[Secure-testing-team] From: Mr Nestor Amidou (Urgent & Confidential)
Mr Nestor Amidou
mrnestoramidou01 at yahoo.in
Sun Dec 13 18:46:34 UTC 2009
You're invited to "From: Mr Nestor Amidou (Urgent & Confidential) ".
By your host Mr Nestor Amidou:
Date: Sunday 13 December 2009
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (GMT +00:00)
Street: From: Mr Nestor Amidou (Urgent & Confidential) Good Day, Please Read. My name is Mr Nestor Amidou, I am the Bill and Exchange manager here in Bank of Africa (BOA) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso.West-Africa. I have a business proposal in the tune of $4.5m, (Four Million Five hundred Thousand only) after the successful transfer;we shall share in ratio of 40% for you and 60% for me. Should you be interested, please contact me through my private email (nestor_amidou at yahoo.co.jp) so we can commence all arrangements and i will give you more information on how we would handle this project. I will want you to call me as soon as you can (+226 756 520 77) Please treat this business with utmost confidentiality and send me the Following: 1. Your Full Name:............ 2. Your Phone Number:......... 3. Your Age:.................... 4. Your Sex:.................. 5. Your Occupations:............ 6. Your Country and City:.... Kind Regards, Mr Nestor Amido Bill & Exchange manager (BOA) Bank of Africa. Ouagadougou Burkina Faso
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http://in.calendar.yahoo.com/?v=60&ST=20091213T160000%2B0000&TITLE=From%3a+Mr+Nestor+Amidou+(Urgent+%26+Confidential)++&DUR=0100&VIEW=d&in_st=From%3a+Mr+Nestor+Amidou+(Urgent+%26+Confidential)+Good+Day,+Please+Read.+My+name+is+Mr+Nestor+Amidou,+I+am+the+Bill+and+Exchange+manager+here+in+Bank+of+Africa+(BOA)+Ouagadougou+Burkina+Faso.West-Africa.+I+have+a+business+proposal+in+the+tune+of+$4.5m,+(Four+Million+Five+hundred+Thousand+only)+after+the+successful+transfer%3bwe+shall+share+in+ratio+of+40%25+for+you+and+60%25+for+me.+Should+you+be+interested,+please+contact+me+through+my+private+email+(nestor_amidou at yahoo.co.jp)+so+we+can+commence+all+arrangements+and+i+will+give+you+more+information+on+how+we+would+handle+this+project.+I+will+want+you+to+call+me+as+soon+as+you+can+(%2b226+756+520+77)+Please+treat+this+business+with+utmost+confidentiality+and+send+me+the+Following%3a+1.+Your+Full+Name%3a............+2.+Your+Phone+Number%3a.........+3.+Your+Age%3a....................+4.+Your+Sex%3a..................+5.+Your+Occupations%3a............+6.+Your+Country+and+City%3a....+Kind+Regards,+Mr+Nestor+Amido+Bill+%26+Exchange+manager+(BOA)+Bank+of+Africa.+Ouagadougou+Burkina+Faso&TYPE=10
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