[Secure-testing-team] svn.d.o <-> Alioth broken?

Moritz Muehlenhoff jmm at inutil.org
Wed May 11 18:56:30 UTC 2005

Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
> > I can't commit since tomorrow morning; my password doesn't
> > seem to be accepted, although I can normally login to Alioth
> > with it. As these known problems with svn.d.o? Dominic seems
> > to have successfully commited a few hours ago, though?
> I noticed the same thing specifically with password auth. However I was
> still able to authenticate with my ssh public key on svn.

According to Wichert Akkerman it's a known problem, but the cause a
complete mystery. Newly submitted keys for pubkey auth aren't currently
processed either. This will hopefully be resolved when the box is moved
next friday.


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