[Secure-testing-team] Dr.Aseeb Masood.

Aseeb Masood aseeb_masood02 at yahoo.fr
Sun Mar 8 18:47:49 UTC 2009

Invitation : "Dr.Aseeb Masood.".

Par votre hôte Aseeb Masood:

     Date:		dimanche 8 mars 2009

     Heure:		18h 00 - 19h 00 (GMT+00:00)
     Rue:		I am Dr.Aseeb Masood. Manager Bill and Exchange Dept section of BOA I Hoped that you will not betray this trust that I am about to tell you now for the mutual benefit of our both families. I need your urgent assistance to transferring the sum of $15.5mUSDollar into your account. This fund belongs to our deceased costumer who died along with his Family in aircrash. take note your reply should be sent to aseeb_masood02 at yahoo.fr BEST REGARD Dr.Aseeb Masood.


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