[Secure-testing-team] Does Lenny have secure testing support?

Stefan Fritsch sf at sfritsch.de
Fri May 18 17:03:18 UTC 2007

Hi Jason,

sorry for the late answer.

On Tuesday 15 May 2007, Jason Martens wrote:
> I was updating the "Status/Testing" debian wiki page, and I was
> wondering if Lenny has security support at this point.  If you let
> me know, I'll update the page, or you can go do it (1)yourself.
> 1. http://wiki.debian.org/Status/Testing

Unfortunately, there is currently no working security support for 
testing, because

1) there are some problems with the build infrastructure for
testing-security uploads

2) the new glibc in unstable is preventing most packages from 
propagating to testing in the normal way

Users of testing are advised to check which vulnerabilities affect 
them with the debsecan package or with the security tracker webpage 
[1]. In cases where lenny has not deviated from etch yet, it is 
possible to manually install packages from stable-security, e.g. for 
clamav and samba.

I hope that 1) will be fixed soon.


[1] http://security-tracker.debian.net/tracker/status/release/testing
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