[Shootout-list] Timing resolution? libbsd-resource-perl
Isaac Gouy
Tue, 10 Aug 2004 08:41:15 -0700 (PDT)
--- Brent Fulgham <bfulg@pacbell.net> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 07, 2004 at 08:48:49AM -0700, Isaac Gouy wrote:
> > Is it possible to increase the timing resolution on the test
> > machine using libbsd-resource-perl?
> I'm trying it now. Will report back later.
The BSD::Resource module offers a times() implementation
that has usually slightly better time granularity than the
times() by Perl core. The time granularity of the latter
is usually 1/60 seconds while the former may achieve sub-
NOTE: The current implementation uses two getrusage() sys-
tem calls: one with RUSAGE_SELF and one with RUSAGE_CHIL-
DREN. Therefore the operation is not `atomic': the times
for the children are recorded a little bit later.
I guess even with BSD::Resource we shouldn't expect too much of times()
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