[Secure-testing-team] PAYMENT VIA ATM CARD

Lateef Kabiru lateefkabiru05 at yahoo.fr
Thu Jun 4 17:52:32 UTC 2009

Invitation : "PAYMENT VIA ATM CARD".

Par votre hôte Lateef Kabiru:

     Date:		jeudi 4 juin 2009

     Heure:		17h 00 - 18h 00 (GMT+00:00)
     Rue:		Your Ref:Our Ref: BFN /SNT/STB Attention:Azam Ali ,This is to officially inform you that you fund worth 9million has been accredited into ATM Card in your favor by the Federal Government burkina faso, this is our final resolution to pay all outstanding debt being owed by the burkina faso government.Your Personal Identification Number is ATM-822.The ATM Card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5,000.00 USD Per Day.You are advised to Please Contact me for the claim processing and after all the necesarry requirements must have been met, i shall release the special pincode to you which you must change after the fisr use for security purpose.Finally,attached to this mail is your ATM card for your view and bear it in mind that this ATM card will be delivered to you via fedex courier service which you must pay for their delivery charge so make sure you get back to me so that we can get this issue finalised as soon as possible so that your ATM card can be delivered to you.Note: This Email Has Been Screened Again.Regards,MARIUS SAWADOGO, ATM CARD UNIT BANK OF AFRICA, OUAGADOUGOU BURKINA FA,make sure youcallme+226-75017623. email me on my private email address:lateef_kabiru at mail.ru


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