[Shootout-list] Re: Proposal: revised matrix multiplication test

Alan Post apost@recalcitrant.org
Thu, 4 Nov 2004 01:08:54 +0000 (UTC)

In article <20041103234905.20982.qmail@web60505.mail.yahoo.com>, Isaac Gouy wrote:
> Why not start with tests that Doug Bagley intended to revise?
> His intention was to revise 'lists' - that's why there are stubs for
> lists singly linked, and lists doubly linked.

I think the "lists" test should be defined in some way that actually
requires the implementations to build containers with constant-time
insert-at-head (i.e. not arrays).  This will result in some languages
(e.g. perl) having rather slow solutions, but I think that is
appropriate.  Perl really *is* slow for some tasks.
