define VEC_SIZE 4
++#define VEC_SIZE 2
++#ifdef __AVR_TINY__
++#define FIRST_REG 16
++#define FIRST_REG 0
++#define CR "\n\t"
++typedef struct
++  unsigned char sfrs[8];
++  unsigned char gprs[32 - FIRST_REG];
++} regs_t;
++regs_t reginfo1, reginfo2;
++static void clear_reginfo (void)
++  memset (reginfo1.sfrs, 0, sizeof (reginfo1.sfrs));
++  memset (reginfo2.sfrs, 0, sizeof (reginfo2.sfrs));
++static void compare_reginfo (unsigned long gpr_ignore)
++  signed char regno;
++  const unsigned char *preg1 = &reginfo1.gprs[0];
++  const unsigned char *preg2 = &reginfo2.gprs[0];
++  if (memcmp (&reginfo1, &reginfo2, 8))
++    __builtin_abort();
++  gpr_ignore >>= FIRST_REG;
++    for (regno = FIRST_REG; regno < 32;
++       regno++, preg1++, preg2++, gpr_ignore >>= 1)
++    {
++      if (gpr_ignore & 1)
++        continue;
++      if (*preg1 != *preg2)
++        {
++          static signed char volatile failed_regno;
++          failed_regno = regno;
++          __builtin_abort();
++        }
++    }
++/* STore GPR */
++#define ST(regno,M)                                     \
++  CR "sts %[" #M "]+8-%[first]+" #regno ", r" #regno
++/* STore SFR */
++#define ST_SFR(sfr, n_sfr, M)                   \
++  CR "in __tmp_reg__,%i[s_" #sfr "]"            \
++  CR "sts %[" #M "]+" #n_sfr ", __tmp_reg__"
++/* Named asm OPerand for SFR */
++#define OP_SFR(sfr)                             \
++  , [s_ ## sfr] "n" (&(sfr))
++/* Write funny value to SFR */
++#define XX_SFR(sfr)                             \
++  CR "dec r31 $ out %i[s_" #sfr "], r31"
++/* Write 0 to SFR */
++#define OO_SFR(sfr)                             \
++  CR "out %i[s_" #sfr "], __zero_reg__"
++/* Macros for SREG */
++#define ST_SREG(M) ST_SFR (SREG,0,M)
++#define OP_SREG    OP_SFR (SREG)
++#define XX_SREG    XX_SFR (SREG)
++/* Macros for EIND */
++#if defined __AVR_HAVE_EIJMP_EICALL__
++#define ST_EIND(M) ST_SFR (EIND,1,M)
++#define OP_EIND    OP_SFR (EIND)
++#define ST_EIND(M) /* empty */
++#define OP_EIND    /* empty */
++/* Macros for RAMPX */
++#if defined (__AVR_HAVE_RAMPX__)
++#define ST_RAMPX(M) ST_SFR (RAMPX,2,M)
++#define OP_RAMPX    OP_SFR (RAMPX)
++#define XX_RAMPX    XX_SFR (RAMPX)
++#define OO_RAMPX    OO_SFR (RAMPX)
++#define ST_RAMPX(M) /* empty */
++#define OP_RAMPX    /* empty */
++#define XX_RAMPX    /* empty */
++#define OO_RAMPX    /* empty */
++/* Macros for RAMPY */
++#if defined (__AVR_HAVE_RAMPY__)
++#define ST_RAMPY(M) ST_SFR (RAMPY,3,M)
++#define OP_RAMPY    OP_SFR (RAMPY)
++#define XX_RAMPY    XX_SFR (RAMPY)
++#define OO_RAMPY    OO_SFR (RAMPY)
++#define ST_RAMPY(M) /* empty */
++#define OP_RAMPY    /* empty */
++#define XX_RAMPY    /* empty */
++#define OO_RAMPY    /* empty */
++/* Macros for RAMPZ */
++#if defined (__AVR_HAVE_RAMPZ__)
++#define ST_RAMPZ(M) ST_SFR (RAMPZ,4,M)
++#define OP_RAMPZ    OP_SFR (RAMPZ)
++#define XX_RAMPZ    XX_SFR (RAMPZ)
++#define OO_RAMPZ    OO_SFR (RAMPZ)
++#define ST_RAMPZ(M) /* empty */
++#define OP_RAMPZ    /* empty */
++#define XX_RAMPZ    /* empty */
++#define OO_RAMPZ    /* empty */
++/* Macros for RAMPD */
++#if defined (__AVR_HAVE_RAMPD__)
++#define ST_RAMPD(M) ST_SFR (RAMPD,5,M)
++#define OP_RAMPD    OP_SFR (RAMPD)
++#define ST_RAMPD(M) /* empty */
++#define OP_RAMPD    /* empty */
++/* Macros for all GPRs */
++#if defined __AVR_TINY__
++#define ST_REGS_LO(M) /* empty */
++#define ST_REGS_LO(M)                           \
++  ST(0,M)   ST(1,M)   ST(2,M)   ST(3,M)         \
++  ST(4,M)   ST(5,M)   ST(6,M)   ST(7,M)         \
++  ST(8,M)   ST(9,M)   ST(10,M)  ST(11,M)        \
++  ST(12,M)  ST(13,M)  ST(14,M)  ST(15,M)
++#endif /* AVR_TINY */
++#define ST_REGS_HI(M)                           \
++  ST(16,M)    ST(17,M)    ST(18,M)    ST(19,M)  \
++  ST(20,M)    ST(21,M)    ST(22,M)    ST(23,M)  \
++  ST(24,M)    ST(25,M)    ST(26,M)    ST(27,M)  \
++  ST(28,M)    ST(29,M)    ST(30,M)    ST(31,M)
++static void host_store1 (void)
++  __asm __volatile__
++  ("nop"
++   CR ".global do_stores_before"
++   CR ".type   do_stores_before, at function"
++   CR "do_stores_before:"
++   /* Funny values to some SFRs */
++   CR "ldi r31, 1 + 'Z'"
++   CR "dec __zero_reg__"
++   CR "clr r31"
++   XX_SREG
++   /* Must set I-flag due to RETI of ISR */
++   CR "sei"
++   /* Store core regs before ISR */
++   ST_RAMPX (mem1)
++   ST_RAMPY (mem1)
++   ST_RAMPZ (mem1)
++   ST_RAMPD (mem1)
++   ST_EIND  (mem1)
++   ST_SREG  (mem1)
++   CR "ldi r31, 0xaa"
++   CR "mov __tmp_reg__, r31"
++   CR "ldi r31, 31"
++   ST_REGS_LO (mem1)
++   ST_REGS_HI (mem1)
++   CR "ret"
++   : /* No outputs */
++   : [mem1] "i" (&reginfo1), [first] "n" (FIRST_REG)
++   OP_EIND
++   OP_SREG
++   : "memory", "r31");
++static void host_store2 (void)
++  __asm __volatile__
++  ("nop"
++   CR ".global do_stores_after"
++   CR ".type   do_stores_after, at function"
++   CR "do_stores_after:"
++   /* Store core regs after ISR */
++   ST_REGS_LO (mem2)
++   ST_REGS_HI (mem2)
++   ST_RAMPX (mem2)
++   ST_RAMPY (mem2)
++   ST_RAMPZ (mem2)
++   ST_RAMPD (mem2)
++   ST_EIND  (mem2)
++   ST_SREG  (mem2)
++   /* Undo funny values */
++   CR "clr __zero_reg__"
++   CR "ret"
++   : /* No outputs */
++   : [mem2] "i" (&reginfo2), [first] "n" (FIRST_REG)
++   OP_EIND
++   OP_SREG
++   : "memory");
++#define MK_CALL_ISR(vecno)                      \
++  __asm __volatile__                            \
++  (/* Funny values to some SFRs */              \
++   /* Must set I-flag due to RETI of ISR */     \
++   /* Store core regs before ISR */             \
++   CR "%~call do_stores_before"                 \
++   /* Execute ISR */                            \
++   CR "%~call __vectors + %[vect]"              \
++   /* Store core regs after ISR */              \
++   /* Undo funny values */                      \
++   CR "%~call do_stores_after"                  \
++   : /* No outputs */                           \
++   : [vect] "i" (VEC_SIZE * (vecno))            \
++   , "i" (host_store1)                          \
++   , "i" (host_store2)                          \
++   : "memory", "r31")
++#define MK_RUN_ISR(N, IGMSK)                    \
++                                                \
++__attribute__((noinline,noclone))               \
++void run_isr_ ## N (void)                       \
++{                                               \
++  clear_reginfo();                              \
++  MK_CALL_ISR (N);                              \
++  compare_reginfo (IGMSK);                      \
++#endif /* ISR_TEST_H */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/avr/torture/isr-01-simple.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/avr/torture/isr-01-simple.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/avr/torture/isr-01-simple.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
++/* { dg-do run } */
++/* { dg-options "-std=c99" } */
++#include "../isr-test.h"
++int volatile v;
++ISR (1, signal)
++MK_RUN_ISR (1, 0)
++void test1 (void)
++  run_isr_1();
++ISR (2, signal)
++  v++;
++MK_RUN_ISR (2, 0)
++void test2 (void)
++  v = 0;
++  run_isr_2();
++  if (v != 1)
++    __builtin_abort();
++ISR (3, signal)
++  __asm __volatile__ ("$ lds  r27, v"
++                      "$ swap r27"
++                      "$ sts  v, r27"
++                      ::: "memory", "r27");
++MK_RUN_ISR (3, 0)
++void test3 (void)
++  run_isr_3();
++  if (v != 0x10)
++    __builtin_abort();
++ISR (4, signal)
++  __asm __volatile__ ("sts v,__zero_reg__" ::: "memory");
++MK_RUN_ISR (4, 0)
++void test4 (void)
++  run_isr_4();
++  if (v != 0)
++    __builtin_abort();
++ISR (5, signal)
++  __asm __volatile__ ("clt");
++MK_RUN_ISR (5, 0)
++void test5 (void)
++  run_isr_5();
++int main (void)
++  test1();
++  test2();
++  test3();
++  test4();
++  test5();
++  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/avr/torture/isr-02-call.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/avr/torture/isr-02-call.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/avr/torture/isr-02-call.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
++/* { dg-do run } */
++/* { dg-options "-std=c99" } */
++#include "../isr-test.h"
++int volatile v;
++void inc_v (void)
++  v++;
++ISR (1, signal)
++  inc_v();
++MK_RUN_ISR (1, 0)
++void test1 (void)
++  run_isr_1();
++  if (v != 1)
++    __builtin_abort();
++ISR (2, signal)
++  if (v == 1)
++    inc_v();
++  else
++    v += 2;
++MK_RUN_ISR (2, 0)
++void test2 (void)
++  run_isr_2();
++  if (v != 2)
++    __builtin_abort();
++  run_isr_2();
++  if (v != 4)
++    __builtin_abort();
++int main (void)
++  test1();
++  test2();
++  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/avr/torture/isr-03-fixed.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/avr/torture/isr-03-fixed.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/avr/torture/isr-03-fixed.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
++/* { dg-do run } */
++/* { dg-options "-std=gnu99 -fno-lto -fno-toplevel-reorder" } */
++// No LTO for now due to PR lto/68384.
++#ifdef __AVR_TINY__
++unsigned char reg2;
++register unsigned char reg2 __asm("r2");
++#include "../isr-test.h"
++#define SET_REG(reg,val)                        \
++  do {                                          \
++    reg = (val);                                \
++    __asm __volatile__("" : "+r" (reg));        \
++  } while (0)                                   \
++#define GET_REG(reg)                            \
++  ({                                            \
++    __asm __volatile__("" : "+r" (reg));        \
++    reg;                                        \
++  })
++ISR (1, signal)
++  reg2++;
++MK_RUN_ISR (1, 1ul << 2)
++void test1 (void)
++  SET_REG (reg2, 0);
++  run_isr_1();
++  if (GET_REG (reg2) != 1)
++    __builtin_abort();
++void inc_r2 (void)
++  reg2++;
++ISR (2, signal)
++  inc_r2 ();
++MK_RUN_ISR (2, 1ul << 2)
++void test2 (void)
++  run_isr_2();
++  if (GET_REG (reg2) != 2)
++    __builtin_abort();
++ISR (3, signal)
++#ifndef __AVR_TINY__
++  register char r4 __asm ("r4");
++  __asm __volatile ("inc %0" : "+r" (r4));
++  __asm __volatile ("inc r5" ::: "r5");
++MK_RUN_ISR (3, 0)
++void test3 (void)
++  run_isr_3();
++#define CLOBB(reg)                                 \
++  do {                                             \
++    __asm __volatile__ ("inc " #reg ::: #reg);     \
++  } while (0)
++ISR (4, signal)
++  char volatile v;
++  v = 1;
++#ifndef __AVR_TINY__
++  CLOBB (r3);
++  CLOBB (r4);
++  CLOBB (r5);
++  CLOBB (r6);
++  CLOBB (r7);
++  CLOBB (r8);
++  CLOBB (r9);
++  CLOBB (r10);
++  CLOBB (r11);
++  CLOBB (r12);
++  CLOBB (r13);
++  CLOBB (r14);
++  CLOBB (r15);
++  CLOBB (r16);
++  CLOBB (r17);
++  CLOBB (r18);
++  CLOBB (r19);
++  CLOBB (r20);
++  CLOBB (r21);
++  CLOBB (r22);
++  CLOBB (r23);
++  CLOBB (r24);
++  CLOBB (r25);
++  CLOBB (r26);
++  CLOBB (r27);
++  CLOBB (r30);
++  CLOBB (r31);
++MK_RUN_ISR (4, 0)
++void test4 (void)
++  run_isr_4();
++int main (void)
++  test1();
++  test2();
++  test3();
++  test4();
++  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/s390/pr81534.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/s390/pr81534.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/s390/pr81534.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
++/* PR81534 This testcase used to fail because the HI/QI
++   "atomic_fetch_<atomic><mode>" expander accepted symbolic references
++   and emitted CAS patterns whose insn definition rejected them.  */
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-O2 -march=zEC12" } */
++struct {
++  short b;
++  long c;
++} a = {};
++d ()
++  __atomic_fetch_add(&a.b, 0, 5);
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/s390/pr80725.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/s390/pr80725.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -5735,6 +10669,230 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/s390/pr80725.c
 +	c = (char) (long) foo;
 +      }
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpshl.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpshl.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpshl.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-mvis4b" } */
++typedef unsigned char vec8 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++typedef short vec16 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++typedef int vec32 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++long test_fpcmple8shl (vec8 a, vec8 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmple8shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpgt8shl (vec8 a, vec8 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpgt8shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpeq8shl (vec8 a, vec8 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpeq8shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpne8shl (vec8 a, vec8 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpne8shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmple16shl (vec16 a, vec16 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmple16shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpgt16shl (vec16 a, vec16 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpgt16shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpeq16shl (vec16 a, vec16 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpeq16shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpne16shl (vec16 a, vec16 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpne16shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmple32shl (vec32 a, vec32 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmple32shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpgt32shl (vec32 a, vec32 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpgt32shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpeq32shl (vec32 a, vec32 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpeq32shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpne32shl (vec32 a, vec32 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpne32shl (a, b, 2);
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmple8shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpgt8shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpeq8shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpne8shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmple16shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpgt16shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpeq16shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpne16shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmple32shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpgt32shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpeq32shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpne32shl\t%" } } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpushl.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpushl.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpushl.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-mvis4b" } */
++typedef unsigned char vec8 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++typedef short vec16 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++typedef int vec32 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++long test_fpcmpule8shl (vec8 a, vec8 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpule8shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpugt8shl (vec8 a, vec8 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpugt8shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpule16shl (vec16 a, vec16 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpule16shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpugt16shl (vec16 a, vec16 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpugt16shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpule32shl (vec32 a, vec32 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpule32shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpugt32shl (vec32 a, vec32 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpugt32shl (a, b, 2);
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpule8shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpugt8shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpule16shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpugt16shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpule32shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpugt32shl\t%" } } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpurshl.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpurshl.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpurshl.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-mvis4b" } */
++typedef unsigned char vec8 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++typedef short vec16 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++typedef int vec32 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++long test_fpcmpur8shl (vec8 a, vec8 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpur8shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpur16shl (vec16 a, vec16 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpur16shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpur32shl (vec32 a, vec32 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpur32shl (a, b, 2);
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpur8shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpur16shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpur32shl\t%" } } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpdeshl.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpdeshl.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpdeshl.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-mvis4b" } */
++typedef unsigned char vec8 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++typedef short vec16 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++typedef int vec32 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++long test_fpcmpde8shl (vec8 a, vec8 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpde8shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpde16shl (vec16 a, vec16 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpde16shl (a, b, 2);
++long test_fpcmpde32shl (vec32 a, vec32 b)
++  return __builtin_vis_fpcmpde32shl (a, b, 2);
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpde8shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpde16shl\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "fpcmpde32shl\t%" } } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/dictunpack.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/dictunpack.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/dictunpack.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-mvis4b" } */
++typedef unsigned char vec8 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++typedef short vec16 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++typedef int vec32 __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
++vec8 test_dictunpack8 (double a)
++  return __builtin_vis_dictunpack8 (a, 6);
++vec16 test_dictunpack16 (double a)
++  return __builtin_vis_dictunpack16 (a, 14);
++vec32 test_dictunpack32 (double a)
++  return __builtin_vis_dictunpack32 (a, 30);
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "dictunpack\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "dictunpack\t%" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "dictunpack\t%" } } */
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/sparc-ret-3.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/sparc-ret-3.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -5813,6 +10971,37 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/sparc/niagara7-align.c
 +/* { dg-options "-falign-functions -mcpu=niagara7" } */
 +/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "\.align 64" } } */
 +void foo(void) {}
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr79041-2.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr79041-2.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr79041-2.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-O2 -mcmodel=large -mpc-relative-literal-loads" } */
++/* { dg-require-effective-target lp64 } */
++t (void)
++  return (__int128)1 << 80;
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler "adr" } } */
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not "adrp" } } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr81414.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr81414.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/aarch64/pr81414.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-O2 -mcpu=cortex-a57" } */
++typedef __Float32x2_t float32x2_t;
++foo1 (float32x2_t __a, float32x2_t __b, float32x2_t __c) {
++  return __b * __c + __a;
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81121.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81121.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -5858,6 +11047,22 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr22152.c
    return sum;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/adx-addcarryx64-2.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/adx-addcarryx64-2.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/adx-addcarryx64-2.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
+   sum_ref = 0x0LL;
+   /* X = 0x0000000000000001, Y = 0x0000000000000000, C = 0.  */
+-  c = _subborrow_u64 (c, x, y, &x);
++  c = _subborrow_u64 (c, y, x, &x);
+   /* X = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, Y = 0x0000000000000000, C = 1.  */
+-  c = _subborrow_u64 (c, x, y, &x);
++  c = _subborrow_u64 (c, y, x, &x);
+   /* X = 0x0000000000000000, Y = 0x0000000000000000, C = 1.  */
+   if (x != sum_ref)
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr80706.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr80706.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -5893,6 +11098,94 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr80706.c
 +    __builtin_abort ();
 +  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81471.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81471.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81471.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
++/* PR target/81471 */
++/* { dg-do compile { target { ! ia32 } } } */
++/* { dg-options "-O2 -mbmi2" } */
++static inline unsigned int rotl (unsigned int x, int k)
++  return (x << k) | (x >> (32 - k));
++unsigned long long test (unsigned int z)
++  return rotl (z, 55);
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81225.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81225.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81225.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
++/* PR target/81225 */
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-mavx512ifma -O3 -ffloat-store" } */
++long a[24];
++float b[4], c[24];
++int d;
++foo ()
++  for (d = 0; d < 24; d++)
++    c[d] = (float) d ? : b[a[d]];
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr69255-2.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr69255-2.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr69255-2.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@
+ void
+ foo (const long long *p)
+ {
+-  __builtin_ia32_gather3siv4di (a, p, b, 1, 1);		/* { dg-error "needs isa option -m32 -mavx512vl" } */
++  volatile __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (32))) long long c;
++  c = __builtin_ia32_gather3siv4di (a, p, b, 1, 1);		/* { dg-error "needs isa option -m32 -mavx512vl" } */
+ }
+-/* { dg-warning "AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI" "" { target *-*-* } 15 } */
+-/* { dg-warning "AVX vector argument without AVX enabled changes the ABI" "" { target *-*-* } 15 } */
++/* { dg-warning "AVX vector return without AVX enabled changes the ABI" "" { target *-*-* } 16 } */
++/* { dg-warning "AVX vector argument without AVX enabled changes the ABI" "" { target *-*-* } 16 } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81294-1.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81294-1.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81294-1.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
++/* PR target/81294 */
++/* { dg-do run } */
++/* { dg-options "-O2" } */
++#include <x86intrin.h>
++main ()
++  volatile unsigned char c;
++  unsigned int x;
++  volatile unsigned int y, sum_ref;
++  c = 0;
++  x = 1;
++  y = 0;
++  sum_ref = 0x0;
++  /* X = 0x00000001, Y = 0x00000000, C = 0.  */
++  c = _subborrow_u32 (c, y, x, &x);
++  /* X = 0xFFFFFFFF, Y = 0x00000000, C = 1.  */
++  c = _subborrow_u32 (c, y, x, &x);
++  /* X = 0xFFFFFFFF, Y = 0xFFFFFFFF, C = 1.  */
++  if (x != sum_ref)
++    __builtin_abort ();
++  return 0;
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81015.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81015.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -5919,6 +11212,107 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81015.c
 +  if (res != 31)
 +    abort ();
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr80569.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr80569.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr80569.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
++/* PR target/80569 */
++/* { dg-do assemble } */
++/* { dg-options "-O2 -m16 -march=haswell" } */
++void load_kernel(void *setup_addr)
++    unsigned int seg = (unsigned int)setup_addr >> 4;
++    asm("movl %0, %%es" : : "r"(seg));
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/getround.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/getround.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/getround.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-O -msse" } */
++#include <xmmintrin.h>
++unsigned save;
++void f(unsigned mode){
++  unsigned tmp = _MM_GET_ROUNDING_MODE();
++  save = tmp;
++/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times "stmxcsr" 1 } } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81294-2.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81294-2.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81294-2.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
++/* PR target/81294 */
++/* { dg-do run { target { ! ia32 } } } */
++/* { dg-options "-O2" } */
++#include <x86intrin.h>
++int main ()
++  volatile unsigned char c;
++  unsigned long long x;
++  volatile unsigned long long y, sum_ref;
++  c = 0;
++  x = 1LL;
++  y = 0LL;
++  sum_ref = 0x0LL;
++  /* X = 0x0000000000000001, Y = 0x0000000000000000, C = 0.  */
++  c = _subborrow_u64 (c, y, x, &x);
++  /* X = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, Y = 0x0000000000000000, C = 1.  */
++  c = _subborrow_u64 (c, y, x, &x);
++  /* X = 0x0000000000000000, Y = 0x0000000000000000, C = 1.  */
++  if (x != sum_ref)
++    __builtin_abort ();
++  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81300.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81300.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81300.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++/* PR target/81300 */
++/* { dg-do run { target { ! ia32 } } } */
++/* { dg-options "-O2" } */
++__attribute__((noinline, noclone))
++foo (void)
++  unsigned long long _discard = 0, zero = 0, maxull = 0;
++  unsigned char zero1 = __builtin_ia32_addcarryx_u64 (0, 0, 0, &_discard);
++  unsigned char zero2 = __builtin_ia32_addcarryx_u64 (zero1, 0, 0, &zero);
++  __builtin_ia32_sbb_u64 (0x0, 2, -1, &_discard);
++  unsigned char one = __builtin_ia32_sbb_u64 (0, zero, 1, &maxull);
++  unsigned long long x = __builtin_ia32_sbb_u64 (one, zero2, 0, &_discard);
++  unsigned long long z1 = 0;
++  __asm__ ("mov{q}\t{%1, %0|%0, %1}" : "+r" (z1) : "r" (x));
++  unsigned long long z2 = 3;
++  __asm__ ("mov{q}\t{%1, %0|%0, %1}" : "+r" (z2) : "r" (x));
++  return 1 - (z1 | z2);
++int main ()
++  if (foo ())
++    __builtin_abort ();
++  return 0;
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr59874-1.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr59874-1.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -5930,6 +11324,22 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr59874-1.c
 -  return x ? __builtin_ctz (x) : 16U;
 +  return x ? __builtin_ctzs (x) : 16U;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/adx-addcarryx32-2.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/adx-addcarryx32-2.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/adx-addcarryx32-2.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
+   sum_ref = 0x0;
+   /* X = 0x00000001, Y = 0x00000000, C = 0.  */
+-  c = _subborrow_u32 (c, x, y, &x);
++  c = _subborrow_u32 (c, y, x, &x);
+   /* X = 0xFFFFFFFF, Y = 0x00000000, C = 1.  */
+-  c = _subborrow_u32 (c, x, y, &x);
++  c = _subborrow_u32 (c, y, x, &x);
+   /* X = 0xFFFFFFFF, Y = 0xFFFFFFFF, C = 1.  */
+   if (x != sum_ref)
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr59874-2.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr59874-2.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -5941,6 +11351,19 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr59874-2.c
 -  return x ? __builtin_clz (x) : 16U;
 +  return x ? __builtin_clzs (x) : 16U;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81375.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81375.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/i386/pr81375.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
++/* PR target/81375 */
++/* { dg-do compile { target ia32 } } */
++/* { dg-options "-mno-80387 -mno-sse -mfpmath=sse" } */
++float foo (float a, float b)
++  return a / b;
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/gomp/pr80918.f90
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/gomp/pr80918.f90	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -6106,6 +11529,34 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/namelist_92.f90
 +  WRITE (*, nml) ! { dg-error "has ALLOCATABLE or POINTER components and thus requires a defined input/output" }
 +  READ (*, nml) ! { dg-error "has ALLOCATABLE or POINTER components and thus requires a defined input/output" }
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/pr81175.f
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/pr81175.f	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/pr81175.f	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
++! { dg-do compile }
++! { dg-options "-Ofast -fwrapv" }
++! { dg-additional-options "-march=broadwell" { target x86_64-*-* i?86-*-* } }
++      DIMENSION FP(*),FQ(*),G(*)
++      DIMENSION CKLU(23,12,12)
++      DO 240 I=IAMIN,IAMAX
++         DO 240 J=JAMIN,MMAX
++            DO 230 K=1,NPNP
++               DO 230 L=1,K
++                  DO 230 MU=1,2*L-1
++                     CKLTEM= CKLU(MU,L,K)
++                     IF(IC4C.LE.0) THEN
++                        IF(ABS(CKLTEM).GT.TOL) SUM= SUM+FP(N)*CKLTEM
++                     ELSE
++                        IF(ABS(CKLTEM).GT.TOL) SUM= SUM+FQ(N)*CKLTEM
++                     END IF
++  230       N= N+1
++            G(NN)= G(NN)+DUMJ*SUM
++  240 NN= NN+1
++      END
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/proc_ptr_comp_49.f90
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/proc_ptr_comp_49.f90	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -6467,6 +11918,63 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/matmul_16.f90
 +    call abort
 +  end if
 +end program bogus_matmul
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/execute/pr81555.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/execute/pr81555.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/execute/pr81555.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
++/* PR tree-optimization/81555 */
++unsigned int a = 1, d = 0xfaeU, e = 0xe376U;
++_Bool b = 0, f = 1;
++unsigned char g = 1;
++foo (void)
++  _Bool c = a != b;
++  if (c)
++    f = 0;
++  if (e & c & (unsigned char)d & c)
++    g = 0;
++main ()
++  foo ();
++  if (f || g != 1)
++    __builtin_abort ();
++  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/execute/pr81556.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/execute/pr81556.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/execute/pr81556.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
++/* PR tree-optimization/81556 */
++unsigned long long int b = 0xb82ff73c5c020599ULL;
++unsigned long long int c = 0xd4e8188733a29d8eULL;
++unsigned long long int d = 2, f = 1, g = 0, h = 0;
++unsigned long long int e = 0xf27771784749f32bULL;
++__attribute__((noinline, noclone)) void
++foo (void)
++  _Bool a = d > 1;
++  g = f % ((d > 1) << 9);
++  h = a & (e & (a & b & c));
++main ()
++  foo ();
++  if (g != 1 || h != 0)
++    __builtin_abort ();
++  return 0;
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/execute/pr80692.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/execute/pr80692.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -6503,6 +12011,46 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/compile/pr81207.c
 +      return 1;
 +  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gnat.dg/opt65.adb
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gnat.dg/opt65.adb	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gnat.dg/opt65.adb	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
++-- { dg-do run }
++-- { dg-options "-O2" }
++with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
++procedure Opt65 is
++   procedure Check_Version_And_Help (Version_String : String) is
++      Help_Switch_Present    : Boolean := False;
++      Next_Arg               : Natural := 1;
++   begin
++      while Next_Arg <= Argument_Count loop
++         declare
++            Next_Argv : constant String := Argument (Next_Arg);
++         begin
++            if Next_Argv = "--help" then
++               Help_Switch_Present := True;
++            end if;
++            Next_Arg := Next_Arg + 1;
++         end;
++      end loop;
++      if Help_Switch_Present then
++         raise Program_Error;
++      end if;
++   end;
++   Check_Version_And_Help ("version");
+Property changes on: gcc/testsuite/gnat.dg/opt65.adb
+Added: svn:mergeinfo
+## -0,0 +0,0 ##
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gnat.dg/specs/not_null1.ads
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gnat.dg/specs/not_null1.ads	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -6534,6 +12082,50 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr80468.c
 +  __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (4 * sizeof (unsigned)))) __int128 b;	/* { dg-error "is not supported on this target" } */
 +  0 != b;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/ubsan/pr81162.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/ubsan/pr81162.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/ubsan/pr81162.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
++/* PR tree-optimization/81162 */
++/* { dg-do run } */
++/* { dg-options "-fsanitize=undefined -O2" } */
++short s;
++int i1 = 1;
++int i2 = 1;
++unsigned char uc = 147;
++int main() {
++  s = (-uc + 2147483647) << 0;
++  if (9031239389974324562ULL >= (-((i1 && i2) + uc) ^ -21096) ) {
++    return 0;
++  } else {
++    return -1;
++  }
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/ubsan/pr81505.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/ubsan/pr81505.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/ubsan/pr81505.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-O3 -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow" } */
++int a, b, c, h;
++int i[5][5];
++fn1 ()
++  int l = 0;
++  for (a = 0; a <= 3; a++)
++    for (b = 1; b >= 0; b -= 1)
++      l |= i[0][b];
++  c = l;
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/asan/use-after-scope-switch-4.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/asan/use-after-scope-switch-4.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -6574,6 +12166,45 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/asan/use-after-scope-switch-4.c
 +/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "ASAN_MARK \\(UNPOISON, &resxxx, \[0-9\]\\);" 2 "gimple" } }  */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/asan/pr81224.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/asan/pr81224.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/asan/pr81224.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
++/* PR sanitizer/80659 */
++/* { dg-do compile { target { i?86-*-* x86_64-*-* } } } */
++/* { dg-additional-options "-msse2" } */
++int a;
++b ()
++  register __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (4 * sizeof (int)))) int c asm("xmm0");
++  return c[a];
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/asan/pr81186.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/asan/pr81186.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/asan/pr81186.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
++/* PR sanitizer/81186 */
++/* { dg-do run } */
++main ()
++  __label__ l;
++  void f ()
++  {
++    int a[123];
++    goto l;
++  }
++  f ();
++  return 0;
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/asan/pr80659.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/asan/pr80659.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -6592,6 +12223,20 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/asan/pr80659.c
 +      int h;
 +    }
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/fixed-point/pr81428.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/fixed-point/pr81428.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/fixed-point/pr81428.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
++/* PR tree-optimization/81428 */
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-O2" } */
++foo (long _Fract *a, long _Fract *b)
++  *b = *a / *a;
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/graphite/pr80906.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/graphite/pr80906.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -6625,6 +12270,33 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/graphite/pr80906.c
 +/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "isl AST to Gimple succeeded" "graphite" } } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr81192.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr81192.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr81192.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
++/* { dg-options "-Os -fdump-tree-pre-details" } */
++unsigned a;
++int b, c;
++static int
++fn1 (int p1, int p2)
++  return p1 > 2147483647 - p2 ? p1 : p1 + p2;
++fn2 (void)
++  int j;
++  a = 30;
++  for (; a;)
++    for (; c; b = fn1 (j, 1))
++      ;
++/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "(?n)find_duplicates: <bb .*> duplicate of <bb .*>" 1 "pre" } } */
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr80903.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr80903.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -6664,6 +12336,39 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr80903.c
 +  goto lab;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/torture/pr75964.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/torture/pr75964.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/torture/pr75964.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
++/* { dg-do run } */
++typedef __UINT8_TYPE__ uint8_t;
++uint8_t __attribute__ ((noinline, noclone))
++abs8 (uint8_t x)
++  if (x & 0x80)
++    x = -x;
++  if (x & 0x80)
++    x = 0x7f;
++  return x;
++main (void)
++  if (abs8 (0) != 0
++      || abs8 (1) != 1
++      || abs8 (127) != 127
++      || abs8 (128) != 127
++      || abs8 (129) != 127
++      || abs8 (255) != 1)
++    __builtin_abort ();
++  return 0;
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/torture/pr80549.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/torture/pr80549.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -6815,6 +12520,44 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/torture/pr80842.c
 +   if (d & (b %= *h) < f * d / (d -= 0))
 +     goto l1;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/tree-ssa/pr81388-1.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/tree-ssa/pr81388-1.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/tree-ssa/pr81388-1.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-O2 -fno-strict-overflow -fdump-tree-ivcanon-details" } */
++void bar();
++void foo(char *dst)
++  char *const end = dst;
++  do {
++    bar();
++    dst += 2;
++  } while (dst < end);
++/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump " zero if " "ivcanon" } } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/tree-ssa/pr81388-2.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/tree-ssa/pr81388-2.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/tree-ssa/pr81388-2.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-O2 -fdump-tree-ivcanon-details" } */
++void bar();
++void foo(unsigned dst)
++  unsigned end = dst;
++  do {
++    bar();
++    dst += 2;
++  } while (dst < end);
++/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump " zero if " "ivcanon" } } */
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr80492.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr80492.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -6867,6 +12610,48 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/ipa/pr48195.c
  /* { dg-require-effective-target lto } */
  extern void abort(void);
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/vect/pr81410.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/vect/pr81410.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/vect/pr81410.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
++/* { dg-do run } */
++/* { dg-require-effective-target vect_long_long } */
++#include "tree-vect.h"
++long long x[24];
++long long y[16];
++long long z[8];
++void __attribute__((noinline)) foo()
++  for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
++    {
++      y[2*i] = x[3*i];
++      y[2*i + 1] = x[3*i + 1];
++      z[i] = 1;
++    }
++int main()
++  check_vect ();
++  for (int i = 0; i < 24; ++i)
++    {
++      x[i] = i;
++      __asm__ volatile ("" : : : "memory");
++    }
++  foo ();
++  for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
++    if (y[2*i] != 3*i || y[2*i+1] != 3*i + 1)
++      __builtin_abort ();
++  return 0;
++/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "vectorized 1 loops" "vect" } } */
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/vect/bb-slp-pr80705.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/vect/bb-slp-pr80705.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -6916,6 +12701,26 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/vect/bb-slp-pr80705.c
 +/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "base object not addressable" "slp1" } } */
 +/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-not "MEM\[^\r\n\]*__gcov\[^\r\n\]* = vect_cst" "slp1" } } */
+Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr81455.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr81455.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/pr81455.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
++/* { dg-do compile } */
++/* { dg-options "-O -funswitch-loops" } */
++jh (unsigned int aw, int sn)
++  int xs;
++  for (xs = 0; xs < 1; ++xs)
++    aw &= 1;
++  while (aw < 1 || ++sn < 1)
++    {
++    }
 Index: gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/format/pr80919.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/gcc.dg/format/pr80919.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -6941,7 +12746,265 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -1,3 +1,432 @@
+@@ -1,3 +1,690 @@
++2017-07-31  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	PR sanitizer/81604
++	* c-c++-common/ubsan/pr81604.c: New test.
++2017-07-28  Peter Bergner  <bergner at vnet.ibm.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-28  Peter Bergner  <bergner at vnet.ibm.com>
++	* gcc.target/powerpc/cpu-builtin-1.c (darn, scv): Add tests.
++2017-07-28  Bin Cheng  <bin.cheng at arm.com>
++	Backport from mainline r250496
++	2017-07-25  Kyrylo Tkachov  <kyrylo.tkachov at arm.com>
++	PR target/81414
++	* gcc.target/aarch64/pr81414.C: New.
++2017-07-27  Andreas Krebbel  <krebbel at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-27  Andreas Krebbel  <krebbel at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	PR target/81534
++	* gcc.target/s390/pr81534.c: New test.
++2017-07-27  Paolo Carlini  <paolo.carlini at oracle.com>
++	PR c++/71570
++	* g++.dg/cpp0x/lambda/lambda-ice17.C: New.
++2017-07-27  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	PR tree-optimization/81555
++	PR tree-optimization/81556
++	* gcc.c-torture/execute/pr81555.c: New test.
++	* gcc.c-torture/execute/pr81556.c: New test.
++2017-07-27  Martin Liska  <mliska at suse.cz>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-26  Martin Liska  <mliska at suse.cz>
++	PR sanitize/81186
++	* gcc.dg/asan/pr81186.c: New test.
++2017-07-27  Martin Liska  <mliska at suse.cz>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-30  Martin Liska  <mliska at suse.cz>
++	PR sanitizer/81021
++	* g++.dg/asan/pr81021.C: New test.
++2017-07-27  Martin Liska  <mliska at suse.cz>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-28  Martin Liska  <mliska at suse.cz>
++	PR sanitizer/81224
++	* gcc.dg/asan/pr81224.c: New test.
++2017-07-26  Wilco Dijkstra  <wdijkstr at arm.com>
++	PR target/79041
++	* gcc.target/aarch64/pr79041-2.c: Don't run in ILP32.
++2017-07-26  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-18  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	PR tree-optimization/81410
++	* gcc.dg/vect/pr81410.c: New testcase.
++	2017-07-25  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	PR tree-optimization/81455
++	* gcc.dg/pr81455.c: New testcase.
++	2017-07-25  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	PR middle-end/81505
++	* gcc.dg/ubsan/pr81505.c: New testcase.
++	2017-07-04  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	PR target/81175
++	* gcc.target/i386/pr69255-2.c (foo): Use the return value of the
++	gather.
++	2017-06-26  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	PR target/81175
++	* gfortran.dg/pr81175.f: New testcase.
++	2017-06-21  Marc Glisse  <marc.glisse at inria.fr>
++ 	* gcc.dg/tree-ssa/addadd.c: Un-XFAIL.
++ 	* gcc.dg/tree-ssa/addadd-2.c: New file.
++2016-07-25  Bill Schmidt  <wschmidt at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2016-07-14  Bill Schmidt  <wschmidt at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	PR tree-optimization/81162
++	* gcc.dg/ubsan/pr81162.c: New file.
++2017-07-25  Wilco Dijkstra  <wdijkstr at arm.com>
++	PR target/79041
++	* gcc.target/aarch64/pr79041-2.c: New test.
++2017-07-25  Georg-Johann Lay  <avr at gjlay.de>
++	Backport from trunk r247719.
++	2017-05-06  Richard Sandiford  <richard.sandiford at linaro.org>
++	PR rtl-optimization/75964
++	* gcc.dg/torture/pr75964.c: New test.
++2017-07-25  Bin Cheng  <bin.cheng at arm.com>
++	Backport from 2017-07-20 trunk r250384.
++	PR tree-optimization/81388
++	* gcc.dg/tree-ssa/pr81388-1.c: New test.
++	* gcc.dg/tree-ssa/pr81388-2.c: New test.
++2017-07-23  Uros Bizjak  <ubizjak at gmail.com>
++	PR target/80569
++	* gcc.target/i386/pr80569.c: New test.
++2017-07-19  Michael Meissner  <meissner at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	Back port from trunk
++	2017-07-12  Michael Meissner  <meissner at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	PR target/81193
++	* gcc.target/powerpc/cpu-builtin-1.c: Change test to use #ifdef
++	__BUILTIN_CPU_SUPPORTS to see if the GLIBC is new enough that
++	__builtin_cpu_is and __builtin_cpu_supports are supported.
++2017-07-18  Uros Bizjak  <ubizjak at gmail.com>
++	PR target/81471
++	* gcc.target/i386/pr81471.c: New test.
++2017-07-17  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	PR tree-optimization/81428
++	* gcc.dg/fixed-point/pr81428.c: New test.
++	PR tree-optimization/81365
++	* g++.dg/torture/pr81365.C: New test.
++	Backported from mainline
++	2017-07-04  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	PR c++/81258
++	* g++.dg/cpp1z/decomp21.C (foo): Adjust expected diagnostics.
++	* g++.dg/cpp1z/decomp30.C: New test.
++	2017-06-30  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	PR target/81225
++	* gcc.target/i386/pr81225.c: New test.
++2017-07-16  Eric Botcazou  <ebotcazou at adacore.com>
++	* gnat.dg/opt65.adb: New test.
++2017-07-10  Uros Bizjak  <ubizjak at gmail.com>
++	PR target/81375
++	* gcc.target/i386/pr81375.c: New test.
++2017-07-07  Michael Meissner  <meissner at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-07-07  Michael Meissner  <meissner at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	PR target/81348
++	* gcc.target/powerpc/pr81348.c: New test.
++2017-07-07  Jose E. Marchesi  <jose.marchesi at oracle.com>
++	* gcc.target/sparc/dictunpack.c: New file.
++	* gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpdeshl.c: Likewise.
++	* gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpshl.c: Likewise.
++	* gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpurshl.c: Likewise.
++	* gcc.target/sparc/fpcmpushl.c: Likewise.
++2017-07-05  Georg-Johann Lay  <avr at gjlay.de>
++	Backport from 2017-07-05 trunk r249995, r249996.
++	PR target/81305
++	* gcc.target/avr/isr-test.h: New file.
++	* gcc.target/avr/torture/isr-01-simple.c: New test.
++	* gcc.target/avr/torture/isr-02-call.c: New test.
++	* gcc.target/avr/torture/isr-03-fixed.c: New test.
++2017-07-04  Uros Bizjak  <ubizjak at gmail.com>
++	PR target/81300
++	* gcc.target/i386/pr81300.c: New test.
++2017-07-04  Uros Bizjak  <ubizjak at gmail.com>
++	PR target/81294
++	* gcc.target/i386/adx-addcarryx32-2.c (adx_test): Swap
++	x and y arguments in the call to _subborrow_u32.
++	* gcc.target/i386/adx-addcarryx64-2.c (adx_test): Swap
++	x and y arguments in the call to _subborrow_u64.
++	* gcc.target/i386/pr81294-1.c: New test.
++	* gcc.target/i386/pr81294-2.c: Ditto.
++2017-07-03  Tom de Vries  <tom at codesourcery.com>
++	backport from mainline:
++	PR tree-optimization/81192
++	2017-07-03  Tom de Vries  <tom at codesourcery.com>
++	* gcc.dg/pr81192.c: New test.
++2017-06-29  Michael Meissner  <meissner at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-23  Michael Meissner  <meissner at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	PR target/80510
++	* gcc.target/powerpc/pr80510-1.c: Allow test to run on 32-bit.
++	* gcc.target/powerpc/pr80510-2.c: Likewise.
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-20  Michael Meissner  <meissner at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
++	PR target/79799
++	* gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-1.c: New test.
++	* gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-2.c: Likewise.
++	* gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-3.c: Likewise.
++	* gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-4.c: Likewise.
++	* gcc.target/powerpc/pr79799-5.c: Likewise.
++2017-06-29  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	Backport from mainline
++	2017-06-19  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
++	PR ipa/81112
++	* g++.dg/torture/pr81112.C: New testcase.
 +2017-06-28  Richard Biener  <rguenther at suse.de>
 +	Backport from mainline
@@ -7374,7 +13437,7 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog
  2017-05-02  Release Manager
  	* GCC 7.1.0 released.
-@@ -52,8 +481,8 @@
+@@ -52,8 +739,8 @@
  	Backport from mainline
  	2017-04-25  Andreas Krebbel  <krebbel at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
@@ -7385,7 +13448,7 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog
  2017-04-25  Andreas Krebbel  <krebbel at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
-@@ -60,8 +489,8 @@
+@@ -60,8 +747,8 @@
  	Backport from mainline
  	2017-04-25  Andreas Krebbel  <krebbel at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
@@ -7396,7 +13459,7 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog
  2017-04-25  Dominik Vogt  <vogt at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
-@@ -68,10 +497,10 @@
+@@ -68,10 +755,10 @@
  	Backport from maineline
  	2017-04-25  Dominik Vogt  <vogt at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
@@ -7411,7 +13474,7 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/ChangeLog
  2017-04-25  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
-@@ -132,7 +561,7 @@
+@@ -132,7 +819,7 @@
  	* gcc.dg/torture/pr80341.c: Require int32plus.
  2017-04-19  Eric Botcazou  <ebotcazou at adacore.com>
@@ -7579,6 +13642,14 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/ubsan/pr81125.C
 +  long b = a % c;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/parse/template-keyword1.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/parse/template-keyword1.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/parse/template-keyword1.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++// PR c++/81257
++template < typename ::template A < int > >; // { dg-error "" }
 Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/parse/template28.C
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/parse/template28.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -7594,6 +13665,37 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/parse/template28.C
 +  foo(A<int>());		// { dg-error "" }
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/variadic-mem_fn2.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/variadic-mem_fn2.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/variadic-mem_fn2.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
++// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
++template <class A0, class... As> struct tuple 
++  tuple<As...> tail;
++  template <int Offset, class... More> int apply(const More&... more) {
++    return tail.apply<1>(more...); // { dg-error "" } needs .template
++  }
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/lambda/lambda-ice17.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/lambda/lambda-ice17.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/lambda/lambda-ice17.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++// PR c++/71570
++// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
++void foo (int);
++void foo (void)
++  [&foo] // { dg-error "cannot capture" }
++  {
++    foo (0);
++  };
 Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/constexpr-diag3.C
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/constexpr-diag3.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -7616,6 +13718,38 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/constexpr-diag3.C
  // --------------------
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/variadic-ttp8.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/variadic-ttp8.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/variadic-ttp8.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
++// PR c++/69111
++// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
++template <template <typename> class ...>
++struct template_list {};
++template <typename T>
++struct A
++template <typename>
++struct B
++ template <typename T>
++ using type = A<T>;
++template <typename ... Types>
++struct C
++ using type = template_list<B<Types>::template type...>;
++int main()
++ return 0;
 Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/constexpr-data1.C
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/constexpr-data1.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -7629,6 +13763,18 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/constexpr-data1.C
     bool flag;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/inh-ctor28.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/inh-ctor28.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/inh-ctor28.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
++// PR c++/81164
++// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
++struct A {};
++struct B : virtual A {};
++struct C : virtual A {};
++struct D : B,C { using A::A; };	// { dg-error "indirect" }
 Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/constexpr-base5.C
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/constexpr-base5.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -7662,6 +13808,33 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/constexpr-neg1.C
    bool flag;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/variadic-partial1.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/variadic-partial1.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/variadic-partial1.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
++// PR c++/72801
++// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
++template < typename, typename > struct A {};
++template < typename ... T > struct B
++  template < typename > struct C
++  { 
++    static const int a = 0;
++  };
++  template < typename R, typename ... S >
++  struct C < R (A < T, S > ...) >
++  { 
++    static const int a = 1;
++  };
++#define SA(X) static_assert ((X), #X)
++SA(B <>::C<int()>::a == 1);
 Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/variadic-ttp7.C
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/variadic-ttp7.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -7701,6 +13874,24 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/inh-ctor27.C
 +derived d(0);
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/decltype-call4.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/decltype-call4.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/decltype-call4.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
++// PR c++/81188
++// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
++template <class F>
++struct C {
++  F fast(long i) const;
++  auto operator[](long i) const -> decltype(this->fast(i));
++template <class F>
++auto C<F>::operator[](long i) const -> decltype(this->fast(i)) {
++  return fast(i);
 Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/constexpr-memfn1.C
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/constexpr-memfn1.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -7735,6 +13926,123 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp0x/constexpr-diag1.C
  template <class T>
  constexpr int f (T t) { return 42; } // { dg-error "parameter" }
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/torture/pr81365.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/torture/pr81365.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/torture/pr81365.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
++// PR tree-optimization/81365
++// { dg-do run }
++struct A { unsigned a; };
++struct B {
++  B (const A *x)
++  {
++    __builtin_memcpy (b, x, 3 * sizeof (A));
++    __builtin_memcpy (c, x + 3, sizeof (A));
++    __builtin_memset (c + 1, 0, sizeof (A));
++  }
++  bool
++  foo (unsigned x)
++  {
++    A *it = c;
++    if (it->a == x || (++it)->a == x)
++      {
++	A t(b[0]);
++	b[0] = *it;
++	*it = t;
++	return true;
++      }
++    return false;
++  }
++  A b[3];
++  A c[2];
++main ()
++  A x[] = { 4, 8, 12, 18 };
++  B y(x);
++  if (!y.foo (18))
++    __builtin_abort ();
++  if (!y.foo (4))
++    __builtin_abort ();
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/torture/pr81112.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/torture/pr81112.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/torture/pr81112.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
++// { dg-do compile }
++// { dg-additional-options "-Wno-psabi" }
++class AssertionResult {
++    bool success_;
++AssertionResult AssertionSuccess();
++template <typename T1>
++AssertionResult EXPECT_EQ(const T1& expected, const T1& actual) {
++    if (expected == actual) {
++	return AssertionSuccess();
++    }
++    return AssertionSuccess();
++struct uuid
++  unsigned char data[16];
++bool operator== (uuid const& lhs, uuid const& rhs);
++typedef long long __m128i __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16), __may_alias__));
++typedef int __v4si __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
++typedef char __v16qi __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
++typedef long long __m128i_u __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16), __may_alias__, __aligned__ (1)));
++int foo (__v16qi);
++extern __inline __m128i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__))
++     _mm_loadu_si128 (__m128i_u const *__P)
++    return *__P;
++extern __inline __m128i __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__))
++     _mm_cmpeq_epi32 (__m128i __A, __m128i __B)
++    return (__m128i) ((__v4si)__A == (__v4si)__B);
++extern __inline int __attribute__((__gnu_inline__, __always_inline__, __artificial__))
++     _mm_movemask_epi8 (__m128i __A)
++    return foo ((__v16qi)__A);
++__m128i load_unaligned_si128(const unsigned char* p)
++  return _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast< const __m128i* >(p));
++inline bool operator== (uuid const& lhs, uuid const& rhs)
++  __m128i mm_left = load_unaligned_si128(lhs.data);
++  __m128i mm_right = load_unaligned_si128(rhs.data);
++  __m128i mm_cmp = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(mm_left, mm_right);
++  return _mm_movemask_epi8(mm_cmp) == 0xFFFF;
++void crash_gcc7()
++  static const uuid u = uuid();
++  EXPECT_EQ(u, u);
 Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/ipa/pr80212.C
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/ipa/pr80212.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -7902,6 +14210,42 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp1z/constexpr-if12.C
 +    }
 +    return true;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp1z/class-deduction40.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp1z/class-deduction40.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp1z/class-deduction40.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
++// PR c++/81180
++// { dg-options -std=c++1z }
++template < int I > struct int_{};
++template < typename T >
++struct A{
++    template < typename U, int I >
++    struct B{
++        B(U u, int_< I >){}
++    };
++int main(){
++    A< int >::B v(0, int_< 0 >());
++    (void)v;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp1z/decomp21.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp1z/decomp21.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp1z/decomp21.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -12,5 +12,6 @@
+   auto [ n, o, p ] { a };
+   auto [ q, r, t ] ( s );
+   auto [ u, v, w ] ( s, );      // { dg-error "expected primary-expression before '.' token" }
+-  auto [ x, y, z ] ( a );       // { dg-error "expression list treated as compound expression in initializer" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
++				// { dg-error "invalid initializer for structured binding declaration" "" { target *-*-* } .-1 }
++  auto [ x, y, z ] ( a );
+ }
 Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp1z/noexcept-type17.C
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp1z/noexcept-type17.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -7914,6 +14258,23 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp1z/noexcept-type17.C
 +int main() {
 +  [](auto a) noexcept(noexcept(foo(a))){}(42);
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp1z/decomp30.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp1z/decomp30.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/cpp1z/decomp30.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++// PR c++/81258
++// { dg-options -std=c++1z }
++int a[2];
++auto [b, c] (a);
++auto [d, e] { a };
++auto [f, g] = a;
++auto [h, i] ( a, a );	// { dg-error "invalid initializer for structured binding declaration" }
++auto [j, k] { a, a };	// { dg-error "invalid initializer for structured binding declaration" }
++auto [l, m] = { a };	// { dg-error "deducing from brace-enclosed initializer list requires" }
++auto [n, o] {};		// { dg-error "invalid initializer for structured binding declaration" }
++auto [p, q] ();		// { dg-error "invalid initializer for structured binding declaration" }
 Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/ext/flexary24.C
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/ext/flexary24.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -8294,6 +14655,44 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/warn/Wstrict-aliasing-bogus-char-2.C
 +  *reinterpret_cast<int*>(&storage) = 42; // { dg-bogus "break strict-aliasing" }
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/asan/pr81021.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/asan/pr81021.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/asan/pr81021.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
++// { dg-do run }
++#include <string>
++struct ConfigFile {
++    ConfigFile(std::string filename, std::string delimiter) { throw "error"; }
++    ConfigFile(std::string filename) {}
++struct Configuration {
++    ConfigFile _configFile;
++    Configuration(const std::string &root, const char *baseName)
++        : _configFile(root + baseName, "=") { }
++    Configuration(const std::string &root, const char *a, const char *b)
++        : _configFile(root + a + b) { }
++void test() {
++    std::string root("etc");
++    try {
++        Configuration config(root, "notthere");
++    }
++    catch (...) {
++        // exception is thrown, caught here and ignored...
++    }
++    Configuration config(root, "a", "b"); // ASAN error during constructor here
++int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
++    test();
 Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/ptrmem31.C
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/ptrmem31.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -8340,6 +14739,22 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/ref10.C
 +int main() {}
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/lookup11.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/lookup11.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/lookup11.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
++// PR c++/81026
++namespace std {
++  template<class> struct extent;
++using namespace std;
++template <class T>
++struct S {
++  void f() { T().template extent<42>(); }
 Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/partial-specialization6.C
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/partial-specialization6.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -8405,6 +14820,23 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/nontype-array1.C
 +  char const s8[] = "hi";
 +  Message<s8> m8;  // { dg-error "" }
+Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/lookup10.C
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/lookup10.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/lookup10.C	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++// PR c++/81204
++namespace std {
++  template<typename, typename> struct set { };
++using namespace std;
++template <int I, typename Result>
++inline void set(Result & res)
++    res.template set<I>();
 Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/partial5.C
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/partial5.C	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -8505,6 +14937,42 @@ Index: gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/template/partial-specialization7.C
 +  return 0;
+Index: gcc/testsuite/c-c++-common/ubsan/pr81604.c
+--- a/src/gcc/testsuite/c-c++-common/ubsan/pr81604.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/testsuite/c-c++-common/ubsan/pr81604.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
++/* PR sanitizer/81604 */
++/* { dg-do run } */
++/* { dg-options "-fsanitize=bounds,signed-integer-overflow" } */
++long a[10];
++__attribute__((noinline, noclone)) long *
++foo (int i)
++  return &a[i];
++__attribute__((noinline, noclone)) long
++bar (long x, long y)
++  return x * y;
++main ()
++  volatile int i = -1;
++  volatile long l = __LONG_MAX__;
++  long *volatile p;
++  p = foo (i);
++  l = bar (l, l);
++  return 0;
++/* { dg-output "index -1 out of bounds for type 'long int \\\[10\\\]'\[^\n\r]*(\n|\r\n|\r)" } */
++/* { dg-output "\[^\n\r]*signed integer overflow: \[0-9]+ \\* \[0-9]+ cannot be represented in type 'long int'" } */
 Index: gcc/testsuite/c-c++-common/ubsan/sanitize-recover-7.c
 --- a/src/gcc/testsuite/c-c++-common/ubsan/sanitize-recover-7.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -8720,11 +15188,80 @@ Index: gcc/cp/constexpr.c
  	    if (DECL_CONTEXT (x)
+Index: gcc/cp/tree.c
+--- a/src/gcc/cp/tree.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/cp/tree.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -3272,11 +3272,6 @@
+ 	return false;
+       return cp_tree_equal (TREE_OPERAND (t1, 1), TREE_OPERAND (t1, 1));
+-    case COMPONENT_REF:
+-      if (TREE_OPERAND (t1, 1) != TREE_OPERAND (t2, 1))
+-	return false;
+-      return cp_tree_equal (TREE_OPERAND (t1, 0), TREE_OPERAND (t2, 0));
+     case PARM_DECL:
+       /* For comparing uses of parameters in late-specified return types
+ 	 with an out-of-class definition of the function, but can also come
 Index: gcc/cp/ChangeLog
 --- a/src/gcc/cp/ChangeLog	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/cp/ChangeLog	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -1,3 +1,148 @@
+@@ -1,3 +1,201 @@
++2017-07-27  Paolo Carlini  <paolo.carlini at oracle.com>
++	PR c++/71570
++	* lambda.c (add_capture): Early return if we cannot capture by
++	reference.
++2017-07-17  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	Backported from mainline
++	2017-07-04  Jakub Jelinek  <jakub at redhat.com>
++	PR c++/81258
++	* parser.c (cp_parser_decomposition_declaration): Diagnose invalid
++	forms of structured binding initializers.
++2017-07-06  Jason Merrill  <jason at redhat.com>
++	PR c++/81204 - parse error with dependent template-name
++	* parser.c (cp_parser_lookup_name): Revert previous change.
++2017-06-30  Jason Merrill  <jason at redhat.com>
++	PR c++/54769 - wrong lookup of dependent template-name.
++	PR c++/81257 - ICE with invalid ::template.
++	* parser.c (cp_parser_template_name): Handle dependent object type.
++	(cp_parser_nested_name_specifier_opt): Make template_keyword_p a
++	parameter.
++	(cp_parser_id_expression): Pass it.
++2017-06-29  Jason Merrill  <jason at redhat.com>
++	PR c++/81180 - ICE with C++17 deduction of member class template.
++	* pt.c (build_deduction_guide): Correct member template handling.
++	PR c++/81188 - matching decltype of member function call.
++	* tree.c (cp_tree_equal): Remove COMPONENT_REF special case.
++	PR c++/81164 - ICE with invalid inherited constructor.
++	* search.c (binfo_direct_p): New.
++	* name-lookup.c (do_class_using_decl): Use it.
++2017-06-28  Jason Merrill  <jason at redhat.com>
++	PR c++/61022 - error with variadic template template parm
++	* pt.c (convert_template_argument): Keep the TYPE_PACK_EXPANSION.
++	PR c++/72801 - ICE with variadic partial specialization
++	* pt.c (unify_pack_expansion): Use PACK_EXPANSION_EXTRA_ARGS.
++	PR c++/81204 - parse error with dependent template-name
++	* parser.c (cp_parser_lookup_name): Disqualify function templates
++	after lookup.
 +2017-06-26  Jason Merrill  <jason at redhat.com>
 +	PR c++/81215
@@ -9087,7 +15624,26 @@ Index: gcc/cp/pt.c
    return 0;
-@@ -20563,18 +20645,6 @@
+@@ -7552,7 +7634,7 @@
+ 	    /* The number of argument required is not known yet.
+ 	       Just accept it for now.  */
+-	    val = TREE_TYPE (arg);
++	    val = orig_arg;
+ 	  else
+ 	    {
+ 	      tree parmparm = DECL_INNERMOST_TEMPLATE_PARMS (parm);
+@@ -19954,6 +20036,9 @@
+   tree pack, packs = NULL_TREE;
+   int i, start = TREE_VEC_LENGTH (packed_parms) - 1;
++  /* Add in any args remembered from an earlier partial instantiation.  */
++  targs = add_to_template_args (PACK_EXPANSION_EXTRA_ARGS (parm), targs);
+   packed_args = expand_template_argument_pack (packed_args);
+   int len = TREE_VEC_LENGTH (packed_args);
+@@ -20563,18 +20648,6 @@
  	  return x;
@@ -9106,7 +15662,7 @@ Index: gcc/cp/pt.c
        /* [temp.deduct.type] If, in the declaration of a function template
  	 with a non-type template-parameter, the non-type
  	 template-parameter is used in an expression in the function
-@@ -20595,7 +20665,8 @@
+@@ -20595,7 +20668,8 @@
  	/* Template-parameter dependent expression.  Just accept it for now.
  	   It will later be processed in convert_template_argument.  */
@@ -9116,7 +15672,7 @@ Index: gcc/cp/pt.c
  	/* OK */;
        else if ((strict & UNIFY_ALLOW_INTEGER)
  	       && CP_INTEGRAL_TYPE_P (tparm))
-@@ -20604,9 +20675,22 @@
+@@ -20604,9 +20678,22 @@
  	   corresponding parameter.  */
  	arg = fold (build_nop (tparm, arg));
        else if (uses_template_parms (tparm))
@@ -9142,7 +15698,7 @@ Index: gcc/cp/pt.c
  	return unify_type_mismatch (explain_p, tparm, TREE_TYPE (arg));
-@@ -21598,10 +21682,12 @@
+@@ -21598,10 +21685,12 @@
       `T' is `A' but unify () does not check whether `typename T::X'
       is `int'.  */
    spec_args = tsubst (spec_args, deduced_args, tf_none, NULL_TREE);
@@ -9158,7 +15714,7 @@ Index: gcc/cp/pt.c
    pop_tinst_level ();
    if (spec_args == error_mark_node
-@@ -23372,6 +23458,14 @@
+@@ -23372,6 +23461,14 @@
  	   arg_type = TREE_CHAIN (arg_type))
  	if (dependent_type_p (TREE_VALUE (arg_type)))
  	  return true;
@@ -9173,7 +15729,7 @@ Index: gcc/cp/pt.c
        return false;
    /* -- an array type constructed from any dependent type or whose
-@@ -23920,18 +24014,35 @@
+@@ -23920,18 +24017,35 @@
     return true;
    /* A function or variable template-id is type-dependent if it has any
@@ -9218,7 +15774,7 @@ Index: gcc/cp/pt.c
    /* Always dependent, on the number of arguments if nothing else.  */
    if (TREE_CODE (expression) == EXPR_PACK_EXPANSION)
      return true;
-@@ -24697,6 +24808,14 @@
+@@ -24697,6 +24811,14 @@
    return t;
@@ -9233,6 +15789,50 @@ Index: gcc/cp/pt.c
  /* Make a "constrained auto" type-specifier. This is an
     auto type with constraints that must be associated after
     deduction.  The constraint is formed from the given
+@@ -25054,17 +25176,16 @@
+     }
+   else
+     {
++      ++processing_template_decl;
++      tree fn_tmpl
++	= (TREE_CODE (ctor) == TEMPLATE_DECL ? ctor
++	   : DECL_TI_TEMPLATE (ctor));
+       if (outer_args)
+-	ctor = tsubst (ctor, outer_args, complain, ctor);
++	fn_tmpl = tsubst (fn_tmpl, outer_args, complain, ctor);
++      ctor = DECL_TEMPLATE_RESULT (fn_tmpl);
+       type = DECL_CONTEXT (ctor);
+-      tree fn_tmpl;
+-      if (TREE_CODE (ctor) == TEMPLATE_DECL)
+-	{
+-	  fn_tmpl = ctor;
+-	  ctor = DECL_TEMPLATE_RESULT (fn_tmpl);
+-	}
+-      else
+-	fn_tmpl = DECL_TI_TEMPLATE (ctor);
+       tparms = DECL_TEMPLATE_PARMS (fn_tmpl);
+       /* If type is a member class template, DECL_TI_ARGS (ctor) will have
+@@ -25086,7 +25207,6 @@
+ 	  /* For a member template constructor, we need to flatten the two
+ 	     template parameter lists into one, and then adjust the function
+ 	     signature accordingly.  This gets...complicated.  */
+-	  ++processing_template_decl;
+ 	  tree save_parms = current_template_parms;
+ 	  /* For a member template we should have two levels of parms/args, one
+@@ -25147,8 +25267,8 @@
+ 	    ci = tsubst_constraint_info (ci, tsubst_args, complain, ctor);
+ 	  current_template_parms = save_parms;
+-	  --processing_template_decl;
+ 	}
++      --processing_template_decl;
+     }
+   if (!memtmpl)
 Index: gcc/cp/semantics.c
 --- a/src/gcc/cp/semantics.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -9410,6 +16010,15 @@ Index: gcc/cp/parser.c
 --- a/src/gcc/cp/parser.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/cp/parser.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -2039,7 +2039,7 @@
+ static cp_expr cp_parser_unqualified_id
+   (cp_parser *, bool, bool, bool, bool);
+ static tree cp_parser_nested_name_specifier_opt
+-  (cp_parser *, bool, bool, bool, bool);
++  (cp_parser *, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool = false);
+ static tree cp_parser_nested_name_specifier
+   (cp_parser *, bool, bool, bool, bool);
+ static tree cp_parser_qualifying_entity
 @@ -2983,7 +2983,9 @@
    if (cp_lexer_next_token_is (parser->lexer, CPP_LESS))
@@ -9421,7 +16030,60 @@ Index: gcc/cp/parser.c
  	error_at (location, "%qT is not a template", type);
        else if (identifier_p (type))
-@@ -9447,10 +9449,14 @@
+@@ -5406,8 +5408,11 @@
+   /* Look for the optional `::' operator.  */
+   global_scope_p
+-    = (cp_parser_global_scope_opt (parser, /*current_scope_valid_p=*/false)
+-       != NULL_TREE);
++    = (!template_keyword_p
++       && (cp_parser_global_scope_opt (parser,
++				       /*current_scope_valid_p=*/false)
++	   != NULL_TREE));
+   /* Look for the optional nested-name-specifier.  */
+   nested_name_specifier_p
+     = (cp_parser_nested_name_specifier_opt (parser,
+@@ -5414,8 +5419,10 @@
+ 					    /*typename_keyword_p=*/false,
+ 					    check_dependency_p,
+ 					    /*type_p=*/false,
+-					    declarator_p)
++					    declarator_p,
++					    template_keyword_p)
+        != NULL_TREE);
+   /* If there is a nested-name-specifier, then we are looking at
+      the first qualified-id production.  */
+   if (nested_name_specifier_p)
+@@ -5860,7 +5867,8 @@
+ 				     bool typename_keyword_p,
+ 				     bool check_dependency_p,
+ 				     bool type_p,
+-				     bool is_declaration)
++				     bool is_declaration,
++				     bool template_keyword_p /* = false */)
+ {
+   bool success = false;
+   cp_token_position start = 0;
+@@ -5878,7 +5886,6 @@
+       tree new_scope;
+       tree old_scope;
+       tree saved_qualifying_scope;
+-      bool template_keyword_p;
+       /* Spot cases that cannot be the beginning of a
+ 	 nested-name-specifier.  */
+@@ -5950,8 +5957,6 @@
+ 	 first time through the loop.  */
+       if (success)
+ 	template_keyword_p = cp_parser_optional_template_keyword (parser);
+-      else
+-	template_keyword_p = false;
+       /* Save the old scope since the name lookup we are about to do
+ 	 might destroy it.  */
+@@ -9447,10 +9452,14 @@
        /* Require an rvalue constant expression here; that's what our
  	 callers expect.  Reference constant expressions are handled
  	 separately in e.g. cp_parser_template_argument.  */
@@ -9438,7 +16100,52 @@ Index: gcc/cp/parser.c
    if (allow_non_constant_p)
      *non_constant_p = parser->non_integral_constant_expression_p;
-@@ -16942,7 +16948,7 @@
+@@ -13036,6 +13045,16 @@
+       *init_loc = cp_lexer_peek_token (parser->lexer)->location;
+       tree initializer = cp_parser_initializer (parser, &is_direct_init,
+ 						&non_constant_p);
++      if (initializer == NULL_TREE
++	  || (TREE_CODE (initializer) == TREE_LIST
++	      && TREE_CHAIN (initializer))
++	  || (TREE_CODE (initializer) == CONSTRUCTOR
++	      && CONSTRUCTOR_NELTS (initializer) != 1))
++	{
++	  error_at (loc, "invalid initializer for structured binding "
++		    "declaration");
++	  initializer = error_mark_node;
++	}
+       if (decl != error_mark_node)
+ 	{
+@@ -15710,15 +15729,19 @@
+ 	 no point in doing name-lookup, so we just return IDENTIFIER.
+ 	 But, if the qualifying scope is non-dependent then we can
+ 	 (and must) do name-lookup normally.  */
+-      if (template_keyword_p
+-	  && (!parser->scope
+-	      || (TYPE_P (parser->scope)
+-		  && dependent_type_p (parser->scope))))
++      if (template_keyword_p)
+ 	{
+-	  /* We're optimizing away the call to cp_parser_lookup_name, but we
+-	     still need to do this.  */
+-	  parser->context->object_type = NULL_TREE;
+-	  return identifier;
++	  tree scope = (parser->scope ? parser->scope
++			: parser->context->object_type);
++	  if (scope && TYPE_P (scope)
++	      && (!CLASS_TYPE_P (scope)
++		  || (check_dependency_p && dependent_type_p (scope))))
++	    {
++	      /* We're optimizing away the call to cp_parser_lookup_name, but
++		 we still need to do this.  */
++	      parser->context->object_type = NULL_TREE;
++	      return identifier;
++	    }
+ 	}
+     }
+@@ -16942,7 +16965,7 @@
        /* There is no valid C++ program where a non-template type is
  	 followed by a "<".  That usually indicates that the user
  	 thought that the type was a template.  */
@@ -9447,7 +16154,7 @@ Index: gcc/cp/parser.c
-@@ -23677,7 +23683,7 @@
+@@ -23677,7 +23700,7 @@
  	  if (virtual_p && !duplicate_virtual_error_issued_p)
  	      cp_parser_error (parser,
@@ -9456,7 +16163,7 @@ Index: gcc/cp/parser.c
  	      duplicate_virtual_error_issued_p = true;
-@@ -23697,7 +23703,7 @@
+@@ -23697,7 +23720,7 @@
  	      && !duplicate_access_error_issued_p)
  	      cp_parser_error (parser,
@@ -9492,7 +16199,19 @@ Index: gcc/cp/lambda.c
 --- a/src/gcc/cp/lambda.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/cp/lambda.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -999,6 +999,8 @@
+@@ -538,7 +538,10 @@
+       else if (id != this_identifier && by_reference_p)
+ 	{
+ 	  if (!lvalue_p (initializer))
+-	    error ("cannot capture %qE by reference", initializer);
++	    {
++	      error ("cannot capture %qE by reference", initializer);
++	      return error_mark_node;
++	    }
+ 	}
+       else
+ 	{
+@@ -999,6 +1002,8 @@
    if (generic_lambda_p)
@@ -9501,7 +16220,7 @@ Index: gcc/cp/lambda.c
        /* Prepare the dependent member call for the static member function
  	 '_FUN' and, potentially, prepare another call to be used in a decltype
  	 return expression for a deduced return call op to allow for simple
-@@ -1048,9 +1050,7 @@
+@@ -1048,9 +1053,7 @@
  	if (generic_lambda_p)
@@ -9511,7 +16230,7 @@ Index: gcc/cp/lambda.c
  	    CALL_EXPR_ARG (call, ix) = a;
  	    if (decltype_call)
-@@ -1074,11 +1074,9 @@
+@@ -1074,11 +1077,9 @@
        if (decltype_call)
@@ -9523,7 +16242,7 @@ Index: gcc/cp/lambda.c
-@@ -1096,6 +1094,9 @@
+@@ -1096,6 +1097,9 @@
        && TYPE_NOTHROW_P (TREE_TYPE (callop)))
      stattype = build_exception_variant (stattype, noexcept_true_spec);
@@ -9569,6 +16288,61 @@ Index: gcc/cp/cp-tree.h
  extern tree do_auto_deduction                   (tree, tree, tree);
  extern tree do_auto_deduction                   (tree, tree, tree,
+@@ -6344,6 +6344,7 @@
+ extern tree dfs_walk_once (tree, tree (*) (tree, void *),
+ 			   tree (*) (tree, void *), void *);
+ extern tree binfo_via_virtual			(tree, tree);
++extern bool binfo_direct_p			(tree);
+ extern tree build_baselink			(tree, tree, tree, tree);
+ extern tree adjust_result_of_qualified_name_lookup
+ 						(tree, tree, tree);
+Index: gcc/cp/search.c
+--- a/src/gcc/cp/search.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/cp/search.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -2754,6 +2754,28 @@
+   return NULL_TREE;
+ }
++/* BINFO is for a base class in some hierarchy.  Return true iff it is a
++   direct base.  */
++binfo_direct_p (tree binfo)
++  tree d_binfo = BINFO_INHERITANCE_CHAIN (binfo);
++  if (BINFO_INHERITANCE_CHAIN (d_binfo))
++    /* A second inheritance chain means indirect.  */
++    return false;
++  if (!BINFO_VIRTUAL_P (binfo))
++    /* Non-virtual, so only one inheritance chain means direct.  */
++    return true;
++  /* A virtual base looks like a direct base, so we need to look through the
++     direct bases to see if it's there.  */
++  tree b_binfo;
++  for (int i = 0; BINFO_BASE_ITERATE (d_binfo, i, b_binfo); ++i)
++    if (b_binfo == binfo)
++      return true;
++  return false;
+ /* BINFO is a base binfo in the complete type BINFO_TYPE (HERE).
+    Find the equivalent binfo within whatever graph HERE is located.
+    This is the inverse of original_binfo.  */
+Index: gcc/cp/name-lookup.c
+--- a/src/gcc/cp/name-lookup.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/cp/name-lookup.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -3453,8 +3453,7 @@
+ 	      return NULL_TREE;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+-      else if (name == ctor_identifier
++      else if (name == ctor_identifier && !binfo_direct_p (binfo))
+ 	{
+ 	  error ("cannot inherit constructors from indirect base %qT", scope);
+ 	  return NULL_TREE;
 Index: gcc/tree-ssa-ccp.c
 --- a/src/gcc/tree-ssa-ccp.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -9599,6 +16373,21 @@ Index: gcc/passes.def
    TERMINATE_PASS_LIST (all_lowering_passes)
    /* Interprocedural optimization passes.  */
+Index: gcc/config.in
+--- a/src/gcc/config.in	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config.in	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -660,6 +660,10 @@
+ #undef HAVE_AS_SPARC5_VIS4
+ #endif
++/* Define if your assembler supports SPARC6 instructions. */
++#undef HAVE_AS_SPARC6
+ /* Define if your assembler and linker support GOTDATA_OP relocs. */
 Index: gcc/dwarf2out.c
 --- a/src/gcc/dwarf2out.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -9614,7 +16403,37 @@ Index: gcc/dwarf2out.c
  /* Round SIZE up to the nearest BOUNDARY.  */
    ((((SIZE) + (BOUNDARY) - 1) / (BOUNDARY)) * (BOUNDARY))
-@@ -29649,6 +29653,7 @@
+@@ -27072,6 +27076,7 @@
+   macinfo_entry *ref;
+   vec<macinfo_entry, va_gc> *files = NULL;
+   macinfo_hash_type *macinfo_htab = NULL;
++  char dl_section_ref[MAX_ARTIFICIAL_LABEL_BYTES];
+   if (! length)
+     return;
+@@ -27082,6 +27087,12 @@
+ 	      && (int) DW_MACINFO_start_file == (int) DW_MACRO_start_file
+ 	      && (int) DW_MACINFO_end_file == (int) DW_MACRO_end_file);
++  /* AIX Assembler inserts the length, so adjust the reference to match the
++     offset expected by debuggers.  */
++  strcpy (dl_section_ref, debug_line_section_label);
++    strcat (dl_section_ref, DWARF_INITIAL_LENGTH_SIZE_STR);
+   /* For .debug_macro emit the section header.  */
+   if (!dwarf_strict || dwarf_version >= 5)
+     {
+@@ -27092,7 +27103,7 @@
+       else
+ 	dw2_asm_output_data (1, 2, "Flags: 32-bit, lineptr present");
+       dw2_asm_output_offset (DWARF_OFFSET_SIZE,
+-                             (!dwarf_split_debug_info ? debug_line_section_label
++                             (!dwarf_split_debug_info ? dl_section_ref
+                               : debug_skeleton_line_section_label),
+                              debug_line_section, NULL);
+     }
+@@ -29649,6 +29660,7 @@
    comdat_type_node *ctnode;
    dw_die_ref main_comp_unit_die;
    unsigned char checksum[16];
@@ -9622,7 +16441,7 @@ Index: gcc/dwarf2out.c
    /* Flush out any latecomers to the limbo party.  */
    flush_limbo_die_list ();
-@@ -29766,9 +29771,15 @@
+@@ -29766,9 +29778,15 @@
@@ -9639,7 +16458,7 @@ Index: gcc/dwarf2out.c
    if (have_macinfo)
      add_AT_macptr (comp_unit_die (),
-@@ -29844,7 +29855,7 @@
+@@ -29844,7 +29862,7 @@
        if (debug_info_level >= DINFO_LEVEL_TERSE)
          add_AT_lineptr (ctnode->root_die, DW_AT_stmt_list,
@@ -9648,6 +16467,22 @@ Index: gcc/dwarf2out.c
                           : debug_skeleton_line_section_label));
        output_comdat_type_unit (ctnode);
+Index: gcc/match.pd
+--- a/src/gcc/match.pd	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/match.pd	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -165,8 +165,9 @@
+  /* X / X is one.  */
+  (simplify
+   (div @0 @0)
+-  /* But not for 0 / 0 so that we can get the proper warnings and errors.  */
+-  (if (!integer_zerop (@0))
++  /* But not for 0 / 0 so that we can get the proper warnings and errors.
++     And not for _Fract types where we can't build 1.  */
++  (if (!integer_zerop (@0) && !ALL_FRACT_MODE_P (TYPE_MODE (type)))
+    { build_one_cst (type); }))
+  /* X / abs (X) is X < 0 ? -1 : 1.  */ 
+  (simplify
 Index: gcc/expr.c
 --- a/src/gcc/expr.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -10165,6 +17000,24 @@ Index: gcc/go/gofrontend/types.cc
  	  if (reason != NULL)
+Index: gcc/opts.c
+--- a/src/gcc/opts.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/opts.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -1007,6 +1007,13 @@
+       opts->x_flag_stack_reuse = SR_NONE;
+     }
++  if ((opts->x_flag_sanitize & SANITIZE_USER_ADDRESS) && opts->x_flag_tm)
++    sorry ("transactional memory is not supported with %<-fsanitize=address%>");
++  if ((opts->x_flag_sanitize & SANITIZE_KERNEL_ADDRESS) && opts->x_flag_tm)
++    sorry ("transactional memory is not supported with "
++	   "%<-fsanitize=kernel-address%>");
+ }
+ #define LEFT_COLUMN	27
 Index: gcc/ada/s-tpopsp-rtems.adb
 --- a/src/gcc/ada/s-tpopsp-rtems.adb	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -11570,7 +18423,13 @@ Index: gcc/ada/ChangeLog
 --- a/src/gcc/ada/ChangeLog	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/ada/ChangeLog	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -1,3 +1,69 @@
+@@ -1,3 +1,75 @@
++2017-07-15  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz  <glaubitz at physik.fu-berlin.de>
++	PR ada/81446
++	* system-linux-m68k.ads: Add pragma No_Elaboration_Code_All.
++	(Backend_Overflow_Checks): Set to True.
 +2017-06-15  Nicolas Boulenguez  <nicolas.boulenguez at free.fr>
 +	PR ada/81105
@@ -11640,6 +18499,38 @@ Index: gcc/ada/ChangeLog
  2017-05-02  Release Manager
  	* GCC 7.1.0 released.
+Index: gcc/ada/system-linux-m68k.ads
+--- a/src/gcc/ada/system-linux-m68k.ads	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/ada/system-linux-m68k.ads	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+ --                                 S p e c                                  --
+ --                         (GNU/Linux/m68k Version)                         --
+ --                                                                          --
+---          Copyright (C) 2014-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
++--          Copyright (C) 2014-2017, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+ --                                                                          --
+ -- This specification is derived from the Ada Reference Manual for use with --
+ -- GNAT. The copyright notice above, and the license provisions that follow --
+@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@
+    --  this unit Pure instead of Preelaborable; see RM 13.7.1(15). In Ada
+    --  2005, this is Pure in any case (AI-362).
++   pragma No_Elaboration_Code_All;
++   --  Allow the use of that restriction in units that WITH this unit
+    type Name is (SYSTEM_NAME_GNAT);
+    System_Name : constant Name := SYSTEM_NAME_GNAT;
+@@ -126,7 +129,7 @@
+    --  of the individual switch values.
+    Backend_Divide_Checks     : constant Boolean := False;
+-   Backend_Overflow_Checks   : constant Boolean := False;
++   Backend_Overflow_Checks   : constant Boolean := True;
+    Command_Line_Args         : constant Boolean := True;
+    Configurable_Run_Time     : constant Boolean := False;
+    Denorm                    : constant Boolean := True;
 Index: gcc/ada/system-linux-x86.ads
 --- a/src/gcc/ada/system-linux-x86.ads	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -11806,6 +18697,20 @@ Index: gcc/ada/exp_ch3.adb
        end if;
        if Mode_Set then
+Index: gcc/asan.c
+--- a/src/gcc/asan.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/asan.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -1877,6 +1877,9 @@
+       || bitsize != size_in_bytes * BITS_PER_UNIT)
+     return;
++  if (VAR_P (inner) && DECL_HARD_REGISTER (inner))
++    return;
+   if (VAR_P (inner)
+       && offset == NULL_TREE
+       && bitpos >= 0
 Index: gcc/lra-remat.c
 --- a/src/gcc/lra-remat.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -11860,6 +18765,60 @@ Index: gcc/lra-remat.c
  	      if (reg == NULL)
+Index: gcc/gimple-ssa-strength-reduction.c
+--- a/src/gcc/gimple-ssa-strength-reduction.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/gimple-ssa-strength-reduction.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -2051,13 +2051,14 @@
+      types but allows for safe negation without twisted logic.  */
+   if (wi::fits_shwi_p (bump)
+       && bump.to_shwi () != HOST_WIDE_INT_MIN
+-      /* It is not useful to replace casts, copies, or adds of
++      /* It is not useful to replace casts, copies, negates, or adds of
+ 	 an SSA name and a constant.  */
+       && cand_code != SSA_NAME
+       && !CONVERT_EXPR_CODE_P (cand_code)
+       && cand_code != PLUS_EXPR
+       && cand_code != POINTER_PLUS_EXPR
+-      && cand_code != MINUS_EXPR)
++      && cand_code != MINUS_EXPR
++      && cand_code != NEGATE_EXPR)
+     {
+       enum tree_code code = PLUS_EXPR;
+       tree bump_tree;
+Index: gcc/tree-eh.c
+--- a/src/gcc/tree-eh.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/tree-eh.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
+ #include "langhooks.h"
+ #include "cfgloop.h"
+ #include "gimple-low.h"
++#include "asan.h"
+ /* In some instances a tree and a gimple need to be stored in a same table,
+    i.e. in hash tables. This is a structure to do this. */
+@@ -3304,6 +3305,20 @@
+ 	  gimple_call_set_lhs (x, var);
+ 	  gsi_insert_before (&gsi, x, GSI_SAME_STMT);
++	  /* When exception handling is delegated to a caller function, we
++	     have to guarantee that shadow memory variables living on stack
++	     will be cleaner before control is given to a parent function.  */
++	  if ((flag_sanitize & SANITIZE_ADDRESS) != 0
++	      && !lookup_attribute ("no_sanitize_address",
++				    DECL_ATTRIBUTES (current_function_decl)))
++	    {
++	      tree decl
++		= builtin_decl_implicit (BUILT_IN_ASAN_HANDLE_NO_RETURN);
++	      gimple *g = gimple_build_call (decl, 0);
++	      gimple_set_location (g, gimple_location (stmt));
++	      gsi_insert_before (&gsi, g, GSI_SAME_STMT);
++	    }
+ 	  fn = builtin_decl_implicit (BUILT_IN_UNWIND_RESUME);
+ 	  x = gimple_build_call (fn, 1, var);
+ 	  gsi_insert_before (&gsi, x, GSI_SAME_STMT);
 Index: gcc/fortran/openmp.c
 --- a/src/gcc/fortran/openmp.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -12450,6 +19409,19 @@ Index: gcc/fortran/trans-io.c
      tmp = build_call_expr_loc (input_location,
  			   iocall[IOCALL_SET_NML_VAL], 6,
  			   dt_parm_addr, addr_expr, string,
+Index: gcc/gimple-pretty-print.c
+--- a/src/gcc/gimple-pretty-print.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/gimple-pretty-print.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
+     return "[0.01%]";
+   char *buf;
+-  asprintf (&buf, "[%.2f%%]", fvalue);
++  buf = xasprintf ("[%.2f%%]", fvalue);
+   const char *ret = xstrdup_for_dump (buf);
+   free (buf);
 Index: gcc/ipa-devirt.c
 --- a/src/gcc/ipa-devirt.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -12472,6 +19444,67 @@ Index: gcc/ipa-devirt.c
  				 "in another translation unit"));
  		    return false;
+Index: gcc/configure.ac
+--- a/src/gcc/configure.ac	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/configure.ac	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -3969,6 +3969,18 @@
+                 [Define if your assembler supports SPARC5 and VIS 4.0 instructions.])])
++    gcc_GAS_CHECK_FEATURE([SPARC6 instructions],
++      gcc_cv_as_sparc_sparc6,,
++      [-xarch=sparc6],
++      [.text
++       .register %g2, #scratch
++       .register %g3, #scratch
++       .align 4
++       rd %entropy, %g1
++       fpsll64x %f0, %f2, %f4],,
++                [Define if your assembler supports SPARC6 instructions.])])
+     gcc_GAS_CHECK_FEATURE([LEON instructions],
+       gcc_cv_as_sparc_leon,,
+       [-Aleon],
+Index: gcc/function.c
+--- a/src/gcc/function.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/function.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -5263,6 +5263,16 @@
+ 	}
+     }
++  /* The following was moved from init_function_start.
++     The move is supposed to make sdb output more accurate.  */
++  /* Indicate the beginning of the function body,
++     as opposed to parm setup.  */
++  emit_note (NOTE_INSN_FUNCTION_BEG);
++  gcc_assert (NOTE_P (get_last_insn ()));
++  parm_birth_insn = get_last_insn ();
+   /* If the function receives a non-local goto, then store the
+      bits we need to restore the frame pointer.  */
+   if (cfun->nonlocal_goto_save_area)
+@@ -5284,16 +5294,6 @@
+       update_nonlocal_goto_save_area ();
+     }
+-  /* The following was moved from init_function_start.
+-     The move is supposed to make sdb output more accurate.  */
+-  /* Indicate the beginning of the function body,
+-     as opposed to parm setup.  */
+-  emit_note (NOTE_INSN_FUNCTION_BEG);
+-  gcc_assert (NOTE_P (get_last_insn ()));
+-  parm_birth_insn = get_last_insn ();
+   if (crtl->profile)
+     {
 Index: gcc/auto-profile.c
 --- a/src/gcc/auto-profile.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -12753,6 +19786,49 @@ Index: gcc/tree-cfgcleanup.c
    changed |= cleanup_tree_cfg_1 ();
    gcc_assert (dom_info_available_p (CDI_DOMINATORS));
+Index: gcc/simplify-rtx.c
+--- a/src/gcc/simplify-rtx.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/simplify-rtx.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -5314,34 +5314,14 @@
+ 	{
+ 	case LT:
+ 	  /* Optimize abs(x) < 0.0.  */
+-	  if (!HONOR_SNANS (mode)
+-	      && (!INTEGRAL_MODE_P (mode)
+-		  || (!flag_wrapv && !flag_trapv && flag_strict_overflow)))
+-	    {
+-	      if (INTEGRAL_MODE_P (mode)
+-		  && (issue_strict_overflow_warning
+-		warning (OPT_Wstrict_overflow,
+-			 ("assuming signed overflow does not occur when "
+-			  "assuming abs (x) < 0 is false"));
+-	       return const0_rtx;
+-	    }
++	  if (!INTEGRAL_MODE_P (mode) && !HONOR_SNANS (mode))
++	    return const0_rtx;
+ 	  break;
+ 	case GE:
+ 	  /* Optimize abs(x) >= 0.0.  */
+-	  if (!HONOR_NANS (mode)
+-	      && (!INTEGRAL_MODE_P (mode)
+-		  || (!flag_wrapv && !flag_trapv && flag_strict_overflow)))
+-	    {
+-	      if (INTEGRAL_MODE_P (mode)
+-	          && (issue_strict_overflow_warning
+-	        warning (OPT_Wstrict_overflow,
+-			 ("assuming signed overflow does not occur when "
+-			  "assuming abs (x) >= 0 is true"));
+-	      return const_true_rtx;
+-	    }
++	  if (!INTEGRAL_MODE_P (mode) && !HONOR_NANS (mode))
++	    return const_true_rtx;
+ 	  break;
+ 	case UNGE:
 Index: gcc/gcov-tool.c
 --- a/src/gcc/gcov-tool.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -12931,7 +20007,52 @@ Index: gcc/ubsan.c
  	return build_fold_addr_expr (t);
-@@ -708,9 +726,9 @@
+@@ -382,6 +400,7 @@
+     /* We weren't able to determine the type name.  */
+     tname = "<unknown>";
++  tree eltype = type;
+   if (pstyle == UBSAN_PRINT_POINTER)
+     {
+       pp_printf (&pretty_name, "'%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
+@@ -432,12 +451,12 @@
+       pp_quote (&pretty_name);
+       /* Save the tree with stripped types.  */
+-      type = t;
++      eltype = t;
+     }
+   else
+     pp_printf (&pretty_name, "'%s'", tname);
+-  switch (TREE_CODE (type))
++  switch (TREE_CODE (eltype))
+     {
+     case BOOLEAN_TYPE:
+     case ENUMERAL_TYPE:
+@@ -447,9 +466,9 @@
+     case REAL_TYPE:
+       /* FIXME: libubsan right now only supports float, double and
+ 	 long double type formats.  */
+-      if (TYPE_MODE (type) == TYPE_MODE (float_type_node)
+-	  || TYPE_MODE (type) == TYPE_MODE (double_type_node)
+-	  || TYPE_MODE (type) == TYPE_MODE (long_double_type_node))
++      if (TYPE_MODE (eltype) == TYPE_MODE (float_type_node)
++	  || TYPE_MODE (eltype) == TYPE_MODE (double_type_node)
++	  || TYPE_MODE (eltype) == TYPE_MODE (long_double_type_node))
+ 	tkind = 0x0001;
+       else
+ 	tkind = 0xffff;
+@@ -458,7 +477,7 @@
+       tkind = 0xffff;
+       break;
+     }
+-  tinfo = get_ubsan_type_info_for_type (type);
++  tinfo = get_ubsan_type_info_for_type (eltype);
+   /* Create a new VAR_DECL of type descriptor.  */
+   const char *tmp = pp_formatted_text (&pretty_name);
+@@ -708,9 +727,9 @@
        tree fn = builtin_decl_explicit (bcode);
@@ -12944,7 +20065,7 @@ Index: gcc/ubsan.c
        g = gimple_build_call (fn, 2, data, val);
    gimple_set_location (g, loc);
-@@ -1266,9 +1284,11 @@
+@@ -1266,9 +1285,11 @@
    tree fn = builtin_decl_explicit (fn_code);
    return build_call_expr_loc (loc, fn, 2 + (code != NEGATE_EXPR),
  			      build_fold_addr_expr_loc (loc, data),
@@ -12959,7 +20080,7 @@ Index: gcc/ubsan.c
  /* Perform the signed integer instrumentation.  GSI is the iterator
-@@ -1458,9 +1478,9 @@
+@@ -1458,9 +1479,9 @@
        tree fn = builtin_decl_explicit (bcode);
@@ -12972,7 +20093,7 @@ Index: gcc/ubsan.c
        g = gimple_build_call (fn, 2, data, val);
    gimple_set_location (g, loc);
-@@ -1624,7 +1644,7 @@
+@@ -1624,7 +1645,7 @@
        fn = builtin_decl_explicit (bcode);
        fn = build_call_expr_loc (loc, fn, 2,
  				build_fold_addr_expr_loc (loc, data),
@@ -13012,11 +20133,36 @@ Index: gcc/ubsan.h
  extern bool is_ubsan_builtin_p (tree);
  extern tree ubsan_build_overflow_builtin (tree_code, location_t, tree, tree,
  					  tree, tree *);
+Index: gcc/ipa-prop.c
+--- a/src/gcc/ipa-prop.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/ipa-prop.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -3030,7 +3030,10 @@
+          if (index)
+            {
+-             off = wi::to_offset (index);
++	     if (TREE_CODE (index) == RANGE_EXPR)
++	       off = wi::to_offset (TREE_OPERAND (index, 0));
++	     else
++	       off = wi::to_offset (index);
+              if (TYPE_DOMAIN (type) && TYPE_MIN_VALUE (TYPE_DOMAIN (type)))
+                {
+                  tree low_bound = TYPE_MIN_VALUE (TYPE_DOMAIN (type));
+@@ -3039,6 +3042,8 @@
+                                  TYPE_PRECISION (TREE_TYPE (index)));
+                }
+              off *= wi::to_offset (unit_size);
++	     /* ???  Handle more than just the first index of a
++	        RANGE_EXPR.  */
+            }
+          else
+            off = wi::to_offset (unit_size) * ix;
 Index: gcc/po/es.po
 --- a/src/gcc/po/es.po	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/po/es.po	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+@@ -17,9 +17,11 @@
  # dereference        - desreferencia
  # hardware           - hardware
  # hotness            - calentura
@@ -13024,7 +20170,11 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  # insns              - instrucciones  #: config/frv/frv.opt:126
  # instruction        - instrucción
  # iv optimization    - optimización iv
-@@ -35,10 +36,10 @@
++# multiply           - TBD
+ # omp (OpenMP)       - omp
+ # OS                 - S.O.
+ # reallocate         - reubicar
+@@ -35,10 +37,10 @@
  msgid ""
  msgstr ""
@@ -13034,11 +20184,11 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
 -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-24 20:38+0000\n"
 -"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-16 10:33+0200\n"
 +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-01 22:24+0000\n"
-+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-29 00:00+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-07-26 08:25+0200\n"
  "Last-Translator: Antonio Ceballos <aceballos at gmail.com>\n"
  "Language-Team: Spanish <es at tp.org.es>\n"
  "Language: es\n"
-@@ -794,15 +795,12 @@
+@@ -794,15 +796,12 @@
  #: gcov.c:656
@@ -13056,7 +20206,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: gcov.c:657
-@@ -1996,10 +1994,9 @@
+@@ -1996,10 +1995,9 @@
  msgstr "Límite en el número de revisiones de tiempo de ejecución insertadas por las versiones de bucle del vectorizador para revisión de alias."
  #: params.def:568
@@ -13069,7 +20219,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: params.def:573
  #, no-c-format
-@@ -2398,16 +2395,14 @@
+@@ -2398,16 +2396,14 @@
  msgstr "Cantidad máxima de bbs similares con las cuales comparar un bb."
  #: params.def:1104
@@ -13090,7 +20240,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: params.def:1116
  #, no-c-format
-@@ -2837,42 +2832,42 @@
+@@ -2837,42 +2833,42 @@
  msgid "<command-line>"
  msgstr "<línea-de-orden>"
@@ -13145,7 +20295,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #, c-format
  msgid "invalid operand prefix '%%%c'"
  msgstr "prefijo de operando no válido '%%%c'"
-@@ -3030,29 +3025,29 @@
+@@ -3030,29 +3026,29 @@
  msgid "invalid UNSPEC as operand: %d"
  msgstr "UNSPEC no válido como operando: %d"
@@ -13186,7 +20336,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/bfin/bfin.c:1444 config/bfin/bfin.c:1451 config/bfin/bfin.c:1458
  #: config/bfin/bfin.c:1467 config/bfin/bfin.c:1474 config/bfin/bfin.c:1481
  #: config/bfin/bfin.c:1488
-@@ -3060,13 +3055,13 @@
+@@ -3060,13 +3056,13 @@
  msgid "invalid operand for code '%c'"
  msgstr "operando no válido para el código '%c'"
@@ -13202,7 +20352,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #, c-format
  msgid "obsolete Maverick format code '%c'"
  msgstr "código de formato Maverick obsoleto '%c'"
-@@ -3139,34 +3134,24 @@
+@@ -3139,34 +3135,24 @@
  msgstr "conversión de coma fija no admitida"
  #: config/avr/avr.c:9803
@@ -13242,7 +20392,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/avr/driver-avr.c:48
  #, c-format
-@@ -3476,10 +3461,9 @@
+@@ -3476,10 +3462,9 @@
  msgstr "el operando no es un entero, código de operando 'R' no válido"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:18261
@@ -13255,7 +20405,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:18357
  #, c-format
-@@ -3885,98 +3869,98 @@
+@@ -3885,98 +3870,98 @@
  msgid "emit_fusion_p9_store not MEM"
  msgstr "emit_fusion_p9_store no MEM"
@@ -13374,7 +20524,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  msgid "binary operator does not support mixing vector bool with floating point vector operands"
  msgstr "el operador binario no admite que se mezclen operandos bool vector y vector de coma flotante"
-@@ -6204,10 +6188,8 @@
+@@ -6204,10 +6189,8 @@
  msgstr "Advierte de 'new' de tipos con alineamiento extendido sin -faligned-new."
  #: c-family/c.opt:296
@@ -13386,7 +20536,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c.opt:300 ada/gcc-interface/lang.opt:57
  msgid "Enable most warning messages."
-@@ -6226,10 +6208,8 @@
+@@ -6226,10 +6209,8 @@
  msgstr "-Walloc-zero Advierte de llamadas a funciones de reserva que especifican cero bytes."
  #: c-family/c.opt:317
@@ -13398,7 +20548,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c.opt:331
  msgid "Warn whenever an Objective-C assignment is being intercepted by the garbage collector."
-@@ -6380,10 +6360,8 @@
+@@ -6380,10 +6361,8 @@
  msgstr "Avisa sobre un cuerpo vacío en una declaración if o else."
  #: c-family/c.opt:489
@@ -13410,7 +20560,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c.opt:493
  msgid "Warn about comparison of different enum types."
-@@ -6898,10 +6876,8 @@
+@@ -6898,10 +6877,8 @@
  msgstr "Avisa si se usa una matriz de longitud variable."
  #: c-family/c.opt:1104
@@ -13422,7 +20572,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c.opt:1110
  msgid "Warn when a register variable is declared volatile."
-@@ -8953,10 +8929,8 @@
+@@ -8953,10 +8930,8 @@
  msgstr "Las ramificaciones son así de caras (1-5, unidades arbitrarias)."
  #: config/i386/i386.opt:275
@@ -13434,7 +20584,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.opt:279
  msgid "Use given x86-64 code model."
-@@ -12753,17 +12727,15 @@
+@@ -12753,17 +12728,15 @@
  #: config/mips/mips.opt:393
  msgid "Use lwxc1/swxc1/ldxc1/sdxc1 instructions where applicable."
@@ -13455,7 +20605,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/mips/mips.opt:413
  msgid "Use eXtended Physical Address (XPA) instructions."
-@@ -13346,10 +13318,8 @@
+@@ -13346,10 +13319,8 @@
  msgstr "Avisa cuando no se está usando la protección contra destrucción de la pila por alguna razón."
  #: common.opt:693
@@ -13467,7 +20617,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: common.opt:697 common.opt:701
  msgid "Warn about code which might break strict aliasing rules."
-@@ -13810,10 +13780,8 @@
+@@ -13810,10 +13781,8 @@
  msgstr "Realiza el paso de la propagación hacia adelante en RTL."
  #: common.opt:1379
@@ -13479,7 +20629,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: common.opt:1382
  #, c-format
-@@ -13914,10 +13882,8 @@
+@@ -13914,10 +13883,8 @@
  msgstr "Realiza la conversión de saltos condicionales a ejecución condicional."
  #: common.opt:1531
@@ -13491,7 +20641,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: common.opt:1534
  #, c-format
-@@ -14017,10 +13983,8 @@
+@@ -14017,10 +13984,8 @@
  msgstr "Realiza la Propagación de Rango Valor IPA."
  #: common.opt:1664
@@ -13503,7 +20653,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: common.opt:1667
  #, c-format
-@@ -14028,10 +13992,8 @@
+@@ -14028,10 +13993,8 @@
  msgstr "algoritmo IRA %qs desconocido"
  #: common.opt:1677
@@ -13515,7 +20665,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: common.opt:1680
  #, c-format
-@@ -14367,10 +14329,8 @@
+@@ -14367,10 +14330,8 @@
  msgstr "Reordena los bloques básicos para mejorar la ubicación del código."
  #: common.opt:2076
@@ -13527,7 +20677,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: common.opt:2079
  #, c-format
-@@ -14739,10 +14699,8 @@
+@@ -14739,10 +14700,8 @@
  msgstr "Activa las optimizaciones de bucles a nivel de árbol."
  #: common.opt:2526
@@ -13539,7 +20689,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: common.opt:2530
  msgid "Enable hoisting loads from conditional pointers."
-@@ -14870,13 +14828,11 @@
+@@ -14870,13 +14829,11 @@
  #: common.opt:2693
  msgid "Specifies the cost model for vectorization. -fvect-cost-model=[unlimited|dynamic|cheap]\tSpecifies the cost model for vectorization."
@@ -13555,7 +20705,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: common.opt:2701
  #, c-format
-@@ -15569,10 +15525,9 @@
+@@ -15569,10 +15526,9 @@
  msgstr "se descartan los atributos de tipo después de que el tipo ya se definió"
  #: auto-profile.c:347
@@ -13568,7 +20718,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: auto-profile.c:854
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -15580,40 +15535,34 @@
+@@ -15580,40 +15536,34 @@
  msgstr "No se esperaba TAG."
  #: auto-profile.c:920
@@ -13621,7 +20771,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: bt-load.c:1564
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -17367,7 +17316,7 @@
+@@ -17367,7 +17317,7 @@
  msgid "assuming signed overflow does not occur when combining constants around a comparison"
  msgstr "se asume que el desbordamiento con signo no sucede cuando se combinan constantes alrededor de una comparación"
@@ -13630,7 +20780,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "fold check: original tree changed by fold"
  msgstr "fold check: el árbol original cambió por un pliegue"
-@@ -17903,8 +17852,8 @@
+@@ -17903,8 +17853,8 @@
  msgid "null pointer dereference"
  msgstr "desreferencia a puntero nulo"
@@ -13641,7 +20791,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c/c-typeck.c:9930 c/gimple-parser.c:1556 c/gimple-parser.c:1564
  #: cp/call.c:6454 cp/call.c:7933 cp/constexpr.c:777 cp/constexpr.c:2174
  #: cp/cvt.c:992 cp/cvt.c:1019 cp/decl.c:7224 cp/decl2.c:5072 cp/pt.c:7993
-@@ -17918,297 +17867,297 @@
+@@ -17918,297 +17868,297 @@
  msgid "nonnull argument %qD compared to NULL"
  msgstr "argumento %qD no nulo comparado con NULL"
@@ -13998,7 +21148,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "null format string"
  msgstr "cadena de formato nula"
-@@ -18364,16 +18313,14 @@
+@@ -18364,16 +18314,14 @@
  msgstr "tarea contenedora"
  #: gimplify.c:6852
@@ -14019,7 +21169,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: gimplify.c:6965
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -18742,10 +18689,9 @@
+@@ -18742,10 +18690,9 @@
  msgstr "el tipo incompatible definido en otra unidad de traducción"
  #: ipa-devirt.c:1142
@@ -14032,7 +21182,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: ipa-devirt.c:1146 ipa-devirt.c:1238
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -18763,10 +18709,9 @@
+@@ -18763,10 +18710,9 @@
  msgstr "no coincide el tipo del valor de retorno"
  #: ipa-devirt.c:1204
@@ -14045,7 +21195,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: ipa-devirt.c:1207
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
-@@ -18981,16 +18926,14 @@
+@@ -18981,16 +18927,14 @@
  msgstr "falta el resumen de inclusión en línea ipa en el fichero de entrada"
  #: ipa-pure-const.c:187
@@ -14066,7 +21216,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: ipa-reference.c:1182
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -19149,10 +19092,9 @@
+@@ -19149,10 +19093,9 @@
  msgstr "flujo de bytecode: sección LTO %s inesperada"
  #: lto-streamer.c:383
@@ -14079,7 +21229,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: lto-wrapper.c:114
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -19467,10 +19409,9 @@
+@@ -19467,10 +19410,9 @@
  msgstr "operando -fopenacc-dim defectuoso en '%s'"
  #: omp-offload.c:1157
@@ -14092,7 +21242,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: omp-offload.c:1161 omp-offload.c:1193
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -19478,16 +19419,14 @@
+@@ -19478,16 +19420,14 @@
  msgstr "bucle que lo contiene aquí"
  #: omp-offload.c:1166
@@ -14113,7 +21263,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: omp-offload.c:1173
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -19511,10 +19450,9 @@
+@@ -19511,10 +19451,9 @@
  msgstr "insuficiente paralelismo disponible para paralelizar bucle de elemento"
  #: omp-offload.c:1337
@@ -14126,7 +21276,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: omp-simd-clone.c:192
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -19713,8 +19651,7 @@
+@@ -19713,8 +19652,7 @@
  msgstr "la opción -fsanitize=all no es válida"
  #: opts.c:1642
@@ -14136,7 +21286,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  msgid "unrecognized argument to -f%ssanitize%s= option: %q.*s; did you mean %qs?"
  msgstr "no se reconoce el argumento para la opción -f%ssanitize%s=: %q.*s; ¿quiso decir %qs?"
-@@ -20043,10 +19980,9 @@
+@@ -20043,10 +19981,9 @@
  msgstr "insn con UID %i no encontrada para el operando %i de insn %i"
  #: read-rtl-function.c:409
@@ -14149,7 +21299,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: read-rtl-function.c:710
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
-@@ -20395,159 +20331,159 @@
+@@ -20395,159 +20332,159 @@
  msgid "%D renamed after being referenced in assembly"
  msgstr "se renombró %D después de ser referenciado en el ensamblado"
@@ -14340,7 +21490,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "section of alias %q+D must match section of its target"
  msgstr "la sección del alias %q+D debe cuadrar con la sección de su objetivo"
-@@ -20648,34 +20584,29 @@
+@@ -20648,34 +20585,29 @@
  msgstr "No se pueden usar las optimizaciones de bucle Graphite (isl no está disponible) (-fgraphite, -fgraphite-identity, -floop-nest-optimize, -floop-parallelize-all"
  #: toplev.c:1273
@@ -14385,7 +21535,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: toplev.c:1320
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -21644,10 +21575,9 @@
+@@ -21644,10 +21576,9 @@
  msgstr "la comprebación de acceso de memoria siempre falla"
  #: tree-chkp.c:1996
@@ -14398,7 +21548,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: tree-chkp.c:2774
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
-@@ -21866,10 +21796,9 @@
+@@ -21866,10 +21797,9 @@
  msgstr "dentro de este bucle"
  #: tree-ssa-loop-prefetch.c:2045
@@ -14411,7 +21561,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: tree-ssa-operands.c:975
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -22215,8 +22144,8 @@
+@@ -22215,8 +22145,8 @@
  #: c-family/c-attribs.c:2898 c-family/c-attribs.c:2937
  #: c-family/c-attribs.c:3019 c-family/c-attribs.c:3062
  #: c-family/c-attribs.c:3078 c-family/c-attribs.c:3172
@@ -14422,7 +21572,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/h8300/h8300.c:5480 config/h8300/h8300.c:5504 config/i386/i386.c:7715
  #: config/i386/i386.c:41425 config/ia64/ia64.c:762
  #: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:35369 config/spu/spu.c:3741
-@@ -22252,92 +22181,92 @@
+@@ -22252,92 +22182,92 @@
  msgid "%qE implies default visibility, but %qD has already been declared with a different visibility"
  msgstr "%qE implica visibilidad por defecto, pero %qD ya se había declarado con una visibilidad diferente"
@@ -14533,7 +21683,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "type is deprecated"
  msgstr "el tipo es obsoleto"
-@@ -22364,262 +22293,262 @@
+@@ -22364,262 +22294,262 @@
  #. main variant only.
  #. Convenience macro for matching individual fields.
@@ -14848,7 +21998,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "verify_type failed"
  msgstr "falló verify_type"
-@@ -23616,13 +23545,13 @@
+@@ -23616,13 +23546,13 @@
  msgid "%<fallthrough%> attribute specified with a parameter"
  msgstr "el atributo %<fallthrough%> se especificó con un parámetro"
@@ -14864,7 +22014,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "too many arguments to function %qE"
  msgstr "demasiados argumentos para la función %qE"
-@@ -23707,72 +23636,72 @@
+@@ -23707,72 +23637,72 @@
  msgid "index %E denotes an offset greater than size of %qT"
  msgstr "el índice %E denota un desplazamiento mayor que el tamaño de %qT"
@@ -14951,7 +22101,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: cp/call.c:4836 cp/call.c:4843
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "conversion of scalar %qT to vector %qT involves truncation"
-@@ -23780,22 +23709,22 @@
+@@ -23780,22 +23710,22 @@
  #. Reject arguments that are built-in functions with
  #. no library fallback.
@@ -14978,7 +22128,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "environment variable SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH must expand to a non-negative integer less than or equal to %wd"
  msgstr ""
-@@ -23816,10 +23745,9 @@
+@@ -23816,10 +23746,9 @@
  msgstr "el argumento de la cadena de formato no es un tipo de cadena"
  #: c-family/c-format.c:210
@@ -14991,7 +22141,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c-format.c:213
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -23827,16 +23755,14 @@
+@@ -23827,16 +23756,14 @@
  msgstr "se encontró un %qT pero el argumento de formato debe ser una cadena"
  #: c-family/c-format.c:223
@@ -15012,7 +22162,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c-format.c:289
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -24585,20 +24511,19 @@
+@@ -24585,20 +24512,19 @@
  msgstr "no se admite la declaración %<#pragma weak%> de %q+D; se ignorará"
  #: c-family/c-pragma.c:418
@@ -15037,7 +22187,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c-pragma.c:485 c-family/c-pragma.c:487
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -24661,10 +24586,9 @@
+@@ -24661,10 +24587,9 @@
  msgstr "basura al final de %<#pragma GCC visibility%>"
  #: c-family/c-pragma.c:750
@@ -15050,7 +22200,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c-pragma.c:776
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -24682,16 +24606,14 @@
+@@ -24682,16 +24607,14 @@
  msgstr "opción desconocida después del tipo %<#pragma GCC diagnostic%>"
  #: c-family/c-pragma.c:802
@@ -15071,7 +22221,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c-pragma.c:842
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -24905,28 +24827,24 @@
+@@ -24905,28 +24828,24 @@
  msgstr "un %<and%> de pruebas equivalentes mutuamente exclusivas siempre es falso"
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:248
@@ -15108,7 +22258,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:374
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -24962,82 +24880,82 @@
+@@ -24962,82 +24881,82 @@
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:687
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "argument to %<sizeof%> in %qD call is the same expression as the destination; did you mean to remove the addressof?"
@@ -15207,7 +22357,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:860 c-family/c-warn.c:867
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -25066,10 +24984,9 @@
+@@ -25066,10 +24985,9 @@
  msgstr "%q+D sólo toma cero o dos argumentos"
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:910
@@ -15220,7 +22370,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:952
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -25087,10 +25004,9 @@
+@@ -25087,10 +25005,9 @@
  msgstr "la conversión de %qT desde %qT puede alterar su valor"
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:989
@@ -15233,7 +22383,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:1024
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -25118,10 +25034,9 @@
+@@ -25118,10 +25035,9 @@
  msgstr "falta el case por defecto para un switch"
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:1179
@@ -15246,7 +22396,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:1252
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -25319,10 +25234,9 @@
+@@ -25319,10 +25235,9 @@
  msgstr "argumento de tipo no válido de %<->%> (se tiene %qT)"
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:1414
@@ -15259,7 +22409,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:1419
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -25471,10 +25385,9 @@
+@@ -25471,10 +25386,9 @@
  msgstr "comparación de un ~unsigned promovido con unsigned"
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:1897
@@ -15272,7 +22422,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:1959
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -25482,16 +25395,14 @@
+@@ -25482,16 +25396,14 @@
  msgstr "se define tipo %qD localmente pero no se usa"
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:1994
@@ -15293,7 +22443,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:2031
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -25505,28 +25416,24 @@
+@@ -25505,28 +25417,24 @@
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:2040 c-family/c-warn.c:2045 c-family/c-warn.c:2050
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:2055
@@ -15330,7 +22480,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:2210
  #, fuzzy
-@@ -25537,16 +25444,14 @@
+@@ -25537,16 +25445,14 @@
  msgstr[1] "el paso del argumento %d de %qE descarta el calificador %qv del tipo del destino del puntero"
  #: c-family/c-warn.c:2275 c/c-typeck.c:5217 cp/call.c:5316
@@ -15351,7 +22501,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/cilk.c:106
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -25555,10 +25460,9 @@
+@@ -25555,10 +25461,9 @@
  msgstr "su función será mal compilada"
  #: c-family/cilk.c:250
@@ -15364,7 +22514,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/cilk.c:393
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -25572,15 +25476,14 @@
+@@ -25572,15 +25477,14 @@
  msgstr ""
  #: c-family/cilk.c:495
@@ -15383,7 +22533,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: c-family/cppspec.c:93
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -25592,11 +25495,10 @@
+@@ -25592,11 +25496,10 @@
  msgid "too many input files"
  msgstr "demasiados ficheros de entrada"
@@ -15398,7 +22548,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: common/config/alpha/alpha-common.c:76
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -25604,16 +25506,14 @@
+@@ -25604,16 +25507,14 @@
  msgstr "valor %qs erróneo para el interruptor -mtls-size"
  #: common/config/arc/arc-common.c:82
@@ -15419,7 +22569,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: common/config/bfin/bfin-common.c:304 common/config/m68k/m68k-common.c:60
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
-@@ -25681,35 +25581,34 @@
+@@ -25681,35 +25582,34 @@
  msgstr "valor erróneo %<%s%> para el interruptor -mtls-size="
  #: common/config/msp430/msp430-common.c:57
@@ -15462,7 +22612,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: common/config/rs6000/rs6000-common.c:174 config/sparc/sparc.c:1371
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
-@@ -25732,10 +25631,9 @@
+@@ -25732,10 +25632,9 @@
  msgstr "se descarta la opción -msimple-fpu"
  #: common/config/rs6000/rs6000-common.c:314
@@ -15475,7 +22625,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: common/config/rx/rx-common.c:61
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -25743,10 +25641,9 @@
+@@ -25743,10 +25642,9 @@
  msgstr "la cpu RX200 no tiene FPU de hardware"
  #: common/config/rx/rx-common.c:63
@@ -15488,7 +22638,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: common/config/s390/s390-common.c:98
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -25836,16 +25733,14 @@
+@@ -25836,16 +25734,14 @@
  #. Arbitrary limit, number should be like xx.yy.zz
  #: config/darwin-driver.c:125
@@ -15509,7 +22659,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/darwin-driver.c:233
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -25902,10 +25797,9 @@
+@@ -25902,10 +25798,9 @@
  msgstr "el atributo de compatibilidad vtable 2.95 %qE sólo aplica a clases C++"
  #: config/darwin.c:2758
@@ -15522,7 +22672,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/darwin.c:2947
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
-@@ -26039,16 +25933,14 @@
+@@ -26039,16 +25934,14 @@
  msgstr "soporte de análisis de perfil para VxWorks"
  #: config/aarch64/aarch64-builtins.c:1089 config/arm/arm-builtins.c:2246
@@ -15543,7 +22693,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/aarch64/aarch64-builtins.c:1163
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -26057,10 +25949,9 @@
+@@ -26057,10 +25950,9 @@
  msgstr "el segundo argumento debe ser un inmediato de 4-bit"
  #: config/aarch64/aarch64.c:927
@@ -15556,7 +22706,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/aarch64/aarch64.c:929
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -26068,203 +25959,187 @@
+@@ -26068,203 +25960,187 @@
  msgid "%qs feature modifier is incompatible with %s %s"
  msgstr "%qs es incompatible con %qs"
@@ -15832,7 +22982,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
  #| msgid "line number out of range"
  msgid "lane %wd out of range %wd - %wd"
-@@ -26338,10 +26213,9 @@
+@@ -26338,10 +26214,9 @@
  msgstr ""
  #: config/arc/arc.c:720
@@ -15845,7 +22995,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/arc/arc.c:725
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -26352,17 +26226,17 @@
+@@ -26352,17 +26227,17 @@
  #: config/arc/arc.c:729
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "-mspfp_fast not available on ARC600 or ARC601"
@@ -15866,7 +23016,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #. Check options against architecture options.  Throw an error if
  #. option is not allowed.
-@@ -26370,18 +26244,17 @@
+@@ -26370,18 +26245,17 @@
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
  #| msgid "%qD is not a variable in clause %qs"
  msgid "%s is not available for %s architecture"
@@ -15889,7 +23039,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/arc/arc.c:1601 config/epiphany/epiphany.c:492
  #: config/epiphany/epiphany.c:532
-@@ -26395,73 +26268,69 @@
+@@ -26395,73 +26269,69 @@
  msgstr "el argumento del atributo %qE no es \"ilink1\" o \"ilink2\""
  #: config/arc/arc.c:1618
@@ -15980,7 +23130,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/arc/arc.c:6127
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
-@@ -26470,22 +26339,19 @@
+@@ -26470,22 +26340,19 @@
  msgstr "se usó un símbolo como un operando inmediato"
  #: config/arc/arc.c:6132
@@ -16009,7 +23159,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/arc/arc.c:6143
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
-@@ -26495,23 +26361,22 @@
+@@ -26495,23 +26362,22 @@
  #: config/arc/arc.c:6194
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "register number must be a compile-time constant. Try giving higher optimization levels"
@@ -16038,7 +23188,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/arm/arm-builtins.c:2349
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -26522,17 +26387,17 @@
+@@ -26522,17 +26388,17 @@
  #: config/arm/arm-builtins.c:2454
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "You must enable NEON instructions (e.g. -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=neon) to use these intrinsics."
@@ -16059,7 +23209,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #. @@@ better error message
  #: config/arm/arm-builtins.c:2610 config/arm/arm-builtins.c:2714
-@@ -26544,17 +26409,17 @@
+@@ -26544,17 +26410,17 @@
  #: config/arm/arm-builtins.c:2721 config/arm/arm-builtins.c:2730
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "the range of selector should be in 0 to 7"
@@ -16080,7 +23230,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/arm/arm-builtins.c:2800
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -26562,10 +26427,9 @@
+@@ -26562,10 +26428,9 @@
  msgstr "la máscara debe ser un inmediato"
  #: config/arm/arm-builtins.c:2805
@@ -16093,7 +23243,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/arm/arm-builtins.c:2993
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -26687,63 +26551,62 @@
+@@ -26687,63 +26552,62 @@
  msgid "the count should be no less than 0.  please check the intrinsic _mm_sra_si64 in code."
  msgstr ""
@@ -16172,7 +23322,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "target CPU does not support unaligned accesses"
  msgstr "el CPU objetivo no admite accesos sin alinear"
-@@ -26750,131 +26613,133 @@
+@@ -26750,131 +26614,133 @@
  #. To support this we need to be able to parse FPU feature options
  #. from the architecture string.
@@ -16343,7 +23493,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/avr/avr.c:9480 config/avr/avr.c:9496 config/bfin/bfin.c:4673
  #: config/bfin/bfin.c:4734 config/bfin/bfin.c:4763
  #: config/epiphany/epiphany.c:475 config/h8300/h8300.c:5456
-@@ -26890,123 +26755,110 @@
+@@ -26890,123 +26756,110 @@
  msgid "%qE attribute only applies to functions"
  msgstr "el atributo %qE se aplica solamente a funciones"
@@ -16512,7 +23662,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/avr/avr-c.c:105 config/avr/avr-c.c:171 config/avr/avr-c.c:228
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -27015,28 +26867,24 @@
+@@ -27015,28 +26868,24 @@
  msgstr "no se encontró una plantilla coincidente para %qD"
  #: config/avr/avr-c.c:122
@@ -16549,7 +23699,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/avr/avr-devices.c:212
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
-@@ -27065,16 +26913,14 @@
+@@ -27065,16 +26914,14 @@
  msgstr "no se admite -fPIC"
  #: config/avr/avr.c:773
@@ -16570,7 +23720,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/avr/avr.c:1040
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -27097,16 +26943,14 @@
+@@ -27097,16 +26944,14 @@
  msgstr "la función %qs no puede devolver un valor"
  #: config/avr/avr.c:1084
@@ -16591,7 +23741,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/avr/avr.c:2543
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -27134,16 +26978,14 @@
+@@ -27134,16 +26979,14 @@
  msgstr "no se admite escribir al espacio de direcciones %qs"
  #: config/avr/avr.c:9515
@@ -16612,7 +23762,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/avr/avr.c:9539 config/bfin/bfin.c:4795 config/i386/winnt.c:59
  #: config/nvptx/nvptx.c:4301
-@@ -27157,33 +26999,29 @@
+@@ -27157,33 +27000,29 @@
  msgstr "el atributo %qE sólo permite una constante entera como argumento"
  #: config/avr/avr.c:9560
@@ -16655,7 +23805,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/avr/avr.c:9831
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -27201,16 +27039,14 @@
+@@ -27201,16 +27040,14 @@
  msgstr "la variable %q+D debe ser const para que se ponga en la sección de sólo lectura a través de %qs"
  #: config/avr/avr.c:9919
@@ -16676,7 +23826,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/avr/avr.c:10058
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -27223,22 +27059,19 @@
+@@ -27223,22 +27060,19 @@
  msgstr "se colocó la variable %q+D sin inicializar en el área de memoria del programa"
  #: config/avr/avr.c:10224
@@ -16705,7 +23855,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/avr/avr.c:13916 config/avr/avr.c:13929
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
-@@ -27253,30 +27086,27 @@
+@@ -27253,30 +27087,27 @@
  #: config/avr/avr.c:13971
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
  msgid "rounding to %d bits has no effect for fixed-point value with %d fractional bits"
@@ -16744,7 +23894,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/bfin/bfin.c:2349
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -27502,10 +27332,9 @@
+@@ -27502,10 +27333,9 @@
  msgstr "no hay FUNCTION_PROFILER para CRIS"
  #: config/epiphany/epiphany.c:483
@@ -16757,7 +23907,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/epiphany/epiphany.c:507
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -27583,28 +27412,24 @@
+@@ -27583,28 +27413,24 @@
  msgstr "esta función interna sólo está disponible en el fr450"
  #: config/ft32/ft32.c:177
@@ -16794,7 +23944,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/h8300/h8300.c:348
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -27612,39 +27437,34 @@
+@@ -27612,39 +27438,34 @@
  msgstr "se usó -ms2600 sin -ms"
  #: config/h8300/h8300.c:354
@@ -16845,7 +23995,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/host-cygwin.c:62
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -27657,69 +27477,60 @@
+@@ -27657,69 +27478,60 @@
  msgstr "no se puede establecer la posición en el fichero PCH: %m"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:4692
@@ -16935,7 +24085,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #. rep; movq isn't available in 32-bit code.
  #: config/i386/i386.c:5299
-@@ -27728,10 +27539,9 @@
+@@ -27728,10 +27540,9 @@
  msgstr "no se admite -mstringop-stategy=rep_8byte para código de 32-bit"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:5316
@@ -16948,7 +24098,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:5342 config/i386/i386.c:5351 config/i386/i386.c:5363
  #: config/i386/i386.c:5374 config/i386/i386.c:5385
-@@ -27760,28 +27570,24 @@
+@@ -27760,28 +27571,24 @@
  msgstr "no está compilado el modo bit-%i"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:5423
@@ -16985,7 +24135,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:5442 config/i386/i386.c:5718
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -27789,82 +27595,69 @@
+@@ -27789,82 +27596,69 @@
  msgstr "el CPU que seleccionó no admite el conjunto de instrucciones x86-64"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:5655 config/i386/i386.c:5658
@@ -17094,7 +24244,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:5826
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -27872,10 +27665,9 @@
+@@ -27872,10 +27666,9 @@
  msgstr "se descarta -mregparm en modo de 64-bit"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:5828
@@ -17107,7 +24257,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:5831
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
-@@ -27883,16 +27675,14 @@
+@@ -27883,16 +27676,14 @@
  msgstr "-mregparm=%d no está entre 0 y %d"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:5864
@@ -17128,7 +24278,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:5938
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -27910,28 +27700,24 @@
+@@ -27910,28 +27701,24 @@
  msgstr "-mincoming-stack-boundary=%d no está entre %d y 12"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:5977
@@ -17165,7 +24315,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:5997
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -27944,28 +27730,24 @@
+@@ -27944,28 +27731,24 @@
  msgstr "el conjunto de instrucciones 387 está desactivado, usando la aritmética SSE"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:6054
@@ -17202,7 +24352,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:6178
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -27990,19 +27772,17 @@
+@@ -27990,19 +27773,17 @@
  #: config/i386/i386.c:7168
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "Only DWARF debug format is supported for interrupt service routine."
@@ -17227,7 +24377,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:7683 config/i386/i386.c:7734
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -28060,10 +27840,9 @@
+@@ -28060,10 +27841,9 @@
  msgstr "los atributos cdecl y thiscall no son compatibles"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:7779
@@ -17240,7 +24390,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:8023
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -28076,10 +27855,9 @@
+@@ -28076,10 +27856,9 @@
  msgstr "se llama a %qT con el atributo sseregparm sin activar SSE/SSE2"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:8342
@@ -17253,7 +24403,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:8374
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -28087,16 +27865,14 @@
+@@ -28087,16 +27866,14 @@
  msgstr "ms_hook_prologue no es compatible con la función anidada"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:8687
@@ -17274,7 +24424,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:8707
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -28104,10 +27880,9 @@
+@@ -28104,10 +27881,9 @@
  msgstr "el argumento de vector AVX sin AVX activado cambia la ABI"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:8713
@@ -17287,7 +24437,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:8729
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -28160,15 +27935,14 @@
+@@ -28160,15 +27936,14 @@
  msgstr "se devuelve el registro x87 con x87 desactivado"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:9655 config/i386/i386.c:9926 config/i386/i386.c:10449
@@ -17306,7 +24456,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:10351
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
-@@ -28183,7 +27957,7 @@
+@@ -28183,7 +27958,7 @@
  #: config/i386/i386.c:13824
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "Dynamic Realign Argument Pointer (DRAP) not supported in interrupt service routine.  This may be worked around by avoiding functions with aggregate return."
@@ -17315,7 +24465,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:14836
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -28191,8 +27965,7 @@
+@@ -28191,8 +27966,7 @@
  msgstr "-fsplit-stack no admite fastcall con funciones anidadas"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:14856
@@ -17325,7 +24475,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  msgid "-fsplit-stack does not support 2 register parameters for a nested function"
  msgstr "-fsplit-stack no admite 2 parámetros de registro para una función anidada"
-@@ -28204,10 +27977,9 @@
+@@ -28204,10 +27978,9 @@
  msgstr "-fsplit-stack no admite 3 parámetros de registro"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:17672 config/i386/i386.c:17686
@@ -17338,7 +24488,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:17718
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -28220,72 +27992,64 @@
+@@ -28220,72 +27993,64 @@
  msgstr "no se admite el tamaño de operando para el registro extendido"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:17924
@@ -17431,7 +24581,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:34294 config/i386/i386.c:35692
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -28308,10 +28072,9 @@
+@@ -28308,10 +28073,9 @@
  msgstr "el último argumento debe ser un inmediato de 1-bit"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:35638
@@ -17444,7 +24594,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:35671
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -28339,40 +28102,34 @@
+@@ -28339,40 +28103,34 @@
  msgstr "el último argumento debe ser un inmediato de 8-bit"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:35907
@@ -17497,7 +24647,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #: config/i386/i386.c:36527
  #, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -28400,16 +28157,14 @@
+@@ -28400,28 +28158,24 @@
  msgstr "el último argumento debe ser un inmediato"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:38270 config/i386/i386.c:38452
@@ -17517,8 +24667,549 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
 +msgstr "el argumento delantero debe ser un escalar 1, 2, 4, 8"
  #: config/i386/i386.c:38511
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "incorrect insn:"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "incorrect hint operand"
+-msgstr "insn incorrecta:"
++msgstr "operando de pista incorrecto"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:38530
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "the last argument must be an 8-bit immediate"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "the xabort's argument must be an 8-bit immediate"
+-msgstr "el último argumento debe ser un inmediato de 8-bit"
++msgstr "el argumento de xabort debe ser un inmediato de 8-bit"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:41336
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -28446,7 +28200,7 @@
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:41479
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "interrupt service routine should have a pointer as the first argument"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "la rutina de servicio de interrupciones debería tener un puntero como primer argumento"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:41486
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+@@ -28456,106 +28210,93 @@
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:41496
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "interrupt service routine can only have a pointer argument and an optional integer argument"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "la rutina de servicio de interrupciones solo puede tener un argumento puntero y un argumento entero opcional"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:41499
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "interrupt Service Routines cannot be coded in Thumb mode"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "interrupt service routine can't have non-void return value"
+-msgstr "no se pueden codificar las Rutinas de Servicios de Interrupción en el modo Thumb"
++msgstr "ls rutina de servicio de interrupción no puede tener valor de retorno que no sea void"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:44401
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "By-value argument at %L is not allowed in this context"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "alternatives not allowed in asm flag output"
+-msgstr "El argumento por valor en %L no se permite en este contexto"
++msgstr "no se permiten alternativas en la salida del indicador asm"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:44465
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "unknown IRA algorithm %qs"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "unknown asm flag output %qs"
+-msgstr "algoritmo IRA %qs desconocido"
++msgstr "salida del indicador asm %qs desconocida"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:44494
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "invalid type for make function"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "invalid type for asm flag output"
+-msgstr "tipo no válido para la función make"
++msgstr "tipo no válido para la salida del indicador asm"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:50765
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "unknown architecture %qs"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "Unknown architecture specific memory model"
+-msgstr "arquitectura %qs desconocida"
++msgstr "Modelo de memoria específico de la arquitectura desconocido"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:50772
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "HLE_ACQUIRE not used with ACQUIRE or stronger memory model"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "HLE_ACQUIRE no se usa con ACQUIRE o modelos de memoria más fuertes"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:50778
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "HLE_RELEASE not used with RELEASE or stronger memory model"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "HLE_RELEASE no se usa con RELEASE o modelos de memoria más fuertes"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:50802 config/i386/i386.c:50923
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "unsupported version"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "unsupported simdlen %d"
+-msgstr "versión sin soporte"
++msgstr "simdlen %d no admitido"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:50821
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "unsupported return type %qT for simd\n"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "no se admite el tipo de retorno %qT para simd\n"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:50843
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "unsupported argument type to builtin function"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "unsupported argument type %qT for simd\n"
+-msgstr "no se admite el tipo de argumento para la función interna"
++msgstr "no se admite el tipo de argumento %qT para simd\n"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:51169
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "Pointer Checker requires MPX support on this target. Use -mmpx options to enable MPX."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "El Comprobador de Punteros requiere suporte MPX en este objetivo. Utilice las opciones -mmpx para activar MPX."
+ #: config/i386/intelmic-mkoffload.c:71 config/nvptx/mkoffload.c:85
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "deleting LTRANS input file %s: %m"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "deleting file %s: %m"
+-msgstr "se borra el fichero de entrada LTRANS %s: %m"
++msgstr "se borra el fichero %s: %m"
+ #: config/i386/intelmic-mkoffload.c:253 config/i386/intelmic-mkoffload.c:317
+ #: config/i386/intelmic-mkoffload.c:358 config/nvptx/mkoffload.c:524
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "cannot open %s"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "cannot open '%s'"
+-msgstr "no se puede abrir %s"
++msgstr "no se puede abrir '%s'"
+ #: config/i386/intelmic-mkoffload.c:465
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "no input file specified"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "output file not specified"
+-msgstr "no se especificaron ficheros de entrada"
++msgstr "no se ha especificado el fichero de salida"
+ #: config/i386/intelmic-mkoffload.c:558
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER must be set"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "COLLECT_GCC must be set"
+-msgstr "se debe definir COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER"
++msgstr "se debe definir COLLECT_GCC"
+ #: config/i386/intelmic-mkoffload.c:563 config/nvptx/mkoffload.c:455
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "field %qs not found"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "offload compiler %s not found"
+-msgstr "no se encontró el campo %qs"
++msgstr "no se ha encontrado el compilador %s"
+ #: config/i386/intelmic-mkoffload.c:582 config/nvptx/mkoffload.c:475
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "unrecognized argument in option %qs"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "unrecognizable argument of option "
+-msgstr "no se reconoce el argumento en la opción %qs"
++msgstr "No se reconoce el argumento de la opción "
+ #: config/i386/winnt.c:79
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -28738,10 +28479,9 @@
+ msgstr "no se admite -falign-loops=%d"
+ #: config/m68k/m68k.c:649
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "stack limits not supported on this target"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "-fstack-limit- options are not supported on this cpu"
+-msgstr "no se admiten límites de la pila en este objetivo"
++msgstr "no se admiten las opciones -fstack-limit- en esta cpu"
+ #: config/m68k/m68k.c:767
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -28764,10 +28504,9 @@
+ msgstr "la variable inicializada %q+D se marcó como dllimport"
+ #: config/microblaze/microblaze.c:1690
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "-fstack-protector not supported for this target"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "-fPIC/-fpic not supported for this target"
+-msgstr "no se admite -fstack-protector para este objetivo"
++msgstr "no se admite -fPIC/-fpic para este objetivo"
+ #: config/microblaze/microblaze.c:1702
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -28780,10 +28519,9 @@
+ msgstr "sólo se puede usar -mxl-multiply-high con -mcpu=v6.00.a o superior"
+ #: config/microblaze/microblaze.c:1767
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "-mxl-multiply-high can be used only with -mcpu=v6.00.a or greater"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "-mxl-reorder can be used only with -mcpu=v8.30.a or greater"
+-msgstr "sólo se puede usar -mxl-multiply-high con -mcpu=v6.00.a o superior"
++msgstr "-mxl-reorder solo puede usarse con -mcpu=v8.30.a o superior"
+ #: config/microblaze/microblaze.c:1773
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -28801,10 +28539,9 @@
+ msgstr "el atributo %qs se aplica solamente a funciones"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:1405 config/mips/mips.c:1411
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%qE cannot have both %<mips16%> and %<nomips16%> attributes"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%qE cannot have both %qs and %qs attributes"
+-msgstr "%qE no puede tener atributos %<mips16%> y %<nomips16%> al mismo tiempo"
++msgstr "%qE no puede tener los atributos %qs y %qs al mismo tiempo"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:1440 config/mips/mips.c:1446 config/nios2/nios2.c:3994
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -28812,27 +28549,24 @@
+ msgstr "%qE se redeclaró con los atributos %qs en conflicto"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:1478 config/mips/mips.c:1532
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%qE attribute requires a string constant argument"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%qE attribute requires a string argument"
+-msgstr "el atributo %qE requiere una constante entera como argumento"
++msgstr "el atributo %qE requiere una cadena como argumento"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:1486
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "argument to %qE attribute is neither zero, nor one"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "argument to %qE attribute is neither eic, nor vector=<line>"
+-msgstr "el argumento del atributo %qE no es cero ni uno"
++msgstr "el argumento del atributo %qE no es ni eic ni vector=<línea>"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:1502
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "interrupt vector to %qE attribute is not vector=(sw0|sw1|hw0|hw1|hw2|hw3|hw4|hw5)"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "el vector de interrupciones para %qE no es vector=(sw0|sw1|hw0|hw1|hw2|hw3|hw4|hw5)"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:1539
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "argument of %qE attribute is not a string constant"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "argument to %qE attribute is not intstack"
+-msgstr "el argumento del atributo %qE no es una cadena constante"
++msgstr "el argumento del atributo %qE no es intstack"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:7692
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -28840,10 +28574,9 @@
+ msgstr "no se pueden manejar llamadas inconsistentes a %qs"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:10928
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "the %<interrupt%> attribute requires a MIPS32r2 processor"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "the %<interrupt%> attribute requires a MIPS32r2 processor or greater"
+-msgstr "el atributo %<interrupt%> requiere un procesador MIPS32r2"
++msgstr "el atributo %<interrupt%> requiere un procesador MIPS32r2 o superior"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:10930
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -28853,13 +28586,12 @@
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:11921
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "-fstack-check=specific not implemented for MIPS16"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "-fstack-check=specific no implementado para MIPS16"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:16838
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "argument must be a constant"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "argument %d to the built-in must be a constant in range %d to %d"
+-msgstr "el argumento debe ser una constante"
++msgstr "el argumento %d para la función interna debe ser una constante en el rango entre %d y %d"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:16844 config/nds32/nds32-intrinsic.c:60
+ #: config/nds32/nds32-intrinsic.c:88 config/nds32/nds32-intrinsic.c:118
+@@ -28869,10 +28601,9 @@
+ msgstr "argumento no válido para la función interna"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:16958
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "failed to reclaim unneeded function"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "failed to expand built-in function"
+-msgstr "falló al reclamar una función innecesaria"
++msgstr "fallo al expandir función interna"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:17089
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -28900,10 +28631,9 @@
+ msgstr "código MIPS16 de coma flotante hard para ABIs diferentes de o32 y o64"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19443
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "Generate MIPS16 code."
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "MSA MIPS16 code"
+-msgstr "Genera código MIPS16."
++msgstr "código MSA MIPS16"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19618 config/mips/mips.c:19623 config/mips/mips.c:19705
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19707 config/mips/mips.c:19737 config/mips/mips.c:19747
+@@ -28938,10 +28668,9 @@
+ msgstr "se utiliza %<-mgp64%> con una ABI de 32-bit"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19702
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "the %qs architecture does not support the synci instruction"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "the %qs architecture does not support %<-mfp32%>"
+-msgstr "la arquitectura %qs no admite la instrucción synci"
++msgstr "la arquitectura %qs no admite %<-mfp32%>"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19711
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -28954,22 +28683,19 @@
+ msgstr "%<-mgp32%> y %<-mfp64%> sólo se pueden combinar al usar la ABI o32"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19735
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<-mgp32%> and %<-mfp64%> can only be combined when using the o32 ABI"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<-mfpxx%> can only be used with the o32 ABI"
+-msgstr "%<-mgp32%> y %<-mfp64%> sólo se pueden combinar al usar la ABI o32"
++msgstr "%<-mfpxx%> solo se puede usar con la ABI o32"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19739
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<-mips3d%> requires %<-mpaired-single%>"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<-march=%s%> requires %<-mfp32%>"
+-msgstr "%<-mips3d%> requiere %<-mpaired-single%>"
++msgstr "%<-march=%s%> requiere %<-mfp32%>"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19741
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<-mips3d%> requires %<-mpaired-single%>"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<-mfpxx%> requires %<-mlra%>"
+-msgstr "%<-mips3d%> requiere %<-mpaired-single%>"
++msgstr "%<-mfpxx%> requiere %<-mlra%>"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19757 config/mips/mips.c:19759 config/mips/mips.c:19772
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -28992,10 +28718,9 @@
+ msgstr "la arquitectura %qs no admite las instrucciones con probabilidad de ramificación"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19834
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "the %qs architecture does not support the synci instruction"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "the %qs architecture does not support madd or msub instructions"
+-msgstr "la arquitectura %qs no admite la instrucción synci"
++msgstr "la arquitectura %qs no admite las instrucciones madd ni msub"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19848
+ #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -29004,28 +28729,24 @@
+ msgstr "la arquitectura %qs no admite las instrucciones par-sencillo"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19861 config/mips/mips.c:19867
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "unsupported combination: %s"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "unsupported combination: %qs%s %s"
+-msgstr "no se admite la combinación: %s"
++msgstr "no se admite la combinación: %qs%s %s"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19876
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "unsupported combination: %s"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "unsupported combination: %qs %s"
+-msgstr "no se admite la combinación: %s"
++msgstr "no se admite la combinación: %qs %s"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19891
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "Generate position-independent code if possible (large mode)"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "cannot generate position-independent code for %qs"
+-msgstr "Genera código independiente de posición si es posible (modo large)"
++msgstr "no se puede generar código independiente de posición para %qs"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19894
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "Disable position-independent code (PIC) for use in OS kernel code"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "position-independent code requires %qs"
+-msgstr "Desactiva el código independiente de posición (PIC) para su uso en código de núcleo de SO"
++msgstr "el código independiente de posición requiere %qs"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19927
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -29038,16 +28759,14 @@
+ msgstr "no se pueden usar accesos de data small para %qs"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19953
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "the %qs architecture does not support paired-single instructions"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "the %qs architecture does not support %<-m%s=legacy%>"
+-msgstr "la arquitectura %qs no admite las instrucciones par-sencillo"
++msgstr "la arquitectura %qs no admite %<-m%s=legacy%>"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19960
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "the %qs architecture does not support the synci instruction"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "the %qs architecture does not support %<-m%s=2008%>"
+-msgstr "la arquitectura %qs no admite la instrucción synci"
++msgstr "la arquitectura %qs no admite %<-m%s=2008%>"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19978
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -29060,10 +28779,9 @@
+ msgstr "%qs se debe usar con %qs"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:19998
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "-mips3d/-mpaired-single must be used with -mfp64 -mhard-float"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<-mmsa%> must be used with %<-mfp64%> and %<-mhard-float%>"
+-msgstr "-mips3d/-mpaired-single se deben usar con -mfp64 -mhard-float"
++msgstr "%<-mmsa%> debe usarse con %<-mfp64%> y %<-mhard-float%>"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:20005
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -29076,10 +28794,9 @@
+ msgstr "%qs requiere un objetivo que provea la instrucción %qs"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:20025
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "the %qs architecture does not support the synci instruction"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "the %qs architecture does not support DSP instructions"
+-msgstr "la arquitectura %qs no admite la instrucción synci"
++msgstr "la arquitectura %qs no admite las instrucciones DSP"
+ #: config/mips/mips.c:20127
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -29155,22 +28872,22 @@
+ #: config/msp430/driver-msp430.c:659
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "unexpected argument to msp430_select_hwmult_lib: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "argumento inesperado para msp430_select_hwmult_lib: %s"
+ #: config/msp430/driver-msp430.c:700
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "unrecognized hwpy field in msp430_mcu_data[%d]: %d"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "campo hwpy no reconocido en msp430_mcu_data[%d]: %d"
+ #: config/msp430/driver-msp430.c:707
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "unexpected first argument to msp430_select_hwmult_lib: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "primer argumento inesperado para msp430_select_hwmult_lib: %s"
+ #: config/msp430/driver-msp430.c:711
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "msp430_select_hwmult_lib needs one or more arguments"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "msp430_select_hwmult_lib necesita uno o más argumentos"
+ #: config/msp430/msp430.c:776
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+@@ -29217,27 +28934,28 @@
+ "Unrecognized MCU name '%s', assuming that it just supports the MSP430 ISA.\n"
+ "Use the -mcpu option to set the ISA explicitly."
+ msgstr ""
++"No se reconoce el nombre MCU '%s'; se asume que solo admite el ISA MSP430.\n"
++"Utilice la opción -mcpu para poner el ISA explícitamente."
+ #: config/msp430/msp430.c:838
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "unrecognized register name %qs"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "Unrecognized MCU name '%s'."
+-msgstr "no se reconoce el nombre de registro %qs."
++msgstr "No se reconoce el nombre MCU '%s'."
+ #: config/msp430/msp430.c:847
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "-mlarge requires a 430X-compatible -mmcu="
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "-mlarge requiere una -mmcu= compatible con 430X"
+ #: config/msp430/msp430.c:850
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "-mcode-region=upper requires 430X-compatible cpu"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "-mcode-region=upper requiere una -mmcu= compatible con 430X"
+ #: config/msp430/msp430.c:852
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "-mdata-region=upper requires 430X-compatible cpu"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "-mdata-region=upper requiere una -mmcu= compatible con 430X"
+ #: config/msp430/msp430.c:1859
+ #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -29246,16 +28964,14 @@
+ msgstr "argumento no válido del atributo %qE"
+ #: config/msp430/msp430.c:1868
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "argument %d of %qE must be in the range %d...%d"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "numeric argument of %qE attribute must be in range 0..63"
+-msgstr "el argumento %d de %qE debe estar dentro del rango %d...%d"
++msgstr "el argumento numérico del atributo %qE debe estar dentro del rango 0..63"
+ #: config/msp430/msp430.c:1874
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "argument of %qE attribute is not a string constant"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "argument of %qE attribute is not a string constant or number"
+-msgstr "el argumento del atributo %qE no es una cadena constante"
++msgstr "el argumento del atributo %qE no es una cadena constante ni un número"
+ #: config/msp430/msp430.c:2124
+ #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -29264,10 +28980,9 @@
+ msgstr "no se puede establecer el atributo de interrupción: no hay una función actual"
+ #: config/msp430/msp430.c:2494
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%qE attribute allows only an integer constant argument"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "__delay_cycles() only takes constant arguments"
+-msgstr "el atributo %qE sólo permite una constante entera como argumento"
++msgstr "__delay_cycles() solo toma argumentos constantes"
+ #: config/msp430/msp430.c:2504
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
-@@ -29775,7 +29530,7 @@
+@@ -29775,7 +29490,7 @@
  msgid "vec_cmpne only accepts 2 arguments"
  msgstr "vec_insert sólo acepta 3 argumentos"
@@ -17527,7 +25218,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
  #| msgid "vec_insert only accepts 3 arguments"
  msgid "vec_adde only accepts 3 arguments"
-@@ -29787,44 +29542,44 @@
+@@ -29787,44 +29502,44 @@
  msgid "vec_addec only accepts 3 arguments"
  msgstr "vec_insert sólo acepta 3 argumentos"
@@ -17580,7 +25271,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
  #| msgid "invalid parameter combination for AltiVec intrinsic"
  msgid "invalid parameter combination for AltiVec intrinsic %s"
-@@ -30935,112 +30690,112 @@
+@@ -30935,112 +30650,112 @@
  msgid "requested %qE attribute is not a comma separated pair of non-negative integer constants or too large (max. %d)"
  msgstr ""
@@ -17714,7 +25405,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/es.po
  #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
  #| msgid "argument to %qE attribute larger than %d"
  msgid "argument to %qs is too large (max. %d)"
-@@ -31047,7 +30802,7 @@
+@@ -31047,7 +30762,7 @@
  msgstr "el argumento para el atributo %qE es más grande que %d"
  #. Value is not allowed for the target attribute.
@@ -24162,7 +31853,11 @@ Index: gcc/po/ChangeLog
 --- a/src/gcc/po/ChangeLog	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/po/ChangeLog	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -1,3 +1,40 @@
+@@ -1,3 +1,44 @@
++2017-07-31  Joseph Myers  <joseph at codesourcery.com>
++	* es.po, uk.po: Update.
 +2017-06-01  Joseph Myers  <joseph at codesourcery.com>
 +	* es.po: Update.
@@ -26352,15 +34047,73 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
 --- a/src/gcc/po/uk.po	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/po/uk.po	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
+ # Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ # This file is distributed under the same license as the gcc package.
+ #
+-# Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor at ukr.net>, 2015, 2016.
++# Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor at ukr.net>, 2015, 2016, 2017.
+ msgid ""
  msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: gcc 6.2.0\n"
+-"Project-Id-Version: gcc 6.2.0\n"
++"Project-Id-Version: gcc 7.1.0\n"
  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugs/\n"
 -"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-24 20:38+0000\n"
+-"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-08-24 18:46+0300\n"
 +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-01 22:24+0000\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-08-24 18:46+0300\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-07-18 13:34+0200\n"
  "Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan <yurchor at ukr.net>\n"
  "Language-Team: Ukrainian <translation-team-uk at lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
+ "Language: uk\n"
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
+ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+ "X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address.\n"
+ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+-"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n"
++"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n"
+ #: cfgrtl.c:2661
+ msgid "flow control insn inside a basic block"
+@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%d frame table found\n"
+ msgid_plural "%d frame tables found\n"
+-msgstr[0] ""
+-msgstr[1] ""
+-msgstr[2] ""
++msgstr[0] "знайдено %d таблицю кадрів\n"
++msgstr[1] "знайдено %d таблиці кадрів\n"
++msgstr[2] "знайдено %d таблиць кадрів\n"
+ #: collect2.c:1836
+ #, c-format
+@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
+ #: cprop.c:1756
+ msgid "const/copy propagation disabled"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "передавання const/copy вимкнено"
+ #: diagnostic.c:224
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@
+ #: gimple-ssa-isolate-paths.c:526 gimple-ssa-isolate-paths.c:410
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "function may return address of local variable"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "функція може повертати адресу локальної змінної"
+ #: incpath.c:72
+ #, c-format
+@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@
+ #: langhooks.c:386 cp/error.c:3372
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "In member function %qs"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "У функції-члені %qs"
+ #: langhooks.c:390 cp/error.c:3375
+ #, c-format
 @@ -2735,42 +2735,42 @@
  msgid "<command-line>"
  msgstr ""
@@ -26416,6 +34169,96 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #, c-format
  msgid "invalid operand prefix '%%%c'"
  msgstr ""
+@@ -2779,75 +2779,75 @@
+ #: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:23938 config/sparc/sparc.c:8854
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "'%%&' used without any local dynamic TLS references"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "'%%&' використано без будь-яких локальних динамічних посилань TLS"
+ #: config/alpha/alpha.c:5150 config/bfin/bfin.c:1424
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%J value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%J"
+ #: config/alpha/alpha.c:5180 config/ia64/ia64.c:5488
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%r value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%r"
+ #: config/alpha/alpha.c:5190 config/ia64/ia64.c:5442
+ #: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:23618 config/xtensa/xtensa.c:2363
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%R value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%R"
+ #: config/alpha/alpha.c:5196 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:23538
+ #: config/xtensa/xtensa.c:2330
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%N value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%N"
+ #: config/alpha/alpha.c:5204 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:23566
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%P value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%P"
+ #: config/alpha/alpha.c:5212
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%h value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%h"
+ #: config/alpha/alpha.c:5220 config/xtensa/xtensa.c:2356
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%L value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%L"
+ #: config/alpha/alpha.c:5239
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%m value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%m"
+ #: config/alpha/alpha.c:5245
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%M value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%M"
+ #: config/alpha/alpha.c:5282
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%U value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%U"
+ #: config/alpha/alpha.c:5290 config/alpha/alpha.c:5301
+ #: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:23626
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%s value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%s"
+ #: config/alpha/alpha.c:5312
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%C value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%C"
+ #: config/alpha/alpha.c:5349 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:23402
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%E value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%E"
+ #: config/alpha/alpha.c:5374 config/alpha/alpha.c:5424
+ #, c-format
 @@ -2928,29 +2928,29 @@
  msgid "invalid UNSPEC as operand: %d"
  msgstr ""
@@ -26473,7 +34316,69 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #, c-format
  msgid "obsolete Maverick format code '%c'"
  msgstr ""
-@@ -3774,98 +3774,98 @@
+@@ -3041,24 +3041,20 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: config/avr/avr.c:9808
+-#, fuzzy
+-#| msgid "expected function name"
+ msgid "function parameter"
+-msgstr "мало бути вказано назву функції"
++msgstr "параметр функції"
+ #: config/avr/avr.c:9813
+ msgid "structure field"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "поле структури"
+ #: config/avr/avr.c:9819
+ msgid "return type of function"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "тип значення, яке повертає функція"
+ #: config/avr/avr.c:9824
+-#, fuzzy
+-#| msgid "null pointer"
+ msgid "pointer"
+-msgstr "нульовий вказівник"
++msgstr "вказівник"
+ #: config/avr/driver-avr.c:48
+ #, c-format
+@@ -3645,27 +3641,27 @@
+ #: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:23199
+ msgid "Bad 128-bit move"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Помилкове 128-бітове пересування"
+ #: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:23390
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%e value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%e"
+ #: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:23411
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%f value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%f"
+ #: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:23420
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%F value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%F"
+ #: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:23429
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "invalid %%G value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "некоректне значення %%G"
+ #: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:23464
+ #, c-format
+@@ -3774,98 +3770,98 @@
  msgid "emit_fusion_p9_store not MEM"
  msgstr ""
@@ -26592,7 +34497,409 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  msgid "binary operator does not support mixing vector bool with floating point vector operands"
  msgstr ""
-@@ -17225,7 +17225,7 @@
+@@ -4311,10 +4307,8 @@
+ msgstr "мало бути %<<%>"
+ #: c/gimple-parser.c:1428 c/gimple-parser.c:1455 c/gimple-parser.c:1483
+-#, fuzzy
+-#| msgid "expected %<__label__%>"
+ msgid "expected label"
+-msgstr "мало бути %<__label__%>"
++msgstr "мало бути вказано мітку"
+ #: cp/call.c:9927
+ msgid "candidate 1:"
+@@ -4342,7 +4336,7 @@
+ #: cp/error.c:421
+ msgid "<unresolved overloaded function type>"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "<невизначений перевантажений тип функції>"
+ #: cp/error.c:583
+ msgid "<type error>"
+@@ -4351,13 +4345,12 @@
+ #: cp/error.c:684 objc/objc-act.c:6180 cp/cxx-pretty-print.c:161
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "<unnamed>"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "<неназваний>"
+ #: cp/error.c:686
+-#, fuzzy, c-format
+-#| msgid "<anonymous %s>"
++#, c-format
+ msgid "<unnamed %s>"
+-msgstr "<анонімний %s>"
++msgstr "<неназваний %s>"
+ #. A lambda's "type" is essentially its signature.
+ #: cp/error.c:691
+@@ -5302,10 +5295,8 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: config/darwin.h:171
+-#, fuzzy
+-#| msgid "%<-Wabi=1%> is not supported, using =2"
+ msgid "rdynamic is not supported"
+-msgstr "Підтримки %<-Wabi=1%> не передбачено, використовуємо =2"
++msgstr "підтримки rdynamic не передбачено"
+ #: config/darwin.h:260
+ msgid "-current_version only allowed with -dynamiclib"
+@@ -5498,11 +5489,11 @@
+ #: objc/lang-specs.h:55
+ msgid "objc-cpp-output is deprecated; please use objective-c-cpp-output instead"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "objc-cpp-output вважається застарілим; будь ласка, скористайтеся замість нього objective-c-cpp-output"
+ #: objcp/lang-specs.h:58
+ msgid "objc++-cpp-output is deprecated; please use objective-c++-cpp-output instead"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "objc++-cpp-output вважається застарілим; будь ласка, скористайтеся замість нього objective-c++-cpp-output"
+ #: fortran/lang.opt:146
+ msgid "-J<directory>\tPut MODULE files in 'directory'."
+@@ -6104,11 +6095,11 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:300 ada/gcc-interface/lang.opt:57
+ msgid "Enable most warning messages."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Увімкнути якнайбільше повідомлень із попередженнями."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:304
+ msgid "Warn on any use of alloca."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про усі використання alloca."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:308
+ msgid "-Walloc-size-larger-than=<bytes> Warn for calls to allocation functions that attempt to allocate objects larger than the specified number of bytes."
+@@ -6128,7 +6119,7 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:335
+ msgid "Warn about casting functions to incompatible types."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про виклик функцій із несумісними типами параметрів."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:339
+ msgid "Warn about boolean expression compared with an integer value different from true/false."
+@@ -6135,10 +6126,8 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: c-family/c.opt:343
+-#, fuzzy
+-#| msgid "Warn about creation of array temporaries."
+ msgid "Warn about certain operations on boolean expressions."
+-msgstr "Попереджати щодо створення тимчасових масивів."
++msgstr "Попереджати щодо певних дій із булевими виразами."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:347
+ msgid "Warn when __builtin_frame_address or __builtin_return_address is used unsafely."
+@@ -6198,7 +6187,7 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:409
+ msgid "Synonym for -Wcomment."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Синонім -Wcomment."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:413
+ msgid "Warn for conditionally-supported constructs."
+@@ -6206,7 +6195,7 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:417
+ msgid "Warn for implicit type conversions that may change a value."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про неявні перетворення типів, які можуть призвести до зміни значення."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:421
+ msgid "Warn for converting NULL from/to a non-pointer type."
+@@ -6214,7 +6203,7 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:429
+ msgid "Warn when all constructors and destructors are private."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати, якщо усі конструктори і деструктори є закритими (private)."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:433
+ msgid "Warn about dangling else."
+@@ -6226,11 +6215,11 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:441
+ msgid "Warn when a declaration is found after a statement."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати, якщо оголошення виявлено після інструкції."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:445
+ msgid "Warn when deleting a pointer to incomplete type."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати щодо вилучення вказівника на неповний тип."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:449
+ msgid "Warn about deleting polymorphic objects with non-virtual destructors."
+@@ -6238,7 +6227,7 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:453
+ msgid "Warn if a deprecated compiler feature, class, method, or field is used."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати щодо використання застарілої можливості компілятора, застарілого класу, методу або поля."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:457
+ msgid "Warn about positional initialization of structs requiring designated initializers."
+@@ -6258,19 +6247,19 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:473
+ msgid "Warn about duplicated branches in if-else statements."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про дублювання гілок у інструкціях if-else."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:477
+ msgid "Warn about duplicated conditions in an if-else-if chain."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про дублювання умов у ланцюжку if-else-if."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:481
+ msgid "Warn about violations of Effective C++ style rules."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про порушення правил стилю Effective C++."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:485
+ msgid "Warn about an empty body in an if or else statement."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати щодо порожнього комплекту інструкцій у if або else."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:489
+ msgid "Warn about stray tokens after #else and #endif."
+@@ -6278,11 +6267,11 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:493
+ msgid "Warn about comparison of different enum types."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про порівняння різних типів числових даних."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:501
+ msgid "This switch is deprecated; use -Werror=implicit-function-declaration instead."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Цей перемикач вважається застарілим; скористайтеся замість нього перемикачем -Werror=implicit-function-declaration."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:509
+ msgid "Warn for implicit type conversions that cause loss of floating point precision."
+@@ -6290,15 +6279,15 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:513
+ msgid "Warn if testing floating point numbers for equality."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про перевірки на рівність чисел із рухомою крапкою."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:517 c-family/c.opt:559
+ msgid "Warn about printf/scanf/strftime/strfmon format string anomalies."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про некоректності у рядках форматування printf/scanf/strftime/strfmon."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:521
+ msgid "Warn about format strings that contain NUL bytes."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати щодо рядків форматування, які містять байти NUL."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:525
+ msgid "Warn if passing too many arguments to a function for its format string."
+@@ -6306,7 +6295,7 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:529
+ msgid "Warn about format strings that are not literals."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати, якщо рядки форматування не є літералами."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:533
+ msgid "Warn about function calls with format strings that write past the end of the destination region.  Same as -Wformat-overflow=1."
+@@ -6318,7 +6307,7 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:542
+ msgid "Warn about sign differences with format functions."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про відмінності у знаку у функціях форматування."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:546
+ msgid "Warn about calls to snprintf and similar functions that truncate output. Same as -Wformat-truncation=1."
+@@ -6330,7 +6319,7 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:555
+ msgid "Warn about zero-length formats."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про формати нульової довжини."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:563
+ msgid "Warn about function calls with format strings that write past the end of the destination region."
+@@ -6346,7 +6335,7 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:576
+ msgid "Warn whenever attributes are ignored."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про ігнорування атрибутів."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:580
+ msgid "Warn when there is a conversion between pointers that have incompatible types."
+@@ -6354,27 +6343,27 @@
+ #: c-family/c.opt:584
+ msgid "Warn about variables which are initialized to themselves."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про самоініціалізацію змінних."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:588
+ msgid "Warn about implicit declarations."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про неявні оголошення."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:596
+ msgid "Warn about implicit conversions from \"float\" to \"double\"."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про неявні перетворення з float на double."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:600
+ msgid "Warn if \"defined\" is used outside #if."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати, якщо defined використано поза #if."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:604
+ msgid "Warn about implicit function declarations."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати про неявні оголошення функцій."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:608
+ msgid "Warn when a declaration does not specify a type."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Попереджати, якщо оголошення не визначає типу."
+ #: c-family/c.opt:615
+ msgid "Warn about C++11 inheriting constructors when the base has a variadic constructor."
+@@ -8855,7 +8844,7 @@
+ #: config/i386/i386.opt:315
+ msgid "%<-mcpu=%> is deprecated; use %<-mtune=%> or %<-march=%> instead"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%<-mcpu=%> вважається застарілим; скористайтеся замість нього %<-mtune=%> або %<-march=%>"
+ #: config/i386/i386.opt:319
+ msgid "Generate sin, cos, sqrt for FPU."
+@@ -11587,7 +11576,7 @@
+ #: config/fused-madd.opt:22
+ msgid "%<-mfused-madd%> is deprecated; use %<-ffp-contract=%> instead"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%<-mfused-madd%> вважається застарілим; скористайтеся замість нього %<-ffp-contract=%>"
+ #: config/sol2.opt:32
+ msgid "Clear hardware capabilities when linking."
+@@ -11644,7 +11633,7 @@
+ #: config/microblaze/microblaze.opt:87
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%qs is deprecated; use -fstack-check"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%qs вважається застарілим; скористайтеся -fstack-check"
+ #: config/microblaze/microblaze.opt:88
+ msgid "Check for stack overflow at runtime."
+@@ -12780,7 +12769,7 @@
+ #: config/arc/arc.opt:356 config/arc/arc.opt:373
+ #, c-format
+ msgid "%qs is deprecated"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%qs вважається застарілим"
+ #: config/arc/arc.opt:170
+ msgid "Do not generate mpy instructions for ARC700."
+@@ -13437,17 +13426,15 @@
+ #: common.opt:1065
+ msgid "Check the return value of new in C++."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Перевіряти повернуте значення new у C++."
+ #: common.opt:1069 common.opt:1073
+ msgid "Perform internal consistency checkings."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Виконувати внутрішні перевірки сумісності."
+ #: common.opt:1077
+-#, fuzzy
+-#| msgid "Enable debug output."
+ msgid "Enable code hoisting."
+-msgstr "Увімкнути виведення діагностичних даних."
++msgstr "Увімкнути підняття коду."
+ #: common.opt:1081
+ msgid "Looks for opportunities to reduce stack adjustments and stack references."
+@@ -15438,10 +15425,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: auto-profile.c:920
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "can't open input file: %s"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "cannot open profile file %s"
+-msgstr "не вдалося відкрити вхідний файл %s"
++msgstr "не вдалося відкрити файл профілювання %s"
+ #: auto-profile.c:926
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -15454,22 +15440,19 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: auto-profile.c:946
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "cannot read %s: %m"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "cannot read string table from %s"
+-msgstr "не вдалося прочитати %s: %m"
++msgstr "не вдалося прочитати таблицю рядків з %s"
+ #: auto-profile.c:954
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "cannot call function %qD"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "cannot read function profile from %s"
+-msgstr "не вдалося викликати функцію %qD"
++msgstr "не вдалося прочитати профіль функції з %s"
+ #: auto-profile.c:964
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "cannot read %s: %m"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "cannot read working set from %s"
+-msgstr "не вдалося прочитати %s: %m"
++msgstr "не вдалося прочитати робочий набір з %s"
+ #: bt-load.c:1564
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -15765,21 +15748,19 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: calls.c:1491
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "cannot call function %qD"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "in a call to built-in allocation function %qD"
+-msgstr "не вдалося викликати функцію %qD"
++msgstr "у виклику до вбудованої функції розподілу пам'яті %qD"
+ #: calls.c:1494
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "in a call to allocation function %qD declared here"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "у виклику до функції отримання області пам'яті %qD оголошено тут"
+ #: calls.c:1508
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "[cannot find %s]"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "cannot tail-call: %s"
+-msgstr "[не вдалося знайти %s]"
++msgstr "хвостовий виклик неможливий: %s"
+ #: calls.c:3071
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -17225,7 +17206,7 @@
  msgid "assuming signed overflow does not occur when combining constants around a comparison"
  msgstr ""
@@ -26601,7 +34908,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "fold check: original tree changed by fold"
  msgstr ""
-@@ -17761,8 +17761,8 @@
+@@ -17761,8 +17742,8 @@
  msgid "null pointer dereference"
  msgstr "розіменування нульового вказівника"
@@ -26612,7 +34919,16 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #: c/c-typeck.c:9930 c/gimple-parser.c:1556 c/gimple-parser.c:1564
  #: cp/call.c:6454 cp/call.c:7933 cp/constexpr.c:777 cp/constexpr.c:2174
  #: cp/cvt.c:992 cp/cvt.c:1019 cp/decl.c:7224 cp/decl2.c:5072 cp/pt.c:7993
-@@ -17776,299 +17776,299 @@
+@@ -17769,7 +17750,7 @@
+ #: cp/semantics.c:1764 cp/typeck.c:1648 cp/typeck.c:1843 cp/typeck.c:3718
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "declared here"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "оголошено тут"
+ #: gimple-ssa-nonnull-compare.c:102
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -17776,299 +17757,297 @@
  msgid "nonnull argument %qD compared to NULL"
  msgstr ""
@@ -26893,11 +35209,13 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  msgstr ""
 -#: gimple-ssa-sprintf.c:2775
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "unexpected argument"
 +#: gimple-ssa-sprintf.c:2776
- #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
- #| msgid "unexpected argument"
++#, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "directive argument %qE"
- msgstr "несподіваний аргумент"
+-msgstr "несподіваний аргумент"
++msgstr "аргумент директиви %qE"
 -#: gimple-ssa-sprintf.c:2777
 +#: gimple-ssa-sprintf.c:2778
@@ -26954,11 +35272,13 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  msgstr ""
 -#: gimple-ssa-sprintf.c:3647
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "null pointer"
 +#: gimple-ssa-sprintf.c:3650
- #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
- #| msgid "null pointer"
++#, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "null destination pointer"
- msgstr "нульовий вказівник"
+-msgstr "нульовий вказівник"
++msgstr "нульовий вказівник призначення"
 -#: gimple-ssa-sprintf.c:3664
 +#: gimple-ssa-sprintf.c:3667
@@ -26971,7 +35291,59 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "null format string"
  msgstr ""
-@@ -20241,157 +20241,157 @@
+@@ -18224,10 +18203,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: gimplify.c:6852
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%qs tag used in naming %q#T"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%qE not specified in enclosing %qs"
+-msgstr "теґ %qs використано у назві %q#T"
++msgstr "%qE не задано у замиканні %qs"
+ #: gimplify.c:6854
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -19547,10 +19525,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: opts.c:976
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<-fabi-compat-version=1%> is not supported, using =2"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "-fsanitize-recover=%s is not supported"
+-msgstr "Підтримки %<-fabi-compat-version=1%> не передбачено, використовуємо =2"
++msgstr "підтримки -fsanitize-recover=%s не передбачено"
+ #: opts.c:1005
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -19623,10 +19600,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: opts.c:2371
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "invalid --param name %qs"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "invalid --param name %qs; did you mean %qs?"
+-msgstr "некоректна назва --param %qs"
++msgstr "некоректна назва --param %qs; ви мали на увазі %qs?"
+ #: opts.c:2374
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -19914,10 +19890,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: read-rtl-function.c:1575
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "duplicate definition of '%s'"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "duplicate insn UID: %i"
+-msgstr "повторне визначення «%s»"
++msgstr "UID інструкції-дубліката: %i"
+ #: read-rtl-function.c:1635
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -20241,157 +20216,157 @@
  msgid "%D renamed after being referenced in assembly"
  msgstr ""
@@ -27160,7 +35532,49 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "section of alias %q+D must match section of its target"
  msgstr ""
-@@ -22054,8 +22054,8 @@
+@@ -21525,17 +21500,17 @@
+ #: tree-diagnostic.c:202
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "in definition of macro %qs"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "у оголошенні макросу %qs"
+ #: tree-diagnostic.c:219
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "in expansion of macro %qs"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "у розгортанні макросу %qs"
+ #: tree-eh.c:4669
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "BB %i has multiple EH edges"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "BB %i має декілька країв EH"
+ #: tree-eh.c:4681
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+@@ -21679,16 +21654,14 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: tree-ssa-ccp.c:3427
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "cannot call function %qD"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "in a call to built-in function %qD"
+-msgstr "не вдалося викликати функцію %qD"
++msgstr "у виклику вбудованої функції %qD"
+ #: tree-ssa-ccp.c:3431
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "cannot call function %qD"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "in a call to function %qD declared here"
+-msgstr "не вдалося викликати функцію %qD"
++msgstr "у виклику функції %qD, оголошено тут"
+ #: tree-ssa-loop-niter.c:2367
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -22054,8 +22027,8 @@
  #: c-family/c-attribs.c:2898 c-family/c-attribs.c:2937
  #: c-family/c-attribs.c:3019 c-family/c-attribs.c:3062
  #: c-family/c-attribs.c:3078 c-family/c-attribs.c:3172
@@ -27171,7 +35585,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #: config/h8300/h8300.c:5480 config/h8300/h8300.c:5504 config/i386/i386.c:7715
  #: config/i386/i386.c:41425 config/ia64/ia64.c:762
  #: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:35369 config/spu/spu.c:3741
-@@ -22091,92 +22091,92 @@
+@@ -22091,95 +22064,95 @@
  msgid "%qE implies default visibility, but %qD has already been declared with a different visibility"
  msgstr ""
@@ -27251,38 +35665,47 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
 +#: tree.c:12875
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "%qD is deprecated: %s"
- msgstr ""
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%qD вважається застарілим: %s"
 -#: tree.c:12870
 +#: tree.c:12878
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "%qD is deprecated"
- msgstr ""
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%qD вважається застарілим"
 -#: tree.c:12894 tree.c:12916
 +#: tree.c:12902 tree.c:12924
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "%qE is deprecated: %s"
- msgstr ""
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%qE вважається застарілим: %s"
 -#: tree.c:12897 tree.c:12919
 +#: tree.c:12905 tree.c:12927
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "%qE is deprecated"
- msgstr ""
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%qE вважається застарілим"
 -#: tree.c:12903 tree.c:12924
 +#: tree.c:12911 tree.c:12932
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
  msgid "type is deprecated: %s"
- msgstr ""
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "тип вважається застарілим: %s"
 -#: tree.c:12906 tree.c:12927
 +#: tree.c:12914 tree.c:12935
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "type is deprecated"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -22203,262 +22203,262 @@
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "тип вважається застарілим"
+ #. Type variant can differ by:
+ #.
+@@ -22203,262 +22176,262 @@
  #. main variant only.
  #. Convenience macro for matching individual fields.
@@ -27597,7 +36020,34 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "verify_type failed"
  msgstr "помилка verify_type"
-@@ -23455,13 +23455,13 @@
+@@ -23358,7 +23331,7 @@
+ #: c-family/c-common.c:4869
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "pointers are not permitted as case values"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "вказівники не можуть бути значеннями випадків"
+ #: c-family/c-common.c:4876
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -23373,7 +23346,7 @@
+ #: c-family/c-common.c:4963
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "duplicate (or overlapping) case value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "дублювання (або перекривання) значення випадку"
+ #: c-family/c-common.c:4965
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -23383,7 +23356,7 @@
+ #: c-family/c-common.c:4969
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "duplicate case value"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "дублювання значення випадку"
+ #: c-family/c-common.c:4970 c-family/c-warn.c:1995
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -23455,13 +23428,13 @@
  msgid "%<fallthrough%> attribute specified with a parameter"
  msgstr ""
@@ -27613,7 +36063,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "too many arguments to function %qE"
  msgstr ""
-@@ -23546,72 +23546,72 @@
+@@ -23546,72 +23519,72 @@
  msgid "index %E denotes an offset greater than size of %qT"
  msgstr ""
@@ -27700,7 +36150,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #: cp/call.c:4836 cp/call.c:4843
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "conversion of scalar %qT to vector %qT involves truncation"
-@@ -23619,22 +23619,22 @@
+@@ -23619,22 +23592,22 @@
  #. Reject arguments that are built-in functions with
  #. no library fallback.
@@ -27727,7 +36177,31 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "environment variable SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH must expand to a non-negative integer less than or equal to %wd"
  msgstr ""
-@@ -25395,7 +25395,7 @@
+@@ -24924,12 +24897,12 @@
+ #: c-family/c-warn.c:1068
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "case value %qs not in enumerated type"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "значення випадку %qs не належить до перераховного типу"
+ #: c-family/c-warn.c:1073
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "case value %qs not in enumerated type %qT"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "значення випадку %qs не належить до перераховного типу %qT"
+ #: c-family/c-warn.c:1134
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -25290,7 +25263,7 @@
+ #: c-family/c-warn.c:1897
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "unused parameter %qD"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "невикористаний параметр %qD"
+ #: c-family/c-warn.c:1959
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -25395,7 +25368,7 @@
  msgid "too many input files"
  msgstr ""
@@ -27736,7 +36210,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "unknown value %qs for -mcpu"
  msgstr ""
-@@ -25853,180 +25853,180 @@
+@@ -25853,180 +25826,179 @@
  msgid "%qs feature modifier is incompatible with %s %s"
  msgstr ""
@@ -27765,11 +36239,13 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  msgstr "невідомий параметр регулювання (%s)"
 -#: config/aarch64/aarch64.c:8707
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "Invalid argument %d for builtin %qF"
 +#: config/aarch64/aarch64.c:8715
- #, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
- #| msgid "Invalid argument %d for builtin %qF"
++#, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "valid arguments are: %s; did you mean %qs?"
- msgstr "Некоректний аргумент %d до вбудованої %qF"
+-msgstr "Некоректний аргумент %d до вбудованої %qF"
++msgstr "коректними аргументами є такі: %s; ви мали на увазі %qs?"
 -#: config/aarch64/aarch64.c:8748
 +#: config/aarch64/aarch64.c:8756
@@ -27953,7 +36429,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "lane %wd out of range %wd - %wd"
  msgstr ""
-@@ -26433,62 +26433,62 @@
+@@ -26433,62 +26405,62 @@
  msgid "the count should be no less than 0.  please check the intrinsic _mm_sra_si64 in code."
  msgstr ""
@@ -28028,7 +36504,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #, gcc-internal-format
  msgid "target CPU does not support unaligned accesses"
  msgstr ""
-@@ -26495,127 +26495,133 @@
+@@ -26495,127 +26467,133 @@
  #. To support this we need to be able to parse FPU feature options
  #. from the architecture string.
@@ -28187,7 +36663,7 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  #: config/avr/avr.c:9480 config/avr/avr.c:9496 config/bfin/bfin.c:4673
  #: config/bfin/bfin.c:4734 config/bfin/bfin.c:4763
  #: config/epiphany/epiphany.c:475 config/h8300/h8300.c:5456
-@@ -26631,72 +26637,72 @@
+@@ -26631,72 +26609,72 @@
  msgid "%qE attribute only applies to functions"
  msgstr ""
@@ -28209,285 +36685,1270 @@ Index: gcc/po/uk.po
  msgid "%qE attribute not available to functions that return value on the stack"
  msgstr ""
--#: config/arm/arm.c:6857 config/arm/arm.c:6909
-+#: config/arm/arm.c:6894 config/arm/arm.c:6946
+-#: config/arm/arm.c:6857 config/arm/arm.c:6909
++#: config/arm/arm.c:6894 config/arm/arm.c:6946
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%qE attribute ignored without -mcmse option."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/arm/arm.c:6876
++#: config/arm/arm.c:6913
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%qE attribute has no effect on functions with static linkage"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/arm/arm.c:6925
++#: config/arm/arm.c:6962
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%qE attribute only applies to base type of a function pointer"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/arm/arm.c:12208
++#: config/arm/arm.c:12245
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%K%s %wd out of range %wd - %wd"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/arm/arm.c:12211
++#: config/arm/arm.c:12248
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%s %wd out of range %wd - %wd"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/arm/arm.c:23458
++#: config/arm/arm.c:23495
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "unable to compute real location of stacked parameter"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/arm/arm.c:24111
++#: config/arm/arm.c:24148
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "Unexpected thumb1 far jump"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/arm/arm.c:24375
++#: config/arm/arm.c:24412
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "no low registers available for popping high registers"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/arm/arm.c:24624
++#: config/arm/arm.c:24661
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "interrupt Service Routines cannot be coded in Thumb mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/arm/arm.c:24853
++#: config/arm/arm.c:24890
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "-fstack-check=specific for Thumb-1"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/arm/arm.c:30391
++#: config/arm/arm.c:30435
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "invalid fpu for attribute(target(\"%s\"))"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -26704,13 +26682,13 @@
+ #. This doesn't really make sense until we support
+ #. general dynamic selection of the architecture and all
+ #. sub-features.
+-#: config/arm/arm.c:30399
++#: config/arm/arm.c:30443
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "auto fpu selection not currently permitted here"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/arm/arm.c:30406 config/i386/i386.c:6838 config/i386/i386.c:6885
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14915 config/s390/s390.c:14965 config/s390/s390.c:14982
++#: config/arm/arm.c:30450 config/i386/i386.c:6838 config/i386/i386.c:6885
++#: config/s390/s390.c:15083 config/s390/s390.c:15133 config/s390/s390.c:15150
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "attribute(target(\"%s\")) is unknown"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -27349,10 +27327,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:4692
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "Invalid argument %d for builtin %qF"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "wrong argument %qs to option %qs"
+-msgstr "Некоректний аргумент %d до вбудованої %qF"
++msgstr "помилковий аргумент %qs параметра %qs"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:4698
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -27403,7 +27380,7 @@
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:5272
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<target(\"tune=x86-64\")%> is deprecated; use %<target(\"tune=k8\")%> or %<target(\"tune=generic\")%> instead as appropriate"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "%<target(\"tune=x86-64\")%> вважається застарілим; скористайтеся одним із відповідників: %<target(\"tune=k8\")%> або %<target(\"tune=generic\")%>"
+ #. rep; movq isn't available in 32-bit code.
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:5299
+@@ -27495,7 +27472,7 @@
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:5688
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "valid arguments to %<-march=%> switch are: %s"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "коректними аргументами перемикача %<-march=%> є такі: %s"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:5689
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -27523,10 +27500,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:5759
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "invalid argument to %<__builtin_return_address%>"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "valid arguments to %<-mtune=%> switch are: %s"
+-msgstr "некоректний аргумент %<__builtin_return_address%>"
++msgstr "коректними аргументами перемикача %<-mtune=%> є такі: %s"
+ #: config/i386/i386.c:5760
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -28925,10 +28901,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: config/nds32/nds32.c:2707
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "Generate position-independent code if possible (small mode)."
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "position-independent code not supported"
+-msgstr "Створити виконуваний файл з незалежним позиціюванням, якщо можливо (малий режим)"
++msgstr "підтримки коду із незалежним позиціюванням не передбачено"
+ #: config/nios2/nios2.c:561
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -29320,7 +29295,7 @@
+ msgid "vec_cmpne only accepts 2 arguments"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5711
++#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5710
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "vec_adde only accepts 3 arguments"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -29330,42 +29305,42 @@
+ msgid "vec_addec only accepts 3 arguments"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5861
++#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5862
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "%s only accepts %d arguments"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5866
++#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5867
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "%s only accepts 1 argument"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5871
++#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5872
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "%s only accepts 2 arguments"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5937
++#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5938
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "vec_extract only accepts 2 arguments"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6106
++#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6107
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "vec_insert only accepts 3 arguments"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6380
++#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6381
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "passing arg %d of %qE discards qualifiers from pointer target type"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6434
++#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6435
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "Builtin function %s not supported in this compiler configuration"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6442
++#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6443
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "invalid parameter combination for AltiVec intrinsic %s"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -30329,13 +30304,12 @@
+ #: config/s390/s390-c.c:879
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "builtin %qF is deprecated."
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "вбудований %qF вважається застарілим."
+ #: config/s390/s390-c.c:883
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%E requires %<-fgnu-tm%>"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%qF requires -mvx"
+-msgstr "%E потребує %<-fgnu-tm%>"
++msgstr "%qF потребує -mvx"
+ #: config/s390/s390-c.c:889
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -30409,10 +30383,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: config/s390/s390.c:1004
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "Invalid argument %d for builtin %qF"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "invalid argument %d for builtin %qF"
+-msgstr "Некоректний аргумент %d до вбудованої %qF"
++msgstr "некоректний аргумент %d для вбудованої %qF"
+ #: config/s390/s390.c:1105
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -30419,114 +30392,114 @@
+ msgid "requested %qE attribute is not a comma separated pair of non-negative integer constants or too large (max. %d)"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:9812
++#: config/s390/s390.c:9980
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "total size of local variables exceeds architecture limit"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:10926
++#: config/s390/s390.c:11094
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "frame size of function %qs is %wd bytes exceeding user provided stack limit of %d bytes.  An unconditional trap is added."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:10942
++#: config/s390/s390.c:11110
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "frame size of function %qs is %wd bytes which is more than half the stack size. The dynamic check would not be reliable. No check emitted for this function."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:10970
++#: config/s390/s390.c:11138
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "frame size of %qs is %wd bytes"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:10974
++#: config/s390/s390.c:11142
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%qs uses dynamic stack allocation"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:11352
++#: config/s390/s390.c:11520
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "CPUs older than z900 are not supported for -fsplit-stack"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14498
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14666
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "%sarch=%s%s is deprecated and will be removed in future releases; use at least %sarch=z900%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14510
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14678
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "%stune=%s%s is deprecated and will be removed in future releases; use at least %stune=z900%s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14522
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14690
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "z/Architecture mode not supported on %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14525
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14693
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "64-bit ABI not supported in ESA/390 mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14542
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14710
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "hardware vector support not available on %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14545
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14713
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "hardware vector support not available with -msoft-float"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14573
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14741
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "hardware decimal floating point instructions not available on %s"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14577
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14745
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "hardware decimal floating point instructions not available in ESA/390 mode"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14589
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14757
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "-mhard-dfp can%'t be used in conjunction with -msoft-float"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14597
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14765
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "-mbackchain -mpacked-stack -mhard-float are not supported in combination"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14603
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14771
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "stack size must be greater than the stack guard value"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14605
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14773
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "stack size must not be greater than 64k"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14608
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14776
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "-mstack-guard implies use of -mstack-size"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. argument is not a plain number
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14706
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14874
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "arguments to %qs should be non-negative integers"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14713
++#: config/s390/s390.c:14881
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "argument to %qs is too large (max. %d)"
+ msgstr ""
+ #. Value is not allowed for the target attribute.
+-#: config/s390/s390.c:14921
++#: config/s390/s390.c:15089
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "value %qs is not supported by attribute %<target%>"
+ msgstr ""
+@@ -31152,7 +31125,7 @@
+ #: c/c-decl.c:1794
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "previous implicit declaration of %q+D was here"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "попереднє неявне оголошення %q+D було тут"
+ #: c/c-decl.c:1796
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -31323,17 +31296,17 @@
+ #: c/c-decl.c:3144 c/c-decl.c:3157
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "implicit declaration of function %qE; did you mean %qs?"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "неявне оголошення функції %qE; ви мали на увазі %qs?"
+ #: c/c-decl.c:3149 c/c-decl.c:3162
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "implicit declaration of function %qE"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "неявне оголошення функції %qE"
+ #: c/c-decl.c:3408
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function %qD"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "несумісне неявне оголошення вбудованої функції %qD"
+ #: c/c-decl.c:3415
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -31343,7 +31316,7 @@
+ #: c/c-decl.c:3424
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "incompatible implicit declaration of function %qD"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "несумісне неявне оголошення функції %qD"
+ #: c/c-decl.c:3484
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -32612,10 +32585,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: c/c-decl.c:10452
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "ISO C++ 1998 does not support %<long long%>"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "ISO C does not support the %<_Float%d%s%> type"
+-msgstr "У ISO C++ 1998 не передбачено підтримки %<long long%>"
++msgstr "У ISO C не передбачено підтримки типу %<_Float%d%s%>"
+ #: c/c-decl.c:10502
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -33216,10 +33188,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: c/c-parser.c:6175
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "expected %<,%> or %<)%>"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "expected %<:%> or %<)%>"
+-msgstr "мало бути %<,%> або %<)%>"
++msgstr "мало бути %<:%> або %<)%>"
+ #: c/c-parser.c:6487
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -33340,7 +33311,7 @@
+ #: c/c-parser.c:7912
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "wrong number of arguments to %<__builtin_choose_expr%>"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "помилкова кількість аргументів %<__builtin_choose_expr%>"
+ #: c/c-parser.c:7928
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -33350,7 +33321,7 @@
+ #: c/c-parser.c:7999
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "wrong number of arguments to %<__builtin_call_with_static_chain%>"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "помилкова кількість аргументів %<__builtin_call_with_static_chain%>"
+ #: c/c-parser.c:8012
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -33365,7 +33336,7 @@
+ #: c/c-parser.c:8042
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "wrong number of arguments to %<__builtin_complex%>"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "помилкова кількість аргументів %<__builtin_complex%>"
+ #: c/c-parser.c:8064
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -33380,7 +33351,7 @@
+ #: c/c-parser.c:8121 cp/parser.c:6676
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "wrong number of arguments to %<__builtin_shuffle%>"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "помилкова кількість аргументів %<__builtin_shuffle%>"
+ #: c/c-parser.c:8202 cp/parser.c:6587
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -33482,10 +33453,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: c/c-parser.c:10214 cp/parser.c:38233
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<#pragma acc routine%> %s"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<#pragma acc routine%> must be at file scope"
+-msgstr "%<#pragma acc routine%> %s"
++msgstr "%<#pragma acc routine%> має перебувати у області видимості файла"
+ #: c/c-parser.c:10292 cp/parser.c:38314
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -33677,10 +33647,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: c/c-parser.c:12297 cp/semantics.c:6395
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%qs value must be positive"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "chunk size value must be positive"
+-msgstr "значення %qs має бути додатним"
++msgstr "значення розміру фрагмента має бути додатним"
+ #: c/c-parser.c:12320 cp/parser.c:32207
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -33803,10 +33772,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: c/c-parser.c:13933 cp/parser.c:36305
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "expected %<for%> after %qs"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "expected %<data%> after %<#pragma acc %s%>"
+-msgstr "мало бути %<for%> після %qs"
++msgstr "мало бути %<data%> після %<#pragma acc %s%>"
+ #: c/c-parser.c:13949 cp/parser.c:36322
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -33839,22 +33807,19 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: c/c-parser.c:14268 cp/parser.c:37576
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<#pragma acc routine%> %s"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<#pragma acc routine%> already applied to %qD"
+-msgstr "%<#pragma acc routine%> %s"
++msgstr "%<#pragma acc routine%> вже застосовано до %qD"
+ #: c/c-parser.c:14277 cp/parser.c:37585
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<#pragma acc routine%> %s"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<#pragma acc routine%> must be applied before use"
+-msgstr "%<#pragma acc routine%> %s"
++msgstr "%<#pragma acc routine%> має бути застосовано до використання"
+ #: c/c-parser.c:14278 cp/parser.c:37586
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<#pragma acc routine%> %s"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<#pragma acc routine%> must be applied before definition"
+-msgstr "%<#pragma acc routine%> %s"
++msgstr "%<#pragma acc routine%> має бути застосовано до визначення"
+ #: c/c-parser.c:14321 cp/parser.c:36497
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -34047,10 +34012,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: c/c-parser.c:16998
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "previous %<#pragma omp declare reduction%>"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<_Atomic%> qualified type in %<#pragma omp declare reduction%>"
+-msgstr "попереднє %<#pragma omp declare reduction%>"
++msgstr "тип класу %<_Atomic%> у %<#pragma omp declare reduction%>"
+ #: c/c-parser.c:17001
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -34502,10 +34466,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: c/c-typeck.c:4244
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<goto%> is not a constant-expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<~%> on a boolean expression"
+-msgstr "%<goto%> не є сталим виразом"
++msgstr "%<~%> над булевим виразом"
+ #: c/c-typeck.c:4248
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -35771,51 +35734,44 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: c/gimple-parser.c:850
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "invalid operand"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "invalid _Literal"
+-msgstr "некоректний операнд"
++msgstr "некоректне _Literal"
+ #: c/gimple-parser.c:869
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "invalid operand to %%R"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "invalid number of operands to __FMA"
+-msgstr "некоректний операнд %%R"
++msgstr "некоректна кількість операндів __FMA"
+ #: c/gimple-parser.c:904
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "anonymous SSA name cannot have default definition"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "анонімна назва SSA не може мати типового визначення"
+ #: c/gimple-parser.c:1153
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "expected type-name"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "expected pass name"
+-msgstr "мало бути вказано тип-назву"
++msgstr ""
+ #: c/gimple-parser.c:1165
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "invalid operand"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "invalid operation"
+-msgstr "некоректний операнд"
++msgstr "некоректна дія"
+ #: c/gimple-parser.c:1325 c/gimple-parser.c:1349
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "expected expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "expected goto expression"
+-msgstr "мало бути вказано вираз"
++msgstr "мало бути вказано вираз goto"
+ #: c/gimple-parser.c:1333
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "unexpected argument"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "expected else statement"
+-msgstr "несподіваний аргумент"
++msgstr "мало бути використано інструкцію else"
+ #: c/gimple-parser.c:1478
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "expected expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "expected semicolon"
+-msgstr "мало бути вказано вираз"
++msgstr "мало бути використано крапку з комою"
+ #: c/gimple-parser.c:1488
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -36392,16 +36348,14 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: cp/call.c:9877
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "candidate 1:"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid " candidate 1: %q#F"
+-msgstr "кандидат 1:"
++msgstr " кандидат 1: %q#F"
+ #: cp/call.c:9879
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "candidate 2:"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid " candidate 2: %q#F"
+-msgstr "кандидат 2:"
++msgstr " кандидат 2: %q#F"
+ #: cp/call.c:9924
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -36832,10 +36786,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: cp/class.c:7016
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "template %qD declared"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "array member %q#D declared here"
+-msgstr "оголошено шаблон %qD"
++msgstr "член масиву %q#D оголошено тут"
+ #: cp/class.c:7043
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -37028,10 +36981,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:1363 cp/constexpr.c:5115
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "cannot call function %qD"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "call to internal function %qE"
+-msgstr "не вдалося викликати функцію %qD"
++msgstr "виклик внутрішньої функції %qE"
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:1426
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -37139,10 +37091,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:3122 cp/constexpr.c:4412
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "null pointer"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "dereferencing a null pointer"
+-msgstr "нульовий вказівник"
++msgstr "розіменування нульового вказівника"
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:3141
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -37185,10 +37136,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:3410
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<goto%> is not a constant-expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "modification of %qE is not a constant expression"
+-msgstr "%<goto%> не є сталим виразом"
++msgstr "зміна %qE не є сталим виразом"
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:3782
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+@@ -37196,10 +37146,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:3921
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<goto%> is not a constant-expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "value %qE of type %qT is not a constant expression"
+-msgstr "%<goto%> не є сталим виразом"
++msgstr "значення %qE типу %qT не є сталим виразом"
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:4049 cp/constexpr.c:5562
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -37207,34 +37156,29 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:4398
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<delete[]%> is not a constant-expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "a reinterpret_cast is not a constant expression"
+-msgstr "%<delete[]%> не є сталим виразом"
++msgstr "reinterpret_cast не є сталим виразом"
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:4424
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<goto%> is not a constant-expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "conversion of %qT null pointer to %qT is not a constant expression"
+-msgstr "%<goto%> не є сталим виразом"
++msgstr "перетворення нульового вказівника %qT на %qT не є сталим виразом"
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:4439
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<delete[]%> is not a constant-expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<reinterpret_cast<%T>(%E)%> is not a constant expression"
+-msgstr "%<delete[]%> не є сталим виразом"
++msgstr "%<reinterpret_cast<%T>(%E)%> не є сталим виразом"
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:4502 cp/constexpr.c:5423 cp/constexpr.c:5738
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<goto%> is not a constant-expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "expression %qE is not a constant expression"
+-msgstr "%<goto%> не є сталим виразом"
++msgstr "вираз %qE не є сталим виразом"
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:4579
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<delete[]%> is not a constant-expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "statement is not a constant expression"
+-msgstr "%<delete[]%> не є сталим виразом"
++msgstr "інструкція не є сталим виразом"
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:4582
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -37302,14 +37246,12 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:5611
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<goto%> is not a constant-expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "division by zero is not a constant expression"
+-msgstr "%<goto%> не є сталим виразом"
++msgstr "ділення на нуль не є сталим виразом"
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:5715
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<delete[]%> is not a constant-expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<delete[]%> is not a constant expression"
+ msgstr "%<delete[]%> не є сталим виразом"
+@@ -37319,8 +37261,7 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: cp/constexpr.c:5767
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<goto%> is not a constant-expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<goto%> is not a constant expression"
+ msgstr "%<goto%> не є сталим виразом"
+@@ -37496,10 +37437,9 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: cp/cvt.c:1003
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "template %qD declared"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "in call to %qD, declared here"
+-msgstr "оголошено шаблон %qD"
++msgstr "у виклику %qD, оголошено тут"
+ #: cp/cvt.c:1082
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -37792,27 +37732,24 @@
+ msgstr ""
+ #: cp/decl.c:1277
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "due to different exception specifications"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "declaration of %qF has a different exception specifier"
+-msgstr "через різні специфікації виключення"
++msgstr "оголошення %qF містить інше визначення виключення"
+ #: cp/decl.c:1290
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "previous declaration"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "from previous declaration %qF"
+-msgstr "попереднє оголошення"
++msgstr "з попереднього оголошення %qF"
+ #: cp/decl.c:1325
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "redeclaration %qD differs in %<constexpr%> from previous declaration"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "повторне оголошення %qD відрізняється у %<constexpr%> від попереднього оголошення"
+ #: cp/decl.c:1328 cp/decl.c:13702
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "previous declaration"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "previous declaration %qD"
+-msgstr "попереднє оголошення"
++msgstr "попереднє оголошення %qD"
+ #: cp/decl.c:1357
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "%qE attribute ignored without -mcmse option."
+@@ -37835,16 +37772,14 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/arm/arm.c:6876
-+#: config/arm/arm.c:6913
+ #: cp/decl.c:1442
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "previous definition of %q+#T"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "previous definition of %qD was here"
+-msgstr "попереднє визначення %q+#T"
++msgstr "попереднє визначення %qD було тут"
+ #: cp/decl.c:1445
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "previous declaration"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "previous declaration of %qD was here"
+-msgstr "попереднє оголошення"
++msgstr "попереднє оголошення %qD було тут"
+ #: cp/decl.c:1467 cp/decl.c:1579
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "%qE attribute has no effect on functions with static linkage"
+@@ -38649,10 +38584,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/arm/arm.c:6925
-+#: config/arm/arm.c:6962
+ #: cp/decl.c:7533
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<delete[]%> is not a constant-expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<std::tuple_size<%T>::value%> is not an integral constant expression"
+-msgstr "%<delete[]%> не є сталим виразом"
++msgstr "%<std::tuple_size<%T>::value%> не є інтегральним сталим виразом"
+ #: cp/decl.c:7553
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "%qE attribute only applies to base type of a function pointer"
+@@ -38660,10 +38594,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/arm/arm.c:12208
-+#: config/arm/arm.c:12245
+ #: cp/decl.c:7575
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "cannot call function %qD"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "cannot decompose union type %qT"
+-msgstr "не вдалося викликати функцію %qD"
++msgstr "не вдалося розкласти тип об'єднання %qT"
+ #: cp/decl.c:7580
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "%K%s %wd out of range %wd - %wd"
+@@ -38927,10 +38860,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/arm/arm.c:12211
-+#: config/arm/arm.c:12248
+ #: cp/decl.c:8936
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%q#D previously declared here"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%q#D explicitly defaulted here"
+-msgstr "%q#D раніше оголошено тут"
++msgstr "%q#D явним чином типово визначено тут"
+ #: cp/decl.c:8953 cp/decl2.c:713
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "%s %wd out of range %wd - %wd"
+@@ -40205,10 +40137,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/arm/arm.c:23458
-+#: config/arm/arm.c:23495
+ #: cp/decl.c:13428 cp/decl.c:13435
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "previous declaration"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%qT has a previous declaration here"
+-msgstr "попереднє оголошення"
++msgstr "%qT має попереднє оголошення тут"
+ #: cp/decl.c:13434
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "unable to compute real location of stacked parameter"
+@@ -42363,16 +42294,14 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/arm/arm.c:24111
-+#: config/arm/arm.c:24148
+ #: cp/parser.c:6647
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "invalid argument to %<__builtin_return_address%>"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "wrong number of arguments to %<__builtin_addressof%>"
+-msgstr "некоректний аргумент %<__builtin_return_address%>"
++msgstr "помилкова кількість аргументів %<__builtin_addressof%>"
+ #: cp/parser.c:6659 cp/pt.c:17319
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "invalid argument to %<__builtin_return_address%>"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "wrong number of arguments to %<__builtin_launder%>"
+-msgstr "некоректний аргумент %<__builtin_return_address%>"
++msgstr "помилкова кількість аргументів %<__builtin_launder%>"
+ #: cp/parser.c:6751
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "Unexpected thumb1 far jump"
+@@ -42535,21 +42464,19 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/arm/arm.c:24375
-+#: config/arm/arm.c:24412
+ #: cp/parser.c:10186
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "ISO C++ 1998 does not support %<long long%>"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "ISO C++ does not support lambda templates"
+-msgstr "У ISO C++ 1998 не передбачено підтримки %<long long%>"
++msgstr "у ISO C++ не передбачено підтримки шаблонів лямбд"
+ #: cp/parser.c:10216
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "no low registers available for popping high registers"
- msgstr ""
+ msgid "default argument specified for lambda parameter"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "визначено типовий аргумент для лямбда-параметра"
--#: config/arm/arm.c:24624
-+#: config/arm/arm.c:24661
+ #: cp/parser.c:10234
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "duplicate %<volatile%>"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "duplicate %<mutable%>"
+-msgstr "дублювання %<volatile%>"
++msgstr "дублювання %<mutable%>"
+ #: cp/parser.c:10282
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "interrupt Service Routines cannot be coded in Thumb mode"
+@@ -42703,10 +42630,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/arm/arm.c:24853
-+#: config/arm/arm.c:24890
+ #: cp/parser.c:13028
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "previous declaration"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "empty decomposition declaration"
+-msgstr "попереднє оголошення"
++msgstr "порожнє оголошення розкладання"
+ #: cp/parser.c:13201
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "-fstack-check=specific for Thumb-1"
+@@ -42726,10 +42652,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/arm/arm.c:30391
-+#: config/arm/arm.c:30435
- #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
- msgid "invalid fpu for attribute(target(\"%s\"))"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -26704,13 +26710,13 @@
- #. This doesn't really make sense until we support
- #. general dynamic selection of the architecture and all
- #. sub-features.
--#: config/arm/arm.c:30399
-+#: config/arm/arm.c:30443
+ #: cp/parser.c:13307
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "invalid mask"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%qD invalid in lambda"
+-msgstr "некоректна маска"
++msgstr "%qD є некоректним у лямбді"
+ #: cp/parser.c:13400
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "auto fpu selection not currently permitted here"
+@@ -43040,10 +42965,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/arm/arm.c:30406 config/i386/i386.c:6838 config/i386/i386.c:6885
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14915 config/s390/s390.c:14965 config/s390/s390.c:14982
-+#: config/arm/arm.c:30450 config/i386/i386.c:6838 config/i386/i386.c:6885
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:15083 config/s390/s390.c:15133 config/s390/s390.c:15150
- #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
- msgid "attribute(target(\"%s\")) is unknown"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -29320,7 +29326,7 @@
- msgid "vec_cmpne only accepts 2 arguments"
- msgstr ""
+ #: cp/parser.c:17927
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "ISO C forbids nested functions"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "ISO C++ forbids empty unnamed enum"
+-msgstr "У стандарті ISO C заборонено вкладеність функцій"
++msgstr "У ISO C++ заборонено порожні enum без назви"
--#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5711
-+#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5710
+ #: cp/parser.c:17947
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "vec_adde only accepts 3 arguments"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -29330,42 +29336,42 @@
- msgid "vec_addec only accepts 3 arguments"
- msgstr ""
+@@ -43373,10 +43297,9 @@
+ msgstr "не вдалося визначити тип typename"
--#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5861
-+#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5862
- #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
- msgid "%s only accepts %d arguments"
- msgstr ""
+ #: cp/parser.c:22775
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "previous definition of %q+#T"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "previous definition of %q#T"
+-msgstr "попереднє визначення %q+#T"
++msgstr "попереднє визначення %q#T"
--#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5866
-+#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5867
- #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
- msgid "%s only accepts 1 argument"
+ #: cp/parser.c:22865 cp/parser.c:27878
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+@@ -43459,10 +43382,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5871
-+#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5872
- #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
- msgid "%s only accepts 2 arguments"
- msgstr ""
+ #: cp/parser.c:23905
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "due to different exception specifications"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "ISO C++1z does not allow dynamic exception specifications"
+-msgstr "через різні специфікації виключення"
++msgstr "У ISO C++1z не можна визначати динамічні специфікації виключень"
--#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5937
-+#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:5938
+ #: cp/parser.c:23911
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "vec_extract only accepts 2 arguments"
+@@ -43505,10 +43427,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6106
-+#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6107
+ #: cp/parser.c:24847
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "expected %<:%> or %<...%>"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "expected attribute before %<...%>"
+-msgstr "мало бути %<:%> або %<...%>"
++msgstr "мав бути атрибут перед %<...%>"
+ #: cp/parser.c:24908
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "vec_insert only accepts 3 arguments"
+@@ -45576,10 +45497,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6380
-+#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6381
+ #: cp/semantics.c:3524
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "unexpected argument"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "missing template arguments"
+-msgstr "несподіваний аргумент"
++msgstr "пропущено аргументи шаблона"
+ #: cp/semantics.c:3551
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "passing arg %d of %qE discards qualifiers from pointer target type"
+@@ -45711,8 +45631,7 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6434
-+#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6435
- #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
- msgid "Builtin function %s not supported in this compiler configuration"
- msgstr ""
+ #: cp/semantics.c:6246
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<gang%> static value must bepositive"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<gang%> static value must be positive"
+ msgstr "статичне значення %<gang%> має бути додатним"
--#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6442
-+#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:6443
- #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
- msgid "invalid parameter combination for AltiVec intrinsic %s"
- msgstr ""
-@@ -30419,114 +30425,114 @@
- msgid "requested %qE attribute is not a comma separated pair of non-negative integer constants or too large (max. %d)"
- msgstr ""
+@@ -45742,14 +45661,12 @@
+ msgstr "значення num %<gang%> має бути додатним"
--#: config/s390/s390.c:9812
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:9980
- #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "total size of local variables exceeds architecture limit"
- msgstr ""
+ #: cp/semantics.c:6313
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<vector%> length value must bepositive"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<vector%> length value must be positive"
+-msgstr "значення length %<vector%> має бути додатним"
++msgstr "значення довжини %<vector%> має бути додатним"
--#: config/s390/s390.c:10926
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:11094
- #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "frame size of function %qs is %wd bytes exceeding user provided stack limit of %d bytes.  An unconditional trap is added."
- msgstr ""
+ #: cp/semantics.c:6318
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<worker%> num value must bepositive"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%<worker%> num value must be positive"
+ msgstr "значення num %<worker%> має бути додатним"
--#: config/s390/s390.c:10942
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:11110
- #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "frame size of function %qs is %wd bytes which is more than half the stack size. The dynamic check would not be reliable. No check emitted for this function."
+@@ -45914,10 +45831,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/s390/s390.c:10970
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:11138
- #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "frame size of %qs is %wd bytes"
- msgstr ""
+ #: cp/semantics.c:9519
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "invalid argument to %<__builtin_return_address%>"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "non-pointer argument to %<__builtin_launder%>"
+-msgstr "некоректний аргумент %<__builtin_return_address%>"
++msgstr "аргумент, який не є вказівником, у %<__builtin_launder%>"
--#: config/s390/s390.c:10974
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:11142
+ #: cp/tree.c:1245
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "%qs uses dynamic stack allocation"
+@@ -47727,10 +47643,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/s390/s390.c:11352
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:11520
+ #: fortran/check.c:310
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%qs value must be positive"
++#, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "%qs argument of %qs intrinsic at %L must be positive"
+-msgstr "значення %qs має бути додатним"
++msgstr "аргумент %qs внутрішньої частини %qs у %L має бути додатним"
+ #: fortran/check.c:343
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "CPUs older than z900 are not supported for -fsplit-stack"
+@@ -49371,10 +49286,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14498
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14666
+ #: fortran/decl.c:4911
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "Syntax error in nested structure declaration at %C"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "Syntax error in anonymous structure declaration at %C"
+-msgstr "Синтаксична помилка у оголошенні вкладеної структури у %C"
++msgstr "Синтаксична помилка у оголошенні анонімної структури у %C"
+ #: fortran/decl.c:4920
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
- msgid "%sarch=%s%s is deprecated and will be removed in future releases; use at least %sarch=z900%s"
+@@ -49846,10 +49760,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14510
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14678
+ #: fortran/decl.c:7932
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "Syntax error in SUBMODULE statement at %C"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "Syntax error in AUTOMATIC statement at %C"
+-msgstr "Синтаксична помилка у інструкції SUBMODULE у %C"
++msgstr "Синтаксична помилка у інструкції AUTOMATIC у %C"
+ #: fortran/decl.c:7946
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
- msgid "%stune=%s%s is deprecated and will be removed in future releases; use at least %stune=z900%s"
+@@ -49862,10 +49775,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14522
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14690
+ #: fortran/decl.c:7986
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "Syntax error in SUBMODULE statement at %C"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "Syntax error in STATIC statement at %C"
+-msgstr "Синтаксична помилка у інструкції SUBMODULE у %C"
++msgstr "Синтаксична помилка у інструкції STATIC у %C"
+ #: fortran/decl.c:8005
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
- msgid "z/Architecture mode not supported on %s"
+@@ -50916,10 +50828,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14525
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14693
+ #: fortran/frontend-passes.c:182
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "Syntax error in expression at %C"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "No location in expression near %L"
+-msgstr "Синтаксична помилка у виразі у %C"
++msgstr "Не вказано місця у виразі поряд із %L"
+ #: fortran/frontend-passes.c:381
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "64-bit ABI not supported in ESA/390 mode"
+@@ -52676,10 +52587,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14542
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14710
+ #: fortran/match.c:2886
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "Junk after MAP statement at %C"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "Blank required in %s statement near %C"
+-msgstr "Зайві команди після інструкції MAP у %C"
++msgstr "Потрібен пробіл у інструкції %s поряд із %C"
+ #: fortran/match.c:2904
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
- msgid "hardware vector support not available on %s"
+@@ -52784,10 +52694,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14545
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14713
- #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "hardware vector support not available with -msoft-float"
- msgstr ""
+ #: fortran/match.c:3274
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "Junk after MAP statement at %C"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "FAIL IMAGE statement at %C"
+-msgstr "Зайві команди після інструкції MAP у %C"
++msgstr "Інструкція FAIL IMAGE у %C"
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14573
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14741
+ #: fortran/match.c:3309
  #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
- msgid "hardware decimal floating point instructions not available on %s"
+@@ -53530,10 +53439,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14577
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14745
- #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "hardware decimal floating point instructions not available in ESA/390 mode"
- msgstr ""
+ #: fortran/openmp.c:499
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "Syntax error in !$ACC DECLARE list at %C"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "Syntax error in OpenMP DEPEND SINK list at %C"
+-msgstr "Синтаксична помилка у списку !$ACC DECLARE у %C"
++msgstr "Синтаксична помилка у списку OpenMP DEPEND SINK у %C"
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14589
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14757
- #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "-mhard-dfp can%'t be used in conjunction with -msoft-float"
+ #: fortran/openmp.c:561
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+@@ -53596,10 +53504,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14597
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14765
- #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "-mbackchain -mpacked-stack -mhard-float are not supported in combination"
+ #: fortran/openmp.c:2175
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "invalid argument to %qD"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "Invalid argument to !$ACC WAIT at %L"
+-msgstr "некоректний аргумент %qD"
++msgstr "Некоректний аргумент !$ACC WAIT у %L"
+ #: fortran/openmp.c:2184
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+@@ -53792,10 +53699,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14603
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14771
+ #: fortran/openmp.c:3721
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "%<priority%> value must be non-negative"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "INTEGER expression of %s clause at %L must be non-negative"
+-msgstr "значення %<priority%> має бути невід’ємним"
++msgstr "Вираз INTEGER пункту %s у %L має бути невід'ємним"
+ #: fortran/openmp.c:3732
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "stack size must be greater than the stack guard value"
+@@ -54142,10 +54048,9 @@
  msgstr ""
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14605
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14773
+ #: fortran/openmp.c:4870
+-#, fuzzy, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+-#| msgid "expected expression"
++#, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+ msgid "unexpected !$OMP ATOMIC expression at %L"
+-msgstr "мало бути вказано вираз"
++msgstr "неочікуваний вираз !$OMP ATOMIC у %L"
+ #: fortran/openmp.c:4899
+ #, gcc-internal-format, gfc-internal-format
+@@ -58831,12 +58736,12 @@
+ #: fortran/trans-decl.c:5512
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "stack size must not be greater than 64k"
- msgstr ""
+ msgid "Unused parameter %qs declared at %L"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Невикористаний параметр %qs, оголошено у %L"
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14608
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14776
+ #: fortran/trans-decl.c:5516
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "-mstack-guard implies use of -mstack-size"
- msgstr ""
+ msgid "Unused parameter %qs which has been explicitly imported at %L"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "Невикористаний параметр %qs, який було явно імпортовано у %L"
- #. argument is not a plain number
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14706
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14874
+ #: fortran/trans-decl.c:5542
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "arguments to %qs should be non-negative integers"
- msgstr ""
+@@ -59453,7 +59358,7 @@
+ #: objc/objc-act.c:1679 objc/objc-act.c:6817 objc/objc-act.c:6948
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "class %qE is deprecated"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "клас %qE вважається застарілим"
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14713
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:14881
+ #: objc/objc-act.c:1708
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "argument to %qs is too large (max. %d)"
- msgstr ""
+@@ -60065,7 +59970,7 @@
+ #: objc/objc-act.c:8074
+ #, gcc-internal-format
+ msgid "protocol %qE is deprecated"
+-msgstr ""
++msgstr "протокол %qE вважається застарілим"
- #. Value is not allowed for the target attribute.
--#: config/s390/s390.c:14921
-+#: config/s390/s390.c:15089
+ #: objc/objc-act.c:8193
  #, gcc-internal-format
- msgid "value %qs is not supported by attribute %<target%>"
- msgstr ""
 Index: gcc/po/sr.po
 --- a/src/gcc/po/sr.po	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -60533,6 +69994,191 @@ Index: gcc/common.opt
  being used in a way forbidden by a returns_nonnull or nonnull
  attribute.  Isolate those paths from the main control flow and turn the
  statement with erroneous or undefined behavior into a trap.
+Index: gcc/tree-vect-stmts.c
+--- a/src/gcc/tree-vect-stmts.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/tree-vect-stmts.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -7109,6 +7109,7 @@
+     {
+       first_stmt = GROUP_FIRST_ELEMENT (stmt_info);
+       group_size = GROUP_SIZE (vinfo_for_stmt (first_stmt));
++      int group_gap = GROUP_GAP (vinfo_for_stmt (first_stmt));
+       /* For SLP vectorization we directly vectorize a subchain
+          without permutation.  */
+       if (slp && ! SLP_TREE_LOAD_PERMUTATION (slp_node).exists ())
+@@ -7144,10 +7145,15 @@
+ 	     not only the number of vector stmts the permutation result
+ 	     fits in.  */
+ 	  if (slp_perm)
+-	    vec_num = (group_size * vf + nunits - 1) / nunits;
++	    {
++	      vec_num = (group_size * vf + nunits - 1) / nunits;
++	      group_gap_adj = vf * group_size - nunits * vec_num;
++	    }
+ 	  else
+-	    vec_num = SLP_TREE_NUMBER_OF_VEC_STMTS (slp_node);
+-	  group_gap_adj = vf * group_size - nunits * vec_num;
++	    {
++	      vec_num = SLP_TREE_NUMBER_OF_VEC_STMTS (slp_node);
++	      group_gap_adj = group_gap;
++	    }
+     	}
+       else
+ 	vec_num = group_size;
+@@ -7308,6 +7314,7 @@
+     aggr_type = vectype;
+   prev_stmt_info = NULL;
++  int group_elt = 0;
+   for (j = 0; j < ncopies; j++)
+     {
+       /* 1. Create the vector or array pointer update chain.  */
+@@ -7599,10 +7606,27 @@
+ 	      /* Store vector loads in the corresponding SLP_NODE.  */
+ 	      if (slp && !slp_perm)
+ 		SLP_TREE_VEC_STMTS (slp_node).quick_push (new_stmt);
++	      /* With SLP permutation we load the gaps as well, without
++	         we need to skip the gaps after we manage to fully load
++		 all elements.  group_gap_adj is GROUP_SIZE here.  */
++	      group_elt += nunits;
++	      if (group_gap_adj != 0 && ! slp_perm
++		  && group_elt == group_size - group_gap_adj)
++		{
++		  bool ovf;
++		  tree bump
++		    = wide_int_to_tree (sizetype,
++					wi::smul (TYPE_SIZE_UNIT (elem_type),
++						  group_gap_adj, &ovf));
++		  dataref_ptr = bump_vector_ptr (dataref_ptr, ptr_incr, gsi,
++						 stmt, bump);
++		  group_elt = 0;
++		}
+ 	    }
+ 	  /* Bump the vector pointer to account for a gap or for excess
+ 	     elements loaded for a permuted SLP load.  */
+-	  if (group_gap_adj != 0)
++	  if (group_gap_adj != 0 && slp_perm)
+ 	    {
+ 	      bool ovf;
+ 	      tree bump
+Index: gcc/tree-ssa-phiprop.c
+--- a/src/gcc/tree-ssa-phiprop.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/tree-ssa-phiprop.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
+       if (!dominated_by_p (CDI_POST_DOMINATORS,
+ 			   bb, gimple_bb (use_stmt)))
+ 	continue;
+       /* Check whether this is a load of *ptr.  */
+       if (!(is_gimple_assign (use_stmt)
+ 	    && gimple_assign_rhs_code (use_stmt) == MEM_REF
+@@ -356,6 +356,9 @@
+          insert aggregate copies on the edges instead.  */
+       if (!is_gimple_reg_type (TREE_TYPE (TREE_TYPE (ptr))))
+ 	{
++	  if (!gimple_vdef (use_stmt))
++	    goto next;
+ 	  /* As we replicate the lhs on each incoming edge all
+ 	     used SSA names have to be available there.  */
+ 	  if (! for_each_index (gimple_assign_lhs_ptr (use_stmt),
+@@ -363,6 +366,28 @@
+ 				get_immediate_dominator (CDI_DOMINATORS,
+ 							 gimple_bb (phi))))
+ 	    goto next;
++	  gimple *vuse_stmt;
++	  imm_use_iterator vui;
++	  use_operand_p vuse_p;
++	  /* In order to move the aggregate copies earlier, make sure
++	     there are no statements that could read from memory
++	     aliasing the lhs in between the start of bb and use_stmt.
++	     As we require use_stmt to have a VDEF above, loads after
++	     use_stmt will use a different virtual SSA_NAME.  */
++	  FOR_EACH_IMM_USE_FAST (vuse_p, vui, vuse)
++	    {
++	      vuse_stmt = USE_STMT (vuse_p);
++	      if (vuse_stmt == use_stmt)
++		continue;
++	      if (!dominated_by_p (CDI_DOMINATORS,
++				   gimple_bb (vuse_stmt), bb))
++		continue;
++	      if (ref_maybe_used_by_stmt_p (vuse_stmt,
++					    gimple_assign_lhs (use_stmt)))
++		goto next;
++	    }
+ 	  phiprop_insert_phi (bb, phi, use_stmt, phivn, n);
+ 	  /* Remove old stmt.  The phi is taken care of by DCE.  */
+Index: gcc/hsa-brig.c
+--- a/src/gcc/hsa-brig.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/hsa-brig.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
+ 	  else
+ 	    part++;
+ 	  char *modname2;
+-	  asprintf (&modname2, "%s_%s", modname, part);
++	  modname2 = xasprintf ("%s_%s", modname, part);
+ 	  free (modname);
+ 	  modname = modname2;
+ 	}
+Index: gcc/config.gcc
+--- a/src/gcc/config.gcc	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config.gcc	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -2031,7 +2031,7 @@
+ 	# automatically detect that GAS supports it, yet we require it.
+ 	gcc_cv_initfini_array=yes
+ 	;;
++riscv*-*-elf* | riscv*-*-rtems*)
+ 	tm_file="elfos.h newlib-stdint.h ${tm_file} riscv/elf.h"
+ 	case "x${enable_multilib}" in
+ 	xno) ;;
+@@ -2044,6 +2044,11 @@
+ 	# Force .init_array support.  The configure script cannot always
+ 	# automatically detect that GAS supports it, yet we require it.
+ 	gcc_cv_initfini_array=yes
++	case ${target} in
++	riscv*-*-rtems*)
++	  tm_file="${tm_file} rtems.h riscv/rtems.h"
++	  ;;
++	esac
+ 	;;
+ mips*-*-netbsd*)			# NetBSD/mips, either endian.
+ 	target_cpu_default="MASK_ABICALLS"
+@@ -2410,7 +2415,7 @@
+ 	use_gcc_stdint=wrap
+ 	;;
+ powerpc-*-rtems*)
+-	tm_file="${tm_file} dbxelf.h elfos.h freebsd-spec.h newlib-stdint.h rs6000/sysv4.h rs6000/eabi.h rs6000/e500.h rs6000/rtems.h rtems.h"
++	tm_file="rs6000/biarch64.h ${tm_file} dbxelf.h elfos.h freebsd-spec.h newlib-stdint.h rs6000/sysv4.h rs6000/e500.h rs6000/rtems.h rtems.h"
+ 	extra_options="${extra_options} rs6000/sysv4.opt"
+ 	tmake_file="${tmake_file} rs6000/t-fprules rs6000/t-rtems rs6000/t-ppccomm"
+ 	;;
+@@ -4331,7 +4336,7 @@
+ 		for which in arch tune; do
+ 			eval "val=\$with_$which"
+ 			case ${val} in
+-			"" | native | g5 | g6 | z900 | z990 | z9-109 | z9-ec | z10 | z196 | zEC12 | z13 | arch3 | arch5 | arch6 | arch7 | arch8 | arch9 | arch10 | arch11 | arch12)
++			"" | native | g5 | g6 | z900 | z990 | z9-109 | z9-ec | z10 | z196 | zEC12 | z13 | z14 | arch3 | arch5 | arch6 | arch7 | arch8 | arch9 | arch10 | arch11 | arch12)
+ 				# OK
+ 				;;
+ 			*)
+@@ -4383,7 +4388,7 @@
+ 			| sparclite | f930 | f934 | sparclite86x \
+ 			| sparclet | tsc701 \
+ 			| v9 | ultrasparc | ultrasparc3 | niagara | niagara2 \
+-			| niagara3 | niagara4 | niagara7)
++			| niagara3 | niagara4 | niagara7 | m8)
+ 				# OK
+ 				;;
+ 			*)
 Index: gcc/Makefile.in
 --- a/src/gcc/Makefile.in	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -60545,6 +70191,137 @@ Index: gcc/Makefile.in
  	$(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/opt-gather.awk $(ALL_OPT_FILES) > tmp-optionlist
  	$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/../move-if-change tmp-optionlist optionlist
  	$(STAMP) s-options
+Index: gcc/tree-ssa-structalias.c
+--- a/src/gcc/tree-ssa-structalias.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/tree-ssa-structalias.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -2827,7 +2827,6 @@
+ {
+   const char *res = NULL;
+   char *temp;
+-  int num_printed = 0;
+   if (!dump_file)
+     return "NULL";
+@@ -2836,14 +2835,11 @@
+     {
+       res = get_name (decl);
+       if (res)
+-	num_printed = asprintf (&temp, "%s_%u", res, SSA_NAME_VERSION (decl));
++	temp = xasprintf ("%s_%u", res, SSA_NAME_VERSION (decl));
+       else
+-	num_printed = asprintf (&temp, "_%u", SSA_NAME_VERSION (decl));
+-      if (num_printed > 0)
+-	{
+-	  res = ggc_strdup (temp);
+-	  free (temp);
+-	}
++	temp = xasprintf ("_%u", SSA_NAME_VERSION (decl));
++      res = ggc_strdup (temp);
++      free (temp);
+     }
+   else if (DECL_P (decl))
+     {
+@@ -2854,12 +2850,9 @@
+ 	  res = get_name (decl);
+ 	  if (!res)
+ 	    {
+-	      num_printed = asprintf (&temp, "D.%u", DECL_UID (decl));
+-	      if (num_printed > 0)
+-		{
+-		  res = ggc_strdup (temp);
+-		  free (temp);
+-		}
++	      temp = xasprintf ("D.%u", DECL_UID (decl));
++	      res = ggc_strdup (temp);
++	      free (temp);
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+     }
+Index: gcc/tree-ssa-reassoc.c
+--- a/src/gcc/tree-ssa-reassoc.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/tree-ssa-reassoc.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -4188,11 +4188,15 @@
+ /* Recursively rewrite our linearized statements so that the operators
+    match those in OPS[OPINDEX], putting the computation in rank
+-   order.  Return new lhs.  */
++   order.  Return new lhs.
++   CHANGED is true if we shouldn't reuse the lhs SSA_NAME both in
++   the current stmt and during recursive invocations.
++   NEXT_CHANGED is true if we shouldn't reuse the lhs SSA_NAME in
++   recursive invocations.  */
+ static tree
+ rewrite_expr_tree (gimple *stmt, unsigned int opindex,
+-		   vec<operand_entry *> ops, bool changed)
++		   vec<operand_entry *> ops, bool changed, bool next_changed)
+ {
+   tree rhs1 = gimple_assign_rhs1 (stmt);
+   tree rhs2 = gimple_assign_rhs2 (stmt);
+@@ -4283,7 +4287,8 @@
+      be the non-leaf side.  */
+   tree new_rhs1
+     = rewrite_expr_tree (SSA_NAME_DEF_STMT (rhs1), opindex + 1, ops,
+-			 changed || oe->op != rhs2);
++			 changed || oe->op != rhs2 || next_changed,
++			 false);
+   if (oe->op != rhs2 || new_rhs1 != rhs1)
+     {
+@@ -5637,6 +5642,7 @@
+ 	      gimple_set_visited (stmt, true);
+ 	      linearize_expr_tree (&ops, stmt, true, true);
+ 	      ops.qsort (sort_by_operand_rank);
++	      int orig_len = ops.length ();
+ 	      optimize_ops_list (rhs_code, &ops);
+ 	      if (undistribute_ops_list (rhs_code, &ops,
+ 					 loop_containing_stmt (stmt)))
+@@ -5727,7 +5733,8 @@
+ 		      new_lhs = rewrite_expr_tree (stmt, 0, ops,
+ 						   powi_result != NULL
+-						   || negate_result);
++						   || negate_result,
++						   len != orig_len);
+                     }
+ 		  /* If we combined some repeated factors into a 
+Index: gcc/config/nvptx/nvptx.c
+--- a/src/gcc/config/nvptx/nvptx.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/nvptx/nvptx.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -3860,10 +3860,26 @@
+   rtx_insn *tail = BB_END (to);
+   unsigned skip_mask = mask;
+-  /* Find first insn of from block */
+-  while (head != BB_END (from) && !INSN_P (head))
+-    head = NEXT_INSN (head);
++  while (true)
++    {
++      /* Find first insn of from block.  */
++      while (head != BB_END (from) && !INSN_P (head))
++	head = NEXT_INSN (head);
++      if (from == to)
++	break;
++      if (!(JUMP_P (head) && single_succ_p (from)))
++	break;
++      basic_block jump_target = single_succ (from);
++      if (!single_pred_p (jump_target))
++	break;
++      from = jump_target;
++      head = BB_HEAD (from);
++    }
+   /* Find last insn of to block */
+   rtx_insn *limit = from == to ? head : BB_HEAD (to);
+   while (tail != limit && !INSN_P (tail) && !LABEL_P (tail))
 Index: gcc/config/s390/s390.md
 --- a/src/gcc/config/s390/s390.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -60570,11 +70347,160 @@ Index: gcc/config/s390/s390.md
    (set_attr "type"  "branch")
    (set_attr "atype" "agen")
    (set_attr "cpu_facility" "*")])
+@@ -10278,7 +10280,7 @@
+ ; cdsg, csg
+ (define_insn "*atomic_compare_and_swap<mode>_1"
+   [(set (match_operand:TDI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+-	(match_operand:TDI 1 "s_operand" "+S"))
++	(match_operand:TDI 1 "memory_operand" "+S"))
+    (set (match_dup 1)
+ 	(unspec_volatile:TDI
+ 	  [(match_dup 1)
+@@ -10296,7 +10298,7 @@
+ ; cds, cdsy
+ (define_insn "*atomic_compare_and_swapdi_2"
+   [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=r,r")
+-	(match_operand:DI 1 "s_operand" "+Q,S"))
++	(match_operand:DI 1 "memory_operand" "+Q,S"))
+    (set (match_dup 1)
+ 	(unspec_volatile:DI
+ 	  [(match_dup 1)
+@@ -10317,7 +10319,7 @@
+ ; cs, csy
+ (define_insn "*atomic_compare_and_swapsi_3"
+   [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=r,r")
+-	(match_operand:SI 1 "s_operand" "+Q,S"))
++	(match_operand:SI 1 "memory_operand" "+Q,S"))
+    (set (match_dup 1)
+ 	(unspec_volatile:SI
+ 	  [(match_dup 1)
+Index: gcc/config/s390/s390.opt
+--- a/src/gcc/config/s390/s390.opt	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/s390/s390.opt	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -113,9 +113,12 @@
+ Enum(processor_type) String(arch11) Value(PROCESSOR_2964_Z13)
+ EnumValue
+-Enum(processor_type) String(arch12) Value(PROCESSOR_ARCH12)
++Enum(processor_type) String(z14) Value(PROCESSOR_3906_Z14)
+ EnumValue
++Enum(processor_type) String(arch12) Value(PROCESSOR_3906_Z14)
+ Enum(processor_type) String(native) Value(PROCESSOR_NATIVE) DriverOnly
+ mbackchain
+Index: gcc/config/s390/s390-c.c
+--- a/src/gcc/config/s390/s390-c.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/s390/s390-c.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@
+   if (!TARGET_VXE && (ob_flags & B_VXE))
+     {
+-      error_at (loc, "%qF requires -march=arch12 or higher", ob_fndecl);
++      error_at (loc, "%qF requires z14 or higher", ob_fndecl);
+       return error_mark_node;
+     }
+@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@
+   if (!TARGET_VXE
+       && bflags_overloaded_builtin_var[last_match_index] & B_VXE)
+     {
+-      error_at (loc, "%qs matching variant requires -march=arch12 or higher",
++      error_at (loc, "%qs matching variant requires z14 or higher",
+       return error_mark_node;
+     }
+Index: gcc/config/s390/driver-native.c
+--- a/src/gcc/config/s390/driver-native.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/s390/driver-native.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -112,10 +112,14 @@
+ 	      cpu = "zEC12";
+ 	      break;
+ 	    case 0x2964:
++	    case 0x2965:
+ 	      cpu = "z13";
+ 	      break;
++	    case 0x3906:
++	      cpu = "z14";
++	      break;
+ 	    default:
+-	      cpu = "arch12";
++	      cpu = "z14";
+ 	      break;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
+Index: gcc/config/s390/s390-opts.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/s390/s390-opts.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/s390/s390-opts.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
+   PROCESSOR_2817_Z196,
+   PROCESSOR_2827_ZEC12,
+   PROCESSOR_2964_Z13,
++  PROCESSOR_3906_Z14,
+ };
 Index: gcc/config/s390/s390.c
 --- a/src/gcc/config/s390/s390.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/config/s390/s390.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -3102,6 +3102,9 @@
+@@ -318,24 +318,27 @@
+ static struct
+ {
++  /* The preferred name to be used in user visible output.  */
+   const char *const name;
++  /* CPU name as it should be passed to Binutils via .machine  */
++  const char *const binutils_name;
+   const enum processor_type processor;
+   const struct processor_costs *cost;
+ }
+ const processor_table[] =
+ {
+-  { "g5",     PROCESSOR_9672_G5,     &z900_cost },
+-  { "g6",     PROCESSOR_9672_G6,     &z900_cost },
+-  { "z900",   PROCESSOR_2064_Z900,   &z900_cost },
+-  { "z990",   PROCESSOR_2084_Z990,   &z990_cost },
+-  { "z9-109", PROCESSOR_2094_Z9_109, &z9_109_cost },
+-  { "z9-ec",  PROCESSOR_2094_Z9_EC,  &z9_109_cost },
+-  { "z10",    PROCESSOR_2097_Z10,    &z10_cost },
+-  { "z196",   PROCESSOR_2817_Z196,   &z196_cost },
+-  { "zEC12",  PROCESSOR_2827_ZEC12,  &zEC12_cost },
+-  { "z13",    PROCESSOR_2964_Z13,    &zEC12_cost },
+-  { "arch12", PROCESSOR_ARCH12,      &zEC12_cost },
+-  { "native", PROCESSOR_NATIVE,      NULL }
++  { "g5",     "g5",     PROCESSOR_9672_G5,     &z900_cost },
++  { "g6",     "g6",     PROCESSOR_9672_G6,     &z900_cost },
++  { "z900",   "z900",   PROCESSOR_2064_Z900,   &z900_cost },
++  { "z990",   "z990",   PROCESSOR_2084_Z990,   &z990_cost },
++  { "z9-109", "z9-109", PROCESSOR_2094_Z9_109, &z9_109_cost },
++  { "z9-ec",  "z9-ec",  PROCESSOR_2094_Z9_EC,  &z9_109_cost },
++  { "z10",    "z10",    PROCESSOR_2097_Z10,    &z10_cost },
++  { "z196",   "z196",   PROCESSOR_2817_Z196,   &z196_cost },
++  { "zEC12",  "zEC12",  PROCESSOR_2827_ZEC12,  &zEC12_cost },
++  { "z13",    "z13",    PROCESSOR_2964_Z13,    &zEC12_cost },
++  { "z14",    "arch12", PROCESSOR_3906_Z14,    &zEC12_cost },
++  { "native", "",       PROCESSOR_NATIVE,      NULL }
+ };
+ extern int reload_completed;
+@@ -847,7 +850,7 @@
+       if ((bflags & B_VXE) && !TARGET_VXE)
+ 	{
+-	  error ("Builtin %qF requires arch12 or higher.", fndecl);
++	  error ("Builtin %qF requires z14 or higher.", fndecl);
+ 	  return const0_rtx;
+ 	}
+     }
+@@ -3102,6 +3105,9 @@
    struct s390_address addr;
    bool decomposed = false;
@@ -60584,6 +70510,126 @@ Index: gcc/config/s390/s390.c
    /* This check makes sure that no symbolic address (except literal
       pool references) are accepted by the R or T constraints.  */
    if (s390_loadrelative_operand_p (op, NULL, NULL))
+@@ -7279,7 +7285,8 @@
+ {
+   fprintf (asm_out_file, "\t.machinemode %s\n",
+ 	   (TARGET_ZARCH) ? "zarch" : "esa");
+-  fprintf (asm_out_file, "\t.machine \"%s", processor_table[s390_arch].name);
++  fprintf (asm_out_file, "\t.machine \"%s",
++	   processor_table[s390_arch].binutils_name);
+     {
+       int cpu_flags;
+@@ -8013,7 +8020,7 @@
+ 	 instruction gets issued per cycle.  */
+     case PROCESSOR_2827_ZEC12:
+     case PROCESSOR_2964_Z13:
+-    case PROCESSOR_ARCH12:
++    case PROCESSOR_3906_Z14:
+     default:
+       return 1;
+     }
+@@ -14234,7 +14241,7 @@
+       break;
+     case PROCESSOR_2964_Z13:
+-    case PROCESSOR_ARCH12:
++    case PROCESSOR_3906_Z14:
+       if (get_attr_z13_cracked (insn))
+       if (get_attr_z13_expanded (insn))
+@@ -14258,7 +14265,7 @@
+   switch (s390_tune)
+     {
+     case PROCESSOR_2964_Z13:
+-    case PROCESSOR_ARCH12:
++    case PROCESSOR_3906_Z14:
+       *units = 3;
+       if (get_attr_z13_unit_lsu (insn))
+ 	mask |= 1 << 0;
+Index: gcc/config/m32c/rtems.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/m32c/rtems.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/m32c/rtems.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -2,22 +2,27 @@
+    Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    Contributed by Joel Sherrill (joel at OARcorp.com).
+-This file is part of GCC.
++   This file is part of GCC.
+-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+-any later version.
++   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
++   option) any later version.
+-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-GNU General Public License for more details.
++   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
++   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
++   License for more details.
+-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+-<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
++   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ /* Target OS builtins.  */
+Index: gcc/config/sparc/predicates.md
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/predicates.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/predicates.md	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -328,7 +328,34 @@
+        (and (match_code "const_int")
+             (match_test "SPARC_SIMM5_P (INTVAL (op))"))))
++;; Return true if OP is a constant in the range 0..7.  This is an
++;; acceptable second operand for dictunpack instructions setting a
++;; V8QI mode in the destination register.
++(define_predicate "imm5_operand_dictunpack8"
++  (and (match_code "const_int")
++       (match_test "(INTVAL (op) >= 0 && INTVAL (op) < 8)")))
++;; Return true if OP is a constant in the range 7..15.  This is an
++;; acceptable second operand for dictunpack instructions setting a
++;; V4HI mode in the destination register.
++(define_predicate "imm5_operand_dictunpack16"
++  (and (match_code "const_int")
++       (match_test "(INTVAL (op) >= 8 && INTVAL (op) < 16)")))
++;; Return true if OP is a constant in the range 15..31.  This is an
++;; acceptable second operand for dictunpack instructions setting a
++;; V2SI mode in the destination register.
++(define_predicate "imm5_operand_dictunpack32"
++  (and (match_code "const_int")
++       (match_test "(INTVAL (op) >= 16 && INTVAL (op) < 32)")))
++;; Return true if OP is a constant that is representable by a 2-bit
++;; unsigned field.  This is an acceptable third operand for
++;; fpcmp*shl instructions.
++(define_predicate "imm2_operand"
++  (and (match_code "const_int")
++       (match_test "SPARC_IMM2_P (INTVAL (op))")))
+ ;; Predicates for miscellaneous instructions.
+ ;; Return true if OP is valid for the lhs of a comparison insn.
 Index: gcc/config/sparc/driver-sparc.c
 --- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/driver-sparc.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -60596,7 +70642,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/sparc/driver-sparc.c
    { "SuperSparc",	"supersparc" },
    { "HyperSparc",	"hypersparc" },
-@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@
+@@ -73,10 +74,12 @@
    { "UltraSparc T2",	"niagara2" },
    { "UltraSparc T3",	"niagara3" },
    { "UltraSparc T4",	"niagara4" },
@@ -60604,11 +70650,727 @@ Index: gcc/config/sparc/driver-sparc.c
    { "LEON",		"leon3" },
    { "SPARC-M7",		"niagara7" },
+   { "SPARC-S7",		"niagara7" },
++  { "SPARC-M8",		"m8" },
+   { NULL,	NULL }
+   };
+Index: gcc/config/sparc/m8.md
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/m8.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/m8.md	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
++;; Scheduling description for the SPARC M8.
++;;   Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++;; This file is part of GCC.
++;; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
++;; any later version.
++;; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++;; GNU General Public License for more details.
++;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++;; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++;; <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++;; Thigs to improve:
++;; - Store instructions are implemented by micro-ops, one of which
++;;   generates the store address and is executed in the store address
++;;   generation unit in the slot0.  We need to model that.
++;; - There are two V3 pipes connected to different slots.  The current
++;;   implementation assumes that all the instructions executing in a
++;;   V3 pipe are issued to the unit in slot3.
++;; - Single-issue ALU operations incur an additional cycle of latency to
++;;   slot 0 and slot 1 instructions.  This is not currently reflected
++;;   in the DFA.
++(define_automaton "m8_0")
++;; The S5 core has two dual-issue queues, PQLS and PQEX.  Each queue
++;; is divided into two slots: PQLS corresponds to slots 0 and 1, and
++;; PQEX corresponds to slots 2 and 3.  The core can issue 4
++;; instructions per-cycle, and up to 4 instructions are committed each
++;; cycle.
++;;                   m8_slot0  - Load Unit.
++;;                             - Store address gen. Unit.
++;;   === PQLS ==>    m8_slot1  - Store data unit.
++;;                             - Branch unit.
++;;   === PQEX ==>    m8_slot2  - Integer Unit (EXU2).                     
++;;                             - 3-cycles Crypto Unit (SPU2).
++;;                   m8_slot3  - Integer Unit (EXU3).
++;;                             - 3-cycles Crypto Unit (SPU3).
++;;                             - Floating-point and graphics unit (FPG).
++;;                             - Long-latency Crypto Unit.
++;;                             - Oracle Numbers Unit (ONU).
++(define_cpu_unit "m8_slot0,m8_slot1,m8_slot2,m8_slot3" "m8_0")
++;; Some instructions stall the pipeline and avoid any other
++;; instruction to be issued in the same cycle.  We assume the same for
++;; multi-instruction insns.
++(define_reservation "m8_single_issue" "m8_slot0 + m8_slot1 + m8_slot2 + m8_slot3")
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_single" 1
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (eq_attr "type" "multi,savew,flushw,trap,bmask"))
++  "m8_single_issue")
++;; Most of the instructions executing in the integer units have a
++;; latency of 1.
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_integer" 1
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (eq_attr "type" "ialu,ialuX,shift,cmove,compare,bmask"))
++  "(m8_slot2 | m8_slot3)")
++;; Flushing the instruction memory takes 27 cycles.
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_iflush" 27
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (eq_attr "type" "iflush"))
++  "(m8_slot2 | m8_slot3), nothing*26")
++;; The integer multiplication instructions have a latency of 10 cycles
++;; and execute in integer units.
++;; Likewise for array*, edge* and pdistn instructions.
++;; However, the latency is only 9 cycles if the consumer of the
++;; operation is also capable of 9 cycles latency.  We model this with
++;; a bypass.
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_imul" 10
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (eq_attr "type" "imul,array,edge,edgen,pdistn"))
++  "(m8_slot2 | m8_slot3), nothing*12")
++(define_bypass 9 "m8_imul" "m8_imul")
++;; The integer division instructions `sdiv' and `udivx' have a latency
++;; of 30 cycles and execute in integer units.
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_idiv" 30
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (eq_attr "type" "idiv"))
++  "(m8_slot2 | m8_slot3), nothing*29")
++;; Both integer and floating-point load instructions have a latency of
++;; only 3 cycles,and execute in the slot0.
++;; Misaligned load instructions feature a latency of 11 cycles.
++;; The prefetch instruction also executes in the load unit, but it's
++;; latency is only 1 cycle.
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_load" 3
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (ior (eq_attr "type" "fpload,sload")
++            (and (eq_attr "type" "load")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "regular"))))
++  "m8_slot0, nothing*2")
++;; (define_insn_reservation "m8_load_misalign" 11
++;;  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++;;       (eq_attr "type" "load_mis,fpload_mis"))
++;;  "m8_slot0, nothing*10")
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_prefetch" 1
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (eq_attr "type" "load")
++       (eq_attr "subtype" "prefetch"))
++  "m8_slot0")
++;; Both integer and floating-point store instructions have a latency
++;; of 1 cycle, and execute in the store data unit in slot1.
++;; However, misaligned store instructions feature a latency of 3
++;; cycles.
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_store" 1
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (eq_attr "type" "store,fpstore"))
++  "m8_slot1")
++;; (define_insn_reservation "m8_store_misalign" 3
++;;   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++;;        (eq_attr "type" "store_mis,fpstore_mis"))
++;;   "m8_slot1, nothing*2")
++;; Control-transfer instructions execute in the Branch Unit in the
++;; slot1.
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_cti" 1
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (eq_attr "type" "cbcond,uncond_cbcond,branch,call,sibcall,call_no_delay_slot,uncond_branch,return"))
++  "m8_slot1")
++;; Many instructions executing in the Floating-point and Graphics Unit
++;; (FGU) serving slot3 feature a default latency of 9 cycles.
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_fp" 9
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (ior (eq_attr "type" "fpmove,fpcmove,fpcrmove,fp,fpcmp,fpmul,fgm_pack,fgm_mul,pdist")
++            (and (eq_attr "type" "fga")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "fpu"))))
++  "m8_slot3, nothing*8")
++;; Floating-point division and floating-point square-root instructions
++;; have high latencies.  They execute in the FGU.
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_fpdivs" 26
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (eq_attr "type" "fpdivs"))
++  "m8_slot3, nothing*25")
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_fpsqrts" 33
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (eq_attr "type" "fpsqrts"))
++  "m8_slot3, nothing*32")
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_fpdivd" 30
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (eq_attr "type" "fpdivd"))
++  "m8_slot3, nothing*29")
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_fpsqrtd" 41
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (eq_attr "type" "fpsqrtd"))
++  "m8_slot3, nothing*40")
++;; SIMD VIS instructions executing in the Floating-point and graphics
++;; unit (FPG) in slot3 usually have a latency of 5 cycles.
++;; However, the latency for many instructions is only 3 cycles if the
++;; consumer can also be executed in 3 cycles.  We model this with a
++;; bypass.  In these cases the instructions are executed in one of the
++;; two 3-cycle crypto units (SPU, also known as "v3-pipes") in slots 2
++;; and 3.
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_vis" 5
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (ior (eq_attr "type" "viscmp,lzd")
++            (and (eq_attr "type" "fga")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "maxmin,cmask,other"))
++            (and (eq_attr "type" "vismv")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "single,movstouw"))
++            (and (eq_attr "type" "visl")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "single"))))
++  "m8_slot3, nothing*4")
++(define_bypass 3 "m8_vis" "m8_vis")
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_gsr" 5
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (eq_attr "type" "gsr")
++       (eq_attr "subtype" "alignaddr"))
++  "m8_slot3, nothing*4")
++;; A few VIS instructions have a latency of 1.
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_vis_1cycle" 1
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (ior (and (eq_attr "type" "vismv")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "double,movxtod,movdtox"))
++            (and (eq_attr "type" "visl")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "double"))
++            (and (eq_attr "type" "fga")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "addsub64"))))
++  "m8_slot3")
++;; Reading and writing to the gsr register takes more than 70 cycles.
++(define_insn_reservation "m8_gsr_reg" 70
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "m8")
++       (eq_attr "type" "gsr")
++       (eq_attr "subtype" "reg"))
++  "m8_slot3, nothing*69")
+Index: gcc/config/sparc/niagara7.md
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/niagara7.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/niagara7.md	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -19,20 +19,36 @@
+ (define_automaton "niagara7_0")
+-(define_cpu_unit "n7_slot0,n7_slot1,n7_slot2" "niagara7_0")
+-(define_reservation "n7_single_issue" "n7_slot0 + n7_slot1 + n7_slot2")
++;; The S4 core has a dual-issue queue.  This queue is divided into two
++;; slots.  One instruction can be issued each cycle to each slot, and
++;; up to 2 instructions are committed each cycle.  Each slot serves
++;; several execution units, as depicted below:
++;;                 m7_slot0 - Integer unit.
++;;                          - Load/Store unit.
++;; === QUEUE ==>
++;;                 m7_slot1 - Integer unit.
++;;                          - Branch unit.
++;;                          - Floating-point and graphics unit.
++;;                          - 3-cycles crypto unit.
+-(define_cpu_unit "n7_load_store" "niagara7_0")
++(define_cpu_unit "n7_slot0,n7_slot1" "niagara7_0")
++;; Some instructions stall the pipeline and avoid any other
++;; instruction to be issued in the same cycle.  We assume the same for
++;; multi-instruction insns.
++(define_reservation "n7_single_issue" "n7_slot0 + n7_slot1")
+ (define_insn_reservation "n7_single" 1
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+     (eq_attr "type" "multi,savew,flushw,trap"))
+   "n7_single_issue")
+-(define_insn_reservation "n7_iflush" 27
+-  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+-       (eq_attr "type" "iflush"))
+-  "(n7_slot0 | n7_slot1), nothing*26")
++;; Most of the instructions executing in the integer unit have a
++;; latency of 1.
+ (define_insn_reservation "n7_integer" 1
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+@@ -39,44 +55,84 @@
+     (eq_attr "type" "ialu,ialuX,shift,cmove,compare"))
+   "(n7_slot0 | n7_slot1)")
++;; Flushing the instruction memory takes 27 cycles.
++(define_insn_reservation "n7_iflush" 27
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
++       (eq_attr "type" "iflush"))
++  "(n7_slot0 | n7_slot1), nothing*26")
++;; The integer multiplication instructions have a latency of 12 cycles
++;; and execute in the integer unit.
++;; Likewise for array*, edge* and pdistn instructions.
+ (define_insn_reservation "n7_imul" 12
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+-    (eq_attr "type" "imul"))
+-  "n7_slot1, nothing*11")
++    (eq_attr "type" "imul,array,edge,edgen,pdistn"))
++  "(n7_slot0 | n7_slot1), nothing*11")
++;; The integer division instructions have a latency of 35 cycles and
++;; execute in the integer unit.
+ (define_insn_reservation "n7_idiv" 35
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+     (eq_attr "type" "idiv"))
+-  "n7_slot1, nothing*34")
++  "(n7_slot0 | n7_slot1), nothing*34")
++;; Both integer and floating-point load instructions have a latency of
++;; 5 cycles, and execute in the slot0.
++;; The prefetch instruction also executes in the load/store unit, but
++;; its latency is only 1 cycle.
+ (define_insn_reservation "n7_load" 5
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+-    (eq_attr "type" "load,fpload,sload"))
+-  "(n7_slot0 + n7_load_store), nothing*4")
++       (ior (eq_attr "type" "fpload,sload")
++            (and (eq_attr "type" "load")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "regular"))))
++  "n7_slot0, nothing*4")
++(define_insn_reservation "n7_prefetch" 1
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
++       (eq_attr "type" "load")
++       (eq_attr "subtype" "prefetch"))
++  "n7_slot0")
++;; Both integer and floating-point store instructions have a latency
++;; of 1 cycle, and execute in the load/store unit in slot0.
+ (define_insn_reservation "n7_store" 1
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+     (eq_attr "type" "store,fpstore"))
+-  "(n7_slot0 | n7_slot2) + n7_load_store")
++  "n7_slot0")
++;; Control-transfer instructions execute in the Branch Unit in the
++;; slot1.
+ (define_insn_reservation "n7_cti" 1
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+     (eq_attr "type" "cbcond,uncond_cbcond,branch,call,sibcall,call_no_delay_slot,uncond_branch,return"))
+   "n7_slot1")
++;; Many instructions executing in the Floating-point and Graphics unit
++;; in the slot1 feature a latency of 11 cycles.
+ (define_insn_reservation "n7_fp" 11
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+-    (eq_attr "type" "fpmove,fpcmove,fpcrmove,fp,fpcmp,fpmul"))
++       (ior (eq_attr "type" "fpmove,fpcmove,fpcrmove,fp,fpcmp,fpmul,fgm_pack,fgm_mul,pdist")
++            (and (eq_attr "type" "fga")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "fpu,maxmin"))))
+   "n7_slot1, nothing*10")
+-(define_insn_reservation "n7_array" 12
+-  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+-    (eq_attr "type" "array,edge,edgen"))
+-  "n7_slot1, nothing*11")
++;; Floating-point division and floating-point square-root instructions
++;; have high latencies.  They execute in the floating-point and
++;; graphics unit in the slot1.
+ (define_insn_reservation "n7_fpdivs" 24
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+-    (eq_attr "type" "fpdivs,fpsqrts"))
++       (eq_attr "type" "fpdivs,fpsqrts"))
+   "n7_slot1, nothing*23")
+ (define_insn_reservation "n7_fpdivd" 37
+@@ -84,53 +140,66 @@
+     (eq_attr "type" "fpdivd,fpsqrtd"))
+   "n7_slot1, nothing*36")
+-(define_insn_reservation "n7_lzd" 12
+-  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+-       (eq_attr "type" "lzd"))
+-  "(n7_slot0 | n7_slot1), nothing*11")
+-;; There is an internal unit called the "V3 pipe", that was originally
+-;; intended to process some of the short cryptographic instructions.
+-;; However, as soon as in the T4 several of the VIS instructions
+-;; (notably non-FP instructions) have been moved to the V3 pipe.
+-;; Consequently, these instructions feature a latency of 3 instead of
+-;; 11 or 12 cycles, provided their consumers also execute in the V3
+-;; pipe.
++;; SIMD VIS instructions executing in the Floating-point and graphics
++;; unit (FPG) in slot1 usually have a latency of either 11 or 12
++;; cycles.
+ ;;
+-;; This is modelled here with a bypass.
++;; However, the latency for many instructions is only 3 cycles if the
++;; consumer can also be executed in 3 cycles.  We model this with a
++;; bypass.  In these cases the instructions are executed in the
++;; 3-cycle crypto unit which also serves slot1.
+-(define_insn_reservation "n7_vis_fga" 11
++(define_insn_reservation "n7_vis_11cycles" 11
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+-    (eq_attr "type" "fga,gsr"))
++       (ior (and (eq_attr "type" "fga")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "addsub64,other"))
++            (and (eq_attr "type" "vismv")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "double,single"))
++            (and (eq_attr "type" "visl")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "double,single"))))
+   "n7_slot1, nothing*10")
+-(define_insn_reservation "n7_vis_fgm" 11
++(define_insn_reservation "n7_vis_12cycles" 12
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+-    (eq_attr "type" "fgm_pack,fgm_mul,pdist"))
+-  "n7_slot1, nothing*10")
++       (ior (eq_attr "type" "bmask,viscmp")
++            (and (eq_attr "type" "fga")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "cmask"))
++            (and (eq_attr "type" "vismv")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "movstouw"))))
++  "n7_slot1, nothing*11")
+-(define_insn_reservation "n7_vis_move_v3pipe" 11
++(define_bypass 3 "n7_vis_*" "n7_vis_*")
++;; Some other VIS instructions have a latency of 12 cycles, and won't
++;; be executed in the 3-cycle crypto pipe.
++(define_insn_reservation "n7_lzd" 12
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+-    (and (eq_attr "type" "vismv")
+-         (eq_attr "v3pipe" "true")))
+-  "n7_slot1")
++       (ior (eq_attr "type" "lzd,")
++            (and (eq_attr "type" "gsr")
++                 (eq_attr "subtype" "alignaddr"))))
++  "n7_slot1, nothing*11")
+-(define_insn_reservation "n7_vis_move_11cycle" 11
++;; A couple of VIS instructions feature very low latencies in the M7.
++(define_insn_reservation "n7_single_vis" 1
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+-    (and (eq_attr "type" "vismv")
+-         (eq_attr "v3pipe" "false")))
+-  "n7_slot1, nothing*10")
++       (eq_attr "type" "vismv")
++       (eq_attr "subtype" "movxtod"))
++  "n7_slot1")
+-(define_insn_reservation "n7_vis_logical_v3pipe" 11
++(define_insn_reservation "n7_double_vis" 2
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+-    (and (eq_attr "type" "visl,pdistn")
+-         (eq_attr "v3pipe" "true")))
+-  "n7_slot1, nothing*2")
++       (eq_attr "type" "vismv")
++       (eq_attr "subtype" "movdtox"))
++  "n7_slot1, nothing")
+-(define_insn_reservation "n7_vis_logical_11cycle" 11
++;; Reading and writing to the gsr register takes a high number of
++;; cycles that is not documented in the PRM.  Let's use the same value
++;; than the M8.
++(define_insn_reservation "n7_gsr_reg" 70
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara7")
+-    (and (eq_attr "type" "visl")
+-      (eq_attr "v3pipe" "false")))
+-  "n7_slot1, nothing*10")
+-(define_bypass 3 "*_v3pipe" "*_v3pipe")
++       (eq_attr "type" "gsr")
++       (eq_attr "subtype" "reg"))
++  "n7_slot1, nothing*70")
+Index: gcc/config/sparc/t-rtems
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/t-rtems	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/t-rtems	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -18,19 +18,25 @@
+ #
+ MULTILIB_OPTIONS = msoft-float mcpu=v8/mcpu=leon3/mcpu=leon3v7/mcpu=leon \
+-		   mfix-ut699/mfix-at697f
+-MULTILIB_DIRNAMES = soft v8 leon3 leon3v7 leon ut699 at697f
+-MULTILIB_MATCHES = msoft-float=mno-fpu
++		   mfix-ut699/mfix-at697f/mfix-gr712rc
++MULTILIB_DIRNAMES = soft v8 leon3 leon3v7 leon ut699 at697f gr712rc
++MULTILIB_MATCHES = msoft-float=mno-fpu mfix-gr712rc=mfix-ut700
+-MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += msoft-float/mfix-ut699
+-MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += msoft-float/mcpu=v8/mfix-ut699
+-MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += msoft-float/mcpu=leon3*/mfix-ut699
+-MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += mcpu=v8/mfix-ut699
+-MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += mcpu=leon3*/mfix-ut699
+-MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += mfix-at697f
+-MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += msoft-float/mfix-at697f
+-MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += msoft-float/mcpu=v8/mfix-at697f
+-MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += msoft-float/mcpu=leon3*/mfix-at697f
+-MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += mcpu=v8/mfix-at697f
+-MULTILIB_EXCEPTIONS += mcpu=leon3*/mfix-at697f
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += msoft-float
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += mcpu=leon3
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += mcpu=leon3v7
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += mcpu=leon
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += mcpu=leon3/mfix-gr712rc
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += mcpu=leon3v7/mfix-gr712rc
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += mcpu=leon/mfix-ut699
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += mcpu=leon/mfix-at697f
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += msoft-float/mcpu=v8
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += msoft-float/mcpu=leon3
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += msoft-float/mcpu=leon3v7
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += msoft-float/mcpu=leon
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += msoft-float/mcpu=leon3/mfix-gr712rc
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += msoft-float/mcpu=leon3v7/mfix-gr712rc
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += msoft-float/mcpu=leon/mfix-ut699
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += msoft-float/mcpu=leon/mfix-at697f
+Index: gcc/config/sparc/niagara.md
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/niagara.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/niagara.md	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -114,5 +114,5 @@
+  */
+ (define_insn_reservation "niag_vis" 8
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara")
+-    (eq_attr "type" "fga,visl,vismv,fgm_pack,fgm_mul,pdist,edge,edgen,gsr,array"))
++    (eq_attr "type" "fga,visl,viscmp,vismv,fgm_pack,fgm_mul,pdist,edge,edgen,gsr,array,bmask"))
+   "niag_pipe*8")
 Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc.md
 --- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/sparc.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/sparc.md	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -338,7 +338,8 @@
+@@ -94,6 +94,12 @@
+ ])
+ (define_c_enum "unspecv" [
+@@ -238,7 +244,8 @@
+    niagara2,
+    niagara3,
+    niagara4,
+-   niagara7"
++   niagara7,
++   m8"
+   (const (symbol_ref "sparc_cpu_attr")))
+ ;; Attribute for the instruction set.
+@@ -251,7 +258,7 @@
+ 	 (symbol_ref "TARGET_SPARCLET") (const_string "sparclet")]
+ 	(const_string "v7"))))
+-(define_attr "cpu_feature" "none,fpu,fpunotv9,v9,vis,vis3,vis4"
++(define_attr "cpu_feature" "none,fpu,fpunotv9,v9,vis,vis3,vis4,vis4b"
+   (const_string "none"))
+ (define_attr "lra" "disabled,enabled"
+@@ -265,10 +272,92 @@
+          (eq_attr "cpu_feature" "v9") (symbol_ref "TARGET_V9")
+          (eq_attr "cpu_feature" "vis") (symbol_ref "TARGET_VIS")
+          (eq_attr "cpu_feature" "vis3") (symbol_ref "TARGET_VIS3")
+-         (eq_attr "cpu_feature" "vis4") (symbol_ref "TARGET_VIS4")]
++         (eq_attr "cpu_feature" "vis4") (symbol_ref "TARGET_VIS4")
++         (eq_attr "cpu_feature" "vis4b") (symbol_ref "TARGET_VIS4B")]
+         (const_int 0)))
+-;; Insn type.
++;; The SPARC instructions used by the backend are organized into a
++;; hierarchy using the insn attributes "type" and "subtype".
++;; The mnemonics used in the list below are the architectural names
++;; used in the Oracle SPARC Architecture specs.  A / character
++;; separates the type from the subtype where appropriate.  For
++;; brevity, text enclosed in {} denotes alternatives, while text
++;; enclosed in [] is optional.
++;; Please keep this list updated.  It is of great help for keeping the
++;; correctness and coherence of the DFA schedulers.
++;; ialu:  <empty>
++;; ialuX: ADD[X]C SUB[X]C
++;; shift: SLL[X] SRL[X] SRA[X]
++;;        MOVR{Z,LEZ,LZ,NZ,GZ,GEZ}
++;; compare: ADDcc ADDCcc ANDcc ORcc SUBcc SUBCcc XORcc XNORcc
++;; idiv: UDIVX SDIVX
++;; flush: FLUSH
++;; load/regular: LD{UB,UH,UW} LDFSR
++;; load/prefetch: PREFETCH
++;; fpload: LDF LDDF LDQF
++;; sload: LD{SB,SH,SW}
++;; store: ST{B,H,W,X} STFSR
++;; fpstore: STF STDF STQF
++;; uncond_branch: BA BPA JMPL
++;;         FB{U,G,UG,L,UL,LG,NE,BE,UE,GE,UGE,LE,ULE,O}
++;; call: CALL
++;; return: RESTORE RETURN
++;; fpmove: FABS{s,d,q} FMOV{s,d,q} FNEG{s,d,q}
++;; fpcmove: FMOV{S,D,Q}{icc,xcc,fcc}
++;; fpcrmove: FMOVR{s,d,q}{Z,LEZ,LZ,NZ,GZ,GEZ}
++;; fp: FADD{s,d,q} FSUB{s,d,q} FHSUB{s,d} FNHADD{s,d} FNADD{s,d}
++;;     FiTO{s,d,q} FsTO{i,x,d,q} FdTO{i,x,s,q} FxTO{d,s,q} FqTO{i,x,s,d}
++;; fpcmp: FCMP{s,d,q} FCMPE{s,d,q}
++;; fpmul: FMADD{s,d}  FMSUB{s,d} FMUL{s,d,q} FNMADD{s,d}
++;;        FNMSUB{s,d} FNMUL{s,d} FNsMULd FsMULd
++;;        FdMULq
++;; array: ARRAY{8,16,32}
++;; bmask: BMASK
++;; edge: EDGE{8,16,32}[L]cc
++;; edgen: EDGE{8,16,32}[L]n
++;; fpdivs: FDIV{s,q}
++;; fpsqrts: FSQRT{s,q}
++;; fpdivd: FDIVd
++;; fpsqrtd: FSQRTd
++;; lzd: LZCNT
++;; fga/addsub64: FP{ADD,SUB}64
++;;          FS{LL,RA,RL}{16,32}
++;; fga/maxmin: FP{MAX,MIN}[U]{8,16,32}
++;; fga/cmask: CMASK{8,16,32}
++;; fga/other: BSHUFFLE FALIGNDATAg FP{ADD,SUB}[S]{8,16,32}
++;;            FP{ADD,SUB}US{8,16} DICTUNPACK
++;; gsr/reg: RDGSR WRGSR
++;; gsr/alignaddr: ALIGNADDRESS[_LITTLE]
++;; vismv/double:  FSRC2d
++;; vismv/single:  MOVwTOs FSRC2s
++;; vismv/movstouw: MOVsTOuw
++;; vismv/movxtod: MOVxTOd
++;; vismv/movdtox: MOVdTOx
++;; visl/single: F{AND,NAND,NOR,OR,NOT1}s
++;;              F{AND,OR}NOT{1,2}s
++;;              FONEs F{ZERO,XNOR,XOR}s FNOT2s
++;; visl/double: FONEd FZEROd FNOT1d F{OR,AND,XOR}d F{NOR,NAND,XNOR}d
++;;              F{OR,AND}NOT1d F{OR,AND}NOT2d
++;; viscmp: FPCMP{LE,GT,NE,EQ}{8,16,32} FPCMPU{LE,GT,NE,EQ}{8,16,32}
++;;         FPCMP{LE,GT,EQ,NE}{8,16,32}SHL FPCMPU{LE,GT,EQ,NE}{8,16,32}SHL
++;;         FPCMPDE{8,16,32}SHL FPCMPUR{8,16,32}SHL
++;; fgm_pack: FPACKFIX FPACK{8,16,32}
++;; fgm_mul: FMUL8SUx16 FMUL8ULx16 FMUL8x16 FMUL8x16AL
++;;          FMUL8x16AU FMULD8SUx16 FMULD8ULx16
++;; pdist: PDIST
++;; pdistn: PDISTN
+ (define_attr "type"
+   "ialu,compare,shift,
+    load,sload,store,
+@@ -281,12 +370,20 @@
+    fpcmp,
+    fpmul,fpdivs,fpdivd,
+    fpsqrts,fpsqrtd,
+-   fga,visl,vismv,fgm_pack,fgm_mul,pdist,pdistn,edge,edgen,gsr,array,
++   fga,visl,vismv,viscmp,
++   fgm_pack,fgm_mul,pdist,pdistn,edge,edgen,gsr,array,bmask,
+    cmove,
+    ialuX,
+    multi,savew,flushw,iflush,trap,lzd"
+   (const_string "ialu"))
++(define_attr "subtype"
++  "single,double,movstouw,movxtod,movdtox,
++   addsub64,cmask,fpu,maxmin,other,
++   reg,alignaddr,
++   prefetch,regular"
++  (const_string "single"))
+ ;; True if branch/call has empty delay slot and will emit a nop in it
+ (define_attr "empty_delay_slot" "false,true"
+   (symbol_ref "(empty_delay_slot (insn)
+@@ -329,6 +426,10 @@
+    (symbol_ref "(sparc_fix_ut699 != 0
+ 		 ? FIX_UT699_TRUE : FIX_UT699_FALSE)"))
++(define_attr "fix_b2bst" "false,true"
++   (symbol_ref "(sparc_fix_b2bst != 0
+ ;; Length (in # of insns).
+ ;; Beware that setting a length greater or equal to 3 for conditional branches
+ ;; has a side-effect (see output_cbranch and output_v9branch).
+@@ -338,7 +439,8 @@
  	     (const_int 2)
  	     (const_int 1))
  	 (eq_attr "type" "sibcall")
@@ -60618,7 +71380,242 @@ Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc.md
  	     (if_then_else (eq_attr "empty_delay_slot" "true")
  	       (const_int 3)
  	       (const_int 2))
-@@ -7097,7 +7098,10 @@
+@@ -475,6 +577,8 @@
+ (define_attr "in_branch_delay" "false,true"
+   (cond [(eq_attr "type" "uncond_branch,branch,cbcond,uncond_cbcond,call,sibcall,call_no_delay_slot,multi")
+ 	   (const_string "false")
++	 (and (eq_attr "fix_b2bst" "true") (eq_attr "type" "store,fpstore"))
++	   (const_string "false")
+ 	 (and (eq_attr "fix_ut699" "true") (eq_attr "type" "load,sload"))
+ 	   (const_string "false")
+ 	 (and (eq_attr "fix_ut699" "true")
+@@ -486,9 +590,6 @@
+ 	   (const_string "true")
+ 	] (const_string "false")))
+-;; True if the instruction executes in the V3 pipeline, in M7 and later processors.
+-(define_attr "v3pipe" "false,true" (const_string "false"))
+ (define_delay (eq_attr "type" "call")
+   [(eq_attr "in_call_delay" "true") (nil) (nil)])
+@@ -518,6 +619,7 @@
+ (include "niagara2.md")
+ (include "niagara4.md")
+ (include "niagara7.md")
++(include "m8.md")
+ ;; Operand and operator predicates and constraints
+@@ -1506,6 +1608,7 @@
+    ldub\t%1, %0
+    stb\t%r1, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "*,load,store")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "*,regular,*")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "*,3cycle,*")])
+ (define_expand "movhi"
+@@ -1528,6 +1631,7 @@
+    lduh\t%1, %0
+    sth\t%r1, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "*,*,load,store")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "*,*,regular,*")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "*,*,3cycle,*")])
+ ;; We always work with constants here.
+@@ -1565,8 +1669,8 @@
+    fzeros\t%0
+    fones\t%0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "*,*,load,store,vismv,vismv,fpmove,fpload,fpstore,visl,visl")
+-   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "*,*,*,*,vis3,vis3,*,*,*,vis,vis")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "*,*,*,*,true,true,*,*,*,true,true")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "*,*,regular,*,movstouw,single,*,*,*,single,single")
++   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "*,*,*,*,vis3,vis3,*,*,*,vis,vis")])
+ (define_insn "*movsi_lo_sum"
+   [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -1623,7 +1727,8 @@
+   return "ld\t[%1 + %2], %0";
+ #endif
+ }
+-  [(set_attr "type" "load")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")])
+ (define_expand "movsi_pic_label_ref"
+   [(set (match_dup 3) (high:SI
+@@ -1732,11 +1837,12 @@
+    std\t%1, %0
+    fzero\t%0
+    fone\t%0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "store,*,load,store,load,store,*,*,fpload,fpstore,*,*,fpmove,*,*,*,fpload,fpstore,visl,visl")
++  [(set_attr "type" "store,*,load,store,load,store,*,*,fpload,fpstore,*,*,fpmove,*,*,*,fpload,fpstore,visl,
++   (set_attr "subtype" "*,*,regular,*,regular,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,double,double")
+    (set_attr "length" "*,2,*,*,*,*,2,2,*,*,2,2,*,2,2,2,*,*,*,*")
+    (set_attr "fptype" "*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,double,*,*,*,*,*,double,double")
+    (set_attr "cpu_feature" "v9,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,fpu,fpu,fpu,fpu,v9,fpunotv9,vis3,vis3,fpu,fpu,vis,vis")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,true,true")
+    (set_attr "lra" "*,*,disabled,disabled,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*")])
+ (define_insn "*movdi_insn_sp64"
+@@ -1758,9 +1864,9 @@
+    fzero\t%0
+    fone\t%0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "*,*,load,store,vismv,vismv,fpmove,fpload,fpstore,visl,visl")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "*,*,regular,*,movdtox,movxtod,*,*,*,double,double")
+    (set_attr "fptype" "*,*,*,*,*,*,double,*,*,double,double")
+-   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "*,*,*,*,vis3,vis3,*,*,*,vis,vis")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,true,true")])
++   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "*,*,*,*,vis3,vis3,*,*,*,vis,vis")])
+ (define_expand "movdi_pic_label_ref"
+   [(set (match_dup 3) (high:DI
+@@ -1846,7 +1952,8 @@
+   return "ldx\t[%1 + %2], %0";
+ #endif
+ }
+-  [(set_attr "type" "load")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")])
+ (define_insn "*sethi_di_medlow_embmedany_pic"
+   [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -2288,8 +2395,8 @@
+     }
+ }
+   [(set_attr "type" "visl,visl,fpmove,*,*,*,vismv,vismv,fpload,load,fpstore,store")
+-   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "vis,vis,fpu,*,*,*,vis3,vis3,fpu,*,fpu,*")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true,true,*,*,*,*,true,true,*,*,*,*")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "single,single,*,*,*,*,movstouw,single,*,regular,*,*")
++   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "vis,vis,fpu,*,*,*,vis3,vis3,fpu,*,fpu,*")])
+ ;; The following 3 patterns build SFmode constants in integer registers.
+@@ -2361,10 +2468,10 @@
+   ldd\t%1, %0
+   std\t%1, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "store,*,visl,visl,fpmove,*,*,*,fpload,fpstore,load,store,*,*,*,load,store")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "*,*,double,double,*,*,*,*,*,*,regular,*,*,*,*,regular,*")
+    (set_attr "length" "*,2,*,*,*,2,2,2,*,*,*,*,2,2,2,*,*")
+    (set_attr "fptype" "*,*,double,double,double,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*")
+    (set_attr "cpu_feature" "v9,*,vis,vis,v9,fpunotv9,vis3,vis3,fpu,fpu,*,*,fpu,fpu,*,*,*")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "*,*,true,true,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*")
+    (set_attr "lra" "*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,disabled,disabled,*,*,*,*,*")])
+ (define_insn "*movdf_insn_sp64"
+@@ -2386,10 +2493,10 @@
+   stx\t%r1, %0
+   #"
+   [(set_attr "type" "visl,visl,fpmove,vismv,vismv,load,store,*,load,store,*")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "double,double,*,movdtox,movxtod,regular,*,*,regular,*,*")
+    (set_attr "length" "*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,2")
+    (set_attr "fptype" "double,double,double,double,double,*,*,*,*,*,*")
+-   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "vis,vis,fpu,vis3,vis3,fpu,fpu,*,*,*,*")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true,true,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*")])
++   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "vis,vis,fpu,vis3,vis3,fpu,fpu,*,*,*,*")])
+ ;; This pattern builds DFmode constants in integer registers.
+ (define_split
+@@ -2915,6 +3022,7 @@
+   ""
+   "lduh\t%1, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "3cycle")])
+ (define_expand "zero_extendqihi2"
+@@ -2931,6 +3039,7 @@
+    and\t%1, 0xff, %0
+    ldub\t%1, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "*,load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "*,regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "*,3cycle")])
+ (define_expand "zero_extendqisi2"
+@@ -2947,6 +3056,7 @@
+    and\t%1, 0xff, %0
+    ldub\t%1, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "*,load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "*,regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "*,3cycle")])
+ (define_expand "zero_extendqidi2"
+@@ -2963,6 +3073,7 @@
+    and\t%1, 0xff, %0
+    ldub\t%1, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "*,load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "*,regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "*,3cycle")])
+ (define_expand "zero_extendhidi2"
+@@ -2994,6 +3105,7 @@
+   "lduh\t%1, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "3cycle")])
+ ;; ??? Write truncdisi pattern using sra?
+@@ -3014,9 +3126,10 @@
+    lduw\t%1, %0
+    movstouw\t%1, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "shift,load,*")
+-   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "*,*,vis3")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "*,*,true")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "*,regular,movstouw")
++   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "*,*,vis3")])
+ (define_insn_and_split "*zero_extendsidi2_insn_sp32"
+   [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+         (zero_extend:DI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "r")))]
+@@ -3330,8 +3443,7 @@
+   movstosw\t%1, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "shift,sload,*")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "*,3cycle,*")
+-   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "*,*,vis3")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "*,*,true")])
++   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "*,*,vis3")])
+ ;; Special pattern for optimizing bit-field compares.  This is needed
+@@ -6010,7 +6122,7 @@
+   [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "register_operand" "=e")
+ 	(mult:DF (float_extend:DF (match_operand:SF 1 "register_operand" "f"))
+ 		 (float_extend:DF (match_operand:SF 2 "register_operand" "f"))))]
+-  "(TARGET_V8 || TARGET_V9) && TARGET_FPU && !sparc_fix_ut699"
+   "fsmuld\t%1, %2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "fpmul")
+    (set_attr "fptype" "double")])
+@@ -6060,10 +6172,10 @@
+ 	(div:DF (match_operand:DF 1 "register_operand" "e")
+ 		(match_operand:DF 2 "register_operand" "e")))]
+   "TARGET_FPU && sparc_fix_ut699"
+-  "fdivd\t%1, %2, %0\n\tstd\t%0, [%%sp-8]"
++  "fdivd\t%1, %2, %0\n\tstd\t%0, [%%sp-8]\n\tnop"
+   [(set_attr "type" "fpdivd")
+    (set_attr "fptype" "double")
+-   (set_attr "length" "2")])
++   (set_attr "length" "3")])
+ (define_insn "divsf3"
+   [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "register_operand" "=f")
+@@ -6312,10 +6424,10 @@
+   [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "register_operand" "=e")
+ 	(sqrt:DF (match_operand:DF 1 "register_operand" "e")))]
+   "TARGET_FPU && sparc_fix_ut699"
+-  "fsqrtd\t%1, %0\n\tstd\t%0, [%%sp-8]"
++  "fsqrtd\t%1, %0\n\tstd\t%0, [%%sp-8]\n\tnop"
+   [(set_attr "type" "fpsqrtd")
+    (set_attr "fptype" "double")
+-   (set_attr "length" "2")])
++   (set_attr "length" "3")])
+ (define_insn "sqrtsf2"
+   [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "register_operand" "=f")
+@@ -7097,7 +7209,10 @@
  (define_expand "return"
    "sparc_can_use_return_insn_p ()"
@@ -60630,11 +71627,1029 @@ Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc.md
  (define_insn "*return_internal"
+@@ -7352,7 +7467,8 @@
+   [(unspec_volatile [(match_operand:SI 0 "memory_operand" "m")] UNSPECV_LDFSR)]
+   "ld\t%0, %%fsr"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "load")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")])
+ (define_insn "stfsr"
+   [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "memory_operand" "=m")
+@@ -7716,7 +7832,8 @@
+   gcc_assert (locality >= 0 && locality < 4);
+   return prefetch_instr [read_or_write][locality == 0 ? 0 : 1];
+ }
+-  [(set_attr "type" "load")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "prefetch")])
+ (define_insn "prefetch_32"
+   [(prefetch (match_operand:SI 0 "address_operand" "p")
+@@ -7741,7 +7858,8 @@
+   gcc_assert (locality >= 0 && locality < 4);
+   return prefetch_instr [read_or_write][locality == 0 ? 0 : 1];
+ }
+-  [(set_attr "type" "load")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "prefetch")])
+ ;; Trap instructions.
+@@ -7962,7 +8080,8 @@
+ 		   UNSPEC_TLSIE))]
+   "ld\\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tie_ld(%a3)"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "load")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")])
+ (define_insn "tie_ld64"
+   [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -7972,7 +8091,8 @@
+ 		   UNSPEC_TLSIE))]
+   "ldx\\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tie_ldx(%a3)"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "load")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")])
+ (define_insn "tie_add32"
+   [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -8032,6 +8152,7 @@
+   "ldub\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+   [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "3cycle")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_ldub1_sp32"
+@@ -8044,6 +8165,7 @@
+   "ldub\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+   [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "3cycle")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_ldub2_sp32"
+@@ -8056,6 +8178,7 @@
+   "ldub\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+   [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "3cycle")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_ldsb1_sp32"
+@@ -8091,6 +8214,7 @@
+   "ldub\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+   [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "3cycle")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_ldub1_sp64"
+@@ -8103,6 +8227,7 @@
+   "ldub\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+   [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "3cycle")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_ldub2_sp64"
+@@ -8115,6 +8240,7 @@
+   "ldub\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+   [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "3cycle")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_ldub3_sp64"
+@@ -8127,6 +8253,7 @@
+   "ldub\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+   [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "3cycle")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_ldsb1_sp64"
+@@ -8174,6 +8301,7 @@
+   "lduh\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+   [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "3cycle")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_lduh1_sp32"
+@@ -8186,6 +8314,7 @@
+   "lduh\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+   [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "3cycle")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_ldsh1_sp32"
+@@ -8209,6 +8338,7 @@
+   "lduh\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+   [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "3cycle")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_lduh1_sp64"
+@@ -8221,6 +8351,7 @@
+   "lduh\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+   [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "3cycle")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_lduh2_sp64"
+@@ -8233,6 +8364,7 @@
+   "lduh\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+   [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")
+    (set_attr "us3load_type" "3cycle")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_ldsh1_sp64"
+@@ -8267,7 +8399,8 @@
+ 			 (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "r"))))]
+   "ld\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "load")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_lduw_sp64"
+   [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -8277,7 +8410,8 @@
+ 			 (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "r"))))]
+   "lduw\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "load")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_lduw1_sp64"
+   [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -8288,7 +8422,8 @@
+ 			   (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "r")))))]
+   "lduw\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "load")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_ldsw1_sp64"
+   [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -8310,7 +8445,8 @@
+ 			 (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "r"))))]
+   "ldx\t[%1 + %2], %0, %%tldo_add(%3)"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "load")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "load")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "regular")])
+ (define_insn "*tldo_stb_sp32"
+   [(set (mem:QI (plus:SI (unspec:SI [(match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "r")
+@@ -8515,8 +8651,8 @@
+   movstouw\t%1, %0
+   movwtos\t%1, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "visl,visl,vismv,fpload,fpstore,store,load,store,*,vismv,vismv")
+-   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "vis,vis,vis,*,*,*,*,*,*,vis3,vis3")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true,true,true,*,*,*,*,*,*,true,true")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "single,single,single,*,*,*,regular,*,*,movstouw,single")
++   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "vis,vis,vis,*,*,*,*,*,*,vis3,vis3")])
+ (define_insn "*mov<VM64:mode>_insn_sp64"
+   [(set (match_operand:VM64 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=e,e,e,e,W,m,*r, m,*r, e,*r")
+@@ -8538,8 +8674,8 @@
+   movxtod\t%1, %0
+   mov\t%1, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "visl,visl,vismv,fpload,fpstore,store,load,store,vismv,vismv,*")
+-   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "vis,vis,vis,*,*,*,*,*,vis3,vis3,*")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true,true,true,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "double,double,double,*,*,*,regular,*,movdtox,movxtod,*")
++   (set_attr "cpu_feature" "vis,vis,vis,*,*,*,*,*,vis3,vis3,*")])
+ (define_insn "*mov<VM64:mode>_insn_sp32"
+   [(set (match_operand:VM64 0 "nonimmediate_operand"
+@@ -8568,9 +8704,9 @@
+   ldd\t%1, %0
+   std\t%1, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "store,*,visl,visl,vismv,*,*,fpload,fpstore,load,store,*,*,*,load,store")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "*,*,double,double,double,*,*,*,*,regular,*,*,*,*,regular,*")
+    (set_attr "length" "*,2,*,*,*,2,2,*,*,*,*,2,2,2,*,*")
+    (set_attr "cpu_feature" "*,*,vis,vis,vis,vis3,vis3,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "*,*,true,true,true,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*")
+    (set_attr "lra" "*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,disabled,disabled,*,*,*,*,*")])
+ (define_split
+@@ -8648,8 +8784,8 @@
+   "fp<plusminus_insn><vbits>\t%1, %2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "fga")
+-   (set_attr "fptype" "<vfptype>")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "other")
++   (set_attr "fptype" "<vfptype>")])
+ (define_mode_iterator VL [V1SI V2HI V4QI V1DI V2SI V4HI V8QI])
+ (define_mode_attr vlsuf [(V1SI "s") (V2HI "s") (V4QI "s")
+@@ -8665,8 +8801,7 @@
+   "f<vlinsn><vlsuf>\t%1, %2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "visl")
+-   (set_attr "fptype" "<vfptype>")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "fptype" "<vfptype>")])
+ (define_insn "*not_<vlop:code><VL:mode>3"
+   [(set (match_operand:VL 0 "register_operand" "=<vconstr>")
+@@ -8675,8 +8810,7 @@
+   "f<vlninsn><vlsuf>\t%1, %2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "visl")
+-   (set_attr "fptype" "<vfptype>")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "fptype" "<vfptype>")])
+ ;; (ior (not (op1)) (not (op2))) is the canonical form of NAND.
+ (define_insn "*nand<VL:mode>_vis"
+@@ -8686,8 +8820,7 @@
+   "fnand<vlsuf>\t%1, %2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "visl")
+-   (set_attr "fptype" "<vfptype>")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "fptype" "<vfptype>")])
+ (define_code_iterator vlnotop [ior and])
+@@ -8698,8 +8831,7 @@
+   "f<vlinsn>not1<vlsuf>\t%1, %2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "visl")
+-   (set_attr "fptype" "<vfptype>")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "fptype" "<vfptype>")])
+ (define_insn "*<vlnotop:code>_not2<VL:mode>_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:VL 0 "register_operand" "=<vconstr>")
+@@ -8708,8 +8840,7 @@
+   "f<vlinsn>not2<vlsuf>\t%1, %2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "visl")
+-   (set_attr "fptype" "<vfptype>")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "fptype" "<vfptype>")])
+ (define_insn "one_cmpl<VL:mode>2"
+   [(set (match_operand:VL 0 "register_operand" "=<vconstr>")
+@@ -8717,8 +8848,7 @@
+   "fnot1<vlsuf>\t%1, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "visl")
+-   (set_attr "fptype" "<vfptype>")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "fptype" "<vfptype>")])
+ ;; Hard to generate VIS instructions.  We have builtins for these.
+@@ -8760,6 +8890,7 @@
+  "fexpand\t%1, %0"
+  [(set_attr "type" "fga")
++  (set_attr "subtype" "fpu")
+   (set_attr "fptype" "double")])
+ (define_insn "fpmerge_vis"
+@@ -8774,6 +8905,7 @@
+  "fpmerge\t%1, %2, %0"
+  [(set_attr "type" "fga")
++  (set_attr "subtype" "fpu")
+   (set_attr "fptype" "double")])
+ ;; Partitioned multiply instructions
+@@ -8862,7 +8994,8 @@
+   [(set (reg:DI GSR_REG) (match_operand:DI 0 "arith_operand" "rI"))]
+   "wr\t%%g0, %0, %%gsr"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "gsr")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "gsr")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "reg")])
+ (define_insn "wrgsr_v8plus"
+   [(set (reg:DI GSR_REG) (match_operand:DI 0 "arith_operand" "I,r"))
+@@ -8893,7 +9026,8 @@
+   [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=r") (reg:DI GSR_REG))]
+   "rd\t%%gsr, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "gsr")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "gsr")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "reg")])
+ (define_insn "rdgsr_v8plus"
+   [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=r") (reg:DI GSR_REG))
+@@ -8916,8 +9050,8 @@
+   "faligndata\t%1, %2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "fga")
+-   (set_attr "fptype" "double")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "other")
++   (set_attr "fptype" "double")])
+ (define_insn "alignaddrsi_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -8928,7 +9062,7 @@
+   "alignaddr\t%r1, %r2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "gsr")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "alignaddr")])
+ (define_insn "alignaddrdi_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -8939,7 +9073,7 @@
+   "alignaddr\t%r1, %r2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "gsr")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "alignaddr")])
+ (define_insn "alignaddrlsi_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -8951,7 +9085,7 @@
+   "alignaddrl\t%r1, %r2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "gsr")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "alignaddr")])
+ (define_insn "alignaddrldi_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -8963,7 +9097,7 @@
+   "alignaddrl\t%r1, %r2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "gsr")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "alignaddr")])
+ (define_insn "pdist_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=e")
+@@ -9055,9 +9189,7 @@
+   "fcmp<gcond:code><GCM:gcm_name>\t%1, %2, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "visl")
+-   (set_attr "fptype" "double")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "viscmp")])
+ (define_insn "fpcmp<gcond:code>8<P:mode>_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:P 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -9066,8 +9198,7 @@
+   "fpcmp<gcond:code>8\t%1, %2, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "visl")
+-   (set_attr "fptype" "double")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "viscmp")])
+ (define_expand "vcond<GCM:mode><GCM:mode>"
+   [(match_operand:GCM 0 "register_operand" "")
+@@ -9130,8 +9261,7 @@
+         (plus:DI (match_dup 1) (match_dup 2)))]
+   "bmask\t%r1, %r2, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "array")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "bmask")])
+ (define_insn "bmasksi_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -9141,8 +9271,7 @@
+         (zero_extend:DI (plus:SI (match_dup 1) (match_dup 2))))]
+   "bmask\t%r1, %r2, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "array")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "bmask")])
+ (define_insn "bshuffle<VM64:mode>_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:VM64 0 "register_operand" "=e")
+@@ -9153,8 +9282,8 @@
+   "bshuffle\t%1, %2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "fga")
+-   (set_attr "fptype" "double")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "other")
++   (set_attr "fptype" "double")])
+ ;; The rtl expanders will happily convert constant permutations on other
+ ;; modes down to V8QI.  Rely on this to avoid the complexity of the byte
+@@ -9257,7 +9386,7 @@
+   "cmask8\t%r0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "fga")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "cmask")])
+ (define_insn "cmask16<P:mode>_vis"
+   [(set (reg:DI GSR_REG)
+@@ -9267,7 +9396,7 @@
+   "cmask16\t%r0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "fga")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "cmask")])
+ (define_insn "cmask32<P:mode>_vis"
+   [(set (reg:DI GSR_REG)
+@@ -9277,7 +9406,7 @@
+   "cmask32\t%r0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "fga")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "cmask")])
+ (define_insn "fchksm16_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:V4HI 0 "register_operand" "=e")
+@@ -9286,7 +9415,8 @@
+                      UNSPEC_FCHKSM16))]
+   "fchksm16\t%1, %2, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "fga")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "fga")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "fpu")])
+ (define_code_iterator vis3_shift [ashift ss_ashift lshiftrt ashiftrt])
+ (define_code_attr vis3_shift_insn
+@@ -9300,7 +9430,8 @@
+ 			(match_operand:GCM 2 "register_operand" "<vconstr>")))]
+   "<vis3_shift_insn><vbits>\t%1, %2, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "fga")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "fga")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "fpu")])
+ (define_insn "pdistn<P:mode>_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:P 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -9310,8 +9441,7 @@
+   "pdistn\t%1, %2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "pdistn")
+-   (set_attr "fptype" "double")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "fptype" "double")])
+ (define_insn "fmean16_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:V4HI 0 "register_operand" "=e")
+@@ -9328,7 +9458,8 @@
+           (const_int 1))))]
+   "fmean16\t%1, %2, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "fga")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "fga")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "fpu")])
+ (define_insn "fp<plusminus_insn>64_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:V1DI 0 "register_operand" "=e")
+@@ -9336,7 +9467,8 @@
+ 			(match_operand:V1DI 2 "register_operand" "e")))]
+   "fp<plusminus_insn>64\t%1, %2, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "fga")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "fga")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "addsub64")])
+ (define_insn "<plusminus_insn>v8qi3"
+   [(set (match_operand:V8QI 0 "register_operand" "=e")
+@@ -9344,7 +9476,8 @@
+                         (match_operand:V8QI 2 "register_operand" "e")))]
+   "fp<plusminus_insn>8\t%1, %2, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "fga")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "fga")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "other")])
+ (define_mode_iterator VASS [V4HI V2SI V2HI V1SI])
+ (define_code_iterator vis3_addsub_ss [ss_plus ss_minus])
+@@ -9360,7 +9493,7 @@
+   "<vis3_addsub_ss_insn><vbits>\t%1, %2, %0"
+   [(set_attr "type" "fga")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++   (set_attr "subtype" "other")])
+ (define_mode_iterator VMMAX [V8QI V4HI V2SI])
+ (define_code_iterator vis4_minmax [smin smax])
+@@ -9375,7 +9508,8 @@
+                            (match_operand:VMMAX 2 "register_operand" "<vconstr>")))]
+   "<vis4_minmax_insn><vbits>\t%1, %2, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "fga")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "fga")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "maxmin")])
+ (define_code_iterator vis4_uminmax [umin umax])
+ (define_code_attr vis4_uminmax_insn
+@@ -9389,7 +9523,8 @@
+                             (match_operand:VMMAX 2 "register_operand" "<vconstr>")))]
+   "<vis4_uminmax_insn><vbits>\t%1, %2, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "fga")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "fga")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "maxmin")])
+ ;; The use of vis3_addsub_ss_patname in the VIS4 instruction below is
+ ;; intended.
+@@ -9399,7 +9534,8 @@
+                              (match_operand:V8QI 2 "register_operand" "e")))]
+   "<vis3_addsub_ss_insn>8\t%1, %2, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "fga")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "fga")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "other")])
+ (define_mode_iterator VAUS [V4HI V8QI])
+ (define_code_iterator vis4_addsub_us [us_plus us_minus])
+@@ -9414,7 +9550,8 @@
+                             (match_operand:VAUS 2 "register_operand" "<vconstr>")))]
+  "<vis4_addsub_us_insn><vbits>\t%1, %2, %0"
+- [(set_attr "type" "fga")])
++ [(set_attr "type" "fga")
++  (set_attr "subtype" "other")])
+ (define_insn "fucmp<gcond:code>8<P:mode>_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:P 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -9423,8 +9560,7 @@
+   "fucmp<gcond:code>8\t%1, %2, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "visl")
+-   (set_attr "v3pipe" "true")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "viscmp")])
+ (define_insn "fpcmpu<gcond:code><GCM:gcm_name><P:mode>_vis"
+   [(set (match_operand:P 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -9433,8 +9569,7 @@
+   "fpcmpu<gcond:code><GCM:gcm_name>\t%1, %2, %0"
+-  [(set_attr "type" "visl")
+-   (set_attr "fptype" "double")])
++  [(set_attr "type" "viscmp")])
+ (define_insn "*naddsf3"
+   [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "register_operand" "=f")
+@@ -9538,4 +9673,62 @@
+   [(set_attr "type" "fp")
+    (set_attr "fptype" "double")])
++;; VIS4B instructions.
++(define_mode_iterator DUMODE [V2SI V4HI V8QI])
++(define_insn "dictunpack<DUMODE:vbits>"
++  [(set (match_operand:DUMODE 0 "register_operand" "=e")
++        (unspec:DUMODE [(match_operand:DF 1 "register_operand" "e")
++                        (match_operand:SI 2 "imm5_operand_dictunpack<DUMODE:vbits>" "t")]
++  "dictunpack\t%1, %2, %0"
++  [(set_attr "type" "fga")
++   (set_attr "subtype" "other")])
++(define_mode_iterator FPCSMODE [V2SI V4HI V8QI])
++(define_code_iterator fpcscond [le gt eq ne])
++(define_code_iterator fpcsucond [le gt])
++(define_insn "fpcmp<fpcscond:code><FPCSMODE:vbits><P:mode>shl"
++  [(set (match_operand:P 0 "register_operand" "=r")
++        (unspec:P [(fpcscond:FPCSMODE (match_operand:FPCSMODE 1 "register_operand" "e")
++                                      (match_operand:FPCSMODE 2 "register_operand" "e"))
++                   (match_operand:SI 3 "imm2_operand" "q")]
++         UNSPEC_FPCMPSHL))]
++   "fpcmp<fpcscond:code><FPCSMODE:vbits>shl\t%1, %2, %3, %0"
++   [(set_attr "type" "viscmp")])
++(define_insn "fpcmpu<fpcsucond:code><FPCSMODE:vbits><P:mode>shl"
++  [(set (match_operand:P 0 "register_operand" "=r")
++        (unspec:P [(fpcsucond:FPCSMODE (match_operand:FPCSMODE 1 "register_operand" "e")
++                                       (match_operand:FPCSMODE 2 "register_operand" "e"))
++                   (match_operand:SI 3 "imm2_operand" "q")]
++         UNSPEC_FPUCMPSHL))]
++   "fpcmpu<fpcsucond:code><FPCSMODE:vbits>shl\t%1, %2, %3, %0"
++   [(set_attr "type" "viscmp")])
++(define_insn "fpcmpde<FPCSMODE:vbits><P:mode>shl"
++  [(set (match_operand:P 0 "register_operand" "=r")
++        (unspec:P [(match_operand:FPCSMODE 1 "register_operand" "e")
++                   (match_operand:FPCSMODE 2 "register_operand" "e")
++                   (match_operand:SI 3 "imm2_operand" "q")]
++   "fpcmpde<FPCSMODE:vbits>shl\t%1, %2, %3, %0"
++   [(set_attr "type" "viscmp")])
++(define_insn "fpcmpur<FPCSMODE:vbits><P:mode>shl"
++  [(set (match_operand:P 0 "register_operand" "=r")
++        (unspec:P [(match_operand:FPCSMODE 1 "register_operand" "e")
++                   (match_operand:FPCSMODE 2 "register_operand" "e")
++                   (match_operand:SI 3 "imm2_operand" "q")]
++   "fpcmpur<FPCSMODE:vbits>shl\t%1, %2, %3, %0"
++   [(set_attr "type" "viscmp")])
+ (include "sync.md")
+Index: gcc/config/sparc/ultra3.md
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/ultra3.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/ultra3.md	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+ (define_insn_reservation "us3_array" 2
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "ultrasparc3")
+-    (eq_attr "type" "array,edgen"))
++    (eq_attr "type" "array,edgen,bmask"))
+   "us3_ms + us3_slotany, nothing")
+ ;; ??? Not entirely accurate.
+@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
+ (define_insn_reservation "us3_fga"
+   3
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "ultrasparc3")
+-       (eq_attr "type" "fga,visl,vismv"))
++       (eq_attr "type" "fga,visl,viscmp,vismv"))
+   "us3_fpa + us3_slotany, nothing*2")
+ (define_insn_reservation "us3_fgm"
+Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc.opt
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/sparc.opt	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/sparc.opt	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -81,6 +81,10 @@
+ Target Report Mask(VIS4)
+ Use UltraSPARC Visual Instruction Set version 4.0 extensions.
++Target Report Mask(VIS4B)
++Use additional VIS instructions introduced in OSA2017.
+ mcbcond
+ Target Report Mask(CBCOND)
+ Use UltraSPARC Compare-and-Branch extensions.
+@@ -89,6 +93,10 @@
+ Target Report Mask(FMAF)
+ Use UltraSPARC Fused Multiply-Add extensions.
++Target Report Mask(FSMULD)
++Use Floating-point Multiply Single to Double (FsMULd) instruction.
+ mpopc
+ Target Report Mask(POPC)
+ Use UltraSPARC Population-Count instruction.
+@@ -209,6 +217,9 @@
+ EnumValue
+ Enum(sparc_processor_type) String(niagara7) Value(PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7)
++Enum(sparc_processor_type) String(m8) Value(PROCESSOR_M8)
+ mcmodel=
+ Target RejectNegative Joined Var(sparc_cmodel_string)
+ Use given SPARC-V9 code model.
+@@ -230,6 +241,18 @@
+ Target Report RejectNegative Var(sparc_fix_ut699)
+ Enable workarounds for the errata of the UT699 processor.
++Target Report RejectNegative Var(sparc_fix_ut700)
++Enable workarounds for the errata of the UT699E/UT700 processor.
++Target Report RejectNegative Var(sparc_fix_gr712rc)
++Enable workarounds for the errata of the GR712RC processor.
++;; Enable workaround for back-to-back store errata
++unsigned int sparc_fix_b2bst
+ Mask(LONG_DOUBLE_128)
+ ;; Use 128-bit long double
+Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc-c.c
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/sparc-c.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/sparc-c.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -40,8 +40,13 @@
+       cpp_assert (parse_in, "machine=sparc");
+     }
+-  if (TARGET_VIS4)
++  if (TARGET_VIS4B)
+     {
++      cpp_define (parse_in, "__VIS__=0x410");
++      cpp_define (parse_in, "__VIS=0x410");
++    }
++  else if (TARGET_VIS4)
++    {
+       cpp_define (parse_in, "__VIS__=0x400");
+       cpp_define (parse_in, "__VIS=0x400");
+     }
+Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc-opts.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/sparc-opts.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/sparc-opts.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
+ };
+Index: gcc/config/sparc/niagara2.md
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/niagara2.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/niagara2.md	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@
+ (define_insn_reservation "niag2_vis" 6
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara2")
+-    (eq_attr "type" "fga,vismv,visl,fgm_pack,fgm_mul,pdist,edge,edgen,array,gsr"))
++    (eq_attr "type" "fga,vismv,visl,viscmp,fgm_pack,fgm_mul,pdist,edge,edgen,array,bmask,gsr"))
+   "niag2_pipe*6")
+ (define_insn_reservation "niag3_vis" 9
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara3")
+-    (eq_attr "type" "fga,vismv,visl,fgm_pack,fgm_mul,pdist,pdistn,edge,edgen,array,gsr"))
++    (eq_attr "type" "fga,vismv,visl,viscmp,fgm_pack,fgm_mul,pdist,pdistn,edge,edgen,array,bmask,gsr"))
+   "niag2_pipe*9")
+Index: gcc/config/sparc/niagara4.md
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/niagara4.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/niagara4.md	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
+ (define_insn_reservation "n4_array" 12
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara4")
+-    (eq_attr "type" "array,edge,edgen"))
++    (eq_attr "type" "array,bmask,edge,edgen"))
+   "n4_slot1, nothing*11")
+ (define_insn_reservation "n4_vis_move_1cycle" 1
+@@ -90,8 +90,9 @@
+ (define_insn_reservation "n4_vis_logical" 3
+   (and (eq_attr "cpu" "niagara4")
+-    (and (eq_attr "type" "visl,pdistn")
+-      (eq_attr "fptype" "double")))
++       (ior (and (eq_attr "type" "visl,pdistn")
++                 (eq_attr "fptype" "double"))
++            (eq_attr "type" "viscmp")))
+   "n4_slot1, nothing*2")
+ (define_insn_reservation "n4_vis_logical_11cycle" 11
+Index: gcc/config/sparc/ultra1_2.md
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/ultra1_2.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/ultra1_2.md	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -263,10 +263,10 @@
+ (define_insn_reservation "us1_fga_double"
+   2
+-  (and (and
+-         (eq_attr "cpu" "ultrasparc")
+-         (eq_attr "type" "fga,visl,vismv"))
+-       (eq_attr "fptype" "double"))
++  (and (eq_attr "cpu" "ultrasparc")
++       (ior (and (eq_attr "type" "fga,visl,vismv")
++                 (eq_attr "fptype" "double"))
++            (eq_attr "type" "viscmp")))
+   "us1_fpa + us1_fp_double + us1_slotany, nothing")
+ (define_bypass 1 "us1_fga_double" "us1_fga_double")
 Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc.c
 --- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/sparc.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/sparc.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -1341,7 +1341,6 @@
+@@ -448,6 +448,30 @@
+   0, /* shift penalty */
+ };
++static const
++struct processor_costs m8_costs = {
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (3), /* int load */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (3), /* int signed load */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (3), /* int zeroed load */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (3), /* float load */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (9), /* fmov, fneg, fabs */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (9), /* fadd, fsub */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (9), /* fcmp */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (9), /* fmov, fmovr */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (9), /* fmul */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (26), /* fdivs */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (30), /* fdivd */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (33), /* fsqrts */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (41), /* fsqrtd */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (12), /* imul */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (10), /* imulX */
++  0, /* imul bit factor */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (57), /* udiv/sdiv */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (30), /* udivx/sdivx */
++  COSTS_N_INSNS (1), /* movcc/movr */
++  0, /* shift penalty */
+ static const struct processor_costs *sparc_costs = &cypress_costs;
+@@ -896,6 +920,12 @@
+    to properly detect the various hazards.  Therefore, this machine specific
+    pass runs as late as possible.  */
++/* True if INSN is a md pattern or asm statement.  */
++#define USEFUL_INSN_P(INSN)						\
++  (NONDEBUG_INSN_P (INSN)						\
++   && GET_CODE (PATTERN (INSN)) != USE					\
+ static unsigned int
+ sparc_do_work_around_errata (void)
+ {
+@@ -915,6 +945,81 @@
+ 	if (rtx_sequence *seq = dyn_cast <rtx_sequence *> (PATTERN (insn)))
+ 	  insn = seq->insn (1);
++      /* Look for either of these two sequences:
++	 Sequence A:
++	 1. store of word size or less (e.g. st / stb / sth / stf)
++	 2. any single instruction that is not a load or store
++	 3. any store instruction (e.g. st / stb / sth / stf / std / stdf)
++	 Sequence B:
++	 1. store of double word size (e.g. std / stdf)
++	 2. any store instruction (e.g. st / stb / sth / stf / std / stdf)  */
++      if (sparc_fix_b2bst
++	  && NONJUMP_INSN_P (insn)
++	  && (set = single_set (insn)) != NULL_RTX
++	  && MEM_P (SET_DEST (set)))
++	{
++	  /* Sequence B begins with a double-word store.  */
++	  bool seq_b = GET_MODE_SIZE (GET_MODE (SET_DEST (set))) == 8;
++	  rtx_insn *after;
++	  int i;
++	  next = next_active_insn (insn);
++	  if (!next)
++	    break;
++	  for (after = next, i = 0; i < 2; i++)
++	    {
++	      /* Skip empty assembly statements.  */
++	      if ((GET_CODE (PATTERN (after)) == UNSPEC_VOLATILE)
++		  || (USEFUL_INSN_P (after)
++		      && (asm_noperands (PATTERN (after))>=0)
++		      && !strcmp (decode_asm_operands (PATTERN (after),
++						       NULL, NULL, NULL,
++						       NULL, NULL), "")))
++		after = next_active_insn (after);
++	      if (!after)
++		break;
++	      /* If the insn is a branch, then it cannot be problematic.  */
++	      if (!NONJUMP_INSN_P (after)
++		  || GET_CODE (PATTERN (after)) == SEQUENCE)
++		break;
++	      /* Sequence B is only two instructions long.  */
++	      if (seq_b)
++		{
++		  /* Add NOP if followed by a store.  */
++		  if ((set = single_set (after)) != NULL_RTX
++		      && MEM_P (SET_DEST (set)))
++		    insert_nop = true;
++		  /* Otherwise it is ok.  */
++		  break;
++		}
++	      /* If the second instruction is a load or a store,
++		 then the sequence cannot be problematic.  */
++	      if (i == 0)
++		{
++		  if (((set = single_set (after)) != NULL_RTX)
++		      && (MEM_P (SET_DEST (set)) || MEM_P (SET_SRC (set))))
++		    break;
++		  after = next_active_insn (after);
++		  if (!after)
++		    break;
++		}
++	      /* Add NOP if third instruction is a store.  */
++	      if (i == 1
++		  && ((set = single_set (after)) != NULL_RTX)
++		  && MEM_P (SET_DEST (set)))
++		insert_nop = true;
++	    }
++	}
++      else
+       /* Look for a single-word load into an odd-numbered FP register.  */
+       if (sparc_fix_at697f
+ 	  && NONJUMP_INSN_P (insn)
+@@ -1167,8 +1272,7 @@
+   /* opt_pass methods: */
+   virtual bool gate (function *)
+     {
+-      /* The only errata we handle are those of the AT697F and UT699.  */
+-      return sparc_fix_at697f != 0 || sparc_fix_ut699 != 0;
++      return sparc_fix_at697f || sparc_fix_ut699 || sparc_fix_b2bst;
+     }
+   virtual unsigned int execute (function *)
+@@ -1200,6 +1304,8 @@
+     fprintf (stderr, "FLAT ");
+   if (flags & MASK_FMAF)
+     fprintf (stderr, "FMAF ");
++  if (flags & MASK_FSMULD)
++    fprintf (stderr, "FSMULD ");
+   if (flags & MASK_FPU)
+     fprintf (stderr, "FPU ");
+   if (flags & MASK_HARD_QUAD)
+@@ -1222,6 +1328,8 @@
+     fprintf (stderr, "VIS3 ");
+   if (flags & MASK_VIS4)
+     fprintf (stderr, "VIS4 ");
++  if (flags & MASK_VIS4B)
++    fprintf (stderr, "VIS4B ");
+   if (flags & MASK_CBCOND)
+     fprintf (stderr, "CBCOND ");
+   if (flags & MASK_DEPRECATED_V8_INSNS)
+@@ -1286,6 +1394,7 @@
+     { TARGET_CPU_niagara3, PROCESSOR_NIAGARA3 },
+     { TARGET_CPU_niagara4, PROCESSOR_NIAGARA4 },
+     { TARGET_CPU_niagara7, PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7 },
++    { TARGET_CPU_m8, PROCESSOR_M8 },
+     { -1, PROCESSOR_V7 }
+   };
+   const struct cpu_default *def;
+@@ -1296,24 +1405,24 @@
+     const int disable;
+     const int enable;
+   } const cpu_table[] = {
+-    { "v7",		MASK_ISA, 0 },
+-    { "cypress",	MASK_ISA, 0 },
++    { "v7",		MASK_ISA|MASK_FSMULD, 0 },
++    { "cypress",	MASK_ISA|MASK_FSMULD, 0 },
+     { "v8",		MASK_ISA, MASK_V8 },
+     /* TI TMS390Z55 supersparc */
+     { "supersparc",	MASK_ISA, MASK_V8 },
+-    { "hypersparc",	MASK_ISA, MASK_V8|MASK_FPU },
+-    { "leon",		MASK_ISA, MASK_V8|MASK_LEON|MASK_FPU },
+-    { "leon3",		MASK_ISA, MASK_V8|MASK_LEON3|MASK_FPU },
+-    { "leon3v7",	MASK_ISA, MASK_LEON3|MASK_FPU },
+-    { "sparclite",	MASK_ISA, MASK_SPARCLITE },
++    { "hypersparc",	MASK_ISA, MASK_V8 },
++    { "leon3",		MASK_ISA, MASK_V8|MASK_LEON3 },
++    { "leon3v7",	MASK_ISA|MASK_FSMULD, MASK_LEON3 },
++    { "sparclite",	MASK_ISA|MASK_FSMULD, MASK_SPARCLITE },
+     /* The Fujitsu MB86930 is the original sparclite chip, with no FPU.  */
+     /* The Fujitsu MB86934 is the recent sparclite chip, with an FPU.  */
+     { "sparclite86x",	MASK_ISA|MASK_FPU, MASK_SPARCLITE },
+-    { "sparclet",	MASK_ISA, MASK_SPARCLET },
++    { "sparclet",	MASK_ISA|MASK_FSMULD, MASK_SPARCLET },
+     /* TEMIC sparclet */
+-    { "tsc701",		MASK_ISA, MASK_SPARCLET },
+     { "v9",		MASK_ISA, MASK_V9 },
+     /* UltraSPARC I, II, IIi */
+     { "ultrasparc",	MASK_ISA,
+@@ -1337,11 +1446,13 @@
+     /* UltraSPARC M7 */
+     { "niagara7",	MASK_ISA,
++    /* UltraSPARC M8 */
++    { "m8",		MASK_ISA,
    const struct cpu_table *cpu;
    unsigned int i;
@@ -60642,16 +72657,62 @@ Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc.c
    if (sparc_debug_string != NULL)
-@@ -1433,8 +1432,6 @@
+@@ -1377,6 +1488,11 @@
+ 	}
+     }
++  /* Enable the FsMULd instruction by default if not explicitly specified by
++     the user.  It may be later disabled by the CPU (explicitly or not).  */
++  if (TARGET_FPU && !(target_flags_explicit & MASK_FSMULD))
++    target_flags |= MASK_FSMULD;
+     {
+       dump_target_flags("Initial target_flags", target_flags);
+@@ -1422,7 +1538,7 @@
+ 	    sparc_cmodel = cmodel->value;
+ 	}
+       else
+-	error ("-mcmodel= is not supported on 32 bit systems");
++	error ("-mcmodel= is not supported on 32-bit systems");
+     }
+   /* Check that -fcall-saved-REG wasn't specified for out registers.  */
+@@ -1433,9 +1549,7 @@
          call_used_regs [i] = 1;
 -  fpu = target_flags & MASK_FPU; /* save current -mfpu status */
-   /* Set the default CPU.  */
+-  /* Set the default CPU.  */
++  /* Set the default CPU if no -mcpu option was specified.  */
    if (!global_options_set.x_sparc_cpu_and_features)
-@@ -1473,22 +1470,18 @@
+       for (def = &cpu_default[0]; def->cpu != -1; ++def)
+@@ -1445,6 +1559,7 @@
+       sparc_cpu_and_features = def->processor;
+     }
++  /* Set the default CPU if no -mtune option was specified.  */
+   if (!global_options_set.x_sparc_cpu)
+     sparc_cpu = sparc_cpu_and_features;
+@@ -1453,8 +1568,6 @@
+     {
+       fprintf (stderr, "sparc_cpu_and_features: %s\n", cpu->name);
+-      fprintf (stderr, "sparc_cpu: %s\n",
+-	       cpu_table[(int) sparc_cpu].name);
+       dump_target_flags ("cpu->disable", cpu->disable);
+       dump_target_flags ("cpu->enable", cpu->enable);
+     }
+@@ -1470,37 +1583,39 @@
+ #ifndef HAVE_AS_SPARC5_VIS4
+ 		   & ~(MASK_VIS4 | MASK_SUBXC)
+ #endif
++#ifndef HAVE_AS_SPARC6
++		   & ~(MASK_VIS4B)
  #ifndef HAVE_AS_LEON
  		   & ~(MASK_LEON | MASK_LEON3)
@@ -60678,8 +72739,19 @@ Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc.c
    if (TARGET_VIS4)
      target_flags |= MASK_VIS3 | MASK_VIS2 | MASK_VIS;
-@@ -1499,8 +1492,7 @@
- 		      | MASK_FMAF);
+-  /* Don't allow -mvis, -mvis2, -mvis3, -mvis4 or -mfmaf if FPU is
+-     disabled.  */
+-  if (! TARGET_FPU)
++  /* -mvis4b implies -mvis4, -mvis3, -mvis2 and -mvis */
++  if (TARGET_VIS4B)
++    target_flags |= MASK_VIS4 | MASK_VIS3 | MASK_VIS2 | MASK_VIS;
++  /* Don't allow -mvis, -mvis2, -mvis3, -mvis4, -mvis4b, -mfmaf and -mfsmuld if
++     FPU is disabled.  */
++  if (!TARGET_FPU)
+     target_flags &= ~(MASK_VIS | MASK_VIS2 | MASK_VIS3 | MASK_VIS4
+-		      | MASK_FMAF);
    /* -mvis assumes UltraSPARC+, so we are sure v9 instructions
 -     are available.
@@ -60688,18 +72760,44 @@ Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc.c
        target_flags |= MASK_V9;
-@@ -1507,7 +1499,7 @@
+@@ -1507,19 +1622,19 @@
        target_flags &= ~(MASK_V8 | MASK_SPARCLET | MASK_SPARCLITE);
 -  /* -mvis also implies -mv8plus on 32-bit */
+-  if (TARGET_VIS && ! TARGET_ARCH64)
 +  /* -mvis also implies -mv8plus on 32-bit.  */
-   if (TARGET_VIS && ! TARGET_ARCH64)
      target_flags |= MASK_V8PLUS;
-@@ -1528,15 +1520,18 @@
+-  /* Use the deprecated v8 insns for sparc64 in 32 bit mode.  */
++  /* Use the deprecated v8 insns for sparc64 in 32-bit mode.  */
+   if (TARGET_V9 && TARGET_ARCH32)
+     target_flags |= MASK_DEPRECATED_V8_INSNS;
+-  /* V8PLUS requires V9, makes no sense in 64 bit mode.  */
+-  if (! TARGET_V9 || TARGET_ARCH64)
++  /* V8PLUS requires V9 and makes no sense in 64-bit mode.  */
++  if (!TARGET_V9 || TARGET_ARCH64)
+     target_flags &= ~MASK_V8PLUS;
+-  /* Don't use stack biasing in 32 bit mode.  */
++  /* Don't use stack biasing in 32-bit mode.  */
+   if (TARGET_ARCH32)
+     target_flags &= ~MASK_STACK_BIAS;
+@@ -1527,16 +1642,28 @@
+   if (!(target_flags_explicit & MASK_LRA))
      target_flags |= MASK_LRA;
++  /* Enable the back-to-back store errata workaround for LEON3FT.  */
++  if (sparc_fix_ut699 || sparc_fix_ut700 || sparc_fix_gr712rc)
++    sparc_fix_b2bst = 1;
++  /* Disable FsMULd for the UT699 since it doesn't work correctly.  */
++  if (sparc_fix_ut699)
++    target_flags &= ~MASK_FSMULD;
    /* Supply a default value for align_functions.  */
 -  if (align_functions == 0
 -      && (sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_ULTRASPARC
@@ -60715,13 +72813,83 @@ Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc.c
 -    align_functions = 32;
 +	  || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA4)
 +	align_functions = 32;
-+      else if (sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7)
++      else if (sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7
++	       || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_M8)
 +	align_functions = 64;
 +    }
    /* Validate PCC_STRUCT_RETURN.  */
    if (flag_pcc_struct_return == DEFAULT_PCC_STRUCT_RETURN)
-@@ -5789,6 +5784,9 @@
+@@ -1602,6 +1729,9 @@
+       sparc_costs = &niagara7_costs;
+       break;
++    case PROCESSOR_M8:
++      sparc_costs = &m8_costs;
++      break;
+       gcc_unreachable ();
+     };
+@@ -1664,13 +1794,14 @@
+ 			   || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA4)
+ 			  ? 2
+ 			  : (sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_ULTRASPARC3
+-			     ? 8 : (sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7
++			     ? 8 : ((sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7
++				     || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_M8)
+ 				    ? 32 : 3))),
+ 			 global_options.x_param_values,
+ 			 global_options_set.x_param_values);
+-  /* For PARAM_L1_CACHE_LINE_SIZE we use the default 32 bytes (see
+-     params.def), so no maybe_set_param_value is needed.
++  /* PARAM_L1_CACHE_LINE_SIZE is the size of the L1 cache line, in
++     bytes.
+      The Oracle SPARC Architecture (previously the UltraSPARC
+      Architecture) specification states that when a PREFETCH[A]
+@@ -1686,6 +1817,11 @@
+      L2 and L3, but only 32B are brought into the L1D$. (Assuming it
+      is a read_n prefetch, which is the only type which allocates to
+      the L1.)  */
++  maybe_set_param_value (PARAM_L1_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
++			 (sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_M8
++			  ? 64 : 32),
++			 global_options.x_param_values,
++			 global_options_set.x_param_values);
+   /* PARAM_L1_CACHE_SIZE is the size of the L1D$ (most SPARC chips use
+      Hardvard level-1 caches) in kilobytes.  Both UltraSPARC and
+@@ -1697,7 +1833,8 @@
+ 			   || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA2
+ 			   || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA3
+ 			   || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA4
+-			   || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7)
++			   || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7
++			   || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_M8)
+ 			  ? 16 : 64),
+ 			 global_options.x_param_values,
+ 			 global_options_set.x_param_values);
+@@ -1706,7 +1843,8 @@
+   /* PARAM_L2_CACHE_SIZE is the size fo the L2 in kilobytes.  Note
+      that 512 is the default in params.def.  */
+   maybe_set_param_value (PARAM_L2_CACHE_SIZE,
+-			 (sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA4
++			 ((sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA4
++			   || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_M8)
+ 			  ? 128 : (sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7
+ 				   ? 256 : 512)),
+ 			 global_options.x_param_values,
+@@ -4834,7 +4972,7 @@
+    ??? Note that, despite the settings, non-double-aligned parameter
+    registers can hold double-word quantities in 32-bit mode.  */
+-/* This points to either the 32 bit or the 64 bit version.  */
++/* This points to either the 32-bit or the 64-bit version.  */
+ const int *hard_regno_mode_classes;
+ static const int hard_32bit_mode_classes[] = {
+@@ -5789,6 +5927,9 @@
    HOST_WIDE_INT size = sparc_frame_size;
@@ -60731,11 +72899,395 @@ Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc.c
    if (sparc_n_global_fp_regs > 0)
      emit_save_or_restore_global_fp_regs (sparc_frame_base_reg,
+@@ -7165,7 +7306,7 @@
+ }
+ /* Handle the FUNCTION_ARG_PADDING macro.
+-   For the 64 bit ABI structs are always stored left shifted in their
++   For the 64-bit ABI structs are always stored left shifted in their
+    argument slot.  */
+ enum direction
+@@ -8283,7 +8424,7 @@
+   if (reversed ^ far)
+     code = reverse_condition (code);
+-  /* Only 64 bit versions of these instructions exist.  */
++  /* Only 64-bit versions of these instructions exist.  */
+   gcc_assert (mode == DImode);
+   /* Start by writing the branch condition.  */
+@@ -8711,7 +8852,7 @@
+     return 0;
+   /* The first offset must be evenly divisible by 8 to ensure the
+-     address is 64 bit aligned.  */
++     address is 64-bit aligned.  */
+   if (offset1 % 8 != 0)
+     return 0;
+@@ -9480,7 +9621,8 @@
+       && sparc_cpu != PROCESSOR_NIAGARA2
+       && sparc_cpu != PROCESSOR_NIAGARA3
+       && sparc_cpu != PROCESSOR_NIAGARA4
+-      && sparc_cpu != PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7)
++      && sparc_cpu != PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7
++      && sparc_cpu != PROCESSOR_M8)
+     emit_insn (gen_flushsi (validize_mem (adjust_address (m_tramp, SImode, 8))));
+   /* Call __enable_execute_stack after writing onto the stack to make sure
+@@ -9526,7 +9668,8 @@
+       && sparc_cpu != PROCESSOR_NIAGARA2
+       && sparc_cpu != PROCESSOR_NIAGARA3
+       && sparc_cpu != PROCESSOR_NIAGARA4
+-      && sparc_cpu != PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7)
++      && sparc_cpu != PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7
++      && sparc_cpu != PROCESSOR_M8)
+     emit_insn (gen_flushdi (validize_mem (adjust_address (m_tramp, DImode, 8))));
+   /* Call __enable_execute_stack after writing onto the stack to make sure
+@@ -9726,7 +9869,8 @@
+       || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA3)
+     return 0;
+   if (sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA4
+-      || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7)
++      || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7
++      || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_M8)
+     return 2;
+   if (sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_ULTRASPARC
+       || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_ULTRASPARC3)
+@@ -9760,6 +9904,7 @@
+       return 2;
++    case PROCESSOR_M8:
+       return 4;
+     }
+ }
+@@ -10342,6 +10487,45 @@
++  /* VIS 4.0B builtins.  */
++  /* Note that all the DICTUNPACK* entries should be kept
++     contiguous.  */
++  /* Note that all the FPCMP*SHL entries should be kept
++     contiguous.  */
+ };
+@@ -10349,6 +10533,27 @@
+ static GTY (()) tree sparc_builtins[(int) SPARC_BUILTIN_MAX];
+ static enum insn_code sparc_builtins_icode[(int) SPARC_BUILTIN_MAX];
++/* Return true if OPVAL can be used for operand OPNUM of instruction ICODE.
++   The instruction should require a constant operand of some sort.  The
++   function prints an error if OPVAL is not valid.  */
++static int
++check_constant_argument (enum insn_code icode, int opnum, rtx opval)
++  if (GET_CODE (opval) != CONST_INT)
++    {
++      error ("%qs expects a constant argument", insn_data[icode].name);
++      return false;
++    }
++  if (!(*insn_data[icode].operand[opnum].predicate) (opval, VOIDmode))
++    {
++      error ("constant argument out of range for %qs", insn_data[icode].name);
++      return false;
++    }
++  return true;
+ /* Add a SPARC builtin function with NAME, ICODE, CODE and TYPE.  Return the
+    function decl or NULL_TREE if the builtin was not added.  */
+@@ -10442,6 +10647,12 @@
+ 						      v8qi, v8qi, 0);
+   tree si_ftype_v8qi_v8qi = build_function_type_list (intSI_type_node,
+ 						      v8qi, v8qi, 0);
++  tree v8qi_ftype_df_si = build_function_type_list (v8qi, double_type_node,
++						    intSI_type_node, 0);
++  tree v4hi_ftype_df_si = build_function_type_list (v4hi, double_type_node,
++						    intSI_type_node, 0);
++  tree v2si_ftype_df_si = build_function_type_list (v2si, double_type_node,
++						    intDI_type_node, 0);
+   tree di_ftype_di_di = build_function_type_list (intDI_type_node,
+ 						  intDI_type_node,
+ 						  intDI_type_node, 0);
+@@ -10896,6 +11107,156 @@
+       def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpsubus16", CODE_FOR_ussubv4hi3,
+ 			 SPARC_BUILTIN_FPSUBUS16, v4hi_ftype_v4hi_v4hi);
+     }
++  if (TARGET_VIS4B)
++    {
++      def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_dictunpack8", CODE_FOR_dictunpack8,
++			 SPARC_BUILTIN_DICTUNPACK8, v8qi_ftype_df_si);
++      def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_dictunpack16", CODE_FOR_dictunpack16,
++			 SPARC_BUILTIN_DICTUNPACK16, v4hi_ftype_df_si);
++      def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_dictunpack32", CODE_FOR_dictunpack32,
++			 SPARC_BUILTIN_DICTUNPACK32, v2si_ftype_df_si);
++      if (TARGET_ARCH64)
++	{
++	  tree di_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si = build_function_type_list (intDI_type_node,
++								 v8qi, v8qi,
++								 intSI_type_node, 0);
++	  tree di_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si = build_function_type_list (intDI_type_node,
++								 v4hi, v4hi,
++								 intSI_type_node, 0);
++	  tree di_ftype_v2si_v2si_si = build_function_type_list (intDI_type_node,
++								 v2si, v2si,
++								 intSI_type_node, 0);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmple8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmple8dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPLE8SHL, di_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpgt8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpgt8dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPGT8SHL, di_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpeq8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpeq8dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPEQ8SHL, di_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpne8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpne8dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPNE8SHL, di_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmple16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmple16dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPLE16SHL, di_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpgt16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpgt16dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPGT16SHL, di_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpeq16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpeq16dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPEQ16SHL, di_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpne16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpne16dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPNE16SHL, di_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmple32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmple32dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPLE32SHL, di_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpgt32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpgt32dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPGT32SHL, di_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpeq32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpeq32dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPEQ32SHL, di_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpne32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpne32dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPNE32SHL, di_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpule8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpule8dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPULE8SHL, di_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpugt8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpugt8dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPUGT8SHL, di_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpule16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpule16dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPULE16SHL, di_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpugt16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpugt16dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPUGT16SHL, di_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpule32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpule32dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPULE32SHL, di_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpugt32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpugt32dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPUGT32SHL, di_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpde8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpde8dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPDE8SHL, di_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpde16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpde16dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPDE16SHL, di_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpde32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpde32dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPDE32SHL, di_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpur8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpur8dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPUR8SHL, di_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpur16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpur16dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPUR16SHL, di_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpur32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpur32dishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPUR32SHL, di_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	}
++      else
++	{
++	  tree si_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si = build_function_type_list (intSI_type_node,
++								 v8qi, v8qi,
++								 intSI_type_node, 0);
++	  tree si_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si = build_function_type_list (intSI_type_node,
++								 v4hi, v4hi,
++								 intSI_type_node, 0);
++	  tree si_ftype_v2si_v2si_si = build_function_type_list (intSI_type_node,
++								 v2si, v2si,
++								 intSI_type_node, 0);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmple8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmple8sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPLE8SHL, si_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpgt8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpgt8sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPGT8SHL, si_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpeq8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpeq8sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPEQ8SHL, si_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpne8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpne8sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPNE8SHL, si_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmple16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmple16sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPLE16SHL, si_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpgt16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpgt16sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPGT16SHL, si_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpeq16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpeq16sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPEQ16SHL, si_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpne16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpne16sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPNE16SHL, si_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmple32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmple32sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPLE32SHL, si_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpgt32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpgt32sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPGT32SHL, si_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpeq32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpeq32sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPEQ32SHL, si_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpne32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpne32sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPNE32SHL, si_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpule8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpule8sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPULE8SHL, si_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpugt8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpugt8sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPUGT8SHL, si_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpule16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpule16sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPULE16SHL, si_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpugt16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpugt16sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPUGT16SHL, si_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpule32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpule32sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPULE32SHL, si_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpugt32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpugt32sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPUGT32SHL, si_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpde8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpde8sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPDE8SHL, si_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpde16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpde16sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPDE16SHL, si_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpde32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpde32sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPDE32SHL, si_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpur8shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpur8sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPUR8SHL, si_ftype_v8qi_v8qi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpur16shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpur16sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPUR16SHL, si_ftype_v4hi_v4hi_si);
++	  def_builtin_const ("__builtin_vis_fpcmpur32shl", CODE_FOR_fpcmpur32sishl,
++			     SPARC_BUILTIN_FPCMPUR32SHL, si_ftype_v2si_v2si_si);
++	}
++    }
+ }
+ /* Implement TARGET_BUILTIN_DECL hook.  */
+@@ -10950,6 +11311,19 @@
+       insn_op = &insn_data[icode].operand[idx];
+       op[arg_count] = expand_normal (arg);
++      /* Some of the builtins require constant arguments.  We check
++	 for this here.  */
++	   && arg_count == 3)
++	      && arg_count == 2))
++	{
++	  if (!check_constant_argument (icode, idx, op[arg_count]))
++	    return const0_rtx;
++	}
+       if (code == SPARC_BUILTIN_LDFSR || code == SPARC_BUILTIN_STFSR)
+ 	{
+ 	  if (!address_operand (op[arg_count], SImode))
+@@ -11460,7 +11834,8 @@
+ 	  || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA2
+ 	  || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA3
+ 	  || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA4
+-	  || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7)
++	  || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA7
++	  || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_M8)
+ 	return 12;
+       return 6;
 Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc.h
 --- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/sparc.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/sparc.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -423,10 +423,15 @@
+@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@
+ #define TARGET_CPU_niagara3	15
+ #define TARGET_CPU_niagara4	16
+ #define TARGET_CPU_niagara7	19
++#define TARGET_CPU_m8		20
+  || TARGET_CPU_DEFAULT == TARGET_CPU_ultrasparc \
+@@ -151,7 +152,8 @@
+ #define CPP_CPU32_DEFAULT_SPEC ""
+ #define ASM_CPU32_DEFAULT_SPEC ""
+@@ -192,6 +194,10 @@
+ #define CPP_CPU64_DEFAULT_SPEC "-D__sparc_v9__"
+ #endif
++#define CPP_CPU64_DEFAULT_SPEC "-D__sparc_v9__"
+ #else
+@@ -295,6 +301,7 @@
+ %{mcpu=niagara3:-D__sparc_v9__} \
+ %{mcpu=niagara4:-D__sparc_v9__} \
+ %{mcpu=niagara7:-D__sparc_v9__} \
++%{mcpu=m8:-D__sparc_v9__} \
+ %{!mcpu*:%(cpp_cpu_default)} \
+ "
+ #define CPP_ARCH32_SPEC ""
+@@ -347,6 +354,7 @@
+ %{mcpu=niagara3:%{!mv8plus:-Av9" AS_NIAGARA3_FLAG "}} \
+ %{mcpu=niagara4:%{!mv8plus:" AS_NIAGARA4_FLAG "}} \
+ %{mcpu=niagara7:%{!mv8plus:" AS_NIAGARA7_FLAG "}} \
++%{mcpu=m8:%{!mv8plus:" AS_M8_FLAG "}} \
+ %{!mcpu*:%(asm_cpu_default)} \
+ "
+@@ -423,10 +431,16 @@
  #define WCHAR_TYPE_SIZE 16

  /* Mask of all CPU selection flags.  */
@@ -60748,12 +73300,24 @@ Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc.h
 +/* Mask of all CPU feature flags.  */
 +#define MASK_FEATURES						\
  /* TARGET_HARD_MUL: Use 32-bit hardware multiply instructions but not %y.  */
  #define TARGET_HARD_MUL				\
-@@ -1566,8 +1571,11 @@
+@@ -1034,6 +1048,10 @@
+ /* Local macro to handle the two v9 classes of FP regs.  */
++/* Predicate for 2-bit and 5-bit unsigned constants.  */
++#define SPARC_IMM2_P(X) (((unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT) (X) & ~0x3) == 0)
++#define SPARC_IMM5_P(X) (((unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT) (X) & ~0x1F)	== 0)
+ /* Predicates for 5-bit, 10-bit, 11-bit and 13-bit signed constants.  */
+ #define SPARC_SIMM5_P(X)  ((unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT) (X) + 0x10 < 0x20)
+ #define SPARC_SIMM10_P(X) ((unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT) (X) + 0x200 < 0x400)
+@@ -1566,8 +1584,11 @@
     and annulled branches insert 4 bubbles.
     On Niagara-2 and Niagara-3, a not-taken branch costs 1 cycle whereas
@@ -60766,7 +73330,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc.h
  #define BRANCH_COST(speed_p, predictable_p) \
  	((sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_V9 \
  	  || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_ULTRASPARC) \
-@@ -1579,7 +1587,11 @@
+@@ -1579,7 +1600,11 @@
  	 : ((sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA2 \
  	     || sparc_cpu == PROCESSOR_NIAGARA3) \
  	    ? 5 \
@@ -60779,11 +73343,24 @@ Index: gcc/config/sparc/sparc.h

  /* Control the assembler format that we output.  */
+@@ -1787,6 +1812,12 @@
+ #endif
++#ifdef HAVE_AS_SPARC6
++#define AS_M8_FLAG "-xarch=sparc6"
+ #ifdef HAVE_AS_LEON
+ #define AS_LEON_FLAG "-Aleon"
+ #define AS_LEONV7_FLAG "-Aleon"
 Index: gcc/config/sparc/sol2.h
 --- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/sol2.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/sol2.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
+@@ -169,11 +169,20 @@
  #define CPP_CPU64_DEFAULT_SPEC ""
@@ -60792,6 +73369,121 @@ Index: gcc/config/sparc/sol2.h
++#define CPP_CPU64_DEFAULT_SPEC ""
+ #undef CPP_CPU_SPEC
+ #define CPP_CPU_SPEC "\
+ %{mcpu=sparclet|mcpu=tsc701:-D__sparclet__} \
+@@ -180,7 +189,7 @@
+ %{mcpu=sparclite|mcpu-f930|mcpu=f934:-D__sparclite__} \
+ %{mcpu=v8:" DEF_ARCH32_SPEC("-D__sparcv8") "} \
+ %{mcpu=supersparc:-D__supersparc__ " DEF_ARCH32_SPEC("-D__sparcv8") "} \
+-%{mcpu=v9|mcpu=ultrasparc|mcpu=ultrasparc3|mcpu=niagara|mcpu=niagara2|mcpu=niagara3|mcpu=niagara4|mcpu=niagara7:" DEF_ARCH32_SPEC("-D__sparcv8") "} \
++%{mcpu=v9|mcpu=ultrasparc|mcpu=ultrasparc3|mcpu=niagara|mcpu=niagara2|mcpu=niagara3|mcpu=niagara4|mcpu=niagara7|mcpu=m8:" DEF_ARCH32_SPEC("-D__sparcv8") "} \
+ %{!mcpu*:%(cpp_cpu_default)} \
+ "
+@@ -290,7 +299,8 @@
+ %{mcpu=niagara3:" DEF_ARCH32_SPEC("-xarch=v8plus" AS_NIAGARA3_FLAG) DEF_ARCH64_SPEC("-xarch=v9" AS_NIAGARA3_FLAG) "} \
+-%{!mcpu=niagara7:%{!mcpu=niagara4:%{!mcpu=niagara3:%{!mcpu=niagara2:%{!mcpu=niagara:%{!mcpu=ultrasparc3:%{!mcpu=ultrasparc:%{!mcpu=v9:%{mcpu*:" DEF_ARCH32_SPEC("-xarch=v8") DEF_ARCH64_SPEC("-xarch=v9") "}}}}}}}}} \
++%{!mcpu=m8:%{!mcpu=niagara7:%{!mcpu=niagara4:%{!mcpu=niagara3:%{!mcpu=niagara2:%{!mcpu=niagara:%{!mcpu=ultrasparc3:%{!mcpu=ultrasparc:%{!mcpu=v9:%{mcpu*:" DEF_ARCH32_SPEC("-xarch=v8") DEF_ARCH64_SPEC("-xarch=v9") "}}}}}}}}}} \
+ %{!mcpu*:%(asm_cpu_default)} \
+ "
+Index: gcc/config/sparc/constraints.md
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/constraints.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/constraints.md	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+ ;;; Unused letters:
+ ;;;     B
+-;;;    a        jkl    q  tuv xyz
++;;;    a        jkl        uv xyz
+ ;; Register constraints
+@@ -58,6 +58,16 @@
+ ;; Integer constant constraints
++(define_constraint "q"
++ "Unsigned 2-bit integer constant"
++  (and (match_code "const_int")
++       (match_test "SPARC_IMM2_P (ival)")))
++(define_constraint "t"
++ "Unsigned 5-bit integer constant"
++ (and (match_code "const_int")
++      (match_test "SPARC_IMM5_P (ival)")))
+ (define_constraint "A"
+  "Signed 5-bit integer constant"
+  (and (match_code "const_int")
+Index: gcc/config/sparc/rtemself.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sparc/rtemself.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sparc/rtemself.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -2,22 +2,27 @@
+    Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    Contributed by Joel Sherrill (joel at OARcorp.com).
+-This file is part of GCC.
++   This file is part of GCC.
+-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+-any later version.
++   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
++   option) any later version.
+-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-GNU General Public License for more details.
++   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
++   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
++   License for more details.
+-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+-<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
++   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ /* Target OS builtins.  */
+@@ -26,6 +31,8 @@
+ 	builtin_define ("__rtems__");		\
+ 	builtin_define ("__USE_INIT_FINI__");	\
+ 	builtin_assert ("system=rtems");	\
++	if (sparc_fix_b2bst)			\
++	  builtin_define ("__FIX_LEON3FT_B2BST"); \
+     }						\
+   while (0)
 Index: gcc/config/i386/i386.md
 --- a/src/gcc/config/i386/i386.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -61063,7 +73755,149 @@ Index: gcc/config/i386/i386.md
     && optimize_function_for_speed_p (cfun)
     && reload_completed
     && (MEM_P (operands[1]) || TARGET_INTER_UNIT_MOVES_TO_VEC)
-@@ -12730,24 +12691,6 @@
+@@ -5471,7 +5432,7 @@
+ (define_expand "floatunsdisf2"
+   [(use (match_operand:SF 0 "register_operand"))
+    (use (match_operand:DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand"))]
+   "x86_emit_floatuns (operands); DONE;")
+ (define_expand "floatunsdidf2"
+@@ -7512,21 +7473,15 @@
+ 		(match_operand:XF 2 "register_operand")))]
+   "TARGET_80387")
+-(define_expand "divdf3"
+-  [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "register_operand")
+- 	(div:DF (match_operand:DF 1 "register_operand")
+- 		(match_operand:DF 2 "nonimmediate_operand")))]
+-   "(TARGET_80387 && X87_ENABLE_ARITH (DFmode))
+-(define_expand "divsf3"
+-  [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "register_operand")
+-	(div:SF (match_operand:SF 1 "register_operand")
+-		(match_operand:SF 2 "nonimmediate_operand")))]
+-  "(TARGET_80387 && X87_ENABLE_ARITH (SFmode))
++(define_expand "div<mode>3"
++  [(set (match_operand:MODEF 0 "register_operand")
++	(div:MODEF (match_operand:MODEF 1 "register_operand")
++		   (match_operand:MODEF 2 "nonimmediate_operand")))]
++  "(TARGET_80387 && X87_ENABLE_ARITH (<MODE>mode))
++    || (SSE_FLOAT_MODE_P (<MODE>mode) && TARGET_SSE_MATH)"
+ {
++  if (<MODE>mode == SFmode
+       && optimize_insn_for_speed_p ()
+       && flag_finite_math_only && !flag_trapping_math
+@@ -10705,10 +10660,15 @@
+   split_double_mode (<DWI>mode, &operands[0], 1, &operands[4], &operands[5]);
+ })
++(define_mode_attr rorx_immediate_operand
++	[(SI "const_0_to_31_operand")
++	 (DI "const_0_to_63_operand")])
+ (define_insn "*bmi2_rorx<mode>3_1"
+   [(set (match_operand:SWI48 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+-	(rotatert:SWI48 (match_operand:SWI48 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "rm")
+-			(match_operand:QI 2 "immediate_operand" "<S>")))]
++	(rotatert:SWI48
++	  (match_operand:SWI48 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "rm")
++	  (match_operand:QI 2 "<rorx_immediate_operand>" "<S>")))]
+   "rorx\t{%2, %1, %0|%0, %1, %2}"
+   [(set_attr "type" "rotatex")
+@@ -10751,7 +10711,7 @@
+ (define_split
+   [(set (match_operand:SWI48 0 "register_operand")
+ 	(rotate:SWI48 (match_operand:SWI48 1 "nonimmediate_operand")
+-		      (match_operand:QI 2 "immediate_operand")))
++		      (match_operand:QI 2 "const_int_operand")))
+    (clobber (reg:CC FLAGS_REG))]
+   "TARGET_BMI2 && reload_completed"
+   [(set (match_dup 0)
+@@ -10765,7 +10725,7 @@
+ (define_split
+   [(set (match_operand:SWI48 0 "register_operand")
+ 	(rotatert:SWI48 (match_operand:SWI48 1 "nonimmediate_operand")
+-			(match_operand:QI 2 "immediate_operand")))
++			(match_operand:QI 2 "const_int_operand")))
+    (clobber (reg:CC FLAGS_REG))]
+   "TARGET_BMI2 && reload_completed"
+   [(set (match_dup 0)
+@@ -10775,7 +10735,7 @@
+   [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+ 	(zero_extend:DI
+ 	  (rotatert:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "rm")
+-		       (match_operand:QI 2 "immediate_operand" "I"))))]
++		       (match_operand:QI 2 "const_0_to_31_operand" "I"))))]
+   "rorx\t{%2, %1, %k0|%k0, %1, %2}"
+   [(set_attr "type" "rotatex")
+@@ -10819,7 +10779,7 @@
+   [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand")
+ 	(zero_extend:DI
+ 	  (rotate:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "nonimmediate_operand")
+-		     (match_operand:QI 2 "immediate_operand"))))
++		     (match_operand:QI 2 "const_int_operand"))))
+    (clobber (reg:CC FLAGS_REG))]
+   "TARGET_64BIT && TARGET_BMI2 && reload_completed"
+   [(set (match_dup 0)
+@@ -10834,7 +10794,7 @@
+   [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand")
+ 	(zero_extend:DI
+ 	  (rotatert:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "nonimmediate_operand")
+-		       (match_operand:QI 2 "immediate_operand"))))
++		       (match_operand:QI 2 "const_int_operand"))))
+    (clobber (reg:CC FLAGS_REG))]
+   "TARGET_64BIT && TARGET_BMI2 && reload_completed"
+   [(set (match_dup 0)
+@@ -11721,7 +11681,8 @@
+ 	(zero_extend (match_dup 1)))]
+   "(peep2_reg_dead_p (3, operands[1])
+     || operands_match_p (operands[1], operands[3]))
+-   && ! reg_overlap_mentioned_p (operands[3], operands[0])"
++   && ! reg_overlap_mentioned_p (operands[3], operands[0])
++   && peep2_regno_dead_p (0, FLAGS_REG)"
+   [(set (match_dup 4) (match_dup 0))
+    (set (strict_low_part (match_dup 5))
+ 	(match_dup 2))]
+@@ -11742,7 +11703,8 @@
+   "(peep2_reg_dead_p (3, operands[1])
+     || operands_match_p (operands[1], operands[3]))
+    && ! reg_overlap_mentioned_p (operands[3], operands[0])
+-   && ! reg_set_p (operands[3], operands[4])"
++   && ! reg_set_p (operands[3], operands[4])
++   && peep2_regno_dead_p (0, FLAGS_REG)"
+   [(parallel [(set (match_dup 5) (match_dup 0))
+ 	      (match_dup 4)])
+    (set (strict_low_part (match_dup 6))
+@@ -11764,7 +11726,8 @@
+ 		   (and:SI (match_dup 3) (const_int 255)))
+ 	      (clobber (reg:CC FLAGS_REG))])]
+   "REGNO (operands[1]) == REGNO (operands[3])
+-   && ! reg_overlap_mentioned_p (operands[3], operands[0])"
++   && ! reg_overlap_mentioned_p (operands[3], operands[0])
++   && peep2_regno_dead_p (0, FLAGS_REG)"
+   [(set (match_dup 4) (match_dup 0))
+    (set (strict_low_part (match_dup 5))
+ 	(match_dup 2))]
+@@ -11786,7 +11749,8 @@
+   "(peep2_reg_dead_p (3, operands[1])
+     || operands_match_p (operands[1], operands[3]))
+    && ! reg_overlap_mentioned_p (operands[3], operands[0])
+-   && ! reg_set_p (operands[3], operands[4])"
++   && ! reg_set_p (operands[3], operands[4])
++   && peep2_regno_dead_p (0, FLAGS_REG)"
+   [(parallel [(set (match_dup 5) (match_dup 0))
+ 	      (match_dup 4)])
+    (set (strict_low_part (match_dup 6))
+@@ -12730,24 +12694,6 @@
     (set_attr "znver1_decode" "vector")
     (set_attr "mode" "<MODE>")])
@@ -61088,7 +73922,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/i386/i386.md
  (define_insn_and_split "ctz<mode>2"
    [(set (match_operand:SWI48 0 "register_operand" "=r")
-@@ -12867,24 +12810,6 @@
+@@ -12867,24 +12813,6 @@
    operands[2] = GEN_INT (GET_MODE_BITSIZE (<MODE>mode)-1);
@@ -61113,6 +73947,42 @@ Index: gcc/config/i386/i386.md
  (define_insn_and_split "clz<mode>2_lzcnt"
    [(set (match_operand:SWI48 0 "register_operand" "=r")
+@@ -14049,7 +13977,7 @@
+   [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "register_operand" "=x")
+ 	(unspec:SF [(match_operand:SF 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "xm")]
+ 		   UNSPEC_RCP))]
+   "%vrcpss\t{%1, %d0|%d0, %1}"
+   [(set_attr "type" "sse")
+    (set_attr "atom_sse_attr" "rcp")
+@@ -14351,7 +14279,7 @@
+   [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "register_operand" "=x")
+ 	(unspec:SF [(match_operand:SF 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "xm")]
+ 		   UNSPEC_RSQRT))]
+   "%vrsqrtss\t{%1, %d0|%d0, %1}"
+   [(set_attr "type" "sse")
+    (set_attr "atom_sse_attr" "rcp")
+@@ -14363,7 +14291,7 @@
+   [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "register_operand")
+ 	(unspec:SF [(match_operand:SF 1 "nonimmediate_operand")]
+ 		   UNSPEC_RSQRT))]
+ {
+   ix86_emit_swsqrtsf (operands[0], operands[1], SFmode, 1);
+   DONE;
+@@ -14392,7 +14320,7 @@
+ {
+   if (<MODE>mode == SFmode
+-      && TARGET_SSE_MATH
+       && !optimize_function_for_size_p (cfun)
+       && flag_finite_math_only && !flag_trapping_math
 Index: gcc/config/i386/mmx.md
 --- a/src/gcc/config/i386/mmx.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -61174,6 +74044,50 @@ Index: gcc/config/i386/mmx.md
  	    	 (ior (match_test "<MODE>mode == V2SFmode")
  		      (not (match_test "TARGET_SSE2"))))
  	      (const_string "V2SF")
+Index: gcc/config/i386/rtemself.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/i386/rtemself.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/i386/rtemself.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -2,22 +2,27 @@
+    Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    Contributed by Joel Sherrill (joel at OARcorp.com).
+-This file is part of GCC.
++   This file is part of GCC.
+-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+-any later version.
++   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
++   option) any later version.
+-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-GNU General Public License for more details.
++   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
++   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
++   License for more details.
+-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+-<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
++   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ /* Specify predefined symbols in preprocessor.  */
 Index: gcc/config/i386/cpuid.h
 --- a/src/gcc/config/i386/cpuid.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -61209,11 +74123,103 @@ Index: gcc/config/i386/cpuid.h
      return 0;
    __cpuid_count (__leaf, __subleaf, *__eax, *__ebx, *__ecx, *__edx);
+Index: gcc/config/i386/adxintrin.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/i386/adxintrin.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/i386/adxintrin.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
+ _subborrow_u32 (unsigned char __CF, unsigned int __X,
+ 		unsigned int __Y, unsigned int *__P)
+ {
+-  return __builtin_ia32_sbb_u32 (__CF, __Y, __X, __P);
++  return __builtin_ia32_sbb_u32 (__CF, __X, __Y, __P);
+ }
+ extern __inline unsigned char
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
+ _subborrow_u64 (unsigned char __CF, unsigned long long __X,
+ 		unsigned long long __Y, unsigned long long *__P)
+ {
+-  return __builtin_ia32_sbb_u64 (__CF, __Y, __X, __P);
++  return __builtin_ia32_sbb_u64 (__CF, __X, __Y, __P);
+ }
+ extern __inline unsigned char
 Index: gcc/config/i386/sse.md
 --- a/src/gcc/config/i386/sse.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/config/i386/sse.md	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -13508,13 +13508,12 @@
+@@ -7324,13 +7324,13 @@
+ (define_insn "vec_extract_lo_<mode><mask_name>"
+   [(set (match_operand:<ssehalfvecmode> 0 "<store_mask_predicate>" "=<store_mask_constraint>,v")
+ 	(vec_select:<ssehalfvecmode>
+-	  (match_operand:V8FI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "v,m")
++	  (match_operand:V8FI 1 "<store_mask_predicate>" "v,<store_mask_constraint>")
+ 	  (parallel [(const_int 0) (const_int 1)
+             (const_int 2) (const_int 3)])))]
+    && (<mask_applied> || !(MEM_P (operands[0]) && MEM_P (operands[1])))"
+ {
+-  if (<mask_applied> || !TARGET_AVX512VL)
++  if (<mask_applied> || (!TARGET_AVX512VL && !MEM_P (operands[1])))
+     return "vextract<shuffletype>64x4\t{$0x0, %1, %0<mask_operand2>|%0<mask_operand2>, %1, 0x0}";
+   else
+     return "#";
+@@ -7480,7 +7480,8 @@
+ (define_insn "vec_extract_lo_<mode><mask_name>"
+   [(set (match_operand:<ssehalfvecmode> 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=v,m")
+ 	(vec_select:<ssehalfvecmode>
+-	  (match_operand:V16FI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "vm,v")
++	  (match_operand:V16FI 1 "<store_mask_predicate>"
++				 "<store_mask_constraint>,v")
+ 	  (parallel [(const_int 0) (const_int 1)
+                      (const_int 2) (const_int 3)
+                      (const_int 4) (const_int 5)
+@@ -7487,7 +7488,7 @@
+                      (const_int 6) (const_int 7)])))]
+    && <mask_mode512bit_condition>
+-   && !(MEM_P (operands[0]) && MEM_P (operands[1]))"
++   && (<mask_applied> || !(MEM_P (operands[0]) && MEM_P (operands[1])))"
+ {
+   if (<mask_applied>)
+     return "vextract<shuffletype>32x8\t{$0x0, %1, %0<mask_operand2>|%0<mask_operand2>, %1, 0x0}";
+@@ -7511,11 +7512,12 @@
+ (define_insn "vec_extract_lo_<mode><mask_name>"
+   [(set (match_operand:<ssehalfvecmode> 0 "<store_mask_predicate>" "=v,m")
+ 	(vec_select:<ssehalfvecmode>
+-	  (match_operand:VI8F_256 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "vm,v")
++	  (match_operand:VI8F_256 1 "<store_mask_predicate>"
++				    "<store_mask_constraint>,v")
+ 	  (parallel [(const_int 0) (const_int 1)])))]
+    && <mask_avx512vl_condition> && <mask_avx512dq_condition>
+-   && !(MEM_P (operands[0]) && MEM_P (operands[1]))"
++   && (<mask_applied> || !(MEM_P (operands[0]) && MEM_P (operands[1])))"
+ {
+   if (<mask_applied>)
+     return "vextract<shuffletype>64x2\t{$0x0, %1, %0%{%3%}|%0%{%3%}, %1, 0x0}";
+@@ -7575,12 +7577,16 @@
+   "operands[1] = gen_lowpart (<ssehalfvecmode>mode, operands[1]);")
+ (define_insn "vec_extract_lo_<mode><mask_name>"
+-  [(set (match_operand:<ssehalfvecmode> 0 "<store_mask_predicate>" "=<store_mask_constraint>")
++  [(set (match_operand:<ssehalfvecmode> 0 "<store_mask_predicate>"
++					  "=<store_mask_constraint>,v")
+ 	(vec_select:<ssehalfvecmode>
+-	  (match_operand:VI4F_256 1 "register_operand" "v")
++	  (match_operand:VI4F_256 1 "<store_mask_predicate>"
++				    "v,<store_mask_constraint>")
+ 	  (parallel [(const_int 0) (const_int 1)
+ 		     (const_int 2) (const_int 3)])))]
+-  "TARGET_AVX && <mask_avx512vl_condition> && <mask_avx512dq_condition>"
++   && <mask_avx512vl_condition> && <mask_avx512dq_condition>
++   && (<mask_applied> || !(MEM_P (operands[0]) && MEM_P (operands[1])))"
+ {
+   if (<mask_applied>)
+     return "vextract<shuffletype>32x4\t{$0x0, %1, %0<mask_operand2>|%0<mask_operand2>, %1, 0x0}";
+@@ -13508,13 +13514,12 @@
  (define_insn "*vec_extract<ssevecmodelower>_0"
@@ -61230,7 +74236,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/i386/sse.md
  (define_insn "*vec_extractv2di_0_sse"
    [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand"     "=v,m")
-@@ -13842,10 +13841,10 @@
+@@ -13842,10 +13847,10 @@
  ;; movd instead of movq is required to handle broken assemblers.
  (define_insn "vec_concatv2di"
    [(set (match_operand:V2DI 0 "register_operand"
@@ -61243,7 +74249,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/i386/sse.md
  	  (match_operand:DI 2 "vector_move_operand"
  	  "*rm,rm,rm,rm,C ,C ,C ,x,Yv,x,m,m")))]
-@@ -15618,13 +15617,13 @@
+@@ -15618,13 +15623,13 @@
     (set_attr "mode" "<MODE>")])
  (define_expand "round<mode>2"
@@ -61260,7 +74266,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/i386/sse.md
    "TARGET_ROUND && !flag_trapping_math"
-@@ -15644,11 +15643,11 @@
+@@ -15644,11 +15649,11 @@
    vec_half = ix86_build_const_vector (<MODE>mode, true, half);
    vec_half = force_reg (<MODE>mode, vec_half);
@@ -61276,7 +74282,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/i386/sse.md
  (define_expand "round<mode>2_sfix"
-@@ -17105,12 +17104,12 @@
+@@ -17105,12 +17110,12 @@
     (set_attr "mode" "TI")])
  (define_insn "xop_vpermil2<mode>3"
@@ -61507,6 +74513,867 @@ Index: gcc/config/i386/i386.c
  	  rtx_insn *seq = get_insns ();
  	  end_sequence ();
  	  emit_conversion_insns (seq, insn);
+@@ -5923,6 +5923,12 @@
+     opts->x_ix86_isa_flags
+       |= OPTION_MASK_ISA_LZCNT & ~opts->x_ix86_isa_flags_explicit;
++  /* Disable BMI, BMI2 and TBM instructions for -m16.  */
++  if (TARGET_16BIT_P(opts->x_ix86_isa_flags))
++    opts->x_ix86_isa_flags
++	   & ~opts->x_ix86_isa_flags_explicit);
+   /* Validate -mpreferred-stack-boundary= value or default it to
+   ix86_preferred_stack_boundary = PREFERRED_STACK_BOUNDARY_DEFAULT;
+@@ -31069,11 +31075,12 @@
+    but are waiting to be built until a function is declared to use that
+    ISA.  */
+ struct builtin_isa {
++  HOST_WIDE_INT isa;		/* isa_flags this builtin is defined for */
++  HOST_WIDE_INT isa2;		/* additional isa_flags this builtin is defined for */
+   const char *name;		/* function name */
+   enum ix86_builtin_func_type tcode; /* type to use in the declaration */
+-  HOST_WIDE_INT isa;		/* isa_flags this builtin is defined for */
+-  HOST_WIDE_INT isa2;		/* additional isa_flags this builtin is defined for */
+-  bool const_p;			/* true if the declaration is constant */
++  unsigned char const_p:1;	/* true if the declaration is constant */
++  unsigned char pure_p:1;	/* true if the declaration has pure attribute */
+   bool leaf_p;			/* true if the declaration has leaf attribute */
+   bool nothrow_p;		/* true if the declaration has nothrow attribute */
+   bool set_and_not_built_p;
+@@ -31144,6 +31151,7 @@
+ 	  ix86_builtins_isa[(int) code].leaf_p = false;
+ 	  ix86_builtins_isa[(int) code].nothrow_p = false;
+ 	  ix86_builtins_isa[(int) code].const_p = false;
++	  ix86_builtins_isa[(int) code].pure_p = false;
+ 	  ix86_builtins_isa[(int) code].set_and_not_built_p = true;
+ 	}
+     }
+@@ -31166,6 +31174,21 @@
+   return decl;
+ }
++/* Like def_builtin, but also marks the function decl "pure".  */
++static inline tree
++def_builtin_pure (HOST_WIDE_INT mask, const char *name,
++		  enum ix86_builtin_func_type tcode, enum ix86_builtins code)
++  tree decl = def_builtin (mask, name, tcode, code);
++  if (decl)
++    DECL_PURE_P (decl) = 1;
++  else
++    ix86_builtins_isa[(int) code].pure_p = true;
++  return decl;
+ /* Like def_builtin, but for additional isa2 flags.  */
+ static inline tree
+@@ -31200,6 +31223,7 @@
+       ix86_builtins_isa[(int) code].leaf_p = false;
+       ix86_builtins_isa[(int) code].nothrow_p = false;
+       ix86_builtins_isa[(int) code].const_p = false;
++      ix86_builtins_isa[(int) code].pure_p = false;
+       ix86_builtins_isa[(int) code].set_and_not_built_p = true;
+     }
+@@ -31221,6 +31245,21 @@
+   return decl;
+ }
++/* Like def_builtin, but also marks the function decl "pure".  */
++static inline tree
++def_builtin_pure2 (HOST_WIDE_INT mask, const char *name,
++		   enum ix86_builtin_func_type tcode, enum ix86_builtins code)
++  tree decl = def_builtin2 (mask, name, tcode, code);
++  if (decl)
++    DECL_PURE_P (decl) = 1;
++  else
++    ix86_builtins_isa[(int) code].pure_p = true;
++  return decl;
+ /* Add any new builtin functions for a given ISA that may not have been
+    declared.  This saves a bit of space compared to adding all of the
+    declarations to the tree, even if we didn't use them.  */
+@@ -31259,6 +31298,8 @@
+ 	  ix86_builtins[i] = decl;
+ 	  if (ix86_builtins_isa[i].const_p)
+ 	    TREE_READONLY (decl) = 1;
++	  if (ix86_builtins_isa[i].pure_p)
++	    DECL_PURE_P (decl) = 1;
+ 	  if (ix86_builtins_isa[i].leaf_p)
+ 	    DECL_ATTRIBUTES (decl) = build_tree_list (get_identifier ("leaf"),
+ 						      NULL_TREE);
+@@ -31612,8 +31653,8 @@
+   /* SSE */
+   def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_SSE, "__builtin_ia32_ldmxcsr",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_SSE, "__builtin_ia32_stmxcsr",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_SSE, "__builtin_ia32_stmxcsr",
+   /* SSE or 3DNow!A */
+@@ -31663,134 +31704,134 @@
+ 	       IX86_BUILTIN_RDRAND64_STEP);
+   /* AVX2 */
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv2df",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv2df",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv4df",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv4df",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv2df",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv2df",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4df",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4df",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv4sf",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv4sf",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv8sf",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv8sf",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4sf",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4sf",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4sf256",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4sf256",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv2di",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv2di",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv4di",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv4di",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv2di",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv2di",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4di",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4di",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv4si",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv4si",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv8si",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv8si",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4si",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4si",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4si256",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv4si256",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltsiv4df ",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltsiv4df ",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltdiv4sf256 ",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltdiv4sf256 ",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltsiv4di ",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltsiv4di ",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltdiv4si256 ",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX2, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltdiv4si256 ",
+   /* AVX512F */
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv16sf",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv16sf",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv8df",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv8df",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv16sf",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv16sf",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv8df",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv8df",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv16si",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv16si",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv8di",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gathersiv8di",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv16si",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv16si",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv8di",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatherdiv8di",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltsiv8df ",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltsiv8df ",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltdiv8sf ",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltdiv8sf ",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltsiv8di ",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltsiv8di ",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltdiv8si ",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_gatheraltdiv8si ",
+   def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512F, "__builtin_ia32_scattersiv16sf",
+@@ -31825,85 +31866,85 @@
+   /* AVX512VL */
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv2df",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv2df",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv4df",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv4df",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div2df",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div2df",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div4df",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div4df",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv4sf",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv4sf",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv8sf",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv8sf",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div4sf",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div4sf",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div8sf",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div8sf",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv2di",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv2di",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv4di",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv4di",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div2di",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div2di",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div4di",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div4di",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv4si",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv4si",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv8si",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3siv8si",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div4si",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div4si",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div8si",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3div8si",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3altsiv4df ",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3altsiv4df ",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3altdiv8sf ",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3altdiv8sf ",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3altsiv4di ",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3altsiv4di ",
+-  def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3altdiv8si ",
++  def_builtin_pure (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_gather3altdiv8si ",
+   def_builtin (OPTION_MASK_ISA_AVX512VL, "__builtin_ia32_scattersiv8sf",
+Index: gcc/config/sh/rtems.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sh/rtems.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sh/rtems.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -2,22 +2,27 @@
+    Copyright (C) 1997-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    Contributed by Joel Sherrill (joel at OARcorp.com).
+-This file is part of GCC.
++   This file is part of GCC.
+-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+-any later version.
++   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
++   option) any later version.
+-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-GNU General Public License for more details.
++   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
++   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
++   License for more details.
+-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+-<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
++   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ /* Specify predefined symbols in preprocessor.  */
+ #define TARGET_OS_CPP_BUILTINS() do {		\
+Index: gcc/config/sh/rtemself.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/sh/rtemself.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/sh/rtemself.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -2,22 +2,27 @@
+    Copyright (C) 1997-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    Contributed by Joel Sherrill (joel at OARcorp.com).
+-This file is part of GCC.
++   This file is part of GCC.
+-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+-any later version.
++   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
++   option) any later version.
+-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-GNU General Public License for more details.
++   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
++   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
++   License for more details.
+-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+-<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
++   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ /* Specify predefined symbols in preprocessor.  */
+ #define TARGET_OS_CPP_BUILTINS() do {		\
+Index: gcc/config/microblaze/rtems.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/microblaze/rtems.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/microblaze/rtems.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -1,22 +1,27 @@
+ /* Definitions for rtems targeting a microblaze using ELF.
+    Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+-This file is part of GCC.
++   This file is part of GCC.
+-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+-any later version.
++   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
++   option) any later version.
+-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-GNU General Public License for more details.
++   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
++   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
++   License for more details.
+-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+-<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
++   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ /* Specify predefined symbols in preprocessor.  */
+ #define TARGET_OS_CPP_BUILTINS() do {		\
+Index: gcc/config/avr/avr.c
+--- a/src/gcc/config/avr/avr.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/avr/avr.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -553,9 +553,9 @@
+   HOST_WIDE_INT hig_idx = low_idx + num_idx;
+   // Maximum ranges of (un)signed QImode resp. HImode.
+-  int imin = QImode == mode ? INT8_MIN : INT16_MIN;
+-  int imax = QImode == mode ? INT8_MAX : INT16_MAX;
+-  unsigned umax = QImode == mode ? UINT8_MAX : UINT16_MAX;
++  unsigned umax = QImode == mode ? 0xff : 0xffff;
++  int imax = QImode == mode ? 0x7f : 0x7fff;
++  int imin = -imax - 1;
+   // Testing the case range and whether it fits into the range of the
+   // (un)signed mode.  This test should actually always pass because it
+@@ -1062,12 +1062,6 @@
+       name = default_strip_name_encoding (name);
+-      /* Silently ignore 'signal' if 'interrupt' is present.  AVR-LibC startet
+-         using this when it switched from SIGNAL and INTERRUPT to ISR.  */
+-      if (cfun->machine->is_interrupt)
+-        cfun->machine->is_signal = 0;
+       /* Interrupt handlers must be  void __vector (void)  functions.  */
+       if (args && TREE_CODE (TREE_VALUE (args)) != VOID_TYPE)
+@@ -1076,6 +1070,13 @@
+       if (TREE_CODE (ret) != VOID_TYPE)
+         error_at (loc, "%qs function cannot return a value", isr);
++#if defined WITH_AVRLIBC
++      /* Silently ignore 'signal' if 'interrupt' is present.  AVR-LibC startet
++         using this when it switched from SIGNAL and INTERRUPT to ISR.  */
++      if (cfun->machine->is_interrupt)
++        cfun->machine->is_signal = 0;
+       /* If the function has the 'signal' or 'interrupt' attribute, ensure
+          that the name of the function is "__vector_NN" so as to catch
+          when the user misspells the vector name.  */
+@@ -1082,9 +1083,24 @@
+       if (!STR_PREFIX_P (name, "__vector"))
+         warning_at (loc, OPT_Wmisspelled_isr, "%qs appears to be a misspelled "
+-                    "%s handler, missing __vector prefix", name, isr);
++                    "%qs handler, missing %<__vector%> prefix", name, isr);
++#endif // AVR-LibC naming conventions
+     }
++#if defined WITH_AVRLIBC
++  // Common problem is using "ISR" without first including avr/interrupt.h.
++  const char *name = IDENTIFIER_POINTER (DECL_NAME (decl));
++  name = default_strip_name_encoding (name);
++  if (0 == strcmp ("ISR", name)
++      || 0 == strcmp ("INTERRUPT", name)
++      || 0 == strcmp ("SIGNAL", name))
++    {
++      warning_at (loc, OPT_Wmisspelled_isr, "%qs is a reserved indentifier"
++                  " in AVR-LibC.  Consider %<#include <avr/interrupt.h>%>"
++                  " before using the %qs macro", name, name);
++    }
++#endif // AVR-LibC naming conventions
+   /* Don't print the above diagnostics more than once.  */
+   cfun->machine->attributes_checked_p = 1;
+@@ -3820,7 +3836,7 @@
+     {
+       int n_words = AVR_TINY ? 1 : 2;
+-      return optimize > 0 && io_address_operand (x, QImode)
++      return io_address_operand (x, QImode)
+         ? avr_asm_len ("in %0,%i1", op, plen, -1)
+         : avr_asm_len ("lds %0,%m1", op, plen, -n_words);
+     }
+@@ -4088,7 +4104,7 @@
+   else if (CONSTANT_ADDRESS_P (base))
+     {
+       int n_words = AVR_TINY ? 2 : 4;
+-      return optimize > 0 && io_address_operand (base, HImode)
++      return io_address_operand (base, HImode)
+         ? avr_asm_len ("in %A0,%i1" CR_TAB
+                        "in %B0,%i1+1", op, plen, -2)
+@@ -5215,7 +5231,7 @@
+     {
+       int n_words = AVR_TINY ? 1 : 2;
+-      return optimize > 0 && io_address_operand (x, QImode)
++      return io_address_operand (x, QImode)
+         ? avr_asm_len ("out %i0,%1", op, plen, -1)
+         : avr_asm_len ("sts %m0,%1", op, plen, -n_words);
+     }
+@@ -5291,13 +5307,12 @@
+   if (CONSTANT_ADDRESS_P (base))
+     {
+-      int n_words = AVR_TINY ? 2 : 4;
+-      return optimize > 0 && io_address_operand (base, HImode)
++      return io_address_operand (base, HImode)
+         ? avr_asm_len ("out %i0,%A1" CR_TAB
+                        "out %i0+1,%B1", op, plen, -2)
+         : avr_asm_len ("sts %m0,%A1" CR_TAB
+-                       "sts %m0+1,%B1", op, plen, -n_words);
++                       "sts %m0+1,%B1", op, plen, -4);
+     }
+   if (reg_base > 0)
+@@ -5477,7 +5492,7 @@
+   if (CONSTANT_ADDRESS_P (base))
+     {
+       int n_words = AVR_TINY ? 2 : 4;
+-      return optimize > 0 && io_address_operand (base, HImode)
++      return io_address_operand (base, HImode)
+         ? avr_asm_len ("out %i0+1,%B1" CR_TAB
+                        "out %i0,%A1", op, plen, -2)
+@@ -10125,18 +10140,26 @@
+   if (new_decl_p
+       && decl && DECL_P (decl)
+-      && NULL_TREE == DECL_INITIAL (decl)
+       && !DECL_EXTERNAL (decl)
+       && avr_progmem_p (decl, DECL_ATTRIBUTES (decl)))
+     {
+-      // Don't warn for (implicit) aliases like in PR80462.
+-      tree asmname = DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME (decl);
+-      varpool_node *node = varpool_node::get_for_asmname (asmname);
+-      bool alias_p = node && node->alias;
++      if (!TREE_READONLY (decl))
++        {
++          // This might happen with C++ if stuff needs constructing.
++          error ("variable %q+D with dynamic initialization put "
++                 "into program memory area", decl);
++        }
++      else if (NULL_TREE == DECL_INITIAL (decl))
++        {
++          // Don't warn for (implicit) aliases like in PR80462.
++          tree asmname = DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME (decl);
++          varpool_node *node = varpool_node::get_for_asmname (asmname);
++          bool alias_p = node && node->alias;
+-      if (!alias_p)
+-        warning (OPT_Wuninitialized, "uninitialized variable %q+D put into "
+-                 "program memory area", decl);
++          if (!alias_p)
++            warning (OPT_Wuninitialized, "uninitialized variable %q+D put "
++                     "into program memory area", decl);
++        }
+     }
+   default_encode_section_info (decl, rtl, new_decl_p);
+@@ -10434,6 +10457,33 @@
+ }
++/* Cost for mul highpart.  X is a LSHIFTRT, i.e. the outer TRUNCATE is
++   already stripped off.  */
++static int
++avr_mul_highpart_cost (rtx x, int)
++  if (AVR_HAVE_MUL
++      && LSHIFTRT == GET_CODE (x)
++      && MULT == GET_CODE (XEXP (x, 0))
++      && CONST_INT_P (XEXP (x, 1)))
++    {
++      // This is the wider mode.
++      machine_mode mode = GET_MODE (x);
++      // The middle-end might still have PR81444, i.e. it is calling the cost
++      // functions with strange modes.  Fix this now by also considering
++      // PSImode (should actually be SImode instead).
++      if (HImode == mode || PSImode == mode || SImode == mode)
++        {
++          return COSTS_N_INSNS (2);
++        }
++    }
++  return 10000;
+ /* Mutually recursive subroutine of avr_rtx_cost for calculating the
+    cost of an RTX operand given its context.  X is the rtx of the
+    operand, MODE is its mode, and OUTER is the rtx_code of this
+@@ -10473,7 +10523,7 @@
+    In either case, *TOTAL contains the cost result.  */
+ static bool
+-avr_rtx_costs_1 (rtx x, machine_mode mode, int outer_code ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
++avr_rtx_costs_1 (rtx x, machine_mode mode, int outer_code,
+                  int opno ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, int *total, bool speed)
+ {
+   enum rtx_code code = GET_CODE (x);
+@@ -11127,6 +11177,12 @@
+       return true;
+     case LSHIFTRT:
++      if (outer_code == TRUNCATE)
++        {
++          *total = avr_mul_highpart_cost (x, speed);
++          return true;
++        }
+       switch (mode)
+ 	{
+ 	case QImode:
+@@ -11304,16 +11360,10 @@
+       return true;
+     case TRUNCATE:
+-      if (AVR_HAVE_MUL
+-          && LSHIFTRT == GET_CODE (XEXP (x, 0))
+-          && MULT == GET_CODE (XEXP (XEXP (x, 0), 0))
+-          && CONST_INT_P (XEXP (XEXP (x, 0), 1)))
++      if (LSHIFTRT == GET_CODE (XEXP (x, 0)))
+         {
+-          if (QImode == mode || HImode == mode)
+-            {
+-              *total = COSTS_N_INSNS (2);
+-              return true;
+-            }
++          *total = avr_mul_highpart_cost (XEXP (x, 0), speed);
++          return true;
+         }
+       break;
+@@ -11361,8 +11411,7 @@
+     }
+   else if (CONSTANT_ADDRESS_P (x))
+     {
+-      if (optimize > 0
+-          && io_address_operand (x, QImode))
++      if (io_address_operand (x, QImode))
+         cost = 2;
+       if (AVR_TINY
 Index: gcc/config/xtensa/xtensa.c
 --- a/src/gcc/config/xtensa/xtensa.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -61557,6 +75424,185 @@ Index: gcc/config/xtensa/xtensa.c
  	output_addr_const (file, x);
+Index: gcc/config/lm32/rtems.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/lm32/rtems.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/lm32/rtems.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -1,22 +1,27 @@
+ /* Definitions for rtems targeting a lm32 using ELF.
+    Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+-This file is part of GCC.
++   This file is part of GCC.
+-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+-any later version.
++   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
++   option) any later version.
+-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-GNU General Public License for more details.
++   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
++   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
++   License for more details.
+-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+-<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
++   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ /* Target OS builtins.  */
+Index: gcc/config/moxie/rtems.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/moxie/rtems.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/moxie/rtems.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -2,22 +2,27 @@
+    Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    Contributed by Anthony Green (green at moxielogic.com)
+-This file is part of GCC.
++   This file is part of GCC.
+-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+-any later version.
++   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
++   option) any later version.
+-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-GNU General Public License for more details.
++   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
++   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
++   License for more details.
+-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+-<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
++   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ /* Target OS preprocessor built-ins.  */
+   do						\
+Index: gcc/config/nios2/rtems.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/nios2/rtems.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/nios2/rtems.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -3,22 +3,27 @@
+    Contributed by Chris Johns (chrisj at rtems.org).
+-This file is part of GCC.
++   This file is part of GCC.
+-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+-any later version.
++   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
++   option) any later version.
+-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-GNU General Public License for more details.
++   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
++   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
++   License for more details.
+-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+-<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
++   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ /* Specify predefined symbols in preprocessor.  */
+ #define TARGET_OS_CPP_BUILTINS()        \
+ do {                                    \
+Index: gcc/config/rtems.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/rtems.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/rtems.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
+ /* Configuration common to all targets running RTEMS. 
+    Copyright (C) 2000-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+-This file is part of GCC.
++   This file is part of GCC.
+-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+-any later version.
++   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
++   option) any later version.
+-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-GNU General Public License for more details.
++   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
++   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
++   License for more details.
+-Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
+-permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
+-3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
+-a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
+-see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
+-<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
++   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ /* The system headers under RTEMS are C++-aware.  */
 Index: gcc/config/m68k/m68k.md
 --- a/src/gcc/config/m68k/m68k.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -61588,6 +75634,51 @@ Index: gcc/config/m68k/m68k.md
  	(and:SI (rotate:SI (const_int -2)
  			   (and:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "d")
  				   (const_int 31)))
+Index: gcc/config/m68k/rtemself.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/m68k/rtemself.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/m68k/rtemself.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -3,23 +3,28 @@
+    Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    Contributed by Charles-Antoine Gauthier (charles.gauthier at nrc.ca).
+-This file is part of GCC.
++   This file is part of GCC.
+-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+-any later version.
++   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
++   option) any later version.
+-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-GNU General Public License for more details.
++   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
++   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
++   License for more details.
+-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+-<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
++   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ /* Target OS builtins.  */
+ #undef TARGET_OS_CPP_BUILTINS	/* Defined in m68kemb.h.  */
 Index: gcc/config/aarch64/cortex-a57-fma-steering.c
 --- a/src/gcc/config/aarch64/cortex-a57-fma-steering.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -61604,6 +75695,64 @@ Index: gcc/config/aarch64/cortex-a57-fma-steering.c
  /* Dump information about the forest FOREST.  */
+@@ -973,10 +973,17 @@
+ 		break;
+ 	    }
+-	  /* We didn't find a chain with a def for this instruction.  */
+-	  gcc_assert (i < dest_op_info->n_chains);
+-	  this->analyze_fma_fmul_insn (forest, chain, head);
++	  /* Due to implementation of regrename, dest register can slip away
++	     from regrename's analysis.  As a result, there is no chain for
++	     the destination register of insn.  We simply skip the insn even
++	     it is a fmul/fmac instruction.  This can happen when the dest
++	     register is also a source register of insn and one of the below
++	     conditions is satisfied:
++	       1) the source reg is setup in larger mode than this insn;
++	       2) the source reg is uninitialized;
++	       3) the source reg is passed in as parameter.  */
++	  if (i < dest_op_info->n_chains)
++	    this->analyze_fma_fmul_insn (forest, chain, head);
+ 	}
+     }
+   free (bb_dfs_preorder);
+Index: gcc/config/aarch64/rtems.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/aarch64/rtems.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/aarch64/rtems.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -1,20 +1,25 @@
+ /* Definitions for RTEMS based AARCH64 system.
+    Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    This file is part of GCC.
+    GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+    by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
+    option) any later version.
+    GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+    or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+    License for more details.
+-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
+    <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
 Index: gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-option-extensions.def
 --- a/src/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-option-extensions.def	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -61740,6 +75889,19 @@ Index: gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64-cost-tables.h
+Index: gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.c
+--- a/src/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/aarch64/aarch64.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -9935,7 +9935,7 @@
+ 	  /* This is alright even in PIC code as the constant
+ 	     pool reference is always PC relative and within
+ 	     the same translation unit.  */
++	  if (!aarch64_pcrelative_literal_loads && CONSTANT_POOL_ADDRESS_P (x))
+ 	  else
+ 	    return SYMBOL_FORCE_TO_MEM;
 Index: gcc/config/rs6000/vector.md
 --- a/src/gcc/config/rs6000/vector.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -61788,11 +75950,303 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/predicates.md
  ;; Return 1 if the operand is suitable for load/store quad memory.
  ;; This predicate only checks for non-atomic loads/stores (not lqarx/stqcx).
  (define_predicate "quad_memory_operand"
+Index: gcc/config/rs6000/t-rtems
+--- a/src/gcc/config/rs6000/t-rtems	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/rs6000/t-rtems	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
+ MULTILIB_OPTIONS += mcpu=403/mcpu=505/mcpu=603e/mcpu=604/mcpu=860/mcpu=7400/mcpu=8540/mcpu=e6500
+ MULTILIB_DIRNAMES += m403 m505 m603e m604 m860 m7400 m8540 me6500
+ MULTILIB_OPTIONS += msoft-float/mfloat-gprs=double
+ MULTILIB_DIRNAMES += nof gprsdouble
+@@ -77,3 +77,5 @@
+ MULTILIB_REQUIRED += mcpu=e6500/m32
+ MULTILIB_REQUIRED += mcpu=e6500/m32/msoft-float/mno-altivec
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += mcpu=e6500/m64
++MULTILIB_REQUIRED += mcpu=e6500/m64/msoft-float/mno-altivec
+Index: gcc/config/rs6000/ppc-auxv.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/rs6000/ppc-auxv.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/rs6000/ppc-auxv.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@
+ #define PPC_FEATURE2_HTM_NOSC       0x01000000
+ #define PPC_FEATURE2_ARCH_3_00      0x00800000
+ #define PPC_FEATURE2_HAS_IEEE128    0x00400000
++#define PPC_FEATURE2_DARN           0x00200000
++#define PPC_FEATURE2_SCV            0x00100000
+ /* Thread Control Block (TCB) offsets of the AT_PLATFORM, AT_HWCAP and
+Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rtems.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/rs6000/rtems.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/rs6000/rtems.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -14,33 +14,172 @@
+    or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+    License for more details.
+-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
+    <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+-/* Specify predefined symbols in preprocessor.  */
++/* Copy and paste from linux64.h and freebsd64.h */
++#ifdef IN_LIBGCC2
++#undef TARGET_64BIT
++#ifdef __powerpc64__
++#define TARGET_64BIT 1
++#define TARGET_64BIT 0
++/* Copy and paste from linux64.h and freebsd64.h */
++#undef	TARGET_AIX
+-#define TARGET_OS_CPP_BUILTINS()          \
+-  do                                      \
+-    {                                     \
+-      builtin_define_std ("PPC");         \
+-      builtin_define ("__rtems__");       \
+-      builtin_define ("__USE_INIT_FINI__"); \
+-      builtin_assert ("system=rtems");    \
+-      builtin_assert ("cpu=powerpc");     \
+-      builtin_assert ("machine=powerpc"); \
+-    }                                     \
++#define TARGET_OS_CPP_BUILTINS()			\
++  do							\
++    {							\
++      builtin_define ("__rtems__");			\
++      builtin_define ("__USE_INIT_FINI__");		\
++      builtin_assert ("system=rtems");			\
++      if (TARGET_64BIT)					\
++	{						\
++	  builtin_define ("__PPC__");			\
++	  builtin_define ("__PPC64__");			\
++	  builtin_define ("__powerpc64__");		\
++	  builtin_assert ("cpu=powerpc64");		\
++	  builtin_assert ("machine=powerpc64");		\
++	}						\
++      else						\
++	{						\
++	  builtin_define_std ("PPC");			\
++	  builtin_define_std ("powerpc");		\
++	  builtin_assert ("cpu=powerpc");		\
++	  builtin_assert ("machine=powerpc");		\
++	}						\
++    }							\
+   while (0)
++/* Copy and paste from linux64.h and freebsd64.h */
++#define INVALID_64BIT "-m%s not supported in this configuration"
++/* A lot of copy and paste from linux64.h and freebsd64.h */
++  do								\
++    {								\
++      if (rs6000_isa_flags & OPTION_MASK_64BIT)			\
++	{							\
++	  rs6000_elf_abi = 2;					\
++	  rs6000_current_abi = ABI_ELFv2;			\
++	  if (rs6000_isa_flags & OPTION_MASK_RELOCATABLE)	\
++	    {							\
++	      rs6000_isa_flags &= ~OPTION_MASK_RELOCATABLE;	\
++	      error (INVALID_64BIT, "relocatable");		\
++	    }							\
++	  if (rs6000_isa_flags & OPTION_MASK_EABI)		\
++	    {							\
++	      rs6000_isa_flags &= ~OPTION_MASK_EABI;		\
++	      error (INVALID_64BIT, "eabi");			\
++	    }							\
++	  if (TARGET_PROTOTYPE)					\
++	    {							\
++	      target_prototype = 0;				\
++	      error (INVALID_64BIT, "prototype");		\
++	    }							\
++	  if ((rs6000_isa_flags & OPTION_MASK_POWERPC64) == 0)	\
++	    {							\
++	      rs6000_isa_flags |= OPTION_MASK_POWERPC64;	\
++	      error ("-m64 requires a PowerPC64 cpu");		\
++	    }							\
++	}							\
++    }								\
++  while (0)
++/* Copy and paste from linux64.h and freebsd64.h */
++#undef	SIZE_TYPE
++#define	SIZE_TYPE (TARGET_64BIT ? "long unsigned int" : "unsigned int")
++/* Copy and paste from linux64.h and freebsd64.h */
++#define	PTRDIFF_TYPE (TARGET_64BIT ? "long int" : "int")
++/* Copy and paste from freebsd64.h */
++#undef WCHAR_TYPE
++/* Copy and paste from freebsd64.h */
++#define WCHAR_TYPE_SIZE 32
++/* Copy and paste from linux64.h and freebsd64.h */
++#ifdef __powerpc64__
++  asm (SECTION_OP "\n"					\
++"	bl " #FUNC "\n"					\
++"	nop\n"						\
++"	.previous");
++/* This could be also POWERPC_FREEBSD.  It is related to the save/restore
++   defines below.  */
++/* Copy and paste from linux64.h and freebsd64.h */
++#undef  SAVE_FP_PREFIX
++#define SAVE_FP_PREFIX (TARGET_64BIT ? "._savef" : "_savefpr_")
++#undef  SAVE_FP_SUFFIX
++#define SAVE_FP_SUFFIX ""
++#define RESTORE_FP_PREFIX (TARGET_64BIT ? "._restf" : "_restfpr_")
++#define RESTORE_FP_SUFFIX ""
++/* Copy and paste from linux64.h and freebsd64.h */
++  do									\
++    {									\
++      if (!flag_inhibit_size_directive)					\
++	{								\
++	  fputs ("\t.size\t", (FILE));					\
++	  if (TARGET_64BIT && DOT_SYMBOLS)				\
++	    putc ('.', (FILE));						\
++	  assemble_name ((FILE), (FNAME));				\
++	  fputs (",.-", (FILE));					\
++	  rs6000_output_function_entry (FILE, FNAME);			\
++	  putc ('\n', (FILE));						\
++	}								\
++    }									\
++  while (0)
++/* Copy and paste from linux64.h and freebsd64.h */
++  (TARGET_TOC								\
++   && (GET_CODE (X) == SYMBOL_REF					\
++       || (GET_CODE (X) == CONST && GET_CODE (XEXP (X, 0)) == PLUS	\
++	   && GET_CODE (XEXP (XEXP (X, 0), 0)) == SYMBOL_REF)		\
++       || GET_CODE (X) == LABEL_REF					\
++       || (GET_CODE (X) == CONST_INT 					\
++       || (GET_CODE (X) == CONST_DOUBLE					\
++	   && ((TARGET_64BIT						\
++		&& (TARGET_MINIMAL_TOC					\
++		    || (SCALAR_FLOAT_MODE_P (GET_MODE (X))		\
++			&& ! TARGET_NO_FP_IN_TOC)))			\
++	       || (!TARGET_64BIT					\
++		   && !TARGET_NO_FP_IN_TOC				\
+-#define CPP_OS_DEFAULT_SPEC "%(cpp_os_rtems)"
+-#define CPP_OS_RTEMS_SPEC "\
++#define CPP_OS_DEFAULT_SPEC "\
+ %{!mcpu*:  %{!Dppc*: %{!Dmpc*: -Dmpc750} } }\
+ %{mcpu=403:  %{!Dppc*: %{!Dmpc*: -Dppc403}  } } \
+ %{mcpu=505:  %{!Dppc*: %{!Dmpc*: -Dmpc505}  } } \
+@@ -55,6 +194,37 @@
+ %{mcpu=8540: %{!Dppc*: %{!Dmpc*: -Dppc8540}  } } \
+ %{mcpu=e6500: -D__PPC_CPU_E6500__}"
++#define	ASM_DEFAULT_SPEC "-mppc%{m64:64}"
++#undef	ASM_SPEC
++#define	ASM_SPEC "%{!m64:%(asm_spec32)}%{m64:%(asm_spec64)} %(asm_spec_common)"
++#define ASM_SPEC32 "-a32 \
++%{mrelocatable} %{mrelocatable-lib} %{" FPIE_OR_FPIC_SPEC ":-K PIC} \
++%{memb|msdata=eabi: -memb}"
++#define ASM_SPEC64 "-a64"
++#define ASM_SPEC_COMMON "%(asm_cpu) \
++%{,assembler|,assembler-with-cpp: %{mregnames} %{mno-regnames}}" \
++  ENDIAN_SELECT(" -mbig", " -mlittle", DEFAULT_ASM_ENDIAN)
++#define LINK_OS_SPEC32 ENDIAN_SELECT(" -m elf32ppc",		\
++				     " -m elf32lppc",		\
++				     " -m elf32ppc")
++#define LINK_OS_SPEC64 ENDIAN_SELECT(" -m elf64ppc",		\
++				     " -m elf64lppc",		\
++				     " -m elf64ppc")
+-  { "cpp_os_rtems",		CPP_OS_RTEMS_SPEC }
++  { "asm_spec_common",		ASM_SPEC_COMMON },			\
++  { "asm_spec32",		ASM_SPEC32 },				\
++  { "asm_spec64",		ASM_SPEC64 },				\
++  { "link_os_spec32",		LINK_OS_SPEC32 },			\
++  { "link_os_spec64",		LINK_OS_SPEC64 },
+Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c
+--- a/src/gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -648,6 +648,9 @@
+     builtin_define ("__FLOAT128_HARDWARE__");
+   if (TARGET_LONG_DOUBLE_128 && FLOAT128_IBM_P (TFmode))
+     builtin_define ("__ibm128=long double");
++  builtin_define ("__BUILTIN_CPU_SUPPORTS__");
+   /* We needed to create a keyword if -mfloat128-type was used but not -mfloat,
+      so we used __ieee128.  If -mfloat128 was used, create a #define back to
 Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.c
 --- a/src/gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.c	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.c	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -5873,6 +5873,10 @@
+@@ -379,7 +379,9 @@
+   { "tar",		PPC_FEATURE2_HAS_TAR,		1 },
+   { "vcrypto",		PPC_FEATURE2_HAS_VEC_CRYPTO,	1 },
+   { "arch_3_00",	PPC_FEATURE2_ARCH_3_00,		1 },
+-  { "ieee128",		PPC_FEATURE2_HAS_IEEE128,	1 }
++  { "ieee128",		PPC_FEATURE2_HAS_IEEE128,	1 },
++  { "darn",		PPC_FEATURE2_DARN,		1 },
++  { "scv",		PPC_FEATURE2_SCV,		1 }
+ };
+ /* Newer LIBCs explicitly export this symbol to declare that they provide
+@@ -5873,6 +5875,10 @@
  /* Implement targetm.vectorize.init_cost.  */
@@ -61803,7 +76257,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.c
  static void *
  rs6000_init_cost (struct loop *loop_info)
-@@ -5881,6 +5885,7 @@
+@@ -5881,6 +5887,7 @@
    data->cost[vect_prologue] = 0;
    data->cost[vect_body]     = 0;
    data->cost[vect_epilogue] = 0;
@@ -61811,7 +76265,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.c
    return data;
-@@ -5907,6 +5912,15 @@
+@@ -5907,6 +5914,15 @@
        retval = (unsigned) (count * stmt_cost);
        cost_data->cost[where] += retval;
@@ -61827,7 +76281,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.c
    return retval;
-@@ -5923,6 +5937,19 @@
+@@ -5923,6 +5939,19 @@
    if (cost_data->loop_info)
      rs6000_density_test (cost_data);
@@ -61847,7 +76301,35 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.c
    *prologue_cost = cost_data->cost[vect_prologue];
    *body_cost     = cost_data->cost[vect_body];
    *epilogue_cost = cost_data->cost[vect_epilogue];
-@@ -18183,6 +18210,17 @@
+@@ -7454,6 +7483,8 @@
+ 	    insn = gen_vsx_set_v8hi_p9 (target, target, val, elt_rtx);
+ 	  else if (mode == V16QImode)
+ 	    insn = gen_vsx_set_v16qi_p9 (target, target, val, elt_rtx);
++	  else if (mode == V4SFmode)
++	    insn = gen_vsx_set_v4sf_p9 (target, target, val, elt_rtx);
+ 	}
+       if (insn)
+@@ -15555,6 +15586,8 @@
+       emit_insn (gen_eqsi3 (scratch2, scratch1, const0_rtx));
+       emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (target, gen_rtx_XOR (SImode, scratch2, const1_rtx)));
+     }
++  else
++    gcc_unreachable ();
+   /* Record that we have expanded a CPU builtin, so that we can later
+      emit a reference to the special symbol exported by LIBC to ensure we
+@@ -15562,6 +15595,9 @@
+   cpu_builtin_p = true;
+ #else
++  warning (0, "%s needs GLIBC (2.23 and newer) that exports hardware "
++	   "capability bits", rs6000_builtin_info[(size_t) fcode].name);
+   /* For old LIBCs, always return FALSE.  */
+   emit_move_insn (target, GEN_INT (0));
+@@ -18183,6 +18219,17 @@
        def_builtin ("__builtin_vsx_st_elemrev_v16qi",
  		   void_ftype_v16qi_long_pvoid, VSX_BUILTIN_ST_ELEMREV_V16QI);
@@ -61865,7 +76347,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.c
    def_builtin ("__builtin_vec_vsx_ld", opaque_ftype_long_pcvoid,
-@@ -28096,9 +28134,11 @@
+@@ -28096,9 +28143,11 @@
  	  && REGNO (stack_limit_rtx) > 1
  	  && REGNO (stack_limit_rtx) <= 31)
@@ -61884,7 +76366,142 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/vsx.md
 --- a/src/gcc/config/rs6000/vsx.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
 +++ b/src/gcc/config/rs6000/vsx.md	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
-@@ -3068,10 +3068,11 @@
+@@ -3012,6 +3012,134 @@
+ }
+   [(set_attr "type" "vecperm")])
++(define_insn_and_split "vsx_set_v4sf_p9"
++  [(set (match_operand:V4SF 0 "gpc_reg_operand" "=wa")
++	(unspec:V4SF
++	 [(match_operand:V4SF 1 "gpc_reg_operand" "0")
++	  (match_operand:SF 2 "gpc_reg_operand" "ww")
++	  (match_operand:QI 3 "const_0_to_3_operand" "n")]
++   (clobber (match_scratch:SI 4 "=&wJwK"))]
++  "#"
++  "&& reload_completed"
++  [(set (match_dup 5)
++	(unspec:V4SF [(match_dup 2)]
++   (parallel [(set (match_dup 4)
++		   (vec_select:SI (match_dup 6)
++				  (parallel [(match_dup 7)])))
++	      (clobber (scratch:SI))])
++   (set (match_dup 8)
++	(unspec:V4SI [(match_dup 8)
++		      (match_dup 4)
++		      (match_dup 3)]
++		     UNSPEC_VSX_SET))]
++  unsigned int tmp_regno = reg_or_subregno (operands[4]);
++  operands[5] = gen_rtx_REG (V4SFmode, tmp_regno);
++  operands[6] = gen_rtx_REG (V4SImode, tmp_regno);
++  operands[7] = GEN_INT (VECTOR_ELT_ORDER_BIG ? 1 : 2);
++  operands[8] = gen_rtx_REG (V4SImode, reg_or_subregno (operands[0]));
++  [(set_attr "type" "vecperm")
++   (set_attr "length" "12")])
++;; Special case setting 0.0f to a V4SF element
++(define_insn_and_split "*vsx_set_v4sf_p9_zero"
++  [(set (match_operand:V4SF 0 "gpc_reg_operand" "=wa")
++	(unspec:V4SF
++	 [(match_operand:V4SF 1 "gpc_reg_operand" "0")
++	  (match_operand:SF 2 "zero_fp_constant" "j")
++	  (match_operand:QI 3 "const_0_to_3_operand" "n")]
++   (clobber (match_scratch:SI 4 "=&wJwK"))]
++  "#"
++  "&& reload_completed"
++  [(set (match_dup 4)
++	(const_int 0))
++   (set (match_dup 5)
++	(unspec:V4SI [(match_dup 5)
++		      (match_dup 4)
++		      (match_dup 3)]
++		     UNSPEC_VSX_SET))]
++  operands[5] = gen_rtx_REG (V4SImode, reg_or_subregno (operands[0]));
++  [(set_attr "type" "vecperm")
++   (set_attr "length" "8")])
++;; Optimize x = vec_insert (vec_extract (v2, n), v1, m) if n is the element
++;; that is in the default scalar position (1 for big endian, 2 for little
++;; endian).  We just need to do an xxinsertw since the element is in the
++;; correct location.
++(define_insn "*vsx_insert_extract_v4sf_p9"
++  [(set (match_operand:V4SF 0 "gpc_reg_operand" "=wa")
++	(unspec:V4SF
++	 [(match_operand:V4SF 1 "gpc_reg_operand" "0")
++	  (vec_select:SF (match_operand:V4SF 2 "gpc_reg_operand" "wa")
++			 (parallel
++			  [(match_operand:QI 3 "const_0_to_3_operand" "n")]))
++	  (match_operand:QI 4 "const_0_to_3_operand" "n")]
++   && (INTVAL (operands[3]) == (VECTOR_ELT_ORDER_BIG ? 1 : 2))"
++  int ele = INTVAL (operands[4]);
++    ele = GET_MODE_NUNITS (V4SFmode) - 1 - ele;
++  operands[4] = GEN_INT (GET_MODE_SIZE (SFmode) * ele);
++  return "xxinsertw %x0,%x2,%4";
++  [(set_attr "type" "vecperm")])
++;; Optimize x = vec_insert (vec_extract (v2, n), v1, m) if n is not the element
++;; that is in the default scalar position (1 for big endian, 2 for little
++;; endian).  Convert the insert/extract to int and avoid doing the conversion.
++(define_insn_and_split "*vsx_insert_extract_v4sf_p9_2"
++  [(set (match_operand:V4SF 0 "gpc_reg_operand" "=wa")
++	(unspec:V4SF
++	 [(match_operand:V4SF 1 "gpc_reg_operand" "0")
++	  (vec_select:SF (match_operand:V4SF 2 "gpc_reg_operand" "wa")
++			 (parallel
++			  [(match_operand:QI 3 "const_0_to_3_operand" "n")]))
++	  (match_operand:QI 4 "const_0_to_3_operand" "n")]
++   (clobber (match_scratch:SI 5 "=&wJwK"))]
++   && (INTVAL (operands[3]) != (VECTOR_ELT_ORDER_BIG ? 1 : 2))"
++  "#"
++  "&& 1"
++  [(parallel [(set (match_dup 5)
++		   (vec_select:SI (match_dup 6)
++				  (parallel [(match_dup 3)])))
++	      (clobber (scratch:SI))])
++   (set (match_dup 7)
++	(unspec:V4SI [(match_dup 8)
++		      (match_dup 5)
++		      (match_dup 4)]
++		     UNSPEC_VSX_SET))]
++  if (GET_CODE (operands[5]) == SCRATCH)
++    operands[5] = gen_reg_rtx (SImode);
++  operands[6] = gen_lowpart (V4SImode, operands[2]);
++  operands[7] = gen_lowpart (V4SImode, operands[0]);
++  operands[8] = gen_lowpart (V4SImode, operands[1]);
++  [(set_attr "type" "vecperm")])
+ ;; Expanders for builtins
+ (define_expand "vsx_mergel_<mode>"
+   [(use (match_operand:VSX_D 0 "vsx_register_operand" ""))
+@@ -3068,10 +3196,11 @@
  ;; V2DF/V2DI splat
  (define_insn_and_split "vsx_splat_<mode>"
    [(set (match_operand:VSX_D 0 "vsx_register_operand"
@@ -61898,7 +76515,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/vsx.md
    "VECTOR_MEM_VSX_P (<MODE>mode)"
     xxpermdi %x0,%x1,%x1,0
-@@ -3078,8 +3079,12 @@
+@@ -3078,8 +3207,12 @@
     lxvdsx %x0,%y1
     mtvsrdd %x0,%1,%1
@@ -61964,19 +76581,30 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
  (define_code_attr su [(sign_extend	"s")
  		      (zero_extend	"u")
-@@ -728,6 +701,11 @@
+@@ -728,6 +701,13 @@
  (define_code_attr     SMINMAX	[(smin "SMIN")
  				 (smax "SMAX")])
 +;; Iterator to optimize the following cases:
 +;;	D-form load to FPR register & move to Altivec register
 +;;	Move Altivec register to FPR register and store
-+(define_mode_iterator ALTIVEC_DFORM [DI DF SF])
++(define_mode_iterator ALTIVEC_DFORM [DF
++				     SF
++				     (DI "TARGET_POWERPC64")])

  ;; Start with fixed-point load and store insns.  Here we put only the more
  ;; complex forms.  Basic data transfer is done later.
-@@ -1027,8 +1005,8 @@
+@@ -974,7 +954,7 @@
+    (set (match_dup 0)
+ 	(sign_extend:EXTHI (match_dup 2)))]
+ {
+-  operands[2] = gen_rtx_REG (HImode, REGNO (operands[1]));
++  operands[2] = gen_rtx_REG (HImode, REGNO (operands[0]));
+ })
+ (define_insn "*extendhi<mode>2_noload"
+@@ -1027,8 +1007,8 @@
  (define_insn "extendsi<mode>2"
@@ -61987,7 +76615,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
     lwa%U1%X1 %0,%1
-@@ -1036,10 +1014,39 @@
+@@ -1036,10 +1016,39 @@
     lfiwax %0,%y1
     lxsiwax %x0,%y1
     mtvsrwa %x0,%1
@@ -62030,13 +76658,13 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
  (define_insn_and_split "*extendsi<mode>2_dot"
    [(set (match_operand:CC 2 "cc_reg_operand" "=x,?y")
  	(compare:CC (sign_extend:EXTSI (match_operand:SI 1 "gpc_reg_operand" "r,r"))
-@@ -1643,6 +1650,17 @@
+@@ -1643,6 +1652,17 @@
  		  || rtx_equal_p (operands[0], operands[1]))
  		 ? operands[0] : gen_reg_rtx (<MODE>mode));
 +      /* Adding a constant to r0 is not a valid insn, so use a different
 +	 strategy in that case.  */
-+      if (REGNO (operands[1]) == 0 || REGNO (tmp) == 0)
++      if (reg_or_subregno (operands[1]) == 0 || reg_or_subregno (tmp) == 0)
 +	{
 +	  if (operands[0] == operands[1])
 +	    FAIL;
@@ -62048,7 +76676,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
        HOST_WIDE_INT val = INTVAL (operands[2]);
        HOST_WIDE_INT low = ((val & 0xffff) ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000;
        HOST_WIDE_INT rest = trunc_int_for_mode (val - low, <MODE>mode);
-@@ -5570,7 +5588,7 @@
+@@ -5570,7 +5590,7 @@
@@ -62057,7 +76685,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
        rtx src = force_reg (<MODE>mode, operands[1]);
-@@ -5596,7 +5614,8 @@
+@@ -5596,7 +5616,8 @@
     (clobber (match_scratch:DI 2 "=d"))]
     && (<MODE>mode != SFmode || TARGET_SINGLE_FLOAT)
@@ -62067,7 +76695,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
-@@ -5637,7 +5656,8 @@
+@@ -5637,7 +5658,8 @@
  	(fix:SI (match_operand:SFDF 1 "gpc_reg_operand" "d,<rreg>")))
     (clobber (match_operand:DI 2 "gpc_reg_operand" "=1,d"))
     (clobber (match_operand:DI 3 "offsettable_mem_operand" "=o,o"))]
@@ -62077,7 +76705,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
-@@ -5721,7 +5741,7 @@
+@@ -5721,7 +5743,7 @@
         || <E500_CONVERT>)"
@@ -62086,7 +76714,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
        emit_insn (gen_fixuns_trunc<mode>si2_stfiwx (operands[0], operands[1]));
-@@ -5733,7 +5753,8 @@
+@@ -5733,7 +5755,8 @@
  	(unsigned_fix:SI (match_operand:SFDF 1 "gpc_reg_operand" "d")))
     (clobber (match_scratch:DI 2 "=d"))]
@@ -62096,7 +76724,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
-@@ -5818,13 +5839,43 @@
+@@ -5818,13 +5841,43 @@
@@ -62145,7 +76773,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
-@@ -7168,40 +7219,82 @@
+@@ -7168,40 +7221,82 @@
    operands[3] = gen_int_mode (l, SImode);
@@ -62248,7 +76876,31 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
  (define_insn "*mov<mode>_softfloat"
    [(set (match_operand:FMOVE32 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=r,cl,r,r,m,r,r,r,r,*h")
-@@ -13999,6 +14092,74 @@
+@@ -7385,8 +7480,8 @@
+ ;; except for 0.0 which can be created on VSX with an xor instruction.
+ (define_insn "*mov<mode>_hardfloat32"
+-  [(set (match_operand:FMOVE64 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,d,d,<f64_av>,Z,<f64_p9>,wY,<f64_vsx>,<f64_vsx>,!r,Y,r,!r")
+-	(match_operand:FMOVE64 1 "input_operand" "d,m,d,Z,<f64_av>,wY,<f64_p9>,<f64_vsx>,<zero_fp>,<zero_fp>,r,Y,r"))]
++  [(set (match_operand:FMOVE64 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,d,d,<f64_p9>,wY,<f64_av>,Z,<f64_vsx>,<f64_vsx>,!r,Y,r,!r")
++	(match_operand:FMOVE64 1 "input_operand" "d,m,d,wY,<f64_p9>,Z,<f64_av>,<f64_vsx>,<zero_fp>,<zero_fp>,r,Y,r"))]
+    && (gpc_reg_operand (operands[0], <MODE>mode)
+        || gpc_reg_operand (operands[1], <MODE>mode))"
+@@ -7394,10 +7489,10 @@
+    stfd%U0%X0 %1,%0
+    lfd%U1%X1 %0,%1
+    fmr %0,%1
++   lxsd %0,%1
++   stxsd %1,%0
+    lxsd%U1x %x0,%y1
+    stxsd%U0x %x1,%y0
+-   lxsd %0,%1
+-   stxsd %1,%0
+    xxlor %x0,%x1,%x1
+    xxlxor %x0,%x0,%x0
+    #
+@@ -13999,6 +14094,74 @@
     (set_attr "length" "8")])

@@ -62259,13 +76911,13 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
 +;;	move fpr->altivec
-+  [(match_scratch:DI 0 "b")
++  [(match_scratch:P 0 "b")
 +   (set (match_operand:ALTIVEC_DFORM 1 "fpr_reg_operand")
 +	(match_operand:ALTIVEC_DFORM 2 "simple_offsettable_mem_operand"))
 +   (set (match_operand:ALTIVEC_DFORM 3 "altivec_register_operand")
 +	(match_dup 1))]
-+   && !TARGET_P9_DFORM_SCALAR && peep2_reg_dead_p (2, operands[1])"
++   && peep2_reg_dead_p (2, operands[1])"
 +  [(set (match_dup 0)
 +	(match_dup 4))
 +   (set (match_dup 3)
@@ -62280,7 +76932,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
 +  add_op0 = XEXP (addr, 0);
 +  add_op1 = XEXP (addr, 1);
 +  gcc_assert (REG_P (add_op0));
-+  new_addr = gen_rtx_PLUS (DImode, add_op0, tmp_reg);
++  new_addr = gen_rtx_PLUS (Pmode, add_op0, tmp_reg);
 +  operands[4] = add_op1;
 +  operands[5] = change_address (mem, <MODE>mode, new_addr);
@@ -62292,13 +76944,13 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
 +;;	store fpr
-+  [(match_scratch:DI 0 "b")
++  [(match_scratch:P 0 "b")
 +   (set (match_operand:ALTIVEC_DFORM 1 "fpr_reg_operand")
 +	(match_operand:ALTIVEC_DFORM 2 "altivec_register_operand"))
 +   (set (match_operand:ALTIVEC_DFORM 3 "simple_offsettable_mem_operand")
 +	(match_dup 1))]
-+   && !TARGET_P9_DFORM_SCALAR && peep2_reg_dead_p (2, operands[1])"
++   && peep2_reg_dead_p (2, operands[1])"
 +  [(set (match_dup 0)
 +	(match_dup 4))
 +   (set (match_dup 5)
@@ -62313,7 +76965,7 @@ Index: gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.md
 +  add_op0 = XEXP (addr, 0);
 +  add_op1 = XEXP (addr, 1);
 +  gcc_assert (REG_P (add_op0));
-+  new_addr = gen_rtx_PLUS (DImode, add_op0, tmp_reg);
++  new_addr = gen_rtx_PLUS (Pmode, add_op0, tmp_reg);
 +  operands[4] = add_op1;
 +  operands[5] = change_address (mem, <MODE>mode, new_addr);
@@ -62604,6 +77256,42 @@ Index: gcc/config/arm/t-aprofile
  MULTILIB_MATCHES       += march?armv8-a=mcpu?xgene1
  # Arch Matches
+Index: gcc/config/arm/rtems.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/arm/rtems.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/arm/rtems.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -1,20 +1,25 @@
+ /* Definitions for RTEMS based ARM systems using EABI.
+    Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    This file is part of GCC.
+    GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+    by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
+    option) any later version.
+    GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+    or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+    License for more details.
+-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-   along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
+    <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
 Index: gcc/config/arm/arm-tune.md
 --- a/src/gcc/config/arm/arm-tune.md	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -62876,6 +77564,122 @@ Index: gcc/config/pa/pa.c
    if (MAYBE_FP_REG_CLASS_P (rclass))
      return true;
+Index: gcc/config/mips/rtems.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/mips/rtems.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/mips/rtems.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -2,22 +2,27 @@
+    Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    Contributed by Joel Sherrill (joel at OARcorp.com).
+-This file is part of GCC.
++   This file is part of GCC.
+-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+-any later version.
++   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
++   option) any later version.
+-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-GNU General Public License for more details.
++   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
++   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
++   License for more details.
+-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+-<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
++   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ /* Specify predefined symbols in preprocessor.  */
+Index: gcc/config/v850/rtems.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/v850/rtems.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/v850/rtems.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
+    This file is part of GCC.
+-   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+-   any later version.
++   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
++   option) any later version.
+-   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-   GNU General Public License for more details.
++   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
++   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
++   License for more details.
+    Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
+    permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
+Index: gcc/config/bfin/rtems.h
+--- a/src/gcc/config/bfin/rtems.h	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/gcc/config/bfin/rtems.h	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -2,22 +2,27 @@
+    Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    Contributed by Ralf Corsépius (ralf.corsepius at rtems.org).
+-This file is part of GCC.
++   This file is part of GCC.
+-GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+-any later version.
++   GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
++   under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
++   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
++   option) any later version.
+-GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-GNU General Public License for more details.
++   GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
++   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
++   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
++   License for more details.
+-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
+-<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
++   Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
++   permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
++   3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
++   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
++   a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
++   see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see
++   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+ /* Target OS preprocessor built-ins.  */
+   do						\
 Index: gcc/params.def
 --- a/src/gcc/params.def	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -62930,6 +77734,80 @@ Index: libgo/go/os/wait_waitid.go
  	psig := &siginfo[0]
  	_, _, e := syscall.Syscall6(syscall.SYS_WAITID, _P_PID, uintptr(p.Pid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(psig)), syscall.WEXITED|syscall.WNOWAIT, 0, 0)
+Index: libgo/go/syscall/syscall_linux_s390x.go
+--- a/src/libgo/go/syscall/syscall_linux_s390x.go	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgo/go/syscall/syscall_linux_s390x.go	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -12,10 +12,29 @@
+ func (r *PtraceRegs) SetPC(pc uint64) { r.Psw.Addr = pc }
+-func PtraceGetRegs(pid int, regsout *PtraceRegs) (err error) {
+-	return ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, pid, 0, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(regsout)))
++const syscall_PTRACE_PEEKUSR_AREA = 0x5000
++const syscall_PTRACE_POKEUSR_AREA = 0x5001
++type syscall_ptrace_area struct {
++	len          uint32
++	kernel_addr  uint64
++	process_addr uint64
+ }
++func PtraceGetRegs(pid int, regs *PtraceRegs) (err error) {
++	parea := syscall_ptrace_area{
++		24,
++		0,
++		uint64(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(regs))),
++	}
++	return ptrace(syscall_PTRACE_PEEKUSR_AREA, pid, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&parea)), 0)
+ func PtraceSetRegs(pid int, regs *PtraceRegs) (err error) {
+-	return ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, pid, 0, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(regs)))
++	parea := syscall_ptrace_area{
++		24,
++		0,
++		uint64(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(regs))),
++	}
++	return ptrace(syscall_PTRACE_POKEUSR_AREA, pid, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&parea)), 0)
+ }
+Index: libgo/go/syscall/syscall_linux_s390.go
+--- a/src/libgo/go/syscall/syscall_linux_s390.go	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/libgo/go/syscall/syscall_linux_s390.go	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+@@ -12,10 +12,29 @@
+ func (r *PtraceRegs) SetPC(pc uint64) { r.Psw.Addr = uint32(pc) }
+-func PtraceGetRegs(pid int, regsout *PtraceRegs) (err error) {
+-	return ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, pid, 0, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(regsout)))
++const syscall_PTRACE_PEEKUSR_AREA = 0x5000
++const syscall_PTRACE_POKEUSR_AREA = 0x5001
++type syscall_ptrace_area struct {
++	len          uint32
++	kernel_addr  uint32
++	process_addr uint32
+ }
++func PtraceGetRegs(pid int, regs *PtraceRegs) (err error) {
++	parea := syscall_ptrace_area{
++		12,
++		0,
++		uint32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(regs))),
++	}
++	return ptrace(syscall_PTRACE_PEEKUSR_AREA, pid, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&parea)), 0)
+ func PtraceSetRegs(pid int, regs *PtraceRegs) (err error) {
+-	return ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, pid, 0, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(regs)))
++	parea := syscall_ptrace_area{
++		12,
++		0,
++		uint32(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(regs))),
++	}
++	return ptrace(syscall_PTRACE_POKEUSR_AREA, pid, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&parea)), 0)
+ }
 Index: libgo/Makefile.am
 --- a/src/libgo/Makefile.am	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
@@ -64808,3 +79686,13 @@ Index: libcilkrts/ChangeLog
  2017-05-02  Release Manager
  	* GCC 7.1.0 released.
+Index: .
+--- a/src/.	(.../tags/gcc_7_1_0_release)
++++ b/src/.	(.../branches/gcc-7-branch)
+Property changes on: .
+Added: svn:mergeinfo
+## -0,0 +0,1 ##
+   Merged /trunk:r249272,249411
diff --git a/debian/rules.defs b/debian/rules.defs
index b77eeae..7c681a6 100644
--- a/debian/rules.defs
+++ b/debian/rules.defs
@@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@ ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), hppa mips))
     with_check := disabled for $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), testsuite timeouts with expect
-#with_check := disabled for this upload
+with_check := disabled for this upload
 # not a dependency on all archs, but if available, use it for the testsuite
 ifneq (,$(wildcard /usr/bin/localedef))

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/gcc-7.git

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