[reprotest] 01/01: ENH: reprotest/build: s/arch/uname -m/
Santiago Torres-Arias
sangy-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 5 02:13:35 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sangy-guest pushed a commit to branch uname_m
in repository reprotest.
commit 6fb5dc95f0408cf7fb6d8d8a727c6b8c0205236b
Author: Santiago Torres <torresariass at gmail.com>
Date: Mon Dec 4 21:11:59 2017 -0500
ENH: reprotest/build: s/arch/uname -m/
uname -m seems to be a more portable, drop-in-replaceable alternative
to the arch command.
reprotest/build.py | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/reprotest/build.py b/reprotest/build.py
index 62d6966..0e5c223 100644
--- a/reprotest/build.py
+++ b/reprotest/build.py
@@ -284,9 +284,9 @@ def home(ctx, build, vary):
def kernel(ctx, build, vary):
_ = build
if not vary:
- _ = _.append_setup_exec_raw('SETARCH_ARCH=$(arch)')
+ _ = _.append_setup_exec_raw('SETARCH_ARCH=$(uname -m)')
- _ = _.append_setup_exec_raw('SETARCH_ARCH=$(setarch --list | grep -vF "$(arch)" | shuf | head -n1)')
+ _ = _.append_setup_exec_raw('SETARCH_ARCH=$(setarch --list | grep -vF "$(uname -m)" | shuf | head -n1)')
_ = _.append_setup_exec_raw('KERNEL_VERSION=$(uname -r)')
_ = _.append_setup_exec_raw('if [ ${KERNEL_VERSION#2.6} = $KERNEL_VERSION ]; then SETARCH_OPTS=--uname-2.6; fi')
return _.prepend_to_build_command_raw('setarch', '$SETARCH_ARCH', '$SETARCH_OPTS')
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