[Shootout-list] nsieve implementations in C, OCaml, Python, and Scheme

Brent Fulgham bfulg@pacbell.net
Thu, 16 Dec 2004 00:17:05 -0800

On Tuesday 14 December 2004 06:35 am, Dima Dorfman wrote:
> I wrote implementations of the nsieve test in C, OCaml, Python, and
> Scheme. They are, respectively,
>   http://www.trit.org/~dima/home/nsieve/nsieve.c
>   http://www.trit.org/~dima/home/nsieve/nsieve.ml
>   http://www.trit.org/~dima/home/nsieve/nsieve.py
>   http://www.trit.org/~dima/home/nsieve/nsieve.scm

Thanks -- I've applied the Python, C, and Scheme tests (I already had an OCaml 

