[Secure-testing-team] dear friend

Anly Batuma batum_aanly at yahoo.com.hk
Wed Oct 21 14:18:28 UTC 2009

我有新的電郵地址!你現可電郵給我:batum_aanly at yahoo.com.hk

-  dear friend Your cheque has been cashed and the first $5,000 was sent today. We have concluded to effect your payment through western union $5,000 daily until the $850.000.00 is completed. the information are below:MTCN=067 0780900Sender First Name isAwilaSender Second nameSidibe.Track your payment on the website:www.westernunion.com Please,contact Mrs.Awila Sidibe of Westen Union Agency if any problem toenable her issue to you the text question and answer so that you can pick up theamount, below email is her email address (western_union_bf12 at hotmail.fr )forward her your Telephone number and adress so that she willbesurebye batuma anly  

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