[Secure-testing-team] MINING CONTRACT

Adama Kabore adamakabore24 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 27 10:29:10 UTC 2009

You are invited to "MINING CONTRACT".

By your host Adama Kabore:

     Date:		Monday April 27, 2009

     Time:		9:00 am - 10:00 am (GMT +00:00)
     Street:		I am Mr ADAMA KABORE here in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso. I want to,introduce this to your company because I know that your company will be capable to handle it. A local community here want to sign a contract with any person who will be interested in extracting gold in their land. 1. That the person will extract the gold and export it by himself ,2. That the contract will be for 25 years , 3. That when the person comes the both parties will now work on their conditions Which means that you will have to register a company here and get the mining license with the exporting license as well so that you do not work with any middle man or third party which gives confidence. I will be ready to assist you in doing your registration of company and getting all the licenses and governments documents for the operation. BRegards, Looking forward tohearing from you. ADAMA KABORE


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