[Secure-testing-team] Keeping us busy in Oldenburg

Florian Weimer fw at deneb.enyo.de
Tue Sep 20 14:41:00 UTC 2005

* Moritz Muehlenhoff:

> - The developer's reference entry wrt handling security bugs should
>   be updated/extended, it's currently too terse and lacks important
>   information.

One big problem is that it gives developers the impression that *all*
security fixes should be sent privately to the security team, and not
the BTS, even if the issue is already publicly known.

> - The tracking page should be generated for sid as well, it seems to me
>   that security bugs in packages not in testing are currently vanishing
>   from our radar.


It should be pretty accurate, perhaps more than the corresponding page
for testing.

> - There has been an offer by a company for their proprietary solution of
>   doing static analysis on binaries. There were some organisational hurdles
>   IIRC, should we come back to them?

Was it BugScan by chance?  They are gone.

> - Packages, which have been removed from testing by the RMs due to security
>   bugs should be handled separately, they might get lost from our radar,

This can be dealt with with tsck, but you need server-side support for
that.  (Not too hard to implement based on the database, especially if
the release tags I suggested are added to the list files.)

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