[Shootout-list] mandelbrot for perl

Greg Buchholz sleepingsquirrel@member.fsf.org
Thu, 23 Dec 2004 18:10:59 -0800 (PST)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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   See attached file for a perl implementation of the mandelbrot test.

Greg Buchholz

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Content-Type: text/x-perl; name="fractal.pl"
Content-Description: fractal.pl
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="fractal.pl"

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#Mandelbrot benchmark program
#run:  fractal.pl 600 > mandel.pbm
#by Greg Buchholz

use strict;

my $w=shift;
my $h=$w;
my $limit = 2; my $limit_sqr = $limit * $limit;
my $iter = 50;

print "P4\n$w $h\n";

my $Zr, my $Zi, my $Cr, my $Ci, my $Tr, my $Ti;
my $byte_acc=0, my $bit_num=0;

for my $y (0..$h-1) 
    for my $x (0..$w-1) 
        $Zr= 0; $Zi=0;
        $Cr = (2*$x/$w - 1.5); $Ci=(2*$y/$h - 1);
        for (1..$iter)
            $Tr = $Zr*$Zr - $Zi*$Zi + $Cr;
            $Ti = 2*$Zr*$Zi + $Ci;
            $Zr = $Tr; $Zi = $Ti;
            last if ($Zr*$Zr+$Zi*$Zi>$limit_sqr);
        $byte_acc++ unless ($Zr*$Zr+$Zi*$Zi>$limit_sqr);
        if($bit_num == 8)
            print chr($byte_acc);
            $byte_acc = 0;
            $bit_num = 0;
        elsif($x == $w-1)
            $byte_acc = $byte_acc * 2**(8-$w%8);
            print chr($byte_acc);
            $byte_acc = 0;
            $bit_num = 0;

