[Secure-testing-team] please bump movabletype-opensource (was: Movable Type security issue in testing)

Nico Golde debian-secure-testing+ml at ngolde.de
Sat Jun 21 02:00:31 UTC 2008

Hi Dominic,
* Dominic Hargreaves <dom at earth.li> [2008-06-21 03:38]:
> Movable Type 4.1 has been updated to fix a security issue[1]. The version
> of Movable Type in unstable already fixes this, but since the security
> issues wasn't known about at upload time, was uploaded at low urgency.
> What's the best way to get this fix into testing? Re-upload with no
> source changes and urgency=high, or is there a way to override the
> urgency on an already uploaded package (or should I prepare a package of
> 4.11 for testing-security?)

Yes the release team can bump the urgency afterwards in such 
Release team, can you insert an:
age-days 5 movabletype-opensource?

Kind regards
Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - nion at jabber.ccc.de - GPG: 0x73647CFF
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