[Shootout-list] Java implementations / several implementations for the same language

Daniel Bonniot Daniel.Bonniot@inria.fr
Thu, 17 Jun 2004 20:11:37 +0200


First, I'm very glad to see this project revived, and even more to see 
it here on alioth.

I grabbed the source from CVS, and started playing with it. One question 
is how to handle several implementations of the same language. For 
instance, currently there are two copies of each benchmark, one named 
$(TEST).java and the other $(TEST).sablevm, which I believe have always 
the same content. The situation is similar for ocaml/ocamlb, and there 
might be more. Shouldn't there be a better way to handle this? I thought 
that we could have only one copy in CVS, and have a make target generate 
symlinks for the alternatives before starting anything else. Concerning 
Java implementations, it would be interesting to get results about kaffe 
and native compilation with gcj, which are both very important tools in 
the free java world.

If there is no objection, I'm willing to try it out and contribute patches.

BTW, I'm surprised that the current command used for JAVAC is gcj. At 
least on my system (Debian testing), it needs to be "gcj -C" so that 
bytecode compilation is done, not native one.

