[DSE-User] mapping of linux users to selinux users fails on login

Philip Tricca phil at noggle.biz
Mon Nov 5 17:22:26 UTC 2007


I'm setting up a new lenny system with enforcing policy and my mapping 
of Linux users to SELinux users is failing on user login.  There's 
excellent documentation from Gentoo on using semanage to map logins 
appropriately and I'm following this from here:


For policy development I want a regular user (call him bob) that's in 
the staff_r and sysadm_r roles so that I can be in an unprivileged role 
when modifying policy files and in the sysadm_r role when I need to load 
policy / relabel files.  I've set this up previously on Fedora and 
Debian systems by using semanage like so:

semanage login -a -s staff_u bob
restorecon /home/bob

Currently this appears to update the selinux data store correctly 
(semanage login -l output looks right) and bobs homedir is relabeled 
correctly (staff_u:object_r:staff_home_dir_t) however when bob logs in 
he is still in the default user_u:user_r:user_t domain and not in the 
expected staff_u:staff_r:staff_t domain.

I have set up the /etc/pam.d/login file as per the selinux wiki and 
receive no avc messages beyond the expected denials form having a shell 
starting in user_t attempting to access files from a homedir labeled 

I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to start looking for the problem as 
everything seems to work correctly up to the transition done by login 
(but that's just me guessing based on my observations noted above).  I 
had done exactly this on a lenny system (strict) not too long ago. 
Either I've forgot a necessary step or something has broken (I'm hoping 
it's not the latter).

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
- Philip

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