[reproducible-website] 01/01: rws3: move more agenda items out into sub-pages and rm extraneous spaces

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Wed Dec 20 17:11:01 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

infinity0 pushed a commit to branch master
in repository reproducible-website.

commit 42185920ca1c30fbda545b1638edeb0f660ad3a5
Author: Ximin Luo <infinity0 at pwned.gg>
Date:   Wed Dec 20 18:09:59 2017 +0100

    rws3: move more agenda items out into sub-pages and rm extraneous spaces
 _events/berlin2017/agenda.md              | 36 ++++++-------------------------
 _events/berlin2017/agendabrainstorming.md |  4 +++-
 _events/berlin2017/sharingknowledge.md    | 13 +++++++++++
 3 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/_events/berlin2017/agenda.md b/_events/berlin2017/agenda.md
index 4a8bab7..c7b4cc6 100644
--- a/_events/berlin2017/agenda.md
+++ b/_events/berlin2017/agenda.md
@@ -12,36 +12,22 @@ Day 1
 *Tuesday, October 31*
-*   09:45 Opening session (No notes taken in this session)
-    The Summit started with participant introductions, a welcome message from the event co-organizers, and an overview of the meeting agenda.
-*   10:10 Sharing knowledge about reproducible builds (No notes taken in this session)
-    Participants gathered in small groups. The talking points suggested for their discussion were:
-    * If you attended one or both of the two previous Summits, which were your experience and takeaways?
-    * Ask Me Anything: Ask any question you have about repoducible builds
-    * How do you think reproducible builds are already working well today, and where do you see that there is still work to be done?
+*   09:45 Opening session – The Summit started with participant introductions, a welcome message from the event co-organizers, and an overview of the meeting agenda.
+*   10:10 [Sharing knowledge about reproducible builds]({{ "/events/berlin2017/sharingknowledge/" | prepend: site.baseurl }})
 *   11:00 Break
 *   11:15 [Agenda brainstorming]({{ "/events/berlin2017/agendabrainstorming/" | prepend: site.baseurl }})
-    Participants generated a list of topics and questions that they wanted to discuss at the meeting. The result of the brainstorming was then taken into account to identify the working sessions that had emerged as the most compelling for those in attendance.
 *   12:45 Lunch
 *   13:45 Working sessions I
     * [Reviewing existing reproducible builds tools]({{ "/events/berlin2017/existingtools/" | prepend: site.baseurl }}) – Chris
     * [Discussing the current status of .buildinfo files]({{ "/events/berlin2017/statusbuildinfofiles/" | prepend: site.baseurl }}) – Mattia
     * [What is the ecosystem around rpm?]({{ "/events/berlin2017/ecosystemrpm/" | prepend: site.baseurl }}) – Bernhard
     * [End user tools - Which exist, which are still needed]({{ "/events/berlin2017/usertools/" | prepend: site.baseurl }}) – dkg
 *   15:05 Break
 *   15:25 Working sessions II
     * [How to fix the current issues with BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP]({{ "/events/berlin2017/buildpathprefixmap/" | prepend: site.baseurl }}) – Ximin
     * [How bootstrapping relates to reproducible builds and how to improve it]({{ "/events/berlin2017/bootstrapping/" | prepend: site.baseurl }}) – Ricardo
     * What documentation is still to be created for developers who are new to reproducible builds? – Holger
-*   16.45 Closing plenary
-    The meeting day ended with an invitation to all participants to share their goals and wishes for the following days, and words of gratitude for a productive start of the Summit.
+*   16.45 Closing plenary – The meeting day ended with an invitation to all participants to share their goals and wishes for the following days, and words of gratitude for a productive start of the Summit.
 *   17:00 Adjourn
@@ -51,9 +37,7 @@ Day 2
 *November 1, 2017*
-*   09:45 Opening session (No notes taken in this session)
-    The second day of the Summit opened with a summary of the work done during the previous day, and a brief overview of the plan for the day ahead.
+*   09:45 Opening session – The second day of the Summit opened with a summary of the work done during the previous day, and a brief overview of the plan for the day ahead.
 *   09:55 Working Sessions III (Session notes start on page 36)
     * Improving reproducible builds in Java – Gábor
     * Bootstrapping: Mapping the problem space – Ricardo
@@ -79,9 +63,7 @@ Day 2
     * How to preserve software integrity in different legal contexts? – dkg
     * Marketing: Why is it valuable to support the reproducible builds work and who is our audience? – Beatrice
 *   14.45 Break
-*   15:00 Closing plenary
-    The day was brought to a close with the invitation to share proposals for the next day's working sessions, and the invitation to use the meeting space to hack together during the rest of the afternoon.
+*   15:00 Closing plenary – The day was brought to a close with the invitation to share proposals for the next day's working sessions, and the invitation to use the meeting space to hack together during the rest of the afternoon.
 *   15:20 Adjourn
 *   15:20 – 17:30 Hack time
@@ -91,9 +73,7 @@ Day 3
 *November 2, 2017*
-*   09:45 Opening session (No notes taken in this session)
-    The final day of the Summit opened with the encouragement to focus the last day of the meeting on drafting action plans to be carried out during the following weeks and months.
+*   09:45 Opening session – The final day of the Summit opened with the encouragement to focus the last day of the meeting on drafting action plans to be carried out during the following weeks and months.
 *   10:05 Working sessions V (Session notes start on page 58)
     * Defining terminology: reproducible, bootstrap<span style="background-color:transparent;">pable, reliable – Timothy</span>
     * SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH specification: Overview and improvements needed – Ximin
@@ -113,8 +93,6 @@ Day 3
     * Prioritizing the minimum viable set of tools needed for end users – Ricardo, intrigeri
     * Discussing current status and potential improvements in regards to .buildinfo files for rpm and iso – Marek
     * Brainstorming the reproducible builds logo design – Holger, Brennan
-*   15:30 Closing plenary
-    The Summit ended with notes of appreciation for everyone who participated in the meeting and contributed to its success.
+*   15:30 Closing plenary – The Summit ended with notes of appreciation for everyone who participated in the meeting and contributed to its success.
 *   16:00 Adjourn
 *   16:00 – 17:30 Hack time
diff --git a/_events/berlin2017/agendabrainstorming.md b/_events/berlin2017/agendabrainstorming.md
index 7a69f81..5358c3e 100644
--- a/_events/berlin2017/agendabrainstorming.md
+++ b/_events/berlin2017/agendabrainstorming.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ order: 20
 permalink: /events/berlin2017/agendabrainstorming/
-In this session we individually wrote the following questions on pieces of paper, then sorted them by topic as shown below and then everybody had 4 green dots to mark topics we wanted to further work on.
+Participants generated a list of topics and questions that they wanted to discuss at the meeting. The result of the brainstorming was then taken into account to identify the working sessions that had emerged as the most compelling for those in attendance.
+Participants individually wrote questions of their interest on pieces of paper, then sorted them by topic as shown below and then everybody had 4 green dots to mark topics we wanted to further work on.
 ### Marketing, etc. 1
diff --git a/_events/berlin2017/sharingknowledge.md b/_events/berlin2017/sharingknowledge.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e8a7cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_events/berlin2017/sharingknowledge.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+layout: event_detail
+title: Sharing knowledge about reproducible builds
+event: berlin2017
+order: 20
+permalink: /events/berlin2017/sharingknowledge/
+Participants gathered in small groups. The talking points suggested for their discussion were:
+* If you attended one or both of the two previous Summits, which were your experience and takeaways?
+* Ask Me Anything: Ask any question you have about repoducible builds
+* How do you think reproducible builds are already working well today, and where do you see that there is still work to be done?

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/reproducible/reproducible-website.git

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