[Secure-testing-team] GOOD DAY DEAR
Ouedraogo Boukary
ouedraogoboukary55 at yahoo.com
Sat May 30 11:58:53 UTC 2009
You are invited to "GOOD DAY DEAR".
By your host Ouedraogo Boukary:
Date: Saturday May 30, 2009
Time: 9:00 am - 10:00 am (GMT +00:00)
Street: From the Records of outstanding contractors due for Payment with the Federal Government of Burkina faso, your Name was attached as the next of kin to one of our late contractor. your payment has been discovered as next on the list of payment. So I wish to inform you that your payment is being processed and will be released to you as soon as you respond to this letter.Also be advised that because of too many contractors that I have to pay at thisfinal quarter of the year, you will only receive the sum of $17,000,000 USD.So that I will be able to pay other contractors,Kindly re-confirm to methe following:1. Your fullname..2. Phone..fax and mobile #..3. address..4. Profession.. age and marital status...5. Copy of int'l passport or drivers license (Optional).As soon as this information is received, your payment will be made to you through bank transfer which you willhave toget back to this office with your ccount information and note that you must be at least 21 years of age to claim this fund and if not, your money will be kept till you reach that age. Reply me as soon as you receivethis letter for further discussion Get back to me immediately.CONGRATULATIONS.DR BOUKARY OUEDRAOGOExecutive governor,Central bank of Burkina faso .make sure you call me +226-75017623.
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