[Secure-testing-team] Bug#483160: CVE-2008-1804: possibility to bypass detection rules

Steffen Joeris steffen.joeris at skolelinux.de
Tue May 27 15:11:44 UTC 2008

Package: snort
Severity: grave
Tags: security
Justification: user security hole


The following CVE(0) has been issued against snort.


preprocessors/spp_frag3.c in Sourcefire Snort before 2.8.1 does not
properly identify packet fragments that have dissimilar TTL values,
which allows remote attackers to bypass detection rules by using a
different TTL for each fragment.

The upstream patch is here(1), but I guess it has to be backported.

In case you fix this issue by an upload, please mention the CVE id in
your changelog.


(0): http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=CVE-2008-1804

(1): http://cvs.snort.org/viewcvs.cgi/snort/src/preprocessors/spp_frag3.c.diff?r1=text&tr1=

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