[DSE-User] SELinux on Wheezy

Russell Coker russell at coker.com.au
Wed Feb 8 01:17:37 UTC 2012

On Wed, 8 Feb 2012, Arno Schuring <aelschuring at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Over the past few weeks I have been trying to get SELinux in a workable
> state for me. That endeavour started out as wanting to try selinux on
> Squeeze, but after determining that making it work would be nontrivial,
> I decided to focus on the policy in testing instead.

If you used Postfix instead of Exim then things would have been a lot easier.

> I did have to modify more than just the policy, but so far my
> modifications have dealt mostly with init scripts. Most of these have
> been submitted in the bts as wishlist items, not sure if selinux
> warrants a higher severity level.


> I intend to send one message per module. Even though most modules don't
> change more than a few lines and I changed about 15 modules, sending
> multiple messages makes them easier to locate in the archive.
> Finally, some random observations:
> - newer kernels want security=selinux, not selinux=1


I mentioned that in my latest SE Linux status report.

> - sudo is now selinux-aware (as of 1.8.3p2 iirc)
> - the initscripts touch .ramfs on every tmpfs mount. I've allowed it
>   locally but I'm not convinced this is necessary

For "targeted" systems that will be fine.  I plan to get a Play Machine 
running Unstable in the near future and will resolve such issues then.

> - /usr/sbin/service could be made selinux-aware, and automatically use
>   run_init if required. I have it patched locally, but unsure of its
>   general applicatibility because run_init errors out if selinux is
>   disabled, and my solution of grepping sestatus' output is ugly

run_init isn't (or at least shouldn't be) needed on targeted systems so a 
patch probably isn't a good idea.  If you run in strict mode then you just 
need to know to use run_init.

> * more-or-less: dspam, exim and dovecot still run in permissive mode.
>   Dspam policy lifted from Fedora 16, exim can problaby be confined as
>   soon as the exim->dspam domain transition is solved; dovecot has
>   proven elusive so far.

We need to get domain transitions when Exim runs child processes.  One way to 
do this is probably to have Exim not just call itself for a child, but to call 
a process named exim-whatever which is usually a symlink to the main exim 
program but which can be diverted to an executable which triggers a SE Linux 
domain transition.  The other way would be to patch Exim to request a domain 
transition when it re-exec's itself.

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