[DSE-User] SELinux state

Ritesh Raj Sarraf rrs at researchut.com
Mon Feb 16 08:39:41 UTC 2009


I read somewhere that now selinux priority is set to standard. So that'd mean 
that selinux will now be installed by default.

Do we have any data showing how many Debian installations have selinux 
enabled, and maybe enforced?

I've been trying selinux on Debian for more than a year and not much has been 
changing in regard to its policy for add-on packages. I hate to say, but in 
the current state, selinux in Debian sucks, it is not usable. Most of the 
packages in debian are not selinux aware. And they thus fail with selinux 

I'm not sure how Fedora is able to cope up with this. I know they fund the 
SELinux Team/Maintainer. But still, a proper policy for every package they 
ship, amazing.

But I think no, no. IIRC one of the Debian SELinux contributors mentioned that 
not all packages in Fedora are confined. They don't confine all the 
applications. If it is doable, can we do something similar ? Confine only the 
known set of vulnerable packages that we have a good policy for.
And eventually, as and when the policy becomes usable for additional packages, 
we make them selinux enabled.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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