[Secure-testing-team] A case of large code duplication

Josselin Mouette joss at debian.org
Sat Sep 29 00:39:57 UTC 2007


since version 2.18, gnome-games includes the whole code of all ggz
libraries, which makes 17 kloc of C. Until now, I have managed to patch
it so that it builds with Debian's ggz packages instead.

However, version 2.20 includes more GNOME-specific changes, some of
which are API-incompatible and not interesting for GGZ's upstream. I can
see this included version deviate even more in the future just like it
happened for the embedded libneon in gnome-vfs.

It would require quite some work to keep both versions in sync, and
until now even trivial changes I have proposed like new translations
haven't been integrated by the Debian ggz team, so I don't think there
is enough will to do that.

Unless there are objections on the security side, I will now build the
GGZ code in gnome-games. If you don't want to provide security support
for two copies of GGZ, I guess we will have to deactivate GGZ support in
gnome-games instead.

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