[Shootout-list] Re: The Great Computer Language Shootout is back

Isaac Gouy igouy2@yahoo.com
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 15:08:21 -0700 (PDT)

One of the peculiarities of the Shootout tests is that they take
redirected input from the commandline rather than opening a file
directly. How would you do that?

--- Mark Scandariato <mscandar@cisco.com> wrote:
> How about:
> -module(wc).
> -compile(export_all).
> start(File) ->
>      {ok, F} = file:open(File, [raw, read, binary]),
>      s(next({F, 0, <<>>}), 0, 0).
> next({F, C, <<Char:8, Rest/binary>>}) ->
>      {Char, {F, C+1, Rest}};
> next({F, C, <<>>}) ->
>      case file:read(F, 4096) of
>          {ok, Bin} -> next({F, C, Bin});
>          eof -> {eof, C}
>      end.
> s({eof, C}, L, W) -> {L, W, C};
> s({$\s, S}, L, W) -> s(next(S), L, W);
> s({$\t, S}, L, W) -> s(next(S), L, W);
> s({$\n, S}, L, W) -> s(next(S), L+1, W);
> s({_, S}, L, W)   -> w(next(S), L, W+1).
> w({eof, C}, L, W) -> {L, W, C};
> w({$\s, S}, L, W) -> s(next(S), L, W);
> w({$\t, S}, L, W) -> s(next(S), L, W);
> w({$\n, S}, L, W) -> s(next(S), L+1, W);
> w({_, S}, L, W)   -> w(next(S), L, W).

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